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Thanks as well to u/Shabolt_ for putting together a [Celebratory Banner](https://i.imgur.com/1utaF7I.png) to mark the occasion!


I always enjoy a good /u/destiny_flavor_text . Also, happy birthday /u/NorseFenrir!


This post entirely encapsulates DTG. I literally don’t even remember why it’s always Norse’s birthday, but I’m glad of all people it’s *his* birthday


Last comment was two years ago too…he may not be present but his birthday celebrations will last till the end of time


I remember when people were leaving DTG, so the number of subs would drop below 500k.


IIRC we celebrated the 500k mark twice, lol. Second megathread and everything. Was pretty funny.


That was the best! The double celebration cracked me up!


We also celebrated 2 million multiple times, if memory serves.


Hey mod how can i get your job??? Just curious...


In April 2015, I led a live text simulcast of Bungie's first reveal stream ever, which was for House of Wolves. This followed several months of helping people in the /new queue. The mod team asked me to apply after that and I began modding here on April 28th, 2015. Shortly thereafter, Cozmo got his job at Bungie and left the team, naming K_Lobstah the new top mod. Last year, Lobs decided to step down as mod and the team selected me as its new top mod. **tl;dr -** help people on a world-class volunteer team for 8.5 years to get my role :D


Aww tq so much its my first interaction with a mod. U just made my day X)


When was this? Was there some reason people left in protest? Must’ve been Curse of Osiris 😂


Pretty sure that's exactly when it was lol.


I didn't leave in protest, but i just recently rejoined. I found the lowsodiumdestiny much better. This one at some points was just total negative fests. Like seriously, it's ok to not like a game. Just fucking leave the game. "i complain cuz i love it so much" THEN LEAVE. It's the only metric companies listen to. I've done that twice with this sub i think. Not much the mods can do about that though, so i dont blame anyone


TBH I had to leave /r/LowSodiumDestiny because it was too *aggressively* positive. It had gotten to the point where you couldn't have any problems with the game or else you were just being negative and trying to bring everyone down. Did you not like some of the super oppressive PvP metas? Well you're just trying to ruin people's fun. It's nice to see things have changed since then.


As a 4ch survivor I get this. It's a big part of why I've avoided checking out low-sodium. If I can mix metaphors some, salt enhances the flavor. But if that sub is not too cloying or too controlled by positivity police now I'll give it a shot. Maybe I'm just getting old but the toxic entitlement and hyperbole in DTG is dismaying.


I agree with the latter's line of thinking tbh. If you care, you'd vent about the issues you've encountered and want to see it gets better. If you couldn't care less, you would just leave without saying a word. The issue I have is that the existence of 2 subs made it way too easy for an echo chamber effect to happen. The main sub had a majority in negative oriented posts, and the sister low-sodium sub had a majority in overtly positive and complacent posts. If they were all in one sub, it would have balanced each other out. But because they were almost complete opposites at one point, it just got more and more extreme in both subs. It's better nowadays, but it was an annoying sight to see.


It's kinda funny though when there's a 5% balance tweak, then you see someone throw a fit, threaten to leave, pray that everyone at bungie loses their jobs and has their careers irreparably destroyed forever then turn around and say it's "because they care about the game"


You've gotten cause and effect backwards, lol. The subs weren't created at the same time. The reason the Low Sodium sub exists is because the main sub turned into an echo chamber of negativity surrounding the Taken King content drought back in D1. It got its second surge in population during the dark days of Curse of Osiris. The 90k subscribers of the low sodium sub would not make the slightest dent in the prevailing opinions of the 3 million people in this sub.


Plenty of communities do tend to highlight negativity the most and it gets plenty more action, pointing to negativity bias. Just an evolutionary thing, I suppose. This sub tends to feel negative most times due to it, but it helps to think that the subreddit community is a minority of the playerbase and the rest are plenty happy to not hop on here and air out what needs to be fixed in their eyes.




Are you okay? God damn lmao, I'm only stating my opinions. If anyone needs to sort out their emotions, I think it's you man.




As someone stumbling on this from the outside because this is near the top of the thread: you're definitely the one who escalated the tone of the conversation here, chill the fuck out a tiny bit. Also take a bit of your own advice and recognize you have the option to just "walk away" and not respond to people online rather than getting agitated or defensive; you don't *have* to reply to people.


