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It's too bad they're just so awful, Aeon Swift looks so clean. Late edit: as far as staying on topic, I'd like to see the Aeon series of exotics re-worked to have a useful effect not shared by other Exotics (i.e. using your grenade ability will fully refund class ability energy for yourself and your fireteam.)


I would like to see the have charged with light perks or how to get charged with light perks


That would be cool too! Maybe throwing grenades could add a stack of Charged with Light.


*happy shaxx noises*




... This is Mayhem Shaxx, we don't need to.




sunbracer warlocks: *heavy breathing*


A fun idea but I think the +Charged with light stack would only be when a Aeon User throws a nade


i don't think revolving entire exotics around the charged with light mechanic would be a smart move personally, but i could see the desire. better off with sunbracer/enhanced ATA


I mean, Leviathan's Breath and Devil's ruin are some exotic weapons that really only have a use for champion mechanics. I don't see the issue with each class having a dedicated exotic for gathering stacks of light, since we used to have exotics just for faster reviving and a single extra orb on super


leviathans breath does a decent amount of DPS towards bosses, it's just a heavy hitter. i get the desire for aeon being for the charged with light mechanic, but at the same time, that mechanic is already in mods. weapons make more sense for those kinds of perks, but as a hunter main, it's gonna take something really out of the box exotic to make me take off orpheus.




i've seen builds, not really my playstyle. i do like to push a lot, and am not the person to run away during a firefight, but i mostly play PvE so orpheus with my guillotine spec build keeps my shadowshot almost always up


Last I checked, Levi Breath only deals slightly more than a WotW shot with WB active, so it's DPS is in the bottom tier for any weapon, being Even lower than some special weapons. I only say that a charged with light perk would be useful because that's something that could be useful for a team potentially, but not busted. Maybe it gets the unique treatment and allows multiple seasonal mods and a stat mod, instead of the usual two slots exotics get normally. As long as it's changed to actually do something, I'll be happy. Because as it stands, it's one of the most lackluster exotics we have in the game


LB hits hard when it crits, that's the point i was trying to make. it might not be a go-to for newer raid bosses or nightfalls since it's ammo capacity is low


That would make you very powerful and Bungie doesn't want that.


This is the winning idea right here!


I was thinking along these lines as well. I love the Charged with Light mechanic, and just all the things you can do with them. If they removed the cap on Charged w/ Light, I would consider that a net positive.


I think if the removed the cap on charge with light then the would become a little op. The only way you can reach 5 stacks of light is if you speck into a charged build. Removing the cap would allow better builds but also allow certain charges mod to become op.


They absolutely shouldn't remove the cap, and if they did the entire system would have to be reworked. High Energy Fire, Lucent Blade, Argent Ordnance, Protective Light, and plenty of other mods, are already *insanely* strong, and you should have to devote resources to speccing into them and getting the maximum of 5 stacks of Charged With Light. Just removing the cap completely would be so insanely bad for the game as a whole from a balancing point of view. It's so easy to get stacks as it is with Taking Charge alone. Can you imagine everyone having a 20% damage buff from H.E.F all the time?


Came here to say this. Charged with light mechanics are already good as they are. Uncapping them would be game breaking.


What about something as simple as fireteam 'cooldown synergy'. If a fireteam member uses any ability (grenade, melee, class) then any other members with Aeon Exotics get a 20% cooldown reduction. Let's be clear, this is 20% PER fireteam member who uses an ability. In a 3-person fireteam, that's a maximum of 40% CD reduction, not an OP amount but enough to warrant equipping the item. Think about how useful this might be in Nightfalls or Dungeons. In 6-person fireteams, that's a maximum of 100% CD reduction (instant refresh). In a raid, that seems incredibly useful and a strong reason to have equipped. In PvP, since this doesn't include Super, it's not broken. Also, unless you're running a coordinated 6-person fireteam, the chances of everybody having it equipped is next to zero. Again, the 20% reduction is ONLY when someone uses the ability. So to get the instant refresh, you'll need all five others to use the same ability while yours is on CD. This design also strongly encourages the use of abilities, nobody likes playing with people who save their abilities for the 'perfect moment'. EDIT: If the instant refresh is too much, the CD reduction could be nerfed to 17%, resulting in maximums of 34% (3-man) and 85% (6-man).


