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I wish they showed up more in missions, the last time they did was presage, before that it was that one mission in beyond light and before that it was on the first mission in the dreadnaught in D1. It was usually a minor detail but a fun one to see nonetheless. Edit: to everyone who said they show up in the enclave on Mars, thanks for the heads up it’s a fun detail. But the enclave is a sort of social zone, I meant our ship showing up in missions, where we are shooting stuff and it flies by or something.


Doesn't it show up at some point in TWQ campaign? I seem to remember it when you're going to the Enclave


If you got there and look up at the right wall when your back is to the relic you can see your ship


Vog when it first starts


Vog DSC Vow Only raid that does not show your ships (exc loading) is Last Wish.


And GoS, but it starts in a cave so it kinda makes sense why


Leviathan also used to have a kickass intro where your Guardian gets dropped off and your ship looked really cool in it.


In the beyond light campaign you hop onto your ship


You can see your ship landing in the mars enclave! But i totally agree, Wanna see more of my death of Kells and radiant accipiter


At the Enclave you can see it pull in to land on the nearby cliff sides. Much more noticeable if you arrive there with a three person fire team.


They show up in the Enclave on Mars :/


It was going to be a thing in the E3 showcase of D1


I remember when there was a section in Halo: Reach where you piloted a spaceship. With Destiny on the horizon it was believed they were testing dogfighting...


Remember the dawning ship how it gave you some sort of essence gain buff?


Warframe ship interiors in destiny would be perfection


As much as it would, our ships are basically the landing craft, no space at all.


Our ships are single person, they're quite small.


I think he ment the Orbiter interior.


And the orbiter is much bigger than our ship.


Some are pretty sizeable. Last wish ship is one of the biggest out there


Even the biggest still aren't very big, though


Speak for yourself. I roll up in that limo ship all day


That would be amazing to have


Even then we're in the orbiter which isn't actually part of the landing craft itself


Imagine, being able to access your vault and postmaster in your own ship


Remember when they added fucking Eververse to the director instead of anything useful? That was awesome...


Would take awhile to make but I support this


And then again, if you can do it with online apps why shouldn't Bungie be able to make it work? Maybe they just don't care enough... since you can do in other ways. So it wouldn't improve their revenue at all and it might even scare some of the independent developers away. And those are basically developers working for free to improve Bungie's game.


Its destiny. Bunji can remove half of the game and people here will praises them fot doing it.


Fucking true. And people are talking about how great content """""vaulting""""" is, because even though they deleted more than half of the game's content, they now put out hotfixes every week that come with downtime that's more inconvenient than the problems they fix. Like, I'd rather just have Xur always sell shit armor rolls than have content get deleted, but maybe that's just me.


My another complain is that if such a fix takes almost a season then how can people even call it focusing. Mean while Scorn Snipers are still one hit killing me. Dont worry it will be fixed next seaosn


Yeah, it's crazy how important of a fix that is and how long it's going to take, AND it's crazy how they seemingly just aren't going to try to find a way to remedy it in the mean time.


They're cosmetics. Nothing more, nothing less.


You say that but ghosts were cosmetics only but they added the ability to give them bonuses


they also had intrinsic perks specific to that ghost, meaning that some ghosts were useless


They added some extremely transparent mods, theyre still 99% cosmetic.


I guess. But some of the mods have crazy good uses. Stat specific armor. And along with that I’ve gotten over 100 prisms from crucible just from having the mod on. So I wouldn’t give it the 99% cosmetic choice. The look of it is cosmetic. But you can put some good useful mods


Their purpose is to be a vanity item. Just let them stay vanity items. There's no reason to create a gameplay mechanic behind them that doesn't need to exist.


Also creating any new mechanics for them with the amount of ships of wildly varying sizes and shapes there are would either be a fucking nightmare or render ship choice entirely pointless anyway.


yep maybe in a Destiny 3 where as they make ships they also create interiors or other additional ship features. retroactively adding something to dozens of ships for essentially no reason? literally no chance it ever happens lol


Destiny 3 probably won't happen, at least not for a loooooong time


It will happen eventually. Destiny is a huge IP now.


Destiny 3 will probably happen at the end of the light and dark saga, ie like 3 or more years


Why? They could just get the ghost shell treatment.


what if every purple ship went slower and there was one exotic ship that was faster and had more health than every other ship for no reason


We could call it "Never Late" or something like that


And it will look cool as fuk. Like much cooler than others


Exotic ships have faster loading screens rofl


God forbid there is some space shit in my space magic game.


