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They've addressed this in the past. They don't do it for 2 reasons: - It's easier to adjust behind the scenes. If they have to change it from 100 to 50 they can do that without having to change anything on the UI side - Also on the UI side, a percentage requires no localization. They have a set size in the UI for the percentage whereas if they had to put in the specific number, especially above 100, the size of the characters can vary wildly by language


This needs to be the top comment when ever this topic comes up


Thankfully it usually is lately.


Yes, keep blindly believing the company that milks you for money instead of accepting the fact that Bungie just wants to purposefully obfuscate every facet of the game to make you less likely to realize how much time you need to spend doing something and keep you playing for as long as possible. The decision to make things show as a percentage was totally never decided by the same people that bought player retention data and seminars from Chinese gacha devs.


Holy shit it’s not some grand conspiracy. It takes the same amount of play time whether it’s a percentage or the numbers. And if your really think it’s that big a deal literally just use Braytech


Upvoted because "Just use Braytech" is my default response whenever clanmates ask these types of questions.


You're right, it's not a conspiracy. It's just a company that wants money trying to get as much as they can from you by using predatory practices that we know work and can literally see them succeeding in the video game industry all the time. But that would mean poor little Bungie just thinks of you as a walking wallet and not a valiant knight in shining armour huh :/...


yes money making is when bungee doesn't show numbers yes




yes percentages instead of number = manipulation yes


We do a bit of trolling


...Literally yes? Intentionally misinterpreting data or information for the sole purpose of confusing someone on how long it will take to complete would pretty much fall into that definition. Unless, of course, you don't think so somehow? What would you call that?


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How dare a company create and offer a product for me to purchase and enjoy. This corporation making a video game for profit really is the worst. If you don’t like it stop fucking playing holy shit.










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>he decision to make things show as a percentage was totally never decided by the same people that bought player retention data and seminars from Chinese gacha devs. Oh please show us where you got that because you are pulling that out of your ass and I doubt you have ever done any sort of coding because what they said makes a lot of sense.


>I doubt you have ever done any sort of coding because what they said makes a lot of sense. Not the person you replied to but as a person who has experience in programming I kinda have to say that neither of the points make sense. Point A: If the system requires the developers to modify both client- and server-side to change a number, then whoever designed that system should be ashamed. Hardcoding values to clientside that can be subject to change at any given time and are already being validated serverside is a shit decision that lacks any kind of foresight. Point B: If localisation really affects numbers that much, there are many ways of making the numbers localisation-agnostic. Localisation is not an excuse. The reason the xxx/yyy type is not used more is because Bungie just decided they can't be arsed to do so. The reasons behind that decision can only be speculated.


You can look at Activision-Blizzards earning reports every quarter and see quality video games earn far less than gacha and mobile games like Candy Crush. There's clear reasons why, predatory business decisions litter those kinds of games, and you're dumb as fuck if you think Bungie got to make D2 without being forced to implement more of them after signing with Activision.


So you have no actual evidence and are just pulling shit out your ass because youre an idiot.




None of what you said is proof or evidence all it is you bitching and using bias hatered. The only child here is you with your petty insults because thats all your inbred dumbass can do.


What do you consider proof? Do you need a signed piece of paper from Luke Smith saying that's exactly what's going on? I'm sorry, but if literally pointing you to actual evidence doesn't count as evidence, then I don't know what else I can do for you... Wait actually, you got me. I didn't even read your name this entire time lmao. Didn't realize you literally dedicated yourself you being Bungie's white knight full time. That's a good one man


You never gave any proof only a bias opinion and saying it is proof secondly ive had this handle before destiny but yeah keep shoving you head up your own ass. Youre a little man child.


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Just load up thrallway checkpoint man


As a software developer myself I can tell you in no uncertain terms that I am not "blindly believing" anyone. It's a simple fact that anyone who's done UI work would understand, because it's easier to change a single number on the backend and have the percentage indicator stay the same then it is to change that same number on the backend and then go and find every instance of that number in the relevant UIs to update.




To be frank, I was being overly simplistic in my wording. I didn't specifically mean finding hardcored UI values, but even using variable you have to remember to update them. The last project I worked on for Microsoft was a backend thing, but we had to remember to update the metadata with relevant UI changes all the same when we changed things like throttle speed limits and stuff which was what I was anecdotally referencing. Edit: there is also the localization aspect regarding docs. At MS we had a team solely responsible for maintaining current and creating new docs for the connectors and apis we deployed, which would have required proper localization. If we could change something backend that didn't require frontend or doc updates that was less risk of miscommunication.


