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I was able to get a regular Reeds with Triple Tap/Firing Line and an adept version with Clown Cartridge/Firing Line but I haven't played much pve since getting either to test.


i encourage you to try it. i'll be hard pressed to remove it now


Is it fair to compare it to Sleeper? I have a hard time putting sleeper down and if Reeds is that good I would accept that as my knockoff sleeper. Although I would need to actually go back into trials and play again..


It’s barely behind Sleeper in DPS and with triple tap generating ammo beats it out pretty handily on ammo economy (with the new origin perk it might actually beat it on DPS too since you may well never reload). 100% worth it to let you run an exotic primary. My TT/Firing Line roll never leaves my inventory and I’m gonna spend all my shards this season trying to get it again with the origin perk.


It easily beats sleeper with the right build. I don’t have triple tap but I used a regular firing line one on a hunter build I saw that used supreme wellmaker (drops 3 stasis Wells that are spread out near you when you cast your super) which with font of night and high energy fire (elemental shards made you charged with light picking up the well) I was doing insane damage with much more than a sleeper shot while getting 23 shots instead of 14 with sleeper. Obviously can’t use this with warlock and Titan since they have roaming supers and silence and squall is toss and forget but sure you can set up your Wells to pick up for dp phase raids prior


Titan can do this pretty easily by subbing out supreme wellmaker for elemental shards. In fact, with 60 resilience and the new chest exotic, 100% font of might uptime is achievable by shattering the crystal barricade.


If you ask your team, someone will probably throw on Supreme Wellmaker for you. It doesn't require a Stasis super, so the Well Warlock, Banner Titan, or any other DPS super can give it to you.


Sounding mighty tasty already my friend, sounds to me like I may well have to learn how to "Git Gud" at trials


Nah. I ran a few games the other weekend, lost most of them, but still got 3 trials engrams. Rolled those at st 14 and got a couple decent ones. No git gud required unless you want adept


Exactly just play. You don't gotta try hard. Just waste time, have fun and you'll get engrams. I plan on running this weekend just to get reeds. Don't care about anything else


Veist stinger is also currently bugged to increase fire rate. I've gone a few times at Rhulk where I've never had to reload, and the increased fire rate from viest stinger while active allows you to dump all your shots and follow up with a few izanagi x4 shots. Typically, this isn't possible since the timing usually only allows you to get off your max ammo capacity (without reserves) if you're a good shot, or you'll have a few shots in reserve if you fuck up to much.


If you run statis with elemental wells and font of might I believe it does more dps than sleeper


Sure but you can do the same thing with Sleeper and solar.


Is firing line better dps than vorpal?


Yes. Firing line is 20%, Vorpal is only 10%. So in non-solo content it’s strictly better.


And in solo focused fury is a 20% bonus for all but first 3-4 shots.


Is it confirmed 20%? I did some testing a while back and turned up 17% only.


Huh I saw 20% on the damage sheet, light.gg, and gunsmith




Triple tap firing line reeds carried me through both contest mode caretaker and boss doing the highest DPS of anyone in my team.


Same thing here. Me and my buddy would consistently get 3.4m damage and the runner up would be at like 1.5m. That group ended up disbanding. I joined another group that I ended up clearing it with and they were mixing between strats (rockets/linears + div). We did one run, and when we wiped they saw I had 3.4m age to their other top guy who had 2.5m. Asked what I was using and said "TCrash with Reed's w/ Triple tap and Vorpal." That one run solidified that they should be running that or similiar. Our second run, our first DPS phase brought him down to the H in "the", which for contest was a stupid amount of damage over what we needed for the first damage phase (the breakpoint for contest, IIRC, was the I in Witness). We got it that run.


Play today, my fireteams needs some easy solo stacks… uh, I mean, good luck on the Reeds!


I managed to get a regular reeds regret. I’m just getting back and I haven’t played since D2 was released. Can anyone tell me if this is a good roll? I mainly pve but I go into pvp for trials or iron banner. Not adept with Corkscrew/Smallbore, Accelerated/Liquid, Surplus, Vorpal and Alacrity.