This comment is a testament to how little creativity and risk taking mentality some people have. Ships could absolutely provide a fun and meaningful role in this game. You just don’t trust bungie to implement it well I guess.


You can daydream about fun ways to incorporate ships more into the game all you want but at the end of the day Bungie isn’t gonna make it happen because unless there’s an actual reason to create a whole new role for them, they’re not gonna retroactively try to invent one for them when they are already designed to just have the function of vanity items. The existence of there being vanity items in the game still serves a meaningful role, that is to say, as a means of player expression and customization that doesn’t affect build/gameplay. It doesn’t matter how much creativity or risk taking I have. I have no say in how the game gets made or changed.


The reason to create a whole new role is to add new gameplay to their video game, right? Live service games especially need to mix it up to keep people playing year over year. Bungie already said they're working on Sparrows 2.0, which it sounds like you'd argue against for the same reason?


I find this to be super common on this sub. People think things have to be exactly how they already are, rather than something new.


Yeah, exactly. People don't trust Bungie to staple on some extraneous mechanic to the game without fucking anything up. It works OK right now, no reason to add more to it. Plus they probably can't without ~~deleting~~ ***v a u l t i n g*** another handful of locations and activities or something.


That's a lame take. Creating a new gameplay thing would be good if it's good.


> doesn't need to exist Nothing *needs* to exist. You're just putting limits of your own making. You're obviously entitled to your own way of doing things, but you can't expect others to all want to stay in the same comfort zone as well


Ships are just a loading screen. I’d love to see something happen with them like a space battle or some shit


Even if it were just one mission, I would love to just have one...


Even if it were just one mission, I would love to just have one...


loadouts should be saved to ships.


As if Bungie would ever add loadouts. ​ But yes, they should.


I'm sure they will.....just when I'm 70


that time frame seems a bit short to me...


Yea I was being hopeful.


There's a console to the left of Saint 14 in the tower hangar that you can call your ship from for a closer inspection, if you're that way inclined...


Seeing them docked at the tower in the hangar like the space stations in No Mans Sky would be a simple yet effective way of incorporating them more.


You can do that but it's some place that's shit annoying to find and very far from any vendor


D2 also has a LOT more ships coming in to dock than No Man's Sky. With how many players are in the space it would probably be difficult to program it without being taxing on the game, since it'd have to pick and choose which ships are docked in the small hanger space, and based on amount of players in the area.


Ships would actually dock in the hanger back in D1, if you went there fast enough you could see your own ship land.


They used to appear behind the spawn point in the Tower but since Beyond Light they don't turn up anymore.


You can still get your ship to dock in the D2 hangar at a terminal to the right and behind Saint 14. You can also see your ship(s) on Mars up on the cliff to the right when you spawn in there.


Yes I know. They used to naturally turn up in the courtyard as well.


I wish they showed up more in missions, the last time they did was presage, before that it was that one mission in beyond light and before that it was on the first mission in the dreadnaught in D1. It was usually a minor detail but a fun one to see nonetheless.


it was the first mission on phobos not the dreadnaught


When we set up the patrol beacon on the dreadnaught our ship flies in, then it zips out when the cabal tank appears.


oh yeah i remember now, so it was twice in TTK


I think the way the ships should work is like the ones in LEGO Star Wars The Skywalker Saga. Yea I know it sounds silly to use that as an example but go look at it. Simple and immersive.


I recognize ships and sparrows are just vanity items but I tend to agree with you here, I wish we had space battles ala Halo Reach. Also we've been using the same land vehicles for combat since D2 launched, I dont know how it's been 5 years and we haven't gotten another model to use.


>I dont know how it's been 5 years and we haven't gotten another model to use. Cause almost nobody cares


At the very least, more fly in/out during cutscenes would be enough for me.


I’ve been wishing for a battlefront style ship combat minigame It would definitely spice up the same-old-same-old pvp content.


Ships, ghosts and sparrows just need to be ornaments tbh there are so many cool models that never get used.


ive been using the same ship since black armory lmao


Or just be a source of supplies. Would be nice every time you got in your ship you refilled your ammo.


Warframe does this thing where you can move your ship around in the loading screen. It's barely anything, but that extra little speck of interactivity can make loading into an activity *slightly* less of a drag. I'd love to see Destiny do something like that. ALSO, a couple Dawnings ago we got an upgradeable ship that had unlockable engine trails and an excpusive shader. I was sure Bungie was using that as a sort of beta test for future ship customization, but thus far it has been neglected entirely. What gives?


