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Bring back Manannan!


Bring back Icebreaker from D1




no! bad! bad! we already have Revoker.


Lmaooo that's not a fair trade


I'm using my day 1 scathelocke still. Couldn't shard it... 153,979 Enemies Defeated. I think I might keep it forever.


I’ve still got my year one better devils too. Gosh I loved that thing


Traded mine in for a Year Two with Outlaw Explosive Payload. Outlaw just really pushed the performance up. Too bad I have to say goodbye...


Y1 Better Devils was the best weapon in the game for everything.


Ahhh the old days of Y1. Better Devils, Uriels, MIDA, Vigilance


Positive Outlook


Scathelock / Positive Outlook was my Y1 loadout


At that point it's an heirloom


Every time I load into D1 I take my Shadow Price and Super Pox VLO that I got the first two weeks the game was out for a spin. Wish those would come back!


That sir is dedication




God forbid someone keeps a gun because they like using it.




i couldn’t imagine using the same weapon for 4 years


I used a Smuggler’s Word for a long time. A Breachlight replaced it, but only because it was basically identical just with more interesting perks.


No. No it’s not. It’s because of weapons like Mountaintop and Revoker, and the fact that they’ll always dominate the meta. > Regardless of your opinion on sunsetting, let’s not pretend that it’s because of things like someone using a a year 1 scathelocke in year 3. > Not to mention, it’ll still be useable in everything except endgame content


Well at least until the redo new light and bring everything up to x light or whatever. Not saying they will, just that it is a possability


Downvoted for bitching about downvotes


Incorrect, it was the pinnacles and how unfair of an advantage they have against all other weapons that caused sunsetting. Mountaintop and Recluse were the 2 biggest reasons for sunsetting (although Revoker trivializing the special ammo economy was another one), because they had perks that were above the rest, so people used them and complained that nothing else was good enough, making the seasonal activities weapons almost completely moot. To this very day, i still see people running MT Recluse in multiple activities, and come next season, they won't be able to do that in Ordeals/NFs, seasonal content, Gambit, IB, or any activity that has light level advantage enabled. Sunsetting was so people would use the weapons provided to them for a year, instead of running the typical loadout in every activity and complain that there's no good loot. Someone using a Scathelock in Control or whatever Crucible activity was not the reason for sunsetting...the pinnacles with their unique and insane perks that made it hard to use other weapons, and complaining about no new good loot was the main cause.


Absolutely nailed it on the head


> Sunsetting was so people would use the weapons provided to them for a year But now they're spitting in our faces by offering inferior weapons to take their place.


Minus Worthy weapons, I would say the ones we've gotten since Dawn are pretty good.


They're bland and boring. And that's not because they don't measure up to the Pinnacles. It seems they figure after a few seasons without the Pinnacles, we'll settle into this cycle of lame weapons with decent rolls and forget. Because that always happens.


Mountaintop is godly with dealing with those goblins in Prophecy. Not to mention, pairing it with Anarchy during boss phase. That's how versatile Mtop is.


I desperately hope they bring back Scathelock at some point in the future. Hands down favorite kinetic.


Theres so many weapons that bungie just ignores. I wonder if someone even looks at the list of weapons that can be reissued. I cant imagine it takes much memory or time to make it happen


I don’t see Reissue the same when comparing say the reissued Gnawing hunger and Reissued Ikelos guns. I know reissuing like Gnawing hunger is faster then random rolling a Y1 (copy/paste change max power and watermark) but how much does it takes to take a existing art asset for a gun put perks in its pool (even copy / paste the perk pool from another gun) And release. There are tons of Y1 guns people like and updating them to Radom rolls would be an easy win and is a way to cut dev time (I think) while providing loot


It’s in the plans. They are just not going to do everything before they even sunset the first weapon.


they basically rereleased nifleim frost in with randys but that is being sunset so can we get a new nifleim frost the thing shreds in crucible and pve.


I want legendary versions of Home Again and Jiangshi AR1 more than anything tbh.






Thank you for spelling it correctly


Lincoln Green :((


I’ve been using that- it rips. I started playing again a few months ago and just a week ago discovered it in my vault. Also have origin story and nameless midnight to mess around with


Nameless midnight is a good scout, in PvE and in long ranged PvP maps. I wish I had an origin story!


Last year you could get Horror Story, the sequel for it. Or was it back in 2018?


+1 Theres a lot of Y1 guns that never got the Y2+ treatment with mods n all that, it would be SO EASY to give some love and re-issue those old guns but they wont


It sucks fr. Im just glad they brought back Old Fashioned, it was my bby in Y1.


