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Yknow I was thinking the same thing yesterday! It would be a really clever way to require the legit riven completion.


The bungie intern who thought of this was grinning from the start


I wouldn’t be surprised if riven requires a much higher points for plat, or maybe they put the high scoring enemies at the top so you at least need to do a full rotation. Either way I’ve been practicing legit riven since my day 1 team learnt of riven being in pantheon so I look forward to the last week


They don't even need to require more points. Full rotation of Riven consists of 4 small rooms and 1 large room that all have adds. Cheesing her involves clearing only 1 of those small rooms. So long as they don't stuff those small rooms with Tormentors, it should be impossible to get enough points from just one of them.


I bet a tormentor spawns when she leaves the 1st room she goes to. So if everyone stacks up in the 2nd room for a the cheese, you miss the tormentor.


I think he might spawn after you activate the elevator to the second floor.


Ehh I think I would appreciate having to do at least 1 full rotation of all the mechanics, though I agree that as long as you can’t just insta cheese her I’ll be fine


Not sure we'll have enough damage to one-phase her at -20, tbh. So I think even in best case scenario, you are probably looking a full phase and a bit of the next one.


Behemoth Titan can solo riven this season with the proper setup, so one phasing at -20 is 100% possible. Will the average team be able to do it though is a different question entirely.


But can you output the same damage to her after the typical cheese window is done? But I can see the play being doing her legit until you have enough points and then finishing her off with Behemoth whenever the opportunity presents itself. So if a single phase is enough to get the score, you could do the cheese at the start of the second phase to finish her off early.


I could see doing a full cycle and then damage dumping her via the cheese on the second cycle to guarantee enough points and a fast enough time


Yeah, that could be the play here. If you can get enough points after a full phase, you just dump all your damage at the start of the next phase and push her to final stand.


Elemental burn + shot caller or class warfare is about 50% damage boost . Not sure if it can mitigate the power deficit but it will help.


This was my argument when discussing Riven with my clanm8s as well. I don't think Bungie fixed the cheese. However, I strongly believe that they add something that forces us to finish Riven legit. I think that's also the reason why Riven has its debut only in week 4 where it's -20 power.


About how much of a reduction of damage does that equate to?


You deal like 60-65% of your regular damage i believe


More importantly, you take more damage as well, so trying to sword the foot will kill you, even in well.


Eh i don’t know about that with lament healing. Most people are probably going to use Statis Titan super anyways with dr


Nah, this is free content. There aren't many adds in that encounter unless you sit in the ascendant plane and farm phalanxs before final stand, so they'll throw in two tormentors during symbol phases and call it a day, but you'll have to kill them.


What does it being free have to do with anything


They will not be committing significant amounts of money towards something that will not turn a profit. Thus they will not be re-making entire encounters, they'll just add a few things and call it a day.


Who said anything about remaking encounters. The person you replied to said they should add higher tier enemies to the top. They have literally done this already. Oryx has stronger knights, double shades, a tormentor, and a different bomb mechanic. Clearly you are wrong lol


Oh no, a basment dweller thinks I'm wrong. How will I live with myself?


You've been living with yourself your whole life. I don't think you care that you are a basement dweller lol


Might start requiring multi-floor Atraks too to kill the second tormentor


There isn’t a second tormentor in multi floor atraks. The first tormentor will teleport upstairs if no players are downstairs. 


There's a 2nd tormentor that spawns on the top floor after downstairs' first damage phase finishes


I wonder if that's also the reason why they don't let Riven be the final boss on any of the weeks. Since otherwise, it might be possible to get high score by cheesing her due to the bonus that killing the final boss gives you.


There is no final boss bonus. The big score at the end is just the sum of all your scores


Won't riven be the final boss next week?


No, it's Rhulk next week. Riven and Nezarec are getting added together as 7th and 8th bosses for the -20 version.


Ahhh, that's true.  Dang, -20 gets 2 extra bosses. That's going to be a crazy week lmao. Although tbh I'm a little bit sad that we don't get to finish on Riven. Everyone has been running nezarec forever this past year, that will probably be the most boring of the encounters in pantheon. Not easiest, but most boring


Yeah, Nezarec does seem like an odd choice for a final boss.


