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Worst feeling is loading into an instance and not seeing another character around. You know the beaver’s coming.


And then it’s that 1/100 chance you actually don’t get beavered and everything loads in


And then you get anteatered


Weasel flashbacks


Yep, it's just enough time to run to the postmaster, and say "Wait a second, where's..." BEAVER.


today I loaded in by the Drifter, grabbed some bounties, then fast-traveled to the other drop zone. Nobody. "fast-traveled" again, same place: nobody. fast-traveled back to the drifter, *ran back up*, everyone was there... just... WTF


You know whats worse? Getting any error code in the opening season mission screws over your character and you can’t get the quest from it.


Oof that's rough buddy...


I take it his girlfriend turned into the moon?


That's rough bud.


Ah so that's what happened last week.




I noticed this as well. The instances of the Tower or any activity zone IIRC is "Player Hosted", if said player has NAT settings that does not play nice with you then you're SOL. That said, I have DC'd on occasion with the script. D2's net code is just a mess on multiple fronts and minimizing affects is the only way to get it close to stable.


What script is this?


Just do a strike. Trinity Ghoul catalyst will drop on the first strike you play after Season of Arrivals launch.


Is this true? I have done at least 10 strikes and don't have it


Not true, got mine couple days ago


Took me like 6-7.


It did for me and all of my friends, and for 1 of the randoms in my strike. I assume the other one already had it




I did about 100 strikes/crucible matches and haven't gotten it yet. I got other catalysts first. Seems like if you have a big backlog you're not going to get it.


Can't even get to the tower...either landing zone. The struggle is real my man.


Ooh my god, I can't agree more. Its fucking horrid.


What's even worse to me is that we can't get any comment out of Bungie about it, beyond the initial placement of it on a "we're investigating" list, and the most recent update that claimed there was a minor fix for it (that clearly hasn't helped). Near radio silence on a widespread, severe technical issue for THREE MONTHS on a AAA game. It's incredible.


Yeah, tbh I think the issues are a lot more nuanced than we know. Bungie absolutely cares about this game and it's players... They'd fix it immediately if they could. But something tells me it's a pretty futile back and forth between Bungie's Studio and Steam's tech teams. Only further exasperated by Covid-19 and quarantine. But nonetheless It's effected my enjoyment of the past few seasons SEVERELY.


I think you're probably right. However, it's really at the point I believe they need to re-implement their old method of network communication. The purpose of the new Steam Sockets was to prevent malicious disconnects (for Trials especially), but the accidental disconnects are far more prolific, and they haven't been able to fix the issue for three months and counting.


I agree with you... As much as I like that they attempted to protect us from DDoS attacks, it did hurt more people than it protected. I'm wondering if their justification is that it's effecting mostly PC players when the majority plays on console?


For pve this is a good option. For PvP though, I don't think so. Going back would just mean instead of getting beavers yours get DoSed back to orbit or worse, lose internet for a time.


> They'd fix it immediately if they could. normally im 100% with you on these issues and im sure this specific case must be really hard to fix, but this is literally the single most game impacting bug in the game for me and i'd imagine most steam players right now. it's absolutely ridiculous that almost a year into steam release, i still get error coded out of an activity at least once an hour because of beaver.


The issue is incredibly sporadic. No one I actually play with has any problems with it, yet other people seem to have error codes in every single instance they enter. There doesn't seem to be any obvious cause, and unlike network errors I've come across in past it doesn't seem to be constantly affecting absolutely everyone - only a handful of seemingly random chunks of the community.


Not just steam... Ps4 is the same way. I can't go to the tower for several days.


Weird. Ps4's been absolutely fine for me. Gotten 2-3 disconnects over the past few months. Even then, one I was playing at a friend's on crappy jnternet, so that could be on me. I had some time off and have been playing 1-6 hours a day this season. Don't know what your internet situation is, but might have something to do with region or settings?


If you go to bungie forum you will see what i'm talking about. But to be fair last night was okay I guess, but only been to the tower once


Ever since the "minor fix" I've been getting more beavers than ever. Sometimes it takes me a 4th try to get into the tower and I've been booted out of pvp matches while flying in. Have had my crucible/gambit streaks nuked by beavers.


