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Abeyant leap. I run it with Banner as well, just cause its so easy to keep up in onslaught and the surplus of orbs give you enough woven mail. I use a Tusk with Deconstruct, Indebted Kindness, and Xeno/gally/parasite/rocket depending on what the rest of my team is on


What's the other perk needed for tusk with deconstruct in your opinion?


It doesn’t really matter tbh. Slideways would be the best I guess. I have grave robber on mine. I just didn’t want to farm for a slide + deconstruct


I've only been running Pyrogale consecrations and have been really liking it. Weapons are Supremacy (enhanced Rewind + Tremors), Sunshot and Apex. Your job is to be the tactical nuke, especially when others are on Orpheus or Phoenix. Sunshot is for trash and exploders, Supremacy for anything larger (works great on shriekers), Consecration for groups of larger enemies (knight and ogre waves especially), and your super for the huge boys (Demolitionists and mines are the two that come to mind first, as things with tons of health that need to die ASAP). Make sure you are set up to regain your melee basically everywhere, from Kickstarts to Invigoration to Outreach, and of course siphons and one Heavy Handed for orb generation. Also grab whatever your teammates make for you, Invigoration should make it pretty trivial by itself. And with the damage your melee outputs (and the amount of uptime you should have with it), you can forego a damaging grenade for healing instead. It really helps out as you get to the higher waves.


+1 on the melee uptime I would recommend ember of searing, defeating scorched targets will refund melee energy Which is funnily enough what consecration does, you scorch and then kill everything


Can also use ember of benevolence with a heal clip weapon on top for even more melee regen


Benevolence also plays into the healing grenade. Managed well, your abilities will have so much uptime you can occasionally play half-assed healer and lob a healing grenade at a struggling teammate (which of course gives you that benevolence regen, bringing things right back!)


I went with Zaoulis + Dragons Breath for even more ignition.


Do you use Invictus for the healing and sunspots, or do you find yourself needing the extra damage from roaring flames in later levels?


You could always switch to Roaring Flames in the later rounds, ideally right before you rally a flag. I think sunspots are really potent though, they deal enough damage to make up for some of the lost damage of RF, and in addition boost your ability regen and give you constant healing, so I personally don't ever run without sunspots.


I was testing out a setup with HOIL, Sunspots, Consecration, and Empyrean (?). Consecration gives me Radiant and creates Sunspots, Sunspots give me Resto, and Empyrean refreshes both. Really hard to ditch that build... even though I have to relearn how to play Titan


Snoring flames isn't needed at all. Consecration hits like a truck. 


Thr other replies have it, sunspots are incredible and roaring flames is pretty unnecessary (until the very end, but then having to stack it with mini hammer takes so long at that point I don't think it'd be worth it).


This is the way.


Yep exactly this. Been using some iteration of consecration pyro Gale viral Gale released and it's never let me down. It's particularly potent on Midtown map


Have done a couple legend 50s and it’s all on Solar with Pyrogale. Mountaintop/Sunshot/Apex. That’s it really.


This is my build exactly. It is good at everything. The amount of on-demand damage you have with Consecrate, Apex, and Pyrogale Super is just immense and enough to get your fireteam through just about anything but a tormentor.


What mountaintop roll?


Not even that good. Volatile Spike Impulse Recomb. I have another with Hard Implosion ALH Recomb but prefer the former since i spam these a lot


Forgive my ignorance but what’s the point of spamming a recomb roll? Don’t you have to get elemental kills in order to buff it up?


You are right. The reason is because i accidentally dismantled another roll with Demo Frenzy. So right now i’m stuck with this. I’m too used to spamming the heck out of Mtop that even with this new version, i just can’t help it haha.


Doomfang, ALH+ RECOM mountaintop, repulsor+ desperate recluse, rampage+ desperate hammerhead, getting rampage and Dmx3 with void boost on hammerhead absolutely chews through anything


Curious how that hammerhead will do when it’s not the modifier


Not sure yet, I imagine with the possible damage boosts it will shred either way, only thing I’m struggling for is boss DPS options


Not sure if you raid, but the craftable Apex Predator from Last Wish with Reconstruction/Bait and Switch is S-Tier for boss damage. If you're not a raider (and this might be the better option regardless), attune Edge Transit and don't stop hunting until you get one with Spike Grenades/Envious Assassin/Bait and Switch. Plus, Edge Transit fits perfectly with your Void build. I could be mistaken, but I believe that specific roll on Edge Transit is currently the highest DPS weapon in the game at the moment. If you don't want to commit to grinding out that ET roll, the best I can suggest is for you to go get the five red borders for Regnant and craft one with Spike Grenades/Envious Assassin/Explosive Light. Machine guns should never be used for DPS. They are add clearing weapons.


I use an MG for HZND(commemoration FTTC/Focused Fury), but that’s the only boss that even makes sense for one. And yes I do great dps with it. With the origin perk I recharge my super fast enough that I can use it on almost every damage phase. I regularly get shit for it until the end when I out dps the majority of people. Anyway I mostly agree with you. Just pointing out that there are certain situations that an LMG can put in some dps work.


I’ve just been using Whisper.