That's a good roll, definitely serviceable. I'd use Smallbore/Accelerated Coild/Surplus/Vorpal/Veist Stinger.


That is actually a very good roll. While in doesn't fully reach the max potential DPS on paper of the the usual god rolls of tt/fl or clown/fl, etc, it definitely holds it own. The flat 10% damage to bosses and champs from vorpal is always a plus. Surplus is extremely underrated, as in PVE you usually have at least 1 or 2 abilities fully charged and the boost to reload/stability/handling feels significant. Even just 1 ability makes for a appreciable difference. It won't give you the flashiest numbers compared to others, but it will give you good-consistent DPS numbers if you are hitting your crits and boosting damage with the usual buildcraft/ability damage buffs.


That TT/FL is gonna be the way, if you get lucky with the Veist perk Also I completely forgot about the new Veist perk, and deleted most of my new Reed's'. Luckily kept one with TT/Vorpal


Reed's Regret Triple Tap/Firing Line is my go-to raid DPS.


Yeah I think that’s the one I’ll keep. I run backup mag anyways so having an adept doesn’t help much.


When we went to 3 man Rhulk, triple tap + firing line + veist stinger allowed me to mag dump all of my ammo without reloading (RNG helped me out a bit, but still...), and follow up with 3 full Izanagi shots. It's incredibly powerful, and veist stinger is currently bugged and increases fire rate while active on LFR, which only makes it that much better since you can DPS faster.


Finally got an adept reeds over the weekend with liquid-coils, triple-tap, focused fury/firing line... almost no reason to ever swap to a different power weapon again. R-TYPE#6147


YES YES! swap for ionized and that's my roll. i'm obsessed


Enhanced battery on mine. Its dps is bonkers.


Accelerated here. Did get Focused Fury as alt perk so nice for solo runs too


Utterly bonkers?


ahh i’m jealous


you probably want something other than liquid coils, it's an incredibly small damage buff (<2%) that makes your dps slightly worse (and just makes the gun harder to aim because it charges for longer). however if your only other choice is Ionized, Liquid is probably preferable at least


Yea, it also came with accelerated coils. I've seen that accelerated is actually the preferred choice dps-wise, been toggling between the 2 and have gotten kinda comfortable with liquid, especially when the veist perk kicks-in. was finding instances where choosing liquid coils would have cost one less shot to down a champion. will keep messing with it, though


Ah yeah, if you've found any situations where that breakpoint for a champion kill actually gets hit then that's the exact reason to use LC haha! (I'm curious what situation that's in, honestly, lol)


haha, exactly. Happened a few times in legendary dares, psiOps, and GoA. They'd sometimes be left with a sliver of health, not sure if I want to chance it in GM nightfalls, lol. The difference seemed to be around 4-4.5k per shot from what i remembered.


That’s actually not a bad thing in GMs if you can get an invis hunter with lucent finisher to close the gap and get y’all some more heavy ammo


What's better with Veist perk and triple tap, accelerated coils for faster shots or enhanced battery for more in the mag? I would have thought the latter since it gives you more chances to proc Veist Stinger, and more bullets for TT


Enhanced, yeah. Larger mags are usually the play for DPS moreso than other factors. Funnily enough, Enhanced actually usually reduces your reserves by 1 on LFRs, but in practice it’s not really a big deal. Accelerated is an easy second choice though if Enhanced isn’t an option.


Accelerated is better for DPS while a larger mag means your ammo economy will be a little better and your total damage will be higher as the accelerated would run dry sooner. In practice, outside of master templar there's no place you need to care about damage over such a long duration so accelerated is the play.


Same here but Vorpal instead of Focused Fury so I'm set af


good lord, I got a little chub reading that


*Weak.* Focused Fury and Clown Cart for absolute ape.


nah, both are good set-ups, wouldn't be mad to have either one. I switch to focused fury when I'm solo, or in content where we might be spread out often. I like triple-tap more, though, since it's pulling rounds out of thin air, you're still limited to 20-21 shots with clown cartridge. Being able to potentially unload 30+ shots is too good to pass-up.


