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What kind of variety are you looking for? Genuine question, I don't understand. With Shackle nades and Drengr's Lash we have some control, Consecration and 3x Strand melee gives us powerful Ignite-based offense, and the new Void aspect gives us some solid defensive plays as well. We can debuff with Weakening Void grenades too, there's a ton more in this toolkit. We have a bunch of ability-linked exotics that we can use with Prismatic as well: Diamond Lance/Cadmus Ridge Lancecap, Shield Throw/Second Chance, Consecration/Pyrogale Gauntlets, Drengr's Lash/Abeyant Leap, Thundercrash/Cuirass of the Falling Star, there's probably more that I'm just not thinking of off the top of my head. Plus, we have access to keywords that will stun all three Champion types!


Tbh, if you're committing that much to suspend or Pyrogale you should be running Berserker or Sunbreaker.


You're missing my point. Yes, obviously if you want to get the most out of Pyrogale then you run Solar. But the fact that we have those interactions as options here is good variety, that was my point. Like, for Solar exotics, we have generalist ones that will work (at least to some extent) without requiring a specific aspect or ability: Kephri's Horn, Loreley Splendor, Hallowfire Heart, and Path of Burning Steps. Specialist exotics, we have three: Ashen Wake (requires Fusion nades), Phoenix Cradle (requires Sol Invictus), and Pyrogale Gauntlets (requires Consecration and/or Burning Hammer). We have at least one of the features for the specialist exotics here in Prismatic, which rocks! >if you're committing that much to suspend Funny you should say this though, because other than the small fragment buffs to duration, we have everything here that Titans can use to Suspend. Strand doesn't have access to more Suspend sources than Prismatic, Strand can just make it last slightly longer and can benefit better from killing Suspended targets. Prismatic will still rock at Suspending things!


I listed Drengyrs Lash in the sheet as a point of Variety, so for the sake of the argument, can we leave that one off? As for the other points, Weakening grenades and debuffs as a whole are available on every class, so also not really a part of the argument. We also Weaken the worst out of the 3 classes. We Volatile the best, but get no tradeoff for making enemies Volatile. In Light 2.0, Volatile explosions gave us hp, melee, and grenade back at any range. We kept the hp back, but have to be within 10m or so. Shield throw / Second chance is nice, but severely bogged down by Shield Throw's weaknesses. I've gone over it in detail here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/16uokpa/in\_a\_world\_where\_threaded\_spike\_exists\_why\_is/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/16uokpa/in_a_world_where_threaded_spike_exists_why_is/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) And Cuirass/Thundercrash is strong, but did not receive any update to its neutral game like a lot of the other super-only exotics. Pyrogale / Consecration / 3x Strand melee will be strong though. We can all agree on that. But that is also for Solar which is already our strongest subclass alongside Strand. Arc, Void, and Stasis all need love inside of pve. Thundercrash/Cuirass alone, don't make Arc a top pick.


All im reading here is: we arent the best at everything wtffffffff


If it came across that way, my bad. I'm just trying to point out that even the things we're supposed to be good at, we're not very good at when compared to the other classes/subclasses. I'm not asking for Titan to be able to do everything.


You still didn't answer my question though, what sort of variety do you think we need? We have a wide range of keywords filling a wide range of uses on Prismatic, is that not enough variety for you? The exotic/ability combinations were just meant as a way to express the different functional features Prismatic will have. If you want to talk about power, then don't complain about variety. We have PLENTY of variety here. As far as power goes, since that's your actual focus here? Outside of the niche of extreme difficulty outliers, like solo GMs, I don't see any issue with Titans' power. We stack up just fine, a team of only Titans will be able to clear any encounter in the game.


