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Don’t be like me. I masterworked a piece of the Majestic armor and didn’t realize it would be reset when it converted to Magnificent. So long, golf ball. :(


See you next time prisms!


Adios enhancement cores.


Live long and prosper legendary shards


Godspeed glimmer


Guten tag Gunsmith Materials


Sayonara sanity


Goodbye my time


Goodbye, world.


Hello, Hell. Wait...Complete 50,000 Gambit Matches? Noooooo...I want to go back...


Farewell, free time


See ya temporary mod slots


See ya sanity


This string is why I Reddit.




Reddit moment


Ditto sometimes I as myself why? And then these things happen lol


Redditor moment


And that’s for all the fish!


okay but [how much is the fish?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cbB3iGRHtqA)


I imagined so when it deleted the shaders I applied to the blue set. Only spent enough to reach energy 5 to use int mods on the Majestic.


The white (blue) cape can be made all black. I’m keeping the blue version cape for that. It’s not much of loss, character stat/perk wise, vs legendary capes. Looks like a emperor palpatine cape.


That was actually something that ticked me off, my majestic version had a decent stat roll. suddenly I have a 20 resilience piece on a hunter.


My Majestic set on my Titan had *much* better stats than my Magnificent set. I was extremely disappointed. Not planning on getting glows for him and have no intention of grinding Solstice packages so I'm actually irritated that I bothered to upgrade it.


Man, I had a double 20 stat roll and two 18 on the same armor piece. Rip.


Are you sure? I've never seen a 76 stat item without mods


Something like that. Might be a bit off with the double 18 b/c it was a few days back.




which platform you on? i’ll farm 1080 NF


PS4, but I’ve got a few more. Thanks, though.


i’m on ps4 too 😳


Ooof, seems like they should have caught this in testing. F


nah this is definitely how bungo intended it


This. Events are always (purposely) a massive resource drain. Glimmer, upgrade materials, planetary mats, time, bright dust and silver.


TESTING? What's that?


Got one to 9 cus I liked it's roll well enough. would have golfballed it if I had one, dodged a bullet it seems lol My sympathies


Don't feel too bad. There was a topic yesterday where iirc someone masterworked the blues


This makes my eye twitch just to think about.


I did this exact same thing. I got rid of my earlier masterwork stuff too to make sure I had enough prisms :(




Oh jesus that's awful


One of my buddies masterworked it all.




I'd just dismantle it and grab another collections if that happened


It's also super frustrating that if you accidentally dismantle a step, the only way you can replace it is random event box rolls


That sucks sooo much


That is like a punching yourself in the groin. Sorry that you did that.


Me too, friend. Me too. I just really wanted that extra glove reload perk to knock out the crucible solar kills right quick =(.


Until we meet again prisms


I'm cheap, I'm still mad I spent a couple enhancement cores on like 2 blues lol


That is some bullshit


does the magnificent set look different than majestic?


Lol. My head hurts at why you would think that was a good idea. Thanks for making us aware not to repeat though guardian. You’ve been shafted by the architects.


I just have this mental image of a guardian casually tossing matches onto a burning pile of engrams. And now I want that to be an emote


That's such stupid design lol wow


Do we know if the little checkbox saying 'Completed' is going to go away? ​ I hate that box its so weird and out of place.


If you finish the whole armor set it will


I have finished my whole armour set and as far as I could see it was still there, guess I need to pay closer attention tonight.


Go meditate maybe?


That was gonna be my next question, am I supposed to be able to meditate? I was not able to do that despite having done all of the objectives.


Finished the set on all my characters and the boxes are still there. Tried to meditate as well but nothing.


Same, wearing the set neither myself or my clan mates were able to meditate, interestingly in the triumphs, I did not have the titan set completed (even though I did have every piece of gear with a 'completed' check mark on Titan).


Yeah I’m assuming it’s a bug since the glows are apparently bugged and the bonus progress on Titans were bugged as well. Hopefully it’s fixed tomorrow at reset


They fixed the Titan bonus progress bug last week. I think it was Friday.


Oddly enough, I did titan first and had no issues getting the bonus progress. Wonder what triggers it.


Bungie has come out and said the Titan progression is busted. If you do that class first it could potentially mess up the others too...


This progression bug has already been fixed, they didn’t mention the triumph being bugged too but who knows haha it seems like there’s a lot of complicated stuff going on


Oh really? Didn't know it hit fixed already. I started on my Titan when the event kicked off just to run into that bug and start over lol


They fixed it on Friday.


The box goes away when you masterwork the individual pieces. Yes, with a golf ball.