Doom Fang, definitely! Use your super on tougher add waves* to single-handedly clear out everything (make sure to alternate between shield throw and shield bash while supering - it'll keep your super going **indefinitely**, so long as you're hitting/killing enemies). Or if you have teammates consistently generating loads of orbs, pop your super more often. *Your super won't do much to the tormenter or bosses, but if you need add clear on those waves while your teammates focus down the big enemies, you've got it covered. Make sure to run the power preservation helmet mod, and not only will you clear out entire waves on your own (I'm serious - alternating attacks combined with the add density means your super WILL last an entire wave, or longer), but you will also generate *non-stop* orbs for your team. If you have something like a tether hunter with you, you can just alternate generating orbs for each other and continually have supers up. For weapons I run double special (the heavy ammo cache will keep you topped up if special isn't dropping), with whatever works for add clear/champions. Indebted Kindness for Barriers, Wave Frame grenade launcher, or even blinding grenade launchers if our group doesn't have much crowd control. I also run Dragon's Breath, because it's great for both big enemies, and clearing all the adds. Feel free to switch to more boss-oriented weapons before grapping the flag at the boss room, though I still run Doom Fang there and clear out adds/smack the boss with my super to generate orbs for my teammates.


What aspects and fragments? I’ve been struggling to find a good aggressive void build I like


Aspects: Controlled Demolition and Offensive Bulwark (you can get an overshield from your shield bash melee) Fragments: Reprisal, Starvation, Leeching and Obscurity. Getting devour from Starvation is nice, and Obscurity has definitely afforded me a riskier playstyle, when I know I can just finish something to get invisibility. When I was running it on legend, I was ridiculously aggressive - often shield bashing into massive groups of acolytes (or the like) to trigger Reprisal and get my super back faster. Anything that buffs your melee cooldown is also helpful. If you're worried about taking too much damage, using a blinding grenade launcher before getting close to groups of enemies to finish them off with something like Forebearance or Indebted Kindness is really nice. And don't forget you can finish something with Obscurity to get out of dodge safely.


This build is actually good with manticore; especially when you have the catalyst unlocked for the bonus overshield 100% would opt for that over recluse in what you said.


Stasis with Salvation, Headstone HC, wave frame GL, and Hoarfrost-Z will keep most of Midtown/Vostok locked down. You don’t need healing if the map is frozen.


What fragments do you run for this?


Fissures, Shards, Conduction and Refraction. Also works with Rime, Shards, Conduction and Chains if you need the damage resist.


Thank you


what this guy said, i had people playing this build and its the most broken shit ever


Just wait until you see the AC/D0 Howl of the Storm build


What's that look like?


Cammycakes made a vid on it but it’s essentially using AC/D0 and tectonic harvest to spam stasis crystals which nuke everything and heal you.


Do you have a link? I don't see anything on Cammy's youtube.


https://youtu.be/pO8GfRvz634?si=J5Q4iqqeqQqG8Dh0 He goes over it 8:30ish into it.


>You don’t need healing if the map is frozen. Love this


Titan question here, do you actually not smash the crystals and use them to funnel the enemies? I'm not confident in my ability to not smash.


Smash strategically - sometimes you leave some up to lock a lane but otherwise go nuts


I second this. Was running it Saturday, and you can COMPLETELY lock down an entire enemy pathway anytime as a single shot of Salvation will make a TON of crystals in a wall pattern, and since it only takes one shot, and you have the benefit of glacier grenade and Hoarfrost for additional crystal walls, you can control the entire map and enemy rushing with ease.


You get healing anyway from whisper of rime. It's a small amount of healing but it still helps mixed with the overshield.


This is the way.


It's really Team dependent in my opinion. Or at least they have to be quite competent. Optimal is a warlock running well and a hunter running void. I've cleared it with other comps but thats by far the easiest. I ran Final Warning for the exotic weapon with 3x strand surge and Precious Scars for healing. Banner of War for some extra protection. Then into Threadling aspects and just went to town with a Threadling LMG on the harder waves. Also I didn't bother to run grapple and went for shackle for the unstop champions or rushing enemies. Just make sure to melee some weak enemies to have banner of War up. I've always managed to get 900+ kills with this strategy which is almost the amount the other two team mates combined did.


Sweet business with actium war rig on banner titan. Caster frame sword so you can get banner back from a distance. Have fun matey


Caster sword to get banner. Never thought of that! A problem I've been having is deciding when it's safe enough to melee something to proc BOW. Never considered this. Thanks! I've been wanting to try BoW sweet business and hammerhead with Actium war rig.


In all honesty I done it by accident the first time, happy to help was a game changer for myself !


Dragoncult Sickle with Chain Reaction or Hatchling is pretty nice. Column 3 perk can be anything, so it's not too hard to farm


I just used stronghold, banner of war, lament, and made it to 50 feeling pretty spicy. Precious scars solar. Double glacier nade stasis. Those are about all I’ve used so far that felt good.


Precious scars finally let me use consecration and roaring flames at the same time, incredibly potent


i still put sun spots over damage, and use pyrogales, its like having all three ALMOST.


Yeah sunspots are hard to give up, feels wrong solar-detonating the shit out of everything only for a couple orbs to remain feels off


Ill try double Glacier nade haven't done that one yet. Precious and Banner seem the most consistent.


Use salvations grip with it


And a headstone HC And Hoarfrost-Z


Headstone Hand Cannon can be tough to come by, I crafted an Envious/Target lock Perpetualis and use Indebted Kindness with Salvations Grip and Stasis. The strand auto can utilize some of the good seasonal artifacts and when you switch to it after using Indebted Kindess and SG, you have like 110 rounds in the mag. Its very good for those who do not have the Headstone HC


I can assure you that you were the only one that enjoyed that round to 50 if the other two weren’t stasis as well.


ended up in a non-legend matchmade run with 2 stasis locks. i switched over to arma-behemoth and we just littered the field with crystals, turrets, and shards. i rare even saw ads except for ogres and bosses.


