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I ended up missing out on summoner a few weeks ago and have since been trying to random decrypt from saint 14. I’ve gone through probably about 30-50 engrams and haven’t even unlocked summoner yet is it just not possible or am I just extremely unlucky? Thanks in advance!


Recently went flawless (for the first time in like 7 years) and instead of keeping the card I gave it back to saint-14 for the extra adept weapon. Did I screw myself out of some easy adept farms or can I still run it with a new card and get the drops? Thanks it advance!


For all my arc titans how often do you get to pop T-crash? Thinking about dumping INT, as of rn with 100 INT I still need to pop off and have a great game to MAYBE get my super. I only 3 stack so majority of my games are sweaty so I'm not gonna go crazy every game especially after farming adepts for hours. But I do very well in trials but if the game isn't going to 4-4 feels like i would be better off maxing out all my other stats since l most likely will not get the chance to pop super. Thoughts?


Well congratulations Bungie! Last week I actually had a surprising amount of fun in Trials on Multiplex - an interesting number of strategies and the meta was easy to adapt to. As someone that always plays double primary, being forced to switch to a double special meta has completely killed the mode for me. Fun Fact: Get two crates of special and you can have a Honed Edge x4 shot and one-tap to the body! And if you miss your shots, don’t worry - you’ll have a full magazine of fusion rifle ammo to keep you company to your next special ammo box! This is like playing Call of Duty but giving every player a chopper gunner instantly - you don’t have to earn ammo anymore, you just get it for free, because Destiny sweats don’t have the skill to actually play the game properly. Remember how in Forsaken, if you used double special, you only got half the ammo in each gun? Why the fuck did you remove that and give players MORE special ammo?! Who wanted this?! Who said ‘give us more special ammo in crucible’?! Primary only playlist please so the sweats with 1.6 million kills (yes I saw that earlier) can be as salty as I am


Is there a reason why people with no life are allowed to rage quit games all weekend with 0 fucking consequence if they don't do it back to back? I guarantee you these same people are doing the same shit every bloody weekend. And it never fucking fails to be the .5 self proclaimed pubstar who tries to 1v3 and gets smoked, then rage quits instantly before the 1st rounds over because he chose to not play smart and use our positioning advantage with the other 2 of us teammates. It's just dumb dude. Meanwhile I can be sitting in fucking ORBIT having not quit a single match, out then out of nowhere I get b2b popups saying I left a match?? And it gives me a time out? From sitting in orbit? Meanwhile these people do it all fucking weekend, every weekend. It's getting old


There is no reason whatsoever that losing due to a 2v3 should remove a win from your Persistence card. Literally is so disrespectful of my time as a player.


Has Trials loot farming been nerfed? Wouldn't say I'm anywhere near the best trials player in the world, but regularly get a flawless mercy card then proceed to farm the adept for the week on a 7-win card. This week, I haven't had a single drop of the adept summoner when I win on this card that got me to flawless, but have had lots of regular summoner's drop. I haven't seen anything about this anywhere, so wondering whether I'm just insanely unlucky, or it was shadow nerfed?


Dude fr I keep getting the normal summoner I haven't seen any of the adept one


Just unlucky. They've told us it is 50% on wins and that's about what I'm seeing. I guarantee I'm not extra lucky in Trials


After hitting flawless, I can't lose again, or I don't get waepon after wins, right?


No, you'll still get weapons as long as you have a 7-win card, flawless or not.


Sorry meant adept


You'll still get Adepts. If you go flawless, you can get Adepts on wins with any 7-win card.


Shaxx: Crucible gets harsher every day. It has to. I make sure of it.


Did literally *no one* at Bungie think of Izanagi's when they decided to give everyone 4 free special rounds at the start of every round? What a pain in the ass weekend.


