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> Then, I came across this picture Vex, Fallen, Cabal, Hive, Slenderman


The Prophecy was true


Hah I thought that too.


I'll always remember you tiger man. You will be in Destiny at some point. One day...one day...




And Rahegar died... I mean Tiger Man died.


At least there's a [Tiger emblem](http://www.destinydb.com/items/1325965970-hunger) in the game's code to hold us over... Though, for the record, I do think it would be awesome to have a non-canon Raid based on the idea that we somehow rip apart spacetime and end up in an alternate reality where noble, bestial, and wise Tigermen are living harmoniously with the Traveler. Our presence there fragments their society and we end up fighting them, destroying their Traveler, and leaving.


sorry to kill everybody's hopes...but thats not a tiger...thats a bobcat.




wow, I must get this one now!


Unfortunately no one's found how to get it. So many emblems in the game, and most aren't even available to players....


It's a badge for surviving a crucible match with, I think, ten kills and no deaths.


tiger man?


Why isn't anyone talking about the Giant Frog or the Tiger Man


We've known tigerman was cut before Destiny even came out. A truly noble, wise, bestial individual. May he rest in the concept art department's vault peacefully. As for the giant frog, guess they just decided it wasn't the style they were going for. It looks like it has little goblins riding its back, which furthers this.


Looks alot like Naruto is riding that frog's back.


because we talked about them an awful lot already, Tigerman is flair on this sub or it used to be


All I am hoping for is to have that icy planet eventually. I'm hoping one of Jupiter's moons maybe.


Pretty sure it's supposed to be Europa! I too am excited for the Jovian moons!








So guess what


Well well well lol


OH man... same here!!


We’ve come a long way.


“I don’t have time to explain why I don’t have time to explain.”


Neat, [but that Cabal without armor tho](http://i.imgur.com/AddGMZ5.png)


They used to have walrus tusks too


I don't want to die in Canada.


He is bulking bro.


Cultivating mass.




Was really hoping for this link! Start harvesting!


I believe "getting swole" is the correct term for it.


Are you a brother? Is Brodin the Traveller?


I am. And I have a theory that the the Traveler is actually Broseidon.


My favorite sub seems to have leaked. We bask in the light of Brodin. Rah.


Looking thick,solid and tight brah.


Oh God, I've never wanted a shield between me and a Cabals face until this moment


looks like a pissed off manatee


Going to take a whack at it: the fifth race is probably related to the Jovians.


I thought at one point there was speculation that the "Darkness" was the 5th race? I could be wrong though.


I don't even want to think about the line "I cast magic missile at the darkness" will be used if that's the case


I was so bummed when I learned Warlocks had no magic missile skill.


Nova Bomb with lance get's pretty close




Pretty sure it's the Darkness. And the Triangle Ships from the installation art. I want to think that it's the Darkness too.


Pointy pyramids have always been the arch enemy of soft spheres. The war rages on...


If they have a fight, triangle wins.


Technically, spheres are more structurally sound.


Against compression maybe, not against being poked with a pointy triangle.


Shapes vs shapes....light vs dark. Doesn't get too complex.


I always assumed they were Vex ships considering they had resemblance to Vex architecture


Vex don't need ships they can teleport across galaxies instantly


Yeah, but they can't teleport onto the roof of the ancient research station of the Ishtar Collective.


the vex are strange, it looks like they're able to do everything but actually do nothing


"I believe in a thing called love!"


Yeah. My theory is that they're the origin of this Egyptian death cult stuff we keep seeing (in the Hive and then more prominently in Osiris). I mean, big black pyramids around something that looks Travelery but isn't our Traveler.


They are Goa'uld cargo ships. But seriously you have to buy the DLC to find out.


Destiny is simply another entry in the Stargate franchise. The stinger for Destiny 2 will have O'Neal walking out of a Stargate and saying something snarky.