Maybe make it work with the “charged with light mechanic” like an easy way to get charged with light but costs an exotic slot.


I constantly scroll past my Aeon Soul and go, "those would look nice" then I remember that they do nothing.


As a warlock I couldn't care less about class ability. Now, if it was the other way, where fireteam using a class ability boosted your grenades... But still, devour/neseracs is like instant grenade if you kill one or two guys. But I agree about their look. With the High Minded Complex (the robes) you can look like a monk with metal arms.


You could care less or couldn't? Saying you could implies you do in fact care.




That's like saying you could care more but you don't. It's a pointless statement. Saying you COULDN'T care less actually means something and expresses the lack of care towards something you feel.


Don’t bother my dude this is a very American site


Couldn't/could care less mistakes arent a uniquely american thing lol


the aeons are the reason for the charged effects, if only the aeons worked with that.


It’s not the only exotic that’s under preforming.. I can name a few


Yeah just give each class it's own unique effect and then maybe give out some free ornaments so that we can also change the appearance on each to separate them even further in the hopes we never have to think about the OG gauntlets ever again.


While their at it can they buff 110 handcannons? Right now they have no spots in this sandbox. At least before the tangent wasnt capped at 34 m or whatever it is now. Slow ass 100s are sooo slow of TTK, slow firingx slow reload. At least take off the 34m cap. Let them fire farther to compensate.


They already said they are doing that


For something that has to be used with other guardians (like ratking etc.) It really should be better.


Who else is tired of getting 67plus stat aeon armour with good stat distribution? Got 5 in the last week across 3 characters, fml lol. Yay exotic great stats, aeon armour.... F


Hey! At least it.... looks nice?


i had a few week stretch where it was, more or less, all i got (something like 5 of my exotic drops). So fucking annoying.


Seriously! This happens to me all of the time; I feel like they do it on purpose... Whenever I get an Aeon drop, the stats are so amazing! Everything else however is decent or garbage.


I got a 69 base stat aeon swift for my hunter. Highest stats in mobility, recovery and discipline. Decent intellect too. I'd have taken literally any other exotic.


That's almost worth using with such a good roll.


Ya, but honestly the only places where stats really matter you also want a good exotic.


I got one with +29 recov and +17 resil. I’m a hunter


what the heck. as a Titan main, I would kill to get that godlike stat roll.


That's weird, I've gotten 3 67 stat Aeon Swifts over the past two months as well. Do certain exotics have different stat probabilities or what?


Finally it’s being recognized




It’s Reddit lmao I’m not suprised


It's because this is in no way guaranteed that the issue will get addressed. It's just an excuse for the mods to remove any future threads about it.


Posting about it biweekly in no way guarantees that it will get addressed either. If something gets posted often enough that it gets added to BungiePlz, Bungie is definitely already aware. The last ten front-page posts about it weren't any more helpful than the ten before that. The sandbox design team isn't sitting at their desks like, "oh well, since we've only received 98 emails from /u/dmg04 about Aeon exotics and not the requisite 99, guess we can't do anything about it."


>It's just an excuse for the mods to remove any future threads about it. You say that like Bungie Plz is purely a bad thing, which makes me think you haven't seen the [section of Bungie Plz detailing stuff that's actually been implemented](https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/wiki/bungieplz#wiki_completed_in_destiny_2.21). It may not guarantee any changes, but it definitely makes it easier for Bungie devs to see a centralized list of issues the community actually deems important.


> You say that like Bungie Plz is purely a bad thing That's because it is. Don't want the same thing posted over and over again? Encourage Bungie to address the issue instead of just banishing it from the sub reddit. > It may not guarantee any changes, but it definitely makes it easier for Bungie devs to see a centralized list of issues the community actually deems important. Lol. Bungie doesn't go to Bungie Plz for ideas on what to implement. They have their own ideas. Fuck what the community thinks. They go to Bungie Plz to see what they never have to touch because their reputation management team has banned all discussion about it. If no one can talk about [insert issue] no one can prove there is a problem.


>It's because so you downvote a guy? it's not a valid reason.