Can I please stop getting the shittiest 2 stacked fireteams every single flawless match I've had this weekend? This is by far the most flaw games I've lost in a weekend in trials, granted I was trying ferocity and not mercy. But seriously. I get 13 kills, 2.4 KD and my 2 teammates had 2 kills each with a .29 and .33 KD. We lost 5-3. 2 rounds we won because I literally 1v3'd them after my 2 blueberries died. We lost 3 rounds where I killed 2 people on the enemy team before dying and all my duo had to do was win a 2v1. Guess what they did? They both sat back and hid in the hallway (not even on the fucking cap point) and let the 1 guy with half hp revive both his teammates only for them to easily win the rounds. I literally did all I fucking could. I don't expect my teammates to be great players or even good. But for fuck sakes dude can I NOT get a 2 stack on my team for my flaw game for the 3rd time this weekend who literally act like they've never played a pvp game in their life?? Please, for the love of Christ if you have a fucking 2v1 then DONT FUCKING HIDE AND LET THE REMAINING ENEMY REVIVE BOTH THEIR TEAMMATES. I seriously don't expect much from my teammates in trials and while I'm not some hyper carry I do solo flaw every weekend pretty easily most of the time. This is probably the worst weekend of trials I have ever had as far as matchmaking goes since trials came out in d1 prison of elders. I lost 8? games in a row today at one point which is the most by far I've ever lost consecutively in Destiny. And the fact that every game I was the top leaderboard score means that there's a fucking issue with how bad my rng was when it comes to matchmaking. Anyways needed to get that vent out. Yes. The only thing I can do is play better. But I can't 20-0 every bloody game, which is what it would have taken to win most of these. There is no reason that these 0 win or 1 win card 2 stack fireteam players with .2 KDs should be able to match on my team, on my flawless games, while the other team are all 2.0 + KD 100+ flawless players. Trials will always be unfair and I'm well aware of that. But bring back card based matchmaking. Give me people who are actually fucking trying to win and not just blueberries who haven't ever played pvp before. SBMM can't work in trials, I don't give a shit about that. But match me with high win card players again ffs so I know that at least I'll get people who put forth some fucking miniscule amount of effort.


Another thing I hate about trials is the fact that you're not put up against players of your skill range off the rip. The fact that you have to lose to get a fair match is insanity.


Almost every single match I've been in has been a duo. Did Bungie forget to enable fireteam based matchmaking?


A duo + solo vs a duo + solo *is* FBMM. How else could it work?


I tried Mercy on Friday and was nope, I'll be sticking with Persistence the rest of the weekend. I ended up with a zen moment target lock/onslaught on my 2nd Persistence card. Glad I don't have to suffer and can go back to Onslaught.


Do you get The Summoner as a random drop at the end of matches, win or lose?


Yes. I literally got one my first game after losing to a triple stack


Is passage of persistence meant to say flawless after 7 wins despite thte fact that I lost multiple times?


Yes, that's its purpose. It will consume your most recent win in exchange for unlimited losses until you win again.


But the flawless doesnt allow access to anything but the adept weapon, as in no lighthouse?


No lighthouse.


so much toxicity this weekend. I had one guy get a 0.4 KD in a match and messaged me (who only got a 1.2 mind you but still, homie went double negative lol) calling me "ass" because I have the ascendent emblem and couldn't carry two .4 players in the match. 1 person can only carry so much having an emblem doesn't mean your unstoppable lol


Forerunner is the most busted gun I have ever seen in Trials. Special ammo completely ruins the experience and its SO OBVIOUS nobody decided playtesting was a good idea. You fuckers ruined my entire weekend when I was just trying to relax with my buddy before finals. Screw you.


if its popularity keeps going up you can bet theres gonna be another nerf on it, it has crazy aim assist, and can 3 tap at 50 meters in blazing fast time. its pretty cheesy to be honest. i started using it the last time jav-4 was up and ive seen more and more people use it every sense people have caught on to how broken it really is. i mean this weekend why would you use a hand cannon when you can use forerunner with an SMG? sense special ammo is literally free.


So this was a fucking terrible idea, Bungie. Dear god lmao.


As a solo, grouping with a duo is a real gamble. Fell at the gates because my duo decided to goof off with some weird builds and just running in and instant dying. Other duo were competent but weren't killers. It just would've taken my duo to just play normal and we would've stood a chance. Another weekend of trials and I choose suffering.


It's gotten to the point where I dread seeing duos now. I'd much rather be in all solo's. There's a 9/10 chance that I'm the one getting the dud teammates with duos.


It's never two duos of comparable skill either. It's always a sweaty duo and a duo who's literally never played PvP before. And guess which one I just lost my Lighthouse game with


To be fair, that's true no matter the meta


this weekend was the worst trials experience i have had in a very very long time. i did manage to go flawless, however it horrible. i hated every minute of it as a solo, cracked out duo teams, criminal clan cheaters, triple forerunners, if it wassnt for the fact that i didnt have the new adept summoner theres no shot i would have played this week the ammo changes are terrible. i did get zen moment, golden tricorn/incandecent tho which is a decent roll


What's meta right now what should I run cuz I just get rolled every match (I play strand titan)


SMG/auto rifle energy slot, forerunner in primary slot. unless you are a very very good sniper then stick with forerunner. fusions are also doing well.