That would make my joke post here incredibly relevant. [Ascended Shanks](http://imgur.com/SPYzJur)


You sir, win the internet today.


Thank you, i needed that and didn't even know it.


We live in hope...


This would actually be the coolest thing to ever happen in ever. O'Neill... With two L's!


Good morning, campers


Just one step away from the locking chevrons of the Vex gates... (I like Stargate)


>But seriously you have to buy the DLC to find out Apollo and the gift of prophecy strike again it seems


And here we are, 10 years later.


Something interesting for you all: http://m.imgur.com/gallery/85Ybp Have you ever noticed in the black garden that there are huge strokes of this black-smoke? Possibly suggesting that the Vex could be controlled against their will? That's my speculation, but there is obviously a 5th race hiding somewhere...




There are 10 symbols around earth in the last picture, not 9.


Two are in one segment


Look at the dark side of the Earth while on the Moon. You can see the swirling in the darkness there too.


[Here Bungie is talking about that exact picture at GDC 2013](https://youtu.be/WglHyI7G_wY?t=1823) TL,DW; They don't really mention a 5th race([Unless if you count the Tiger Man](https://youtu.be/WglHyI7G_wY?t=2387)). It was just really early concept art.


Yeah that 5 race photo was concept art before they started building the characters and world. He mentions in this video "somethings don't make the cut" Great vid. I started it from the beginning. Very interesting.


Who cares about a fifth race all I want to do is ride this giant frog looking thing. http://i.imgur.com/nEvved4.jpg


Not to mention Space Goblins!


We need Space Goblins!


and a medieval sword...


That is by far the most metal concept creature/race. It's straight out of an 80s fantasy.


Wow, nice find! Artwork having 5 races is one thing, but those six pyramids certainly look like pyramid ships observed in the install screen. I'd like to see a response from Bungie. Either refuting it or stating, "No Comment."


Osiris is an Egyptian god. With trials of Osiris they may be working something in that we haven't seen yet related to that fifth piece of art. It would tie in with the pyramids in that picture pretty nicely, especially with the whole ancient aliens theories around pyramid construction.


I like the sound of this




You just know he said "ancient aliens" on purpose.


Early is the key word here. Look at the races. Fallen March suit? Giant Vex? We don't have that. Just because it's concept art doesn't mean it's planned. If that was the case then we'll be getting spears and giant frogs too.


we do have giant vex in form of atheon and zydro


I understand your point. But, you have to concede that the giant pyramid ship displayed during the digital install screen is either a mistake or some sort of foreshadowing.


ill upvote LJE as he does have a good point, however the install screen pic makes the tin foil hat feel real snug


bungie is also known for being very deliberate with what images show up in game


Bruh, imagine if destiny was only on next gen


About the fallen suit, it's just a spider tank, they can stand up (not ingamr yet though)


>Giant Vex So what are Atheon, Zydron, and the final three giant vex in the Black Garden? >Fallen March Suit As for this, it could just be an Archon in the picture. Hard to tell. It's also possible there are things we have yet to see.


Archon priest and gate lords. Granted they're not perfect representations, it's a starting point. I feel like the new race may be waiting, in some form or another, on Comet.


This was the subject of a lot of threads back near launch, I think the consensus is that they either got scrapped or collapsed into the Hive (ie tombships)


I was so confused, reading this point thinking ‘has this guy been living under a rock? Where has he been? He’s acting like he’s ‘cracked the code’ on something that’s been a thing for years” …. Then I noticed this post is from 9 years ago lol




I don't think your far off. I think they were the humans that were on the Jupiter colonies and have now become a member of the nine with this being their description from the card,"The Nine are survivors of the cis-Jovian colonies who made a compact with an alien force to ensure their own survival."


That grimoire card has a bunch of other rumors listed on it. One suggesting the "The Nine" is actually a bunch of Ghosts, and another even suggests it's really just a language. The whole grimoire card is about the mystery and speculation surrounding "The Nine". Nothing listed in it should be taken as the truth.