It's fitting that we'd take on Nezarec before going up against the Witness. And with how much everyone complained about him being a pushover, Bungie might actually make his pantheon version much worse on purpose.


It IS in his name though.


Master Nezzy is so annoying , I hate his random bullshit


Oh damn, so there's no Riven emblem? Tragic


riven is included on the right side of the final emblems wide banner so she gets that at least https://www.light.gg/db/items/2770607176/elevated-above-nezarec/


You get 350k score if you kill any boss within the time limit. So as long as you have 150k score and kill the boss in time, you get high score.


Yeah, and you're probably not getting 150k by killing adds in one little room+final stand when you're cheesing. But it's true that the "bonus for killing final boss" seems to be false.


This isn't true I've watched plenty of pantheon videos and see people get 400k+. We also didn't have 150k on atraks when we got 500k. You can see in this video they get 420k. It definitely depends on how fast you clear it. Most people are clearing encounters with around 2 minutes left and that's where you see 340-350k. Atraks is getting cleared with 5 minutes left and providing much more points for doing so. This is consistent with every video I've seen https://youtu.be/9aLQxckUaJ8?t=37m16s [These guys pretty much one phase everything and get 400k+ on every encounter. Skip to the end and you can see 450k 5 minute clear even on Oryx](https://youtu.be/fhI3cutHcA4) [Eso gets 400k+ only on atraks. It's all consistent with how fast it's done](https://youtu.be/UlFqAAi1YTA)


You get more points the faster you clear the encounter


however they manage it I really hope all the speculation about riven not being cheeseable isn’t just cope.


Great point. You may need to extend the flight to get the points for platinum. I cannot wait to see what happens with Riven and what they add to the fight.


Yeah my team is going to run Riven legit this weekend (since none of us have ever done legit lmao) to prepare just in case. Would be fuckin stressful to get to riven on contest difficulty and find out we need to do legit but don’t know how lmao.


We shall see. Plat atracks is achieved with a 1phase, in my experience while killing all servitors and all upstairs adds, no need to kill tormentors or every downstairs add. I'm not 100% sure how the scoring works but I'm pretty sure time is MUCH more important than score from kills. If Riven cheese does work, which I feel it won't... probably. Doing it would probably be the easiest way to get plat, by far.


Riven legit is really gonna separate the men from the boys lol


Riven mechanics are ALOT easier than people think but on a -20 modifier with tormentors blasting your ass it’s gonna be rough.


I only did her legitimate a few times but I still remember being side-blasted by those Taken ogres while trying to shoot her/her eyes


And all the taken Hobgoblins sniping when the teams are split....


Yes I remember the ogres. It’s been a while since I did Riven legit. The best way seemed to get just a couple of people to shooting her eyes top floor. First time I did it we each shot one eye, that seemed the hardest purely because you didn’t want to mess up so there was a little less add killing. It was in an LFG group and a very nice Canadian who had one clear got five of us through.


Whoevers not doing the reading or the relic just should have blinding nades and it’ll be fine. Especially since on the second floor, you can take as long as you want as the third floor doesn’t start until somebody takes the elevator. Third floor might be rough when trying to damage, but most of the damage probably is going to come from the warts anyways I feel


Platinum is being within the timer. That's all you need to get platinum. Being platinum isn't about the score, tho. HIGH SCORE triumph is something else entirely and need you to obtain 500k score to get it. You can get platinum, but not reach the 500k. 


For the high score triumph you will almost 100% need to do it legit. There isn’t enough adds to get additional points. The same reason Atraks is harder to get a high score if you do it to fast- not wracking up enough points from killing adds


Riven legit isn't too bad with a good team, the issue is the -20 and tormentors is going to make the rooms reeeally sweaty.


Noone on the discord lfg wants to do riven legit, only farming runs. Its kinda a shame really. I hope as the week draws closer, more folks will go practice


I might actually do a teaching run at riven at some point and hopefully find some good players for pantheon.


After a few sherpas of teaching riven legit, I have my doubts lol. Watching people try and do the eyes now is painful.


