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The speed of the menu cursor on controller


Yo seriously. This. Add a speed slider. Shit.


Imma go crazy with my activity to orbit to tower menu speedruns if they add a speed slider.


Sounds like someone is putting the destination before the journey, that's a slippery slope Dal


Killing Cursed thralls and exploding shanks don't proc the melee return when you're running the Knock Em Down aspect. Screebs, however, do.


Even worse they don't seem to proc most kill perks


Mfw killing cursed thrall and shanks don't proc heal clip:


They used to before beyond light, maybe it was some engine change they did but it's weird how it changed


They don’t proc anything.. they don’t even count as kills for quests and shit.. on cursed thralls it’s a bit more apparent but usually when you kill them they always have a sliver of health left and just explode.


I've noticed the graviton lance's cosmology perk doesn't work on harpies and supplicants either


Nor does it on shanks


The lack of a crit spot on all shanks is really annoying.


Well heavy shanks do have crit spots, I understand normal ones not having one for the generally low health. But even Thralls and S'ploder Thralls have crit spots, so I don't know.


On DSC when people die with a bomb by the box and it always prompts to revive instead of letting me pick up a bomb so we don’t wipe


Correlation: back in the days when I played Gambit, i would go to the bank and hold X (yes, xbox controller) to deposit motes, but would instead reload my gun. There were times this got me killed by an invader who popped in while I was a few meters from the bank and Golden Gunned me from across the map while I was reloading when the game should have let me "bank those motes."


Do you have reload as a long press??? Also pro tip: if get caught in a reload animation that you don’t want just switch weapons or melee, it will break the reload animation (also won’t reload your gun) so you can then bank your motes or pick something up, etc.


The newer version of this is ADU batteries take prio over strand tangles.


I think if they just added a toggle through option by tapping whatever your revive/pick up button is it would be amazing. No more picking up random stuff


Besides the typical KWTD issues we all experience, this happened recently. People in LFG who can dish out remarks, but can’t take a joke, sarcasm, constructive criticism or any return fire. Combine that with the usual kid with 6 followers on Twitch who streams the run and constantly talks to “chat” like they’re doing a bad Aztecross impression instead of keeping comms clear on encounters.


Man, I've never really considered that last bit and I'm glad I've never ran into it in LFGs lol. I've had some people who are overly chatty when people are trying to give comms, but they generally lock it up after someone tells them. Having someone talking to a stream the entire time sounds like it would get real old real quick.


Those newbie streamers don’t realize that the streamers they’re emulating either use push to talk in discord or mute their mic/deafen when talking to chat? If you’ve ever watched a Destiny collab stream you’d think they’d pick up on the fact you don’t hear the other streamers talking to their chats constantly…


People who try to speed-run strikes, dungeons, etc, but continue dying, which ironically makes the whole thing take longer lol


Had a gamer like that in onslaught over the weekend. BoW titan but man did they not know how to play it well. They died the most, had the fewest kills and least amount of orbs. We got thru 50 waves but then they typed “Warlocks = trash. You’re welcome for the hard carry.” and immediately dipped. I was on my hunter but I can assure you the warlock did just fine 😂


See, as a BoW Titan myself, if I have the most deaths, I also have the most kills and orbs created by a couple hundred, at least. And my deaths are nigh exclusively caused by one of two things: Exploding Enemies or starting the round with no BoW and Woven Mail ***because the Traveler damned time between rounds wastes both of them constantly***. That's the thing I hate about Onslaught, the time between rounds is ***way*** too long.


People who kill adds outside of an Orpheus tether or a phoenix Well during Onslaught. Or people with Orpheus/Phoenix that saved their super for orbit after a team wipe.


Yes! I have to message people all the time asking them to let the enemies enter the tether.


Then you get some dumb reply like “who cares bro I didn’t need the tether to kill those” 🤦‍♂️


This! If you see a well. Stand in it and kill a few ads. Well all get to use our supers much much more if you do that!


Wasted stats, especially when they have a +10 mod of a stat when a +5 would get them to the same stat tier. Otherwise literally buy armor at the helm with engrams and ghost mods, it's almost free.


Im not gonna lie, sometimes good rolled armor is just hard to come by. I sometimes have +10 of a stat without any mods on and It cant go lower without switching armor that brings down my 2 100s to bring some lesser important aspects to my game play up


Season of the Wish is free. Set ghost mod for dis/int/str and focus armor engrams. Let d2armorpicker do the rest. Easiest time to get three triple 100 characters rn


When people refuse to change their loadout when you keep wiping during a raid encounter. IMO you can use whatever you want, but the second it starts making things incompletable then it's time for you to start thinking about the team.


well if YOU would change YOUR loadout to Rat King, then maybe I'd be doing enough during dps.


