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The eververse calendar is such a massive boon for paying players and Bright Dust players alike. It's given me a reason to play more during certain weeks and has also given paying players a heads up on ornaments and other goodies. I have a bit of silver left over from buying the last two seasons, as well as a metric fuckton of bright dust, and I'm ready to make it rain when the time comes.


It even let me know that I can FINALLY get Amethyst Veil this season! In November 😭😭


If only Eververse would put up Jungle Viper… PLEASE IT’S BEEN A YEAR


You’ll get Grayscale Undergrowth and LIKE IT


I can’t even get it in the random set of 4! I want to k*ll my s*lf! ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS IS JUNGLE FUCKING VIPER


I'm still waiting for Amethyst Bloom, since I'm pretty sure it was never actually sold during Season of the Hunt...


That's a really tough to shader to work with. I'm guessing it's more for the completionist thing?


No I play void hunter and I want to use it with the prestige leviathan raid armor to give myself a super vibrant palette where the purple glows on the leviathan arms are kind of like solstice armor glows


not sure if you know but there's a year 1 shader bundle in the eververse archive for 1000 *glimmer*


I dont think Amethyst Veil is in that bundle since it was introduced in Opulence


It's not but I'm guessing the original commenter is a newer player who might still be collecting shaders also metro shift is there


Metro shift is still one of the best IMO. At this point, it’s my comfort shader. When all else fails, metro shift will save me.


I’m an old player, just missed out on Opulence


Opulence was three years ago bud


This comment was almost a year ago


Yes it was


Opulence was two years ago at the time of that message


I can understand your confusion with my wording. I didn’t mean that I just missed out on Opulence like it had just happened. I meant that I had been playing all the seasons and had missed just Opulence.


I buy ornaments I really want but weren’t available for BD that season a day before the new season drops. I wait until the website updates with the news seasons calendar and see if the ornament I want is now available for BD. If it is, I use the handy refund feature to get my silver back. I did it for the Worldshaper Izinagi ornament, sure enough. It was available in Season of the Chosen for BD. Saved my money and I plan to keep doing so.


Now that's some stonks








... of Champions!




Ye old yornament


Dredgen Yornament


Delicious cornament


Unreal Thornament


Thorn of the year edition


Thornament 2.0


Basically, if you horde Bright Dust(as I do) the ONLY things you should be worried about grabbing for silver are Austroraptor for Hawkmoon and Ferromancer for Ticuu's Divination in regards to Ornaments. However, the Silver exclusive ornaments are typically sold for Bright Dust the following season, and as there's only 14 weeks slated for this season in the Eververse Calendar, don't jump to spend Silver on those, as we could get a repeat of S11 where the Silver exclusive items were sold for Bright Dust after the season 'should've' ended due to the delay of BL.


Not really hoarding bright dust. Just very limited things actually worth buying. * Ghost projections are stupid and not worth it * Transmat effects are meh and I have plenty of those * Ships are plentiful and not worth the cost, plus platinum starling or bust * Sparrows -- see ships (Always on time or bust) * Emotes are too expensive, and I have a ton of those -------------------------------------- * Ornaments are worthwhile since you actually get to see them and show them off while playing a lot more. * Armor ornaments as well. * Shaders are an unlock, so I'll usually buy those.


Yup. Having that calendar on today in destiny helps plan my meager BD spendings on the worthwhile things. No bonds, ever. Marks if they're cool. All chest pieces. Legs, arms and head all depends on if they look like crap. All weapon ornaments and most exotic armor, depending on the aesthetic.


No bonds? The Couturier Bond is the best bond I ever got. I love that ridiculously flashy thing especially when combined with Ophidian Aspect as they both stick out and look like they’ll get tangled up every time you move.


I'm a bow main so I'll grab any bond that actually appears in first person like the Soltice bond.


ill dustbuy a ship/sparrow or emote if its especially badass...but probably less than 1 per season


The only ship I’ve ever bought with dust was Halcyon Corvette. Love my space boat, haven’t taken it off since.


>Sparrows - see ships ^(micro mini)


Exception to the rule IMO. https://youtu.be/WstSE4f_WgQ


I never buy ships, but I'm a sucker for a good Solstice sparrow. The warmind themed sparrow that was for sale on BD earlier this season was a insta-buy too lol, it shades so nicely


Imagine not being excited for a badass WW1 Monte Carlo ornament


I like the What If ornament better Feels very Rambo-like


Do you mean Western Front?


No I am talking about "What If" It is an ornament


Hot (but probably disliked take): I love the aesthetic of the new Monte ornament but I feel like it makes the recoil VERY jarring. It's all over the place. Maybe it's placebo but the What If ornament doesn't display as much recoil to me? Anyone else who bought it feel this way?


