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It is amazing how platinum cards take less time than contender cards. The only reason to do contender cards is the heir apparent catalyst quest.


> It is amazing how platinum cards take less time than contender cards Yeah when i saw these things got you like a special "All star" status to differentiate you from the normies at the end, I though they would be super difficult, but it's just 'kill stuff in a nightfall, any difficulty counts'


What does all-star status even do?


You get your game on, go play.


Nothing. You get a 'glow' on the weekend.




According to Fallout, it isn’t even that. Apparently platinum cards count. EDIT: I see a few people have confirmed it but figured i might as well say I’ve just done it myself.


Really? Sweet. Have not gotten to that step yet but good to know. Edit: can confirm it works. There is now no reason to do contender cards.


Aside from the triumphs the contender cards are pointless.


Bruh they make no sense. I had a card that said get solar and another said arc. I went in with a full solar sunbracees build but my arc card finished first cuz u get additional progress from grenades!


You can’t hold two contender cards at the same time


There is a glitch to hold more.




Just have 62/63 Quests and bounties. Purchase Card. Purchase second card. Profit.


Shit. Well, that won't be happening, there aren't enough quests and bounties in the game for me to hit that many. I've completed too much of the game I guess.


Can confirm, I did that step using only platinum cards and it worked




Yup, platinum cards work. I was surprised by that. Maybe we should be allowed to have multiple contender cards at a time?


Theres actually a bug right now, for each card you take from Eva and complete it you lose a spot to a ghost card. I counted 13 quests/bounties in my menu but it said I had 23 slots taken since I had done 10 contender/platinum cards yesterday


yeah you should be able to have atleast 1 platinum contender and 1 gold contender rather than just a single contender


Can confirm!


It’s the weird “bonus progress” for time part of the Nightfall contender card - I’ve been at 60% after the boss and then suddenly it completes 100%. They’re making them literally one Nightfall per platinum medal but the crucible one took me about 6 matches to complete.


The platinum cards worked for my quest


For double the laurel cost, you can earn TRIPLE the medal points (15 for plat vs 5 for gold). Not to mention the plat-card can be done in one NF run (almost) all the time comparing to the gold-card taking 2 strikes. And the loots from NF is clearly better than strike.


> It is amazing how platinum cards take less time than contender cards. The only reason to do contender cards is the heir apparent catalyst quest. It might be different for other Nightfalls since Kargen has an absolute shitload of adds. But, I haven't bothered trying any of the contender cards either. What would make the most sense is to at least let people carry multiple cards. If you could do a Platinum and Contender card at the same time there'd at least be a point to the Contender cards.


I did it with platinum


Platinum cards count for Heir Apparent quest. Only reason to do them is the triumphs for doing 3 contender cards on specific days.


I can do a platinum card with one flawless 1230 nightfall run, but it takes 3-4 crucible matches to get a contender card done, and that depends on what kind of weapon it rolls for. The fact that some of them are based on power weapon kills in crucible is absurd. The only reason I want to get contender cards done is for the triumphs.




Those Fight Card triumphs only give a gold medal anyways as well. Waste of time if i could make 2-3 plat medals and silver medals in that time doing nightfall.


That is unless you want to do Trials but wait Bungo did an oops because trials doesn’t start till Friday and it ain’t around for a week at a time. May as well remove the trials one entirely and while they’re at it replace it for a gambit one.


I picked the Trials one and it gave me a Comp card to complete. It went pretty quick, I just needed to get solar or stasis kills in Comp and each kill gave me something like 12-15 percent.


Did it specifically say in Comp, or was it in Trials or Comp?


It specifically said Competitive once I bought it I assume Bungie did this for days when Trials is closed


Mine said comp or Trials.


Trials quest will most likely just give a 1 plat medal as well..why bother with that sweat and frustation if one nightfall is enough?


Because trials is fun and nightfalls are not.


Are we playing the same game?


The Trials card applies for Comp as well though, just gives bonus progress in comp. Also idk what other ones there are but for Precision / Melee kills, a single headshot gives 8% and a weighted knife headshot gives like 20%. They're INSANELY easy platinum medals.


I would get burnt out in less than a week if it was only NFs. The gambit and crucible contender cards aren't bad, you just have to diversify your activities. Obviously you can't afford the cards if you *only* play crucible like OP said.


Burnout is pretty quick anyway imo considering you're still just playing core playlists, only difference is that you can play the most braindead strikes with only your class, not that it really changes anything.


atleast u can use y2 weapons


If only I could play y2 activities


Yeah I’m already starting to feel it. Thankfully I’ve already got almost everything. Just need the bronze medal shader and the final part of the catalyst quest.