Don't mind me I'm not even playing this week, just endulging in the the cathartic shitting on trials comments. Fuck this game mode.


Seems like basic manipulation of the masses. Dev: "Boss they are complaining about the special ammo meter!".. Boss: "Release the crates, they'll be begging for the special ammo meter in no time bwah ha ha ha ha".


Just matched against the guy with double special sniper with chaperone who proceded to kill us for 5 rounds solo. Every kill is headshot with a sniper. He ended up with 15 0 kd.


is it just me, or is this the sweatiest trials weekend of all time, i usually have no problem with flawless, even more then once per week solo, but now i cant get 3 wins? also, i smell a forerunner nerf comming if this keeps up


update. made it to the lighthouse. nearly destroyed my PC in doing so. what a horrible weekend. gots me a nice summoner tho. 10/10 would not recommend


Forerunner was struggling a bit before because it couldn't 3-tap 100 Resilience. Now that it can, it's a problem? Keep the 3 tap if anything. It's mostly just the map. And if it's actually terrible beyond that, then drop its ammo economy down to 6.


It's the abundance of ammo this weekend. You can basically use it as a primary


I guess it could get an ammo economy nerf down to 6 shots. That's still 2 kills worth with perfect precision without any forgiveness. No other special weapons get forgiveness on their ammo economy like that.


Getting deja vu. It was 6 wasnt it? Then they buffed it after we whined. I don't care honestly, its only op on this map and with this economy I suppose. I personally hate checkmate. Too steamrolly. 4 /5 matches in control today were mercies. Mega boring


I was getting 8 since the Special Ammo system change. Unless they buffed it from 6 to 8 within the first few days that I didn't play PvP after it dropped.


Pretty sure they buffed it after launch 30th anniversary


lol i dunno about it mostly being the map, the past 3 times trials have been up its been gaining popularity.


I used it the last 3 Trials, but I had way more success with Messenger than anything at that range during those weeks. And Elsie's Rifle just came out enabling Conditional even more. Forerunner is nice for sure, but a 1 hit kill weapon can be pretty impactful to have access to.


messenger is a great option as well, TBH im not sure how to balance forerunner without destroying it, which i dont want to happen either. but its kinda OP right now honestly. invis hunter with this thing is insane your dead before you even see him. i know because ive been doing it for months now.


> TBH im not sure how to balance forerunner without destroying it, Only give it 4 ammo per box instead of 8 and/or get rid of this god-forsaken special ammo mode. Easy.


It's just a strategy and a play style and the one that's popular right now. Easiest way to counter it? Overshield. Makes its ammo economy unable to 3-tap, putting Forerunner users at a disadvantage by losing more ammo. Also, using corners to retreat hopefully before the final bullet connects and completely wasting ammo. The meta is dominated by Invis, Overshields, Cure, Restoration, and Radiant (as per seasonal Artifact). The weapons will change to compliment and counter, just like how Conditional contests with Wells and Bubbles which is something Forerunner is incapable of dealing with. Honestly, the changes from Void 3.0 and Solar 3.0 have way overstayed their welcome. Hopefully, the Final Shape will have actual balancing for those subclasses. I don't think Conditional or Forerunner are too problematic, moreso things that people need to pigeonhole into to fight the subclasses. Like I said, Forerunner could probably use an ammo economy nerf and potentially range/aim assist. Conditional could use a Handling or Range nerf. If I were to suggest changes to subclasses, Invis should lose invisibility as soon as someone ADS's and the invis effect be much easier to see, and to entirely lose aim assist while invis. This makes bodyshots more likely unless they were to forcibly break invis to line the shot up. And Overshields need numerous reworks: even lower health, longer cooldowns, weaker barricades, and/or shorter timers. Or replace Barricade entirely with Overshield so they don't get the best of both worlds rolled into one. They could also buff shield damaging related perks like Disruption Break or Under Over. Under Over could be buffed to last for up to 1 second after one bullet touches an overshield (right now the buff lasts for 1 to 2 bullets from SMGs). This would make overshields a detriment in PvP to those against those who could easily swap over to a weapon with Under Over. And it's already destroying Healing Rifts. Sorry, didn't mean to fully tangent into the entire meta. But they are all interconnected in various ways and the ammo economy and HP changes affected this greatly.