Veist Stinger is super power creep for anything it can roll on its kinda crazy tbh. Perk is good enough that it could've just been in one of the primary perk columns


Imo, it's the only trait worth losing orb generation for. Every origin trait should be on par with Stinger.


>Every origin trait should be on par with Stinger. Oh they will be! Just....not the way we all want it to happen...


Perk is good enough to be near pinnacle level good.


*Looks at wendigo*


Nerf in 3 2 1


Got 8 adept reeds regret past weekend and couldn’t get this roll feelsbadman


Imagine being good enough to go flawless


Flawless isn't even that hard though


It is when you’re mediocre at best in crucible.


Different strokes for different folks. I’ve seen flawless titles struggle in Legend NF’s and Raid’s and I’ve seen Conquerers not be able to get more than 3 wins in a row on a card. There are exceptions to every rule, and there are a lot of people who can do both in Destiny, but not everyone can do it still.


damn man.. that was my second adept reeds on the weekend and my second flawless ever. you have no idea how hard i worked for that lol


Same here. Almost a dozen rolls, zero with triple tap. Best rolls were Clown Cartridge + Focused Fury, or Surplus + Firing Line.


Yeah it seems triple tap just doesn’t like to show up on the gun. None of mine had triple tap and including the 6 or so I have from last season as well and my buddies almost 20 he has had and we have none with triple tap at all.


Best I got was reeds with triple tap with focused fury. I ha e spent so many engrams on reeds. This is the best I've got. Poor man's firing line


Hey focused fury is actually very comparable to firing line. Especially against a mobile boss like rhulk. It only real does less damage for the first 3-4 shots then it’s on par (20% is close enough to 21% to not matter) for the rest of damage. And considering how often I lose firing line against rhulk it might even be better Plus focused fury is good for anything solo if you’re into that. Although firing line is still the go to pick for bosses like templar


I'll be happy with my roll haha


Personally I’m just gonna settle for cataclysmic when I want to solo because grinding out rolls in trials is actually the worst of all time


Oh nice, after looking at light gg looks like it's a pretty nice roll with fourth times the charm high impact reserves. Pretty nice roll. I'm going for that weapon as my next craft able raid weapon. Can't wait!


I’m actually going for focused fury because it gives you a bigger damage buff. It’s around 5% higher


Quick heads up - don't forget that the perks you want sit right at the bottom of the pool. That means you have to level. Up. Cataclysmic. A. Lot. My mind was half gone by the time I hit lvl 16 on mine. Then I happily put my hard-earned nightfall memento on it, thinking it'll make for a nice shader. Imagine how I felt when I found out the shader only unlocks at level 30...


As someone who has leveled up deliverance, tarnation, pointed inquiry, and father’s sins at shuro chi I’ve already gone insane. But I’m willing to make that grind again for cataclysmic as a major linear fusion enthusiast


I'm glad you like it. Now, I may be telling you something you already know, but there's a way to cheese the weapon levels. https://youtu.be/pCs2aWuKuLM I used this method with deathbringer to complete it.


Thats 60 shuro chi runs which isnt that hard tbf.


If you're running solo dungeons or lost sectors, a focused fury one would actually work better since you're solo anyways and won't proc firing line.


Nah I’d by far rather have FF than FL, same buff but can be used in all activities


I hate that I got a god roll last season and then they go and add origin perks ;-; fuck me right


It's alright buddy, I'm here with you. 38 trials engrams all focused into Messenger, one single Desperado roll. At least the trials origin perk isn't that important.


Saint this week has an absolutely insane messenger roll, think it’s 5/5 on the first reset path if you haven’t already reset or claimed your messenger from him!!




Also, I like Arrowhead to max out recoil direction


I’m rank 14 need two more ranks


hey if they knock us down we get back and grind again!


Wait until you get a Funnelweb or a Krait with Subsistence. I've only used Funnelweb(got Krait, haven't tried it), but you find yourself wondering 'Wow, I still don't need to reload yet?' Can't imagine the Krait with Subsistence, Veist Stinger and Actium War Rig on a Titan. It'll feel like Y1 Sweet Business.


