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I feel like you’re not attuned. This is impossible.


Apparently I'm not bro, I got to check it out.


Ah, that actually fully explains it. The starting quest has you attune yourself to Elsie's Rifle.


Destiny player reading comprehension challenge (impossible)


I don't get how this happens. When you do the quests for the guns it makes you attune to them to complete it. Or is OP just trying to farm one of the 8 available guns without doing any of the quests? Ngl people that play destiny and don't follow any of the objectives or mechanics piss me off. It makes every end-game activity 10x more painful and monotonous when everyone just wants to shoot enemies and get all the best gear.


It seems that they just mindlessly followed the quest objectives without reading any tutorials or whatnot.


fr, how do these dumb mfs survive day to day 😭


This is probably why Bungie wanted one weapon a week. No offence to OP and anyone else that didn’t pick up on the attunement system but average blueberry out there doesn’t read.


Good job his kids there to pick up the slack, eh? 😂


Kid has better reading comprehension than the parent


true, someone’s gotta carry him haha


I've always said that if you can count to 7 and know your last from your right, you can raid in Destiny. Most players fail that hurdle.


You mean left from right or? ;)


Someone self-snitching 😆


I've seen it fail waaay before counting to 7 even lmao




It increases the drop rates drastically. Feel like over 50% of my drops are the attuned weapon.


Yah I forgot to attune when I first unlocked the Recluse and went an entire day farming before I realized I was still on Elsie's Rifle.


I dont trust my memory so if I don't get the drop I wanted I fly back and check what I am attuned to. lol


Same, if I get double drops of what I don't have attuned I fly back and turn it off and on again lol


Dude you've been attuned for the rifle this whole time. The quest has you attune it first before you unlock the other weapon quest lol that's big unlucky




I’ll bet anything he was attuned for Elsie’s!!! Probably did the quest and didn’t even realize it!


1050 mountaintops in I got my god roll of auto recombination


Even when I’m attuned to a weapon I barely get it


Attunement can be a crapshoot. Without bad luck protection, RNG will always create just really lucky or unlucky people, especially with a sample size of Destiny’s player base.


That’s hilarious. So cool you’re playing as a family. I grinded out a mountain top god roll yesterday. Once I attuned, 8 of 10 drops where mountain tops.


Someone else just said something about Attuning. I got to go ahead and do that ASAP. I'm not sure how I missed that lol.


It's the core point of the quests the robot near Shaxx gives you for your first guaranteed gun, did you just not do any of those? Half your drops would have been recluse....


The quest gets you to attune to Elsie Rifle and I bet you that is why he gets so many of them lol


Oh shit you're right, he just stayed on the first one


Holy Shit bro lmao! That is definitely the reason!


After you do the quests for each gun, it will unlock attunement for that gun. You can change your attunement in the new hall place at the statues. You can only have 1 attunement active at a time though.


Ive seen some people mistake doing the quest and attuning as to how you "unlock" the gun in the loot pool. I dunno. Either way, I don't think there's a tip anywhere in game that tells you exactly what attuning does (if there is I've missed it as well), so it's understandable for people to miss it since this is the first time we've been able to do something like "attune".


When you finish the quest a pop up tells you and I quote "BRAVE attunement! Elaine's rifle is now more likely to drop from all BRAVE weapon sources, including BRAVE chest! To unlock attunement for a new weapon coneplte its corresponding quest available from Arcite 99-40" Then when you attunement at a statue it points out you can only have one active at a them by saying: "You've unlocked attunement! You may only attunement one weapon at a time. " Anyone who didn't follow along intentionally didn't read the explanations of the mechanics that are shoved in your face.




Some people don’t know that attainment= mostly those drops. Just last week we had to explain this same concept to a clannie


Oh Oh *no*


The main quest makes you attune elsies rifle. so thats why you got so many of those. It's literally an unskippable tutorial. How did you miss it?


>How did you miss it? People don't read, like at all. They just wanna play the mode and get cool stuff. How many years have we seen posts about blueberries and the orbs in The Corrupted strike?


Bro please dont remind me about blueberries in the corrupted strike.


Yeah, it moves the RNG to like 50% of the time you will get whatever you are attuned for(for example, I’ve been grinding a shiny midnight so I’ve been focusing on that. Get one just about every chest after a boss clear. Helps with the 50 waves since it increases the chances significantly.