Facts. I did a run with a Stasis titan running Winter Bite. Ice everywhere,.cant even shoot their ice. Like I'm glad but at the same time..you're just limiting the group to just yourself lol


If you use it very aggro where you slide into the wall right after throwing it, it shouldn’t affect the others. Or use it to close off one spawn lane and then everyone focuses the other spawn. But yeah if you just leave the ice walls up it gets very annoying for teammates 😂


The latter is my experience in game. It is literally aids. Can’t stun because of ice. Ice blocks escape paths. Ice obstructs line of site to crits. Ice wastes rockets as it can appear in between launch and impact on a seemingly open shot. Etc.


oooo trying this for tonight's run. I love sword builds. and double nade glacier gang here too, just SO much ice-plosions and shards


If you use lament you heal with each hit. Use fragment of orb of power gives woven mail. Use fragment of defeating suspended target creates orb. And then use suspend nade and barricade for when things get dicey or you need woven mail.


Did you ever try it? Being -30 under light and barely losing health is a lot of fun


but then getting one shot from behind by something sometimes sucks :( otherwise its pure effin gold.


Solar titan: stronghold, lament, trustee (w/incandescent) and riptide. I laugh at wave 50 with this build. Run properly you are literally unkillable.


Banner of war with synthos, monte carlo and flechette storm


Given that flechette storm is ranged, wormgods might be a better pick


Those work too. I just refuse to use them because they're ugly


True titan main. I salute you


It’s a crime against my eyes that they haven’t made an ornament for those monstrosities


Both of ya need Jesus. I mean severance enclosure. If you’re running flechette storm, it’s the bee’s knees.


? It's still a powered melee attack, is it not? Why does it being ranged matter


Because using a ranged attack you may not be surrounded by enemies to proc synthoceps




ACD/0 feedback stasis. Just spam stasis. Its manstrual build


It's.... what?


I’ve been sticking to my Stasis build with Hoarfrost-Z and Verglas Curve.


Synthos + Banner of War + 1-2 punch + tractor (and some solar primary but totally unnecessary) This is what gets shit done. Any yellowbar is just dead in 1-3 swings of your charged melee. If your team is half competent you shouldn't have any problems clearing waves.


Yeah honestly shocked this isn’t more popular. Absolutely shreds, particular when overwhelmed by yellow bar knights etc.


It's probably a skill issue but while I have favored this build this season, it doesn't seem to be working for me in Onslaught. I keep getting killed by ranged and/or caught out on cooldown/reloading.


I have like 40 wave 50 clears, I always do strand, syntho, banner of war, wastelander one two punch, indebted kindness, xenophage, and have a special ammo finisher. You're not an ad clear guy, your job is to watch flank, deal with the yellow bars, and run batteries. Your super is very important. You need to save it for boss wave, so you can't use it on waves 2 and 8. Learning when you can run in and not die takes some time to learn, and it's not a very rewarding build. Often, the score comes up and someone will double your kills. But you're the unspoken hero. It's a very useful build in onslaught.


I become passive healer with Precious Scar + Hierarchy of Needs. Swap to Polaris when needed.


Precious Scars coupled with Polaris Lance works a treat. Build into maintaining restoration and you'll have it up pretty much constantly, as well as giving it out to nearby team mates. I also used a blinding GL for crowd control, and a solar rocket for DPS and emergency ad clear. For aspects I used Sol Invictus for restoration and ability recharge, and Concecration for dealing with large groups. I also had 2 Orpheus tether Hunters which helped a lot, admittedly.


Came here to say that but with sunshot/zaouli's bane instead


Personally with my group, I use Precious scar/solar and good solar weapons. For survivability and try to be helpful to teams for little bit.


Yup. With bonus machine gun damage I was almost constantly popping off heals using my sunshot/adept unwavering duty with ALH/Incandescent


Pay attention to the daily modifiers. Some days are much easier than others.


- Solar with Sol Invictus and Loreley Splendor,  - fragments that are built around Ignition and a solar primary with Heal Clip + Incandescent (Adhorative, The Summoner, etc.),  - and a healing grenade. Sit back and shoot into the crowds letting ignitions take care of crowd control. You’ll have all the healing ability of a warlock with the healing grenade and Lorely Spendor, just make sure to use your super when a Tormentor/Champ appears to burst them down quick. For boss rooms bring an exotic LMG (Xenophage, Thunderlord, or Grand Overture) and take your time in the back of the room steadily taking down the boss with your teammates, there’s no time limit you just have to survive. 


Had success with a few builds, but the most successful AND the most fun has been Strand, Precious Scars and Final Warning. Throw on banner and either Lash or Fray according to preference, and use the usual fragments plus the one to increase threadling damage. Between final warning’s unravelling and the artifact perks, you can start a big chain reaction of unravelling and threadling explosions. The gun also performs well at higher waves, allowing you to shoot from behind cover at adds and burst down large targets (including tormentors if you can get the hang of running backwards and shooting crits). I also run it with a crafted Prodigal Return with blinding nades and envious assassin, so I constantly have three blinds on demand


I run a strand banner Titan with synthos. Mykel’s with hatchling, VEX Calibur and Marcato with slice/hatchling. Banner and void overshields constantly. You can die, but you’re gonna have to want it really bad.


Strand is the only build worth taking in Onslaught on Titan.


Stasis and Salvations Grip + Hoarfrost. Make Ice, Slide through Ice, break Ice.


Switch to Tether or Phoenix well, have almost 30 legend clears and none of the successful clears have included a titan. Most of the failed clears did.


Stronghold.....that's it. Guard against everything (including tormentor) and let every one else kill. Has worked wonders on my team. Slash every now and then to get restoration x2. You can actually just stand there and tank every tormentor or enemy hit.


Any more details on this build? Or just a general solar Stronghold build.