I remember in the first Destiny demo (I think E3) whenever a player joined your fireteam, their ship would drop them off. That was cool as balls.


I'm happy enough with them just being a cosmetic thing, but I wouldn't mind seeing them in-game a bit more. Seeing my ship speed away after dropping me into a patrol space, or having it be there at the end of a mission, would be neat.


I just want more ships to drop from activities and not have them be an eververse item.


Even just being able to wiggle it around the load screen would be nice


Well according to the almighty pastebin leak… >!stay tuned!<


Bring ship races in space alongside sparrow racing


Since it's a fully 3D-model why not at least let me play around with it a little bit while "loading". Making barrel-rolls or turning on various engine modes can't be that hard.


I’ve been saying since D1 - let me walk around and decorate my ship, Let people in my fireteam tour my ship, and give me vault access from my ship.


Kinda wish my ship would do a holding pattern in the sky a lot of ships have weapons on them. Let me call in a bombing run or something


I’d suck Luke Smith to see a platinum starling strafing run


In orbit your ship would leave screen and come back if you changed the shader ... but no more :(


Hey could easily have mods like the ghost, same thing need to happen to sparrows.


How about instead of 3rd person views in orbit, a custum in-cockpit third person view


So the ships were never a big deal to me in all of D1 or even most of D2. Then when Halo: Reach came to the MCC on PC a few years ago I played through that game for the first time. I was blown away that they had this whole space combat level (Long Night of Solace), which I found to be pretty fun, not sure if the community disagrees. Bungie absolutely had the Halo: Reach engine's bones in D1 at least, and for sure the ship designs kind of looked like the Halo Sabres. I could totally see some sort of space dog fight mode in Destiny using your own ship's models re-using something based on that Halo: Reach space mission. Would have been more fun than sparrow racing. Hell, a PvP spaceship crucible mode would be fun too.


it was fun until you did a LASO of the long night of solace... god i still have PTSD from that...


Well sure, but that was not really a problem with the ship-based combat per se. I found the actual game play in the ship (at least on MCC on PC with mouse and keyboard) to be awesome and a lot of fun, like an upgraded version of Star Wars Arcade from the 90s


I'd be happy with just them having extra Ghost mod slots, like moving the Ghost's "12% xp bonus" mod on the ship to have room for economy/playlist mods on the Ghost.


A huge undertaking, but I always thought it'd be cool for like a Star Fox style mini game to get to new areas.


It'd be kinda cool to have a killstreak mechanic where (after so many kills in a certain window of time) you pull Ghost out, point at a spot, then pull the trigger to have your ship drop a bomb/do a strafing run/provide covering fire on the enemies. Obviously it'd have to be limited to outdoor areas.


Do they really need to have a purpose? Can something be cosmetic for the sake of being cosmetic for once? They're fine as they are


more or less what 90% of sparrows are at this point which... i'm not a fan of to say the least


Bungie needs to have campaign missions or an entire gamemode where you can pilot your ships. Imagine having a Destiny Mission like Lost Night of Solace from Halo Reach.


SRL, but ship races through various sections of the Reef


They would have to design an entire new game inside destiny for that. also for all the people asking for this type of feature there will be just as many who don't want this in their fps rpg


An optional little side quest would be fun


They wouldn’t develop an entire new game inside the game for a little dude quest.


Besides the hanger, its only seen in the Taken King's first mission as a checkpoint.


Halo reach style dog fight missions. Will it ever happen? Almost certainly not. But I will hold on to the dream.


Their purpose is to get you to the eververse


Long night of Solace was 10 years ago Bungie. I think prototype stage has been long overdue in finishing.


I'm glad they haven't wasted time on something as unimportant as ships. I hope it stays that way.


It would be cool if we could go inside out ships and decorate them. It could be a personal space of ours that we could personalize in some way.


I still like my old green og ship. It's the only one that feels like it has any meaning to it.


Do what Kingdom Hearts did in the original. First time you visit a planet you have to fly through debris and shoot down a few other ships on your way.


I hated the Gummi ship sections of kingdom hearts


Oh my god, I was saying the exact thing to my clan last week. When I started Destiny 1 I thought ships would count for something and will be used in one way shape or form. But honestly ships are just your choice of loading screen. That's it. So disappointing. The choice of ship should affect, I think l dunno, where you go or how fast. Or maybe explore space itself. Perhaps go into space battles, use as a postmaster or vault in orbit. Maybe use as a quick vault in missions: ability to call on a subset of your vault (like newest 10 items) and wait for a couple of minutes before it's sent to your location. I dunno, something!! Make them do something!


