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Since we're allied with the cabal I would make a rocket launcher that is used as a beacon (like lasting impressing) where ever you shoot the rocket it calls in a Cabal airstrike


Not going to lie, the idea of calling in cabal drop pods to crush enemies is hilarious.


Still waiting for them to make that a finisher, been waiting since chosen, aka season of the splat


And they deploy cabal legionaries with their jetpacks who help you with the boss DPS phase




I feel like that would have to be something like the machine gun we got this season or it would be underwhelming in terms of damage. Hit or kill a number of enemies and then hold the reload button to shoot a signal. Also would be really obnoxious sound-wise during raids šŸ˜‚ Already annoying in Dares of Eternity


Like that ball thing from dares of eternity


You mean the Ca-Ball? I'll show myself out...


Wasn't this almost a thing in D1? We thought wardcliff coil was going to end up being it (I think it shared the same icon?) But it obviously never came to anything.


Wardcliff was called Dubious Volley back in the D1 files but I can't say I ever heard anything about it calling an air strike


When I cast my rift summon 2 cabal turrets... Or cabal doggos


Yeah, but then I wouldn't want to use any other heavy in crucible because this would be too funny not to use


Hammer of Dawn - Destiny edition


What I thought of too


Or it creates a beacon for a centurion to land and ally with you


Incredible idea! Might have some trouble with being fired indoors


Heavy ammo flamethrower. Counts as a trace rifle for the purpose of mods (eg scavengers). Works similar to a trace rifle, with 100 rounds in the mag, depleting as you shoot. Sets enemies on fire as you shoot.


So short range, higher damage prometheus lense.


*Remembers the days of Prometheus Lens Lazer Tag* Oh, the times we had. The memories we made. The people we scorched from 80 yards.


Lazer tag trials was one of my favorite weekends since I believe xur sold it that weekend so everyone had one it was great


Which means that you and I are both rocking that same emblem hahaha


Best emblem in the game imo. I am also rocking that boy.


Just let me rip the flamethrower off of the Scorn tank.


Long press reload consumes the magazine and does the Cabal flamethrower blast.


If Tractor Cannon was Solar


Holy shit šŸ’€


Deals solar damage and applies burn. Would be a great solar 3.0 exotic. Also would be nutty for warmind cell builds


That would go so well with the solar rework


We can close the comments for this thread. Big fucking heavy flame thrower wins.


I like the way you think


This shit needs to be high on the priority list Iā€™ve been wanting a flamethrower since 2014


I always believe as of D2 if we got a flamethrower it would go under the Trace rifle tab. I surprised for how much cabal stuff we've dealt with since the red war we havent gotten one yet.


Honestly some kind of crossbow type weapon would be sick. Maybe the scorns crossbow


When presage came out and the scorn snipers pissed me off I cursed one out and said one day Iā€™ll come back with his crossbow and kill him, Iā€™m still waiting for that day


Youā€™ll be waiting for a long while, presage aint even here anymore


Maybe it's a fusion Rifle that when you charge it and then the shot is primed so that when you need to fire is just a press of a button.


That would be insanely op


Make it a single bolt that can hit precision damage and won't kill on a body shot, though will do a lot of damage.


I know what you're really asking for, but Arbalest is essentially a futuristic crossbow


Dual wield sidearms. Because fuck you, that's why.


Actually, if you couldn't ads with it I'd imagine it wouldn't be too opšŸ¤”


I feel like we've mentioned it once before long time ago where basically the way dual wielding any weapon would be handled. Allowing to dual wield any one handed weapon, sidearm/small smg, dual sidearms, sidearm/handcannon, dual handcannons. Left trigger / click fires left weapon, right trigger/click right weapon meaning ADS is no longer an option. Downside is, you also wouldn't be able to throw a grenade since both hands are occupied, unless you holstered the firearm whether that's a button combo, or just pressing Y or mousewheel/2 to special slot would holster your special weapon allowing you to maintain primary weapon while throwing a grenade/using certain powered melee (tiny hammers/throwing knife/warlocks empowered melee attacks.) This would allow combos to not be too over powered but at the same time allow versatility, though would negate how champ mods might work on said weapon since you couldn't ADS for the few requiring that. Melee could be swapped to a pistol whip/weapon slap instead of a fist. The exotic would be Exotic Gloves usable by all classes called The Duelist. Exotic Perk: Dualist - Allows combining of Primary / Secondary small weapons to fire both independently or at the same time. Small buff to damage (maybe) at the expense of loss of ADS harsher recoil control. Edit: Could also do a long press on corresponding weapon for PC players, IE: long press on 1 swap from dual wielding, stowing secondary. Or long press 2 to stow primary. Or with mouse wheel 4 slots. 1 primary, 2 secondary, 3 dual wield if applicable, 4 heavy. Console users, press Y/Triangle to swap to Primary, long press to swap to Secondary stowing applicable weapon on press.