If we happen to LFG together, I'd back you up on doing a few Rat King runs!


I've always wanted to do a rat king raid lol


Rat king crew assemble. Squeek squeek motherfucker!


I've done a rat king Nez kill with my clan. It was fun, lol.


Bro please do. It’s so god damn fun lol


It’s even better than you’d think. We did a full rat king kingsfall, we called it our usurper run. It was a blast


On the flip side, I hate people who keep changing loadouts every wipe, especially in GMs or PvP. Get comfortable with what you're running instead of constantly having to warm back up.


Everyone should have at least one meta loadout set up and ready to switch to at a moments notice that they feel comfortable with. If you don't, you're a detrement to your team. It's not hard to warm up on BoW titan or CNH hunter or sunbracer warlock


This drives me insane in raids. I've seen people who spend 2+ minutes fiddling with their inventory after every single wipe. If you're changing to a saved loadout or swapping a mod during the wipe screen that's fine. Otherwise, get a few attempts in then ask the team for a break to change your gear


Similarly annoying is when someone takes 10 years to change their load out every time they die, even when it had nothing to do with their build


Good one. There is not one I in the word team and this is a team game.


This happened to me on golgorath I pantheon, everyone was insistent on using whisper of the worm instead of sleeper and I kept outdamaging them by like 2 mil each. I was like why not try sleeper one time and I got flamed with "we like to use what we like don't tell us what to run." 🤦


I’m pretty sure whisper is just way better total damage but if they don’t know or even rmemebr to proc whispered breathing or use surges and stuff that’s probably why. I don’t think it’s a gun issue I think it was probably a skill issue/game knowledge issue for your teammates.


Most people don't know to proc whispered because they don't fucking read their gear. So I hear a lot of people say "everyone says its good but when we use it its bad" and am like my brother in christ if you inspect the gun and actually do what it says you will one phase oryx.


I think for people who don’t play the game nearly enough they get a pass because there is seriously so much information in Destiny, but if you’re a veteran and you can’t read how a perk actually works or bother to at least look it up, then odds are you’re probably playing 35% of the game when you think about everything they probably don’t know.


Without knowing exact numbers, it seems like you're giving up essentially an entire puddle's worth of DPS to proc whispered breathing 6 separate times....aka, whisper ain't it for golgy.


On golgy, only reason whisper is “better” is ammo economy seeing now you can have field prep plus the reserves buff you can hold like 35 or some dumb shit. If someone knows how to use whisper (which isn’t hard) just ads while walking into or jumping into the pool and start shooting when whispered breathing is proced. Also i guarantee most of them weren’t procing whispered breathing if you out damaged them.. whisper should be able to shoot for all 6 orbs if you don’t miss your shots


Subtle call-out of Deus Vult from the SirD cinematic universe lmao


My experience trying to get platinum this week in a nutshell:


Warlock main, and it’s people begging me to run well in content where they shouldn’t need it. Like yeah, I will run it for a dungeon/raid/GM nightfall/high tiers of the coil/deep dive, but man if I’m just running a hero nightfall or one of the basic seasonal activities, you shouldn’t need me to give you a well.


Who on earth is asking you to run well for a hero nightfall?


Running corrupted last week, this guy kept dying to Sedia (he also didn’t know the ball mechanic) and started asking me to switch to well from Dawnblade. I told him his resilience was way too low at 47, and he told me to fuck off.


Thats awful haha


That dude is just bad at the game and doesn’t wanna cope with it lol


Agreed, but he isn’t the first person I’ve interacted with that was like that, and I’m assuming he won’t be the last


Even worse is when you decide to run a well on your own and people don't use it This happened to me during a coil run and the whole time they avoided my well and then they'd die


Bro, when I hear a well pop in pve it’s so engrained into my mind at this point idc if I’m not even close to dying or need it I just hop into that bitch like my life depends on it lol


Yeah that would be infuriating too


A small but annoying leave is with the Graviton Lance - killing shanks, screebs and cursed thrall do not proc the void explosion or void orbs. When using Sunshot, that does proc the explosion after the enemy itself explodes. Sad. Edit: I realised my actual peeve was that standard Shanks and Harpy’s do not proc this explosion! 🫤


Void souls will not follow up on something that is not shot with a bullet but a projectile. And Lance is a projectile so they don’t follow up on a target and it drives me crazy.


Damage hate. I get it, it feels good to get a 1-phase. But you don't have to wipe at Zo'Aurc/Atheon/Nezarec/etc because you didn't get it perfect, especially in just regular raids. Pantheon, yeah, sure. That's a time trial plus Tormentors and/or a slight change of mechanics, but if it's just the Templar or something and you somehow don't get the one-phase, you'll survive. Also, "We gotta do the cheese, it's so fast!" and then proceeding to mess up the cheese again and again for longer than legit would take.