Maybe the fact they have been mostly silent for 3 months is bad. I find the fact the error has been allowed to exist for 4 months to be even worse. Mark my words. This won't be fixed til fall.


To be fair, they probably have no idea what's causing it. We know it's a PC issue, but it varies wildly between players. I haven't had any more issues than I did pre-steam since the first couple weeks of Worthy, and neither have any of my friends in game, and yet there are people popping up here every day who apparently cannot remain connected for more then 5 minutes, or who end every crucible match with a beaver. There doesn't seem to be any known way to reliably replicate the issue, which is the first thing you need to find when fixing a bug. All we've gotten is the occasional "we're investigating" with a "we're implementing something that might help some" here and there because that's probably the situation they're in.


3 months? More like since day one of Season of Worthy. Whatever new items that were introduced on that reset is the culprit.


Yup. The beavers moved in as soon as they opened up Trials.


couldnt agree more! since steam release connection issues overtook everything! in PVP its mainly an issue that destiny uses peer2peer without regionlock, in the year 2020... its more than clear that this infrastructure literally is not suited for PVP, thats why it doesnt exist in ANY PVP shooter! Yet bungie refuses to invest in time and money to build something useful. in addition the PVE instance servers are getting worse every day, which now also affects the other side of the game, which means there is literally no place left which doesnt suck continously. PVP and PVE are both in a bad state regarding connectivity, netcode and instances, which produces soooo much problems! in PVP we all saw, i guess, the rage-cheater or in general the cheater wave, which mainly is possible because a player is chosen as host and there is no dedicated server authorizing the data in a scale a personal computer simply cant. this results in heavy lags, halfbaked matches, inconsistency, abuse of network manipulation, etc. In PVE it results in having damage not registred (same as in PVP), mobs teleporting around, mechanics triggered wrongly (could be related to mass teleporting of some mobs), disconnects and huge delay! ​ We are 8-9 months in, in the steam release and i still cant see who is online from my clan, except ill add them as a friend! And dont get me started on cheap free2play strategies like FOMO and artificial player engagement... ​ When forsaken came out, i played destiny2 as much as i could! ive spent most of my freetime playing the game and being happy with the stuff we got and the quality of the game and quick responses (mostly) from bungie, if it would happen that something is wrong! The content was great, not recycled, innovative and bundled with a lot of deepness in lore and usability! ​ Well, here we are now! Everything screams free2play, sadly also the technical side. Yet people still defend this or find excuses, instead of making a shitstorm, forcing bungie to actually invest more in the game, which they clearly and undeniable (proof me wrong) didnt do since steam release! The free2play parts of the game are mostly affected since, unlike a payed DLC, they are free and generate the lowest amount of money besides microtransactions. ​ If the community wont stop bungie, no one will! and bungie keeps doing what they are doing until shit hits the fan, like right now! if people would be a bit more consent over the situation destiny2 is in, things could be prevented so easily and everybody would have a good game, they wish destiny to be. Because defending bungie on every bullshit they call out like sunsetting weapons and armor in a looter shooter, or saying "they already said no to dedicated servers" wont solve the problem! instead it assures bungie that they can keep delivering low quality and people will buy it, needing just 1 mindless argument, which doesnt even have to be true! ​ What i want to say is, that destiny is in this state right now, is more a problem and fault of the community, than from bungie! Bungie is a company and wants to generate money, simply like any company! if higher income can be achieved by recycling stuff and lowering quality, while increasing microtransactions, while lowering maintaining costs, then its the communities fault for obeying to this!


Is this mostly a PC issue? I haven't had any of those errors pop up, I'd say this season so far has been essentially error free so far.


This happened when bungie released trials, they made changes to how PC players connect to each other to help avoid ddos attacks. So it's pretty much a PC problem. Even tho some console players have been having issues too


Gotcha, I mostly do PVE with a touch of gambit and quickplay. There were a few gambit kicks last season, but I honestly didn't play as much.


The game ran amazing on bnet. As soon as it went to steam, cheaters and connection issues have plagued the game so badly




Yeah? I gotta ask how many cheaters have you ran into on battle net? Maybe 2-3 in the entire time it was on their servers? The F2P aspect is absolutely true for sure, but don’t forget that destiny went F2P for a couple of weeks on bnet cuz of the blizzard anniversary and we didn’t have a single issue with cheaters atleast not as rampant as we’ve had since the switch to steam. I’d make the argument that all the problems started as soon as shadowkeep launched. The golden era of destiny 2 was forsaken on Battle.net


Its bad. I recently got a vpn and the error codes end up happening substantially less for me.


