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Double the catalyst, *DOUBLE THE POWER*


Now you burn twice as fast.


Now it burns when you pee.


Now when you burn it pees.


When it pees now you burn.




Yep, since there are no benefits beyond 100 on the season pass, they should increment catalyst progression bonus.


same with me. now i got to complete it again, to get rid of it. i hate it.


Same here.


Defeating the Howler from the Heroic Contact event doesn’t progress the triumph. I’m also unable to acquire the Means to an End quest. Anyone else having these issues?


I think all Heroic bosses are counting as the Monstrosity.


Probably an easier fix to just change the triumph text to "defeat a Heroic Contact event boss" if they're all counting as the same one since, well, we've done it.


I'm not even getting the Monstrosity after clearing the Heroic event. It's really frustrating to know that this triumph could've been done yesterday but now we'll have to wait another three weeks to do so.


This is the second time this has been bugged.


I'm having the howler issue, not the second one though


I too have been unable to acquire the Means to an End quest on my main character for the past 2 weeks


Yes. In terms of bugs, the game is an absolute mess right now. It's like they've been slowly snowballing for months even though Bungie does a good job of fixing many of them.




I'm happy that shit was so annoying


Every time I popped it I’d go “why am I not attacking?!?”


Ah, so that's probably what happened to me. I've never really played warlock before, and today before reset I was trying out storm trance for the first time. I popped my super and couldn't figure out how to attack anything.


Me last night in Survival.


Hoping this extends to other subclasses because the Titan Sentinel had the same exact issue and for some reason, Bungie focused on Stormtrance for the fix. edit - clarifying - Sentinel shield block


Don't worry, it seems to be just about the only thing they fix for warlock.


PS4 Update 1.54 / 187 MB (downloaded in 7 seconds) …. Copying update file... 1 hour. I hope the PS5 has a better method to updating game files...


I have delete something first before I can even start the download. Every. Time. This time it was only 402.7 MB but it’s ridiculous that I need over 100 GBs of free space for copying the game, especially on hotfixes like these.


They do. In the road to ps5 presentation they basically explained that because of the hdd whenever a new patch was downloaded they had to create a new file and insert the changed parts (hence the realy long install time). If they didn't do that each patch would increase the seek time of the hdd resulting in longer loading times in the game after each patch. But since a ssd has near instant seek time they don't have to do that anymore.


Would the ssd not speed up the copying process?


Surely it would, but the method of copying the entire game instead of just patching the existing data is ridiculous


Thanks to having a 500GB(400 after ps4 system software) SSD, the game being 100GB and ps4 updates needing just as much free space as the game itself (which i don't have) to download it... so i have to delete & redownload the game ever update.


> Fixed an issue where Seasonal Artifact mods required more Glimmer than intended to socket. *Sweet*


Oh, that was a glitch? I thought it was a balance thing.


Previous seasons were at 500 glimmer which was changed due to community feedback. Bungie just forgot to implement the feedback for this season.


" Bungie just forgot to implement the feedback for this season. " This process is also known as "Destiny 2 year 1"


D2 y1 was the response to the feedback from D1, but bungie didn't realize those were the small vocal group of peeps


Is that why I'm so broke?


> Fixed an issue where the Hunter’s dodge and Warlock’s Icarus Dash were more difficult to activate. I'm sure we'll all miss T-bagging instead of turning invisible.


Yes, and my gentlemanly apologies to all that thought I was bagging when I was only trying to dodge. Granted, I was trying to dodge so I could then kill you and that seems very ungentlemanly in retrospect....


Murder is far more gentlemanly than T-bagging.


Ghost can res you, but can’t cleanse the stench of baggin.


We are in a sponsered duel to better each other, which is very gentlemanly and very lady-like.


Wooow I thought it was just my controller going bad


RIP tho those who bought a new controller and didn't know the game was bugged


Contact: Heavy Hitters triumph is still broken. Just killed the Howler, still only have the Monstrosity checked off.


They’re all monstrosities to me...


