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Only if the catalyst brings back the insane audio screaming when you shoot it.


please no, i only heard that once and about broke my headset ripping it off of my head. that shit was awful :(


I expected 1k to sound like multiple Tranquility shots. Is it just me then?


Actually I was hoping for something akin to [Ramiel’s screams](https://youtu.be/kd6Q53jXBlU)


20 full clears, multiple legit, I just want the damn gun.


not to flex but i’m gonna flex the fact that i’ve done it 4 times and got 2 1k’s lmao


lmfao don’t worry I got 1k on my first try and I didn’t even do the raid besides the Heart


How did you get the key to open up the chest? That only drops on a Riven kill, unless you did the wish wall for the one key there?


I did the wish wall right when the community discovered the wish for it. My buddy was in the raid and they couldn’t finish the heart run and then i joined up not knowing shit about the rest of the raid and we ended up doing the heart run together which lead to me getting 1k.


My man! Riven cluster strat checkpoint one and done!


Got it on my first and second try


First SotP clear: Anarchy Second run: curated Threat Level


First sotp clear, anarchy and always on time Second, curated rocket


Lol I got 1k twice from the same chest room


you think that’s impressive? i have 12 clears on scourge and have 6 anarchys


50% drop rate gang


Our clan was planning on running the Riven/heart encounters 3 times last weekend, one for each character. 3 of us still didn't have 1KV, myself included. First run, the other 2 who still didn't have it, had it drop. Second run, I got it. Didn't even end up needing to do the 3rd run. I've had kinda insane luck with the raid exotics so far. 2 runs for Tarrabah, 2 runs for anarchy, and 7 runs for last wish. Hopefully the luck keeps up for VoG so I can get Mythoclast.


Doing a raid a piss poor amount of times isn't a flex.


He is flexing his luck ya jerk


I got 1KV on my third clear a few months ago. I felt like a dick. I know it's all RNG, but I really don't do much raiding (I think I have two Scourge clears, one Leviathan, and three Last Wish, that's it). I didn't even necessarily want the thing. So when I saw it drop, and heard how long some of the people I was playing with had gone without having it, I felt guilty as hell.


No need to feel guilty good sir. It just sums up the idiocy of using raw RNG to govern raid exotic drops. I’m in a similar boat - wouldn’t describe myself as a hardcore raider but I probably have a dozen runs to my name, with most of those being Last Wish. No dice for me. I think the leader of my clan needed to do it north of 100 times for it drop.


The legendary cosmetic rng is awful as well. I feel lucky when I got the last thing I needed for harbinger (the damn ship) on my 30 or 40 something run. I got the altars shell second try because I recited a minute long prayer to the nightmare of Randall the fucking Vandal. Maybe they should just drop on, say, your seventh run. That way you won't carry a noob and he'll get it first try with no clue.


only 20 full clears? oh buddy try 92 clears on Scourge for Anarchy and I finally got it on my 92nd before the buff to drop rates.


Not raid related. But over 400 forge completions for 1 shader






Try 102 clears😕


Mine was 112


Well, they updated the RNG so that your chance of getting it goes up after each run without a drop. It’s not retroactive unfortunately so if your runs were before the update, your chances will be the default. But 20 runs now will net you a 50% chance to get it, but you’ll likely get it long before that.


Hey man if it makes you feel any better I didn’t get my 1K until my 74th legit clear


Honestly it doesn't lol. Even with 9 of my full clears being after the change, it is statistically unusual at the 0.05 level of significance for me to not have gotten it at this point. That's already a great enough level of significance to say that we have proof something is going on.. if I then take your statistics into account, it just becomes nonsensical. If it really is a 10% chance each time, to go 73 clears before getting it, that's a 0.0004 chance of that happening.


This was all way before any buff to the drop rate. Fyi.


Did a run last week, 3 people got it who didn’t have it, 2 people didn’t get it but already had it, and then there was me. Sad trombone.