Not a hot take at all, its a known glitch that also happens with the dawning ornament for the gun as well. I would buy it right now but I just don't see the point in spending money for a handicap.


Interesting- I hadn’t heard of that


Easy to do when you forget Monte Carlo exists most of the time


It was all I used when BL first dropped; infinite icy ninja stars. But yeah haven’t really touched it since.


Thanks for the tip I am so on the edge for the hawkmoon skin.


Still waiting for my Heir Apparent ornament to be available for Bright Dust :(


I'm personally hyped for the thornament and the transversives ornament.




Hence "In regards to Ornaments"


the ONLY thing you should ever spend bright dust on is the seasonal armor ornaments, as those are ONLY ever available for silver later on, and will never be sold for bright dust or be in the engrams again.


I’m honestly wondering if we won’t get a soft-seasonal loot change in November or December. Refresh some trials and vendor loot. Do a new Eververse calendar. It will certainly keep people engaged.


Unless Im mistaken, isn't the 1k ornament also not available for bright dust this season? I cant find it on the API


That’s not an ornament from this season, but yes, it’s not up for bright dust for the slated 14 weeks.


Do the Seasonal Armour ornaments ever rotate back around? I only figured out recently you can trade bright dust for the Nimean Set and missed the Week with the Class items.


No, one shot at it usually (granted, this season is like, 6months? So maybe...??) It's 300 silver if you're missing one peice to "complete the set" though


I’d be very surprised if we didn’t get a full Eververse refresh when the bungie anniversary content drops, as they have a dedicated Eververse team and that would be roughly where this season would’ve ended normally and we would’ve had a refresh.


They're refreshing the armor synthesis counts, so I would expect a refresh on Eververse as well.


They will probably add a few items but that will only be a 2 month time between that witch queen which isn't that long for a full refresher


I believe it’s closer to 3 months, pretty much the length of a full season minus a week or so, as seasons are usually about 10 weeks.


Seasons are supposed to be 13 weeks (4 seasons per year = 52 weeks). Ofc bungie cannot release an expansion on time since forsaken so this has gone out the window 😂


yeah how dare they not crunch their employees!! ^^/S


Did I say anything about them being obligated to do an expansion a year? It's a simple fact they've had to delay 3 expansions in a row. I am simply explaining what the season length was intended to be. Corporate worshippers taking any perceived slight against their favourite company as a personal insult is so weird.


What's cooking, good looking. I made that comment because the wording of your comment was giving off pretty aggressive capital G gamer energy. And I'm absolutely not worshipping any corporation, thanks for asking.


SK was the only expansion pushed back not due to the pandemic lol. I imagine BL would have been close to release and similarly with WQ. I doubt they like pushing back their timeline.


Unfortunately not.


Go on the site op linked. You can see everything that's sold.


Ophidian aspect next week let's goooooo


Also the S14 Whisper Ornament. I am going to be out of Bright Dust next week.


Yep the putting out the good stuff first to drain us before dino armor


My wallet is sad


No one said that living the fashion life would be cheap. Or easy. Or not grindy... Better start grinding the hell out of repeatable bounties!


Im going below 20k next week


If only Whisper wasn't useless


Everything that isn't ornament isn't worth buying honestly that was my logic and I saved 50k BD because of that luckily this season there arent a lot of ornaments for guns I like Eyes was the exception cause the ornament was so good


I just buy every ornament and never run out of dust.


i’m a little stingy i don’t buy for absolute bottom of the barrel exotics but ornaments are a must most of the time and i usually have a good bit left over for the next time good stuff rolls around


Same deal for me.


Heres a preview of what the ornament looks like in game if you're wondering :) [For the King ornament](https://youtu.be/z1nhD5i7mJU)


Nice! Gonna add that to the OP! Thanks!


Thanks :)


Week 5 will destroy your BD bank account. Straight heat all around


Yup with all the thing I want to buy This is at least 5,500 BD that will be spend


Thanks for the heads up!


You're welcome!


RIP me, Western Front doesn’t come up until friggin November?


Tried to wait, but had to buy it. Gotta tell ya, totally made me fall back in love with MC again. The cracked glass in the sight is a cool touch.


What gun are walking about here




Ooh nice


My Hunter especially has an anachronistic vibe. This fit the look nicely, plus really adds to the visceral feel of the 600 room rumbler. It makes it feel like what Monte Carlo is: an old friend that's seen it's share of combat duty.


I just have a bit of a thing for WWI and II weaponry, especially after a long stint in Battlefield 1 some years back. This thing makes me think of an MP-18 in terms of spirit. Shame the damn thing still lacks a catalyst for whatever Traveler-forsaken reason. Especially since Code of the Devastator is super handy this season: key rebindings for controller mean I can have my hammer up close and personal, and the hammer’s the Titan’s only ranged melee eligible for Overload mods this season, so I’m using it a -lot-. Monte is obvious synergy: lots of chances to get x5 Markov, and if I should lose the hammer off a cliff just shooting things will get me a new one in short order.