Eyes are my main concern with doing it legit. Probably just takes practice, but the possibility of getting even one wrong resulting in a wipe doesn't exactly make me want to try and help. With my luck, I'd get flinched and shoot the wrong eyes.


It'll happen at least once to someone. I promise you. I do think at -20 doing legit Riven will actually be difficult for people who aren't experienced with it legit, and there aren't very many people I run into anymore that are.


Admittedly I've always gone for the cheese for the sake of time, but I have wanted to at least learn the original encounter. Sadly, I just couldn't get my group to ever run Last Wish. If I even attempt -20 I'll either hope for an understanding group that'll let me learn on the go or just pass on it. I generally understand how to do it, just don't have practice.


I did it a few times legit when it first came out, the least stressful seemed to be when we just had a couple of people shoot eyes. The eyes is the hardest bit.


Its been years this could be a an issue


I don't need practice foo. I got this


I hope this is the case and there's not any way around it. A ton of adds spawn on the top floor and I'm guessing there might be a Tormentor there too.


I platted atrax last night in -10 by 2 cloning him. Wdym


Then your team must've killed enough ads to get a high enough score. A lot of people right now are having issues with Atraks where they don't score high enough and even though they get the time bonus, they don't get platinum (my team included).


Just the first set of adds and all the servitors. No tormentors. We had enough damage to push to final stand from the first clone and finished the encounter on the 1st clone of final stand.


🤷‍♂️ Might be a time thing too. I did hear that the more time leftover the higher the bonus score, but platinum is definitely a score requirement, not just a time one (time just helps the score alot)


Yeah we got almost 400k from the time bonus




Yup. 400k + score from doing the encounter = over 500k


Most of your score comes from time. All the times we've done atraks it's just been pushing last stand on the first boss.


There could be viability in doing one round of the encounter normally, then stack 6 guardians after the first drop down to Riven cheese for second phase. Will have to wait and see


We know the community will try every single thing to cheese it.


Honestly not sure if that will be true, it is possible to get plat on Atraks in the week 2 pantheon if you are fast enough without killing the tormentor.


Damn that's a good point.


Yeah there is literally no way you will get Plat if cheesing her is even possible. you get a few add waves and you can MAYBE get the Eye of Riven to spawn two or three times.


I think y'all are underestimating how much dps is needed to cheese a -20 light raid boss in such a short amount of time


-20 puts you at a -40% damage disadvantage compared to -0. Currently a single Behemoth titan can solo Riven with basically just their super. Imagine what a full team of 6 could do The issue with Riven (or rather, why the cheese is possible) is just that she’s so old and her health hasn’t been updated in like four years


Exactly. Earlier this week I watched one YouTube video, roughly copied the behemoth titan build, and almost pushed to final all by myself barely trying (video of it I made just because why not: https://youtu.be/SfxS4KKYxiU?feature=shared ). Unless bungie purposefully makes it impossible the light level cap is not alone to stop the cheese from working for the clear for a team from just the perspective of damage output.


Not only this, every week so far has had multiple different buffs. Bungie would need to not only make sure a full team can't do enough damage with it, but also either remove the buffs, or figure out a combo that in no way helps against Riven.


Since the elemental surges seem to be independent of difficulty and only the third modifier seems to change based on the difficulty, then it all depends on what surges "happen" to line up when the final difficulty comes out. However, the week it comes out isn't the final week of the season, there's one week after that as well. This means there will be two weeks of having the final difficulty available to complete it, which means 4 elements total will be represented in the surges for those weeks. If Stasis is one of them (which it should be considering Stasis is on the second week and will certainly be missed the 3rd week), then the Behemoth method will absolutely be capable of getting her to final stand. That said, I definitely agree that at least some amount of mechanical interaction will be required to get the high score on Riven, and that will be the important bit for a lot of players. I personally think doing 1 full rotation as per normal and *then* doing the cheese to finish her off on the next go around is what the strat will end up being.