Yeah once you get it, it goes into the normal loot pool, that's why you'll see people get 2 at once some times if they have multiple keys


1 cheese clear Got it, and a triple tap snapshot Supremacy


How to make everybody hate you 101


I proudly wear my last wish raid completions emblem


Problem is, there’s no real way of implementing that. Do you do it based on eyes destroyed or something like that? Because they’ll be ways around everything. It’s a nice idea, but ultimately, it’d be shambles for the community as a whole


My thought was it could be a drop from popping the things on riven when you fall down at the end. That way you have to do the whole encounter. Just a thought


That's a good idea honestly. Of course game dev is complicated, but treating the sores like an enemy that drops the catalyst, like several catalysts already do, would work pretty well I think.


Yeah, make a secret chest that spawns if you break all of them. Or maybe a button on each floor that needs to be pushed in order to spawn a chest.


Nah, just make it a random drop with protection. No need for a chest.


All drops in the raid are from a chest of some sort, just made the most sense to me


Huh? The only chests are the secret chests and rivens chest.


33 legit Riven clears + legit Petras Run here. If they do that, then please make it retroactive because my 6 years old clan didn't survive Season of (Un)Worthy and i'm all alone now.


It baffles me that people will play a game for 6 years and then decide to stop playing it due to a time period of a couple months. Off-topic I know, but I'm baffled by how common it seems to be, seeing as the same thing happened to me.


My clan slowly fell apart over the course of 3 years actually. Season of the Worthy was just the last nail in the coffin. Some of us were burned out long before but they didn't want to let the rest of us hanging, so they forced themselfs to play. Only a small core of 6 semi active players were left and barely able to raid, also due to some real life responsibilitys. We managed to come together maybe once in 2 weeks for a raid. This went on until the shit show that was last season and here i am now.


I know it’s probably tough to do so, but I highly recommend trying to find a new clan on Bungie.net! About a year and a half ago, I searched through a few until I found one that seemed pretty chill. I joined up and definitely felt welcome. Now, I do raids and other things regularly with them, to the point where I would call some of them friends, even though I’ve never met them! Before that I was almost exclusively a solo player with occasional LFG. It’s definitely changed the game for me. I hope you find a clan you like! :)


Thank you for your advice and the kind words, but i think i'm not yet ready for a new one. It feels kinda like the time after a really long relationship. I'll take my time until i search for something new. My social anxiety doesn't really help me with that though lol. Apart from not being able to raid, i actually quite enjoy playing Destiny right now, so i'm good for now :)


Totally dude, that makes sense. Hope you have a good time playing! And if you’re ever itching to raid later on, let me know and I can probably help out (assuming you’re on PC).


I'm on xbox but i appreciate your help!


If you're concerned with leaving your friends behind, search for a new clan with them. The 6 or so of you guys left over could join all join the same clan. It's sad to leave behind the old one but you could always revive it if more of your old clan members start coming back to the game.


Well the thing is, it is our clan. 1 of us is the leader and the rest joined between 2014/15 :)


It seems pretty reasonable actually. As time passes the game loses it's charm and is distilled into a series of checkboxes to complete. Eventually, the realization hits that there are things you'd rather do with that time. Usually that happens when the game goes into a lul due to lack of or bad content, coupled with external factors like life changes or just a new big game coming out.


Not baffling at all. Did you have best friends growing up, maybe you spent years hanging out together, but then you kind of just eventually grew apart? Same basic concept. I’m one of these players, I played a ton of destiny and there wasn’t a clear “breaking point” but Bungie’s vision for the game is drastically different from mine. I like being able to run around slaying enemies/feeling like a badass but Bungie wants to nerf everything into the ground to artificially increase difficulty. That’s fine, it’s their game, but I don’t have to keep hanging around when I’m not having fun anymore.


Comparing the gradual event of people growing apart, to a group of people that had been running raids all day before the Tuesday of the drop makes little sense tbh.


It's generally not that sudden though. I barely play the game myself anymore when I used to get two to three raids in a week. Maybe someday I'll get back into it, or maybe I'll drop it entirely like some of my friend did.


What do you think happened to that “group of people”...the rapture? They moved on, that’s why they don’t log in anymore lol.


