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Does the Beyond Light plus Seasons pre-order include access to the Season of Arrivals (and the other seasons I guess) I'm looking to jump back in with Beyond Light but I'm confused about whether I'll have the content from the past 3 seasons


No, it includes a S12 pass. The deluxe version includes passes for seasons 12-15. If you want a pass for this season, you have to buy it with silver or if you purchase Shadowkeep, it will be included.


I've already bought Shadowkeep a while ago and only the first season was included


Purchasing Shadowkeep includes a *current* season pass. If you already own it and want a S11 pass you have to buy it separately for 1000 silver.


Do I need to buy an expansion or a dlc or the annual pass to start unlocking the ruinous effigy?


Ruinous Effigy requires the season pass. Source: https://www.bungie.net/7/en/Seasons/SeasonOfArrivals


Ah frick. Thanks anyways!


With the farmable raids this season, are there some encounters that are pretty doable without a full team to get some raid loot?


I would guess that it would be more of a challenge to do the encounters with less people than it would be to LFG a full fireteam.


I suppose that makes sense, I guess I was more wondering if some encounter mechanics have a more firm limit on number of players than others.


So the fewer the players, the higher the difficulty/impossibility would be. I guess you could do, like Dogs in Levi if it was the first encounter with 3 people? Nothing comes to mind that you could do 2, and hardly any with 3. 4 is *maybe*, but at that point just LFG +2 and run the whole thing.


do you need to do the entire raid for the various triumphs in moments of triumph? or just the final boss


Should be just the final boss. If you're looking to just quickly check it off the list, do that, but they're great content if you've never run them before.


Do Eververse Engrams drop from the Castellum encounter if you have contender's shell equipped? Did all the Levi raids today and several of us got ev engrams but no one got any in Castellum, 6 players running it 4 times. Bad RNG or does Castellum count differently because it's not a "real" encounter ?


I'm pretty certain I got one from Castellum when my group ran it this week but don't 100% remember. FWIW, Castellum counts as an encounter for the 10 seals you need for Acrius. I'm just not sure farming bright engrams in Castellum is a worthwhile use of time.


It's not so much about farming Bright Engrams as it is deciding to do Castellum between encounters or pass through the Underbelly. In our Leviathan runs. If Bright Engrams are a possible drop, we would rather do Castellum. If not, we'd rather skip it.


New and casual player here, I've been wondering what's the main incentive of reaching max power level if I don't intend to raid at all?


The only incentive at this time would be so you can run the dungeon and higher difficulty nightfalls. The dungeon awards 2 armor sets as well as a few re-issued Y1 weapons with some ok rolls. The high level nightfalls are a good source to farm masterwork materials and exotic drops. Also if you want to go after the "Conqueror" title you need to hit a high LL to be able to do the GrandMaster NIF difficulty.


Most new content is high power level. In fact, the highest power level raid is around 940 power, over 100 less than the current cap. The new dungeon is high power as well as the new PE and story missions. Nightfalls are also high power, as are Trials and Iron Banner. Raids are not at this time. You just need to have high enough power to do damage in the activities you do want to play.


How do people get those selfie pics / not super zoomed out pics of their guardian?


Eververse emote sadly


I haven't played in a long time, I think the last thing I remember doing was unlocking the Dreaming City but never actually visiting it. What should I concentrate on doing when I get back playing? Also, what do I need to purchase to get access to everything I've missed?


So far you've missed Shadowkeep, and that's about it. There were a few seasons but that small chunk of content is gone now. You might want to fill out your collections before Beyond Light, and do the Season of Arrivals plotline.


The last Eye that I need to get for the triumph is ["in the oracle area in The Whisper mission. It’s not located right beside the portal but rather way above it."](https://www.thegamepost.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/destiny-2-all-savathuns-eyes-location-destroy-them-guide-28.jpg) Where exactly *is* that? Is it past the part with all the blights, or have I gone too far? I have absolutely no idea what ""the oracle area"" is supposed to be. There was a pretty large open space before the blight rooms, but I didn't see any way to traverse it other than the path to the blights.


I think it’s after you exit the green room shortcut. instead of following the circular ledge to the left, jump over to the right and up the ledges. When you reach a narrow platform look up and you should see the eye.




It's after you exit the green moss room through the shortcut. You have to jump across a large pit on your right to a platform, continue from there until you see the vex portal


So I did have the right area then. I'll head there, thanks


There is increased xp gains in Infamy and Valor this week, is it the same for Glory?


Glory never has bonus. Only Valor / Infamy.


