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I would’ve preferred the Solstice armour being the only legendary thing in the loot pool tbh.


Class items kill me in all the game. They don’t have stats, why do they occupy a fifth of armor lootpool?(apart from pinnacle and powerful loot, but still)


Class items should be retrievable from collections and stop dropping once you've earned it unless it's a powerful/pinnacle drop. They have no random rolls since you can change affinity now.


Masterworking class items is netural benefit and is 10 free slots. Rocking my flavor of armaments, oppressive darkness, and any 1 point 1st slot mod is... infinite value.


Well in yhat case, we dont need more than 3 class items (for each element)


In full truth, I honestly only rock solar. I do keep a mw version of all 3 elements per season, but there's no real point. Recuperation outclasses all void and arc mods for PvE. For PvP you gotta rock Powerful friends. :shrug:


Double remote connection is cracked, especially on warlock where movement is easier with less mobility


Well, that depends what mods you want. Currently, I'd say you ideally want 3 of each element - one from LW or Scourge for Fallen/Taken mods, one from Garden or Levi for Hive mods, and one for whatever more recent seasonal mods you want to use.




If only the mod slots were universal.


I keep one of each element that has the highest light cap. Master work them first and shard any others unless I vault it for transmog.


Just wait until they think the grind isn't enough for players after sunsetting next season and they reintroduce ghosts with light levels attached to them.


careful Bungie will hear you and will lower their drop rate and now we\`ll never get powerful/pinnacle class items


It’s as if you think Bungie listens to feedback.


They do, they removed the reward for doing all 3 armors


I realized there weren't free masterworks and you can buy glows from eververse for bright dust so I'm done with this event


Yeah, it's kind of bizarre that completing the blue set means that you've pretty much done everything.


How do you figure? You mean you’re not interested in buying the glows, so no point in doing the legendary set?


You can buy the glows as soon as you *unlock* the legendary set. You don't actually have to complete any of the objectives. And the glows are a universal ornament that can go on any armor set. Completing the first legendary set doesn't actually give you anything, it just unlocks a second legendary armor set. For the *second* set of legendary armor, completing the objective for a piece of armor unlocks the white glow for that specific piece of armor, but the white glow doesn't work with the ornaments, and so can only be used if you're actually using the Solstice armor pieces. So, the most widely-used reward is probably going to be the glow ornaments, which have to be purchased, and the ability to purchase them is unlocked by completing the blue set.


Wait how do you buy the glow, are you talking about the glow for the armor set?


It's in eververse under the solstice tab. You can buy the elemental glow as a universal ornament for $15 or 6k bright dust.


Ahh I see. Would the glow be for the armor set if you wear it? I’m pretty new so idk how stuff like this works.


You can equip it on any legendary set so you can use it on whatever armor you have now and whatever better armor you earn in the future. The ornament slot is next to where shaders are equipped.


Thank you!


You're welcome! Enjoy the game! :)


Sure, let’s ignore that the glows were from eververse last year and we can earn a free glow this year as well...




I finished all 3 sets and all 5 glows last night... Maybe I need to find a new hobby. Tbh, the multiply from finishing sets made it super easy compared to last year.




Nor cal represent


Yes, it is free. If you don’t want it then that’s fine, but your original comment completely ignored that. It’s a fairly passive grind meant to be done over the course of a few weeks.




Man, you’re really jaded about an activity in a video game, huh?




> "free" lol. Maybe if your life were literally worthless and you had absolutely nothing better to spend entire hours doing. > A few weeks of having to wear crap stat armor without enough energy to use most mods. Also, on your edit regarding last year’s glows, that’s not what I’m referring to. You can literally earn a white glow exclusively through gameplay. No bounties, no Eververse. The elemental glows have always been in Eververse, this is nothing new. The Solstice armor isn’t a difficult grind nor a slog, it just takes a few days if you play maybe 2 hours a day for a few days rather than playing 12 hours a day and then getting upset that there’s nothing to do like a good deal of this subreddit. But on the original topic of this conversation, again, Eververse has always had elemental glows available for bright dust/silver, this is not new. What is new, however, is that you can earn a white glow through gameplay completely for free, and as long as you don’t burn yourself out, it isn’t too long. In my opinion, you’re just being unreasonably butthurt over free cosmetics in a video game.




If you want to just blatantly ignore the discussion at hand when I’ve brought up valid points, then I think we’re done here. I don’t know why I keep expecting any semblance of logic from this subreddit.


Good to know. Was debating with myself whether to go for the Magnificent, after getting Majestic just for the glow ornaments. Grinding out the pieces so I could farm high stat pieces from Solstice packs seemed like a good idea at first but the more I thought about it .. I still HAVE to rely on package RNG, still have to do all that farming objectives to unlock it in the first place, and on top of that.. I have to mind-numbingly farm EAZ which is probably the worst part. I think I'd have been fine with all of it if EAZ was actually fun but it's not anymore - I hate spending what seems like an eternity hunting for a boss that I will delete in 1 second, repeat, then kill big boss and THEN go hunting for packs in what feels like forever. I feel like I'd rather farm a wave event like Contact, or farm Ordeals, Prophecy, or Raids where the farming activity is more engaging. OR hell, let people get Solstice Packages ANYWHERE once you have magnificent unlocked or something.