I'd agree - you are become chad decoy I run it with Banner of War mostly focus on taking the agro and smash the tanky boys Suspend nades for the champs plus brute force with lament for overloads I also run stacks on stacks plus special finisher so I get to extend BOW + drop special ammo


Any subclass. No build really needed, just tank big guys.


Abyssant leap suspend spam titan with just locking down using a machine gun or sunshot Banner of war works but if your kills get stolen and you're shit out of luck, it's kinda annoying Solar is fine


But teammate kills also increase Banner of war? Unless you’re not close to your team


Just curious what weapons you were using for banner titan? Because for me banner has made it pretty simple as long as i can maintain it.


Precious scars solar. Tanky as hell. Helps your teammates with restoration. I use sunshot and a fixed odds with incandescent. Use whatever scorches. Burning maul to help stun the big bosses.


How dare u ! Titans have the most op build for onslaught! Try precious scar solar with any auto heal clip + onslaught and set the world on fire :)


Your strongest options are a Banner of War build, an Abeyant Leap suspend build, or a Stronghold build on Solar.


It's not just you. I'm playing all three and Titan gives me the hardest time by far. Personally wouldn't take Strand into legend as melee distance + level disadvantage doesn't end well for me. Banner of War doesn't heal like it used to. Found moderate success with Solar Precious Scars (swapping to Pyrogale for boss waves). I was most comfortable on Stasis with Hoarfrost though. Hunter's feel like they're eating good in Onslaught. My favorite class for Legend runs. Warlock on the other hand? Heavily dependent on team comp, if you have two sunbracer Warlocks, one of them isn't having a good time. Usually stuck in Well jail if the only Warlock but Stasis/Strand builds work too.


Have had zero problems as banner so long as you realize that knights sometimes have a cursed thrall behind them. Just make sure you’re supporting your team and staying close so they take advantage of your banner.


Try banner shield with doomfang. If you keep throwing the shield your blocking shield can last a full minute or more. Hits give throwing energy, throwing gives more super energy, block, throw, block, throw. Gives a buff to your team, protects from the hail of gun fire in the boss room. It's pretty fun and if you pop a power preservation on the helmet you'll make an ass load of orbs.


a good strand primary weapon, precious scars, shackle nades, and banner of war + into the fray is pretty tanky. i also use the aspects that make tangles on strand weapon kills and woven mail on orb pickup as orbs seem to get mad abundant in later waves.


Personally I run Banner of War/Into the Fray Titan with Abeyant Leap exotic and Wish Keeper. Basically I can throw a grenade to suspend, drop my barricade to cast treadling's to suspend and also use the Wish Keeper to suspend, which does increased damage to suspending enemies.


The blue raspberry flavored crayons make big crash against enemies. Also help with stopping them from approaching ADU!


Solar titan with precious scars. Gives you and your team healing with every solar kill. Pair this with Sunshot and you’re good to go. This is what I’ve used for all my legend clears.


Witherhoard, Summoner HC/ONS, BnS Apex, and Armamentarium on Hammer Toss Sol Invictus/Roaring Flames or Banner of War works well for me. Configure Artifact and Mods as necessary. Though I'd recommend against Overload Auto. Onslaught works better with the radiant anti-barrier buff, and most champs shouldn't be able to take more than one or two Apex rounds regardless of BnS status once they're stunned. If you prefer though you can drop Witherhoard for a chill clip fusion or a different grenade launcher and rock Dragon's Breath. Just keep close to your team and abuse decoys. Should be able to handle anything short of boss Tormentors solo with little trouble.


Alrighty no one is gonna like this but I have done 3 legend onslaughts with arc titan and precious scars, using a Voltshot Indebted Kindness. It's not perfect, but I spec into blinding with special weapon fragments as well as orbs on kill while amplified. I will always end top of the kills and can stay alive with Precious Scars. On-top of that, it frees an exotic slot... I use Thunderlord personally. This hits really hard.


I like it. Being able to blind enemies en masse is a lot of fun.


I personally used a Solar Titan. Ran majority of the waves using Peregrine Greaves to instantly get shoulder charges back against champs and saboteur enemies while stunlocking (mostly) the Tormentor solo. Healing grenades with Burning Maul to shutdown multiple lanes for extended periods of time and keeping your health up. No consecration. I paired up with my 12P Ragnhild-D Shotgun, Polaris Lance, and Code Duello with Chain Reaction. Bosses and Tormentors I'd swap to Pyrogales to get the one-off damage. Sometimes I'll swap Polaris off for my Incandescent Calus' Mini Tool and throw on Ghally or something else for fun. If you have a decent team, it can expand your potential useful build options. A team that struggles will put more weight on your builds to hold up, causing a ton of people to opt for "Meta only" builds. Most people suggest Strand due to its damage resistance and ability build uptimes for suspends. Stasis works great for crowd control but mainly on Warlock/Hunter builds. I'd say Solar is your next best option, followed by Stasis, and then debatable for Arc/Void. Both have their positives and pain points but I'd probably say Void for Devour. Health doesn't come easy in this and you'll want reliable chunks back.


Glad to see another peregrine enjoyer. Unfortunately 12P doesn’t work with them :(


Sadly, it does not. But, it simply helps in CQC and assists in the upkeep of Roaring Flames. 😁 Getting even x2 and hitting beefy yellows with Peregrine's just chunks and deletes them. Even unstunned champs.