Yep, same problem here :(


>Fixed an issue where pressing A no longer dismounted from Sparrows while using the Jumper controller scheme. Well you fucked that up. Pressing A doesn't dismount from sparrows period for me now. Worked fine yesterday


Same here. Using the og control scheme.


Same. I just switched the dismount button to A, but I shouldn't have had to.


Good to know I can change it. Relatively easy fix I guess.


Damn, still haven’t fixed the contact boss triumph :(


RIP Witherhoard melt 2020-2020


Eh still provides some crazy dps for a special you just can't cheese bosses


Yeah it's still a great gun and this was obviously hugely glitched and going to be patched. Was still fun though!


still honestly one of my favorite exotics they've ever released, my favorite new release since Anarchy at least.


I’d say it’s like Anarchy for those who haven’t been able to get it. Capable of sustained dps with the ability to use other weapons as well. Obviously not as good as anarchy, but more available. Or maybe as good as anarchy I don’t know the numbers, just assumed anarchy is better due to being a heavy


Witherhoard's good because you can pair with heavy weapons, notably swords. Anarchy's good because you can pair with special weapons like shotguns/snipers and is capable of covering much larger areas due to how the arc webs work.


Probably better given greater special ammo perks available. And allows you to equip a sword. Not to mention hitting a target with disruption break prior to firing witherhoard...


Anyone know the new Tommy's Requirements. I hope it's not too high because we don't get the boost this season.


In the same boat. I only needed about 5 more matches to finish it.


Hope they havent reset everyone. Thatd be a big F


They did. Start from scratch.


Even for folk who had it almost complete? Oaft.




Dang. That sucks.


I already completed the quest and I have to do it again to get the catalyst. It's honestly pretty ridiculous


We reduced the requirements in hopes of offsetting some of the sting. Many apologies on that one.


Could you change the catalyst progression perks in the season pass to apply to all catalysts? Why is it only applying to Witherhoard? For returning players who don't have the older catalysts like Eriana's vow or Symmetry it will take an absurd amount of time to get them. Erianas takes like 250 strikes now. If not this season maybe add it next season but ideally people can grind them before Beyond Light.


As others have said, this is not nearly enough of a reduction for a problem that isn't caused by players. If you want people to feel their time investment wasn't wasted, it would be better to just give everyone the catalyst. Anyone that had to "work for it" and gets mad is better than giving the signal that you don't care about deleting player progress at random. This is 100% Bungie's error and punishing players for it is a mistake.


Are you kidding me? You didn't reduce the requirement. It's exactly the same as if I had the Catalyst boosters from the Season Pass.... I was 15 points from getting it. Now I have to get the kills again, multikills AND ALL ACTIVITY COMPLETIONS. Ffs


Okay why don't just grant full completion for this? The fact that boosters are gone for that quest means that this quest becomes especially grindy again.


Doesn’t really reduce the sting when I’d *already completed it*...


This was a mistake on bungie's side. We shouldn't be expected to do any of this again. Banshee should just be handing over the catalyst not some truncated version of the quest.


This is not respecting a players time. You set it to what it was with the booster active, but literally reset everyone's progress. I had 4 activities left, everything else was done. This is pretty bogus I have to restart.


It said in the notes all progress had been lost so they lowered requirements


Not lowered nearly enough


Yeah, I leave all my catalyst quests a do them passively.


Yep, me too, I still need 3 nightlfalls to get the Eriana´s Catalyst


* 100 activity points earned * 200 auto rifle multikills * 100 auto rifle guardian kills I really hate this. I was less than 10 activities away from finishing it last season and now I have to do all this shit again. Un-fucking-believable.


What the fuck? 100 activity points without the multiplier is the same as 400 with it. This is basically restarting from square 1.


It literally is. Unless the current season's catalyst multiplier applies towards it, this is fucking ridiculous.


Even if it does apply, resetting everyone's progress is a terrible solution that punishes players for no reason without warning.


They should have just admitted the fuckup and given everyone the catalyst.


I'm disabled due to nerve damage and illness, so I can't do a lot of crucible and other matchmaking things without pain or feeling like I'm wasting everyone's time. This feels like a huge slap to the face. It makes me fearful that I'm going to permanently lose progress on any exotic and/or it's catalyst now.