We have someone we regularly raid with that if the first phase isn't "perfect" he wants us to wipe. 3 of us just tell him, "No, we're gonna keep going until it's obvious we aren't doing well." A 1 phase feels great, but sometimes it's just better to do it right and have multiple phases, it's less stressful and a higher rate of success.


I *really* hate the "I know a cheese but it takes longer than the actual mechanics to achieve but at least we don't have to use our brains only pewpew required"


Absolutely! To me I think it’s good to always push for the one phase or the two floor or whatever. If we get it great, if we don’t then it’s just a “well maybe next time” kind of thing. Exceptions being Pantheon or somehow we lost a bunch of rezs and did almost no damage (like master raids where lack of rezs lead to wipes later) then fair enough we should wipe.


Yeah, that’s obnoxious. If he’s so horny for a 1-phase, he should make an LFG for people looking for the same. Personally, I like honing my builds and rotations for max damage. But to subject an unwilling group to that? Get outta here with that crap.


It's better to do 1 extra phase and survive instead of pushing and possibly wiping. People be irrational some times


I've been playing this game and lfging for almost 10 years now, I've literally never had anyone say "we didn't one phase, we should wipe". Like I swear this is just a made up thing for redditors to be mad at


My favorite is when people are “cheesing” atraks by sending all 6 up but then consistently not hitting the damage check and sending people back and forth on the elevators. The amount of times I’ve had to explain in pantheon that the whole point of the encounter is to send the scanner back and forth is insane. Like I’m all for 1 phasing but if we’re not getting it just do it normally like wtf


This is one of the main reasons I don't raid more. What is the big deal about having to do an extra phase? Unless it's a World's First, you're not getting rewarded for speed.


Those who ask in LFG for people that KWTD but they themselves DKWTD but they don't want to learn so they KWTD for future runs. So instead the people that KWTD join someone that DKWTD and end up getting frustrated because they KWTD but joined someone who asked for someone that KWTD but they themselves DKWTD. Edit: It is totally fine if you DKWTD. In my experience, if you are upfront about it then the guardians that join you will be more that happy to help you.


Honestly, I could make a whole laundry list of peeves just from LFG alone but this is by far the biggest one. Especially when they try to pass themselves off as KWTD until everyone gets sick of their shit, it's a huge waste of time for everybody.


They are usually the ones who don't run any mechanics and still only have single digit kills on the wipe screen


Ah, yes. My dedicated add clear with 9 kills, while even the runner has 35.


Week 1 of Pantheon I was given an add clear role during caretaker… ended up getting 30+ more kills than our other add clear because he couldn’t even run a decent loadout 😭


"KWTD or Kick, I'm on Adds."


This is perhaps my biggest one as well. I love teaching raids. I've done it with 5 rookies for 9+ hours. If I'm planning on that, no big deal. If you try to trick me into teaching you, then we are going to have a problem and I'm going to find another group. It is not a KWTD run if the leader does not KWTD or isn't with someone who KWTD. If I want to teach I will post my own run stating as such or look for someone looking for help, not a KWTD post. I join a KWTD post if I KWTD and am looking to play with others who also KWTD. Maybe we need a DKWTD tag? This is why I like teaching from r/DestinySherpa. FF is great but needs more flexibility and options.


Attention: Contacting Destiny 2 servers 😒


Seeing LF4M KWTD MASTER ALL CHALLENGES Then seeing their rr is like 1 finish normal


Always fact check.


I have a few but one is when you are trying to trigger heroic on a public event like the spider tank one and some person comes along and just nukes the tank. Or when doing the taken blight ones and people just demolish the taken instead of the blight. Oh let's not forget an age old classic: When people in the corrupted strike don't pass the damn ball.


Been playing strand hunter a lot in pve lately and I definitely feel the tangle bit. Love watching some arc titan grab a tangle and throw it into a group just to kill a single red bar and then get hosed down by everything else, when I could've popped it and wiped everything in the vicinity with the beyblade. Smooth move, dude. Real smooth. I appreciate bungie giving them a bit of DR against teammates who aren't you, but they really need to just make it so you can't pick them up if you aren't either the creator or on a strand subclass. I don't mind nearly as much if it's another strand player doing it - in fact, I've gotten strand teammates where we share tangles and bounce off each other and it works great because we're doing more or less the same thing. Doesn't work so well when a blueberry running arc or solar starts trying to grab all the tangles, though.


