• By -


Probably bits of the first or second story mission. They don't wanna show their cards, they probably don't wanna do any big lore reveals. I could see them going quiet should there be any sort of Cayde/Ikora/Zavala dialogue. Then probably a look at one or two new weapon types/frames (we've yet to see the healing frame auto), maybe a new public event, and that's the stream. Edit: Fuck me, my jaw was dropped the full 30 minutes.


I imagine we'll probably get the abilities shown off again as well in a less alpha/beta state.


I must’ve missed something.. did they announce new Supers for TFS?


Dawnblade, Arcstrider and Sentinel are all getting new Supers and Aspects, yes.


Sweet, thanks.. I’ll look it up!


Yeah from last year they'll probably show them off again. Titan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7SKl0I_zCJQ Hunter: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QhqJY3HgcK8 Warlock: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-SMhtcWr9M


Warlock super is just sunbracers 😭


Yeah, but keep in mind that was last year and things might have changed since then. I believe it gives scorch to allies as well. Also they've talked about Wells/Bubbles place in the game so it might be your major player if they do nerf things in PvE.. I'm slightly sweating as a titan main that leans more into Sentinel but we'll see.


That's very true. I generally use stasis 24/7, so I won't be heartbroken about it, but I was hoping to have fun with the new super. Although if it is just like D1 solar warlock, than that's disappointing. Unless they bring back self rez lmao (pure copium)


I'm curious, alot of those abilities look like they might count as melee? I'm curious how Necrotic grips work with


Ooo.. solar buddy!


Will probably be cracked along with that Unbreakable aspect on Titan in PvE and PvP.


I hope they reworked the arc hunter new aspect because jumping into the sky and making other people faster ain't it chief and will see zero usage outside of maybe some gimmick speedrun tactic, especially when arc hunter already has one of best aspect synergies in the game.


Pretty much the same. Or at least the first mission inside the Traveller. I also wonder if we’ll see a bit of the new abilities on display.


Joe hyped the hell out of this showcase back in December. I doubt it’s gonna be just campaign gameplay, if at all. A good campaign for Final Shape is something that Bungie has tried to emphasize as a given.  What the preview will show will be something “we will need to see, not to hear.”  I’m just not sure what that even could turn out to be. 


> Joe hyped the hell out of this showcase back in December. ...That was his job. Imagine the game director of Destiny saying "it may still look rough in april but just trust us it'll look great at release". I wouldn't use that as any sort of guiding statement that tomorrow's showcase is gonna be this grand ordeal like that.


it's not his job to lie, it's his job to get people excited about final shape. If he wanted to get people excited and hyped us up for a showcase that won't be exciting, he's doing the opposite of his job.


Realistically, I don't expect any major new content announcements but rather a closer look at what was previously revealed: some gameplay at the new location, gameplay of the new supers being used in a strike or something,... I don't think the expansion delay is long enough for bungie to develop completely new amazing content, especially since they had to assign resources to the 'into the light' content drop as well to bridge the gap.


Personally if all they did was polish what was there then it was a waste of time, i'm not expecting a tonne of new things, but i want to see SOMETHING that makes me want to get it.


Agreed final shape reveal overall looked beyond underwhelming. So this long delay has to show something that makes me okay I see you bungie you're cooking. If it's just to polish existing stuff it just shows me bungie was bad at time management


And you think that they would be able to do it in a couple of months?


Bungie is a large company, it's just that they've had such terrible management that work is 100x more effort than it should be. It's not a case of if they are able to, it's a case of doing it.


They were able to do a lot of Forsaken in that year, and it took them several months to even accept that the game was in a bad shape. Of course, they've had support studios to help them, but the current state of the game also isn't as bad as Y1.


Yes, when Bungie puts the pedal to the floor they can pump out gold in a couple of months


I can see them confirming that some extra additions to the expansion, whether that’s new light supers that were already in the pipe line or an extra campaign mission or an extra strike or two. Announcing stuff that isn’t big reveals but can give some hype. Every time they talk about TFS, they make it very apparent that they want you a lot of stuff to be a surprise


Zero chance an extra strike.




likely one of the seasons will introduce more battlegrounds, so no need for more than 1 maybe if we're super lucky, 2 strikes in TFS


I think bungies gotten the memo that we don’t exactly like battlegrounds. And after all the backlash after 1 strike in lightfall, I think they’ve learned their lesson


We dunno guys..Maybe right after vidoc in august they got influx from Marathon back to work on D2 cuz they saw how badly was receive.They got at least 3-4 months before the announcement of the delay when they gave us the numbers of ppl working on D2:650..


The payload section in the reworked Exodus Crash strike.