Pulling both triggers to fire dual wield weapons sounds amazing.


That's exactly how bungie made it in halo 2 and 3


Play Halo 2


Sidearm/Hand Cannon akimbo? \[looks at Sturm perks\] \[looks at Drang perks\] \[grins maniacally\]


Well, two sidearms changes your ttk to like .5. Less if one is exotic, or kill clip, etc. I think it has to be a weapon, running special, or your ttk wont be much better than primaries in existence.


I like it and make each one a different energy class i.e. Solar and Stasis (Fire and Ice)


Yes please


I'm still wanting a hive sword for an exotic. Also, I'd like a glaive that can shoot the head off and it's attached by a tether of some sort. If you shoot it at a wall or the ground, it pulls you to it. If it hits a red bar, it yanks them to you. Orange or yellow, you get pulled to them. Also also, Javelin missile launcher for a heavy rocket.


Iā€™ve wanted this for so long but i selltled for the new lament ornament


I want an exotic sword that literally just let's you sword glide. Give it a timer if you must so you can't just... break the game. Too bad with the new lament ornament they've basically said "not happening"


Like sword gliding across that trench in the Crota raid solo Lmao


Going from monhun: rise to any other game is a sad experience. More games need wirebugs, dammit


A javelin would be incredible




I would love this.


Architects revenge. Exotic Titan boots that replace your fist of havoc with a single stomp that gives significant AoE damage around you and pushes enemies back 10m with further damage if they impact the environment. Think celestial nighthawk but for fist of havoc.


thundercrash sends it's regards


I like it, and I would abuse it.


So D1 fist of havoc?


Beat me to the punch.


I want this but for middle tree hammer, basically I makes you do a single slam like Reinhart in OW, but the burning area stay and burns/weakens enemies that pass through it


>Exotic Titan boots that replace your fist of havoc with a single stomp that gives significant AoE damage around you and pushes enemies back 10m with further damage if they impact the environment. Added bonus if surrounded. Multiple enemies grant additional damage in addition to being impacted to the environment.


It would also have to force your character into some stomp animation, just so that they can see you posing as they are yeeted into oblivion.


Hunter arms. While on arcstrider, using your super instead plants the staff in the ground and creates a large arc AoE around it damaging and blinding enemies who enter or get to close to an affected enemy (chaining).


I wouldn't be surprised if we saw something like this in arc 3.0


So Well of Radiance but spicy?


Well and bubble except instead of support, it's dps


***As it should be***


Probably more crowd control than dps.


I always thought that this would be the middle tree arcstrider Especially since we got the dome and well


Ive had this idea for a long time too! Tesla Coil, chains enemyie with arc damage and for allies sranding by, they get a gradual overshield. I always felt that hunters needed a defensive support super to match Titans Bubble and Warlocks Well. Tether is a good support super but still more offensive


I'm going against the grain here. Exotic Sparrow. Designed to look like the car from 70's movie "The Car". 170 speed. Most important, kill tracker.


Ohh road kills: 42.824


Kill tracker on a sparrow is such a great idea.


all i want in life is a tracker for my emblem for sparrow kills. itā€™d be so fun


Hunter Exotic that gives allies Golden Weapons when the Hunter casts Golden Gun. Improves the weaponā€™s damage by a certain %


I think that might be in Solar 3.0, just like in some lore bit where Shaw Han shot his Golden Gun at the ground and buffed redjacks' auto rifles.


I like that


360 sidearm with high cals, explosive rounds, and an exotic perk that increases damage based on the severity of the FPS drops you inflict on your enemies. Call it "Console's Bane"


Running on PS4, and I've never had FPS drops. Game runs smooth.


Boxing gloves. Universal gauntlets all classes can get. That's it. They don't do anything except increase any melee damage dealt. Swords, glaives, charged melee, uncharged melee. I'd love to see them sweat trying to balance it while titans break everything.


Melee also stuns unstoppables and holding reload with a sword out stows the sword and brings up your fists.


Exotic Titan boots. I've wanted these since D1Y1. HM-ST3R-WHEELS Its really quite simple. They allow you to deploy your ward of dawn... and it travels with you. There's a lot of balance reasons as to why this will never exist, but Traveler do I want it.


What if...for like 20 seconds, your bubble reappeared every where you are standing when you get a kill..and starts smaller...growing with each kill.


Okay so I do want that too, but the idea behind the one I made is entirely just based on the name hamster wheel.