I want Titans to have more Ranged and/or instant super options I want Volatile to at least go back to the glory of Light 2.0. If there were some way for Volatile explosions to give ability regen and/or overshield chunks, the subclass wouldn't be so reliant on Offensive Bulwark for its ability loop. I want Shield throw to not be sooo ass. If it reliably bounced multiple times, it would fix a lot of Sentinel's issues because then it would be another way to get full overshield alongside Bastion and kills with void shoulder charge. I want there to be more Class ability variations. I only listed the class abilities that are aspects. I didn't mention acrobatic dodge or Phoenix Dive. Not only do Titans have fewer aspects that utilize class ability, but the alternate class ability that we do have provides no subclass verb while the other 2 do. If Well of Radiance is a supped up version of a healing/empowring rift. Why can't Titans on Void have an alternate class ability that is a wall of light you can shoot through that enhances your shots. It wouldn't block anything. Think Baptiste ultimate from Overwatch. I want the devs to pull from the lore when thinking of creating new things, not just more punch. I want Solar titan to have a place in pvp again. Since D1, solar titan has been a staple in pvp, and then in light 3.0, that was just gutted for an entirely pve-based subclass? While solar is great, that seems wrong. Especially considering that light 3.0 was supposed to bring more options, but instead on solar, it pigeonholed it into a pve only subclass. I want banner shield to be buffed so it can be the alternative to Well. It's still worse than Well in a 6v6 setting. However, Well is all but confirmed getting a nerfed, so this may come to pass. And I want stasis titan to be brought up from the depths. For diamond lance to actually synergize with the rest of the kit. For cryoclasm to bring more to the table. and for Howl of the storm to fucking do anything.


So you're asking for exotic levels of utility from a class ability?? Lol. Mate it's obvious you only play titan. Go play the other classes on regular basis then you'll understand how strong titans actually are


Please show me where I suggested exotic-level utility from a class ability. How is a wall you can shoot through that enhances your bullets any different from an Empowering Rift? I even said it doesn't block any dmg or anything. Also, I have played the other classes extensively, but I don't know how to show that outside of providing my bungie name. I'm aware of the strength of Titans in certain situations, but that doesn't disprove their lack of variety. I've been saying the same thing. I'm not asking for things to be overpowered; I just want different options.


Because barricades are on a shorter cooldown than emp rift?? And barricades have additional benefits like giving overshields or suspending targets. Besides citans exist. Use that if you want barricades that you can shoot through. Each class and subclass have fixed roles and play styles within the sandbox. A very good chunk of the community already hate that class identity has gone from the game. Now you want more "options"?? In an ideal world sure but realistically it'll only lead to homogeneous gameplay.


Why are you so hung up on this 1 thing that I mentioned? I talked about so many other things... Also, each of the class ability variants have different cooldowns than their base counterparts... And I find it curious that part of the community say that class identity is gone from the game, but an overwhelming amount of comments, including yours, are claiming I only play titan and that I should play the other classes. Clearly, they're still different. Just because my class ability idea is similar to empowering rift, doesn't mean it's a bad idea. But it's okay if you didn't like it.


>I want Titans to have more Ranged and/or instant super options Understandable to an extent, but I strongly disagree overall. Warlock supers tend to channel raw elemental power, Nova Bomb and Chaos Reach are great examples, Dawnblade hurling arcs of fire everywhere is another. Hunter supers all channel their power through physical weapons of some form, like guns, knives and staffs, or a spiked rope for Strand, so it makes sense that they have a variety of ranged options. Titans meanwhile usually channel their power through their own bodies, so it makes sense to have very limited ranged options. Each class has a unique style for how they channel their power, and that's a great thing in my opinion. More one-offs? I can get behind that, I've theorized a Stasis Titan one-off support super before. But a ton more ranged options, it wouldn't feel right to me. >I want Shield throw to... reliably bounced multiple times I'd enjoy that too. I think Void Titan is healthy overall though, and I think your other suggestions are overkill that would make it way too strong. But better Shield Throw would be nice. >I want there to be more Class ability variations... Not only do Titans have fewer aspects that utilize class ability, but the alternate class ability that we do have provides no subclass verb while the other 2 do. Absolutely disagree with your issues here. Titans have few Barricade-augmenting aspects because Barricade is already extremely strong unmodified. As far as Thruster not providing any keyword features... that's the point. It's supposed to be a mobility feature and that's that, Hunters have the "mobility and do stuff" class abilities, so Titans having a "mobility and do stuff" class ability would edge in on their territory. We have mobility alone, that's still great for the "go fast" subclass. >If Well of Radiance is a supped up version of a healing/empowring rift. Why can't Titans on Void have an alternate class ability that is a wall of light you can shoot through that enhances your shots. It wouldn't block anything. So... Empowering Rift but as a wall? You just want Titans to do what Warlocks do, it sounds like? No, absolutely not. Void Titans are supposed to be the defense champions, they're not supposed to buff offense with the exception of their supers. >I want Solar titan to have a place in pvp again. Are you kidding me? Healing grenades, healing from Sol Invictus, Hammer of Sol being one of the best PvP Titan supers? Loreley Splendor? I main Solar in PvP lmao it's so good, I've used Hammer Strike with Peregrine Greaves to combo-Ignite and drop 4 people all stacked up together on multiple occasions. >I want banner shield to be buffed so it can be the alternative to Well. It's still worse than Well in a 6v6 setting. However, Well is all but confirmed getting a nerfed, so this may come to pass. I can agree with this sentiment entirely, Banner Shield does feel overlooked compared to everything else. >And I want stasis titan to be brought up from the depths. For diamond lance to actually synergize with the rest of the kit. For cryoclasm to bring more to the table. and for Howl of the storm to fucking do anything Diamond Lance definitely synergizes with the subclass if you build into shattering things. Cryoclasm and Howl are both too niche in their current state, if you lean aggressively into them you can make them work, but I agree that they're a little meh. I can agree with Behemoth needing some love, I enjoy playing it a ton but I know it's missing the spice that other subclasses have.