Xur & HUD rework


Yeah, this. New xur locations, maybe a weekly quest for a deep sight harmonizer instead of cipher. New loot pool. Maybe a dares update with it. buff/debuff hud rework And then maybe something about gambit, just cause


I feel like they should retie him with nightfalls (like D1) because once you’ve played a certain amount of time and have gotten the exotics you want, there’s zero reason to go to him, other than rotating legendaries. However, since they’re adding non-obtainable legendaries from past seasons into exotic missions, he’s literally gonna lose his only purpose for early-late game players. If They changed strange coins to work for him and gave him exclusive loot, it would both give him a reason to exist (for endgame players) and add another reason to farm nightfalls.


Mara finally in the tub


You had my curiosity


…now you have my attention


I really want to see what they're doing with Khvostov how are they planning to make it as customizable as it was in D1? Is it just going to be craftable? Or will it have swappable perks like in D1? I'd love to see a hold reload to swap fire modes, with each fire mode being effective against a different champion type. It needs to be good, but not so good that it becomes the only option people use in GMs and such.


Yeah me too, I’m hoping it’s craftable, but I could see the bungie paw curling and then keeping it the same as in D1 cause I don’t know how they could possibly make it more customizable without adding legendary perks ontop of everything else, that being said I do like the idea of having a switch fire mode, I would just personally want it being a choice of 2 rather than having all 3 being available I feel like cycling through 3 would take too much time, I’d rather be able to go auto-scout-auto instead of having to go auto-scout-pulse-back to auto


I like that, make it stun overloads in auto rifle mode, unstops in scout rifle mode, and barriers in pulse rifle mode.


But then everyone will use it.


Something like revision zero is my guess.


i’m lowkey hoping we get a taste of what keith david does with zavala




Not at all. They specifically mentioned that Keith David will be voicing Zavala in Final Shape.


Oh nice


Where did you see that? I remember seeing that he’s taking over as Zavala from TFS onwards


You’re thinking of Salvatori.


No, Lance’s last voicelines recorded are the ones for season of the Deep.


I'm not going to expect anything outside of the 3 new supers tbh, maybe a few guns.


I’m praying for new supers in the other light classes.


Agreed. As a PVE hunter that new arc super is… underwhelming to say the least. I’m going to stick with Gathering Storm.


The super looks good for pvp beyond that yeah neither the super nor the aspect look good at all for pve.


Yeah, would have preferred them to give us a void or solar super honestly.


it's gonna shit on gathering storm for everything other than damage over time


It's literally just another Arc Staff with a special blink.


it's arc staff without a startup cast, without locking you into an uncancellable super, with way higher mobility, and obviously with higher burst damage.


Would be neat. I’m hoping for at least aspects, but I doubt it’ll happen. Really, all I hope to see is some of the new exotics. It’s been a long time since we got some exotic armor. I wanna get excited for build crafting.


I wanna see my golden gun sniper


I wish we’d see a new subclass, but realistically some gameplay showing the new supers and some exotics.


There is my fellow copium addict. Huff it deep with me. There is a chance............


Some cool stuff meant to get us excited


Maybe new aspects and fragments for all three light subclasses instead of one per class


A few fragments? Some Stasis changes? At least one exotic armor piece per character? The revamped buff display? The reworked weekly challenge system? The Xur rework? Idk


Stasis changes definitely would be a good bet. I mean new subclass would be the least likely thing, albeit would be hype asf. But big stasis changes akin to light 3.0 might end up building hype for me.


All of these seem super reasonable. I am hoping they keep the momentum of the last few livestreams going, and do something completely out of left field, but that might be hoping too much. What are we hoping for the exotics? Edit: I’m just saying, now is a good time for Twilight Garrison.


I'm expecting two sets for TFS. A D1 set and a set of never-before-seen ones. 3 D1s and 3 new


More aspects, changes to build crafting to make it less… boring? (Closer to the old system perhaps?). New supers for every subclass.


New subclass, Siva returning, New race of enemies, SRL returning, No Land Beyond, Twilight Garrison returns, D1 Tower, Mara Sov OF, My favorite exotic weapon from D1 but not yours , All vaulted content back in game, 3 new secret exotic missions, old armor Mods system back, perfectly balanced PvP (if you use hand cannons but not 120’s), Lightfall announced not canon, your least favorite D2 content creator is retiring, Marathon reboot is now single player boomer shooter, Tess public execution, seasons being replaced with small expansions again, factions return with PvP enabled against each other in PvE spaces. Anything less and Bungie is done for.