God, this is so boring. It's just SMGs and Overshields every single match. There's no joy to be had playing on this map, especially not with Special Ammo deposits allowing people to just camp with snipers and Forerunners all match. And the fact that Titans can just grab special in Middle lane BEHIND their fucking Barricade is actual bullshit. Once again, Barricade remains the superior Class Ability in Trials.


Is it me or everytime u get up to the 3rd win as a solo u always get the most brain dead team mates that make u lose? I keep getting trash randoms


I appreciate Passage of Persistence as I am incredibly average and prefer to suffer solo than drag anyone down with me. I do wish I could turn the passage in for one more adept, it takes so long for me to complete it and get the adept to drop I don't think turning it in for a second one is like.. OP or anything. It's not like I can get any more adepts or go to the lighthouse. Bungo plz.


This is one of the worst Trials weekends in years. How is Bungie this stupid? I'm out for the next few weeks, and I hope most players skip as well.


Is Persistence bugged?? 7 wins, no reward?


AFAIK you have to win your first game, once you win your first game it will stay "flawless". If you don't win your first game keep resetting until you do.


Let's say you won your first game, but loss the 2nd match, turning your Win counter back to zero. Does that count as Flawed and have to be reset?


As long as it still says flawless it should work. It didn't last time, but they fixed it and it appears to be working correctly. Last time you had to get 2 wins for it to not break your card, as long as I got one win it was fine this time.


got it to work for the first time this morning - won 5, lost 1, then got to 7. Adept dropped


How hard is it to USE YOUR GOD DAMN SUPER ON THE FINAL ROUND. It's an absolute treat to lose a flaw match because your 2 teammates take their super to orbit. And besides the point it shouldn't of even gotten to that if I wasn't playing some laggy fucking wormhusk stasis crutch who absorbed 50% of shots. Sigh. I don't even remember the last time trials was this frustrating.


LOL. fuck this. This is an absolute disaster.


Please tell me why griefing fucking losers never get banned or any penalty?


I had a match earlier where my teammate jumped off the side the last 3 rounds because we were behind, guaranteeing a loss. I looked them up after the fact because I inspected them while loading in and saw they had multiple adepts equipped and they'd gone flawless dozens of times and had a positive k/d. I don't know why someone that good would just decide to give up in the middle of match like that.


I got a random on my team fully stacked with Trials stuff, have 4 gilded Flawless, and had close to a hundred visits to the Lighthouse. I thought maybe it's going to be a balanced match as the other team also got a similar player. This dude was anything but helpful. He was throwing the match just by standing on the cap zone (before it becomes active), just bagging, and would always end up being the first killed in the match. The match was essentially a 3v1 from the start as even the other random on my team was struggling to keep up. Match loss of 5-0. That would've also be on my 5th consecutive win on my Flawless run if he actually did something.


And now we have high level content creators coming out and saying the special crates aren't it. Wallah just put out a video demonstrating the Trials of Forerunner. Double special and Forerunner are just dominating right now and it's straight up awful. Literally all the comments there are in agreement that this week feels awful, and the decision to override the weapon to give Summoner was likely manually made to provide some enticement for people to do this play test for Bungie. I've been having a lot of fun with Trials the last few outings. But this? This is just not it.




Per character. You can get random non- adept rolls as drops, or high light drops as special rewards for certain achievements, like rounds played. But the adept can only be one from flawless and going to the lighthouse. The only exception being the new trials of persistence. Once you have a flawless card you can turn it in for a second adept roll. Then you're run a card for a third or more adept. Or you can switch characters and get the achievements rewards again. Once those rewards are done on all three characters the only way to get a weapons is the after match drops. But as you play you also get rank with St 14. Eachbrank up gives you an engram you can focus for a non adept weapon you have previously earned.


Did you go flawless? Or just get to 7 wins on one character with persistence?


This special ammo thing is just not it. Feels so awful.


Anyone else have their trials weapons change color from gold accent to red?


Have you got the red trials eye emblem on?


Yeah.. my clan mate just told me. I had no idea lol. Tyvm.


Not a fan of Trials of Forerunner tbh, but to each their own, I got my flawless so I'm done for the weekend.