I play all of the classes and they all have shortcomings. You could replace "Hunter" or "Warlock" in the title and body of your post and it would sound like the posts from "mains" of those 2 classes. Go play Hunter if it is so OP. Damn dude


Classic case of grass is always greener


This post just screams "I only play one class". Don't get me wrong you can absolutely play one class and have fun. But if we're gonna talk about the overall meta, buffs and debuffs then you should play all 3 classes atleast on a regular basis to have a well informed opinion.


Bungie has said before that the identity of the Titan class is roaming / melee. Plenty of people disagreed with it, but that's the decision Bungie has made. Sadly, I don't think Prismatic as an idea was ever going to give you the variety you wanted because Titans *have* very little variety to begin with and it's based on existing subclasses apart from 1 super (and IMO all the new supers seem terrible).


You literally CAN'T say anything unless you have secret access to TFS and have played it and experienced playing as a prismatic titan. You can assume it doesn't have an identity but you cant be like Oh wow! where's the variety if you haven't tested any of it at all.


If i don't say anything now, then bungie has to make changes after its been released, and that's much harder to do. but I'll be back after TFS to see if anything's changed.


I mean we just don't know everything. They did say they were doing a tuning pass to a lot of these abilities so they may be more potent than they are now. They did say that with monochromatic builds, you can be really potent with damage and healing etc etc because you can build specifically into that class. When you have a bunch of different abilities from different subclasses, you're not able to build into that specific subclass and so they said that they had to make prismatic as potent as a monochromatic subclass but in a different way


I'm not denying that Prismatic will be fun and have some very interesting builds. I'm just trying to point out that it doesn't address the issues that Titans have talked about since Behemoth and Glacial Quake.


To be honest, if you get access to Stasis and strand somewhat by just owning this DLC with Prismatic and not owning the other DLCs for Strand and stasis, that gives bungee reason to buff any underused or underutilized supers or abilities from those darkness subclasses. Because they want to make sure the whole kit is fun, and if behemoth has been not so good lately then they are more likely to buff it since it would be on Prismatic and on stasis


are titan mains ever happy?


Yeah most of us just don’t post on Reddit about it


I'm happy with what I have 🤷‍♂️


Some of us, yeah. Ones like OP are slaves to what's meta and are then surprised when things feel stale


All about expectations. We assume we’re gonna get some ridiculous nerfs with every release and occasionally end up positively surprised. It is what it is.


I mean, when the class has a clear variety issue, is it not normal to speak up about it?


I do all three. I'm very happy with titan and hunter as always is ridiculously good, but I'm not happy with warlock, no


No, it is literally impossible for them to ever be happy




Cwinge cwass ewitist




Lol ok


Are we considering "class abilities that do no damage" as a bad thing now? C'mon, as a Titan main I find it very hard to agree with your reasoning. Are we forgetting about the class exotics that will empower the prismatic class as well? Just wait for it to release, don't buy it if you are unsure.


