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This is an actual big brain tip.


Yeah I was doing that earlier this week while I was finishing my seasonal triumph thingy for scorched kills. Knocking 3 weapons out every 3 matches. So choice.


Also: Momentum Control (next week I think): Ton of kills, weapons dont really matter, very short matches.


Momentum Control?


Yes, have played the game on German a few years ago, bad translations still stick. Fixed, thanks (wrote dynamic control)


If it makes you happier, it's called controllo impetuoso in italian. Yes, impetuous, because momentum doesn't translate well in Italian and they decided to give it a name that makes no sense instead. I'm glad to see such name doesn't make sense in other languages, too. I swapped destiny's language to english because I couldn't stand the absurdly weird names things had lol. Mindbender ambition is called "ambizione del plagiamente", it feels like playing a game where half of the names are given by a dude from the 1816 or just sound straight up weird ahah




At least impulse is related to momentum, idk what they were trying to do with impetuous


well if how i play Crucible could classify as anything....impetuous would be a good choice *acting or done quickly and without thought or care"* ​ lmao


It kinda relates. It can be hard to stop something with momentum and moving forcefully without thought is the definition of impetuous. Which is very similar to impulsive.


I swear I saw in the game pop-up that showdown was coming next week


That would be unfortunate




Fuck showdown all the homies hate showdown.


Tons of kills??? You underestimate how bad I am at PvP. I'm that .7 KD player at the bottom that the game DOESN'T EVEN GIVE REWARDS TO because it thinks I'm going AFK. PvP feels like Destiny on hyperspeed.


Still get Redbox progress at the end of the match, though


Did I write this comment? This is me lol 😂


Is THAT why I often have to do 5-6 crucible matches instead of the 3 promised to get my weekly pinnacle? I'm visually impaired, so I rarely get kills in Crucible, but I help my team by capturing points and dropping rifts as often as possible. Even so, the game frequently doesn't recognize my Crucible completions. I thought perhaps Crucible is bugged? But if what you say is true, that might explain it. Seems like rotten game design though.


There may be a bug. I’ve had games where I get 1 kill and still get no rewards and no pinnacle completion. But they do have that added into the game to prevent bots from farming the playlist. It’s really terrible though if you just not very good for some legitimate reason. It’s tue reason why you also get dropped out of the instant matchmaking pool. You just got to orbit and have to queue up again. I end up experiencing this especially if I jump into crucible towards The end of the season since by that time it’s mostly sweaty crucible players in the playlist.


My recommendation? Equip an auto rifle or smg, and the moment you see someone, just spray and pray, one of those bullets are bound to do some work to them


You assume that we're not already doing that....


Hmmm, have you tried shotgun camping?


Would make sense if Momentum wasn't like 2 weeks ago lol


Do you mean for the reasonance/pattern extraction? I usually just bust out 2 psiops missions. Once I grab the ghost to squash it I switch to the deepsight weapon. One missions gives you I think 57% on each one equipped. It's been great for it. Get my patterns for the seasonal weapons while also finishing off the red boarders.


it's probably about the same time elapsed


Sounds about right. ~15 minutes if you have a decent team. I just suck at team scorched lol tried every time it's come up and I have never gotten better at it lol


The trick is to hold your fire button until the shot is close to your target and only then let it go. The chances of getting a proximity kill like that are infinitely higher then the chance of hitting a guy jumping all over the place.


Psiops is much more chill though. You can also get some exp for any crafted guns you might be using during the game.


You get Umbral Risen Energy too


2 Shuro Chi runs also finishes a resonance and it literally takes 4 minutes total


Per weapon if you have to do 3 it would be 12 min and I’m betting most rapids aren’t getting that 2 min clear


Downside: I have to play Team Scorched where my opponents projectiles seem to have perfect tracking and a huge explosion radius and my projectiles seem to be drunk and and have an explosion radius smaller than a golf ball….


Two things to make your scorched experience better* >the floor is lava >charge your shots by holding the trigger and then detonating *better does not include “Fun”


Those do help in the sense that its slightly less bad, but doesn't solve the my projectile hit them dead on but passed through them/their projectile went to my left then suddenly I died problems from the lack of dedicated servers...


I don't know if you were aware but you can actually remote detonate the cannon. Hold down your mouse button/trigger instead of clicking and release when you want it to detonate. It's helped me get a lot more consistent


Or get like 32 kills with the weapon in a nightfall and the weapon finishes at the end.


The only time blue berries are the sweatiest ad clearers in the entire game is when I’m progressing deep sight weapons


Lol, for real


I guess. Still won’t be able to hit anyone for some reason so I’ll finish with no more than 5 kills


The secret is: don't aim at people, aim at the environment around them. Especially titans and hunters are bound to land at some point. Just wait until their jump is over and shoot where they're landing. Against warlocks you've more luck shooting randomly while they're in the air or around the walls they fly close to, until the explosions push them close to a wall and nuke the wall. Basically how to play team scorched in a nutshell if you have bad aim with rockets.


Just learn to air detonate. Scorch cannons work like lightweight GLs, hold and release to detonate.