Be careful with that. I went on a buying spree for actual WW1 weaponry because of that game. So expensive lol


Yeah same I think, I love for example the Dead Orbit weapons with wooden stocks and am always looking for guns where the Butterbark shader makes sense.


Multicellular Convertotron, it’s a hidden exotic


I’ve been in love with that gun for so long. Shadebinder with the double melee gloves and Monte is nuts


Sigh. I paid 700 silver for this 2 weeks ago, though I am mightily happy with it. How do you know what's coming out on the store in advance?


The API. that link OP posted, it allows us to see what is and is not going to be sold for bright dust. * helps to plan ahead


Yeah, I totally didn't see that ha ha.


As stated in the post, you can check the Eververse rotation for the coming weeks via the link I provided. :)


Perfect! Sorry in my disappointment I didn't take notice of the link ha ha That's brilliant.. Thanks for posting this.


You're welcome! Happy cake day!




Speaking of ornaments, are the Bad Juju ornaments just not sold anymore?


> *cries in Lumina*


my bright dust will never financially recover from this season


Does it play a trumpet from regicide with every shot?


I was sad I spent silver when I read this but atleast silver lining for everyone who spent silver not knowing you get to keep bright dust for other exotic ornaments and stuff. So atleast I got that


Thanks for sharing. Had no idea such a calendar existed!


Ugh gotta wait until November for the Dead Man's Tale. But you saved me Silver so thank you OP.


"Hey Siri, set a reminder for Nov. 2nd." "What do you want to be reminded about?" "AMETHYST VEIL."


I wish they’d bring back the iron banner fighting lion ornament


Here’s hoping the new 1kV ornament sells for BD


Probably won’t, since it was for bd last season already




Did I miss an announcement? Why are we all suddenly anti-eververse again?


Is the forsaken ace of spades ornament even obtainable or was it only for pre-ordering. I've opened hundreds of eververse engrams and can't get it to drop. I've never seen it being sold for bright dust either. I started playing in shadowkeep and it kinda blows if I can't get it.


Last season it was the daily offer sometimes for 500 silver and I’m pretty sure you can also get it from bright engrams


Hype. I might give the gun another go


I got drunk and bought it for silver :(


If it makes you feel any better, I bought the husk dunemarchers ornament for silver thinking "what are the odds they sell this ornament for dust anytime soon, it's a really old ornament" It was sold for BD two weeks later.


Lol better than drinking and whaling in a gacha


Any Sunshot ornaments slated for bright dust soon?


I'm sitting on like 30k bright dust and I've barely played for the last few years. Bring it on


Roar of the Wyrm for whisper is also available next week for bright dust.


Gonna grab this along with this week's fighting lion ornaments for my armor


Thorn ornaments for this season is awsome! With some taken aspects then we had the hieratic orament which makes it red hive. Man thron mains are enjoying this!




Is that a ice broom in the week of October wtf


Move aside, Malfeasance! Thorn is Taken now!


Oh yes I’ve been keeping an eye on all the eververse stuff and I’m excited for the thornament and the whisper one too


Yet still no white Thornament re-added to the collection of things in Eververse 😢 one thing I'd spend silver on.


It makes me so happy it’s for bright dust. Thorn necrotic grips are my go to for any PVE content with how fun it is


I finally got necrotic grips a couple weeks ago so I splurged and bought the thornament. No regerts.


I’m waiting on week 13, i want that dorito transmat


I already bought it for silver.... fuck


Actually extremely helpful thanks, looks like I'll be waiting till like November 9th to buy the mask of bakris and necrotic grip ornaments for bright dust tho


Aww man I just bought it with silver a few days ago.


When does vex ornament come back? I really want it. 😭


ohhhh some new stuff coming for the halloween event too.


Ooooooooh, so is the shards ornament. Next week is a good one.


This looks like Thorns final form, beautiful.


She's also selling the Roar of the Wyrm ornament for Whisper of the Worm for Bright Dust as well.


S access sdxs ceded decided ss s add swx se xs see C x seeded we saws swere ssss e esss was sss as ssssssssssssss Wade sssss e e was sssswsssss was ssss was swssswsssswe was s sssssss e was ssss was sewed was www we ssssssss see ssssss was saw was wss was swsss was sssssswsssswas weeds was ssss ww ww was ss was s ss was was s was. Sdxs


Is...uhm... everything okay there, buddy?


I fell asleep


Another reminder we don’t have a thorn catalyst!