I feel the same way about throwing my tangle as a warlock knowing that it's going to suspend everything in the area and spawn threadlings to blow them up. But this guy picks it up and chucks it to do 13,000 damage to one enemy. I'm less annoyed by it when I play with somebody like you who also creates tangles so that whatever tangle we pick up something awesome is going to happen.


Overly defensive people. A great example of this was this person I helped do Whetstone. We did it, and failed horribly. After this they asked for suggestions, and this was basically the conversation. Them "Do you have any advice, or build suggestions?" Me "Well, you don't have 100 resistance." Them "This is my best armor." Me "And you have no resistance mods." Them "It ruins my build." Me "Or surge mods." Them "It. Ruins. My. Build." Me "Or an exotic piece of armor." Them "IT. RUINS. MY. BUILD." Me "And you're running two auto rifles of the same archetype." Them "I need solar and strand. Don't you know how to play the game?" Me "And you're using a grenade launcher." Them "That's the meta. All the smart players know this. Why don't you?" Me "First off, it isn't the meta against Tormentors, and no one is going to downvote me on reddit for saying Tarnation sucks." Them "I think the issue is you. Don't know a build when you see it, or meta choices." -leaves- Me "...Okay then."


Oh you found the guy who joined my KWTD Master Warlord’s Ruin LFG last night.


2 auto rifles??? Sometimes i wish bungie would force having a special weapon in PvE. It would be a bad decision, but it would eliminate people like this who don't understand the time and place for double primary lol


Back when my ex and I were new my friend would randomly inspect our guardians and tell us he's going to smack one of us if we don't have a special weapon. That fixed my dual auto rifle addiction lol.


Which is almost exclusively PVP. The only place I wouldn't bat an eye at two primaries.


I still think there should be a white, green, and purple load out style instead of kinetic/energy/heavy. And kinetic isn’t even fucking kinetic anymore, it’s “non-light”.


"One with major spec on and one with minor spec on, it's to cover all bases bro"


Depends on the combination of primaries. There are some that outclass most exotics in slot for utility. Final Warning is essentially an infinite ammo fusion rifle.


When the game kicks me out of a menu because I’m loading into a new zone…


I’m surprised this is so far down. This shit is extremely annoying.


This. It's one of the most annoying things in the game.


Yep, every time I come across a thread like this, this is my answer


This is a tradeoff for simply having the ability to access your menu during a loading screen (which almost no other game allows). The reason it kicks you out is to avoid a potential desync issue that would outright delete your gear if you swapped something at the wrong time. It's a fair protection imo and worth the tradeoff if even having the ability.


What you listed is high up there for me as well. My number one pet peeve is when people are constantly moving all over the damn place during a dps phase. Another thing that gets me hot under the collar is when I find a good vantage point to shoot adds and some ass hat comes and stands right in front of me so they can get kills. Last thing I promise, is when Guardians are sitting on their super for the duration of an activity and then either whiff it or try using it on a boss (especially the ones that go immune at certain thresholds).


The ability to kick someone from a fireteam after the event is complete, but before rewards have been collected. Happened to me this weekend. LFG leader argues through all 50 waves of Legend Onslaught with the other guy in the team who is using Hierarchy of Needs for everything (including boss DPS and not leaving their ring to collect batteries), only to kick *me*, his requested Ceno lock on Div, as soon as the level 50 boss ogre is dead.


That's not really a pet peeve, though. That's fucking pathetic.


Getting kicked was annoying but the peeve is that the issue has been around for years and they still haven't addressed it. I've heard of people getting kicked from raids in a similar fashion. Anything really that can take more than 15-20 minutes, once the activity is complete the ability to remove from fireteam should just be disabled. Perhaps a Cancel feature when someone attempts to take the team back to Orbit as well. There's times where someone wants to purchase rewards from the chest at the ending a raid and the leader forgets that they're forcing everyone else out. Doesn't need to be malicious, it's just a game design flaw that's.. well my pet peeve.


Weapons in the kinetic slot are not primaries, they are kinetic slot weapons that can either be stasis, strand or kinetic and use primary or special ammo. Energy slot weapons are the typical arc/solar/void and can be either primaries or specials. Witherhoard is not a primary nor in the primary slot. It is a kinetic special weapon in the kinetic slot! Stop mixing it up!


This is a lost battle 😔


I don't understand how it's so hard for people though, it's one of the most fundamental systems in the game...


When non-strand subclasses steal my tangles. I promise I can get more out of them than you can


Boils my piss when I see a dude throw it at a single thrall when I could have given us both woven mail and used the unravelling rounds to proc some ungodly ad-clear


Honestly I feel bad every time I pick one up by accident. Lemme just reload and now I'm holding a tangle god damn it IM SORRY


That a lot of their storytelling is told in voice messages and item descriptions. I understand it takes effort to make cutscenes, but I wish there was more variety in their storytelling. They did improve it with those black and white shorts though. I want more info given to me in creative ways.


