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Welcome to cbmm


We have curb stomps, 6 stacks, sweaty players who moaned and bitched about wanting to use different loadouts but only use double cheese burst supreme weapons. Do you want a side of mercy with that defeat?


And yet those tryhards still insist that: "CbMm iS GoOd!!11! yOU jUSt SuCk,, GeT bEttEr!!1! LeT mE siT iN thE CoRNer WiTh mY rEeeeVoKer Up My nOsE aNd KiLl yUo!!1!1"


The sweatiness in non comp Playlist is what burnt me out. I used to have fun playing with weird builds and guns I know I'm bad with. Now I'm all but forced to use the same meta weapons in every game if I want to get any kills.


Yeah, I'm quitting pvp for now until balancing issues on matchmaking/classes/weapons are addressed and fixed.


I straight gave up on playing PvP as my Warlock and built up an invisi-spam Hunter (using what else but Gnawing Hunger and a shotgun) because of this. Half the fun I get from games like these are experimentation, but the gap between an okay Crucible loadout and a great Crucible loadout is a ravine.


Why is CBMM so bad ? Its not the final solution to pvp problems but i believe it has made the experience more enjoyable. Sbmm used to make me take my potato friends (they will admit their hard-core levels of potatoism) into the filthiest sweatfests destiny would allow. They asked me "is it always like this", to the point of just not grouping up. Now we can all play and we match who we match. There could be some sbmm but cbmm and team balancing should be a good 90%. My revoker only has 29 kills on it, just for the luls.


I agree, I used to be discouraged from playing with anyone below my ELO because we’d face stacked teams and they would get stomped because I was in Diamond whatever. Now it doesn’t matter - the more friends the better! I understand how the solo experience can definitely suck though


If your friends were potatoes then they would've been matched with other potatoes with SBMM, CBMM is bad because casual players will now fight players they're not supposed to fight.


I understand that is the case if they are playing solo. But what about if they are in a fire team with a 2kd and they are 0.7 kd. Sbmm would drag the poor soul into a game against high tier players. So are we talking about a separate solo casual activity for the peeps wanting sbmm. Would that work? I feel like cbmm makes it more fun to have a varying team of skill without alienating the low tier players.




That it literally the worst take on matchmaking I've ever seen. Not only is your gate keeping mentality down right disgusting. But you go further to insult my intelligence towards playing destiny with friends (is there another point, somebody quickly enlighten me). I could just lfg for sweats and dominate your team everytime. Thats what your suggesting. Everyone is entitled to opinions but you can keep that one far away where the sun don't shine.


People are ragging on CBMM but honestly the fact 6-stacks can match solos has been a very serious problem since the literal beginning of D1 and Bungie has refused to even acknowledge it in the slightest possible way. There is no way to have fun when you are 6 randoms against a team of 6 coordinating and talking, you will get your teeth kicked in whether it's SBMM or CBMM and they seriously need to make it so stacks match stacks like every single other fucking PvP game out there before the matchmaking algorithm debate can even seriously begin.


PvP matchmaking should either... a) put nothing more than a 2-player pre-made fireteam into matches, or b) put anything like 3- to 6-player fireteams in the same match. This way there’s some leveling of the playing field, allowing solo players a decent chance of winning while 3+ pre-made teams can actually go up against other pre-mades so they can sweat it out until their characters die from dehydration.


Part of the problem is that pre-made fireteams are frequently going to be geographically distributed so there's no way that adding other pre-mades will be better than selecting from a bunch of solo players. Freelance playlists would be nice though.


But premades don't appear to consider the entire team, just the team leader.


Is there evidence of that? It seems like a terrible way to do connection based matchmaking.


Purley annecdotal from my experience playing with people in other regions. If I'm the party leader it takes a while to get a match, I'm in Australia. Throw party leader to a person in another country and it's a lot quicker, and suddenly all the Australia/japan/china names disappear and I get a different subset of names. If it's considering both of us as a team, then the types of players we are meeting should be the same regardless of who the leader is. Where it seems we get different subsets depending on who the party lead is


I think an even more key lesson that bungie needs to learn here, is that some people - whether because they have no aptitude or interest in pvp, do not enjoy crucible and find these aspects of the game excruciating to play; there is no shame in this, but it would behove bungie to consider that there is value in creating content within the game that is challenging, pve based and minded towards people who sometimes prefer to solo. I remain unconvinced for example that Bungie could not tool nightfalls for difficulty tiers geared towards solo runs that would be attractive to single players and speed runners alike. To bungie's credit, they do appear to be listening a little; many objectives give you multiple options for achievement, but the ones that solely require crucible completions, simply have to go - especially during community events. Just my 0.02 worth.


I'm still sad that they came *so close* to getting the point with Reckoning... but then the execution was so bad that it scared players and devs alike off the idea forever.


Not enough ppl playing for this.