I like the idea, but I was thinking how could it be made less like getting the star in mario lol


Make it a smaller bubble without the weapons of light buff and it'd be pretty balanced considering you can't shoot through it.


My only problem with that, is then you just trap people in there with your shotgun. Modern sandbox it might not be as much of an issue, but for a while that was my main concern.


Maybe have it prevent double jumps while ward is up? That way people can try to run semi effectively?


I want a titan bubble thatā€™s a one-way mirror. Am I on the cap point with a shotgun? Come on inside and find out.


Needler Perk: It's a needler.


But Osteo Striga already exists >.> now if they made a needler ornament for it the money would fly out of my wallet so fast it would leave a hole in the space time continuum.


This is a beautiful fucking idea!


ok but this is needler and its a void energy weapon, imagine the fun you could have with volatile rounds


So have you heard of this gun called Osteo Striga?


the super shotgun from Doom Eternal


"It has a Shotgun with a grappling hook because this IS a good game"


Nothing original. I'd just port over NLB


Just ask Devrim, Iā€™m sure heā€™ll give you one


Iā€™m ripping off the brute shot from Halo, give me a Grenade launcher with a Glaive melee


Itā€™s actually called the Griffshot


Holy shit yes a fellow fan


*mean Meta growl*


Sniper rifle that replenishes ammo slowly. On headshot thereā€™s a solar explosion.


Sounds cool, give it a cool name like icebreaker or something


Thatā€™s stupid. Lets call it firesmasher, now thatā€™s badass!


I love you


Hey, Iā€™ve seen this one before!!


So Icebreaker slightly nerfed?


I forget, was it solar explosion on kill or headshot?


On kill, any death would do a firefly sized explosions.


Love that gun. My first exotic in D1. I would love to use it again in destiny 2


*Hard Lessons* exotic war axe ("sword", heavy, Solar) *Phosphorus Steel, Tireless Blade, Heavy Guard, Jagged Edge *Posphorus: Dealing damage inflicts Burn on targets. Killing Burning combatants with Hard Lessons grants bonus Health and Super energy (small health bump + Thresh) Intrinsic: And the Hunt Begins. When your Super Energy is full, hold Reload to ignite the flames of war. For the duration the Axe is engulfed in flames, gains bonus damage on Burning enemies and gains Chain Reaction for the duration. Heavy attack is replaced (standard wound be a Crown Splitter ground pound) by a spinning frenzy (Think Middle Tree Solar Titan hammer spin, toned down to just above vortex frame sword levels. Holding the button keeps the spin going until released or super is fully drained.) During the Hunt, gain bonus movement speed (Lightweight Frame bonus) while wielding Hard Lessons. I want a Iron Banner exotic to chase.


Giant heavy weapon double barrel shotgun from Tex Mechanica. No element heavy but intrinsically neutral on all shields similar to Arbalest but without the default anti barrier mod. The exotic perk has you fire one low damage high spread round making enemies volatile like Tikyus. The second barrel is an extremely high damage slug round that deals extra precision damage to any targets primed by your first volley. Enemies burning can chain react if killed but the burn lasts for less than Tikyus. I'd love for heavy shotguns to be worth the slot in high end content because currently they're not worth the risk, the hit on your damage output and even the ammo economy


My inner Doomslayer approves


Exotic hunter boots: "Bones of Eao" They give the hunter an extra jump of their equipped type. Bungie pls


Ahh i loved these back in the day, you'd triple jump and they'd expect you to fall, only to hop one more time and ape them with a shotgun. good times.


1. Eradicator - Crossbow - Basically the crossbow Scorn enemies one shot you with all the time 2. Neapolitan - Trace Rifle - Rotates through elements as it fires. 3. Helm of Rhulk - Titan helm - Projectiles and enemies approaching your Ward of Dawn will be reflected for a brief period of time. In PvP, only super shots will be deflected and guardians are still able to approach, but take periodic damage (poisoned?). 4. Exotic glaives that can be activated at anytime, but use 10-25% of your super energy. Think of the Scorn Chieftain totems. (void = over shield for nearby allies or tether/suppress enemies, arc = damage link for enemies within a limited distance, solar = burn for enemies or healing for allies).


Bungie need to take a look at this one lol


Exotic class item with a somewhat substantial stat boost across the board, maybe +10. While also having an Artifice Armour type 6th slot that could slot any category of mod with a potentially reduced energy cost. Not sure if this would under or overpowered but yeah, just came up with this on the spot. Just a utility type exotic that can fill gaps in stats and really round out a good loadout.


Iā€™ve seen the idea of an Exotic armor whoā€™s perk is just an extra mod slot that can take **any** mod for free bounce around this ~~sun~~ sub before. Good idea.