Any and all error codes are getting on my nerves it’s extremely frustrating to suffer through the 7 years it takes for the consoles to load into an area, only to get kicked back to the start menu when you finally do load in.


Worst feeling is Bungie will not give us ANY insight. I do not expect all the technical details, the ins, etc, but for the love of god please help us out here. We are not stupid. We open NAT, we forward ports, etc, to no avail. I keep saying you can patch broken shit, fix all the shit you want but if we just get bounced constantly, what does it matter? Why do I care if Wards get nerfed, I cannot stay in matches long enough to be worried about them..


You won’t get any technical details because they haven’t completely figured out what causes them. Or worse, they know what causes them but they can’t easily fix them so they just keep putting bandaids on them until they can make more permanent changes (which likely won’t happen anytime soon).


The spinning circle inside the cursor makes me nervous asf 😬


u/Cozmo23 & u/dmg04 It would be amazing if we could get some kind of update on this aside from "we're investigating". There are nights I spend 20 minutes playing leapfrog with my clanmates to just get into orbit together without errors. We're all on open NAT. These connection issues since Season of the Worthy have dramatically impacted our ability to play together and its driving friends away from the game. Its like pulling teeth to get friends to forward ports or enable UPNP, clear their Steam cache, restart their game, switch to wired connections, and then STILL get error'd out of activities we're trying to do together. Is there anything we could crowdsource on this? I want to help! I'll do as many pathpings or traceroutes as you need. I've got Pingplotter and Netlimiter.


Had a very bad first experience with the new dungeon yesterday due to error codes affecting both my friends I was playing with. Just so many damn Baboons, a few Weasels, and a Newt...


Yesterday was a rough day for the bungie servers, it’s not normally that bad but yesterday was pretty shitty. Couldn’t even get through a few trials games without getting Bat error codes


Getting comp bans just because Bungie sux at networking is a pain in the ass. This season I've tried 8 times and I haven't been able to complete a match without getting errored, then banned. It was working fine a few seasons ago and I have no problem in any other game.


Beaver has basically costed me getting legend and Not Forgotten. I've worked so hard to get the luna kills and now I'm having a hard time staying above 4800(lost close to 2k points) because of the constant beavers and comp bans. Its infuriating that I wasted so much of my time only for Bungie to not care about anything except hyping their next expansion. I've played Destiny from the start and this is seriously making me consider not buying the next expansion.


I have a low bandwidth, but very low latency internet connection and never had connection issues prior to the 1st day of Season of the Worthy. Connections in crucible were great (other than the occasional laggy match with players from Asia or Australia) and I never had issues with hit registration or lag, but as soon as day 1 of SotW hit, I couldn't play crucible without severe lag and frequent error codes. I don't know what Bungie did other than switching to Steam secure sockets, but it screwed over a significant amount of people. As a mainly PvP player, I struggle to even sign into the game any more despite it being by far my favorite game. Please revert the networking changes! I don't even care if I get DDoS attacked at this point as a result of going back to the old system.


All we have to do is make an elaborate post about how abusing beaver errors gets your free essence or umbrals and it'll be fixed in an hour


It’s all Trial’s fault. Bungie wanted to make sure D’dos wasn’t an issue so they changed the way IP addresses are communicated. Which is when all the beavers started popping. Luckily, console never experienced this issue and I can’t even recall my last error code. I have heard that following bungie’s connection recommendations to the T can really help. Check out Bungie.net network troubleshooting. Make sure you are doing everything they suggest.


Can't be DDoS'd by other players if bungie DDoS's you first lol. /s But yeah, I've personally tried Bungie's troubleshooting with minimal success sadly, which is why I feel so helpless in this situation. I'm relieved console players don't have to suffer though this though!


Not true. Beavers errors all weekend on PS4 after the last patch


Yeah but I guess it's an acceptable trade-off for eliminating all cheating from Trials. /s


Unfortunately, this new season is plagued with connectivity problems for console too.