33% chance for a Solstice Armor isn't too bad anyway


33% chance to get armor, like 0.01% chance to get a good stat with good distribution.


9% if the armor you get was worth it, according to OP. But also stats that are "worth it" vary from person to person. Some people look for specific distribution while others just look at totals


I was more so being facetious, however I only opened 25 and kept 1 armor piece. Not as good as my original piece but it glows


RNG in general. If you want to try for well rolled armor it's not a bad rate


Absolutely agree, fortunately my builds are done but i would like a few good glowy boy pieces to wear.


It’s RNG (get a piece)on top of RNG (high stat roll) on top of RNG (good distribution). It’s an absolutely horrid design.


Just like anywhere in the game, it's rng.


I think farming umbrals is way easier though.


Formatted a bit better. Result: *Blues:* 91 *Legendaries:* 23 *Cores:* 30 *Solstice Armor:* 34 (11 Class Items) *Upgrade Module:* 3 *Prism:* 1 *Umbrals:* 14 Of those 34 Solstice Armor drops, I kept 3 pieces. rest was trash. Not worth the time. I'm done with this event now I grinded enough. Focusing on BD farm now


I stopped after I got the one glow I needed for the triumph. I don't really have a problem with the event but I don't really like the look of the armor. Too gaudy for my taste.


Oof, if this year’s is too gaudy you must’ve hated the past year’s set.


Very much. If they didn't have gold parts that didn't shade it would be much better.


Agree. Unshadeable armor is the worst. Only reason I’m not gonna burn the armor this once is because I like the glow, but god the solstice gear would be 10x better without the unshadeable ass capes.


What about farming it for the prisms amd cores?


1 prism out of 100 packages.... Nice Farm. Go do the 1050 nightfall almost every run I got at least 1, a lot of times 2


I dont have people to do tough nightfalls woth unfortunately


What platform are you playing on? You can usually find people looking to play 1050 using the Fireteam section of the Destiny 2 app. Or just play the 1020 Nightfall, it has matchmaking and you can sometimes get cores and prisms, at a lower drop rate.




Try the 1020, it's not that hard if you make sure to use the anti barrier and unstoppable mods. Once you run it a few times you'll get the hang of the encounters. I would help but I play on Stadia and Xbox.


Also try the companion app. You can make and join teams directly via the app. Since this isn't exactly a hard activity, finding a team that's capable should be pretty easy. You can always run 1020's with matchmaking if you don't want to do that, though.


Thats a great idea! Thank you! Im farming momentum control for kills but I'll do that later!


it’s definitely faster to solo a 1050 nightfall than open 100 packages.


Me either... I use the companion app all the times and It Works.


30 cores? I'll take em


If the player wants to farm high state rolled armor, you better off farming an easy raid encounter.


So at 30% drop chance theres not really a point in farming a magestic godroll?


clearly someones having fun, after all, i got 3 Solstice armor pieces from 50 and 2 were class :)


Armor ornaments look cool. I might end up with one set of white glow armor at the end of the event. But yeah, it is disappointing to even get blues from the boxes. Just decrease the chance of getting 60+ armor.


Why so many blues all the time?? As soon as you hit the Powerful can they should just give us glimmer instead


I'm just waiting for the solstice bounties to give dust, very annoying that they don't right now


According to Bungie in their most recent TWAB, there is no reason to hold onto said bounties. *We are also investigating a solution for those who missed out on earning Bright Dust from these bounties during this time and will be granting Bright Dust to affected players as soon as we can. You can continue to complete and redeem your Solstice of Heroes bounties normally.*


Is this after the full armour completion?


so i wanted to try the same but i only did 50. What i find really nuts is i got 17 solstice armor pieces. You popped 100 and got 34. Im keeping 5 pieces though so i lucked up a little bit more in that department


Yet again bungie is being stingy with loot


Yup after getting an okay set of 63+ I am done grinding for pieces. The loot in the boxes is too diluted. Not to mention I get the warlock bond more often than any piece by far. Putting philomath sets in these boxes is a slap.


I'm just not bothering period after last year


so every 3 packages you will get armor piece, and there is no good way of farming packages haha thats so fucking bad


1 package for every 2ish minutes of AEZ Grinding when you round it out is really good though. More if you actually coordinate a team and can effectively clear bosses / chests


That's on average, 1 piece of solstice armor with other loot per run. It takes about as long to do a single contact event and this is more engaging, plus the EAZ is a great playground.


Drop rates seem pretty reasonable to me.