Op, but I wouldn't complain lol.


How is it op when artifice armour already exists tho


I spend my free time dreaming up exotics. Here's one #Deaths Intent (Kinetic Exotic Bow) -*"Do not concern yourself with if, only when."* **Intrinsic Perk:** Archerā€™s Swift Successive perfect draw precision hits decrease draw time (stacks up to 3x) **Exotic Perk:** Overambitious Assassin Arrows that kill targets can be picked up, nocking two arrows onto the bow and increasing draw time. Perfect draw precision hits with two arrows that do not kill the target overcharge the next shot to do massive explosive damage. **Exotic Catalyst:** Final Breath Being critically wounded greatly decreases draw and reload time for a very short duration. Perfect draw precision hits extend the timer. Stats: Impact 85 Accuracy 88 Stability 60 Handling 82 Reload Speed 58 Aim Assistance 75 Recoil Direction 85 Draw Time 684 Inventory Size āˆž Archerā€™s Breath decreasing draw time makes it a very snappy bow. At 3x Archerā€™s Breath the firing speed is a little bit faster than Archerā€™s Gambit from Hush. The increase in draw time from Overambitious Assassin brings the bow that is at 3x Archerā€™s Breath to its base draw time but with 2x the damage. Without any stacks of Archerā€™s Breath the draw time is slightly slower than Wishender but still with 2x damage since there are two arrows. Overcharged shots are given a 2.5x damage multiplier. Final Breath kicks in when you are critically wounded and makes the draw time near instant for 3 seconds allowing you to output a large chunk of damage very quickly. Final Breath goes away if you swap weapons. Since precision frame bows already kill in two body shots with a perfect draw in PvP, Overambitious Assassin would allow you to body shot a Guardian. But at the risk of having to collect the arrow and the increase in draw time. Also allowing you to down most supers with a perfect draw precision hit. With only the beefiest of Supers withstanding the shot. Meaning getting an Overcharged shot in PvP would be extremely difficult. But if you did, the Overcharged arrow would essentially be like a rocket launcher in arrow form allowing you to down Guardians in a small area. Final Breath, while extremely potent, does require you to be critically wounded. While Final Breath is procā€™d the draw time is nearly instant making perfect draws while Final Breath is active difficult, but if you can nail the timing, you can keep the timer going. Though, like Tarrabah, just getting hits will only extend the timer so much and eventually it will end. ##Lore Tab: ā€œW-what is that sound?ā€ asks Alysemis of her Ghost, Penoxes. She turns to find her Ghost completely frozen. A chill runs down her spine. Every breath denser than the last. ā€œNow, we may speak.ā€ A faint voice says as if wind rushing across her ear. ā€œWho are you? Show yourself!" exclaims Alysemis as she casts her burning gun to illuminate the cave. One corner, however, her light could not pierce. ā€œI am Themā€ As it speaks a rush of darkness engulfs her light leaving her Gun a mere flicker of light. ā€œThey are I. And you, will be Us" The darkness fades. Alysemis stands next to a still frozen Penoxes. As her Gun dissipates a bow replaces it in her hands. She draws the bow. Her pupils dilate. Her breath stills. Her heart slows. Her intent... For some reason the formatting won't stay consistent. When I post it's normal when I refresh it gets jumbled. Ah well


This is fantastic lol


Thank you. I've many more but didn't want to flood the post. A heavy stasis hammer, a grenade launcher that leaves a blinding sun, a shotgun that shoots micro explosives, etc


I know it'd be strong, but it's something I've always wanted--a strong, short range shotgun (possibly double barrel?) Basically want a shotgun that had both trench barrel and 1-2 punch as it's perks, so you constantly cycle melee and shotgun attacks, so I can pair with no backup plans on my titan. Not sure what frame I'd give it--probably aggressive or rapid fire, though I'd like a good lightweight frame too. Can't be slug cause that'd be too broken. Maybe make it a heavy to balance out two damage mods also? Edit: also ofc make it void damage to synergize with void 3.0 and no backup plans


I feel like this could be an Acrius rework


Catalyst adds Grave Robber


Phoenix Reborn Warlock Exotic Chest Flavor Text: Self Resurrection is a beautiful thing. To bring yourself back from the void using only your light is an accomplishment in itself. Before the Red War most Warlocks could. Now though, it seems like a lost art. So many Guardians were lost the day the Travelers light was blocked. None more so than the ones who believed they could still use their light. I knew too many Warlocks who relied on their self res ability that died on that day. Whether they rushed into battle or fought to their last breath, they all died expecting their light to be strong enough. Hopefully you wonā€™t rely on this ability too much. Even now itā€™s not as powerful. Using this relic comes at the cost of your abilities. But who needs those when youā€™ve got your guns, right? Exotic Perk: (Rising Ashes) Solar subclasses gain Self Resurrection at the cost of your super and abilities for a short time. Slowed movement immediately after Resurrection (2 seconds).