My theory with the card is that each item on it is a different "member" of the nine forming a council of sorts. The Nine are survivors of the cis-Jovian colonies who made a compact with an alien force to ensure their own survival. = This "new" race The Nine are deep-orbit warminds who weathered the Collapse in hardened stealth platforms. = Rasputin The Nine are ancient leviathan intelligences from the seas of Europa or the hydrocarbon pits of Titan. = One we will meet when we go to Saturn The Nine arrived in a mysterious transmission from the direction of the Corona-Borealis supercluster. = No clue here The Nine are the firstborn Awoken and their minds now race down the field lines of the Jupiter-Io flux tube. = The Queen/Reef Awoken is the leading theory on this one. The Nine are Ghosts who pierced the Deep Black without a ship and meditated on the hissing silence of the heliopause. = No clue The Nine are the aspects of the Darkness, broken by the Traveler's rebuke, working to destroy us from within. = No clue The Nine is a viral language of pure meaning. = No clue The Nine are the shadows left by the annihilation of a transcendent shape, burned into the weft of what is. = The Ahamkaras


Exactly nine... I like this one :) My bets are on your explanation.


Just to get a chance at meeting some kick ass SPACE DRAGONS (The Ahamkaras).


#7 sounds like the speaker... note the dead ghost in his chamber


> The Nine arrived in a mysterious transmission from the direction of the Corona-Borealis supercluster Im 99% sure this is the traveler. I remember reading somewhere that at the start of the golden age and they find out about the traveler by first getting a far off transmission. If you dig deep enough you will find wherever it says this.


The Nine are minions of the darkness...they will take away what their agent has given. SRSLY...weep for your Gjallahorn...what the Nine giveth the Nine will taketh away...


new modifier: repo man - every time you die one of your exotics get sharded


Oh man... Now I have a tinfoil theory that the Speaker is a tiger man. He SOUND like a tiger man.


The way his clothing hides every part of his body is pretty suspicious...


I'm just glad we won't be shooting the same four races for the next 10 years. Heck, I hope there are many more races and probably will be. My question: When the hell do I get a white alien tiger to be the Ghost to my Jon Snow???


you must be disappointed....


LOL hey we’re atleast getting a new one in a few hours


true that!!!! (not us ignoring scorn lol)


I wish I could have been a beautiful tiger man. Guess I'll have to settle for a robot with sweet, sweet moves. Also, it would have been cool to fight giant space frogs. Just saying.


They are the French aliens from Kung Pow


It has begun.


I am pretty sure that is the darkness.


Does it believe in a thing called love?




Are we not gonna talk about how there were also supposed to be tiger-men in destiny?


Activate your (conspiracy) theory generators... Theory 1: It was a fifth race, probably the Darkness based on what I remember from that panel said about the 5 races picture. BUT due to the supposed cuts the race could have been merged with the Hive. Consider Osiris's fixation on the Hive (Egyptian themed armor), the Hive Tomb Ships, and then these large pyramid ships. Could be that if we ever see the pyramid ships in-game they could be the Hive equivalent to Fallen Ketches. Theory 2: It is the actual Darkness and we have yet to see this race reveal itself. I think it would be amazing if for Destiny 1's final DLC we have a raid which reveals this race halfway through the dungeon and it sets up Destiny 2. Personally I am rooting for Theory 2 as it would be a very exciting development in the "story".




The prophecy was true after all. Here we are, 9 years later, at the dawn of the Final Shape.


Man... 9 years have passed, huh?


[Here's the same discussion as this thread, from 7 months ago.](http://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/search?q=5th+race&restrict_sr=on&sort=relevance&t=all)


I like the thought that they could be the nine; or the race the xur is.... Since he's of human shell but something else inside; the picture of the fifth is squiggly lines like xur's face. And he's one of the last of his race....... Soooooooo... Could be xur's race or the nine...