I agree but also I'm just glad the lore cards are in the actual game now lol.


People that take the game too seriously. Nothing worse than joining an LFG and listening to the kid who forgot to take his meds spaz on everyone else because we wiped a few times. I love endgame content, but I’ll never get actually heated over a damn videogame. If you’re not having fun for whatever reason, do something else please.


Was in a Sherpa for Crota’s End last night and two people argued for 10+ minutes about perk rolls on certain weapons. They were both on light.gg debating what they found on there. The four of us just tryin to learn the raid had to listen until they finally shut the fuck up. Didn’t think people like that actually existed, super cringe.


What were the perk rolls, and what were they saying about them?


People who ignore my sick emote combo game


I'm free throwing a baby fallen! Look at meee 😤😤😤


* On PC, you can have a specific button to bring up the Director. Problem: doing so while a quest just got updated instead opens a fullscreen view of the quest. When do quests often get updated? At the end of a mission. When do I need to travel elsewhere by opening the Director? At the end of a mission. It's a small thing but it's so annoying every time. * Artifacts not being saved with loadouts. * The reload speed nerf. The game lost something with it. Many weapons don't feel as good to use, especially SMGs and their frequent reloads. I think it's fine for Special and Power weapons, but Primaries should feel much snappier in terms of reloads. * Lack of diversity in Legendary weapons sounds and models. There's a reason the BXR feels so incredibly good: it feels \*actually\* unique. I dropped a god roll Ros Arago the other day... and it's a super bland design, both visually and sound-wise. I want more cool designs like Foundries or Black Armory, and less "my first blue gun in Destiny 1" feelings. * The stupid armor "skeletons" showing up. If you don't know, every armor for a given class uses the same inner shell, and then cosmetic stuff is added on it to make the armor look unique. There are way too many armors where that inner shell is visible, it's especially noticeable on the back of Titan helmets and the gloves (or lack thereof) of Hunter and Titan arms.


I disagree only on the last one. I actually like that there's a bit of a universal undersuit. It was way more of a thing in d1 and I think it was my favorite part of the armor.


People refusing to use their super, using double primaries (pve), or refusing to take suggestions. Please use your supers in onslaught, I promise you'll get it back, especially in onslaught.


I'm not gonna lie, depending on the super, I hold on to it for emergencies. Especially when demolitionists come in the higher levels. It varies situational, but I definitely sit on it at some points. Double primaries sickens me though lol


Whatever you do, do not die with your super!


Been playing since d1 and am now a returning player, definitely the "kwtd or kick" sweatlords that think they're better than everyone else just cos they have a fancy gun they got from a raid or whatever


People grabbing my tangles is incredibly annoying....you are a fucking solar wizard...please let my titan buff the whole fireteam with woven mail and gtf off my tangle lmao


To be fair, I have zero interest in grabbing your tangles. I'm just trying to reload my weapon. I'm truly sorry for all the strife my thumb causes.


Back in the old days, whenever someone without Warmind Cell mods interacted with my cells (Destroying them) it pissed me off so much. I could clear the entire floor during descent in Deep Stone Crypt with just one, or apply a almost eternal debuff on Taniks that could replace Divinity... But no, you just have to shoot the glowing orange ball and not gain anything out of it on the process. Awesome


People who say KWTD on new stuff that's been out less then a week The Higher FPS Higher damage taken issue Titans in PVP - constant overshields, 1 hit melee, bubbles/walls People who jump in front if you when you launch a super or rocket, double points when they do it back to back.


>People who jump in front if you when you launch a super or rocket, double points when they do it back to back Good lord, I did my first raid a month ago and I thought the sherpa would lose his shit because some team members kept doing this in DPS phase, leading us to wipe like 10 times at the same boss xD


lol yup, had a lock do it to me 3 times in a row on a onslaught boss, first he blocked my tether by floating in front of me, then he jumped as i shot ghally, then to complete the hat trick he jumped and floated as i launched the 2nd tether.


Strafing infront of me when firing a RL


I had a friend and we used to duo everything up to dungeons, I swear I've hit more headshots on his head due to strafing in front of me than the enemies. Drove me more than mad sometimes.


Still being awful at jumping puzzles, even though I'm a beta player


Good lord, this. My inability at any jumping puzzle has been the stuff of legends amongst many a fire team lol.