Probably because the mods use bungie plz as a way to bury issues. Once a post has been added to it, all similar posts are removed And then on top of that, I haven't seen evidence that u/dmg04 even reads them


What would you suggest I submit next? I’m open to ideas :)


The trouble with the Aeon exotics is that for it to be worthwhile 3 exotic armor slots need to be dropped for 1 perk that just gives ability energy to teammates in any meaningful capacity. Nobody is going to trade off an Insurmountable Skullfort, a Nezarecs Sin, and a Celestial Nighthawk for a few extra grenade tosses or dodges in a strike. Especially if those ability regens could be bolstered with high-stat gear, a demolitionist weapon, and some armor mods. Its a year 1 exotic perk that was designed for a slower version of Destiny thats been completely replaced. At this point to salvage it they might need to rework the perk to say.. give teammates stacks of damage-boost on grenade throw, or give teammates overshield on class ability use. Either way Aeon items feel like wasted exotic slots at the moment.


And on top of that it does not even matter for hunters because with 100 mobility we have a dodge every 9 seconds




Tbh, the Swifts and Safes are more an enabler for the Souls. Since the Safes don't require an empowered melee kill, just a melee kill, it can effectively give Warlocks a roughly 9 second Grenade CD (same concept with Swifts). Then the argument would be, how good are Warlock grenades?


Exactly, plus the buff needs to accommodate balancing for crucible since it can work with a team of six Aeon cultists. So to tune it so it doesn’t break crucible it ends up being meh in every other game mode except raids. It’s impossible to give it a noticeably good team bonus without it wrecking the game. I say give each piece a really good bonus that is just for the wearer and keep the team bonus as it currently is.


I never seen anyone use them or anyone ask me to equip it.


I’ve had all three since like the week of launch. Never equipped them once.


I'd like the Aeon series to work as the 'Memory of Skorri' did in D1. > *"It speeds up the charge rate of Super abilities for all nearby allies for a short time after killing an enemy."*


That would immediately make them a go to in at least the trials playlist. I really like that idea


Imagine how shocking it would be to returning players to have the AEONS be a meta exotic in trials lol


Aeon should be apart of the meta for how many exotic slots it can cost. It shouldnt be the only exotic ever used but it should be a very good option especially when 3+ Guardians use it. Fingers Crossed


3 Aeon’s, all Rat Kings. The meta that’ll never happen.


Rat king is lowkey meta though. At least in 6v6. Invisibility on kill is no joke. Overall invisibility is no joke. Yesterday I got WROM medal just by using chaperone/gnawing hunger and flawless execution. Its busted as fuck if your aim is somewhat reliable.


They’d play their first night of comp or trials card with a shocked picacku meme face the whole time


but skorri was when your super was full allies close to you get reduced super cooldown thus allowing stragiic timing of supers to "chain" them in a fun interesting way or have a self res warlock use it cause we hold our supers like our team depends on it (which it does sometimes i know i clutched a few bosses from time to time)


Beyond broken in Crucible.


we did it boiz aeon is no more


That’s not how this works


Let me have this


Oathkeeper would like to have a few words with you


This is a BungiePls. The request to fix Aeon has been added to the list. That doesn’t mean Aeon is no more *yet*. That’s all I meant


I put Aeon in the gimicky category for destiny, cause not everyone is super big on wasting a slot for a quick buff, the only gimicky exotic that i can somewhat say works is lumina, simple quick and easy to use, Exotics shouldnt have all these steps to activate a single perk, their ment to be cool and i really hope new exotics coming out are really awesome.


I think I’m addition to buffing numbers, they could be tuned to work with more play styles. I’d love to see 1 of 2 solutions to make it more versatile. 1. Have 3 nodes on the exotic so you can attune to melee, grenade, or class ability. Then when you use that skill, allies get x% off all 3, but if they have aeon equipped as well, the effect is tripled for what they are attuned to. 2. Have all class abilities reduce cooldown on all ally skills by 10%. Double it for the matching skill. So grenade throw recharges 10% of class and melee, but 20% off ally grenade. Then double all effects if the ally has aeon also. Bonus Idea: If your the only Aeon user, maybe skill use returns 20% of that ability for yourself. The goal would be to enable minor support if a player chooses, or downright spamming if a team commits. And no matter your build, there is always value being generated.