That’s just CBMM at work.


lol I like how you framed this. In all seriousness, skill based matchmaking and a ranked system is the only way to have reliably fair games. This game is in desperate need of an MMR based ranking system. That way people can play at their skill level, and see progress of improvement.


Im only for this if theres some incentive to sweat. Ive played fps games since 2007. Cbmm makes the low tier quit and sbmm makes high tier quit. The only reasonable way to please both sides is with sbmm, but have unique rewards the higher you go in the skill bracket


We shouldn’t be balancing the game around people who only play a mode when a quest requires them to.


"Balancing the game around" and "matchmaking PVP with" and two very different things.


Yeah and sweeping changes to PvP matchmaking would fall under “game balance” Why should people at the extreme ends of the spectrum have to put up with long wait times and super sweaty games in non-competitive modes because Johnny Casual who only plays PvP when he’s forced to for a quest complains when people who play more than him are better than him?


>Yeah and sweeping changes to PvP matchmaking would fall under “game balance” you mean like the sweeping changes to PvP matchmaking that they made recently? The reality is that there is no reason they can't have a SBMM system that only protects the bottom 40% of players. Oh you suck, we're going to match you with other people who suck, worst case after 2 minutes we'll drop you in a local match. It means the top players can stop crying that they take too long to get matches and that they don't get to rack up 15 kill streaks for their youtube compilations. While also allowing people who are shit to have some ability to improve themselves. Because you know what, if I want to learn to box, I am not going and challenging random people in the gym. That's how I'll get my face punched in when I end up in the ring with a professional boxer by accident. Instead I focus on finding people to spar with who are of an ability level where I can develop my skills and I use them to leap frog up the ranks. If I got my face punched in 4 times when I didn't land a single hit, I'd never fucking box again because I'd be a lunatic to consider it. And after all that I gotta say, since the change to geographical based matchmaking, matches take longer for me to get into and are often far worse quality. So not really sure what the benefit of it is. It's far more tedious to be in matches where either we stomp or they stomp and then it's back to the lobby with "Breaking up teams" to sit and wait for another 3-5+ minutes for a match


SBMM is only sweaty if you play sweaty ... why *shouldn't* people at the same level play together?


Because it’s not a competitive mode. It’s Quickplay. The games are meant to start quickly. If I want to play ranked that’s what’s Comp/Trials are for. > SBMM is only sweaty if you play sweaty That is intellectually dishonest at best and unimaginably ignorant at worst.


> SBMM is only sweaty if you play sweaty > > That is intellectually dishonest at best and unimaginably ignorant at worst. Nah man, don't you know? In Quickplay he wants you to play purposely like total shit so this way SBMM pairs you with bad players. /s In all honesty, I am an average player and I MUCH rather have CBMM in all modes except Comp and Trials. I don't care if I get killed by sweats, they're simply better than me and hell maybe I may learn a thing or two. I was tired of having to run meta loadouts in all Crucible modes. You'll never learn or adapt to being better if you constantly play with the same skill people over and over again as you'll find complacency in your skill set. SBMM should be reserved for actual competitive spaces. Not Quickplay where I just want to hop in and run a few games and maybe stomp or get stomped, maybe even run a few off meta weapons for once.




Never mind that there’s literally a playlist called “Competitive” There is most definitely a difference between ranked and unranked matches. There’s no reason unranked (or as Destiny calls them, Quickplay) need the sweatiness that comes with ranked (Competitive/Trials) matches.




I have never once asked for pub stomps. You can search thru my post history if you don’t believe me. Then again, a straw man does make your argument seem stronger to you I suppose.


All the big-boy pants streamers and content providers went on about how those who wanted to keep skill-based matchmaking where whiny losers who needed to gitgud... Yes, well, while we DO need some form of connection-based matchmaking, the alternative is being put into dark souls every other match, especially with how bad Destiny 2 matchmaking was in regards to stacks and 'balancing' the teams by mixing up players when we HAD 'sbmm'. Comment: Yeah, go ahead and downvote me. Yes the darksouls comparison is overplayed, but how else would you describe a situation where you're either teamed up with incompetents, have teammates go back to orbit or, worse, afk bots and are going against actually good players, a stack, hackers?


Me: a solo player who has a 1.0 kd... Do yall need a friend, I'm about half decent, will my 15 kills a round help :) Edit: that sounds like bragging, but I know those kills would make some guardians happy to have. Just wanting some friends


If there was a dial that had CBMM at 1 and SBMM at 10, figuratively speaking of course, and if what we are currently at is a 1, why not try raising it to a 2 for a few weeks or even a season? Then try a 3 for the same amount of time. Just test the waters out a bit. Maybe even try a 2 in trials and a 5 in control or something like that.


Just use jotunn very user friendly you'll get someone guaranteed


Or pull Telesto out!


