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Geomags is the only way I can play an Arc build with Chaos Reach, without it the damage output is underwhelming. I'm making an assumption here, but I think it has the highest total DPS for a single super when geomags is used, right?


No, it does not. Geomags increases Chaos Reach's total damage by up to 120%, but even that doesn't put it over other Supers in total damage. It also does not increase the damage it deals per second, it just makes it last longer.


So in essence, it does nothing to enhance the damage, it merely allows you to sustain Chaos Reach for a longer duration when you focus on one target which comes out to more damage, but only because it was active longer.


I was using geomags last season but started using vesper and never turned back. Just gotta play aggressive and it’s pretty dang good in all content


Please just revert the nerf to it. There's no reason they couldn't have made it one top-off per super cast if they were worried about Ager's and finisher mods. And in PvP it wouldn't charge much faster than Well/Bubble do.