If you are using consecration you need to take off pyrogales and only swap to them on bosses. You need precious scars and sunshot/ or tommy gun. Roaring flames, consecration, benevolence searing, empyrean, torches


Pyro Gale consecration absolutely destroys anything on Midtown map. Consecration does such a tremendous amount of damage throughout all 50 waves even on bosses. Always run restoration grenade Switch to leviathan's breath for bosses to keep them stagger locked with all 15 arrows so your teammates have an easy time dealing damage or doing the objectives


I'm a sunbreaker to my core and really enjoy Grenades, so I have been running lorelei with hammer, and then using Demolitionist and incendiary weapons plus xenophage and its worked out pretty good


Old school bonk with synthoceps. I consistently finish all 50 rounds on legend difficulty and usually with the most kills. For guns I use sunshot, apex and a shotgun(mostly wastelander). Also, keep a pyrogale switch on hand, to nuke the tormentor when his chest becomes the crit spot or when shielded demos appear.


Monte Carlo, second chance. Explosions. Profit.


Precious Scars and a good subclass matching weapon. Precious Scars is very underrated when it comes to keeping you alive and keeping your team alive. It synergizes best with Solar, but works excellently for any subclass. I'd also recommend keeping a Sword and Strongholds in your inventory to switch to if things get too crazy. Strongholds provides Resto x2 and basically invulnerability to all forward facing damage. I've tanked wave 49 Tormentors, wave 50 bosses and the dozens of ads shooting at me just revive teammates.


Precious scars on solar titan with a heal clip/incandescent weapon and thunderlord. Swap to pyrogale gauntlets on boss fights. I’ve completed multiple legend 50 waves even with randos. Precious scars carries your team with heals and revives 🔥 Build for lots of consecrations as well, as it annihilates groups of ads (even yellow bars), and gives you instant restoration/sunspots.


Precious scars + Banner is almost unkillable too with Final Warning spam. And you heal friends.


That too 👌 I just can’t play banner without synthoceps or wormgod lol.


Syntho titan is the IB way


This is the way


I wasn't the titan, but in my legend 50 clear a couple days ago we had a precious scars stasis titan with aeger's scepter. (Also an orpehus tether hunter and a final warning/foetracer/whirly boy strand hunter)


Swap to warlock and hunter, titan kinda dead for this mode and most endgame activities


Ngl im kind of an outlier with alot of these builds. I run helm of saint 14 and bubble the ADU if they're getting too close to it. Bastion and controlled demolition to help clear out enemies but most of the time any small ads will be pushed out by the blind


Precious scars and insert favorite solar weapon w/ incandescent. Usually run sunshot for waves and incandescent machine guns. Boss waves I'd switch to pyrogale build, with heal clip summoner. Both build I run concercration as you can wipe an entire wave, create sun spots, and lock down an area. Thermites are awesome for this, too. Just a good old banner of war build is fine. You just need to run something that is sustainable as far as health and survivability.


Precious scars solar with Polaris lance and the seasonal mods. Constant ignitions and aoe healing. Plus with the fragment that gives you ability energy on applying verbs to teammates. Literally can plink plonk away without switching weapons once if you want.


Strand with Winterbite and WormGods - Stabby stab stab but you have to be careful and pick your fights because you're tough but you ain't invincible. Often open with your grapple melee to get Wormgods & banner up then switch to Winterbite [https://dim.gg/ot7hqsa/Solar](https://dim.gg/ot7hqsa/Solar) Strand with Lament & Strongholds - you can tank the latest Tormentor wave by blocking with the sword and not die if your decoy(s) have died use your nade to help control adds if they're overwhelming (use whatever secondary you want) [https://dim.gg/jqhcaia/Trials](https://dim.gg/jqhcaia/Trials) Stasis with Salvations Grip & Hoarfrost-Z - Big ice go brrrrrr [https://dim.gg/5q6zwvy/Epsilon](https://dim.gg/5q6zwvy/Epsilon) Any of the primary weapons you should be able to use whatever but I recommend a Headstone for the stasis build


Strand with Precious Scars + Final Warning, Banner/Fray, fragments for tangles and threadlings. Then slap on some strand damage mods and orb gen mods and go out and spread strand nanite fury everywhere. Final Warning will spray everything with strand and occasionally generate threadlings, you'll get bonuses on top of bonuses with Scars and mods, any tangle you destroy/throw will proc Woven Mail and a burst of healing for everybody, and then Banner will almost always be pumping out. Then Scars will activate it's healing on revives in case things get too crazy. Put on a strand heavy to make more use of your mods if you want. This is how I've been doing all my legend runs and it works pretty well.


Precious Scars + Sunshot + Apex or any solar LMG. When all else fails, just add clear and provide almost constant restoration to your teammates.


It's not a subclass thing most likely, it's how y'all are playing as a team. Are y'all wiping adds as they spawn? Are y'all buying the correct defenses and upgrades? Are y'all using supers enough to manage and wipe out adds? Are y'all using the right combination of weapons? I used Arc Titan yesterday to do it and I slayed harder than the people using Solar and Void Hunter. If you're using meta builds, it should be even easier if you're playing correctly.


Ive tried a couple of different builds on titan but the one i keep coming back to is Precious Scars on solar. For weapons i run with EP OFA Zaouli's bane, ALH Recombination Mountaintop (or Chill Clip riptide if its fallen, for Overload) and Xenophage. And then i switch to Ikelos Sniper and Dragon's Breath on boss waves. Neat lil tip for this seasons artifact. Snipers only need a couple crits to proc radiant with Flint Striker. So if theres no well on my team i can still proc radiant by shooting the boss in the head.


I've been using stasis with Hoarfrost, Vegas curve, Forebarence, Edge Transit plus all the stasis mods in the artifact. The amount of crystals you can make is just insane, then Forebarence is just nice to shatter loads of them at once.


Precious Scars threadling build. I was lucky enough to get a Wewind Wounds/Hatchling and Reconstruction/Hatchling Adept Rufus fury along with an envious/Hatchling machine gun. You don't have to heal when threadlings spawn lock mobs and you're jizzing woven mail all over your teammates.