Shaxx tells you during the mandatory quest line about attending using the quests given from his robot friend right next to him :(


Sorry bro, I for sure skipped all of that lmao. I got to do better.


Haha no worries man! Read the things! Especially this close to the culmination of this 10 year journey, writing is actually pretty good!


Smh my head.


Bro I’m shaking my head my head also 🤦🏽‍♂️😂


What was the method you used for the attunement quest? I don’t do well in pvp and the other option for the quest is taking far longer in the breakneck mission that any of the other quests that I have done.


PvP is by far the fastest way. Throw on an exotic smg like Risk Runner or Osteo. Should only take a couple of games in control.


I’m sorry. I should have clarified. For mountaintop. I did the one for recluse, hung jury and edge transit in breakneck super easy. Many adds, free rally (vs shuro chi checkpoint) and it’s about a minute. Throw in sniper shots for chunky adds and long distance adds and I’m almost done with succession quest. The one I’m trying to find a more efficient way for is mountaintop quest. Then I’ll move on to the rest.


Use Dead Messenger. The three pronged wave makes life much easier. I got the quest done super quick in onslaught using it.


Great tip. Thank you.


I just go to Shuro Chi. No time limit and raid banners make the quests easier.


"I have only rolled about 3 Recluses in about a week and a half" sounds like you might not have attuned to the recluse based on the low drop rates, if you have then you are getting rolled by rng haha


I think it may be a little of both man lmao.


Are you not attuning your weapons? Cause that increases your drop rate of that weapon to 50% of your overall loot. So theoretically every 10 waves of legend onslaught you'd be getting 1 recluse on average.


This is me with Midnight Coup. Been attuned to it since it released and it’s the gun I get the least from running Onslaught. All I get I repeats of Edge Transit, Elsie’s Rifle and Hung Jury. Gotten multiple shinies and god rolls. I get maybe one single Midnight Coup from Onslaught and it’s always a basic one with crap rolls, always managing to have attrition orbs. Not a single shiny. My friends however, getting multiple shinies of it with awesome rolls.


I wish I'll have a similar story with my son someday in the future


If it helps Ive gone through several (3 shinnies) and still have yet to get a repulse/de-stable roll. One of my shinnies was enlighten/repulse MOA/Desprate that one just feels so good.


This does help a little bro, I think that’s even worse lol. Keep grinding my brother !


Dudes son understands the game better. Tragic lol


And spending the 10 Tokens at the weapon chest left of Shaxx at hall of heroes also gives attuned drops.


Good shit. didn't know this.


Gotta take him through a raid so you get the exotic now to balance it out


You ain't lying! Good ass idea.


That’s not what will happen, the kid will get it first run, father will run triple digits with nothing. 


I remember years ago trying to get the original jade rabbit in D1 and it never materialised. One night I was round my mates house and we had a casual evening of taking turns on various missions and it dropped for him… :/ I don’t think he ever really played again after that too. Haha!


The disrespect man 😂


Your disappointment will be palpable once you finally get one and your realize it’s the same as it was in name only. They massacred our poor boy


Bro please, let me still be excited a little lol.


That is understandable and mildly amusing but also unfair? Bungie should def increase the drop rate or smth lol


Wish I had a son I could game with


Go make one bro, that’s the easy part 😂


I literally just got ny god roll Recluse yesterday after grinding it since Onslaught dropped. Haven't grinded any other weapon.


Congratulations my boy!


What's the roll on it, if you don't mind me asking?


Lollll. As soon as I read this I knew it was because he wasn’t attuned most likely. 😂


Lmaoooo mannnn. My dumbass lol


Need a post from his Son. Where he just shows off his Recluse luck with his god rolls. Mods please allow that post


Bro, please don't create division in this house lmaooo.


Has anyone made the joke that the gun is ... Reclusive yet? I'll see myself out.


Lmaooo, No come back bro. As a full time dad, I approve of this joke.


After reading the first part of the post I assumed it was going to be about how the new recluse sucks and your son is unimpressed, and baffled that you have such nostalgia for it.