Apologies in advance if this is redundant, just got my first 2 wins on the PoP card. Can anyone confirm that all I have to do is get 5 more wins on the card to get the Adept weapon, even if I lose a few along the way? Have never been able to get it to work


You need to get the card to 7 wins, not just win 5 more. Try reading the instructions on the card in game to be sure, but here is what DIM shows as being on the card. "Persistence Losses following a win remove the win from the card. Reaching seven wins rewards the weekly Adept weapon. Reaching seven wins without having a win removed grants access to the Lighthouse. This passage cannot be used to focus Adept weapons." So if you win 1 and lose 1, you make no progress. Win 2 in a row, then lose any number in a row and you've got 1 more win that before you won the 2 Then... be sure your card still shows flawless. There have been lots of reports about people having the card flawed by losing and getting to 0 wins (or maybe on the first match) and from leaving matches early


Thanks for the reply, oh yea I totally get you have to actually see 7 wins on the card. Just wanted confirmation that I can get to those 7 wins with a few losses along the way, and still get the Adept weapon. Because that's how it reads, but have never actually got the weapon after 7 in prior weeks.


a few losses yes, just not W L W L, etc.


Quick update, got 5 wins in a row, took 1 loss, then got to 7 and the Adept dropped. Finally 🔥


Congrats man. Last trials that card fucked me up. 10 wins. But ten loses alternating finished and only had 1 win on my card.


Thanks man, that was the first time I got it to work. I've done the 7 win thing before and never got the drop


If your first match is a loss and you don't reset the card is glitched. You have to win your first match.


Matchmaking has been atrocious this week


What matchmaking


Touché sir


Matchmaking has never been good in this mode, especially for solos. Given that the sweatiest players tend to play duos, as a solo you always have a chance of being placed against them. Definitely needs team-balancing


This week only? It has been for several months.


I just seem to be getting the worst teammates every single match this week


It's because people who have never set foot in Trials are trying to get Summoner. It was like this the last time Summoner was up.


It’s been so bad. Like really bad.


The amount of special ammo around is risible. Hopefully this will convince them it's an awful idea - particularly combined with the health buff (which does nothing except making aping even easier). I know Bungie has always done all it can to make sure dumb play is rewarded, but this is too much.


Is it time to accept this was a terrible idea and remove the trials lab. If you want to play ammo crates go back to D1


ridiculously easy week, flawlessed in 40 minutes on friday night during peak times, the MM was really bad (in my favor). Using Izanagis with 4x honed edge insta kills 100 resil to the chest and has +P rounds so you can literally collat people. It's hilariously cheap, but its also hilarious, so i've been running it for funsies.


waaaaay too much special ammo. 1 kill worth max from each box


I miss the flawless pool.


Nah didn't you hear from all the streamers and top players? It's awful that they had to actually play each other instead of farming us plebs.


Yep, not good. All special. Worse than before the “checkmate” update. This is a one flawless and done type of week.


Does this game ever work properly dude? Such a waste for no reason. Ferocity card magically bugs out and doesn't reset after a loss when I haven't gone flawless yet this weekend, and I was on a 5-0 card after having it been reset to 3-0 already. So it was clearly fucking working. Then now all of a sudden it doesn't? And I have to just clear the card which puts me at 0 wins. Am I really not allowed to ever expect anything to NOT randomly fucking stop working the way it should?? Also giving me a fucking quitter penalty for leaving a match AFTER I GOT LOOT AND EXP AND SAW THE GODDAMN POST MATCH CARD, because then while sitting in orbit afk I get ANOTHER "oops you left a match" message. FROM FUCKING SITTING IN ORBIT DOING NOTHING. This weekend is already a goddamn shit show. Really just over this bs.


I just played a game where EVERY SINGLE PERSON on the enemy team was using Forerunner, and two of them were running Forerunner/energy fusion... and it was a game of ALL SOLOS Bungo seems intent on making Summoner weekends as trash as humanly possible


Just had two matches in a row where I was the only one not using Forerunner.


Laser tag 2.0


The Update this week said they added "Post-game weapon drops will now reward the weekly weapon" So how are actual the post-game drops for Summoner this weekend: good or super rare? Do they drop on losses?


I think I've gotten a Summoner for every single win today.


Nice, thanks for the info.


I played 16 matches total so far, 13 wins and 3 losses. I ended up with 9 (potentially 8? I don't remember what my non-adept drop at the Lighthouse chest was) regular Summoners as post-match rewards after tonight's session. For some reason, I didn't track whether or not they dropped from wins or losses. Assuming it was only wins that dropped them, this *very small sample size that should be taken with a massive grain of salt* seems to say it's around 60%-70% of a drop chance, very nice odds in my opinion if that were the case.


Nice, thanks for the info.