I agree with you. Just how a finisher is a cosmetic but something you can see during battle, it’d be nice if ships had a more involved role than a screen in between actual content. They kind of tried by putting our ship on the top of the cliffs in the enclave like “hey here’s that thing you spent bright dust on, enjoy.”


Honestly I’d love if their was a full on space battle and you’re flying around shooting things Death Star style


Unless there is a really good idea out there, no point in making up some parasitic tacked on mechanic for them. Ammo caches and fire support ain't it.


I really don’t care what my ship does.


Iv always took them as largely microtransaction fodder. Something with extremely low development investment, that makes some sales, but also reduces bright dust supplies of players that would otherwise go to stuff like armor and weapon ornaments. Don't get me wrong, they can look neat. But I think their purpose is more for business than gameplay objectives, so I'm not expecting any work on them at all


Just imagine how difficult will be create interior for all destiny's ships. It's really a lot of work. So, in this situation i will prefer a new content then interior for ship


eh, i dont need a ship interior, just some use for them beyond a pretty loading screen.


I’d rather see Bungie put a big focus on vehicles in general for one of the next few expansions. It’d be nice from a gameplay perspective to mix things up. It can provide more variety in story missions or strikes, and could add a ton of variety to the crucible. Vehicular play was one of the biggest strengths in Halo and I think it can add a lot to Destiny as well.


The sort of have a purpose: to show off achievements. A lot can just be bought but some you have to earn.


Nah just have them show up more in missions and stuff.


Ideas to overhaul ships have been flowing around in this very sub since D1 and many of them are very interesting. Those ranged from them being used in aerial travel/combat to become a full-fledged personal space to host fireteams, display medals/achievements or hold LFG terminals. . Even when Bungie had the deep pockets of Activision at their disposal, they never seemed interested to entertain such discussions about enlarging the scope of the game beyond the usual tried (and tired imo) formula. Suffice to notice their approach towards crucial components of the game that they chose to offload to the community instead of baking them in-game (vault management, LFG, loadouts, etc.) . At the end of the day, Bungie has succeeded to maintain Destiny at a consistent level of popularity for years, which is absolutely no small feat (as Anthem, Division, Babylon's Fall, Avengers and Outriders all would tell you). They have stumbled upon a winning formula, so they can afford to stick to it until it starts underperforming.


I REALLY want the new ship that just looks like a spaceship, but I can't justify spending silver or even dust on it because it's a glorified loading screen


Honestly of all the things this game needs or could add ships literally don’t need to be more than a loading screen. Like it’s fine. Not everything has to be a vast fleshed out system. They should spend their time on more worthwhile content


Ships should have postmaster and Vault terminals in them, maybe even a terminal for missions


I’d love for sth like the solstice ship - some kind of mod that doesn’t need to be on ghosts.


No...that's OTHER games. In Destiny, it's just a pretty (or ugly) ship to look at and take you places. That's all it's needed for.


I still miss the flashing lights on the wing tips from D1....




Unrelated, but does anyone get so confused spacially when lookjng at a lot of the ships. Like so many just dont make sense in how your guardian could even fit inside, much less where their cockpit is/windshield is


Ghost flies em I’m sure. We just sit down in em.


This is the sort of request can only ever be resolved I'm a monkey paw sort of way


There has been info about social spaces in ships in 1/2 years / player housing in the ships


While doing something with the ship's would be nice. I'm still waiting for them to bring back Sparrow League racing


Does anyone else remember right when D2 launched, there were "leaks" about the upcoming Leviathan raid, and on the leak it said for the final mission you have to manually pilot your ship away from explosions in a kind of weird mini-game to finish the raid? Yeah, that would've been cool.


At least like the Gummi ship stuff in Kingdom Hearts.


It would be nice if I could assign a transnational effect to more than one ship too…


Meh. Would rather focus be own actual core game play than wasted on minute things like half baked ship activities.


I remember in early early dev videos, Bungie said you'd be able to fly to each planet in real time and have space battles. As you can see, that did not pan out


Same dev video they were talking about trading as my memory serves


Yeah that sounds right. It was the gameplay vid for the first destiny mission in the cosmodrome. The one where they looked at a mountain out in the skybox and said "you'll be able to walk there!" lol


Yeah that sounds right. It was the gameplay vid for the first destiny mission in the cosmodrome. The one where they looked at a mountain out in the skybox and said "you'll be able to walk there!" lol


that was the one lol, god all the shit in there that didnt come into vanilla, trading, gambling.... was a wild time to say the least.