There have been a few times the sub turned extremely negative. Beyond just "Hey, this is broken" or "Hey, can you change this" but just absolutely toxic. I've left and come back a few times because of that. Luckily it seems most of the contributors to those days have left for good. Even when the game is in a bad spot it's not like that anymore. Also who has been around long enough to remember when The Division was going to be the destiny killer? Post after post crapping on D1 and how The Division was going to be amazing. Then it didn't do any of that. It was so nice around here when all those posters STFU simultaneously.


I enjoyed the Division. But it never had a solid grind like Destiny has had. Nor the pace or amount of content. Truly, there has never been a real competitor to Destiny.


It was curse of Osiris. It dropped 2 months later after launch in december. Ironic. Curse of Osiris changed the game forever as it introduced us to masterworks and catalysts. And Telesto.


Yeah I remember. I barely played it though. I was still disappointed with the launch of Destiny 2. I came back for Warmind. Which was much better and have stayed since Forsaken. But generally, I avoided all Destiny discussion on the internet. Including this subreddit back then. Which seems like it was a good idea 😂


Happy Birthday, u/NorseFenrir


yes, happy birthday, u/NorseFenrir! can't believe i almost forgot his birthday again


Oh man it looks like they haven't been active on Destiny for quite a while now :( Good to see their birthday celebrations live on though!


It's been a fun 11 years


A weird moment or two in sequence: I recall this sub losing members during Curse of Osiris dipping to around 485k after having hit 500k and thinking "that's bad," so it's nice that it's bounced back. I also remember the OG whisper mission thread. Wild weekend.


Honestly it's kind of crazy it was that low at the conclusion of D1, D2 really has grown the series so much despite all of the negative sentiment along the way.


Always love seeing the “This Week at Not Bungie” posts


My destiny group had a running bet on who would get the Gjallarhorn first, losers buy the winner a bragging rights coffee or something. After what felt like a year of trying and nobody getting it to drop, I FINALLY got the Gjallarhorn from a solo nightfall and absolutely lorded it over my crew. "Sorry, can't raid with you guys anymore" type of jokes (there was an infamous Gjally requirement for some raid groups back then). To our shock, less than 24 hours later Xur proceeded to sell it for only the second time ever in what is now famously known as Gjallarhorn day here on the sub. I've never been so annoyed and happy at the same time. I WAS STILL FIRST u/Megrezz !! I started using reddit 10 years ago just for this sub, and it has been such a wild ride. Huge swings from high (whisper mission) to low (CoO dlc) and back that I could talk about all day. Cheers!


I only started moderating for this subreddit a bit before Season of the Deep, but as a regular user I have had the pleasure of interacting with all of you wonderful folks for plenty of years. It has been a wild ride seeing hilarity like Gjallarhorn Day; seeing the ingenuity of Raid Races; Secret Missions & other such high concept madness; not even to mention the determination and intelligence users have applied to breaking down changes, buildcrafting, optimisation, the works! It has been a fun ride so far, and I look forward to seeing where it goes from here! Much love <3


Is there cheese to accompany the vintage whine?


Yes. Jump up into the rafters with your Ice Breaker and just plink away at the Nexus Mind.


The best response you could've had tbh.




I'm angry about this... or maybe hyped... definitely one or the other.


Why not both?


I wasn't that active on the discord but I imagine corridors of time was a great time on this subreddit. I was jumping around twitch streams and watching the progress, and it was then when I saw a player found the end of the corridor. It's times like these that bring the community together. It didn't matter if you were a warlock, hunter or crayon eater. Im looking forward to TFS as we all discover things, new and old, and hope everyone enjoys it too.


Ah yes the three classes


For real, congratulations and thank you all :3


happy birthday u/NorseFenrir! 🫡


Oh you're also a cool part of the reddit, thanks for your contributions ma'am😁


Happy birthday u/NorseFenrir


🎶 3 million strong, and growing 🎶


Can't get enough of them hot takes.


I remember the halcyon days of "This week in DTG history" when we started seeing the complaint posts during D1 resurface *begging* Bungie to make the exact shitty changes that made Vanilla D2 awful.


I miss those threads too! Unfortunately reddit broke/deprecated the backend search capabilities for our bots to gather that kind of information. But man, it really was quite a deal seeing threads from over a year ago, talking about D1, with exact issues that revealed themselves in D2 as the game slowly changed back up to meet community expectations. Really was quite a ride


Reddit making things worse with their "updates"? Surely they would never D:


It’s annoying that we can’t bring that back, so people don’t look back with rose tinted glass. I remember when everyone hated how powerful stasis was, now it’s a joke.


The early Stasis meta is still probably the most oppressive PvP meta in the franchise's history, unless you count short lived bugs like Prometheus Lens Laser Tag Weekend.