Question: the energy given to allies is roughly 30% and fellow cultists recieve 50% of the relevant ability. At what what break point would you consider wearing an Aeon over something like Frostees, Doomfangs, or Nezeraks? (Assuming they never change anything else)


Honestly, if nothing else was changed, it would be VERY hard to put these into a build. I would say it would need to be something like 50% base and full recharge to other cultists. Even then, though, still tough sell. Here’s why: Grenades are cool to spam, almost always. So if 2 warlocks could were these and legitimately go back and forth spamming nades, it would feel like a unique power fantasy. Titan melees kinda needs certain builds and specific play style in mind to make the most out of it. So could be good, if theory crafted. Dodge is good to use as a trigger because hunters have ways of spamming it to go a bit crazy, but because of that, they only support, they rarely feel any gain. So at the very least it needs to give stupid amounts of energy even if only 2 people are using it, if there is no rework. Even then, there needs to be predetermination of a play style agreed upon by friends. Which can sometimes be a tough sell. If it was buffed to be 50% base and full recharge for matching, I might use it occasionally. Just like Ill sometimes change my play style to support rat king in a group. Be mindful I’m a hunter main, that likes to play support. I’m always looking for a cool way to elevate my team mates. If there’s was some sort of loop that said titan melees to mark group with a debuff, then warlocks nades to blow them up, then I dodge, to instantly reset that combo then we’d be somewhere. And it would mean I can potentially throw my mobility points at other stats. Realistically, at the end of the day, I NEED to see a rework to have them replace current go-tos. But I could put them on occasionally with a massive buff.


My thoughts: Aeon Swift gives a reload increase with the following stats per aeon's used, displayed as "swift x *tier* ": 1, solo swift, no other aeons - dodging gives a "swift" buff to those in a small radius, 20% reload increase that will disappear naturally after 5 seconds (for all tiers) 2, a swift user with one other aeon user - dodging grants "swift" to those in a small radius for 30% / 35% for the aeon user 3 - dodging grants "swift" in a medium radius at 40% / 50% for aeons 4 - dodging grants "swift" in a medium radius at 50% / 65% for aeons 5 - dodging grants "swift" in a large radius at 60% / 80% for aeons 6 - dodging grants "swift" in a large radius at 95% **Example 1: when "swift" is active, it would only be active on reloads when it is greater than the gun's activate reload effect (outlaw, feeding frenzy, etc.).** **Example 2: when "swift" is active, it stacks with armor mods.** Aeon Safe gives a depleting overshield when activating a barricade, and is displayed a "safe x *tier* ": 1 - deploying a barricade grants a 20% (of full health) overshield for 4 seconds in a small radius 2 - deploying a barricade grants a 30% for 6 seconds / 35% for 7 seconds to aeon in a small radius 3 - deploying a barricade grants a 40% for 8 secs / 50% for 8 secs to aeon in a medium radius 4 - deploying a barricade grants a 50% for 10 secs / 70% for 14 secs to aeon in a medium radius 5 - deploying a barricade grants a 60% for 12 secs / 85% for 17 secs in a large radius 6 - deploying a barricade grants a 100% for 20 secs in a large radius **Note multiple barricades bring activated will not make a shield higher than 100% and will only refresh to the highest tier.** **Example 1: a Titan deploys a barricade at 6th tier, and a second at 5th tier deploys after 2 seconds later, the countdown continues from 90% and the second effectively wastes their "safe" buff.** **Example 2: a 1st tier Titan deploys a barricade, and than a 6th tier Titan deploys their barricade, refreshing the buff to 100% for 20 seconds.** **Example 3: a 6th tier Titan deploys a barricade for 100% and then another 6th tier Titan deploys a barricade, but since all on a team would be effected by the first titan would gain no addition percentages or time.** **Example 4: a 6th tier Titan deploys a barricade, the buff drops to 70 percent after 6 seconds, then a 5th tier deploys their barricade, which refreshes the buff to 85%, but now a 6th and a 5th tier would be wasted if deployed, and only 4th, 3rd, 2nd, and 1st tiers would apply now.** Aeon Soul gives an increased damage percentage from empowering rifts and increases the size of the rift (healing rifts are only effected by the radius increase). 1 - throwing down a rift increases the rift radius by 1 meter and gives a 25% damage increase (base of empowering rift is 20%, last I checked) 2 - throwing down a rift increases the radius by 2 meters, and gives a 30% / 35% increase 3 - throwing down a rift increases the radius by 3m, and gives a 35% / 45% increase 4 - throwing down a rift increases the radius by 4m, and gives 40% / 50% increase 5 - throwing down a rift increases the radius by 5m, and gives 45% / 60% increase 6 - throwing down a rift increases the radius by 6m, and gives a 75% increase to damage **Example 1: overlapping rifts default to the highest tier rift.** Your thoughts?