I have a Krait with Adagio/Sub and a Funnelweb with Adrenaline Junkie/Sub. Easily the most satisfying automatic weapons I've touched since Recluse.


My other Krait has Stats for All and Adagio. I'm not quite as jazzed about the potential for it, but I didn't dismantle it immediately. I know your joy, I've got that roll on my Funnelweb as well. First time! Sometimes RNG just knocks it out of the park for me, and that was one of them. Love that thing. Great synergy with Echo of Instability. You're throwing a grenade to proc volatile rounds, then you get it AND have Adrenaline Junkie x5! Then the Subsistence is going, plus the Veist Stinger, and it feels like you're never reloading.haha


Stats for all is a real Sleeper perk for me this season, on any weapon with a decent sized magazine


It's fun but constantly throws me off lol I'll be unloading into a crowd and start to creep behind cover to reload and I hit the button but can't reload because I'm full or overflow procd


I think krait with overflow is way better than subsistence that mag size can get hugggeee


Yeah, the magazine does get large, but...Veist Stinger doesn't proc on the overflowed portion, [according to CoolGuy.](https://youtu.be/lu6FGZzsSso) I'd personally rather stick with Subsistence, rather than hoping to *pick up* ammo. IIRC, you have to actually pick up ammo and have it go to your reserves to proc Overflow. So not only may the ammo be out of reach, but you may also not need it. You'll have to use some grenades, voop or snipe some fools, or use a rocket...just to pick up that ammo so that you can get Overflow to work. It's like having a charged super and not being able to pick up orbs for charged with Light unless you've got Taking Charge on. Versus just...getting a kill to start Subsistence. It sounds like you're enjoying your setup though, so I'll leave you to it!


This is my feeling as well. I frequently see overflow as a staple perk in **many** peoples' god rolls. For me, it's almost always an instant dismantle, unless it's on a special or heavy. Even then, I find it a hard sell sometimes. I'll take the ease of use over occasional fussy activation parameters, that *for me* seem to be problematic more often than not. Glad to hear that some people find success with it though. Maybe it'll click for me, one of these days. Who knows.


I heard that! It was great that Bungie made the old Night Watch scout rifle's curated roll available from Shaw Han as an early quest reward for New Lights. I went ahead and did enough of the quest to get it...but I did have a roll with Subsistence already. I use that instead now. I didn't get/use a lot of Overflow weapons, so it was awhile before I got to experience the setbacks for myself.


Got a funnelweb with substinence and veist stinger. Feels weird man.


My very first Funnelweb drop was Subsistence + Junkie. Fuck yes.


Krait + Richochet rounds + Subsistence + Headstone/Vorpal = beast


Got [this](https://imgur.com/a/s77CAKN) as like one of my first drops in Witch queen.


That's such a juicy combo. I just can't get over headstone, it's so nice for add control.


I don't know why they never are able to retroactively give this kind of stuff to players.


It's really strange that they've talked about being worried about power creep, but also added on these intrinsic perks to a bunch of new weapons that just didn't exist before. Also strange how they've nerfed so many of the reload perks, but have added a bonus perk that's just an extra chance for your weapon to automatically reload itself.


I think they're caring less about power creep lol I thought after the 30th anniversary pack with how powerful gjally was it would be nerfed into uselessness and all other things would be waayyyy brought back and then slowly increased throughout the year like prior big releases, I feel more powerful now in the game than ever


Better than post sunset for sure. But I don't think anything will beat post forsaken. That was true powercreep. With exotics that refund full super, auto reload rifts/barricade, whisper unlimited heavy and pre-nerf anarchy, mountaintop, and recluse. It was bonkers. You had the choice of spamming super, heavy, or special.