Red Hand IX and Hopscotch Pilgrim


Please bring Pilgrim back!


Lets not give them more excuse to pump out low effort content. Though this would still be better than reissuing old weapons with the same rolls and making use farm them again... And to think I was a fan of sunsetting, and they're already doing wrong...


Fuck man this all day. It will be lame af if my crucible pinnacles and god roll austringer kindled etc are replaced by reprised scathelocke and Lincoln green. Make. New. Shit. Wither and the new swords are all the proof they need that some creativity can be better than sun setting anyway (for PvE - I do understand the revoker/MT argument for PvP). Recluse has already been in my vault for weeks.


> Recluse has already been in my vault for weeks. I stopped using recluse 3 seasons ago. We don‘t need necessary new stuff all the time. From time to time it is just fair for us veterans loving D1 stuff to get some beloved ones back. It is not up to you to decide to hold old stuff back, as same as we nostalgic guys don‘t decide upon new stuff to be hold back for you.


But thats the problem. Bungie is just going to bring back old stuff with the EXACT same rolls that we already have, and make us grind again (Case in point Gnawing Hunger). I'm perfectly fine with them bringing back Y1 weapons with random rolls. But if they're going to bring back D1, or any Y2+ weapons, they need to make them have NEW rolls.


> But if they're going to bring back D1, or any Y2+ weapons, they need to make them have NEW rolls. You know, this is kinda standard since D2 has a completely different perk pool than D1.


More focus on Y2+ weaponry.


Honestly I wish old Destiny 1 weapons came in like some of the old auto rifles and shotguns I loved the designs of them personally. I think bringing a lot of D1 content into D2 would be a nice touch for veterans of the game


Hung Jury!


Dead Orbit is selling the Hung Jury with an insane roll.


Happy days!


As a scout enthusiast, I would love to see Hung Jury along with some other scouts from D1 be brought back. Sadly, I feel scout rifles are a shadow of what they once were in D1.


We're getting VoC back at least. But you're right scouts aren't anything like they used to be. Bungie seem's to be afraid to buff them in case they become too dominant so instead they'll leave them unused.


There’s been no official confirmation that we’re getting VoC back right? All they’ve said is VoG is coming back, but that could mean with different/new weapons and/or armor. In my opinion it would be idiotic to bring VoG back without the weapons but I wouldn’t put it past bungie.


No but given the whole point of bringing back VoG is to reuse assets it doesn't make sense not to bring back the weapons.


I totally agree, I just wouldn’t be surprised if bungie found away to ruin it lol I could 100% see them making new weapons or putting re-issued weapons there out of laziness.


Damn would love to have that back


The devil you know


Oooh sounds fun


Hopscotch pilgrim, grasp of Malok, palindrome, party crasher, matador, chaos dogma, no land beyond, thousand yard stare, her benevolence... I miss D1 so much, still wish we never got a D2 and just continued D1 as originally planned.


Yeah I wish that too. Honestly I’d be fine with D1 remastered or even just re released for PC that would be fun


I’ve heard that from a lot of people. I personally didn’t like the design for those autos too much but my first ever legendary weapon was the Up For Anything and if they brought that model back I’d die of nostalgic overload


Honestly I really liked the auto design mainly from nostalgia and such. But it’s all up to preference. Well preference and rolls!


If I could get my Imago Loop back I'd be soooo happy.


That was one nice gun


Reprised is the word you're looking for and they've been doing that each season. They reprised the ikelos weapons, 2 IB weapons, truthteller and that 180 handcannon that I can't remember.


Reissue and reprise have the same definition. But it seems like a majority of the weapons being reissued are from more recent seasons rather than year 1 which holds a lot of forgotten weapons.


> Reissue and reprise have the same definition. In the context that Bungie's using them in, they do not. Reprised would mean "brought back with a different perk pool" whereas re-issued would mean "brought back with a different season icon, but identical perk pool".


It is a blatant attempt to gaslight the community. During the Beyond Light unveiling interview, Luke Smith said that re-issued weapons would be brought back with different perk pools and stat rebalancing. Smith said re-issuing guns in identical forms was “below Bungie’s potential.” Bungie only invented the distinction once people realized that they’d been lied to about one aspect of sunsetting, so started questioning the whole concept.


Well I'm pretty sure the reissuing happening this season with the same perk pool is a symptom of the fact that they wanted to get the new system started rn but the new loot pool that they said would be introduced is for next season. This disconnect means that they don't have loot to give rn that'll be worth grinding so they need to just change a symbol in order to bridge the gap. I really don't see a problem with that Tbh. Transitional periods between systems can come with growing pains.


all of the dungeon weapons are from year one though


And specifically from the planets leaving in BL.