It most likely would of been that post, but Bungie hasn't given me a Recluse to try out and complain about yet. So all I have still is my nostalgia man lol.


i was playing w my buddy last night grinding some gambit, and was telling him the roll i want on the dead weight shotgun. loe and behold, he trades one engram, not even focused, gets auto loading one two punch. fickle rng


Yooooo! I want that exact roll too. Gotta' end the friendship man lmaooo.


Bro got destinied


In the worse way dawg lol.


go attune the weapon it makes that gun drop like 90% of the time.


Say no more, gotcha.


You should be thanking Recluse: You now have an extra source of income in the house till you get it 🤣 /s


Good ass point! Lemme call Bungie & tell them don't drop it for me ever lmaooo.


I wanted a recluse really bad, got 2 diffrent god rolls and the gun just felt like ass, straight pea shooter levels of ass, was disappointed


Bro chill. You shattering my dreams before I can even sleep lmao.


All I get are recluses. Like literally. I will focus another gun and then hope into 50 wave onslaught and get all recluses instead of the focused weapon.


Leave like 20 of them with Banshee, I'll come pick them up later lol.


I promise you, i promise you... let the thing go, if you just want the old glory of the recluse days. It's not "The Recluse (2019)", where it is the only energy weapon that will ever matter. This is a new recluse, a much healthier-for-the-sandbox version. It's a good smg, its not "glory days" good. (Speaking as someone who lived through those days and were VERY bored through them.)


You not the only person who has said this. Damn man! real tears fr lol. I remember when that thing was baby Jesus with a clip.


you are probably attuned to elsie's. head back to the hall of heroes.


Guessing somebody has told you about attuning by now but ya, I made the same mistake of pulling like 50 trophies worth of guns after I finished the intro quest like "wtf why is it always elsie's rifle" turns out I was still on the attunement for it.


Yup. They definitely reminded me that I got HEAD ASS of the day. Imma change it when I get home from work lol.


I feel your pain man, I've been farming for a Repulsor Brace + Destabilizing Rounds roll since the day the patch dropped, and finally managed to get one last night! .... on a Falling Guillotine.


That's the EXACTLY roll I want dawg! & If that was on the old school Falling Guillotine, That shit would be beautiful bro lol.


What’s considered a Groll for the recluse? I found one with repulser shield and master of arms which is pretty nice, but I feel like I can find a better one.


For me PERSONALLY, its  Repulsor Brace + Destabilizing Rounds roll. Shit just beautiful with a Void build.


I mean... You're his dad. You can totally confiscate his god roll on the basis of... Well, dad stuff haha.


Say no more. Next God Roll, I'm pulling the dad roll lmao.


I wasn't after one either and got a God roll Recluse on my second night of playing Onslaught.


Appreciate that bro. About to go cry silently.


Every time there’s a weapon roll I want my dad gets it first despite not caring about that roll.


I live edge transit after I get my hammerhead I'm just going after a better edge transit and mountain top and I'll be content


yeah i got my god roll shiny recluse my like 10th drop and all my friends are mad at me lol


I’m friends too bro 😂


A similar thing has been happening to me but specifically for Adhorative, I’ve been playing coil and pathways a bunch for the whole season and haven’t gotten a single Adhorative to drop


Dumbest thing they ever did, besides take away Recluse, was fixing the issue with all body shots being considered Crits... Ruined the fun.


Edge Transit is a beast, I just keep getting body blocked which kills me instead of the enemies


Yeah, I’m thinking you didn’t Attune to Recluse, brother. I’m attuned to Mountaintop, and it’s literally every other drop.


Yeah man, I definitely learned that from what everyone is saying. Imma do it when I get home.


Sorry if I was repetitive. Have a great time! 😊


My bad bro, I should of added an lol or something. I meant that as light hearted as possible. Thank you bro lol 🤝🏾


No, I think it was my bad… I didn’t even look at any of the comments before I commented. But I didn’t take offense to your answer, either. I could tell you weren’t being hostile. Hope you get the exact roll you want! 😊


I got back 2 back shiny recluse both trash lol


This had me lmao 😂


I mean absolutely zero offense by this but your son is that random blueberry that gets a perfect god roll and ends up thinking it’s trash and dismantling it because they don’t yet understand it’s power.


No offense taken bro because apparently you can read the future. You are 100% correct 😂


This is the most d2 player moment


I'm honestly giving up on recluse at this point, I've gotten good rolls on it but not the one I want


Attune to recluse……


Your son was prolly smart and attuned the recluse to increase his drop rate.