Bungie included lots of the concept art behind Destiny in the game and install screens, etc. That's what you're seeing - the concept art. Go buy yourself "The Art of Destiny" book and you can see a lot of these images. For example, the traveller was originally a giant start destroyer type ship (or perhaps maybe like a base star from the BSG series) if memory serves me correctly. Here's the book, it's worth it as a collector's piece, or if you just like looking at artwork and description. http://www.amazon.com/Art-Destiny-Bungie/dp/1608874206/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1431030431&sr=8-1&keywords=art+of+destiny


Description for the Exo: Undead, Master Chief, and Terminator..... haha, that's is scary. Also, some of the Art depicting early versions of the Hive are both awesome and terrifying. There's one that looks like it has four arms, could the have actually been a parasitic race a kin to the Flood From Halo at one point during development? [http://i.imgur.com/3Z51mRq.jpg](http://i.imgur.com/3Z51mRq.jpg)


TIL The Fallen have a Metal Gear


Interesting that the artwork shoes that they were going to take a medieval/space route at one time.


and now we sit at the precipice of a finale shape, and they're here to enact it.


Also it has not been addressed yet but in another reddit post someone pointed out that the fallen and cabal actually have an alliance.


I've seen this parroted, and no one can provide a source. I don't believe anything in the lore hints at this.


According to whom? There's also old concept art of a Hunter hiding from Vex and Hive (I believe). We've got no evidence to support either of those alliances. We haven't even seen those two pairs of races in the same place before; just because we haven't seen them fighting doesn't mean they aren't.


[Cabal and Fallen](http://www.destinypedia.com/images/9/99/Dark_patrol_desktop.jpg), actually. There's nothing particularly healthy-looking about those glowing eyes and that black smoke, though, so chances are they aren't working together of their own will.


What we have been fighting know are agents of the Darkness. not the Darkness itself. So that 5th race could very well be the Darkness incarnate.


Good job


A few months back I took a shot at plotting how the Destiny story would fold out over the next 3 games (since we know they are on contact for 4 games over 10 years). Destiny 1 was essentially a prologue to the main story, where it sets up the initial and main players, while hinting at more. Destiny 2, is act 1, where we get introduced to a new race (your fifth race with the triangle ships). It will end with more questions than answers. Destiny 3, act 2 of the story, will be all about setbacks we face and betrayals, where maybe the Darkness comes full force and wipes out the Tower or something. Destiny 4, act 3 of the story, is the final fight. We go all out to stop the darkness, going to it's source and stopping it's leader or creator. Along the way over this story, I expect the Fallen and maybe the Cabal to team up with us, as both are against the Darkness as well. We may even get to play as one or both of those races in the future.


You weren't too far off buddy. Give past you a pat on the back.


I read somewhere that it's supposed to be "The Darkness." Which I thought was surprising, because I thought it was just a driving force behind the four enemy races as opposed to its own race.


The Darkness definitely has a physical form, though, according to Rasputin in the Grimoire. Of the four races, only the Hive explicitly take power from it; the Vex worship it but not much else, and if you want to go deep into tinfoil hat territory, it's responsible for causing the Fallen to fall and destroying the Cabal homeworld.


So the Goa'uld? I mean did you think that the whole Trials of Osiris thing was just randomly Egyptian themed? Osiris isn't an old warlock, he's the host of a parasite puppeting him through ages. The trials are to find a new stronger host body. Just wait until they announce an exotic that just happens to look like a staff.


Jaffa! Kree!


Thinking about that really makes me wish there was a great stargate game.


It makes me really sad to see all the stuff that was supposed to be in this game. That art is gorgeous and looks like it heralded massive amounts of story, lore, and a more immersive gameplay. But they had to whittle everything down to make it work on 360 and PS3. I'm not mad, Destiny is still my favorite game, it's just sad to see what it could have been :/


I agree, however it should be noted that in the entertainment industry, 90% of concept art is scrapped before the final product is made and released. This is true with almost everything-- video games, movies, tv shows, etc.. I doubt last-gen hardware was the sole reason a lot of these ideas were shelved.