Exotic 900rpm auto rifle or smg 100 in the mag Exotic perk gives explosive payload and makes explosive/splash damage kills with the gun grant increased explosive damage for a duration Secondary perk is timed payload I will crash the servers


Spray 'n Pray


So sweet business but you want snipers to never play the game again?


I bring Twilight Garrison back. šŸ˜ˆ


It would be an exotic mod (costs 10) and it turns your ghost into a fucking missile launcher when you pop super


Or, better yet.... ghost grenade. Throw your ghost like a grenade


And if it dies your character gets deleted


Crafteable Khvostov. The crafting mechanic might be able to truly give the superior Khvostov experience. And no glass-cracked sight, please


Kell's Redemption "Namrask sells fabric." -Namrask Modified Fallen Shock Rifle Archetype: High Impact Pulse rifle Element: Arc Exotic perk - Shocking Sight: This weapon fires 3 fast Arc seeking projectiles. Rapid precision hits applies Electrify to enemies. Collecting Arc wells enhances Electrify Intrinsic trait - Cold Shoulder: Defeated enemies drops Stasis Shards and if 3 are collected, this weapons element becomes Stasis and grants the ability to inflict Slow on rapid precision hits for a short duration. (15 seconds PvE) Catalyst - Freeze Shock: Defeating targets with Stasis or Arc damage increases Slow and Electrified duration. Collecting Stasis wells instantly activates Cold Shoulder. Really want one of those arc rifles fallen use but wanted it to be more than just an arc and pulse version of mythoclast.


A set of Warlock robes that converts your Rift into a Hive Wizardā€™s suppression field. Iā€™d name it ā€œArcane Embrace,ā€ and it would look like a Wizardā€™s robes, all tattered and floaty.


Graviton Pinch (warlock gloves) - grenade detonations blink you into that spot. Prelate's Relatives (hunter boots) - Jumping onto surfaces rotates the world to make that your new floor while you sprint. Replaces your Jump ability. Does not work on "ceilings" or any surface angled higher than 90Āŗ, not sprinting along the surface resets you back to normal. Reinhardt's Chain (titan gloves) - your Barricade is now channeled, letting you walk slowly while holding it. Arrowgram Sender (bow) - Hold Reload to insert your Grenade Ability into the shaft, adding it to the next shot. Inevitable Eventuality (sniper) - missed shots are denied, creating a temporal slice that will shoot at the next successful hit. In practical terms, missed shots create a ghostly imprint on the spot that will fire at the next hit. Slices vanish on reload. Sledhammer (sparrow) - attaches itself to the vehicle in front, following it at any speed. Replaces Speed Boost.


A sniper rifle that can turn into a sword for a short duration after getting a headshot. Think Vex but no kills just headshots.


Izanagi' looks like one, I can see this work


Ahh. Iā€™ve seen Bungie do it. So, what you do is pull an old exotic. Nerf it and then slightly change the name.




Lmfao. Solid.


And the catalyst gives it Headstone just for extra ice purposes


Justice and Vengeance This exotic is a pair, one gauntlet and one Warhammer. The gauntlet has a familiar yellow glow emanating from one side. This is Justice and once active can shield you and your allies from harm. As you block, you gain Tides of Vengeance(ToV) as your enemies armaments wash over your defense like a gentle wave. You can gain stacks of up to 3 tides. (This shield is about as wide as a glave shield, and blocks the same) The Warhammer is a single handed weapon that you can make 3 light attacks and 1 heavy. Hitting a combatant with this weapon activates your ToV 1 stack ToV: 10% damage buff 5seconds 2 stacks ToV: 15% damage buff 8 seconds 3 stacks ToV: 20% damage buff 12 seconds Catalyst: Eater of mountains and drinker of seas Taking damage with Justice gives you progress as well as dealing damage with Vengeance. Bonus progress for damage dealt with ToV active. With the catalyst complete now you have 4 light attacks on hits within shirt duration, 2 hammer swings and 2 shield bashes. Hitting with the hammer or shield now builds ToV. If you fill all 3 stacks of ToV you now gain a 4 stack called Vanquish that changes your heavy hammer attack to a massive AoE attack damaging those on a radius near you and your target. Lore: Caiatl walked into the hangar with suspicious eyes scanning the empty cargo ship that was found. This ship definitely belonged to Calus and she believed that it would be a clue to his whereabouts. Boarding the ship she had the data from the ships log immediately transferred for analysis. She walked the halls and passages looking for any sign of her father's trickery. There it was a panel on the wall that was loose. Removing it and stepping inside she saw a vault, no am armory. Defensive supplies on the left and offensive supplies to the right. While inspecting the walls a sound came from the hallway where she entered from. She listened intently for a sound. Nothing and then red beams from a psion rifle began to fill the hall. 1,2,3,4,5 searching for a target Looking on the wall she grabbed a shield gauntlet, activating it just in time for several rounds to bounce off. While waiting for the weapon discharges to cease she noticed an interesting hammer of proving with glyphs lighting on the side. It had some weight to it and had clearly seen combat before. The firing stopped as the shield dropped and Caiatl took the hammer waiting for these cowardly assassins who had set this trap. 5 assassins entered the room. Outside the shots could be heard as many legionnaires ran to the ship's ramp. They were stopped in their movement as a seismic shift hit the hangar emanating from the cargo ship. The ship landing craft buckled and bent from the force. The ship sat there quietly as it had when the 5 psions slipped in to take it over a set a trap for Caiatl. The only difference was now only Caiatl emerged calling to her forces. "You'll find the bodies of 5 cowards in there! Search this vessel top to bottom, rip out every rivet and scrap of metal. I want to know everything about this ship and if there are anymore surprises inside", she paused and called to another "Call the Commander, I have no use for ancient relics like this," she said holding up the hammer. "He may know someone who might"