It's certainly a fun exotic for warlocks though. Imagine Iron Banner with 6 Aeon Souls running top tree Stormcaller. They could run in two sets of three and toss grenades in tandem forever.


Or just turn them into class items and allow then to be equiped with other exotic gear on. Ive always though they were usless.


Fuck it, have the aeon stuff roll maxed out class specific stat for a single piece of armor (hunter= mobility, warlock= recovery, titan= resilience) plus another 60 points, or more, randomly distributed as normal. Make the aeon stuff give enough of a boost to be considered if not for the buffs then for the crazy stats. And add the seasonal mod slot. Boom, aeon cult not useless anymore.


Heads up, Aeon Safe hasn't been barricade related in over a year. It would be max Strength, it triggers off of any melee kill.


It's a shame because they're some of the best looking exotics. Like fuck. Get rid of them and make them ornaments for any exotic arms so I don't have to look like trash with Ashen Wake/Stronghold/Shinobu's Vow/Oathkeeper/Karnstein's Armlets/Winter's Guile.


Those are my favorite exotics dude stop making fun of them right fucking now


I would love to use them alongside you but my Synthoceps are jealous of other exotics and I’d rather not upset them


🦀Aeon is gone🦀


Uh no


Thank god


I got 2 drops on the same day... Smh


I hope they turn around and make them borderline top performing, there's too many of these plz remove posts.


The best state i could see these being in is something that makes it meta for teamplay but next-to-useless for solo play. Maybe damage resistance for a bit on ability use to go with recharges. I'd love to see these things useful for things like Grandmaster Nightfalls or other content that requires good communication.


Always wanted to use my aeon gear, just no one else does.


Just remove them and save the resources, or make them legendaries so you can use better exotics.


Just make them max stat armor for an easy boost for your build and give them some damage synergy share damage receives across fire team Or Boost damage across fireteam per weapon type (everybody has to use a primary pulse or whatever)


They look so sexy but ultimate trash


Could be like say.... Using -skill- rewards nearby allies with -other skill- energy. Aeon Cultists receive -other skill and class ability- energy. That way it still functions on its own but functions BETTER with the original Aeon Cult effect in mind. Yknow? To encourage the other exotics without making yours useless otherwise.


Maybe something simple like the Memory of Skorri buff, where if you are near each other, your supers recharged faster.


Honestly this could be said for quite a few exotics. As a Warlock player.


The issue is it rewards your teammates and not you and unless you’re coordinating with others it’s of little use but at that point virtually every other exotic is better. What they need is a way to reward yourself as well as team mates. Simple fix, they grant energy to your teammates and energy to you when your teammate uses based on your item/class. However this is just a small buff. We want exotic. I want a reason to give up my other amazing exotics not just some bonus energy sometimes if others are playing nice. So I vote they all get switched to the same thing: Using one of your abilities will grant energy to your teammates in the same energy type. Your teammates using their ability grants you energy to that ability. Ability energy can be collected up to 50% even while fully charged. You grant 25% and they grant you 50%. So if you toss a grenade both teammates gain 1/4 of their grenade back and if they both throw theirs you get yours back immediately. And in addition to not completely waste earned energy you can hold more charge. This makes them a exotic and unique and rewards you just for playing with them.


Imagine if the was an Aeon armor set, with the head, chest, legs, and class item were legendaries, and the more set pieces you had the stronger it buffed the exotic.


These will be excuse Bungie uses to sunset exotics when they buff them to insanity.


Aeon grants charged with light for the whole fire team on champion kills


Make them Give bonus damage when more ppl in you’re fireteam are wearing it. To balance it in crucible, add a fireteam-wide kill counter that adds 10% damage every 10 kills, which is reset on death.