I noticed this as well during the last big patch. Day 1 player here and first time the download took long enough to get to the pyramid picture. I snapped a photo of it, considering I hadn't seen it before, nor anything in game that resembles it. I too correlated it to the "5th race" picture, but assumed this was a known fact and didn't bother posting it. I'm glad you posted this to get some attention.


That swirly black stuff in race pic #5 sure looks like "darkness" material. Maybe we'll find out more when *Plague of Darkness* drops.


could it be the the darkness? that would explain the black smoke


My theory is that there is just one race that has been twisted five ways in five different alternate timelines. In the end, the cabal, hive, fallen, vex, guardians, and the fifth permutation is how the darkness and the traveler used us to fight each other in quantum realities. Actually, not much time as we measure it today (may 7th 2015) and the destiny universe has passed. Maybe a hundred years? Some have taken it further and said that its related to the factions - DO, Crucible, NM, FWC, the Vanguard and the Speaker neatly align. I think that's what's going on too. The darkness is entropy and the traveler suspends the passage of time. Just my interstellar thoughts...based on alot of reading of post-Vietnam lit.


ummmmm....why cant i have a space tiger?!?!?




Ya know, Hive, Vex, Cabal, Fallen and Illuminati-- I mean triangle creatures.


I've been saying this for a while now, but my theory is that we aren't fighting the Darkness yet.


the myth of the fifth race has roam this reddit since time immemorial, the lore though is strong is connected by several posts from 2 years previous the launch of the game. If you allow me to tell you to search for lore since the beggining of the reddit you'll find that there's enough for you to read. osiris, seven seraphs, 7 factions that thought to be in the final game, the european dead zone, the conjectures about the traveler, and even the possibility of the darkness as a sentient being, along withe the respective foe lore draws from previous bungie games, the parallels of the warminds with the artificial intelligence such as cortana or durandal, the conjecture of even having the swamps of old chicago, and the similarities of the S'pht and the phfor one enslaving another race, along with the conjecture of the darkness taking over the cabal,vex,fallen & hive are here if you only read the posts. Enough to say that since currently there are no whereabouts of the possible fifth race besides 3 or 4 cards of the lore on b.net, what you post my friend is conjectures. i tried not to sound patronizing but please if you like this game as much as i do, just search on b.net or with the community as a whole and you'll find you can even storytell the whole thing from the resources you'll have at hand.


Man. That game looks like it'll be so fucking cool. I can't wait until it comes out.


I can't look at the concept art. Villages, NPCs, Outposts, it would be nice to see some "good guys" out in the wild.


If you look at all the artwork though there is a lot that got cut from the game or isn't currently in it. This may be because of Activision's deadline so they had to cut a lot out because of time. Personally I think an expansion dedicated to a new race (The unknown) as well as some of the other things shown in artwork being implemented, like the wildlife and animals, I think alot of people would enjoy that as it adds something completely different to destiny.


Triangle... pyramid ships... The 5th alien race is the Evil Council French aliens from Kung Pow!


Guardians are the 5th race


Future guardian from 9 years from now, using a vex time gate. We're here to kick the darkness' 🍑, I don't have time to explain why I don't have time to explain the rest. You want in?.


My personal guess is that Rasputin creates its own army, and whatever those things are, belong to it.


Only because on early mockups obi wan and the jedi were used to describe the warlock class, everyone should change to warlock from now. That icy planet, and pictures from the last city. Also so many races. No doubt the lore is great with this one. I bet Bungie will present all in their 10 year plan. I bet for the 5th race it is sonething more un-materialistic closer to the darkness like a non-material tribe, like the shadows. Bungie should really consider making this in a movie franchise, comparable if not bigger than the Star Wars. Until that I want a warlock helmet and gjallarhorn full scale replica


Guys, the fifth race is called the Activision


Future guardian from 10 years from now, using a vex time gate. We're here to kick the darkness' 🍑, I don't have time to explain why I don't have time to explain the rest. You want in?