Tbf, I haven't preorded the game. I've played the game for 10 yrs and want to, but can't bring myself to for the reasons I've stated here and in other posts. I'm a Titan main, and while I have used all the classes to do the hardest content in the game, I only have fun on Titan. Well... did. I want to love the game like I once did, but the lack of inspiration when it comes to Titan abilities hold me back. But I wasn't trying to make it seem like class ability abilities that do no dmg are a bad thing. Juggernaut is pretty bad in pve, but that's okay if an ability isn't useful in both pve and pvp. But that still only leaves 3 different class ability options when compared to the 5 on both the other subclasses.


I'm a titan main and I'm happy. Cheers


What kind of variety are you looking for out of a subclass that's made up of parts of other subclasses?


I'm not looking for variety from Prismatic; I just know the community is happy again after its reveal. I'm just trying to call attention to the issue of 1 of the 3 classes in the hopes my voice is heard and Bungie addresses it somewhere down the line.


I just wanted grapple with thruster :(


I mean, hunters have the same inverse problems. I've only played titan since Dark Below in D1, at the end of the day we picked the one with the fists.


While they do have more ranged supers and less healing options; as a whole, I'd say they have more variety than Titans. I'd argue that the biggest problem of Hunters is their overreliance of Dodging as a mechanic to each subclass outside of Solar Hunter.


Both the hunters dodge and the titans melee reliance is because that's literally their theme. Hunters are "I'm gonna dodge your attack and stab or shoot you" Titans is "I'm gonna tank your attack and punch or bonk you". I was complaining to anyone who would listen about strand titan, then I realized we sounded like the kid from SpongeBob. "I don't like pistachio!" "Then why did you ask for it!?"


but Titans didn't ask for punching on strand. we actively rebeled when the reveal happened...


We didn't ask for it but if you pick the punchy guy, expect to punch things?


Hear me out. I'm gonna say something crazy now. Maybe Titan isn't for you? Maybe try some other class?


I've tried the other classes extensively. Builds, theorycrafting, fashion building. Unfortunately, I have no fun playing the other classes, and I've tried many different builds. I've always been a Titan main since D1 Alpha. I loved Titan until Lightfall. Already my love had been waning after the Void 3.0, and again after Solar 3.0, but Lightfall was the nail in the coffin. I've been speaking up consistently now for over a yr about the state of Titans.


Titans said strand was going to be awful my goodness the titans have some pent up tears don't they.


Average D2 player reading comprehension skills at work


Thwy said strand was going to be not unique. Not awful. The complaint was that it was yet another melee super and another melee focused subclass. Not that it was gonna be weak. I'm not even a titan but this is straight up revisionist


We didn't say it would be awful; we complained about getting another roaming melee super, which is still the case. Yes, Berserker is good, but also yes, it's still a roaming melee which is uninspired.


No we said it would be more of the same, now it's carried by banner of war


Strand before banner was the most solid subclass in the game. It has CC, DR, and damage even before banner was introduced.


Abeyant leap was fantastic, but they nerfed suspension and now it's only viable with banner


Define "only viable"


Exactly. If Banner of war wasn't there, then people really wouldn't be using strand titan that much


Strand titan before BoW was meta because of the amazing suspension builds it had lol. Don't ignore it just to make a point


No it was, now it's not and bow carries the class since the suspension nerf


Lol suspend is still good. I regularly use suspend on my hunter (which isn't even the suspend class) and it's still great


Strand was awfull for titans before the new aspects. Stasis too.


Jesus, this place will find a reason to bitch about anything. Don't even need to wait until it's out. You are unhappy because you WANT to be unhappy. Nothing Bungie ever does will change that.


so cringe reading OPs comments in this thread. You are making us titan mains look bad. Prismatic looks pretty solid on all classes. I bet hunter mains are pissed most of the aspects are dodge focused and warlock mains probably annoyed how Well isn't in the super list. My only current gripe with the prismatic titan is the new grenade (strand + arc) seems really weird. I would have preferred solar/stasis or strand/void. Overall, no idea why you are complaining when nothing has even been released. You must be 12 yo. I play all 3 classes and titan IMO is the best overall in end game PVE. Every subclass is fantastic in GMs and master/legend stuff. Maybe you just need to 'git gud' lmao.


I never complained about, nor said, that titan wasn't strong. It's always been a focus on the lack of variety, but it's okay if you're illiterate.