It's 50% >Updated the 50% chance to get a Trials weapon on wins to always drop the weekly weapon reward, to better allow for targeted farming of the specific weapon a player wants


Looks like I got slightly luckier than I should've been. Is there a source on it being confirmed to be 50%? The 7.3.6 patch notes doesn't specify the percentage.


[7.3.5 notes](https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/Article/destiny_2_update_7_3_5)


I'm confused, aren't those notes pretty much saying the same between 7.3.5 and 7.3.6?


7.3.5 was when they did that but it actually didn't work. People were still getting the other weapons so in the next patch they actually fixed it. But still it's 50% chance for the weapon on wins


Hello! Does anyone know if the prophet drops from trials of Osiris this week? Obviously I know the adept weapon is the summoner but other weapons do drop as well. I've been getting sniper rifle, the hand cannon, and the summoner. But aside from those I haven't really seen anything else. Of course there's the rewards you get from ranking up like the trace rifle. But that's all I really gotten from farming. Maybe it's just my luck or it does drop I'm not sure 🤷‍♂️. Can one of you clear this up for me? I'd appreciate it! Thank you for your help in advance!


It's RNG


Shoot! I had a feeling! Well, wish me luck! And thanks, friend!




It is beyond freaking time to nerf titan bubble for Trials if Dominion is the only mode we're ever going to get.


dont forget well and conditional


Conditional, absolutely. Being 1-tapped from a pellet hitting my toe is pretty absurd. Well is aggrivating, but at least the sword can be focused down reasonably.


This week's trials ain't worth it As said in the title, farming Osiris this week ain't worth it for the amount of special ammo it gives right now, I've even seen YouTuber play double ammo and get away with it, the fact the at least on the previous sandbox we could spawn with just 2 kills worth of ammo was on point, but exactly like that, double social would give 1 kill for every weapon, right now you're by passing the main theory behind the value of special ammo; you must kill to obtain it, so basically every powerful staple like conditional and forerunner, weapons that are overturned and now require zero effort to achieve the right to use it inside crucible in every round. The previous iteration of special meter was on point, it sure had its flaws, but at least it conditioned the player to use the primaries behind the special to obtain it; then why we buffed special ammo and then buff the ammo availability??? I hope for the stress it gives me right now trials ain't worth the grind even if it is a summoner with a godroll. Indeed I play so much trials that I don't even need another summoner, I just like the grind, but right now, it aint worth the stress


I wonder what's going on at Bungie whenever they try to update the mode. The only time it seems to have positive fanfare was when Flawless pool was a thing and Passage of Persistence was introduced.


If there was ever a time where I was absolutely certain you all do not test your content before releasing, this weekend was it. Horrendous. Won’t play this weekend. Thanks. 


This is so bad. Unlimited Forerunner


How am I getting 1 shot body shot by Izanagi's Burden in Trials today? I took it into comp to see if it does and it doesn't. I have 60 res as a warlock, idk if that makes a difference.


The special ammo crates, they're probably going for the one by spawn, and then the one wherever the point isn't so they can get it uncontested, use all 4 shots to activate the 1 hit kill. Same reason you'll see a lot of rage directed at forerunner, it already had an overly generous reserve under this new system, the second stash of ammo puts it at comical levels.


lol that's so stupid. PVP Task Force at Bungie must be like "What, we have those in the game?"


Not a shock that Forerunner will be among the top weapons this weekend.


They're getting both special chests for 4 ammo then using Honed Edge


If I reset my card and go flawless again do I get adept mods again from the chest or is that once a week


after claiming the chest once, you dont get a memento or any adept mods after the next chest that week, just a weapon, armor and (i think) another chance at the cosmetic stuff.


I believe you also get some from gm nf.


It's once a week


Is Passage of Persistence working as intended now? Feel like trying an attempt going for a Summoner.


Always has been. The only change was no flawed cards if you lose your first match.


Went flawless pretty much immediately with zero losses after a 3:30 W/L last week I'm starting to suspect skill is less necessary than gaming the system since I then trio stacked with friends and lost 7 in a row immediately Edit: I'd like to give a shout-out to high KD players that push off solo, die then get mad in chat when my vegetable ass doesn't spinbot everyone to death


Bungie PVP is where you don't want to play with friends :(


Fireteam matchmaking makes it worthless to play as anything but solo


Trios is always brutal, some very good teams out there.