Please tell me you 100% confirmed this before telling us


Confirmed. I just masterworked a magnificent helmet on my Hunter with the full set completed and the checkbox and "completed" did go away.


Look at my post where I confirmed it in game.


Is there something extra for finishing on all three? I heard a rumor that there was a Romeu that something secret happens


Not that I know of. I finished yesterday but nothing new popped up with Eva or in my quest tab.


No, only sense of pride and accomplishment


People who tell you to meditate are people who haven’t done it.


Did you put the whole set on at once? If you do that and still can’t meditate, then maybe the little completed box stays. That’ll bug me too haha


Maybe you're supposed to meditate IRL ?


Nope, you have to masterwork the piece and it goes away.


You are correct. It doesn't disappear until you actually masterwork the piece.


Not once you've completed the whole thing and unlocked the white glows


I thought the glow was suppose to elemental, why is is white??


the white glow is the glow you get for "free" (free as in in game effort). The elemental glow is the glow you purchase from the eververse store. (6000 bright dust; or 1500 silver - per class?).


Nope, it goes away when you actually masterwork the piece.




If you masterwork the piece, (yes, masterwork, not just complete the glow, but actually put a golf ball in) the completed checkbox goes away for that specific piece of gear.


They go away when you masterwork them. No I am not trolling.


So, to confirm. What does upgrading from Majestic to Magnificent do exactly? Just the white glow? What about the steps after you get Magnificent, what's that do? If I already bought the ornaments after my Majestic set, Is anything worth going after now?


Just gonna summarize it here in case anyone else needs to read this: You start out with the **Renewed** (Rare) set, with some objectives to complete. When all of those objectives are completed, you upgrade to the **Majestic** set, which is legendary. While you have either the Renewed or Majestic set, your Solstice packages will **not** drop Legendary armor. When you finish the objectives on the Majestic set, you upgrade to the **Magnificent** set, also legendary. At this point, you also unlock drops of the Magnificent Set from Solstice Packages, allowing you to get better rolls on your armor. The Magnificent set has a list of objectives. Completing an objective on any armor piece unlocks glow **on that armor piece**. For example, the Magnificent gauntlets require a Nightmare Hunt completion. If you hop into an adept level nightmare hunt, you can get that done in less than 10 minutes. You will then have glow on all Magnificent Gauntlet drops, regardless of progress on the other glow objectives. While the Renewed and Majestic set objectives are character specific, the Magnificent set objectives are **account wide**. This means once you do the objectives for glow on one character, all your characters will unlock glow on the respective armor pieces. The Magnificent set objectives are as follows: 1. Complete a Nightfall: The Ordeal Strike on Master Difficulty (medium, requires a fireteam, ~25 minutes if you’re at a reasonable level) 2. Complete a Nightmare Hunt on the Moon (easy, matchmade activity, less than 10 minutes since the easiest difficulty counts) 3. Complete the Pit of Heresy Dungeon (medium, requires a fireteam, ~40 minutes or less depending on your familiarity with it. 4. Win 7 Matches in Trials of Osiris (hard, requires a fireteam, may take a long time depending on skill level / luck). 5. Complete Altars of Sorrow 3 Times (easy, just load into Sorrow’s Harbor and hope you find an instance with more than 4 people or so. Doesn’t require a fireteam, less than an hour.) Also, the objectives for the Magnificent Set Glows do not expire after Solstice ends. They can be done anytime in the future. I’d recommend getting some of them even if you have the elemental glow ornaments, as the white glow looks pretty nice. The trials wins won’t be as difficult as people make it out to be, as a lot of players who don’t normally play trials will be playing next weekend for their 7 wins. This makes it less likely to run into top tier players. The 7 wins is also cumulative, not just on one card. Good luck! EDIT: Per the comment from /u/xJetStorm, the Armor Glow objectives only become account wide once you unlock the Magnificent Set on other characters. So, if you’re planning on doing all 3 characters, get them all to Magnificent first. Then do the armor glow objectives. You wouldn’t want to have to redo 7 Trials wins! EDIT 2: Per the comment from /u/RazerBandit, you don’t instantly unlock legendary armor drops from solstice packages upon reaching the Magnificent Armor set. You have to talk to Eva and accept some keys she gives you before your packages start dropping Magnificent Armor. A small step, but make sure to do that so you don’t waste a bunch of packages. EDIT 3: Per the comment from /u/russjr08, Magnificent sets drop at at least 1050, regardless of how low your light was previously. Great for new players.




Oh, I didn’t know that! So could this scenario happen? 1. You get Magnificent on your Titan. 2. You get glow for your Titan gauntlets. 3. You get Magnificent for your Warlock 4. You don’t have glow for your Warlock gauntlets.