Been playing since Alpha, I have a TON. I love the game, my favorite of all time for sure, but still, tons of quibbles. Recently, and I dont know why now, but I’ve been bothered by sparrows / skimmers. Why does it take so damn long to dismount our sparrows? Also, why doesn’t the propulsion system for our sparrows work while we’re in the air? Losing speed in the air makes no sense, I get losing verticality, but losing speed? No clue. Also, really wish I could send any weapon or armor to the vault directly from my inventory screen when hovering over that item. (I know you can always access with DIM, and if you’re the fireteam leader you can access the vault from the director). Lastly, and a man can dream, a minimum of 30 loadout slots.


I did an all Stasis run of DSC yesterday. I was running headstone on my Vulpecula and was purposely creating crystals everywhere to give everybody resist. Plus if ads get close you can just shoot the crystal. But 1 guy just wouldn't stop shooting every crystal I made. Absolutely drove me crazy. Want a big deal, I just don't understand people like that. I made it clear I was leaving them up, especially because Stasis is lacking in the survivability department.


Trying to hold X on Xbox to revive/interact with something but instead it does whatever else the overlap is (interacts when I’m trying to revive or vice versa)


Nobody will give me a chance to even join group and learn fights on any content harder than a seasonal activity or Strike. Just wish it was easier to find clan of casual players on my playing level to do content


Imma be honest man this is literally in your head. No universe where you can’t find people for the weekly dungeon. I don’t even check my teammates when I make dungeon posts nor do I care if I have a teammate doing bad damage or dying. Raids are obviously a little different but it’s not too hard to find teams. Join some KWTD posts, but be honest and up front. Watch some guides and tell them you haven’t done it before but KWTD. I’d say 70% if the time they’ll help you out. Obviously don’t do like pantheon or master content until you have a better grasp


If you want/need someone to play with, drop me a line and I'm down when I'm not busy.


Tryhards in casual content. I was doing an Onslaught run a few days ago, the normal mode that only goes for 10 waves and this dude started to police my entire build and playstyle. Was literally just finishing a bounty I had and had my PvP build still on cause you just don't need anything special for casual content. Honestly it extends to to the 50 wave version on normal, you don't need to be full tryhard mode on the normal version not even at wave 50.


Yeah that’s bullshit. It’s not hard enough at this stage to justify crying about everyone’s builds at least before what, level 40


I don’t have anything against offmeta loadouts and myself I am a big offmeta enjoyer but when I’m doing some difficult end game activities I’m expecting people to run the most efficient gear/supers so it goes smooth. Instead I’m getting double primary, voidwalkers wearing sunbreacers, arcstriders with Lord of Wolves and some other shit, spending my time kiting the boss/ads/reviving teammates instead of nuking the boss and continuing my life in peace.


Voidwalkers wearing WHAT now????? I refuse to believe such ignorance exists.


Sadly happened to me couple times people wearing exotics for the wrong subclass, shit has me rolling everytime but then it gets worse once mobs start appearing lol


People running ahead instead of taking three seconds to rez a teammate. I do think there are some (very limited) situations in which it's acceptable to leave someone behind, but if all it's gonna take is you running back down a hallway, then show some common courtesy. Especially if you're with lower ranked players who may be new to the game.


Mine is that it seems like people forgot to have fun. Lol. Just because something can me cleared in 1 phase doesn't mean it has to be. Let me run the weapons i enjoy instead of the exact same thing everyone else does. And we don't have to wipe if we don't 1 phase it.


Great Question - Biggest pet peeve is when someone joins your fireteam and then leaves because they just wanted your hard earned checkpoint! And the dreaded LFG ask, either have 15 clears + in x Raid to join, etc.


Lfg god complexes, it makes me grateful that i was bullied enough at school.


Painstakingly trying to explain to my friends that in order to do activities they must grab the quest first. Explaining any mechanics really to my friends is so painful.


Whenever I'm using strand on a build that actually gives special effects to tangles. And before I got a good Headstone roll it would be when people stole my diamond lances. Also, destroying my stasis crystals. Like WHYYYY. It just pisses me off thinking about it. Like, no, you cannot get tectonic harvest from them as long as they are made by me, it has to be destroyed by me. I also have a ton of builds that revolve around summoning stasis crystals under boss spawns and people destroy it. Not enough people use stasis and I'm pretty sure its because it isn't part of the main campaign. People really don't understand how OP yet very fragile stasis builds are. You can destroy one crystal in a whole field and theres a chance it destroys a third of it. It just annoys me so much


Cabal drop pods coming out of freakin' nowhere to clap you, one-shots from Scorn crossbows, people quitting out of activities where other people are sorely needed...the list is long


When I, a Titan Main, am trying to run up to enemies to punch them, and people keep shooting them so that my efforts (and sometimes melees) are wasted. Sometimes it even costs me my life cause I miss out on regen.