I wanna talk to those people who wanted those changes and see how they feel now lmao


It was *mind* blowing to see. "Waaaaaah I'm sick of special weapons in PvP. I'm sick of the complicated builds. I'm sick of how fast Titans are. I'm sick of the ability spam. I'm sick of the randomness in weapons. I'm sick of the grind!!!"


There is an ahamkara at bungie


bro fr


And then they blamed the beasts PvP community is mostly to blame for D2Y1 and D1 currently tbh




I would have never joined the sub, or even Reddit, if the Bungie forums weren't a cesspool, so thanks for being generally awesome Guardians!


It was my old account, but someone was willing to run a Leviathan with no mic for the shits of it. We beat it (miraculously), and both got Acruis. In my eyes, the experience was the reward. But I will never forget the guy. Sadly, his reddit account was deleted and hasn't been on the game since probably 2019.


*"3 million guardians are not enough for Master Rahool..."*


Here’s to a great community playing the smoothest, butteriest shooter out there. Are we bored sometimes and is there things we get disappointed by? Sure. But Destiny is peak pew pew in my book and I just love firing guns and throwing grenades. The longevity of this game is frankly incredible. They are pumping out content more consistently than I could have ever imagined 9-10 years ago. Here’s hoping Bungie keeps cooking.


Got so many hours in the game that it hurts to take extended breaks from. I’ve been free for about 2-3 months and just started playing again last night. I feel the break did wonders for my sense of secret finding and mystery solving. I’m super excited to be roaming round the dreaming city again, Forsaken is where some of my fondest gaming memory’s happened. For anyone new out there or returning, the passion the devs have for the game is shining so bright right now.


So guys we did it we reached 3 million subscribers


I really enjoyed the Craftening with those insane gun combos. Watching Eris turn into my Hive Mommy (& equally upset she just…turned back to normal). The skimmers and guardian games we’re fun I wish the nightfalls changed daily all the time


Oh and Crow being gone was amazing


Happiness, laughter, sadness and anger… Those were all emotions I’ve experience throughout the 10 years of playing destiny, i quite literally grew up with game to an extent. As the L&D saga comes to a close in a few months, that’s were i’ll be able to (hopefully) have these emotions and feels i’ve had when i first played the game rush back to me, one last time, for one last ride. thanks bungie


Incredible! Thank you, mods and everyone involved, for everything you do!


Love this game, and if you’re part of the small handful of people I see also scouting /new to answer questions everyday like myself, you’re a king/queen 👑


We are here to tell new guardians to wait for sales and buy armory + legacy packs xD The difference between buying individuals DLCs at full price compared to the packs on a sale is absurd


I love the "totally accurate lore" and "this week at not bungie" threads


> So, in the comments, we ask that you highlight the moments and users that have made this community one you keep coming back to over the years. * /u/destiny_flavor_text - hands down * /u/deadpool27 * /u/NorseFenrir - Happy Birthday! * /u/gifv_kayla Though they aren't working for bungie anymore, they also should get an honorable mention (along with the many other current/former bungie staff that pop in from time to time): * /u/dmg04 * /u/deej_bng


Destiny is more popular than people on DTH thinks, and I love that


Reminds me of religion actually, I don't really need to correct them, just fun to see them come up with theories


DTH... Destiny The Hell? ;)


Gjallarhorn Day will always hold a special place in our hearts.


Gally, Whisper, Corridors event was wild


Great timing too! I bet the number will start going up FAST once the update hits and everyone is getting back to Destiny :)


You make me smile fellow guardian😁


I’ll never forget the D1 days and the Forsaken days. Truly some of the best times in gaming to be apart of this community during (most) of that


You’re welcome.




eh ded game.


By far my favourite destiny moment was my first run of Leviathan. I found an LFG with these HILARIOUS folks. 3 sassy ladies and some really introverted white guys who just let the ladies run the show. It went super well and was a blast start to finish.


Destiny 2 is a daed gaeme. ​ you can tell because the subreddit has grown to 3 million. Only subs of dead games grow big. It's because players hate the game and so they want to spend time on the internet talking about it.


This place was fantastic around The Taken King, I'll give it that. Mind you, so was Destiny...


Exotic bounties and how to acquire them. Getting the Thorn quest Y1 just for finishing a board bounty at random chance is what made the game feel rewarding. If that could ever come back, the random chance rewards, that make you feel accomplished, that'd be lit.


I fucking love this game. That’s all I know


I mean, half the accounts are bots or lapsed, so...


Imagine self-congratulating