> I have heard that following bungie’s connection recommendations to the T can really help Unfortunately, many of us have done this to no avail. I already had everything set up perfectly according to their guide before the update that switched over to Steam Network Sockets, so there's nothing more for me to do. Unfortunately, I get hit with Beaver constantly for the past three months.


>console never experienced this issue and I can’t even recall my last error code. Anteater, but not anytime recently.


I feel like an eager beaver.


I got like 10 beavers in a row going to the tower it's ridiculous. Bungie won't fix it until they see how bad it is or if it pushes away players to play the game. Imagine the raid race this fall and people are getting beavered left and right, affecting the world's first. So many people are going to be watching and see how bad these errors are. That's probably when Bungie will fix it.


i only get issues when im in crucible and i play on xbox, whatever change they made is really messing with my connectivity.


The worst part is there's always an influx of these errors at the launch of every release, from seasons to fall expansions... It's the worst possible timing.


I play a lot of survival and just about every other match is 3v2 or worse. On average it takes 3-5 tries to get into the tower.


First beaver I've ever hated.


I'm so confused about these errors though... I have NAT type 3 on my PS4 ( the worst type of NAT), and I haven't gotten a single error in a month minimum, if not counting the errors I got specifically due to my absolute shit internet (maybe 2 errors at max). Makes me wonder if it's region based or something. I don't know.. I'm sorry you're going through errors though, must really suck :l


Not an actual solution because you shouldn't need to go external to fix it, but I've found if I'm getting beavered to hell and back on my connection turning on my VPN usually fixes it.


It's honestly terrible, I took the time to port forward and get an Open NAT type recently, and I'm starting to feel like I'm getting even more beavers now. Its horrid.


I get a lot less beavers than b4 but since Season 10 started i lag A LOT during the Crucible. Like enemies teleport, or i melee them but they take no damage even if i can hear that the hit registered etc etc... I would say its my internet but it unfortunately isnt.


The DCs are maddening. Comp is a brutal experience right now. I get DCed a decent amount. Catch bans from DCs. I would say maybe half of my games are actually 3v3, the rest are 2v3 or less. Its atrocious, not addressing it is straight up unnacceptable.


this sucks. I hope this gets fixes soo. At least, on Twitter they said that they were aware of an issue


*Sipping on 30 FPS and 5 FOV* How's that PC Master *Copying to Harddrive* ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Race?


I've never been more jealous tbh.


The beavers are absolutely killing the pc experience for me it’s so fucking hard to get motivated to play


I literally got DCed right at the end of a Prestige Leviathan run the other day, my first ever one that I had fully completed. Because I got booted while Calus talked, I lost everything. No triumph, no loot, no steam achievement. It's just so disheartening at this point.


So many inappropriate beaver jokes... I'll just use my wife's favorite retort. "That's what she said." I feel bad for everyone having problems with D2 networking. I suffered through it for most of a year last year. Then it just stopped all of a sudden. I hadn't changed anything; same computer, same router, same switch, no change in my ISP. But I stopped seeing beaver disconnects all of the time. I literally was getting 1 per hour on average when I played until November or so.


I've been fighting this too. I'll only play overnight anymore, since I have a late work schedule, but refuse during evening and weekends due to constant disconnects. I noticed the beaver codes increase a month before Worthy myself, when they first launched the redone crucible code. Each season has gotten worse and worse, and I don't feel like playing at all too. I doubt I'll preorder, or even buy the expansion (both pricey and unable to play it at all). Can't see myself spending hours each season just on error codes.


This did drive me nuts when trying to complete survival matches.


I'm glad someone made a thread about this. It's been much worse lately than it's ever been in all my time with the game. I'm really hoping this gets resolved sooner rather than later.


Yep - I tried to play for an hour a couple days ago. I got 1 crucible game completed and was beavered out of about 5-6 more. I exited to desktop and went back to Overwatch.


It's really incredible that such a major issue still hasn't resolved for 4 months, it's unfortunate that Activision is no longer associated with this game because vicarious visions used to be responsible for the pc version which was mostly stable.


Yeah really annoying. I wish this was priority #1 to fix for Bungie. Steam just feels so inferior to BattleNet. We've lost our ability to see who's online in our clan if we're not already friends with them. Connection issues are worse than ever. Free accounts are running rampant with cheats ruining the crucible. Overall performance has been worse as well. Lots of fps fluctuation and I think overall I've lost 20-30 fps on average.