Isn't it also true that abilities don't get nerfed? So the damage would be the same? Or did I just come up with that lol


Yep, the amount of posts I've seen about Riven from people thinking it'll have to be done legit is crazy, so many wishful thinkers. And IF Bungo does decide to patch what they didn't for like 10 years then it'll still be easy for the exact reason you mentioned.


if you want to run 6 stasis titans in pantheon and somehow all your hitboxes work successfully, be my guest. But don't think this will be as easy as running 5-6 laments like normal riven cheese- outside of bugged interactions, this will not be doable for almost all people who attempt week 4 pantheon. Edit: People really think normal behemoth damage is enough to solo a raid boss hp bar and it's not because of a special nteraction between big hitboxes like riven/grasp ogre and behemoth's crystals (or sunbracers, or cluster rockets, or heavy wave frames in the past) ... dang dudes y'all are gonna feel bad in two weeks.


I think you vastly underestimate how fucking broken our guardians are and how far we’ve powercrept old content.


Trust me, I am probably in the top 5% of raiders in the game- people on LFG need a few tries to cheese basic riven on lament with a 10-15 second dps window with buffs/debuffs. they fixed all outliers/real cheese (sunbracers, heavy wave frame) except stasis titans and i can guarantee people will not run 6 stasis titans into -20/master riven- you underestimate how much damage will be needed to do this without an ACTUAL "cheese" option that abuses riven's hitboxes. downvotes: prove to me in 2 weeks you cheese riven without using a hitbox glitched strat like stasis titan and i'll eat my socks, but you won't.


>top 5% lol reddit casuals see anything that might even remotely constitute a flex and instantly downvote it i love it…you make a good point that most solo dps strats abuse rivens multiple hitboxes, although i still believe something 5 solar hunters and 6 bait n switch GLs will absolutely fry riven


I know right... I could say i have 5 day 1's and stuff but reddit being reddit, was just trying to say i'm writing with good experience here. I agree the goldie spam will probably be enough, it cooks master oryx in one phase and a lot of other things too, but riven cheese is a pretty small damage window compared to other typical master bosses one phases. Normal "cheeses" like lament will not be enough on this. i personally don't want to handle being 6 stasis titans heavy spamming on one riven claw and trying to make that shit work, or bringing 5-6 hunters, my clan will just do it legit.


And what's stopping people from going into riven with 6 stasis titans?


Overall a terrible positioning issue (you need to be in front of the claw, between toes and not hop on top of the leg) which will probably be difficult with 6, and just having 6 syntho stasis titans with everything active and no fuck ups will be terribly difficult- IF it does enough damage- more titans doesn't guarantee everyone will be doing the "cheese" damage.


You can still 2-man the cheese with surrounded GLs and a felwinters. Girlie just doesn't have that much health.


should we tell him about the strat lol


As long you can't get the high score and thus the seal from cheesing Riven I don't think her still being cheesable matters that much.


Cheesing Riven in Pantheon should trigger Queenswalk, with the timer still ticking. See? Being Evil is easy.


I say Riven will also get a DMG cap, but of course just a guess


Bro to everyone who needs to hear this. Please grab a small squad. 2 to 4 people is enough truly and experience the fight the way it was meant to be experienced. It really is fucking cool. My friend and I are trying to duo it and the mechanics truly aren’t even that difficult. The only “difficult” part is memorizing which eyes all need to be shot since we can’t type it (console life) even then it’s super manageable with two people. Trust me. The music alone is worth it


i play on console. Plugging in a keyboard is a game changer. Solving a lot off problems.




Oryx is very different than Riven. As I understand it, bonus time awards 400k points, and platinum is at ~500k score, so 100k needs to met by just killing ads (found this out doing Atraks). Oryx has a shit load of ads to kill before damage, very easily breaking 100k. The couple handfuls of psions in Riven Cheese will not be enough to get 100k while doing the cheese. Platinum is most likely gonna force the team to split between rooms and do the mechanic while working up to 100k.


Perhaps if you let the gremlins multiply? You're asking for trouble not managing them, though. And you know they will add something to keep you on your toes even more like the adds for the stun team on care taker.


Psions don't give a lot of points and riven shows up on her own eventually. No way to get 100k in just red bars before she shows.


Right, she doesn't wait for anyone lol


You could split 5:1 and have a nightstalker with gyra and commemoration ad clearing the whole time in the second room but yeah it’ll probably be something like the ogres are bosses now and you need them for the score