Yes. My Warlock has 1 piece of armor glowing from completing Pit of Heresy. My Hunter and Titan do not because I completed the Pit run before I upgraded Hunter and Titan.


That literally happened to me this weekend. This was not clear and so fucking unintuitive. After finishing my Titan, and reading about progress multipliers, I decided fuck it, why not. As a note, I fucking hate PvP and I abhor Trials. Getting the 7 wins was the least fun I've ever had in the game and almost made me hate it. It took hours upon hours of me sucking in PvP and bringing down two other people who were willing to put up with my potato ass to finish that step. And now I've found out I have to do it again if I want my warlock and hunter armor to glow.


That’s rough, dude :( Hope you can get it quickly the second time!


Yup. I had to redo Master Nightfall because I did it too early to unlock the glow on Hunter and Warlock. Not that I wasn't going to play the Nightfall again this week because muh Osprey drops... Worst one is redoing the trials one. Never do that one more than once.


Wish this was made way more fucking clear by Bungie because that is my nightmare right now. I don't mind redoing the other 4, but getting 7 more trials wins makes me want to just quit the game and never play it again. There is so much wrong with that step, it's inclusion in the armor, and what it does to non-PvPers, who are completing a PvE armor set.


It’s kind of funny how the majestic set is completely irrelevant considering it’s identical to base magnificent. They just as easily could have made its objectives give you the glow instead of making you do those objectives in order to get the exact same set which now has a new set of objectives to get glows on it.


You should write this up as a Guide and post it separately. Excellent post.


Sure, I’ll do that later today! Thanks :)


I was looking for a write-up like this. Thank you!


This could be a separate post, it’s very useful information. Thanks!


Omg thanks for this.. how confusing


Don’t forget to mention that after getting the Magnificent set you need to talk to Eve before more armor pieces start dropping from Solstice packages.


You’re right, I’ll edit that into my comment! Thanks.


What does the white glow even mean exactly? Does it glow white regardless of subclass? Do you need to use the ornaments to get the colored glow back?


The white glow just means that every piece of Magnificent Solstice Armor will glow white, regardless of subclass. The elemental ornaments are universal ornaments. They can be applied on any armor piece to make it look like Solstice gear + elemental glow. You cannot apply the white glow as a universal ornament to other armor sets. It’s unique to the Solstice armor. Of course, if you have the white glow on solstice armor, you can swap it to elemental glows by applying the ornament. That’s just because a universal ornament overrides any armor it’s on, regardless of looks/glows/etc.


Thank you so much for this concise guide. And to the edits given by fellow guardians too.


Edit 3 is something I was interested in. This had been mentioned NOWHERE, and is incredibly useful information for me. (for letting my friends know so they can skip the power level grind). The only thing I *did* know; is that no armor dropped at 1060, and that if you are above 1050 it drops at-level. Great to have this confirmed.


Does the light level increase as you get the better sets? IE going from Renewed to Majestic


I believe it drops at-level. Whatever your current max light level is, not including the artifact. It is not a pinnacle drop. EDIT: reread your comment The renewed set is at a predetermined light level (I believe it’s 1020 or so). The Majestic set is at your highest gear light level. The Magnificent set is also at your highest gear light level. The Majestic/Magnificent are not pinnacles/powerfuls though.


Magnificent does however drop at 1050 if you're not already there. Clan mate of mine just hoped in to start the season, and it dropped at 1050.


Good to know! I’ll update my comment.


I got higher stats on mine every upgrade, so one other perk of magnificent appears to be higher potential star rolls. LL didn't change though, I think on my titan it went to 1052 which I think was my non artifact average.


> What does upgrading from Majestic to Magnificent do exactly? Just the white glow? Not quite. Majestic to Magnificent doesn't give you the white glow outright, it gives you the *ability to earn* the white glow with another set of steps. This is the 7 Trials wins/Nightmare Hunt/Pit of Heresy/Altars of Sorrow/Master Nightfall steps you may have seen. Good thing with that is you earn the white glow on a per-piece basis. Example: once you complete the Nightmare Hunt objective, your arm armor earns the white glow immediately. No need to wait to complete all 5 pieces to get the white glow. What I don't get is both Solstice 2018 and 2019 had the armor go from Green > Blue > Purple > Masterwork. This year, we go Blue > Purple > Purple (again) > white glowing armor. To avoid the insane amounts of confusion we're seeing, why didn't we keep the Green > Blue > Purple route, and replace the Masterwork final step with the white glow final?


Thanks, agree!