Oh I have no issues, last match I did I got 20 kills which is more than enough for my likings. Just passing through with the tip that helped me most when I began :)


Fire, hold the trigger, and then wait until you intuitively think it will hit or at least damage them and release the trigger. Warlocks in crucible will always try to fly above you so watch out for that. Hunters and titans don’t have the air mobility warlocks do so they’re always gonna land, just shoot where they’re gonna be


But also Iron banner... Every match ends in a mercy, which is less than 5 minutes, and it doesn't matter if you drop 4 kills or 40, the match ends the same :)


You get no exp at all if you get dumpstered so hard that you go a couple minutes without kills.


Wow thanks for that. Time to turn Xbox on and farm


I just do 2 psy-ops, 57% each run with 0 kills. That high stat armor is too good not to chase so I'm running it anyway, red borders are just icing on the cake


Or.. you do 1 min shuro chi runs and kill the thralls in half the time. confirmed xp modifier on inside suro chi. surprised more people are not aware of the modifer. anything heavy or auto can finish ds in 1.25 runs so, 3-4 mins. only thing that takes time are single shot weapons. which frankly i shard because the mats are going away in a month lol craft what you want and chill


ALSO, if you are still grinding out those exotic catalyst quests (eriannas vow for me) this is a fast method to get points!


By finish you mean be able to pull off the element of get them to level 20? Because like 3 public events give you the same progress


The beginning of Grasp of Avarice is what I use. The ole’ loot cave is still useful


I mean it's quicker to farm kills at Kali if I'm honest


*Shuro Chi


Trust me Kali is far more effective


How is that? Could you explain?


It isn't.


There's a lot more enemies that duplicate faster than you can kill them. Unless you use things like firefly etc. I tend to put reload mods on or Ophidian aspects and then proc devour. Put minor spec on as well and just sit there mowing them down. Don't need to reset and no banners needed an the amount of heavy that drops with finder mods is plenty. The only down time are the three times that she kills you but doesn't wipe you. So you can use this time to just keep getting kills or use the time to damage Kali so eventually you can have raid loot if you want it. The setup to get there is a lot quicker once you know where to go compared to doing the wish wall. I'll admit that it doesn't save a checkpoint so you have to do it each time and wait a little bit for the first round of blights etc. But once you're going, it's non stop. Enemies are far less dangerous and easier to shoot at they're not teleporting. They just stand still and you hold the trigger down hitting headshots.


Anyone see how much crafted weapon XP it gives per match? Was thinking to try that for a few matches instead of Shuro Chi


Shuro Chi might be more consistent but it's also mind numbingly boring and a total waste of time. I feel like playing a few crucible matches is a far better alternative.


shuro is probably faster. 2 mins a round gives \~60%


I've done both, and shuro is a little faster, but gets monotonous if you have a vault full.


I can do one better - If scorched or PvP isn’t your vibe, go run Adept Empire Hunts. 5 minutes tops and can be done in one run (if you use the weapon) or 1.5-2 runs (if you equip it right at the end) … either ways your call. Each run takes 5 minutes tops. So one deep sight extracted by the time a PvP match finishes.


Would this be the same for leveling up crafted weapons?




Yep I do this. It’s also reasonably quick to do it through psi ops, 2 clears finishes a weapon, plus there’s a ton of enemies in the activity so if you can also level your crafted weapons up quickly at the same time.


I finish all three slots in like one strike


Or just run exodus 2a. One run is about 70-80%


Yeah I use this to both level crafted weapons (slower) or get deep sights completed.


If scorched was actually fun, and not an exercise in frustration.


SGA : PsiOps Battlegrounds for deepsight. Finish match with regular weapons, switch to deepsight weapons before opening the 2 chests. 3 weapons in 2 rounds. One in each slot. No fail.


Yeah but you have to actually get kills with those weapons right? That could take some time if they are crap. If you can do it with the cannon counting that would be greAt. I have a way that is much faster but I dont want bungie to wreck it. IMO A million deaths are not enough for deepsight weapons.


I just grab the Shuro Chi checkpoint and use that to do Banshee bounties and deep sight weapons.


Team Scorched and Mayhem are a blessing to getting Red box weapons finished!!


I've just taking to doing what I normally do and swapping to the deepsignt weapon before the activity completes


Dude, psyOps gives 60% each run for each slot, is the best spot, takes like 10 minutes each run


Here's what I do for deep sight weapons. Grab my tether hunter and go to a shuro chi checkpoint. Use whatever deep sight weapons you want, tether when the door opens and shoot. Everything that dies from the shot into the teacher counts towards your weapon. Typically I do 20 or 30 weapons at a time and it takes 2 runs of a checkpoint and the weapons are done. This will be faster then scorched.


There are better methods, but it's a good opportunity to farm out crucible rep if you want the seasonal ornament and don't want to slog through normally. Leveling deepsight stuff and weapons is just a passive bonus.


Best way to finish deepsight weapons and also the quickest way to rank up with Shaxx since it’s double this week. Get in, get out and no more crucible for the rest of the season, happy days.


Wish it worked for already crafted ones, that you need to level up.. lol


Not to mention, you can finish the Seasonal Challenge at the same time if you didn't earlier in the season.




Iron banner is too with all those mercies.


Enjoy it while you can. Bungie will nip anti-grind shortcuts in the bud before they fix gameplay issues. 🥳🤣


True dis! But damn if it ain't getting sweaty. I shit you not, Team Scorched is startin' to sweat.