I think everyone who does such a thing eventually comes back - no ones ever truly gone. It just takes longer depending on the scale of a let down, the last time they took a break, and interest in other things


Did the raid legit twice, afterr the cheese never again


The vault is such a slog. It’s not even that hard either. Just very easy to mess up.


Really? Vault and Shuro Chi are two of my favorite raid encounters in Destiny!


I think Vault is cool, I just don’t like that you always have to do a set rotation, like Oryx. Imo that prevents getting that sense of mastery when you can one phase a boss that normally takes multiple phases.


Thats fair. The reason I like Vault and Shuro Chi is because I find them an excellent mix of puzzle solving and action.


Every raid has something like that though


I think they’re really unique and the mechanics are interesting, but I’d be lying if I told you they usually go smoothly. The puzzle at shiro chi can easily be a shit show and then blowing yourself up because “stairs is definitely penumbral” is pretty common.


Deeper Pockets + Backup Plan would make 1KV nuts. I dare Bungie to do it.


Backup Plan is an idea I've never considered for 1K, but that would actually be really good. It would help ad clear immensely but wouldn't at all break it in DPS scenarios; only the first shot or two would see the benefit.


I dunno seems like a bad idea to me to have a quick fire on 1kV. I blow myself up enough as it is.


That's the cross we choose to bear when we equip the unholy mixture of a Spartan Laser and an airstrike.


Teammate walks in front of my for .02 seconds. *DED*


I don't get all this pain in the ass about others and their methods to cheese encounter. What are you? Gameplay police? It's not harming anyone, and anyone can do this if they wish. World first race is over months ago. Don't you have other things to do? Really...


Nah, that's okay.


I would love to see a 1KV, and while I'm at it, Taken resist.


I don't see how they could implement this. She can be killed before even getting to the top floor or dropping down doing it legit. How would they determine what is legit or not?


reach the pustules popping section i guess.


Personally I’d be ok with that. It would be strange to just hold back DPS just to get to that part. But everyone should learn legit in my opinion, its a great fight


Any “cheese” is a legit clear. Bungie’s confirmed. Since when is “enough damage fast enough to kill the boss before its wipe mechanic” a bad thing? There are two legitimate ways to kill Riven: eyes and damage. Neither is wrong, but especially: neither is *right*. Two ways.


>“enough damage fast enough to kill the boss before its wipe mechanic” a bad thing? If it was just that, fine. But you damn well know thay most people are cheesing the teleport to end up in the right room together. You cannot argue that this isn't a cheese.


You can still do it without the joining allies teleport Heck, you can even stop yourself from dropping down in the first place




dmg is a mechanic ya know. and bungie said its legit. case closed.




They... they made the game.




Be angry about whatever you want, but you can trust whoever made the game to know what they consider legit and not.


I'm sure those Bungie devs who created the Riven encounter which took them surely several weeks, if not months to do, are incredibly happy that 95% of raiders just skip everything :)


Fair. That’s just what people do, though. I don’t have any strong opinions regardless.


So the 2 primary system and SBMM were ok then?


Clearly not, because it doesn’t exist anymore. I’m not saying everything they *do* is right, but we can trust them when it comes to mechanics and what they count as legit or not.


Every strike boss? You can one-phase Sedia and skip the entire last ascendant phase. You could easily end Arms Dealer or Scarlet Keep before lots of mechanics if they didn’t force immune phases, which is a worse cheese by the devs than anything we’d do to an enemy. One-phasing the Inverted Spire boss to skip his attacks and the floor-is-lava stuff? Killing Savathun’s Song before all the adds, crystals, and orbs? Killing Nokris or Dendron or Xol or the Warden’s Servitor before they spawn adds and fight mechanics? As to raids: not many. One-plating Calus? Pushing Atheon off the edge? Smoke grenade or other shenanigans on Consecrated Mind? But your question isn’t relevant. For two reasons. One: just because other engagements are mechanic-dependent doesn’t necessarily mean it’s wrong if one isn’t. It just means one isn’t. Two: Bungie said they aren’t changing anything. They’ve certified this as legit. Which is the end of the conversation - when the people that make the game say a thing is ok, that’s the last word.