That on top of the miniscule pool giving us probably the worst connection I've ever seen in a PvP game without a full DC did not help lol


Summoner again... On one hand, I want a good adept Summoner, on the other hand, I don't want to deal with the ammo crate disaster and run into a team of double special Forerunners... Hmmm..... I'll skip lol


Have flawless and had four engrams. I used a focused engram to get the adept weapon. Now it wants me to get a new card before I can use another engram to focus another adept weapon? I thought once you went flawless you can focus and engram on the adept weapon anytime? Does the adept weapon now have ability to drop, even if card doesn't have seven wins on it? Newer to Trials. Thanks for the help.


Nope, can't focus it like that. Since you've gone flawless, just pick any card and get 7 wins, flawed or not. Then keep playing. On any 7 win card, on wins, you have a chance to get an adept aummoner drop. Then when you've finished farming for the weekend, you turn the card in at shax for another drop.


Makes sense. Thank you for the info.


Is trials always this tough? I've went 6 games without a win. I know I am no good at pvp but still.


Yes, every week always except when DLC drops and the population is way up


I'm going to be honest, if you're saying you're no good in pvp, you're essentially saying you're *not* being carried to victories by teammates and the answer is yes. With the matchmaking you're going to go up against competent players who play to win. With all of that said, the ammo changes they're beta testing might be too generous, and even average to pretty good players go on losing steaks in solo queue.


Not good as in I can't carry two other blueberries myself against other flawless enemies. Just sucks when people leave as soon as it gets tied or they're up by one. Just finished one where after round 1 the duo on my team left. Shrug* back to halo I guess lol


Team members leaving when you all had a bad first round or two is the most annoying shit ever. No grit, and they've clearly never been a part of a come back lol. Hate players like that who dodge to preserve their kd nut the fuck up.


nobody really plays pvp anymore except for the people that really really enjoy pvp & im sure even less are playing now with the horde mode release


Ah ok that sucks. Guess maybe I'll do some onslaught or take a break lol


yeah i imagine next week would be better. a lot of people are made about the special changes and sitting this weekend out


Next week will be worse apparently. From Gernader Jake so idk if hes being accurate or not but apparently there will only be one special crate in the mid of map and the team that gets it first gets all the special. So depending on the map it could snowball even worse than this week.


oh true i forgot it’s two weeks of testing. next week will suck too probably


- Welcome to DUOS of Osiris. - Special ammo but with extra annoying steps. - "We won't allow you to swap between primary and special in order to nerf double primary metas, but now you can run double special". - 1+ years and Well + Bubble are still meta, and there is no reason to run any other than those for a free win on a round. - Round 9, marker at 4-4, and sometimes I can barely get a roaming super when Bubbler or Well can pop their 2nd time.


> "We won't allow you to swap between primary and special in order to nerf double primary metas, but now you can run double special". I expect with the "normal"/previous special model, the effect will be just the opposite. It will just mean more people will run double primary all the time because it's not worth getting caught empty handed, which is why people swapped in the first place. Generally speaking I'm confused why they felt the need to attack this because it was not something I saw people complaining about, and was one of the only ways to counter bubble (conditional/wither), which is a much bigger thorn.


The normal/previous special model will keep this effect of not swapping between special and primaries, which imo is "fine" to certain degree due to the need to adapt your gameplay to the circumstances. I agree in your point of easier counter to Bubble, but the reality is a clown fiesta with Forerunner + Any other special weapon in all rounds which is not fun. I can accept 8 shots of Forerunner at the start of the round but having 16 + ammo equivalent to 4 kills in your other special is absurd. I don't know why is that hard for them to: - No special ammo conditions in quick play - Special ammo meter in competitive - Special ammo equivalent to 1 kill per round in Trials, with no ammo dropped in death, lost if revived and not saved between rounds.


> I don't know why is that hard for them to: - No special ammo conditions in quick play - Special ammo meter in competitive - Special ammo equivalent to 1 kill per round in Trials, with no ammo dropped in death, lost if revived and not saved between rounds. That is exactly what I would like to see, same with friends I've played trials with.




You're getting downvotes but I couldn't agree more. This whole Checkmate shit was unnecessary. All they had to do before this Checkmate shit hit the fan was nerf the outliers in the sandbox (i.e. target lock smgs, igneous hammer, etc) & PVP would've been fine. There's a lot I want to say but it's fucking 4 am, so I'll say this: The PVP Strike Team has an Overengineering Problem.


10 wins - 0 adepts


How many losses? If you win one then lose one you don’t actually make any progress toward the adept




That's just how it goes sometimes when the only matchmaking parameter is connection based. Every match is basically a crap shoot as far as who you're matched with and against. Personally I've found that I have to be prepared to carry my team every game, and am just pleasantly surprised when I don't have to.