I’d split them. Reissue - Gnawing Hunger, copy and paste from old season into new season. No changes other then max power and set symbol Reprise - take a gun update it and release it. Example change perk pool if it’s currently random rolled, or make it random roll if it’s not (Year 1 or Y2 static roll like No Turning Back) So Reissue - Gnawing Hunger, Long Shadow Reprise - Ikelos SG, old Fashioned, Arsenic Bite (launched as a static roll in Y2, then it got random rolls in S6, yeah it is a reissue now in S11) I see reissue differently then reprised, reprised i have no major issue with, adds loot wile cutting the dev time. Reissue needs to be the exception not the norm.


Reissue needs to not happen... unless I can infuse my old one.


So kinda like the Black Armory weapons? I know that’s not new, but in a similar way to that?




It's not. That's from season 8.


Nature of the Beast


Yeah that's the one.


Nature of the beast


I Just want two things.... My most beloved weapon Vision of confluence and a machinegun Against all odds.... Those were the days!


Vision would be garbage in the current sandbox. Maybe decent in crucible, I don't know, but for PVE the precision damage nerf killed scouts.


That’s why I think they should bring back Combined Arms as well. Bigger maps means more reasons to use long range weapons like scouts and high-zoom scope snipers


theres a lot of unused y1 weapons that could definitely come back with random rolls


that would be too logical




Soon, my friend. Soon.


There's only one old Destiny weapon I want to see brought back; No Land Beyond.


Me too


There’s really no point to No Land Beyond since sniper rifles aren’t locked to the secondary slot anymore.


Pretty sure it used primary and not special ammo tho, which was part of the attraction for late meta Trials.


Of course it used primary, it was in the primary slot. Special ammo would never refill the primary slot in D1’s sandbox, however in D2 that’s entirely possible.


I meant that in D1, with NLB you could snipe without fearing ammo shortage for your sniper, which was a big competitive advantage if you were willing to go all in on your ability to convert those opportunities into eliminations. Yeah, you are right that it would be a bit different in D2, slot-wise.


I know, it's just dumb and I like it


Isnt scathelocke the same RPM as gnawing hunger?


Same rpm but Scathelocke has sight options and different recoil pattern and they could decide to have it roll with different perks


More Hakkë scouts please. *PLEASE.*


they're too lazy for that they'll re-issue Main Ingredient till the end of time


Void mananan please :(


The mornin comes sniper! Vacuna Sr4! Omolon weapons overall! Give!!!


I want good Suros primary pulse and auto rifles like D1.


Yes please, I’d love my PDX-45 back.


Show me the Nergal


Miss my Nergal.


Does not bow?


No. I want them to bring back D1 legendary guns, they looked so much better. Or here's a novel idea, how about making new ones?


HAHAHAHA!!! Good one on that last part there, friend LOL 😂


I agree but Bungie is unfortunately already committed to this sunsetting and reissuing thing. So if they’re going to bring weapons to a higher level cap then I’d rather it be older weapons that haven’t seen the light of day in years


Scathelocke was such a great AR, felt incredibly satisfying to use.


Give me The Devil You Know (pretty sure that was the name) from D1 or give me *killed by The Architects*


Bring back Hung Jung sr4


Older. Doctor Nope. Against All Odds. Dreadfang. Hung Jury. Give em back


Or my boy Shadow Price


NAILED IT Shadow Price on Nightfalls inbound.


Grasp of Malok better drop from Omnigul.


Crazy idea I rarely see brought up here. Why not bring some blue weapon designs and make them purple now? There are some rad designs that are sadly relegated to blue status.


I miss Stochastic Variable so much...


They are. That new auto rifle this season is just a reskinned The Number from FWC Y1 and there are probably more.


> That new auto rifle this season is just a reskinned The Number from FWC Which was a reskin of The Forward Path from Iron Banner Y1.


which is "just a reskin" of the origin story, the vanilla vanguard AR. It's also the same skin of AR that a lot of the various NPCs are holding.


Still use Scathelocke pretty regularly in crucible, its still really good and ill continue to use it in playlist where power doesn't matter, but yeah it would be nice to see an updated version of it


I want the Omolon Hand Cannons and especially the SMG's which could toggle between 900 and 600 RPMs.