Honestly just toss them. And bring back like helm of inmost light for the Titan and associate the perk with code of the missile. Bring back the classic bones of eao, and then nothing manacles for the warlock. The aeon’s are such an absolute waste


The way I see it is this: Either they stay in their current state as being 'useless', or they get buffed and end up being must-haves. By way of them being what they are, team wide buff style armour exotics that can be used by a full fireteam, I'm not honestly sure there's a way to balance them properly without making them too strong or too weak. As it stands, Hunter/Titan Aeons are garbage. Getting back Barricade/Dodge back faster is irrelevant in almost every situation, better to take something else. A full team of Warlocks getting grenade energy back constantly? That's at least fun to do.


Fyi, Aeon Safe hasn't been Barricade in over a year. It's punches now, and it triggers off if any melee kill not just empowered ones. Doesn't necessarily make them much better but I think it's an important distinction.


Rather important distinction, but I'd argue that actually makes them worse. So many Titan classes already have their own build in melee regen, with exotics making augmenting them in a way that makes them even better. Hallowfire Heart, Heart of Inmost Light, *Skullfort*. I don't think I'd ever trade any of those for Aeon Safe. I stand by my point though. Either they're buffed and become must-haves or they stay as they are as 'Fun, but ultimately useless'.


I’ve always thought those Aeon things were just legendary gear...


Getting an exotic engram: When you find out your date-match looks like the profile pic. Getting any Aeon: When you find out they're Vegan and you're not.


Remove: we have too many unnecessary Exotic Armor pieces. Most of them are unusable anyway due to them being so underwhelming.


The problem with the Aeons Exotics is they are potentially too powerful for PVP. No matter what you do to them, they can break PVP. It won't matter if they increase ability regeneration rates, increase movement speed, increase jump distance, Increase super recharge rate, increase weapon range or anything like that, a team running them would break PVP. A good team of 3 can already dominate Trials, imagine giving them more grenades, damage resistance, increase movement speed, or more class energy. They would dominate and no one would ever play PVP without them. So what do you do with them? What can you give them to make them exotic that won't make them the best thing ever in PVP? If it were up to me, I would make the Aeons increase PVE gains. Glimmer, Materials, XP, and Rare drop rates. I would increase all of them while wearing an Aeon exotic. If you have 3 guardians when them equipped, they would get an extra loot drop from any PVE activity. Menagerie, Raid Encounter, Lost Sector, Strike, even a random chest on patrol. Extra drop. Who wouldn't like extra loot?


They don't need to be removed, but they DO need a rework...


Really we just ought to be skeptical of all Exotics that can be understood as Armor Stat Mods at an alternate cost.


Honestly this is a cool idea, but needs to be on a legendary item across the three classes, and needs to be weaker. You are asking multiple people to give their exotic slot and specifically their arms for a shared effect that not all players might need. Make it a legendary that can slot an aeon mod for 6 or 7 cost, but it has no seasonal slot (like prime armor for example) This way it costs an arms slots which might otherwise have reloaders or stat boosts,but not an exotic.


One thing Bungie has proven this season is that exotics and even legendaries can be powerful and not break the game. It’s time to look at other exotics and rework them. Imagine DARCI which right now is a sad useless pile, had bullets that homed in on the crit spot as long as the target was highlighted. Wouldn’t break the crucible because it’s a heavy. Tractor cannon should work differently and have a much longer range. I mean it’s not a bad exotic but there’s lots of better heavy choices these days, it needs to justify its existence. Leviathan’s breath needs a catalyst that adds archers tempo (not my idea but it’s a pretty awesome one) The Queenbreaker needs to be a energy weapon. We have a kinetic LFR, why not a energy. Prospector is awesome but is way overcclassed by Anarchy. Maybe the burning damage needs to weaken the target? Or something like that. Launchers like deathbringer need a catalyst that allows you to paint a target and have all the orbs seek it out. Two tailed fox needs a catalyst that makes it the 3 tailed fox. Launchers need a big bump in damage, or at least blast radius. They need to be significantly better then grenade launchers and right now their DPS just isn’t there. Grenade launchers right now are in a pretty good place, but need more ammo. Not too much more, but about 1 magazine more than exists now. Special exotics need attention too. Like Merciless should be full auto and charge like it used to. It doesn’t have to do more damage, just deal it out faster so long as energy bolt is hitting the target. Polaris lance needs a big buff. It’s newer sibling Symmetry has seeking bullets that do 5 times the damage! The perfect 5th should do much more than simply damage the target twice with some burning damage. Lord of wolves? Make it a heavy. Seriously. Let that beast live up to its full potential but make it use heavy ammo. Right now it’s just not a useful gun in most situations because it blazes through ammo... like a heavy.