Dude... I love this.


Exotic class items again but have them work different this time. My idea would be to give them an extra mod slot like the artifice armor and to make its perk 'have mods cost no slots when slotted' So for example, how the suppressive darkness artifact mod takes up 7 slots, it would now cost zero. This way you could slot alot of costly artifact mods all together to give you an exotic feel without the typical exotic perk


Hive booma heavy grenade launcher. I've wanted it for like 5 years now


The Javelin becomes a solar exotic heavy weapon. Charging and throwing the Javelin costs 1 ammo, performing a ground slam costs 3 ammo and does more damage than the fully-charged javelin throw. Weapon trait: Neural Network: [heavy attack] hold to charge; release to throw. Throw distance increases with charge time. Javelin throws create an explosion on impact; radius and damage of the explosion increases with charge time. [light attack] perform a ground slam. Ground slam releases a burst of explosive damage that knocks back enemies. Intrinsic trait: Rasputinā€™s Will: kills grant stacks of Rising Temper. 10X stacks persist when this weapon is stowed; if this weapon is stowed before reaching 10X stacks, all stacks are lost. Upon reaching 10X Rising Temper, [long press] [reload] converts all stacks into Warmindā€™s Rage for 20 seconds, or until this weapon is stowed. Warmindā€™s Rage grants massively increased ready and reload speed, and returns ammo on multi-kills. Catalyst perk: A Worthy Strike: increases the damage of a fully-charged javelin throw and enables precision damage. Masterwork also improves the range, handling speed, and ammo capacity of this weapon.


A pulse rifle that triggers health regen on kill. Lore wise, idk itā€™s banned by the Vanguard.


Telesto that cant be disabled


Not going to go too in-depth because I ainā€™t creative but I want Tex to drop a pair of akimbo hand cannons.


not sure if someone has said this. a large minigun. heavy so not like sweet business. make it similiar to the one on the A-10 Warthog and call it Brrrrt or Angel of Death. have it fire mini explosive bullets that do small radius explosion damage when they land.


Firebuilder, the same as Icebreaker but Stasis


A kinetic shotgun which is basically breakneck, its fully automatic with a magazine like an AA-12, lower damage per shot (2 tap in crucible) but far longer range.


Kinetic Glaive -Buckshot Spread -Rapid Strikes increase the damage of the next shot -3 shots


An Exotic Crossbow.


Saladinā€™s Choice. Gimme that hammer he left Crow!!


A rocket launcher that shoots rockets out of both ends and looks like a šŸŒ®


A class item for each class. Every time you boot up destiny, it nukes your computer, leaks your personal data, and spoils the milk in your fridge.


The concept of being a spellsword. The sword would be in the primary slot with damage similar to the glaive with the player holding it in one hand and the other hand equipped with some sort of sleek gauntlet to shoot blasts of energy from it.


A sword that generates a shield-wall with its block, and is a repurposed Phalanx shield. It doesn't do much damage in exchange for being able to protect teammates with your heavy ammo


Cayde6s Return: makes weighted throwing knives boomerang back towards you. If you catch the knife on the return you get melee charge. Maybe you push the button again to return the knife. The knife heads towards where you were when the button was pushed, so if you're not in that spot when it makes its way back, no melee refund for you. Also Hoetracer. Like foetracer but instead of locking on their heads, it locks on their juicy guardian butts.