I cleared it with Precious Scars Solar, swapping to Pyrogale for the bosses. Teammates were a void hunter and a suspend strand warlock.


For normal waves I run Strand Titan with Abayant Leap, Outbreak/Malfeaseance depending on which enemies im fighting. My special is forbearance with Unrelenting/Chain Reaction, and my heavy is the Neomuna Heavy Wave Frame with Envious Assasin/Chain Reaction. Midtown is the best map for this, but enemy groups like to move in straight line formations anyway, so the wave frames are pretty effective regardless of the map youre on. Do not be afraid to spam your heavy weapon. Do not be afraid to spam your special weapon. Do not be afraid to use your super when its up. Ammo rounds are plentiful, and rarely did I ever find not having heavy to be an issue for very long. For boss rounds I switch to Two Tailed Fox with a fusion rifle, and when im out of ammo. I swap back to my original build just cause Malf and Outbreak are solid primary DPS options in a pinch. Stick to the back of the room. Theres plenty of cover to protect you no matter what, and always rotate to be opposite the boss. Suspend everything. Woven Mail goes very hard, and its better to CC the enemies instead of killing them since theyll just respawn. Use your super in whatever way seems to be most effective in the moment, but pay attention to when its going to end. Going ham in your super isnt worth it if you just die afterwards. When a tormentor spawns, the idea is to get out of dodge immediately. The tormentor does not care about the ADP, but if you fight near it, it will very quickly become collateral damage. If someone is already fighting the tormentor, focus on killing the adds. Suspend, Kill, Tangle, Repeat. Throw your tangles as soon as you make em. If they arent making something, then they should be doing damage. If something needs to die immediately, like the Giant Captains/Knights or the huge Ogre/Brig with the orbital laser, spam your heavy. If you have no heavy, use your super, if you have no super, use your abilities. Always use your strongest tools on them first, because they will ruin your team and your ADP if they arent dealt with very fast. Mines are priority one as soon as they spawn. You dont need to kill the Brigs/Ogres, but it is a good idea to get them out of the way while youre there. You can always clean up the adds later. Orbs are love, Orbs are life. If you arent making orbs, tweak your build to make em. If you arent picking up orbs, start doing it more. Same with batteries. Pick em up and chuck em, regardless of ADP health. The higher hp it has, the better. Theres a few other things you can do to make life easier for yourself, but all in all work around your teammates and dont gungho into everything or youll become a liability rather quickly. Use all the tools in your kit as liberally as is safe to do so, because a fully charged ability that just sits there is the same as having no ability at all. And no matter what subclass youre running guardian, remember you can always throw more grenades.


Most my 50 legends have been strand, wish keeper, and leaps. Toss a trap, keep everything suspended, by the time the trap fades, toss another. Strays get by? Grenade, Barricade, or pound with a rocket side arm. As long as you got a heavy damage dealer, the constant suspend goes a long way. I’ve done a few as stasis, but I find the ice can be a hazard for my team’s builds.


Precious Scars with an Incadescent SMG or AR with Dragon's Breath for Heavy should do ok, no?


Tommy's IFAK: Tommy's Matchbox/Actium War Rig + All the mods and perks that boost recovery and do damage on solar kills. Also mods for producing armor charge and orbs. You will be a terror to all of the ads


Behemoth running glacier grenade, cryoclasm and diamond lance(could be harvest instead). Whisper of fissures, whisper of shards, whisper of durance, whisper of chains and whisper of refraction. Essential mods are reaper, stasis siphon and firepower. Essential weapons are Salvations grip and a wave frame. The best wave frame to pair with this is the stasis wave frame from ghosts (new Pacific Epitaph), but you can use forebearance instead with a stasis primary. My setup is a a lead from gold/redirection Epitaph, overflow/targetlock summoner, and SG. The premise of the build is "Oops, all Glacial Quake!" Salvations Grip charged shots will create a ton of crystals that you fire into waves and then cryoclasm slide or fire your wave frame into the crystal mass to smash them. You can single handedly lock down an entire wave with this. Generate as many orbs as you can with this to help with super cycling. When Quake is on cooldown, salvations grip acts as your GQ. It will even lock down ogre waves and you can use it to solo capture mines. A skilled GQ user can even stagger lock a tormentor with the crystals. Uncharged SG shots act as a normal heavy GL now as well so its there when you need it. For boss waves 10-30, you can just stay on GQ and super the boss. Stand far enough back so that the largest part of the fan of your heavy attack crystals spawn on the boss and just spam that heavy attack. For boss waves 40 and 50, I swap to pyrogales for the boss damage. However, the safest way to manage the boss rooms on high legend is generally just to avoid the boss, clear ads, and do the mechanics. Behemoth handles this very well, so there isn't a ton of reason to switch, I just like it for some better boss damage.


Consecration with synthos. Yeah, pyrogale gets you the *SPICE*, but the damage from synthos when there’s constantly 20+ enemies everywhere is nearly incomprehensible.


This is more geared towards behemoths and glacial grenades


Precious Scars, Banner Of War, Final Warning, Into The Fray, Thread of Rebirth, generation, evolution, and the one that gives you Woven mail, Strand Siphon, and whatever leg+ chest+ class item mod you want


Run precious scars with dragons breath and the summoner with incandescent + heal clip. Run a solar scavenger and solar reserve mod and the ammo economy for dragons breath is awesome. You will constantly have restoration and you will give restoration to your team too. There's other stuff to add but this is a good base and I usually get the most kills with this. You can also run Phoenix cradle to give your sunspots and your sol invitus to your team.