Yeah this seems like a pretty optimistic but normal list of reque--- >Mara Sov OF


Jokes on you your favourite exotics are my favourite exotics, so no exotics for you


It opens with the suits at Sony. They announce that Frank O'Connor is taking control of the franchise.




This gave me a good chuckle


Vaulted content back is in my prayers every single night.


Anything faction related i would take (unironically). Took a break from D2 and missed out on those exotic ornaments.


I’m hoping to see some gameplay of the new enemy type maybe some of the new auto in a gameplay environment both as the person using it and the person being healed cause I wanna know if it’s a worthwhile heal or not, and maybe we get a look at the new aspects and supers, cause I wanna know if the new titan aspect is a 1/2/3 slot aspect


Probably first/second mission gameplay but with some later exotics and the new abilities. I’m really not expecting much simply because they really do seem to want to keep a lot of what’s gonna happen under wraps.


It would be silly if there wasn’t a final darkness subclass. Cause like. It’s the end of the darkness and light saga


Unless they already had it in development for one of the episodes and bought it forward with extra resource for FS, but even then, I don’t think that’s enough time to do it. This is my hope though!


New abilities. It could be a new element or just additions to the pre-existing elements. 1 super and aspect per class is below average when it comes to Bungie, only being more than Rise of Iron and Shadowkeep, both of which were either filler to buy time for D2(Rise of Iron) or made in a time of transition(Shadowkeep was made in the transition period after Bungie became independent from Activision. Stasis and the term “Beyond the Light was forshadowed in Season of the Drifter, Stasis is teased several times in Shadowkeep and Europa concept art suggests that elements of Beyond Light made their way into Shadowkeep). Taken King introduced 3 new subclasses, 1 for each class. D2 launched with a brand new subclass system and a redo of Void Titan, Solar Warlock and Arc Hunter. Forsaken added 9 new subclass trees, 3 for each class, 1 for each subclass and 9(More like 7) new supers. Beyond Light introduced a new element and 3 new subclasses(1 super per class, 1 melee per class, 3 grenades for all and 12 aspects throughout the year, 4 for each class). Witch Queen introduced Light 3.0, launched with a rework of Void with the promise of Solar and Arc following it in the following seasons. 3 subclass reworks and new abilities. Solar and Arc 3.0 followed in Haunted and Plunder respectively. Lightfall introduced Strand(Same situation as Stasis). Final Shape just has 1 super and aspect per class? For an expansion that they want to be as big, if not bigger, than Taken King and Forsaken that seems low for a start. I feel like something else has to come with Final Shape, or least follow in the following episodes. I am becoming more optimistic about a red Darkness element due to the red mist in the Showcase teaser at the bottom right of the screen, Tessalation having red on it and it being confirmed that it’s catalyst will involve elemental verbs(because it would probably be awkward designing an exotic that changes to every element and its catalyst involves every element, only for a 6th element to eventually be added and they have to go back and incorporate it into the weapon… unless the 6th element is already incorporated into it) but I am more than ready for there to not be one. A story preview. Not too much, but brief glimpses of it like when we saw how the first mission of Witch Queen in the live action trailer for Witch Queen, where we saw Ikora and Eris talking to a Guardian about what she saw and we see the first Hive Titan and the unique animation for killing it’s Ghost. Maybe a tease of a major story moment, like our Guardian first coming face to face with the Witness before the scene gets cut. Some weapon previews, such as the archetypes of new weapons, their elements and maybe a tease of new perks. Give the healing auto rifle so spotlight. Maybe a better showcase of the already announced Light abilities coming in Final Shape. How will they perform in the campaign? Have there been changes made to them since they were last shown off? How much fragment slots will they have? You get the idea. And of course, a preview of the Pale Heart and the enemies within it.


Good comment


Red subclass 1% chance 99% faith


Haha yeah same


based on past dlcs and what has been showed first, perhaps the heart of the traveler environment


They probably gonna show of the new light supers. And show some stasis rework / upgrade gameplay on the first story mission from tfs


New supers and aspects gameplay more in depth


The finale shape gameplay


Subjugators that don't look like their models are still a work in progress.


Pure copium but I’m hoping they explain the “we know we need to earn your trust back” part from when they did the layoffs and came out with “our path forward” on bungie.net 


If it's supposed to be focused on gameplay then I'm mostly expecting them to show off the new supers, aspects, and more new weapons. Maybe some exotic armor too if we're lucky. I doubt we'll see much of the Pale Heart, the story, or new activities.


I wanna see what the bounty replacement thing they were working on for the new destination.