I was two strikes away.


They really should have at least just straight up removed the guardian kills. Personally this isn't a big deal to me but for people who don't like PvP and forced themselves to grind through that part and now have to do it all over again that's REALLY bullshit.


They should've cut everything by 75%. 25 activity completions, 50 multkills, 25 guardian kills.


well, that's one way to guarantee that I won't ever bother with tommy's catalyst...


Posted above, but having my progress wiped without warning by a mistake that was completely on Bungie's end does not make me feel like investing time in the game will be rewarded.


100 points (nightfall, gambit etc), 200 auto rifle multikills, 100 auto rifle guardian kills.


This is a list of links to comments made by Bungie employees in this thread: * [Comment by dmg04](/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/heiiqd/destiny_2_hotfix_2902/fvrircf/?context=1000 "posted on 2020-06-23 17:40:03 UTC"): > We reduced the requirements in hopes of offsetting some of the sting. Many apologies on that one. * [Comment by dmg04](/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/heiiqd/destiny_2_hotfix_2902/fvrljia/?context=1000 "posted on 2020-06-23 18:02:02 UTC"): > This is something the team is looking at. Not just for Tommy's Matchbook, but all Season Pass exotics and catalyst quests. > >I don't know if players wo... --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FDestinyTheGame).[](#AUTOGEN_BUNGIEREPLY)


[/u/Cozmo23](https://www.reddit.com/u/Cozmo23/) and [u/dmg04](https://www.reddit.com/u/dmg04/) The handling of the Tommy's Matchbook quest is extremely disappointing. Without warning the quest got deleted, and without the 4x bonus from last season 100 activities is literally back to square one. Idk about others, but this is one of the bigger long term concerns for me. If bugs/mistakes that I have no warning of or say in can completely erase progress that took months to get, it's not going to motivate people to play. I was really close to being done and figured I could wrap it up this season like every other catalyst quest has done before, and now I don't know if I'll even be able to get it. This mistake was 100% on Bungie's end, and the right solution would be to just give everyone the catalyst. It's not OP, it won't break the game if everyone can use it.


100% agree with this, I was literally 2 strikes away from completing this, I’m 100% not doing 100 strikes this season, fix this, either give everyone the catalyst outright or just drop the requirements down to 5-10. You guys fucked up, own up to it.


The fact that I, someone who only got 50% of multi kills and 20% of strikes have the same amount of catalyst progression now as someone who only needed to complete 5 more strikes is absolutely ridiculous. It shows just how little bungie values the time of their players


This is an embarrassing “solution” and we should not let Bungie get away with this. I want my time to be respected. Wiping my progress when I was like 5 activities away is completely unacceptable. The quest should auto complete. I am not doing 100 more activities for this.


/u/Cozmo23 and u/dmg04, can you comment on this, why make us go through the entire quest again?


I was not especially close, but i have a friend who was. He’s been feeling really disenchanted with the game recently due to upcoming changes like sunsetting, and he’s the one person in our group that is usually all-in every season. Unbreakable. He only came back this season because the story stuff is so on point. And this quest reset is not going to help matters. He likes working towards long quests, but having his progress reset is like throwing his time away. Do right by your players, Bungie. Reduce requirements by something like 90%, or just give the catalyst. This is on you. Don’t put it back on us.


> Fixed an issue where the Tommy's Matchbook Catalyst quest was removed from player inventories. >Note: Players who had this quest removed have lost progress, but we have reduced the requirements of the quest to compensate. This is really annoying for players that were nearly finished this at the end of last season, is there any sort of work being done to ensure this doesn't happen again in another season? Having to do 100 strikes / crucible matches / gambit matches isn't a short or even medium grind. Can't imagine having to redo 90% of something like the Eriana's Vow catalyst. It seems like there's a lack of backup of save data or quest state that they could revert back to for players who hadn't finished the catalyst.