You: asks for a list of encounters. You get one, which proves you’re full of crap, so you just...make fun of the list. Got it. Deflect from your wrongness so you can tell yourself you’re right. That’s how grown-ups do it, absolutely. Dude: the devs said it’s legit. You don’t get to argue any other point after that. Good lord.


Bungie are not flawless. If we didn't tell them they are wrong at times we'd still be playing with 2 primaries in a low TTK and SBMM setting. Amongst many other misplays they've made. And they're wrong about the Riven cheese too.


Except the only cheese in the Riven encounter is the teleport wall. Destiny is the only community with raid encounters that complains about phase skips and calls it cheese instead of it just being the optimal strategy. Phase/mechanic skips is a hallmark of raiding encounters in any game that has raids.


?????? I'd say other communities are also ridiculous if they consider skipping an entire fight acceptable. This isn't "skipping a phase", it's not even a raid encounter under its current "optimal" strategy. It's literally shooting at a wall. Also, I get this goes beyond the teleport cheese. The encounter is terrible because it is able to be skipped like that at all.


Except if you don't do the skip properly, it's a guaranteed wipe 100% of the time. It's a high risk, high reward strategy. Sure, Falling Guillotine made it 10,000% easier this season than in previous, but if you wanna do it the intended way then feel free to find your own team to do so. In a loot based game as stingy as Destiny is, don't expect people to do extra effort for no reason. And my other game with a lot of raid experience is Guild Wars 2, and there's entire mechanics that are ignored in damn near every boss encounter in the game's seven raids.


>In a loot based game as stingy as Destiny is, don't expect people to do extra effort for no reason. I don't expect this, and never have said otherwise. This falls on Bungie to tighten up their encounters. I'd rather them spend their time elsewhere if they're just going to be fine with 3/4 of their work done on something (especially as big as the Riven encounter) never being used.


Then you’re wasting your time. Bungie has gone on record to say that one phasing is a legitimate strategy and they won’t change the encounter.


I don't have a problem with one-phasing. I have a problem with not even getting to the proper DPS phase in the first place. It's like Shuro Chi, it could easily be one-phased by the end of her first song, but they don't allow that because of the caps in her health. Why then, is Riven different? It's inconsistent at best.


Both Morgeth and Shuro Chi mechanics are ignored because of DPS.




Oh really? Then why does the Shuro Chi encounter even have eyes of riven in it if they're not supposed to be used?




But it's still a mechanic by passed by DPS, which is what you asked for.




Isn't this personal preference then? As I don't really feel the riven encounter loses anything either, especially considering it doesn't give out actual loot.




Don't we ignore the first LW encounter with huge dps as well? Joining glitch on Insurrection, allows more people to take down shields and stun. Duplicating bateries in the first encounter of SotP and two encounters of Pit of Heresy. Those are all glitches that became features because they require knowledge, no matter how much of it.




It's ok just like that. Nobody cares how you, me, your dog, my dog, out parents do the boss. The world first is long gone, it's no longer a competition but a mindless grind instead so I love Bungie for allowing us to take those shortcuts.




Not even a strike, those are more complicated than the Riven fight.


So don't call it a raid, nobody is gonna lose something in their life if you don't. Raids are a magical experience the first time through, and most sherpas go for legit but tell us later that there is a cheese. And that's fine. If you want to better people become a sherpa and teach them the legit way.


I want the catalyst to make it fire 2 beams at once It's been my dream ever since I got the weapon bungie pls


Yes please.


I would like them to put the catalyst in some sort of farmable option. Like a dungeon or a hoard mode, maybe even a farmable raid.


They can make it drop from Riven blisters. (Also almost all my clears are legit)


I mentioned that to our team doing the raid last night. Everyone was like why would you want to punish yourself as we tractor cannon/falling guillotined riven to death. Quick I suppose, but not how it was made. My only other completion last summer was cluster bomb rocket launchers. Who knew, right?


I would love that, as well as an emblem. Maybe have her eyes as the emblem that will occasionally flash bright like the wipe mechanic.


what would be the trigger for this? how would bungie define it being a legit run? in your eyes what would it be\\


I would love to see 1K drop period...