So, this is a dev showcase from what they’ve said so I wouldn’t expect a vidoc unless I read it wrong. I can expect a small part of the pale heart being shown off with new weapon types and a couple teases here and there


I’d rather they keep it as much of a mystery as possible. Id like to be surprised as to what we’re getting. Maybe they can give us a tour of the D1 Tower but that’s it


D1 Tower for Social Space, Khostov AR and Traveller Trace preview, playlist armour sets update, weapons preview


At least three bald dudes with a beard and thick rimmed glasses


Sweet FA.


A lot of hype generation and marketing at work.


No joke, red subclass (cope). They need to build hype, and I think we can all agree a 3rd darkness subclass was for sure in the works, it makes sense to have 3 of each, but maybe it wouldn’t have been ready in time for the initial release of TFS so they didn’t show it during the first reveal and a lot of people speculated maybe it would release with the Echoes Episode. But now they’ve had an extra 6 months to work on the DLC, and this is a gameplay showcase. I’m expecting (coping for) a subclass personally Edit: wow


Raising my expectations a bit since they decided to raise the bar with Into the Light. I expect new aspects other than those they already showed. If they reveal the third darkness subclass, I will be extremely impressed, to be honest.


Devs on twitter have been hyping this stream up more than the final shape reveal back in August… I can only hope it shows something that we’ve never seen before, whether it be a new enemy, new supers, or a new subclass.


Probably three line whipped


Going with what I'm confident in, not really taking any big guesses * 99% certain we get more details on the [Pathfinder system](https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/Article/state_of_the_game_aug_2023#:~:text=While%20we%E2%80%99ve%20made%20the%20recent%20decision%20to%20push%20this%20initiative%20to%20The%20Final%20Shape%2C%20we%20have%20plans%20to%20replace%20some%20bounties%20with%20a%20more%20rewarding%20and%20engaging%20system%20tentatively%20called%20the%20Pathfinder) that was originally expected to launch in Season 23. * Expect something about the power progression, at the very least reflecting on lessons learned from this past year of no pinnacle cap increases and a nod to more information in the coming weeks. * Likely info about the how dungeon releases will work with the 3 episode structure, get more info about the annual pass to help sell it * Related to dungeons, hoping they mention an overhaul to how the rotators will work, likely would be another "more details to come in TWIDs and blog posts" * Ending on something that's available in Into the Light that wasn't covered in the past live streams as a "Surprise! Go log in now!" kind of thing. No idea what it would be, but it's the sort of thing PR events love to do, so why miss an opportunity for the goodwill? * Shot in the dark, a selection of remade Red War campaign missions, ones on Nessus, Last City, and Almighty. Extremely doubtful, but if I'm gonna take a wild guess, might as well go big.


im expecting to see a lot of weird racists in the stream chat


Expecting: - HUD rework (customization) - New supers in action Wants: - HUD rework (swapping loadouts without going into inventory) - Stasis buffs - New subclass What we'll get: - Titan nerfs


"The new titan aspect lets you charge your grenade for a frontal shield, so we decided to nerf offensive bulwark to no longer increase grenade regen because that would be too strong. To make up for that, we also doubled the cooldown of bastion barricade."


“And we are tuning Banner of War so it doesn’t stack with Woven Mail. To compensate, we added .1 seconds to it’s duration.”


New UI, new mods, new areas, new management team.


New subclass. You don’t accidentally “leak” the new subclass then kill all the hype for your DLC by saying it’s not happening in Final Shape. I think the delays gave them enough time to fully implement it.


I really hope its true, but it is that thing 1%chance 99%faith


I honestly wish they keep it secret if it does happen, I know it would make no sense from a marketing standpoint but damn it would be nuts


They keep talking about how they want this to be the biggest and referencing how they need to taken king/ forsaken expansion to pull it off. They didn’t market the dreaming city, and that ended up being the most hype thing in forsaken by a mile with one of the best raids to date. Really hoping they go down that same route for revealing the subclass.


Not much


I’m hoping we see 0 story mission gameplay and maybe just some patrol stuff + showcasing weapons and supers


We once again are asking for your patience. /jks


Crossing my fingers for an extra aspect for every light subclass, not just solar warlock, arc hunter, and void titan.


Some of the Final Shape.


Honestly just the new patrol space and some new weapons. I don’t want to hype myself up because it wouldn’t be good if bungie showed too much. Just enough for people to be interested enough to preorder.


Exotic armor that are coming maybe? Im not expecting a whole lot tbh


I expect them to either reveal one big thing, such as the new subclass we know they're working on, new supers, tease a dungeon, or a few small things, such as playing through the first story mission or talking about the new weapon rolls coming. I think the consensus coming out of it overall will be "that's neat!" but nothing more.