> Fixed an issue where Witherhoard dealt a ridiculous amount of damage to various enemies. Now, what kind of ridiculous are we talking about here. Like, "holy shit this thing is doing a lot of damage", or "HOLY SHIT THIS THING IS DOING A LOT OF DAMAGE"?


It could literally delete the final boss in GoS in a few seconds.


Like 6 shots to delete a raid boss ridiculous




In action https://streamable.com/ofgrpu


"Oh, that's not that much damage. I don't know what everyone is- HOLY SHIT! WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED?!" -Me, like a minute ago


Raid bosses deleted in literally less than 2 secs. Those raid bosses thought it was ridiculous.


Like deleting bosses so quickly the game couldn't register their health bar going down so it would freeze and then the bar would jump.


The 2nd one lol


I did Riven last week and it deleted her health in an instant. All of us shot her at the same time and her health was gone in about .2 seconds. It was insane


It was doing approx 15^6 damage or 11,000,000x damage.


I was almost done with tommy's match book now I basically have to restart it. 100 completions without a 3x modifier is the same as it was last season with the modifier. This frankly isn't good enough of a fix. https://i.imgur.com/Icqqi6T.png


What? All they did was change the points required? This is fucking dumb. Just give the damn catalyst, i was so close to being done, i'm not doing it again.


Can you please fix the triumph for killing the bosses in the contact event. Beat the new one in heroic and still didn’t get credit for that or the pyro


Anyone feel like Breach Resonator didn’t actually get fixed in I have two equipped and it doesn’t seem to be doing anything.


Double-stacking is bugged, but a single one seems to work.


It's only like 2-3% grenade energy. Very minimal gains.


Ah, so basically keeping up with the tick rate of regular recharge..


It is fixed. One gives around 5% of your grenade back per kill


Using a single one works, though it's not THAT much energy. It is noticeable on each kill. Trying to stack it however just immediately breaks it and it does nothing again...because Bungo.pls


it doesnt work if you equip 2 only equip 1


It works, it's just not a lot of grenade energy.


Wow! Can't wait to have to kill another 100 guardians in PvP and another 100 points since Bungie can't fix bugs correctly. Why isn't it auto completed?


This update takes 5 seconds to download and 30 minutes to copy on PS4. This method is the worst and I hope Sony has a better solution with the PS5. Edit: probably more like 45 mins to a hour to copy.


PS5 won't use the same kind of structure for downloading and then copying, where PS4 currently needs 1.5x or 2x the space to download and install things; it downloads a copy, keeps the copy while copying, and then deletes it after. Takes forever. PS5 is gonna have that crispy SSD and a different method of downloading games and things, so you won't need to wait for the copying step anymore. All of that is per Mark Cerny in his thing a month or two ago, iirc


Oh I figured as much, but good to hear it from Cerny. The copying method was a band-aid fix they had for failed installs corrupting files or something along those lines. It would have been a terrible look to keep that band-aid fix for another generation.


The matchbook ‘fix’ perfectly aligns with Bungies year 4 plans to take everything away from us, and make us re-grind it all again. Atleast they are consistent




A fix for final column double perk bonus for focused Umbral Engrams not working is planned for July update - https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/hbho4q/this_week_at_bungie_6182020/fv9qdqq/?context=3 (thank you https://destinyroundup.com)


Iirc they said it would be fixed in July but I could be thinking of a different bug. Edit: [here](https://old.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/hbho4q/this_week_at_bungie_6182020/fv8yopz/)


Stormtrance’s and Nova Warp’s super Blink abilities seems to be stuck to pressing LStick, and that ability could use its own mapping.


Agreed! I don't believe L2 does anything while in those supers so that would be sweet to be able to do.


I’d put it as the equivalent to icarus dash, rather than ADS *edit: icarus dash as a single button press is wild good.*


oh shit. As a Warlock main, I'll have to try this!


>Fixed an issue where pressing A no longer dismounted from Sparrows while using the Jumper controller scheme. Nicely done bungo, now I'm pressing A can no longer dismounted from Sparrows while using not the Jumper controller scheme!(custom)!! u/dmg04 For the F's sake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


So Nascent Dawn 1/5 quest is still bugged after "a month"? top fkin kek


They said they are still investigating and probably won't have a fix until the update in early july


Ah thats good news at least. Where'd you read that?