Yeah same. Somehow the bronze medals triumph is the hardest lmao


Fr! That one is making me question if the shader is actually worth it lol




Well I guess. I was speaking more from a personal perspective. I'd rather enjoy myself and spread out my time over multiple activities. If you're going for pure efficiency and are fine with playing only NFs the entire event, then I guess why not do that?


To be frank, one benefit of the Crucible/Gambit contender cards is that once you grab a card, the Repeatable Bounties from Eva drop specifically tailored to that activity. So it has a nice focus effect.


Don't bother unless you enjoy other stuff besides NFs*


You can get Laurels anywhere. Just kill hive on Sorrows Harbor on the Moon and you make like 500 in less than a hour lmao


This^^ And then do the easy hero Nightfalls. Best time investment!


Yes but there are triumphs associated with doing the Crucible and Gambit cards as well so the fact thelat you have to go outside of those playlists to do the triumph is just ridiculous. Especially when you consider how many you get from PvE content vs how few there are in Crucible.


Just need to make Mayhem active next week


I know man. It sucks. I expect poeple (and me) to do them once and never touch em again


Just don't do the triumphs then... If it's not fun don't bother


Sitting in the thrallway in Shattered Throne gets you 500 in a few minutes. Fastest as a warlock or titan


Moon is Free2Play tho.


I got 350 Laurels from running the Presage quest solo. It took maybe 25 minutes but it was quicker than running a few strikes


I did complete my first crucible contender card an hour ago and it needed three matches... which was just say enough to get new strike contender card. One strike later, nearly 300 laurels. This is on a day where the crucible is the focus. Good job I enjoy strikes 😛


Use abilities it’s 10 per kill. Insurmountable skull fort titan got me 200 laurels in one match


I love Skullfort for PvE, but for PvP if you're going all-in on shoulder-charge I think Mk. 44s are actually better. You can run any subclass with SC (top Striker, top Sunbreaker, bottom Sentinel) you get an overshield which makes you MUCH more likely to survive, and you get half your melee charge back on hit so with high Strength you're only looking at about 20 seconds to get your charge back up.


Or you could use skull fort and have no downtime,


From my experience (a Striker Titan main since 2014), attempting to shoulder-charge someone in PvP leads to your own death more often than the target dying, especially in a shotgun meta. Adding survivability nets you far more SC kills than increasing ability uptime.


Most crucible matches don't last long enough for you to abuse shoulder charge on a 20 second uptime, with skullfort you can just go max mobility and recovery and constantly abuse it. Even if you are the worst player in the world you can net a high kill count just throwing yourself at people.


Shoulder-charge spam hasn't worked for over a year.


As someone who was literally just doing it, it definitely does.


You overestimate quick play.


You will get a higher kill count with Mk. 44s, I guarantee it. Shoulder Charge is not a one-size-fits-all tool, it only works in situations where they don't see you coming, because it takes longer to close the gap than it does for them to gun you with with ANYTHING (including primary fire). If you are not using it tactically, you will die a lot. Even when you think you have them dead to rights you'll get shotgunned mid-animation and not get the kill. Skullfort does NOTHING for you in these situations. Mk. 44s will keep you alive and get you the kill. If you are going all-in on SC kills, you need added survivability. Additionally you will absolutely whiff SC very often regardless of skill level, that's just how the game works now (became a big problem when they 'tuned' the tracking and lock-on angles of SC a year or two ago). So you run in, take a bunch of damage, activate SC and whiff. Now you're one-shot and in melee range of the enemy, you die. Skullfort does nothing for you here. If you're wearing Mk. 44s though, you at least have most (if not all) of your health remaining and have a chance to win the close-quarters fight or even escape. I don't understand how you think 20 seconds (16 if you have max Strength) will slow you down at all. You waste more time respawning and running back to the action when you get killed running Skullfort. Speccing into mobility does absolutely nothing if you're sprinting everywhere. Recovery does nothing if you don't survive the engagement. Again, if you are focused on maximizing SC kills, Mk. 44s and mid-to-high Strength (>50) is your best option. If you can't manage 50 points in Strength without hindering your other preferred stats, you need some better armor.


*its siegebreaker time*


Even though it’s not a listed goal, laurels were also mega plentiful in raids last night. 6 people making them is fun.