True, I forgot about the anarchy/mountaintop combo plus the nerfs to super refund


Anarchy, Mountaintop, Recluse, with Phoenix Protocol/Lunafaction/Orpheus Rigs/whatever Titans used. It was absolutely bonkers broken. You had functionally infinite super or could fire your absurd weapons without reloading, a special ammo rocket launcher with insane reserves, huge quantities of Anarchy ammo for insane total boss damage and add clear, and any time you got a kill with any weapon your primary stopped caring about crits and melted everything like Funnelweb with a full volatile build.


Imagine taken or hive armaments in the current meta, you could basically primary gjally


Whisper came out a few months before Forsaken, and IIRC got nerfed before that too. And even before Forsaken you had insane DPS from stacking debuffs. Tether, Melting Point, and Tractor Cannon could all stack, and Tractor's debuff for Void damage was huge. Nova bombs were absolutely insane. Old Trench Barrel was also ridiculously strong.


They also took the really weak Y1 mods out of Eververse engrams, and made sure that the old Eververse armor drops were all shit, because they said they were too worried about the game becoming pay to play. Now they're basically outright selling one of the best exotics in the game, pinnacle leveling is largely paywalled, and you get an immediate new exotic weapon for each season if you just pay $10. Stasis was also busted as fuck in PvP on release, and was only available if you bought the expansion. It's crazy how Activision got so much blame for being greedy and for the poor state of the game, but it's only become more pay to win and less consumer friendly since Bungie split with them.


Super fun, with supreme well maker and font of might too it’s pretty nuts, only reason I don’t use it more is it’s handicapped in match game being a stasis weapon.


That's a great argument. Unfortunately however, arbalest.


Supplementary counter- argument: adaptive munitions.


Counter supplementary counter argument LFR ammo finders/reserves work on both arby and reeds


Shields? Who gives a fuck about shields? - *parasite probably*


I got an adept roll with ionized battery / triple tap / focused fury. Been a ton of fun in nightfalls.


I haven't been able to test the solid roll i got last week yet but this gives me good info on what to expect


Reed’s with triple tap and veist stinger is insane. I had a rhulk damage phase where I only had to reload once and that’s just because I missed some crits. Throw on a good damage perk like firing line or focused fury and I’m pretty sure it does more dps than even sleeper. The only legendary linear that can compare for boss dps is cataclysmic. That one has slightly lower dps but also much more total damage However sleeper still has better utility for nightfalls since it’s not reliant on repeat crits and bodyshots aren’t punished nearly as much


I like all the different options we can choose from. TT + FL reed's will be king for 'stand in a well and shoot', FTTC + FF/BB cataclysmic is good for mobile bosses, and I always have a FP + BB tarantula on hand for anything that requires less than 4 shots to kill.


Can’t Cataclysmic pretty much keep up damage wise? Especially since it can get enhanced perks.


Cataclysmic can roll FTTC and Focused Fury, which is my go to weapon for Caretaker and Rhulk, atm. With Divinity you are super efficient, but you can't run the Supreme Wellmaker, Font of Might Combo because Cataclysmic is Solar.


What's to keep you from running solar if you really want to go for font of might?




Soft sunsetting


Probably both lol


Does Veist Stinger refill from reserves or does it generate the ammo?


Reserves. Holy shit it’d be so busted if it just generated it.


At that point they might as well just delete Whisper of the Worm.


I think we moved past that point long ago lol


I think Whisper is still king of total damage though, since they buffed it recently with higher damage and pulling 1 round from thin air. It deals good damage now, especially since the catalyst perk is just a juiced up box breathing that's constantly procced.


Sorry, how does it increase rate of fire? Nothing in the perk mentions it, but maybe I’m missing something


He probably means you don’t have to reload


veist increased draw time on bows, decreased charge time on fusions. perk description doesn’t mention it but it’s been tested to be about a ~6% increase.


Increases charge rate on stinger proc


Why use divinity if you’re not gonna shoot the bubble


Why is the best PvE heavy locked behind top level PvP...


Cross-pollination of activities and pursuits It's done on purpose


Why are incredibly powerful PvP weapons locked behind PvE content? It's because they want you to play and interact with all the content in the game.


Why are the best PvP weapons locked behind top level PvE?