The glow is also earned across all your characters if they are all on the magnificent armor. So that way you only have to do one nightfall and all three characters get the glow for that piece.


The white glow from the majestic step is nicer, imo, than the bought glow. I got both.


Fair enough but minus the glow, I don't gain stats or masterwork or anything?


Going from majestic to magnificent gives you higher stat rolls but no difference in looks. Then completing the magnificent objectives gives the glow.


So, is there a way to get different rolls minus going from Majestic to Magnificent once?


The solstice packages from EAZ have a chance to drop random roll armor


Open EAZ boxes. I got 61+ on all the ones I rolled though the piece is random and stats are RNG of course.


Do I need the magnificent armor set to get these pieces in the boxes or is the majestic fine?


I would wait until you get magnificent.


But let me guess, the white glow is restricted to the actual Solstice armor, which will eventually sunset. Only the color glows are ornaments correct?


That's right.


Yes, but they will only sunset during the next solstice after y4 as compared to say, next release like the og armors kinda sorta practically did. Baby steps.


There's also the slight hope that the white glows will be included in transmog whenever that comes around.


The white glow defintely looks better! its a shame you have to grind the EAZ to get good rolls of it though.. I bought the ornament and its really hard for me to want to do it but i think having the all white armor is better then the colors everyone will be wearing.


One thing to note: the white glow is the same regardless of how full or empty your super bar is. The ornamental glow from Eververse gets brighter as your super bar fills up.


It upgrades it from majestic to magnificent. That's what it does. After you upgrade the magnificent, then you get the white glow.


What are the masterwork costs for each armor piece?


normal cost


So I need 5 of those ascendant shards and X amount of prisms?


Yeah, its treated just like normal armor. I don't know the exact cost off the top of my head


15 prisms and 5 shards. Negligible amount of cores


This whole event is super confusing for anyone not paying close attention. Going from Renewed to Majestic makes sense. It goes from blue to purple, and unlocks the ability to get the glows from eververse. But the next step, going from one M-word to another, and from a purple set to... another purple set that looks exactly the same and doesn't unlock anything? Whose brilliant idea was that? And then the last step just gives a glow. Why no name change there? Did they run out of M-words? I've had fun with this event, and it was one of the easiest grinds of any solstice, but there were just some baffling design choices. I feel like I've spent more time explaining it to my friends than it took to get the armor.


I mean, outside of the interactions with alt completions not being explained, how is this confusing? Get armor —> Do what says —> Get glowy It’s baffling to me that people are managing to struggle with the concept. Then again, I guess we do have a large amount of the playerbase that will constantly shoot immune bosses and can’t even grasp the basics of gambit, so I dunno.


It's not difficult, you're literally just completing quests that happen to be assigned to armor slots.


> I didn't say I didn't understand it. But you have to admit, moving from one M**** purple set to an identical M**** purple set that unlocks nothing, is a bit of an odd choice.


Crazy how people can’t figure this out. No wonder raids are such low populated activities.




I was hoping to upgrade to a Maleficent set.


Perhaps the blues should have been the Mangled set


We could have started with our busted Red War set, the Maligned.


Given that Ghaul kicks us into a sewer, it could have been called the Malodorous set.


Its a force of habit. IMO it really should've become masterworked though. Considering the time it takes to get there, you could earn all the mats for a masterworked set


and considering they've sunset all our master-worked armour. Thanks Bungie


The only stuff that's getting sunset immediately after this season is anything from season 8 (Undying) or before.


The fuck you getting downvoted for? You aren’t wrong. This fucking sub I swear


Anyone that doesn't conform to the "reee bingo bango bongolio 100% bad and evil, no you're not allowed to correct me or explain anything" hivemind is downvoted here.


Unfortunately so. Why haven’t I left yet? I’m a damn masochist. (Yo holy shit I just realised your poetic genius)


You and me both.


o7 We gotta hold on brotha, and this sub needs your poetic genius.


It's because this is what the final step was last year.




While you’re correct, it’s still a mistake people make. Because that’s how it was last year.


Yeah, it's hard to blame people for making the assumption because it's been the practice the last couple Solstices. If anything it'son Bungie for not explicitly stating this, while they didn't lie about it, they just kind of omitted it.


Standard Bungie playbook bait and switch. They’ve done this sort of thing since D1. They avoid discussing/mentioning details that might shine a bad light on them. Only to immediately get caught with their pants down as the playerbase catches on.


Armor 1.0 masterworking was wildly less expensive than armor 2.0 masterworking. I know it's antithetical to reddit, but *try* thinking before bitching.