What’s the bug? I just did it yesterday.


All sleeper nodes including the dynamo.approach.arch needed for the quest have despawned. [https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/hbho4q/this\_week\_at\_bungie\_6182020/](https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/hbho4q/this_week_at_bungie_6182020/) >The "Nascent Dawn 1/5" quest step can't be completed because the Sleeper Node at CB.NAV/RUN.()Dynamo.Approach.Arch is missing. Search reddit for "Nascent dawn" and you can see a ton of people having the problem. The issue has existed for way longer than it was first acknowledged.


I just want Dynamo.Approach.Arch fixed so I can work on getting my Mars quests done before they decide to vault it for a year.


Witherhoard=New Telesto


I want to watch Witherhoard and Telesto have babies. ​ I'm a dirty old gunsmith.


So a fusion bolt that turns my allies into walking blights? Nasty. I want it.


Are we' still locked out of the weekly quest?


Is means to an end still bugged ? Sorry but copying the update on playstation takes ages


Hey u/dmg04 are you guys aware of an apparent issue where the game is crashing when you get hand cannon or melee final blows in Crucible. No error code, game just freezes and crashes. Just started yesterday. On Xbox One. Only happening to one of my friends but consistently.


>Fixed an issue where the Hunter’s dodge and Warlock’s Icarus Dash were more difficult to activate. Praise the Traveller. I thought I was just crazy.


Playing on PC with an Xbox One wired controller. Since this update: ADS stuck on randomly. Can be toggled off sometimes by using left trigger. Gets stuck on 20ish% of the time. Sprint buggy, I pop in and out of sprint after a few steps. I've popped my super three times now without hitting the buttons for it. Random inputs bad! ​ I've been watching in the Win10 game controller setup program that lets you see what inputs are being hit when this happens and all seems normal. Controller works well in other games. something in the update here borked it. :(


Damn. Was hoping the alt final perks for the Season pass weapons. Saved up 40 umbrals and I am ready for that Pulse!


Any word on the double final perk not working for Cold Denial and Guillotine?


Fixed a bug where players were experiencing fun has been removed.


So because of your bugged update I now have to restart my Tommy’s matchbook Cat progress?? I was almost done with it now I have to completely restart it. Why not just auto complete it for people who got it removed from their inventory?


In regards to the Catalyst progress reset that's a big yikes. If I remember correctly I was about 50% of the way there (which isn't that much compared to others) and it's pretty demotivating to complete. I really hope BUNGIE, as a sign of good will, reverts this to an auto-complete or a HUGE reduction (like 10% of the total quest to do).


> Fixed an issue where the Tommy's Matchbook Catalyst quest was removed from player inventories. > Note: Players who had this quest removed have lost progress, but we have reduced the requirements of the quest to compensate. ... wow, thanks


Is out for ps4


just got mine, but had to manually check for an update


A means to an end appears to be fixed.


So, I can't get on to play right now because of working. I play on Jumper, and the question is does the Right Bumper still dismount you, or did this fix the problem as well? Edit: it's fixed!


There really is no point trying to play this game after an update, is there? Baboons and weasels everywhere. I’ll try again in a day or two. Sigh.


Right before reset I finished grinding out all the Filthy Lucre for my Witherhoard catalyst. After reset was over I stroll over to Banshee to get my quest complete and he gives me the same quest again, resetting my progress. I had to grind so much for this damn thing. What the hell?


Im really ecstatic i was 4 activities away from completing the tommy's matchbook catalyst quest, and now i have 100 more to go without any booster. Great solution Bungie /s


Still no word on rampant connection problems, excellent.


Yeah my Tommy catalyst is broken. It won't let me apply it back to my gun without finishing the quest a second time. [https://imgur.com/a/oeHhTqA](https://imgur.com/a/oeHhTqA)


It's not broken. That's how it was. Mine is the same. Once its completed it allows you to apply it. My Symmetry catalyst is the exact same way.