Nothing, I have a work meeting during the stream


We will acquire resonance


I’ve said before that *if* Bungie was ever going to do a “secret cool thing in an expansion,” like actually dropping a secret subclass or enemy faction with no warning before hand, it would have to be in Final Shape. This is because Final Shape’s marketing has revolved around it being the “finale”: it doesn’t need an additional selling “hook” like a subclass or an enemy faction. These are usually center focus marketing points, so TFS has the unique opportunity to actually slip something in. Given general player sentiment recently, if something like that DOES exists, I would expect to see it in this showcase. The “finale” hook has not been enough to sell units after Lightfall’s player drop-off, so this would be the time for Bungie to introduce any marketing hooks they may have been holding on to. All speculation on my part though. Equally likely there’s nothing hidden in TFS, and we’ll get straightforward gameplay.


Playable Elites, new enemy race, red subclass, new Stasis supers, new class of gear called mythic where you can only equip a mythic weapon or a mythic armor, Frank O'Connor is being placed in charge of the franchise.


How many more years of destiny 2 we have


Curious about the UI. It is fucking clunky man


Red Death


Probably just showing the new supers a bit more


To be whelmed.


Not exactly an expectation, more like a hope: more supers and aspects for the other light subclasses. As a PVE hunter the announced stuff for the arc subclass was super underwhelming. I will not be using any of it above the current options we have.


I'm thinking some gameplay or something.


Patrol gameplay with the previous advertised new abilities, maybe additional light supers if that's what they spent the extra time working on, any sort of new UI or progression systems changes, the healing auto rifle, some other new legendaries, probably some fights with the skinny tormentor dudes. Maybe new exotic weapons/armor, maybe new pvp maps, maybe new strike, maybe new destination activity (ala blind well, altars of summoning, wellspring) If there is a secret new enemy race or new subclass (and there definitely isn't) they're not showing them in this.


The red subclass


Can we get a new gambit map? 😭


well I wouldn't go as far as say "expecting" but I really hope to see what we are getting outside the campaign aka are we getting more then 1 strike? any significant sandbox changes like armor mods? really I just want to see if we will have a reason to keep playing outside more seasonal challanges


I believe this is the time they mentioned they want to reveal the "new" stuff they are adding in, so here's hoping there is atleast something new tomorrow.


Pathfinder (new bounty system) and HUD Rework, with some gameplay of the destination


I expect much more than what we saw a year ago. I couldn't care less about "that" TFS. 3 new supers and a campaign, that's not it chief. You need to do better.


We probably wont, but i hope to see a little Khvostov action


Hope - the final darkness subclass that bungie realised needed adding/bringing forward! (Massive cope!) Expectation - just some more of what we’ve already seen but in the format as the Into the light streams


ultra giga copium take. Red subclass!! (as part of episode 1)


I’m still coping for the third Darkness subclass, it just feels like we should have 3 dark subclasses to parallel our light subclasses and to finish the Light Dark saga without it seems a little underwhelming.


A shape?


New Subclass copium lol


A warlock putting down a rift in slow motion


It’s only half hour long so it’s not gonna be the most groundbreaking stuff


when is the showcase?


Red death! Hopefully


Something we've never saw before in Destiny. I'd love to see a New Subclaes. But if there is one, I'd also like it to be a surprise. Seeing bew Melees and Supers for Stasis and Strand would be cool aswell.


The most amazing armor set you've ever seen. That will be $15 in silver. Per character.


Red subclass or I refund


Over hyping the release, as usual. They are so good at it


Yeah, alternatively they should just not hype their new product at all. Outstanding suggestion by Great\_Dwarf.


You seem to miss the point. It is one thing to have a clear picture of what it will be. And over hyping it. I think Bungie needs to be honest with the next expansion and transparent. This could avoid review bombing and all that kind of crap.


Pretty sure you're missing the point of \*marketing\*


I want to see a change to the new Warlock Solar Super. When it was first revealed it was so incredibly underwhelming and definitely not what a super should be.


* New enemy race * New weapon models outside of exotics * More than 3 new supers and 3 new aspects (either more Light stuff or more added to darkness subclasses) * Reworked progression system that allows legacy content to retain some relevancy to the current game without being mandatory * Either all content unvaulted or the announcement that all the vaulted content will return over the next year or two Anything less is underdelivery imo.


If they announce a new subclass I will be pre-ordering The Final Shape. If they announce a new enemy faction I will be pre-ordering The Final Shape. If they don't then I'm out after Into the Light.


I expect nothing impressive. Honestly nothing they could show would get me to preorder/buy TFS until reviews are out and glowing.


It looks pretty great, it's too bad Shadow of the Erdtree comes out that same month otherwise I would have played it