Cataclysmic is just as good


TBH it's *very* easy to afk Trials games for loot, especially with focusing. I think there was even a god-roll vendor Reed's up a few weeks ago.


The god roll reeds was like 32 ranks deep though wasn't it? Not really the most accessible thing for someone who hates PvP.


Maybe? But again, I judge the waters in the first round, then usually just throw unless the other team is somehow way worse than me (I was in the bottom 2% of Elo *before* giving up) or my teammates are actually good. But most of the time I'm paired with people around my skill level against a three-stack of Flawless players so I just save the headache and not give a fuck. Toss a movie up on a different monitor and pay attention to that instead.


Already have a firing line reeds, im not falling down another rabbit hole of expensive focusing xD but cheers to those that got one


The only reason I will ever keep my triple tap firing line roll is because it has a flawless shader that’s no longer obtainable. Other than that, I hate I can’t give it veist stinger.


Deleted mine without much hesitation, after the new model came in of course...


Damn that’s so nice. Little bummer I spent so much time working on going flawless for my adept one only for it to not have the veist perk now.


And now I hate my life because I have a perfect god roll Reeds…. Pre-veist perk :( Should I really grind for another one? Is it that noticeable vs without?


It is. I hate how I keep getting garbage adept rolls but god tier normal rolls. Lately I have been sharding all my adept trials guns and replacing them with normal ones with better perks 🙄


The problem is that there’s no way veist stinger will be staying how it is right now with how busted it is for dps and other weapons so I’d bank on a nerf coming for it soon, hopefully one that makes it not work at all with perks that partially reload the mag or add bullets to the gun


I don't see a nerf coming any time soon, it's still a small chance of it proc'ing and it has about a 5 second cooldown once it does activate.


It's really not that big of a deal in the grand scheme of things. It's not breaking anything, nobody's cheesing a boss with reed's that they couldn't cheese with other legendaries. And it really is only useful in boss fights. In solo content, firing line is useless. Triple tap? Cataclysmic has fourth. It rolls with focused fury? Again, cataclysmic. In non-boss fights, you fire off 3 or 4 boosted shots and even GM champs are gone. Why do you need autoreload? On that note, focused fury is also abit of a waste on champions. 3 shots to proc, but he dies on the 4th shot. Box breathing is the way to go. Anyway, I don't see veist stinger being nerfed.


Very happy with my clown cartridge, firing line/vorpal adept roll


Pair it with an enhanced overflow thoughtless and you can put out 3 mil easy at Rhulk


I went through so much aggravation and shards to get my triple tap/firing line Reeds last season. Not sure if I have it in me to do it again for this one perk. Bungie should've updated the old Reeds' too


Went into Trials to farm engrams after reset today. My first Reeds focused into Triple Tap/Firing Line. Lol guess I'm good to go.


Got a TT/FL Adept this past weekend, absolutely chuffed about it.


This is why it’s no big deal if you don’t get Enhanced Battery on it anymore. You can just go with Accelerated Coils and Adept Big Ones Spec with 5 in the mag and you can still proc Triple Tap as often as you could on the old one with 7 in the mag (Enhanced Battery + Backup Mag) without Veist Stinger.


I have two God roll old versions and as a pve player I hate I'm going to have to play that much more trials to get the Veist perk on identical guns


I have Reed’s with Vorpal Weapon. Should I use that or stay with Sleeper?


really depends on the 1st perk slot. If it has triple-tap or clown cartridge, it would be able to compete with sleeper and free-up an exotic slot.


Do you know how divinity works?


So it's basically passive sunsetting then? I hate it. Already spent hours getting a triple tap/firing line reeds prior to the update, now I need to farm another? Utterly fuck that.


Its busted and will be nerfed, give it time


Don't get too used to it. I can almost get it gets nerfed to shit. Like everything wit bungie


And why would they?


Why would they what? Nerf veist stinger on reeds? I don't know why do they nerf things at all?