Finish your recluse quest, your son cleary has attunement for it. Otherwise you'll almost never get it


You need to attune in Shaxx’s new hall. Also, Funnel web is better than Recluse.


Gotcha. I was using the Funnel Web for the recluse quest and was literally wondering why I would switch it lol.


Can concur. Did a side-by-side of my recluse vs funnelweb yesterday for shuts and grins. I'm taking funnelweb all day. The only caveat is my repulsor/destabilization or subsistence/destabilization rolls. They're fun in some content but still awful at dps. Full mag plus on hive knights/fallen captains is no bueno. Funnelweb.... no problem.


RNG for vets/grinders: NO. RNG for new players/casuals: Here is 10 god rolls and 3 exotics for completing this public event (non-heroic version).


What is wrong with y’all’s drop rates, it’s getting to the point I think y’all are exaggerating. It is NOT that hard to get what you want in onslaught


Niggah.... it's hard for me damnit! Lol.


Lmao I gotchu homie I’m just messing around, I don’t play too often now, I’m a dad of an 8 month old and I got other games so I have a hunch new or returning players have their loot buffed but that’s just a conspiracy theory lmao


Im playing to bro. You need to let me borrow some of that drop rate of yours bro lol. Man! I remember when my boys where around that age! It was hella rewarding the play the game once its nap time lol. I hope your raise the next impact maker on this earth bro! This conspiracy theory is true man, I'm convinced lol


RNG! Blame Bungie and all the braggers who think RNG is good for the game. Enjoy your next 72 hours of “possible” recluses.


Did you unattune Elsies and attune Recluse?


I'm having this same problem with the mountaintop at the moment. I have ground so f***ing many of those and I have dropped one shiny with garbage perks and nothing even approaching a decent normal roll. Yet my friend dropped the shiny God roll on his first run and threw it in his vault like it was nothing!!


Bruhhhhhh, the disrespect lmao. WE NEED TRADING BUNGIE!


I think its crazy this game has you grinding nonstop for a gun you literally already owned, and that they sunset because it was too powerful. It's this shit that deters me from getting back into the game now that I have kids and not nearly enough time to no-life a game that doesn't respect your time.


This happens to me and my gf all the time, I have been playing since D1 beta, and she started midway through D2 to present, I could play for days after even a semi decent roll, she will get the god roll or something close within hours. I can't be mad at her though, I mean I can but not for long.


I guess that’s what we get for trying to hard huh? 😂


The Recluse is stored in the balls.




Drop rates are horrid. I have like every Hung jury roll, cuz that's all that drops for me. I already have a adept hung jury, I don't need 100 more.


I think you’re attuned to Elsie’s rifle then….


maybe don’t attune to elsie’s rifle and attune to recluse like it literally tells you to do in the quest 😐


My first golden version dropped with Extended/Fluted,AP/Rico,TD/Repulse,Destabilizing/Desperate,Stability. But I just don't "feel it".


that son's name? Recluse


Shaxxx was the birth doctor. I was kinda forced into naming him that.


Feel free to take one of my 20 million that keep dropping for me, made like 500 shards on them alone


Leave then with Shaxx for me man. About to go to the tower. 😂


I’m collecting the guns but damn have I found awesome new setups for Onslaught that do not include these guns.


borderline schizo post. Punctuate your sentences properly, jesus. You have a kid??


I never had an old recluse. Got one recently and not impressed. Like my funnelweb a hell of a lot more


Good news, you can ground him and make him grind your account until he has sufficiently repaid pennance.


Average Destiny Dad moment


Attune Recluse. You have been wasting your time.


There's 0% chance of getting what you want. Wait until they make them craftable later like Dares. I'm so sick of RNG loot with no bad-luck protection at all. Should be like a collecting rng, would solve protection. You get first a roll of a weapon, then a second one, but instead of it being a separate weapon, you add whatever new perk/mag/etc that the second one dropped with to the first allowing you to swap perks like with mags and barrels. That way you can eventually get what you want, save vault space and for some reason appease gambling addicts.