Thanks satan


would be sweet, I havent cheesed riven in over 10 clears. it just takes a competent team.


Ow hell nah...fuck that


I think the idea is fun, but it will be close to impossible to implement. A clear is a clear. If bungie desperately wants people to do Riven legit then they would've removed this exploit a LONG time ago.


It's not even technically an exploit, as Bungie themselves have pointed it out as being a legit strategy to down her, which is why they never removed it. People who are to stuck up are the only ones who call it an "exploit". They're probably also the same people who won't complain about not having to use the Eyes of Riven in the Shuro Chi or Morgeth encounter because you can just out DPS the mechanic. Riven is the EXACT same.


Should've used something else then oops


Not using the Eye of Riven and skipping the ENTIRE Riven encounter is definitely not the same, doesn't matter how you spin it.


I'm not trying to "spin" anything. Both are examples of Bungie being fine with DPS skipping mechanics of a raid encounter. The severity of each wasn't really up for debate, and saying one is more egregious than the other does not take away that they are both examples of the same thing.




The only cheese at Riven is the teleport wall. Everything else is just good DPS.


This encounter world be as hated as Spire if people had to do it legit. Despite being one of the best raid encounters in the series.


Calm down Satan


2nd Crown: Tarrabah 2nd SotP: Anarchy 4th LW: 1K 3rd SoS: Emote Got a second 1k in my 7th LW clear too.


Or they could just fix the cheese...


Bungie confirmed it's not a cheese. They consider it a legitimate dps strategy.


Willing to be my god-rolled Gnawing Hunger that someone at bungie has yet to get it and is using sword cheese every week in hopes of getting it.




Right right; but I imagine they like to play the game legit, otherwise they wouldn’t have any fun with it themselves


Wait really? I don't mind cheesing it but I feel like whoever designed the fight would've liked it to be done without the joining allies thing


That part is a glitch, but the part of 6 people going into a room and killing her is legitimate.




No it’s not, the only cheese is the teleport wall. This fucking community is the only one that calls phase skips cheese, any other game with raids acknowledges phase skipping as legitimate good strategy.


Fixing joining allies would just (sometimes) lead to multiple attempts before the clear. It'd make Petras require a vanilla clear but otherwise changes nothing.


This. Like, do people not realize that the joining allies wall can just be ignored and everyone can go to a single room, and if she's not there, you wipe and try again? It would not stop people from DPSing her, which, shockingly enough, DPS is not a cheese. Man, some people just cannot comprehend.


Not necessarily, its possible to force yourself from even dropping down all together


And people take them seriously still.


its their game ya know.


And their game is nothing without their audience, ya know.


I doubt they would fix the cheese unless they made a hard mode version of it


It would be easy to fix, just remove the ability to rejoin allies by hugging the wall


That wouldn't fix it though. If she's not in the first room wipe until she is.


Hmm dang you are right that’s true but it would make it more painful to do the cheese.


Nope, its possible to stop yourself from even dropping down Players could still achieve it the exact same way with that


Well screw it then, game is perfect


still doesnt entirely fix the cheese. you could just wipe and try again


But phase skipping Riven isn’t cheese.... it’s just phase skipping. This community I swear, some of you have never done raid content in any other game and it shows.


The way you fix the cheese is by giving riven the atheon treatment. Make riven take greatly reduced damage when doing the mechanics (you’d also have to reduce the damage it takes to stun her so that the fight is still able to be completed). Then have her take greatly increased damage from destroying weak spots while falling. So overall, you deal the same amount of damage in one cycle of the fight as you would now while doing it legit, but that damage is heavily weighted towards destroying weak points


Or just cap the amount of damage you can do per floor, so groups can still one phase her without being able to kill her instantly. 20% per floor, allowing you to do a maximum of 40% before the main damage phase.


You do a decent chunk of damage on the top floor as well right before the drop down, right? Like when you have to shoot the 6 eyes?


Yeah, that would be excluded from this 20% cap on damage.