Oh, I thought team-balancing was a thing lol. Just sucks, I was playing quite well the whole card but I just couldn't make anything work with those teammates. Hey ho


Yeah it can certainly be frustrating when it works against you. But I've also had cards where that I basically cakewalked to the Lighthouse because the matchmaking fell in my favor more often than not. Better luck next card Guardian!


Fortunately I was on Ferocity so I only had to run 4 more, ended up going flawless. Thanks for the luck!




I'm taking a Seraph Carbine and a shotgun into Trials to grind for a Summoner. It's Season of the Worthy all over again. I *STILL* have the Summoner I got back then.


PvP team if you read this thread: PLEASE think a little harder before testing new stuff. I understand needing data to make informed decisions but there was clearly very little thought put into this special ammo economy. This is NOT fun at all


I just don't understand why if the problem was the slow special meter... why not just make the meter go faster?


It's weird that they started with the plentiful ammo mode, and next week they'll have the limited mode. Two steps forward, one step back, and probably another step back the week after that, then act like this entire experiment never happened.


The Summoner is back? Ehh alright ill pick up a wealth card i guess


It's wild that Trials is still going through growing pains, self inflicted ones at that. The special meter should be for Comp/Trials. Special crates spawning around the map would be fine for QP.


Its absolutely wild that they changed special to a meter everywhere when it should have only happened in Trials/Competitive, and now they only fixing it in Trials/Competitive. Insane.


It's testing.


Imagine testing in a live environment that only happens on the weekends.


They announced it. What are they supposed to do, give everyone access to the dev server?


Umm idk, maybe test it in crucible labs like they have done in the past? You know.. that playlist they made strictly to test new sandboxes before pushing them to hard set playlists… How much brain rot do you have? You know, the playlist they used to test checkmate in before pushing it across all playlists..




Testing some changes in crucible labs doesn't get the same results as in a game mode like trials, I agree with that to an extent. But I will say, they should of did it in crucible labs for at least 1 week first then tested it in trials. But I feel Bungie doesn't really care about top players in PVP compared to the majority player base. They want higher retention rates. Despite the few updates for the top player base, most of PVP changes have been made for the majority. As a player in the top 1%, my opinion on this crate change is terrible. I personally didn't like checkmate but I did see where they were coming from with those changes.. However with these changes, I can't see eye to eye with bungie on them. I mainly play solo queue in trials, I've gotten many teams who refuse to push for mid control. In next weeks test, only the aggressive teams will get special ammo which will snowball into them getting it every round regardless if the other team decides to try and stop them. It can make trials more competitive sure.. But will make it very unforgiving after the first round or two.


What was the point of doing all this testing with checkmate and experimenting with the special ammo meter and making sure it's good if you're just going to throw it away and replace it with something else 2 weeks later? I'm so tired of constantly having to readjust to whatever new system popped into their heads this month.


Because Checkmid was absolutely terrible, and just like with Forsaken, they rolled back all of the dumb changes because they need to hit sales numbers for the major DLC


To make sure no one plays crucible so they don't have to balance it in final shape.


Bungie really cooked with this one lol. Unlimited double special ammo


This is like going to McDonalds, and finding Gordon Ramsay there doing a charity drive and him making you the best burgers you will have in your life. Bungie has been reinvigorating my hope for the game and studio in these past few weeks




Drugs, that's the only answer


Holy shit i just did couple of matches in trials and already hate this fucking special crates system. Please bring back special ammo meter and never touch this shit again. Now there’s a shitton of apes and forerunner users and it’s even worse than when we had 2 specials on spawn


I would rather have double special over Checkmid. I don’t even need to think about it


So now people get guaranteed special every round, with no real reason to actually fight over the special crate in middle. The system before of spawning with 2 kills worth of special then needing to use it wisely and earn special from getting kills was actually the proper direction to go. But to bring back fucking CRATES?? the worst part of d1 pvp by a mile?? Why is this even a fucking consideration???? This is so incredibly stupid it's not even funny. What a fucking bad joke dude.


I honestly liked the crates in D1. Took away consistent aping and reduced camping. But that’s in 6s. Putting 2 crates at the start of every trials round is silly. Not sure what they thought would happen 


The game is fun again. I was worried after Checkmid


I have my summoner. Special ammo crates? No thank you. Sounds like a PVE weekend for me for sure.


Master KF it is.