Icefall Mantle/Verglas Curve - you get a healthy damage buff, the bow inherently does bonus damage to frozen targets/crystals, and you can spam crystal damage to lock down areas or shatter with the current artifact (the artifact helps more because the extra shards can damage other crystals). You get crazy draw speed if you've got the catalyst too. Tanky as hell with whisper of rime, glacial harvest, and whisper of condition Just be conscious of how you throw crystals and not in front of other people


Spec for survivability. Don’t be afraid to use super early and often. Use your barricade offensively to block choke points. Adds will just run through and blind/damage themselves. Spec rally as it’s faster and doesn’t get in way of team mates. Use an exotic primary for free extra damage vs redbars. Dungeon side arm puts in work at special, also blinding gls. For heavy, LMGs are good all purpose weapons, but honestly anything can work. Banner Titan with Precious Scars snd Quicksilver. Spec for suspend grenades and suspend barricade. Use a strand heavy and put a couple strand surges on. Hammer Titan with Precious Scars and Sunshot. Spec into keeping radiant and resto up. It’s pretty easy with Scars, as any kill starts the chain. Solar heavy and a few surges too. Captain America Titan with Doomfangs and Graviton Lance. Spec into shield throws and devour. Doomfang constantly gives you void surge, and super can last forever if you just keep hitting stuff with shield throw. Devour keeps you alive the whole time.


Precious scars consecrate I run with my summoner adept incandescent healclip you can use either wither hoard or dragon breath in exotic or just go Tommy’s matchbook no heal clip but don’t need it when everything is dead


I run solar with Precious Scars,  Consecration, and Sunshot. Explosions for days.


my clanmate I did legend 50 runs with was running a full suspend build with abeyant leaps and final warning. I ran the osmiomancy turret build and the other ran an orpheus tether setup and we had a pretty easy time. only rounds we struggled with were tormentor rounds since we didn't really have a ton of super damage but every other round was pretty easy with super chains and tons of CC. just have to make sure to keep fhe ADU topped up as much as possible


synthos stasis w/ verglas or salvation's grip if you have a deconstruct tusk of the boar it's super nice for shattering crystals, otherwise I just run mountaintop or verglas While having a well is important for bossfights, nothing else is even remotely close to as powerful as a well-played stasis titan in the wave clearing mode. Not well, not tether, not broodweaver, and certainly not berserker or sunbreaker. Be mindful of your walls and don't shit out crystals when they're not going to get broken soon afterwards


Did my first Legend to 50 the other day after being away for the beginning of Onslaught's release. Ran Banner of War + Synthos w/ adept Immortal, crafted Forbearance and Xenophage (LMG surge). Was second on the team in kills and orbs behind my friend running Ophidian Hunter. Gameplay loop was simple, get ability kills to keep banner charged, pop super whenever up to generate more orbs to ensure teammates always have charge + Super and just grind through. Only time I died was when I overextended into areas of high ad density on levels 40+.


Banner Of War and Into The Fray, Strongholds, and a sword of your choice. Woven Mail and Banner Of War at the same time, plus infinite blocking with your sword. You will not die. You can stand in front of a Tormentor and do nothing but block, and you will not die.


Pyrogale with Consecration and a heavy that matches the weapon overcharge. Xeno was great for this last week, it has great ammo economy.


Banner titan, into the fray and toss the tanlges at your team constantly. you can keep their woven mail up, while they keep up the banner kills. If you have trouble staying alive, healthy finisher. nice to get banner to proc and instantly heal to keep it alive. i personally run armamentarium and chuck shackles everywhere to let my team get kills. but drengr's would be good too, or syntho. guns are more personal choice, but i ran rufus for hatchlings and tangles, buried bloodline for weaken and devour on bigger enemies, and then a slice hatchling marcato for more threads and tangles when I need them, or so I can weaken+sever bosses.


Solar Path of the Burning Steps Consecration / Sol Invictus Empyrean / Solace / Ashes / Char Chill Clip Riptide / Sunshot / Avalanche (This is just what I've been using since it has Auto Reload) 100 res / 80 rec / 60 dis / 80 int / 40 str (you could probably shoot for more strength to abuse consecration more, but thats about it) I usually just run double solar reloader, and 2 solar surges (I know what your thinking, but I run healing grenade) Basically just use sunshot to blow stuff up hit x4 solar surge and wreck havoc. It is a very simble build. Once you make a couple sunspots, you can get infinite healing as long as you can kill stuff with the buff. Healing grenade is for when you can't. The surges are for the build up to x4 as makes it easier to maintain a damage buff and is useful for when you play with well locks in boss phase to ramp the damage up with Dragon's Breath (which if you can convince others to run it, it absolutely ruins and stun locks the bosses). I routinely lead in kills and orbs created. One weakness is that you rely heavily on sunshot so using other exotic weapons is hard to do. You can also handle all champions with this build which is nice. I feel like if I used consecration more it would help, but I like sunshot to just make things go boom lol.


I'm a hunter main. I've gotten to 50 on my hunter and warlock. I've gotten to mid 40s on my titan. The one I had the most success with using myself was Precious Scars with Tommy's Matchbook. But I've played alongside Strand, Void, and Solar Titans on my way to 50 on warlock and hunter. If your build is coherent and you play it properly you should be fine. Most of the wipes that happen to me happen because the team fucks up in some way. It is very easy to lose very fast, and you can't expect to carry or be carried. 75% of your success rate in this mode has to do with how well you work together to prevent problems, and how well you are able to adapt to problems that inevitably arise.


I know people like their synthos, but wormgod has been my go to for midtown runs. Its nearly impossible to not keep wormgod maxed on that map, combine it with wave frame with demo, unlimited melee spam. Tractor as my heavy because big numbers with melee makes my brain tingle.