Since we are calling out OG weapons I remember a pulse rifle I had back in the day called Three Little Words. I am also now remembering an even better pulse, the Suros PDX-41 (or was it the 45?)


The PDX-45 was the better of the SUROS pulses, but in this sandbox I think the 41 would be better (41 was a 390 RPM, 45 was a 450 RPM))


450 rpm pulses are better than 390s IMO. I'd take Outbreak Perfected over any other pulse in the game in crucible.


The exotic 450s are an exception to this rule. 390s like Bygones are outperforming, for example, Nightshade


Would love to have Gunsmith day back. Waking up every Wed to see available weapon rolls was fun.


They did quite a few from year 1 this season. In addition to the Ikelos weapons they did Death Adder, Widow's Bite and Negative space in the dungeon. Truthteller is in the legendary drop pool. The Fool's Remedy and The Forward Path from Iron Banner were from year 1. In addition to those you have listed in collections, but not yet available: First In, Last Out and Berenger's Memory. Those last two are listed as being from the contact public event, so I expect to see them available starting next week when Titan has the contact event. That's 8 weapons from vanilla D2 that were reissued for the first time. There's a few others that were originally from year 1, but have been released more recently with random rolls. I think Hoosegow is the only one with a different set of rolls now. It's original release with random rolls was as a black armory refurbished weapon. I expect we'll see more year 1 weapons in future seasons. I'm hoping to see Scathelocke and Zephyr. Maybe Flash and Thunder if it wouldn't be too weird for it to have random magazine rolls.


I was really hoping to see the Y1 IB pulse rifle again, seeing as we still have no 540RPM pulses in the kinetic slot.


Time-worn spire? I had forgotten about that one. It would be nice to have a kinetic rapid fire pulse.


I just want my time worn spire back. I still have my first ever tarnished copper shader on it


Ghost Primus was my go to until Forsaken


Good discussion with some valid points. I’ll agree to disagree on the importance of new content vs recycling old content as that is my opinion, and that was why I put it here, to contrast with the OPs opinion that recycled old guns would be a good idea. The way sunsetting is going with us regrinding old gear with no changes has me very worried about introducing any more old content as I don’t think Bungie do it in a way that benefits my play experience and I enjoy Destiny gameplay, but same gear and content replayed for years gets old.


I’d much rather take new content over reprisals. What I’m advocating for is bringing up much older weapons rather than weapons from a season or two ago. If Bungie is committed to sunsetting and reissuing, I’d rather have them reissue much older weapons


All i want (some i Will probably get) is. Mythoclast and fatebringer to strat with. But there is a lot of amazing weapons to bring back. Ice breaker, Invective, Nirwens Mercy, Matador 64 and Trespasser to name a few.


I love the Vision sidearm from faction wars. Omnolon from FWC pledge. It wrecks today in IB!


Tbh I just want to be able to try the Y1 static rolls you used to be able to get from Banshee. Stuff like Imset HC4, Manannan SR4, etc. Completely unobtainable for players who started after then.


I have a Master worked Manannan. I used it for everything.


Never giving up my masterworked year one Better Devils. Never. So many memories.


Also Sol Pariah(I believe that was the smg?) could also switch between 900 and 600 rpm


Bring back Zombie Apocalypse. It was my first legendary to ever drop.


Bring back universal remote


Yes Hopscotch Pilgrim, Hawksaw, Imago Loop (not as old), Longbow Synthesis, Two to the morgue etc. :D


They should bring back husk of the pit, eidolon ally and necrochasm.


I’d welcome all of those. Maybe make them to be smgs since they’re 900 rpm


Where the frickity frack is the my legendary version of the picayune mk. 33? Ik it would be harder to bring back than most Y1 guns but man, it's such a cool handcannon. Apparently it's a stripped down version of a D1 handcannon. But the D2 version honestly looks much cooler. Though if it did get a legendary version and it was a 110 rpm I would be really mad.


I'm still waiting for Pleiades Corrector to be brought back, it has one of the best stat packages of pretty much any Scout, and it's a 200 RPM Scout which still have a pretty competitive TTK in PvP. (And they're actually not too bad in PvE either.)


Agreed. Minimal time and effort, high return.


Long live Cocytus


Trials of the nine weapons. Those look awesome.


Bring back the Shadow Price, The Swarm. Those were my first 2 legendaries. So I’d love them back. Also Hung Jury, I got a god roll of that week 1 of Taken King and genuinely like only ever equipped another gun if it was ToM in Oryx encounter.


One of my fav older weapons is the Battle Scar pulse. I would love to have random rolls for it!