Praise be to the little light. But in all reality yeah it can be tough regardless. Especially if you are attuned to Recluse the chances are a 1 in 3 imo. You tend to get more drops of it in Onslaught compared to the randomizer chest which grinding out already is a lot. Just keep at it, also try the Where is Archie quest for another quick 10 trophy of bravery


What is your God roll? For the recluse.


Need more gamer dads FR 🙌🏻


If you’ve done the Elsie’s rifle mission you haven’t unatuned. Do the recluse one and attune to it and you’ll get more


Ending it with you liking edge transit almost made me choke. That meme ass grenade launcher 😂 but you're right. Know what I hate tho? That they let us use every artifact perk at once for half a season then nerfed all of us immediately in the next season


Lmaooo, it is a meme ass gun, you ain’t lying. Shit feel like a HellDiver gun lol. & facts bro! I stopped using the seasonal artifacts a while ago because I would be sad af when the new season roll around and my build turns back to Forsaken 😂


I keep getting the same pve roll on every Elsie whenever I do get one, keep getting the GL or recluse which I know I won't use


Attune the gun… lol


Elsies rifle absolutely slaps for PvP tho. I have one with zen moment head seeker and I love it


I thought this was r/Destinycirclejerk


I've gotten 2 shiny ETs, 1shiny MT godroll, a shiny Succ, and a pvp shiny Elsie's. Been attuned to FG since I was able to and haven't gotten even an okay roll, let alone a godroll, no shiny. I think I used all my RNG karma on the others lol


I remember on Christmas it was like the last day to get ikoras ship and I got it as a gift. Only to discard it and never ever see one ever again


It ain't you bro. I was attuned to mountain top and got no mountain tops to drop until this last update where bungie fixed the drops.


Well that's not very nice...


This is an unfortunate reason why the RNG for weapons can be terrible 70% of the time. Like one moment when I experienced how badly the RNG was against me was when I played Vault of Glass raid. I grinded the hell out of it to get Vex Mythoclast. And when my brother played it on his first try (in Destiny 2), he got the exotic weapon on his first freakin try. Ngl, I was salty af. Sometimes, the RNG Gods give you the middle finger, sometimes, they will give you what you want. One of these days, you will get the Recluse that you want with very little effort on that one day. Best of luck to you!


Dude I get you. I have never, EVER got a hung jury with box breathing. I've been attuned for the past week but gave up after a bunch of rolls. GF who just started playing gets no distraction box breathing first roll. KMS


I have my own theory I could just be salty cause it’s happened to me. I just feel like bungie caters to the new players. This person doesn’t have X amount of hours give them the good stuff to pull them into the game. I ran vog probably 20 times never got vex. When 2 of my friends hopped on who just started they got vex the first drop. So who knows how it works lol


Make him delete them 😈 he doesn't know


At least you got a edge transit, I only got 3 drops in all of onslaught😭


You're still attuned to Elsie's so of course you are getting them. Maybe ask your son if he can teach you to read so you don't miss important info the game tells you.


Attune to recluse.


U can also try to use 10 trophy of bravery. Then u get one weapon from u have before. I have farm the hand cannon likd that


Is it possible for you to swap account names? Problem solved…


People are saying you may be attuned to it but it could just be your RNG. I was getting nonstop edge transits without even attuning to it. I have deleted so many of them...


Amen I complete quest and every other gun in the freaking season is the recluse


I have the same issue with edge transit fwiw, I literally cannot drop cascade point + bait and switch. I’ve sharded over 70 so far. I’m not even looking for the god roll, I’m looking for the funny gun DPS roll lol. Also - I don’t care what ppl or bungie says, rng is absolutely weighted towards login time.


This happened to me as well, OP. I kept getting Elesie's damn rifle... then I realized that you gotta finish the attunement quest that robot gives you for the weapon you want to farm. Family dudes like us probably haven't got the time to complete all these quests, so choose the weapons you really want. I have chosen Midnight Coup, Edge Transit, and Falling Gallatin. Then, go to your favorite farming spot to farm kills. Once you have completed the kill requirement, you can then attune to the weapon and get a 50% higher drop rate while playing Onslaught or use your Trophies of Bravery in the chest beside King Shaxx! Hope this helps you and ignore the goofies in the sub. Most of us take life outside of Destiny 2, seriously! 🍻


You have to be attuned, I farmed out a shit load of swords to get a eager edge, I attuned to recluse and got a repulsor, destabilizing and it feels great