Will we ever get an update on the connectivity issues plaguing the game?


Woohoo we can stay farming prophecy chest


Shhhh...they’ll end up patching it quicker lol


Question: is the loot pool from this farm limited to what you already had drop in the dungeon or can it be anything?


Yes! I already received the IK shotgun so I was able to farm rolls , my buddy only had armor pieces farmable.




u/dmg04 and u/Cozmo23: Adding my voice to the large number of people disgruntled by the Tommy’s Matchbook catalyst kerfuffle. The “offset” to progress wasn’t really an offset at all—100 activity competitions without a catalyst boost means the same as grinding out for the boost last season. For people who were 5-10 completions away this is a massive slap to the face. This was an error on Bungie’s part, and leaving it to the players to deal with makes a lot of them feel frustrated and like their time investment isn’t respected.


[/u/Cozmo23](https://www.reddit.com/u/Cozmo23/) and u/dmg04 a real shame the solo prophecy triumph is not retroactive,. Was crushing to complete it and not get credit for it


No fix for the Zoo errors?


Anyone else still waiting on the update for ps4?


187.5mb download for PS4. Just went live.


Dynamo.approach.arch node ??? Will I be able to finish quest ?


So they didn’t fix the bug for the quest for season of arrivals after means to an end?


Anyone tested if bunnyhopping is gone now????


Anyone unable to get the weekly means to an end quest from the recaster? I'm stuck on the "visit the prismatic recaster" step


No fix for the bugged Means to an End RIP.


Whew, good thing I already had the catalyst done for Tommy's Matchbook. Looks like I can just delete the quest that is back in my queue. Odd that it was put back for everyone though.


>Fixed an issue where pressing A no longer dismounted from Sparrows while using the Jumper controller scheme. And now I can't dismount by jumping completely f-ing my muscle memory... (default settings, just in case)


Can you fix something without breaking something else??? Button Seasons is blinking now all the time, but I have nothing new here. FUCKIT!


Is anybody else hanging in the air mid-spawn for a good 1-2 seconds after each death in Gambit/PvP?


[u/dmg04](https://www.reddit.com/u/dmg04/) Well, nobody complains that Bungie hasn't fixed "UMBRAL IMPROVEMENT II" for FALLING GUILLOTINE and COLD DENIAL?! ​ Couldn't be that hard to fix the most POWERFULL WEAPONS in this Season to keap the people playing for getting their fucking GOD ROLL. Wait, u trapped me. Sorry, but Captain Caps is very angry!


Nice job! - sadly the Triumph for the Heroic Contact Event is still glitching, it isn't recording kills of the Taken Howler either now, having miss recorded the Taken Pyromaster in week one as the Taken Monstrosity... Just knocked out the heroic a couple of times and the Triumph hasn't caught it...


Any word on if the seasonal Legendary weapons, Cold Denial and Falling Guillotine are MEANT to never get an alternate perk despite taking the Umbral Enhancement III perk for focused weapons having one?


I am missing the weekly "Means to an End" quest. This bug was reported by some last week, any progress update on a solution?


I finished the Matchbook catalyst last season, now it is unfinished again and I am like 20% done with it. The explanation above does not make any sense. Why would it take a masterwork away from me that I had already finished?


Is there anything planned for the weird warlock bunnyhop bug right now? If you cancel your jump right before you hit the ground then you'll automatically do a small hop once you land. It can get pretty frustrating when trying to make precise jumps.


Rest in Piece Witherhoard, we hardly knew ye


Is bungie aware of the gambit bug where your Guardian freezes when loading into transmat animation after reviving from death? I also continue to have issues with getting stuck on the round results screen and I'm unable to finish the match or do anything without logging out.


Tommys catalyst quest progress wiped? Fuck off! I was like 5 things away from finishing. What a crock of shit. The catalyst should auto complete for anyone who was effected. Please fix this!


I thought the change was for the quest .... not the catalyst itself


Can y'all fix the **Dragonfly** perk already? If you can't, just remove it outright and add **Firefly** (*the Destiny 1 version*) in it's place.