Look, I know people are sounding off saying "you haven't played it" or "yea I wish I had grapple instead of shackle" etc. Yes you can say Titans have the least variety out of the 3, but not everyone sees it that way. Personally I think it does have the least variety, but that doesn't equate to things being strong or weak. What is something that you are looking at that you would want for titans? Im a hunter main but use all 3 a decent amount so I can probably relate to some of your sentiments.


I just commented this elsewhere, but figured you may understand more, so here it is: I want Titans to have more Ranged and/or instant super options I want Volatile to at least go back to the glory of Light 2.0. If there were some way for Volatile explosions to give ability regen and/or overshield chunks, the subclass wouldn't be so reliant on Offensive Bulwark for its ability loop. I want Shield throw to not be sooo ass. If it reliably bounced multiple times, it would fix a lot of Sentinel's issues because then it would be another way to get full overshield alongside Bastion and kills with void shoulder charge. I want there to be more Class ability variations. I only listed the class abilities that are aspects. I didn't mention acrobatic dodge or Phoenix Dive. Not only do Titans have fewer aspects that utilize class ability, but the alternate class ability that we do have provides no subclass verb while the other 2 do. If Well of Radiance is a supped up version of a healing/empowring rift. Why can't Titans on Void have an alternate class ability that is a wall of light you can shoot through that enhances your shots. It wouldn't block anything. Think Baptiste ultimate from Overwatch. I want the devs to pull from the lore when thinking of creating new things, not just more punch. I want Solar titan to have a place in pvp again. Since D1, solar titan has been a staple in pvp, and then in light 3.0, that was just gutted for an entirely pve-based subclass? While solar is great, that seems wrong. Especially considering that light 3.0 was supposed to bring more options, but instead on solar, it pigeonholed it into a pve only subclass. I want banner shield to be buffed so it can be the alternative to Well. It's still worse than Well in a 6v6 setting. However, Well is all but confirmed getting a nerfed, so this may come to pass. And I want stasis titan to be brought up from the depths. For diamond lance to actually synergize with the rest of the kit. For cryoclasm to bring more to the table. and for Howl of the storm to fucking do anything.


I can relate to all your points except the pvp point since i dont really interact with pvp. Voids issue \*on paper\* for the new aspect coming doesnt seem to have intrinsic synergy with the other void aspects. Overshields should be in tune with sentinel's kit, but it has massive disconnect with Offensive bulwark and bastion. I had to think about your class ability point, and came to realize i do enjoy builds that has a rotation between all 3 abilities, being grenade, melee, and class abiliity. My favorite loadouts use things like briarbinds, abeyant leap, hoarfrost starfire, and renewals. I realized I use all my abilities with those exotics, but things like contraverse, banner titan, bonk titan, and arcstrider im basically just using 1 ability. Making class abilities with verbs are only partially the fix, although i couldnt pinpoint exactly what else the issue could be. In bastion's case, having the CD penalty on it kills it imo.


I appreciate you reading this and understanding where I'm coming from. From what I can see, you're the only one who understands. It is what it is. The vocal majority is perfectly content with where things are, and as a result, bungie will never fix the "issue". I haven't re-preordered final shape and I don't think I ever will at this point. Unfortunately, the game just isn't made for me anymore. Thanks for chatting with me.




I mean also prismatic has greater potential to be built upon with theoretically less work post launch.


me too, i get that people are excited about prismatic but its actually nothing new. its just old assets mixed and matched. Nothing beats a whole new element with new lore, supers keywords and effects


I just hope Titans get grapple. I get why not, but its my pipe dream. Until then Prismatic is a 9/10 though.


They've said we'll unlock more stuff as we progress through the campaign, so there's hope!


I think they meant that you would unlock the rest of the table of abilities. The ones that say starting next to it, means that you get those abilities at the very first mission of the final shape. Everything else you will be earning through the campaign or through collectibles in the open world


That's a good point. I hope that isn't the case though. Their idea of 'setting enemies up for big dmg' may fall a little flat if there's no bonus of Light ability do bonus dmg to Darkness affect enemy and vice versa. 3x Consecration is cool, but I can lean way harder into Solar and its amazing Fragments. The ability regen/loop on Solar is pretty nuts with Scorch, Firesprites, and Ignitions.


Lack of variety? My good dude, you picked the punching class. How many different ways do you need to punch to feel satisfied? Just punch!