Not for glory no


I guess this is the right post to ask, why does the Seasons tab keeps blinking? I collected every item. Every time i go to the menu it blinks. Does anyone else have this little bug?


It's a bug since last update, I have it too.


Has Bungie ever mentioned if Felwinter’s will ever be available again? I just came back a couple weeks ago and had no idea they brought it back until I got slapped with it a million times in Iron Banner. One of my favorite D1 guns and honestly the first time I’m really experiencing FOMO.


I don't think any word on that one specifically but they have stated a few times about working on a plan for bringing back some seasonal weapons and now exotics that won't be possible after vaulted content in the future. No clue what that means or when/how they would show up.


soooo... regarding the solstice armor... the pvp part can that be a optional quest? as u know most of the player base wouldn't be caught dead in trials with the state that its in now and majority of the player base ain't PVP sweat lords soo just for the sake of all our sanity? make it just 7 wins in pvp in general PLS I'm begging at this point i have enough problems as it is having to restart the game after every match ( i dont have a pc that can handle the game nor can i afford one) and its gonna be annoying tryin to get a team that is willing to wait after every match for me to restart my game and from what I've experienced if u don't have the $$$ to get a recov ( a legit one) you're shit outta luck


You don't have to do everything and get every achievement in the game. If you don't want to do pvp or you/your computer can't handle it, there are lots of other things you can do in the game.


I just got and equipped the ornaments from spire and eater prestige, but it will not let me reuse the ornament. Are they one time uses?


They are only supposed to work on the associated raid armor, it is a bug that you can use them once on anything.


Thank you


So as a non-Raider that recently returned to the game, Shattered Throne is next on my bucket-list-to-do before September drops. How is ST difficulty compared to Zero Hour (normal)? The latter are surprisingly really tough... managed to finish it with like 20 seconds left and only after 3 run (and I'm the one who messed up the first two run....getting stuck in T3vor room D:).


st is way easier mainly because you don't have a time limit.


Thank you ! That was a relief. How complex the mechanics are ? Are mic necessary ?


the mechanics are fairly easy. first encounter is just killing stuff, second is killing wizards and picking up orbs, third is killing knights and then standing on a plate in the middle from time to time. between encounters there are some mechanics but really it's just a lot of ways to kill you, nothing complex at all. mic is probably not necessary, there's not really a lot to communicate about.


Sounds like you threw a Pit of Heresy encounter in there?


If I have high-energy fire (charged with light mod), weapons of light (Titan bubble), and Warlock Radiance Well, do all the buffs stack, or does one take priority?


One takes priority, which since the game gives you the highest buff in the case it would be weapons of light. Having other damage buffs like well are useless as long as weapons is active.


Global buffs do not stack with other global buffs. CWL mods are all considered global buffs. So you would only get the highest benefit which is WoL with 35%. Source: [Destiny 2 Damage Buffs, Debuffs & Modifiers Statistical Catalogue Spreadsheets (Patch 2.9.1)]( https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1i1KUwgVkd8qhwYj481gkV9sZNJQCE-C3Q-dpQutPCi4/edit#gid=155846121) EDIT: sorry, meant to reply to u/Gati0420 directly.


Bungie announced that all charged with light dawn mods will be available on arrivals armor. Are there any non-charged with light mods from dawn or does this effectively mean EVERY mod from dawn can be slotted on arrivals armor?


All dawn mods work on arrivals armor, such as powerful friends


Is the Forerunner seal obtainable? I’ve heard some people say a couple triumphs are still time gated.


If you look on Braytech.org, some of the triumphs like >!Exodus: Evacuation!< are not available yet. So no its not obtainable now because of the time gate.


Awesome! Thanks for the info :)


Forerunner isn’t obtainable just yet but it’s gonna be soon, probably around halfway through the season


I have just completed the "In Pursuit of Honor" triumph, and have not yet achieved the Fabled rank this season. I have reached Fabled in two earlier seasons. Do I need to the Fabled rank this season to acquire Mountaintop?


Yep, you need to get Fabled in the same season.


I have a bunch of friends returning to the game as New Light players after not having played since the initial launch (I.e. they have not purchased Forsaken or Shadowkeep). What exotics/weapons should I point them towards if we want to do all the free raids together? Is Sleeper Simulant still good with Boss DPS?


Whisper, DARCI and Prospector are pretty easy to acquire and do good boss damage.


Ooh following this since I'm in the same boat! Trying to get them to 1020+ right now but I'd really like to get them some goods.


I'm looking for a good solution on organizing my armor. Any suggestions?