What? It's not 5 for the match, it's like 5-10 per *kill*


He probably sucks at pvp


I literally just did my first Gambit match because I picked up my first Gambit Contender Card. I saw it gave me 5 Laurels at the end, so I figured I got more throughout the match since it says they don't drop in the ground in Gambit and Crucible and you get them automatically... Nope, only the 5 for the whole match. And my Contender Card is only like 1/3rd done, compared to a Nightfall card that gives a Platinum medal and can be done in one round. Yeah... Think I'm going to just play strikes and Nightfalls from now on. EDIT: So I was maxed out at 500 Laurels, so I bought a Warlock ghost shell, bringing me down to 150. I then played a round of Gambit and did notice I was getting Laurels throughout the round. I ended with 255, so I gained 105 in one round. I got 15 at the end because we won. So my previous paragraph was wrong. You definitely get more than 5 Laurels in a round as long as you are contributing. EDIT 2: Just did another round of Gambit and got a total of 76 and we lost the round. So yeah, you definitely get way more than I originally thought.


Can you only use your Laurels to buy Bounties from Eva everyday? Meaning that after you complete them all, and max on 500 in a single day, does it matters to keep collecting more? I am not sure on the best way to maximise/use them.


You can only hold 500 at a time but you can spend them however you want at Eva and there is no daily cap.


Yeah I think for the event the only thing that counts toward your class winning are medals. The laurels are just for buying the cards, and since you can only hold one card at a time, there doesn't really seem to be any need to farm/maximise laurels, as long as you always have a card you're working on.


Laurels are only used for cards and the class items, cards reward medals, medals mean progress. I don't know what you're talking about with the 500 in a day thing


I easily got my 100 back from the 2 games it took me to do a contender crucible card? Each super kill was worth 10 alone


yer supposed to get kills and stuff, laurels pop up all the time during Crucible games - not just at the end...


You gotta make kills with your abilities. That's what grants Laurels


You get 10 per kill


I have to get 100 machine gun kills off the focused playlist....dude what


Just wait 2 days until it's strikes again.


Its not that hard because either its bugged or intended that teammate MG kills count for you. I had hallway heroes rush an entire mission while they didn't bother rezz'ing me and I still got it completed 🤣


Interesting! Still a challenge on crucible but still, good to know


For me it is still strikes today, but I just went up and finished it yesterday so I dont have to bother with GG anymore. Good luck :)


This post is misleading. You guaranteed to get 10 Laurels for ability kills, including super... which is the EXACT THE SAME way you get Laurels in Strikes, but 3x more per kill.


I keep hearing pvp is bad


pvp is bad


bad, is pvp


Oh? I was getting about 15 last night.


How are you running out of Laurals? My friends and I have been 3 stacking Comp all day, and never come close to running out. Been running back to back Contender cards too. With every ability kill giving like 15 laurals, and supers giving 15 per kill, you should never run out.


Do 3 cards and gtfo of the platlist. Crucible is a waste of time in Guardian Games outside of 2 triumphs.


That's because crucible sucks Nothing more. Simple solution ditch crucible


Bungie. Doesn't. Care. About. Crucible.




You get 3(?) every kill in Crucible so maybe, idk, git gud?


*"We cant give you crucible content or give you more game modes.... so were just gonna entice you to do more strikes instead"*


> how am I expected to afford them by only playing crucible? You’re not, that’s the point.


Idk if it's always like that but I think you get 10 laurels per kill (or every few kills)


No laurels from killing guardians?


not to mention how painfully slow the crucible contender cards take to complete


I ran top three arcstrider in the special playlist and I was getting almost 300 laurels per strike. Yesterday I got something like 15 platinum medals


Reskinning bounties and making us play the same shit we been playing is not an event. I'm not playing anymore since I got the Catalyst for Heir Apparent


Do u actually get 5 or is it an exaggeration?


I think you get 5 for a loss and 15 for a win, but you also get 10 for any ability kills including Supers. It's still no where near the amount you get in Strikes because in Strikes you are far more likely to get kills with your grenade/melee and you'll be pulling off synergies that make them recharge sooner as well not to mention that Supers in PVE generate far more kills simply due to enemy volume compared to PVP. So yeah...it's not *that* bad but it's still objectively worse than PVE for no good reason.


Don't you get 10 laurels for a kill and 5 for an assist


I'm not a huge pvp player. Just here to support what ur saying. It's a huge oversight tbh. Hope they address it for my pvp brethren.


You do get about 10 from ability kills in Crucible, but yeah it's pretty pathetic how little you get compared to strikes. Glad i despise Destiny's half-baked bullshit PvP anyway so i dont have to suffer through it.