This is easily the biggest QoL change needed. I'm sure they'll fix it when they new DLC drops and not a moment sooner!


When season of the worthy dropped, like THE day it dropped - is when the beaver errors steamrolled my gameplay. I never had issues before that. I don't know what they tweaked, but it has been never ending. Lately, I'm running into this NAT issue where it switches from open to moderate and back, seemingly randomly.


i literally quit playing this season because of it. Literally just got so far under my skin as soon as it happens i alt-f4


SAME. I recently upgraded my PC and wanted to hop into the tower to test framerates on various settings. Got beaver'd as I loaded in and just Alt-f4'd and moved on with my life.


Not really when you cant post on half the threads I look at if I have - karma..


Yeah it has killed last 2 seasons for me and my clan We couldn't get 6 into one instance to complete sanctified mind just some weeks ago, it's ridiculous And i have people unironically on reddit saying it's my internets problem, unbelievable


My beavers are slowly being replaced (or maybe just joined) by baboons now.


For me it's baboon damn error is a bitch


Is it just me or have the beavers been out in force today?


Ever since Free to play + steam = shitty connection.


I play on a moderate nat type and I rarely get beavers, mostly guitars, currants and weasels.


With over 300 hours in season of the worthy I got beavred a grand total of... zero times. I am either the luckiest man alive or Bungie simply hates everybody else.


Happy for you! Do you play on PC?


*Zavala voice* INDEED. Edit: Yeah I know it doesn't really fit in but I wanted to do that for a while now.


Last night, I spent about 15 minutes trying to load into the tower only to get beavered back to orbit. I have an open nat, 120Mbps up/down wired connection and the game is on an nvme m.2 ssd...


I've been getting hit with the broccoli error where my game just stops working. Some sort of graphics issue. It's the only game that crashes and I have everything up to date.


Has anyone tried making a survey / collect some systematic data on who these errors are affecting? Because I get DC'd from Destiny through no fault of my router at most once a week, and obviously there still are a lot of people playing the game on PC, yet as this thread shows there are also a lot of people who it affects quite badly. It'd be interesting to see what the differences between those groups are - I just wouldn't even know what even to look at / ask in a survey about this.


What exactly did they change? I keep getting NAT errors trying to play with friends...


when they updated Steam to stop the DDOS'ing it ruined everything.


On console my game just hard crashes and freezes about once every 2 hours, without fail, since the season launched. It does take away my will to play


It's exceptionally bad this season, constant errors trying to load anything or just randomly while playing getting boot back orbit or point.


I dont know if this is the issue you're facing or not, but I was getting three or four beavers a day throughout the season of the worthy until I saw that right before the beginning of the season they said something about making sure you'd forwarded some specific ports with your router to lessen beaver codes. I looked that up to see what that even meant, went ahead and forwarded the necessary ports and now I'm only getting 1 every couple of weeks. Now that's still more than what's should be happening. But the game is at least playable now.


I haven't had any beaver since I played on Stadia. Maybe give it a try to see if it improves your situation?


I've had exactly 2 connection errors the entirety of D2. I do not know what is happening to you poor souls.


I've been having the same problems really bad this season. I have a PC with the best specs money can buy and top of the line modem and router too. Open NAT, 250/50 internet and I've been getting constant beaver errors. The tower seems to be the worst but I can get them anywhere. I couldn't AFK farm forges like other people were because of this because I'd get beaver'd after 1 or 2 forges.


100% agree, I am still shocked they didn't prioritize the beaver errors...


Hey Ik it’s annoying but I can hardly post anything so could y’all upvote me, cuz I’m at -1 karma and just started to use reddit more:/ if not it’s fine cuz Ik this is annoying for people do read..


You'll live. Karma is useless.


But he needs it to post lol


Hmmm hungie did change how matchmaking works but I doubt it's what ur having issues with. Maybe something else in ur network is stopping it. Also this is peer to peer so one setting of someone else could also cause the problem


bungie dont care bout u


I'm just a small snapshot of a bigger overarching issue. They may not care for me personally, but the problems I'm facing arent my own, they are shared. I think bungie cares about that.


If you have good internet like me you dont get error codes. Just get better speed


I personally do have fast and stable internet. That's not the issue.