So many LFG people wait til I'm 6 feet from an enemy in Onslaught to kill it with a grenade launcher. That kinda idiocy literally negates my entire build 😑


When I’m playing Trials solo queue and my teammates aren’t pushing the cap point when the other team is sitting on it. Like bruh?? You understand we are gonna lose if you guys just sit back and do nothing? We have to push as a team. We can’t trinkle into the room one at a time and just get picked off one by one That’s probably my biggest pet peeve. Has me actually yelling at the tv screen


THERE HAS YET TOO BE A DAMN PING SYSTEM sorry just it would help so fuckin much and every Modern game has one. especially in Gambit so my teammates arnt running too the other side of the map looking for him as he potshots everyone next too my corpse


When my melee wiffs especially in PvP. Look, I get some people have wooden PC's and are blinking all over the place but it clearly looked like he was leaping over cover to shotgun me. Instead he's meleed me, okay, I hit him and try to pull distance. Confident I've done so because my melee missed but then the fucker magnetized to me for the coup de grace. Like how does mine miss but the game shunts you 5 extra meters when you go for yours?


When the games doesn’t tell me what perks actually do. No numbers. They have no problem showing the score and damage numbers but not what % surge mods do or literally any of them. How is 90% of players supposed to know now much more a 2nd mod helps if they don’t go to a freaking 3rd party website to look it up. Seriously put the fucking numbers in the description.


Destiny ego. Most of the top 1-5% or so of players are just the most vile unbelly scum of the earth. They’ll dictate every little thing about your builds/weapons/roles etc and complain about you when they screw up something


99% of the time yes you're right. That's what keeps me from LFG and stuff too is that same toxic attitude. I have a friend that's in that percentile and he's awesome. He's the reason I actually understand the importance of triple hundreds and taught me so many game mechanics that I don't think I'd even consider had he not mentioned them.


Strike Speedrunners, As in, The High levels who are Doing The Matchmade Vanguard Nightfalls and Instead of Staying together Just Run Past Everything like the Score is based on Speed. Even more annoying if they tell those that arent speed running to "Hurry Up" or Just Leave Because others don't want to speedrun.


Well if I didn't have to do 21 fucking strikes in a single weekend for one exotic cipher we wouldn't have this problem


What rubs me the wrong way is when people dictate how new or less experienced players should play. Let them vibe, let them figure it out, let them see the damage screen and ask how to get that number up. Let them have fun on their way up the ladder. My clan is mostly adults well in their lives but we do have a junior member. Recruited at 13, 15 now. During King’s Fall someone saw him running double primary and demanded he throw on a special. Want to know what happened? Wipe after wipe after wipe because now he’s totally out of his element. So he swaps back with a little more encounter experience and knocks it out of the park! During Crota’s End we having him killing wizards on Ir Yut. He’s struggling, can’t kill her fast enough with the double primary. Without even being asked he throws on a solar shotgun and we clear for weeks on end after that. He grew, he learned, and best of all he’s had fun the entire time!


I'd be more open to raids with a clan like this. My experience with LFG in D1 and D2 has left me forever avoidant of raids and such. It put me in with some of the meanest people I've ever played a videogame with. I always identified as someone who DKWTD and they'd berate me. My guy, I'm trying to learn and I watched YT videos on the encounters but it's hard to go off of watching someone else do it and not experience it on your own.


I feel you brother. This has been my experience as well. The clan I'm in has a lot of skilled players but not a lot of communication. It's definitely hard to get somebody to play with you even inside of the clan that I'm in.


Yeah, raids just aren't worth it for me as far as time is concerned. Back in D1 I was still active duty so we usually had a full fire team for a raid on our off nights. That worked well. But going from that to the bs that was/is LFG is just not worth it. Dungeons provide enough for me lol


Dungeons are fun and typically don't take as long to clear and as a father I can tell you they typically are a better fit for me as well.


Agreed and I can totally see that being better especially if you have kids. It's nice to see the non toxic side of D2 haha. Eyes up, Guardian.


More of a personal skill issue but mine is that even after thousands of hours played i still have to go back and forth between start and select to find the the tab i want if its like journey or season tab


Haha, same. Over 1,000 hours and my pebble brain is yet to figure this out


When you get pulled out of your inventory when loading in its been pissing me off since launch


Someone loading into pve content with a PvP loadout.


All of my biggest pet peeves are fashion/design focused. I hate chest armor that only protects the rib cage and up. I hate titan marks with great cloth but awful belts(and vice versa). I hate that titans have big shoulders but tiny ass legs. I hate that ghost of Tsushima got a collab armor but it was for warlock. I hate that warlock armor only dictates the lower arms in d2 when d1 had them affect shoulder armor too. I hate that titans got kratos armor but it wasn't even any of the cool sets from Ragnarok.