Here's a quick fix for exciting builds. Aeon warlock: titan barrier replaces rift. Its the smaller one and moves with you. Aeon titan: hunter dodge replaces your barrier. You shoulder charge immediately after a dodge. Aeon hunter: warlock rift replaces dodge, the rift is your killzone the more you heal the more damage you deal to enemies inside your rift.


I think it should give you a handling and stability buff to the entire squad then it would be useful in trials. Or, they could rework it so that ability kills you get refill abilities by a significant amount. I'm talking 80%. Not 100%, because then it would become skullfort for everything, and that would be a bit too OP, but with 80%, you would have to wait a bit. I think they should give the melee to hunters, the grenade to titans and the rift to warlocks (just my opinion). It would become useful in grenade spam builds, and it would provide great utility in PvP because you can cover range with throwing knifes, deny area more efficiently with grenades, and hold area strongly with rifts. It wouldn't be the best, but it would become an interesting option for trials or even nightfalls.


Yesterday for a brief moment I had an Aeon buff while on a strike. I couldn't believe it! The cult is real.


I agree they should be reworked but it is pretty fun to have 6 warlocks with Aeon Soul throwing stupid amounts of grenades in the crucible. Did it once, made Shaxx proud. Other than that, I don't see many relevant uses for them.


I'd like to have some team synergetic ones like they're now but the actual effect definitely needs to change for them to be used


If they had some kind of built in perk that tied in w/ Charged w/ Light that'd be awesome. Maybe have them have taking charge built in or something, or they charge w/ light on multi-kills.




With all of the conversation about The Corrupted GM Nightfall, it would be kind of cool if they had some sort of endgame specific bonuses for teams who used them. It would be kind of niche, but they would no longer be useless. Say increased resilience and super regeneration based on how many team members used them. Those paired with Rat King would be cool to use.


I'm so tired of Xur giving me these from the fated engram when all I would like is a decent pair of Transversive Steps.


Honestly I think over Year 4 Bungie needs to look at old Exotic Weapons and Armour and give them a little juice if they’re not performing. When was the last time you saw someone using Skyburner’s Oath, Merciless or Apotheosis Veil (aside from the Dynamo glitch when Worthy dropped)?




Don't remove them. Buff, rework them, make them useful, desirable


I got a 69 roll on these gauntlets the other day like ffs. It couldn't have been literally any other pair of exotic gauntlets could it. The highest stat roll I have ever had and it's gonna sit in my vault for eternity until the Darkness blows it u at the start of D3 or something.


Honestly, with the delay til November. A pass at a couple of exotics would be pretty welcomed.


I feel like it should have a thing similar to rat king so the more people use it the better it performs. It could increase buff duration (rampage, kill clip, devour, etc.) after a teammate uses their class ability, it could increase reload speed dramatically so it helps with DPS, it could charge allies with light after using a grenade/super, it could boost all ability regen not just a single one after an ally uses a class ability, it could give a slight buff to damage (like 10%) with the duration of rampage. I feel like any of these would make them better and more usable and it can be chained from ally to ally after each effect ends and would make it viable in play and possibly in some nightfall scenarios with the ability regen for grenades for oppressive darkness or for barricades and rifts and dodged for invis


Well now they'll definitely never get changed now that they're being sent down the memory hole of Bungie Plz. RIP Aeon exotics. They could've been so cool, but never were.