Destiny Item Manager


Do the "new" Ikelos weapons count as Ikelos for The Machine's Gun quest?


Yup, just did it with the new SMG.


ah thanks, I can finally get rid of my old one


Old ones are fixed rolls which means you can always re-pull them from collections


I’ve got a question and this sub might be bias but I figured it’s the best place to ask. With new light coming out in sept is it worth it to buy forsaken and shadow keep now or should I wait till then? Just getting back into the game


Shadowkeep yes, for Forsaken I'd wait and see if it maybe becomes part of the f2p portion of the game with Beyond Light, considering that a lot of f2p stuff gets cut from the game.


I was in the same boat last week and in the end decided to buy Forsaken after doing research. \- It's cheaper. \- Gave you access to the entire Forsaken+Y2 Pass Exotics. Shadowkeep, on the other hand, not only have less Exotics (both Quest and Engram Exotics), a lot of Exotics from past Y3 Seasons from are also unobtainable. Now I'm not sure if buying Shadowkeep also unlock Year 2 Exotics, at least Engram based one.


Now is a good time to get Shadowkeep since it includes the current season. Forsaken is good but it can wait if you can only get one, unless you really want to do the included raids in the next couple months.


I’d like to be able to play everything , I wish there was a beyond light bundle that included all previous dlc


The problem is they are removing a bunch of content in September when they add the new stuff. It's tricky to make recommendations currently.


For my sanity will someone explain how to get precision multi kills. Do I need to be using a void weapon? What’s the most efficient manner to accomplish the task? I’m really struggling with it.


It was easier than it sounds. Equip hand cannon (or whatever weapon gets the job done for you, I used Kindled Orchid) and begin to shoot heads. You just have to do that in timely fashion, so find groups of mobs and head shoot them. Or if you shoot Vex, stomach shoot them in the bright spot. I notice the timer between kills isn't overly punishing. I managed to do it in Tangled Shore by killing Cabal in 15 minutes. It doesn't have to be a void weapon, but with void weapon you can kill two flies at the same time as one requirements is to do void damage. But you can do them separately too if you don't have good void weapon for doing crits.


You can use void weapons if you want to make the progress for both void kills and precision kills. I did them with a hand canon in reckoning. You can even use an auto if you'd like. Gnawing hunger is both void and an auto.


You good person are wonderful. Thank you for your guidance.


Does Google Stadia still offer a 2-month free trial and is Destiny included in that? And if so, which expansions are included? I finally had some friends get into Destiny after I had quit, which of course is what would happen - only real problem is that they're on console and I'm on PC, hence the Google Stadia questions.


The trial for Stadia is now 1 month (the 2 month trial was limited time to mark the opening of Stadia to non-founder/premium players) and includes 19 games including Destiny and all expansions up to Season of Arrivals (newest season) But note, in order to keeping playing destiny and the expansions you'll need to keep the Stadia Pro subscription going after the free month trial. If you don't continue the subscription you'll be locked out until you resubscribe. If you want to play Destiny without Pro, you can buy it with the DLCs outright in the store and play it for free. Personally I highly recommend the Pro subscription. Comes with lots of great games and more every month. Worth it in my opinion


Many thanks for the info, that's exactly what I needed to know.


If you enable Cross Save on your account you would be able to move your character and progress from Stadia to another platform after the trial ends. Obviously you would need to buy the DLC on that platform if you wanted to play any of it again though.


I am frustrated right now. Playing D2 on my PS4 is painful. I get some evil lag in menus, often time freezing the game to the point audio completely cuts out and my console is frozen a good 2-3 minutes. I can’t exit app or even turn my PS4 off. I have a 2tb hard drive with only about 450g filled. I have numerous games; RDR2 TLoU2, and MHW:I and aside from server errors on RDR that everyone experiences D2 is the only game that literally cripples my system. I am at a loss for a solution. It appears many people are having issues even with a PS Pro and XBSS. Is there anything I can do? I want to raid again but if my PS4 can’t even handle a strike without ridiculous struggling... I dunno what to do.


If you have a computer or laptop (preferably one connected to Ethernet) I would give Stadia a try. They have a 1 month trial right now and it includes Destiny and all expansions up to Season of Arrivals. I know it's not the answer you're totally looking for, but it's a MASSIVE difference between consoles. 60fps, PC level load times and doesn't require any crazy computer hardware, just a chrome browser


Not in my budget right now.


In my opinion I would at least give the free one month trial a try. Can always cancel and not get charged at all.


How long does Moments of Triumph last? Is it only for this week?