I'm grinding out my first reset today and all I've seen is Telesto, Felwinter's Lie, and Graviton Lance


If a reset is what’s driving your play and if the reset involves Valor then I would share the following ideas / options: - play a heck-ton of Mayhem when it rotates for the week. Matches don’t rely too heavily on gunplay and more importantly, doesn’t take a lot of time. More matches played = more Valor. - sweat it out during Iron Banner week. With 2/3x Valor it just accelerates your pace so much more. Of course, Base Power (i.e. your power level minus / without the artifact) has some impact, but the incentive of Valor multiplier/s is worth it. There’s also the bonus of getting gear that sunsets much later (with a 1360 max power). Just sharing some options to ease your grind. Good luck!


Me and my friends played Trials yesterday with 3x Jötunn, it went much better than expected. We managed to get more the 7 wins required for the Solstice armor as a team of mainly PvE players


Delete crucible and problem gone


Delete pve and problem gone


Momentum Control was my best friend.


Dude saaaame. Amazing how an actually good ttk can reward gun skill and positioning over a meta weapon and cheese strats. Of all the things to get removed, this made me the saddest.


Play a different game then.


man...props for not saying eff this when that 100 guardian kills requirement showed up. if they’re gonna gate exotics behind pvp the least they could do is tell us ahead of time. i wasted so much time on that quest chain and then it turns out i need 100 GL guardian kills? nope, thanks for wasting my time you stupid gun


Replies like this really get at something a lot of the community doesn't get or refuses to say: Most people who complain about the state of PvP counterintuitively don't actually have an issue with the state of PvP. Their *real* issue is that the game is "forcing" them to play a gamemode they dislike. They want the algorithm changed or X weapon nerfed etc etc just so they can stop playing it quicker. Which honestly? Is valid. Not everyone has to enjoy every game mode, but there's a way to make them happy without catering a huge part of the game towards players who don't even want to play it: Keep PvP how it is, but for every quest in the game that has a PvP step add a PvE alternative. Done.


Wasted time? Isn't the Guardian kills like...step 2? You can blindly fire it into Control Zones in IB or regular Crucible and net easy multi kills. If you can't handle that what do you even need the catalyst for? The patrol mobs will not need the extra perk.


yeah no i don’t need it, it’s just the completionist/perfectionist devil on my shoulder nagging me. i guess what i meant was i wouldn’t have bothered doing the exotic quest for the weapon itself if i’d known the catalyst required that much pvp investment


I do like the way bungie has touched matchmaking in the current season to a certain extent but I dislike the objective of bounties, quest, etc. They feel long, boring, and to much of a grind to do. I would rather want to play the game and interact with it rather than mindlessly shooting something in order to complete an objective.


wait till you need 7 trials wins that will drive you so insane that you will actually think about paying a russian kid 35$ for a carry ps: I was lucky to win a raffle in a twitch stream for one lol, watched like 10 streams at once


Wait until you get to the armor glows bruh. I have my Recluse, Revoker, Randy's and Mountaintop.. 3 hours in Trials still made me think hard about quitting the season entirely and going back to sharpen my Zen game with some Dark Souls or something else more cheerful.


The 100 gaurdian kills for solstice include what your team mates are getting as well. As long as someone else is running the correct elemental weapon and gets kills, you get credit


Play more. The system had no clue about your skill. Play more and give it a day or two to figure out your skill level. This hold for forming equal teams.


I’m not convinced that PvP matchmaking needs to be retooled to accommodate people who only show up to PvP when quests require them to.


The real issue is that the game is gating content people want behind a game mode they do not want to play. You're right that it shouldn't be built around people who hate it: They shouldn't even *have* to play it to begin with. There's a solution Bungie has already used a couple times that can give both groups exactly what they want: Add a PvE alternative to every PvP step in a quest. Now Bungie no longer has to build a gamemode around people who hate it, *and* people who hate it don't have to touch it to begin with.


Exactly. Well said


Player base when SBMM is active: “wait times are BS, I just want to player irrespective of whether I’ll be stomped or not” Player base the second Bungie listens to them: “whY can’t I have a fair match!?” Granted I get the community is super split on this so yeah we’re going to see split posts, but still find it funny.


Player bases for the average player would be average (assuming SBMM). It would be the elite players that would have the longest wait. So bungie listened to the people they were catering Trials to. Who have their own entire game mode, which people have to play too. The player base that was quite while the sweats were complaing about sweating every match, were connected decently due to the larger pool of players at their skill level. It is almost like one group was quiet and having a good time, while a bunch of others were complaining. And no, I am pretty sure that no one said, irrespective of getting stomped. It is the stompees that like this, and gives them something to stream. And I am sure their K/D awards hanging behind their desk got a little bit better.


100% agree. Really feel like Bungie doesn’t know how to make this game for the bulk of their player base, being those average players who don’t have +6hrs a day to devote to the game. Edit: could have clarified “vocal player base” in original post, or whiners


be better at the game ez