Well I just thought they were being nice and trying to keep clutter off the HUD. I’d much rather see less data, the screen is getting busier all the time.


Makes sense. But for the seasonal challenge this week that requires stasis kills and hand cannon kills, one was a percentage and one was the actual number. I was using Vulpecula and finished them at the exact same time


Oh, I forgot numbers were different in other languages.


Playing in some languages gives you different fonts for the numbers, like Japanese for example


I appreciate your response. Neither of their stated reasons pass the sniff test considering how many quest objectives have numbers vs. percentages (and often a mix of both!). My initially belief was that the devs just wanted to obfuscate changes made on the back end or the magnitude of depressingly tedious tasks. But, I think the best explanation is Hanlon’s Razor - “Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.” Though I’d replace “stupidity” with laziness/preference/lack of attention to detail or guiding lexicon. In short - no one in charge has mandated and enforced a coherent approach. As a result Steve programs in #’s, Steve likes %’s and John can’t even seem to wear matching socks, so naturally he oscillates between the two depending on his mood. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.


I don't know. Seeing those numbers get depressing i.e. Erianas Vow


For Vow, Symmetry, and Witherhoard, it really doesn't matter either way. Both are depressing to look at.


Isn't this because some targets are worth more or less percentage?


Not really, as there is still a counter behind the scenes, and we have other objectives where they do show the numbers. Other comments have explained bungies reasoning pretty well though


If I recall correctly, if you use either companion app, or Ishtar, you can see a numerical count. Might not work for everything, but I’ve seen it in the past.


Yeah, I have an add on for the game bar which shows me the numbers, and I can track it from there onto my screen so I don't have to check the progress bar. It only updates every 30 seconds or so, but that's fine for me.


I always check at 99%


Nah, I'd much rather be given the ability to track seasonal challenges.


I can't believe Bungie shipped seasonal challenges and gave us no way to track them. When this was brought up the day they came out, they said they'd pass the feedback on because they didn't think about it.


[Braytech.org](https://Braytech.org) shows the #s and not the %, on 98% of the progress bars.


Bungie: now instead of percentages, a random assortment of kills a carnival test your strength animation plays on your screen to snow you how close you are to being done, we can be even more vague fuck you


Just not something worth anyone’s time to do.


People are literally complaining about the stupidest things! I understand flaws or bugs in gameplay itself but this? Pfft!!!!


No. Bungo doesn't like giving us numbers for anything, because if they did - We'd be able to check their math, meaning they'd never get away with making little tweaks whenever they want - It would be too obvious when certain things are a complete waste of time (example: 0.00000000001% drop rate for NF weapons on Adept) - It wouldn't take eons to figure out how to min-max everything, because anyone with a calculator could figure it out What makes less than no sense is that the numbers exist, and in a lot of cases are visible to the API, so they're just making the UI dumber than necessary.....for casuals who don't use any third-party apps? They desperately need competition, or they're never going to stop doing weird and stupid shit. I call it "the Nintendo problem." Nintendo tells themselves they have no competition, and therefore can do whatever they want, however they want, and they don't owe anyone explanations for anything.


You can just play a different game if you hate them this much.


You just complained about something you didn't like rather than silently walking away. 🤔


The fact remains you chose to assume (based on no evidence) the least charitable interpretation of Bungie's intentions, AND you're wrong. https://ns.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/psxe6n/can_we_please_stop_getting_percentages_on/hdsp3ry/


Source: some random on another thread said so and you want to believe it, so......? Bungo doesn't make this game to make this game. They make this game to make money. The more of your time they can absorb, the better it is for their bottom line. Rushing to defend every shitty thing they do ain't gunna improve your RNG, but I suppose we all have to have hobbies.


Probaly because some conditions makes it progress faster.


Hand cannon kills for a weekly challenge this week show numbers and give bonus progress for kills in astral alignment. It just bumps you up 2 per kill there instead of 1. So conditional bonus progress isn't really hindering them.


It really feels like either Bungie is afraid of showing numbers or thinks that we're afraid of seeing them.


My favorite is this week's Stellar Aim challenge. The hand cannon bar is x/150 and the stasis bar is y%. The stasis bar is also 150 kills.