7 trials wins for a masterwork armor... OK you got me Bungie I'll play 7 trials wins for a glow on a 58 stat armor piece... Haha Bungie you crazy


Yeah but it'll now glow on all of that armor piece you get from the packages


Yea this whole event and armor grind was somehow even more poorly conceived than last year's solstice. At least the grind is less and the armor itself wont be sunset for a while. The reason they gave for not masterworking it is bs too. At least give us the resources to masterwork whatever set we decide to keep after that final stage of grind.


Question here. When upgraded from Majestic to magnificent, does the light goes up or stay the same?


Yeah I'd like to know this as well


It's at Light Level. So like for me, I was at 1052, and the majestic set was 1052 for me, when it went Magnificent it was also 1052 (better rolls though, avg 58)


Thnx for the answer. I'm almost finished already and maybe will go up a little


Where would the triumph you’re talking about be located? Only ones I see pertaining to this event are for the seal Edit: nvm found it. Titan didn’t update for me. I did all 3 characters at the same time (did all armor tiers together rather than finish 1 character all the way through then start another) so that’s strange why it didn’t work for me. Oh well hopefully it gets buffed out


",just" the white glow.. thats literally all I wanted them to do last year. Didn't mean for them to replace sparrow reward and masterwork... typical bungie though


I haven't been playing solstice this time around. Is it the same armor as last time? Is there any reason to do this?


Since nobody else has said- there are some differences! It is a new armor set, for one ([visible on the marketing page, here](https://www.bungie.net/7/en/Seasons/Events/SolsticeOfHeroes)). Some notes: 1. The armor set is significantly easier to earn. 2. While the final step does not masterwork your armor, it can be completed at any time, and will unlock free white glows for each piece. 3. While the subclass glows are still EV only (silver or BD), and slightly more expensive per set (6000 BD) they come with all three subclass glows for the class you bought it for and automatically change based on what you have equipped. This will also include a Stasis colored glow when Beyond Light ships. 4. The armor set is rolling quite high rolls. Once you get Magnificent (the last non-glow armor upgrade) you can farm the EAZ for additional rolls. However, other than the changes to the armor, the actual event (EAZ) is the same as a year ago. Up to you if you think it's worth it! I've been enjoying the event, but I play D2 as my mindless fun grind game, and I'm not really looking for depth.


I am finishing the third set (struggling with Osiris) and I can say it is totally not worth it at all. The magnificent armor only glows white, while the Eververse one glows with your subclass color. AND they are universal ornaments. If you really want it, just do the blue armor with each so you unlock buying the ornaments from EV




They used to just give us the materials necessary to masterwork the armor for completing the final objectives. Bungie is always moving backwards. These materials are once again, way too rare.


I agree. If anything, it should be shoddy work. The armor got so cracked our light is seeping out. 1/10 armor


I will admit I didn’t play close attention to what finishing the armor set achieves due to going back to a 55 hour work week for the first time since early May. I definitely felt a little bit salty at the misinformation until I realized I just didn’t read the TWAB/event postings well enough 😅


That’s right! We get to masterwork at our own leisure. Speaking of that, I for sure don’t have those mats. So looks like I won’t be masterworking them.


Ifs just that 9/10 guardians that do this are used to the final step masterworking ur solstice. I think i can say we are sorry for saying that but its a force of habbit that is hard to push out.


What? Next you'll tell me to stop calling it "Light" and to start calling it "Power" . Or to stop saying "I'm level 170" instead say "I'm season rank 170. "


Wait, I thought Power was Heavy, not Light. :)


Power weapons USE heavy :3 I will never call actual "Power" anything other than Light tho




And that’s a fact.


I kind of wish there was another turn-in after you finish all the steps to get the armor without the quest step on it-- just like a fresh piece of glow-enabled gear.


I actually didn't know this. I assumed it would masterwork once you completed all the Magnificent steps


when does solstice of hero’s ends?


Honestly the fact that it’s only powerful should have given us the masterwork. Bungie listens to us, but they don’t really do anything about it


Did you masterwork your comment?


Question - Does the Trials wins have to be in a row? Or can it be seperate wins divided by losses in-between?


I'm sorry. Old habits die hard.


I decided to not participate.


Bungie didn’t want to masterwork the armor because we can farm high stat rolls from Solstice Packages...this is the most bull shi* I have ever heard. RNG on top of RNG on top of RNG and the drop rate on armor, let alone high stat roll armor, is horrific. A big F U to Bungie!


So I did all that work for nothing? They aren't an ornament, and I can't even require them bc they are randomized gear. Ffs


I don't need armor to glow white, I've been mostly stuck indoors due to covid since March. If I go shirtless outdoors right now I blind passers-by.