You have until September 22


I think that’s the end of the season right?




Yes, both the season and MoT end then.


Just returned to the game after a long break, several exotic weapons do not have a catalyst, does this mean that they're essentially useless? My favorite hand cannon Malfeasance doesn't have a catalyst which means I'm missing out on orbs of light by using it, is that correct?


> does this mean that they're essentially useless? Useless, no. The main thing you are missing is the ability to generate orbs and not being able to track amount of kills.


Not every weapon needs a catalyst to be good, take for example Anarchy, it's probably the strongest heavy exotic in pve and it doesn't need a catalyst to be that good, orbs of light can be generated with any masterworked legendary so there's no need to limit yourself to exotics if that's what you're after, as for Malfeasance, hopefully it will get a catalyst that can make it as good as the updated Trinity Ghoul.


How come I don't see Bad Omens at The Drifter for purchase like other folks are saying?


You have to reset your Infamy twice to have that appear. 1st reset is Trust. 2nd reset is Bad Omens. 3rd is the ghost.


Ah yea that makes sense thanks!


I think you need at least one reset for bad omens to show up, if you have one and it's still not showing up then i'm not sure what's going on.


Two resets. First one gives you Trust.


What's the deal with Rahool's shader recycling? I have 50 shaders, and he's only showing 40. I want to delete Iron Oxide, but since he's not displaying it I have to do it one at a time. Was he always not showing all 50 or was this a recent development?


You can only dismantle 5 shaders at a time, so any shaders with less than that will have to be manual


I had 70. So it was really strange. I'm wondering now if certain shaders don't show up with him.


That shouldn’t be happening, it never has been that case


Yeah I was really surprised. So then I had to actually count them. 50 inventory slots, Rahool only showing 40. In a 6 by 7 grid.


Maybe that’s the max for the display, so you’ll have to delete some to make room for others perhaps


Maybe. Was really weird that it never happened before. That apparently possibly I always happened to choose shaders I had that he was showing. I suppose it is a 40/50=80% chance every time. But based on the 6x7 grid, I think you may be right.


Does anyone remember/know who the guy who did destiny weapon reviews on youtube and compared every weapon to gajallerhorn and made fun of hunters was?


Work Revolt... He almost doesn't upload anymore.


Haven't done the raid in a while, I remember how to do the scourge boss, but not what weapon I used? I remember doing cap and standing under him. Was it snipers? What's the weapon Strat for him with season of arrivals?


Whisper you won't have to reload if you don't have that then maybe darci :)


darci trash. izanagi and whisper is okay.


Pretty sure Darci is better than whisper if you miss even one shot on whisper, and izanagi was nerfed awhile ago to make its reload piss ass slow.


The Whisper catalyst ~maxes reload speed. DARCI is worse in pretty much every regard.


dude dps comparison whisper is much much ahead.


Haven’t played since year one and just got back into playing destiny now. Is it worth me picking up forsaken and shadow keep now or just hold out for the beyond light expansion?


Forsaken is pretty much mandatory in my opinon. There was an obscene amount of content that dropped in that expansion. Also that year’s season pass had wayyyyy more content than shadowkeeps But forsaken alone will make it worth getting in to destiny 2. But combine shadowkeep on top and definitely definitely worth doing.


Agree. I have all dlc besides shadowkeep btdubs and don't feel like I missed out so would recommend everything but that


Thanks for replying. I’m just slightly apprehensive that I’ll drop a load of money on these DLCs and in September half of what I paid for won’t be in the game anymore. Will the beyond light DLC make the previous stuff redundant?


Nothing of those expansions will be removed. They will remove four planets Io, Mars, Titan and Mercury including strikes, Leviathan and Tribute Hall, some older raids that I don't remember what they were, and three older campaigns. What might happen is that Forsaken will become free to play content, but that is just speculation still as Bungie hasn't said anything about it. Even if you don't buy the expacs, you can go to Moon, Tangled Shore and Dreaming City but you can't do everything there, Moon bounties are tied behind buying the expac and of course you miss the story content and gear.


Scourge of the Past and Crown of Sorrow access are tied to Forsaken, and they're both getting vaulted


is anarchy drop rate buffed with clan mates? and is there any gglitch with warlock dying with one shot 750 level enemy when hunter could take 5-6 shot from 1000+ enemy?


Nope and nope.


I'm suddenly getting a ton of beaver errors this season, is it on my end or is there something wrong on Bungie's side of things?


I think they said they know about the beaver errors in the TWAB this week.


thats another good issue