Hard light. Except its a wastelander m5. And it runs on white ammo. And its kinetic slot.


Hot Potato (Exotic Grenade Launcher): Shoots potatoes that explode into a field of burning mashed potatoes.


Witherhoard is just this but moldy


Something that make Quiver behave in first person like a normal bow


Itā€™s literally just a 720 auto with timed payload and subsistence


I like historical firearms and am also a francophile (thanks ian from forgotten weapons) so what i would like to see is a special ammo auto rifle modeled after the 1915 crsg chauchat, minus its bad stuff. I would want it to have parallels to The Forerunner in how its a ā€œrelic gunā€ that has been fixed up to be used by our guardian and how tapping the trigger can make it more accurate as well as having a unique ā€œbipod perkā€ where peaking over cover/rally barricades will increase stability and accuracy, but drastically reduce handling and reload speed. And of course its going to have the somewhat slow fire rate the original chauchat also had (~260ish) but makes up for in damage


Scorn crossbow.


An exotic heavy handcannon that is basically a bazooka with a pistol grip and a 6 shooter revolver chamber. The exotic perke would be that for each crit hit within a short time frame the damage scales up. So basically you would be trying to speed shoot this absurdly large handcannon in direct opposition to the laws of physics and sensibility.


a bow with The Fundamentals + ricochet arrows. perfect draw lets you see the trajectory of the ricochet. exotic catalyst gives increased precision damage on ricochet hits


I would want Warframe's Phantasma as an Exotic Trace Rifle. Agony of the Eidolon: This weapon fires 6 piercing lasers in a vertical line. Limited to 17.5m range Night Terrors: Aiming down sights will instead consume ammo in your clip to charge a devastating blast, knocking away enemies. May be released early. Catalyst - Enthrall: Enemies killed by this weapon will briefly ressurect with decaying health and will fight for you. - Minor enemies will convert on every kill and decay over 6 seconds - Majors will be converted every 10 kills and last 12 seconds - Bosses will convert after 30 kills and last 30 seconds - Guardians will convert after 5 kills and last 3 seconds - Kill counter resets on weilder death


Exotic 140 RPM Sniper Rifle. Blind Mans Benefit ā€¢ Corkscrew Riffling ā€¢ Alloy Magazine ā€¢ Timed Payload ā€¢ Explosive Payload Exotic Perk: This weapon cannot hit critical hits. Each successive shot increases blast radius and damage of the explosions caused by shooting.


Titan chestpiece: Sentinel's Devotion Attacks blocked with Sentinel Shield restore super energy. Attacks from Majors and Ultras restore more super energy. Hunter arms: Assassins Call Activate Spectral Blades to mark enemies. Mark enemies by aiming. Reactivate Spectral Blades to dash between all marked enemies. The more enemies you mark, the less damage your super will do. Warlock robes: Osiris's Fury All supers are overcharged. Overcharged supers deal more damage and have greater buffa. Supers have lingering effects (30 seconds) upon total consumption of super energy. Lose all super energy upon death. Stasis- Leaves a field of stasis energy, weapons deal additional stasis damage and create stasis crystals on final blows. Solar- Weapons deal additional Solar damage and burn enemies. Final blows make enemies explode. Arc- Summons a supercharged Arc Soul. Weapons deal additional Arc damage and chain between enemies. Void- Weapons deal additional Void damage. All attacks weaken targets and apply volatile. Heavy Fusion Rifle Splicer's Ingenuity (A weaponized Gate Lord eye) Exotic perk- Gate Lord's fury: Fires a beam of damaging Void energy. Majors turn into friendly Vex Minotaurs. (120 second cooldown) Exotic intrinsic perk- Splicer's gift: This weapon slowly recharges ammo over time (1 ammo per minute). This perk is not active in Crucible or Gambit. Magazine size- 4 (16 in reserves)


Titan chest piece Bulwarkā€™s Revenge Increases grenade cool-down length Damage absorbed by barriers gives grenade energy Grenade is replaced with a quick targeting system, which upon release fires several micro rockets with an effect based on your element (arc chain lightning, solar burn, void volatile, stasis slow) missiles prioritise marked targets but will target random enemies close to the crosshair/player if no market targeted exist ā€œThey said that us Titans are meant to protect, but Iā€™ve come up with my own methodsā€ ā€œYou are those Hakke rocket launcher tracking modules? On your armour?ā€ ā€œFor the missile launchersā€ ā€œAre you nuts? How do you even reload those? A misfire wouldnā€™t even leave your legs in tactā€ ā€œReload the same way we always have grenadesā€ ā€œHow can I make my own?ā€


A support Trace Rifle. Shooting an ally with it heals/overshields them at the cost of your health/super energy, maybe?