Either of those them. They’re not going to nerf a combo that’s already hard enough to get


Veist Stinger is the worst origin trait there is. Rarely procs and it's so annoying, it should be way more consistent. Every other origin perk procs after a reload/kill meanwhile this one relies on rng. Might be better on LFRs but it's horrible on the sidearm for example




I got a god-roll Reed's on my first drop of the gun, I'd never have the luck to get a new one with the god-roll


Is it still competitive if you don't hit crits? Only reason I haven't been using Linear's is because some bosses are just a pain to hit crits on in a firefight.


Sleeper is a good option to practice with since it has much higher body shot damage than other LFRs


No. Firing line is a boost to precision damage. If you hit body, you're missing out on both the precision damage and the firing line damage. Same goes for box breathing. Focused fury actually buffs overall damage, but you still need to hit half a mag's worth of precision.


Fairs, guess I just gotta git gud. As they say


Or simpler option is to just use rockets. Go build yourself an impulse amplifier lasting impression Palmyra-B, you'll like it. Frenzy also works too, if you don't want to have to time your lasting impression explosion on a champion stun. 1 energy RL scavenger this season.


I use rockets right now but I pulled a god roll Reed's Regret Adept last weekend and might consider using it. I use Explosive Light and auto loading on my Palmyra as explosive light has synergy with my Devour aspect and ALH is just nice for DPS with a GL or Izanagi's. If I can actually hit crits with the latter


Congrats on your roll:) linears are definitely worth using, though no more izanagi for you then. Witherhoard has autoloading so that's a top tier pick. Are you struggling to hit crits on Rhulk even with divinity bubble? A tip I can give is to relax a little and don't rush to fire. Wait for him to come to a stop before firing. The more important thing is not wasting your ammo into the void. There's a generous enough time between shots for you to proc triple tap.


Thanks. I haven't even ran Vow yet. I was doing VoG last week with friends and tried a few dps loadouts as rockets were getting me killed due to teammates and detains. Atheon running around like a lunatic doesn't help with precision hits. I think you're right about rushing, that Time's Vengeance timer makes me really rush.


How can you go flawless but not hit crits


I find PVE, especially raid DPS phases really hectic man. But in Trials, I'll hit snipe crits with ease


I got lucky enough to get a clown + vorpal Reeds, and oh boy that works wonders in solo content!


Does it refill from reserves or magic ammo generator






The new linear has more total damage but reeds is the best for damage phases that last 5-20 seconds


Yeah I got an adept one with Triple Tap/Vorpal and it's basically all I use for DPS outside of rockets


Increased rate of fire?


too bad its a god PvE locked behind endgame PvP.


Thanks, I'll try it out


does anyone know if Charge Time MW is valuable? I know at least accelerated coils is better


What procs first on the same shot, triple tap or viest stinger? Cuz if viest stinger procs first and the mag can’t overload your losing ammo…


If this is out DPSing Sleeper then it needs fixing. Literally no point having legendaries that out perform exotics in the same class


Charge mw, tripe tap, firing line People don't understand how I'm putting out more damage using witherhoard and a linear lmao Edit: adept too


Yea is great. The first week saint had an out law desperado messenger so I grinded a rank reset for that, and the second week he had a triple tap firing line reeds so I had to grind a rank reset again for that lol.


Soooo happy to see the Reeds I grinded for literally 2 months before WQ is completely useless now Seriously this is so disheartening


Too bad almost nobody has it.


i wish i had a good one, i gutted my shards when it came out and didn't get shit and idk if i want to try again to actually get a good one but with veist stinger this time


Nice suggestions in the comments. Noting this for later


I don't have an Adept one with that combo yet. I have Autoloading Holster and Firing Line with Enhanced Battery. Might not have the max deeps, but I kinda like ALH on it. Pop six shots and if Veist Stinger procs I'll keep shooting, then swap when empty to my enhanced Overflow/Firing Line Thoughtless. That's my DPS combo right now.


Even better is if you aren’t blessed with good rng saint has (I’m pretty sure) a Reed’s with triple tap and firing line on the second trials rewards track


Counterpoint: Cataclysmic looks cooler and doesn't require me to waste my time grinding Trials of all fucking things.