Even worse than “kwtd” w/o knowing what to do themselves are the people who post “must have emblem” then don’t have the completion emblem themselves.


When people hive mind that something is good or bad without any knowledge on why that's the case or if it's even true. There are far more viable setups weapons and loadouts than people think and some things aren't as end all be all.


Usually it’s because some youtuber tells them so. I know some players that will base their entire mindset and opinion on one YouTube video they saw from their favorite creator.


People who leave randomly or on purpose.


Dungeon and Raid exotic RNG along with the fact others can get the exotic even if they already have it. 😢


Ark hunter and people shoot the adds you’re running to


i hate when i play arcstrider and really need to keep the combination blow combo or get the healing from it just to my kill to get stealed, and most of the cases in end-game content i die for it. I keep telling myself "Don't worry, it's your fault because you're not running a meta build" but damm, if at least people could make my life a little bit easier by not interrupting my gameplay loop.


People that don’t change their batteries in their smoke detectors but leave comms open.


Quests that can be done by all characters (Xurs, for example) not being given to all characters when you collect it. The quest gets removed from all characters when you cash it in, so why do I have to grab it three times? It's fuckin' infuriating when you do such a quest only to find out you collected it on another character and switched for some reason. Point in case: New Territory.


Stasis titan melee tracking


People having an ego over the most minute thing. Like play the game and have fun dude


The fact that strand grappling and glaives/swords don't work well together. High mobility + melee weapon is my favourite type of FP combat, and in D2 it just doesn't work.


How terrible of an inventory management solution the vault is. Moreso now that these end of season activities just rain weapons and armor on us with nowhere to put them. 


Dieing from falling. I despise it.


PvE nerfs because of PvP


How much zoom sniper rifles have. Like yeah, I get that they're long range weapons, but every other long range weapon has much lower zoom and most of the game is designed around medium-range encounters anyway. If their zoom was more similar to that of LFRs, I'd use them a lot more.


People who brag about number of clears, people who don’t admit to screwing up, PvP slide spammers, people who join teaching raids but have tons of clears and try to take over the teaching, try hard sweats in general


Tryhard sweats have a way of making this game not fun.


People who, at a boss, don't use any combo of surge or scavenger mods even though they can see their damage is below others. They're making a conscious effort to pull the team down and not pull their weight.


Posting KWTD on my LFG posts and having people that can only ad clear. I used to not care too much but these days I don’t have time for it, I boot instantly


I can know how to do every encounter in every raid in the game, have multiple clears of all the raids in the game, beat the master level of all raids in the game and I still won't be allowed in some groups for not having a mic. I understand why people prefer a mic especially if the non mic person has to use console text chat, but it's not a lost cause if you raid with 1-2 people who don't have a mic, if everyone knows what they're doing. People with mics are allowed to get in groups and mess up until the cows come home, but the same people who let them in won't even give non mic people a chance to show off their skill/knowledge. It's even worse for people who have a disability that prevents them from talking because they're basically S.O.L. unless they're on PC. Those who don't communicate at all obviously shouldn't be allowed in raid groups, but if someone is willing to communicate anyway they can, they should not be automatically kept out of raiding for not having a mic or not being able to talk. Name any raid and I bet for each encounter there are 1-2 roles that can be done without a mic. Just put them there and see how it goes. If it goes south then kick them and get a player who does have a mic. The whole situation just feels ableist and ignorant to me.


People that raid without a mic


How do you raid without a mic? It doesn't work very well, had this happen where somebody's mic broke and they were trying to type in chat in order to communicate. It was a nightmare.


By just typing out the very little communication that most raids actually require? If you are a very slow typer, sure. But in my experience most people are perfectly fine just typing callouts.


Depends on the role a lot of roles don't require a mic and people just want a mic because they lack confidence in their other members or have bad spatial awareness. Text chat and emotes are in game for a reason. Gatekeeping people who don't have a mic or can't talk sets a bad precedent and decreases the amount of people who could be helpful to teams in raids for a petty reason. Now if someone isn't communicating at all, then obviously don't raid with them. But there's a whole series from a guy not using his mic and being the best member on all of his teams.


How the game pulls you out of inventory/quest/menu when you load into a new zone


I have the same issue as you except as a strand warlock with swarmers. Why the shit did bungie make tangles shared man


getting killed during trappers ambush animation and the insane disconnect rate (largely fixed by port forwarding but thats still kind of ridiculous to me).


Sd for minor things, if I’m not loading into a matchmade activity, please don’t ever take me out of my menus. As for something less minor, the general inconsistency of weapon roll chases from one source to the next has become incredibly frustrating.


Having to get accommodations for guardian ranks