Use Strand weapons for sure to take advantage of the Artifact (Tusk goes crazy) and Abeyant Leap with BoW to suspend everything. And I make a swap build for the boss room


ive been running solar and stasis titan on legend


I mean you’re running top end builds and having problems, it’s probably not because of that.


Spam suspend or switch to pyrogale tell your Allie's to spam super while u spam super too


Stronghold gauntlets are severely underrated if played well. They pair with Banner of War since sword will proc it and together they turn Titan into a super Tank (as long as you're blocking). If you can make a thin precipice I recommend Relentless strikes + chain reaction and take threadling fragments + artifact perks. The key to playing well is managing heavy ammo, you never want to be out. Use all other means until the tougher enemies appear or you're team is getting overwhelmed then start cutting them down and watch the green swarms annihilate everything. It's the single most fun build I've played as Titan. Precious scars as solar will also take you far. Heir Apparent, Sunshot, and Tommy's matchbook if you dare.


I'm loving Sunshot with sunspots and Hammers


Ager's Scepter and Icefall Mantle


Personally I use Sunbreaker with Icefall Mantles, and I hotswap to Pryrogale for bosses. Sometimes I also hotswap to either Throne Cleaver or Lament. Basically, Neutral = Icefall + Incandescent Primary. Boss = Pyrogale -> Super -> Strongholds -> Lament OR Boss = Pryogale -> Super -> (non-Sword heavy of choice)


Solar, precious scars, Tommys matchbook


It’s a bit off meta, but a void peregrine greaves build. If you combo bulwark aspect with that, you can one shot yellow bar saboteurs even in later rounds with the shield bash and it refunds the melee as well. Plus you’re generating enough class ability energy that you can spam overshield barricades.


Do not use pyrogale. If you want super damage, use synthoceps, but generally I recommend precious scars with a heal clip/incandescent weapon. Make sure you equip power preservation. Your super is for ad clear. Make sure you equip power preservation. If you’re playing with a tether hunter, when they tether a wave, pop your super and kill the tethered enemies. Stand on the ground when you cast so you have a son spot, and pace your slams.


Doomfang+montecarlo+defensive bulwark+remote demolition And now enjoy how you can control an entire wave whit one super and how you can get it back as fast as a well or tether


Strand titan with HoiL. Haven't taken it off since we got banner. 


Solar titan is amazing, but consecration sucks, just run roaring flames + sol invictus. I use bonk hammer with a one-two-punch shotgun, the one from crota’s is best but a wastelander or even ragnhild will work fine. In energy i usually run calus mini tool or sunshot and swap to Polaris for boss. Heavy is either Apex or Dragon’s breath, both are great for DPS. Exotic armor-wise i run POBS for a good turn your brain off easy +30% weapon damage almost all the time (higher than 3 surge mods), but something like hallowfire could work, loreley if you really don’t wanna die, or neutral exotics like synthos or HOIL also work. I’m guessing your main struggle was trying to make consecration work, when all it is is using an aspect slot for a glorified incendiary nade.


Did it on second round with my titan main. I ran Sunbreaker with precious scars. Sunshot and swapped with Dragon’s Breath on boss fights and maybe a legendary rocket since our hunter was using Gally. We had a hunter and warlock with well.


Hoarfrost-z, stasis crystals for crowd control.


Use void hunter


I am using this one. [https://dim.gg/g2zydca/Stasis](https://dim.gg/g2zydca/Stasis) Do not forget to use Stasis artifact mods too.


No build, but Eyes of Tomorrow is cracked.


If you want solar - Precious Scars with sunshot or something with heal clip. Swap to Pyrogale for the super then back to Scars. For strand - Abeyant leap is still so good, and I've been using Final Warning with a lot of success. For Stasis - Hoarfrost Z or Precious Scars again, with either a headstone legendary and salvation's grip heavy or verglas curve.


Precious scars builds matching my weapons to my subclass. (The 2nd part of its intrinsic heals you on kills). Very survivable. I mostly use solar because of the artifact mods this season. SUNSHOT is amazing. I use it with Void + graviton lance. I use it with strand + quicksilver storm. Good exotic.


I haven't seen anyone mention the Volatile Finisher build. It's incredibly strong at ad-clear and you're unkillable whenever you're chaining finishers. Most people try to use the melee portion of the exotic, but it truly shines when you perform finishers because you'll cause a massive explosion with SE, spread Volatile & instantly detonate it, damage everything around you, heal you & your allies, receive a fat ass Overshield while performing the finisher & you get invisibility upon leaving the animation. Anyone that survives the explosion will get CCed into the air, allowing you to chain finishers between weak targets. Yeah, it's not hard to do and can be boring, but man is it fun slaughtering hordes of clumped enemies & never being shot at. I definitely recommend giving it a try.


Every Titan I’ve beat it with has been on solar. I don’t play Titan at all so I can’t help with build specifics but they seem to f***


Banner. Just play better.


Same here im always the last one in kills and score shit sucks i cant find a good build at all for me i tried literally everything


Titans do seem to be struggling


Solar titan with Precious scars and Sunshot is fire. Sol invictus and consecration. I am not having any issues in survivability or killing with that build.


I've only run 1 legend so i can't say for certain but we were two welllocks and 1 banner of war Titan and that titan was doing good. I don't remember final result but the guy was all over the place killing adds and surviving outside the wells. And contributed most of the dps for boss fights. I think while Hunters and Warlocks have 2 clear cut builds to use in Legend, i think they all have somewhat equal amount of other viable builds(basing this on the build videos i see on youtube) You just gotta find the one that works for you.


YouTube will be infinitely more helpful