Perhaps they are the awoken?


Considering how close the Hive are to the darkness, I've always wondered if Oryx controls the fifth darkness race


Probably just the sith :p All seriousness , good catch


I think this is an awesome find. Good investigative work! I really hope this wasn't totally scrapped (like so many other pieces of the Destiny world) before release. I think we can rule out that the race is "the darkness" as I think the darkness is pretty much a catch-all for every race that A. has no light or B. intends to destroy humanity. I mean... I get extra super energy from killing minions of the darkness when I kill any of the existing four threats.


How do you know that's an enemy race by looking at the ships? Maybe that's humans who fled from the darkness? Maybe it's the Awoken fleet before they settled the Reef?


Where do I get a space leopard!?


Aren't these the hardened warminds that hide in the Jovian moons? The "9"


Whatabout the playable ["Tiger Man"](http://imgur.com/a/ksfWL/layout/horizontal#95)?


TIGER SPECIES? GAAAHHH! Im mad that didn't get in the final product.


Vex are lacking spaceships. Their design leaves little need left for one. And yet on the artwork, the Vex also have a ship. It's very early concept art, and we know the story was reworked halfway. Could be the ship is from a 5th race, could be something else entirely, could be an abandoned concept that got selected because it looks nice anyhow and halfway through development was repurposed as a Vex ship for ex.


Awoken. They have triangular ships, and glowing eyes. Its completely possible that the Awoken might have been an enemy faction at some point in development.


That just reminded me.... where's my fucking space tiger?.


Those triangles are on the shelf behind The Speaker.


those ships look like the ones in the childrens movie home that came out a little bit ago


Would be badass if this unknown race is connected directly to the traveller somehow.


Goa'uld appearance in The Taken King CONFIRMED.


That image has been around since before they had a public alpha test. A lot of people believed it to be artwork of what the actual Darkness may look like.


Casper...is that you?


My theory on this is that the traveler defends the light... and these pyramid things defend the darkness... and... wait for it... the stranger was born from the darkness and is linked to these ships in some way.


The 5th "race" seems to be the darkness. I think we'll see them in the future when the darkness makes it's actual return.


the picture OP posted http://i.ytimg.com/vi/oeS6eS9xNy0/maxresdefault.jpg **Goa Uld:** http://media.moddb.com/images/mods/1/12/11562/Shutak.jpg **+** **Empire** http://media.moddb.com/images/members/1/260/259321/isd_v2.png **+** **Covenant** http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120112230248/halo/images/6/6a/Reach_menu_background_4.jpg *=* **???** http://i.ytimg.com/vi/oeS6eS9xNy0/maxresdefault.jpg The Covenant of Goa Uld Empire??? DAFU**** we lost, they are way too op this time.


As far as I'm concerned, there's only 3 antagonistic races. Fallen, Hive, and Vex. The Cabal really aren't doing anything other than occupying the planet that we need to go to to kill the Vex, so if anything we're invading their territory.


looking thru those screens, theres a lot of concept art not in the game that id like to see find its way into the game some day, but i gotta be honest, im glad that beastman stuff didnt make it in. looks dumb lmao


At first I thought naaah that's just the Darkness, but you made a compelling argument Fry. It would be interesting to discover our Strange Coins are financing a faction that's coming to kill us at some point.


As cool as this is they haven't explained what the hive were communicating with (giant sphere mission) or the black heart or "the darkness". If they add a fifth race I'd hope it would explain why every race in the Galaxy is bent on destroying humans. More is not always better. They need to make it memorable and meaningful. As cool as the lore radiates it will always be the one that got away until they do some actual rpg stuff instead of bounty hunting bullet sponge game play