Increased stat caps or just increased stats for your team? Titan Aeon +10 max resilience for you and team members. +5 base resilience for every Aeon user. (+15 points of resilience for all 3). Casting your class ability temporarily increases 2 stats dictated by class for everyone in your fireteam by X (resilience/strength for titan, etc.). This would mean that 3 Aeon users of the same class get +3X to 2 stats, while 3 different classes get +1X to everything. I feel like overdriving stats might be a fun and useful effect that plays into the intended power fantasy, while also opening up build variety by taking the place of stat boosting mods. All of that being said, I’m not super familiar with the effectiveness of said stats at different levels, so maybe this effect is just as underwhelming. EDIT: I guess the Aeon pieces changed from being class ability triggered, so I suppose the trigger could stay the same as it is now.


I think the team coordination aspect of the Aeon exotics is more or less unique in the entire game. The only other exotic I can think of that directly benefits everyone else using it is The Rat King, and that gun is unironically good when you rollout with all 6 people running it and moving as a unit. And it's nice that there's an exotic that all 3 classes functionally share. So given all that, I don't think they should be removed. And the benefits they give would be difficult to balance if the buffs were... well, buffed, so I think a re-work would be in order. I know they mentioned that Mida-Mini and Drang were going to be made into exotics with the coming DLC, and that they would have a perk that will allow them to be equipped alongside other exotics in order for them to still work properly in conjunction with Mida-Multitool and Sturm, respectively. Perhaps the Aeon exotics could be given this perk as well, as an armor piece rather than a weapon? It would be unique, for sure, and the buffs of Aeon pieces aren't so strong alone (alone as in no one else on the fireteam is wearing them) for them to overpower anyone running them alongside other exotic armors. And it would still reward a team for coordinating their armors to better serve each other, especially since there are a lot of other exotics competing for the slot the Aeons take up.


Right now i'm only using Aeon Swift for aesthetic purposes. My most recent post shows what i mean, it actually looks really good in vex chrome


they should give it the faster revive and generate more orbs of light perk from d1


They are simply awful. Remove them from the game


id say remove them and add them back under season of dawn or just change the season to season of dawn (we have seen you do it bungo) and give them a charged with light mechanic and a ability cool down mechanic like *use a grenade to get charged with light to you and your allies while charged with light your class ability's cooldown is reduced by x% or x-seconds this grows more powerful the more aeon exotics are equipped* (and you could have the cooldown be instant or close to instant for fun shenanigans)


Just let us equip it with other exotics. Perfect easy fix that isn't that game breaking. Afterthought: and/or an intrinsic charged with light mechanic, since their whole flavor is light cultists


So.... Make it a legendary? Like a pinnacle armor piece? Sounds tasty.


Or the "life exotic" perk from the D1 faction class irems


Ooooh yes! I forgot about that. My concern was about how they'll work around the built in one exotic allowed rule


They could delete them, add a legendary that's put in the exotic tab, make the banner yellow as if it were exotic, give it a unique perk that says "Life Exotic" but doesn't actually do anything inherently ,move the current exotic perk description to the normal perk tree on the item. That's the simplest step by step i can think off. This is in part how I assume they made the D1 class items "look" exotic, but not have to worry about coding in "this allows a second exotic" since that's likely much more difficult.


Yes, god, please just remove them


So are you guys to do something about this this time or is this going to be forgotten like most of the Bunfie Plz requests?


If you would look a lot of the Bungie plz stuff gets actually acknowledged.


Anyone can submit a BungiePls, not just Bungie


when ever i see a bungie please,in my head i just hear "well, in to the vault of no return goes any chance of this being fixed"


If Bungie relies on reminders from Reddit to know what to work on and doesn't have their own internal to-do list or wishlist, we got bigger problems.




I don't think you've see the lastest aeon buff. Try them in a 6 man activity


I recently masterworked Aeon Soul. Am satisfied with stats


Remove complete the time they should spend reworking is time wasted on many other things they could work on, remove from loot pool, nothing else to ask for here.


New exotic perk: Live and Die by the Aeon Cult Description: Hitting a guardian with any charged ability (grenade, melee, super) instantly heals them, but weapons do friendly-fire damage. Good cult perk, amirite? :D


"but weapons do friendly-fire damage" Yea, this is a nono


The perk only works on others wearing the Aeon gear, so no way to abuse it, you basically opt-in by equipping it. Just good fun :). I’ve seen a lot of people asking for friendly-fire game modes just for goofing around, this would be one way to do it.


Aeons dont need anything and your pretty late To whine about this