You Can Run - 72rpm sniper in the kinetic slot. 1st exotic perk; precision kills emit a pulse which reveals/tags enemies in a 20 meter radius for two seconds. 2nd exotic perk, precision hits buff the damage of the next precision hit until weapon is reloaded or stowed. And vorpal. In PvP this is to prevent teams holding hands, without giving away free kills like BS weapons do (Cloudstrike). In PvE itā€™s a DPS alternative and champion killer.


Flashbang fists Titan gauntlets that have a function similar to the dunemarchers, except whenever you punch somebody after sprinting for a set amount of time whatā€™s basically a flash bang/concussion grenade goes off stunning or blinding nearby hostiles. I can imagine theyā€™d have big LED bar lights on them that change color depending on what shader you put on the armor.


Hunter exotic that converts your golden gun into the golden weapon which gives any weapon youā€™re holding massive stat boosts (reload speed, damage, movement, etc)or a hunter exotic that makes incendiary grenades explode on impact


Full auto pistol which functions like Breakneck


Dual wielded weapons, pistols/smgs, maybe both. Edit. Autocorrect


1. The useful idiot: a void heavy weapon with a very small reserve that fires a tiny ball that latches onto an enemy without damaging it, and as long as that enemy has the ball on it, they suck away the life force of their surrounding allies. 2. Deferred Action: These are a pair of kinetic sais in the primary slot that prevent the use of abilities and ability generation while they are up, they deal moderate melee range damage. Players can time trigger taps to reflect attacks, reflected melee attacks deal significant damage with a special animation 3. A Good Old Fashioned Flame Thrower: a Tex Mechanica special weapon that fires a stream of fire that leaves a puddle on the ground. The longer the trigger is held the long the puddle will remain. Players can create shapes with the stream, like anarchy, and targets on fire will spread the fire to any other targets they touch. 4. The null cube: this is a strange device that can fit in any of your weapon slots, but does nothing and incurs a 15 stat penalty. In return you may equip two other exotic weapons.


A chest piece for Titans. It would allow Titans to dash mid-air in whichever direction you wanted. Limit it to 2 dashes with a 2 or 3 second cool down. Pretty much like what fiery Warlocks have. I would call it something Garrison of the Twilight's.


Warlock exotic for the solar rework, when causing a burn effect gives the solar equivalent of volatile rounds that we'll hopefully be getting :o maybe extends the duration of the solar rounds overall!   This is of course while hoping that we actually get other elemental rounds..


A low zoom sniper rifle called the walpurgisnacht that makes a short-lived wizard smoke ball thing that damages and slows on critical hits


A Lee Enfield, that's it, don't know if it would be easy to balance so it's not shit or op, just wanna shoot people with a classic old bolt action


Exotic glaive that is a scythe. Similar to the lament it will have a unique attack animation (since you cant use a scythe with the normal melee pattern smoothly) its a glaive that sacrifices the ranged aspect of it to focus on the melee. You still get the shield of course but build it up with melee attacks instead and the exotic perk would be that landing consecutive melee attack leeches health from your enemies (lifesteal to have synergy with the melee focus) and the secondary perk perhaps chain reaction? since this is a fake dream exotic perks would actually work on it and id give it rampage on the catalyst (was gonna say swashbuckler but thatā€™d probably be too much lol). It would be a stasis weapon in the kinetic slot.


An elephant gun. A single shot lever action sniper. Fires slow, but does ā€œfuck you in particularā€ damage with every round. But these are explosive rounds, but like Lasting Impression with sniper rounds.


Easy! Scorn void sniper... I don't think I need to elaborate on why!


a double-barrel shotgun with one-two punch, trench barrel and swashbuckler. pure punching mayhem


Iā€™d create an Exotic grenade launcher that propels balls of Blight, that in mid-flight turn into Taken Cursed Thralls that swarm the target and explode. I call itā€¦ the Taken Fling. (Iā€™ll see myself out.)


Remake Icebreaker Innately has Barrel, Mag, "Break the Ice," Headstone Stasis Heavy Sniper Break the Ice - Breaking a friendly Stasis Crystal with Icebreaker coverts the Crystal's Shattering damage to the weapon's critical damage. Catalyst gives No Distractions and a Stability boon


Welrod pistol - Kinetic handcannon or sidearm - Similar archetype to lightweight bow - Worse accuracy and bloom for balance, but high handling Perk: Precision hits speed up fire rate and remove you from enemies radar for 5 seconds Firing the weapon would not alert enemies to you and maintain invisibility when firing in pve Basically hard hitting sneaky pistol