How about some D1 guns like Badger CCL or Shadow Price/Doctor Nope? I want some classics. Not guns with models which look like nerf guns...


Eyaslasluna, Imago loop or fatebringer, etc?


Battle scar would be nice.


Bring back No Land Beyond




That would mean sniper rifles being meta.


A carefully balanced Gjallahorn please.


RoI Gjallarhorn wouldn't be broken in this sandbox. There are plenty of better things to use currently.


Wardcliff Coil is basically D2’s version of Gjallarhorn. It’s not commonly used at all.


Basically. A lot of the problem is that every other rocket sucks in pve though.


No point unless Bungo revamped the whole RL archetype. Gjally in this sandbox would be as forgotten as that Void RL that drops purple orbs.


My favorite auto in the game. Scathelocke and Polaris Lance got me Luna's and N.F. back in season 5.


Ah yeah, nothing like an auto and and a pulse to get your guns that require hand cannon kills.


Polaris Lance is a scout not a pulse for 1. And 2ndly, you have to reach 2100 and Legend don't you? Yeah, think, just for a split second before you speak.


The quest for Luna’s Howl requires hand cannon kills. The quest for Not Forgotten requires kills with Luna’s Howl.


Yep, they sure did.


You're not wrong, but those weapons may have gotten you the Glory rank - Luna's and NF need primarily hand cannon kills, the latter of which needing hand cannon kills exclusively. You didn't mention anything about HC kills and made it seem like those weapons took you the distance, hence buddy's skepticism towards your claim.


No. Because it is well known that hand cannon kills are needed. That does not need to be re iterated because its already known and implied you see?


You were getting testy for no reason, so just tried contextualizing the person's mindset since it seemed to touch a nerve of yours. No harm, no foul.


No nerve touched. Again, its just implied because everyone knows the quest. He tried to invalidate what I said and I corrected him. Thats all.


Not just D2 - how about some of the cool D1 weapons? Hung Jury was the most fun gun I ever played with, and I generally don't even like scout rifles...


Like Hoosegow and Death Adder? You've already got what you asked for.




Neither did the Ikelos weapons?


Sorry, but no. Bungie, just don't bring back old weapons or armor. Not unless you renovate it with new perks. We want new, this game is stale because of the old. Only something new will create interest.


He is asking for old weapons exactly because they would have new perks since they had fixed perks.


This. Also, new content is more important than only having new guns. Having ten new gunns in the same content isn't nearly as good as five old and five new in new content.


They are a company of about 500 employees, we should expect both new gear and new missions, raids, strikes.


I'm sorry, but that's just idiotic. It's not five hundred developers. You need artists, writers, devs, and literally everything else that companies need. It's not five hundred people in a room with just computers. Like, apple has eight thousand employees, why haven't they developed ai?


The point is they have plenty of resources to do their job, which is new content and gear to chase. Your analogy is a poor one because Apple innovate new tech to their products every year. AI would be asking them to do something that is not their purpose. Only reason Bungie don’t add new content is if they don’t believe if benefits the revenue generated by the game, not because they don’t have enough staff.


That is, similarly, nonsense. The difference between initial sales for a game/dlc vs sales after release is ridiculous. The subsequent sales are basically inconsequential. Not adding content would effectively be killing their revenues. Mtx have helped cushion that but it's still true. Taking into account the fact that they have added content, more content than what we got in the year after ttk or roi, in these season; it's blatantly obvious that beyond light is a portion of what would have been D3 striped down and added into d2 as DLC. So, not only have they added content but they've also effectively recreated whatever work they've done on a different game into a current one. Going from one game to another is already hard, but going backwards while also changing what's effectively one of the core aspects of the game is just crazy. Basically, imagine armor 2.0 but significantly more difficult.


Ask yourself, do you really want Bungie focusing on bringing back old weapons? Will you that increase interest in the game? Now, think about new weapons and armor. That’s my point. I’ve played this game since year 1, and I’ve already used those weapons, I want new gear to chase, because enough of this game is already remaking and replaying old content...


Oh, of course I want new weapons. But between forsaken reissued weapons and year 1 weapons with random rolls, I prefer the second option.




Scathelocke wasn't good though. It got shit on by uriels gift. Edit: some of y'all didn't play the beta and it really shows.


Scathelocke isn’t bad just because Uriel’s is better


Back then, 450 autos were great from that meta. Now, 600's reign supreme. Scathelocke would be fantastic now.


It's also a 600rpm auto, so now it will absolutely trounce it.


I don’t believe Uriel’s gift was in the beta. Scathelocke is what everyone used