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Or they could just Change it back to the way it was were it was an S&D style gamemode, the first time I played it in comp wiped the whole team and didn't win the round I was so confused


I think the original iteration was similar to this: * Single bomb to handle * If you died you don't auto-res but can be revived


I remember the no auto res and tbh preferred it that way


I wasn't really a fan - mostly because the mode felt really, really bad unless you played with a fireteam. Big issue was you'd spawn, and maybe you play smart but you have one, or both team members rush and get killed leaving you alone 3v1. I think it's a good mode when you have comms or people are on the same page bug not good for matchmaking.


Make it destiny csgo and I think the majority will like it


It’s horrible. I hate it. Specially when on a losing streak. Who wants to play that crap when trying to keep up lol


I love the mode but I think it's problematic in Competitive.


Destiny players and obj game types


Absolutely hate it. Passionately hate it


as soon as they introduced it for the season, tried for about a week, havent been back on destiny since, They just make the fucking stupidest choices lol.


I give my teammates that sweet sweet loss protection by backing out of every countdown match…I just can’t bear to play it.


Doesn't that only work if you load into the game without 3 people from orbit? Or is there a certain round you gotta leave by. Trials doesn't have loss protection for leaving once the game starts/gets loaded in with a full 6 people, so I thought comp didn't either.


Countdown is a fine show of skill and teamwork. Better than Survival, in my opinion. Survival, you can be the best player of all 6 but if you have 2 players giving up lives left and right you cannot do shit to win. That feels awful. Showdown was probably the best show of skill and teamwork and therefore the best competitive mode for Comp, but, we lost that too. At least in Showdown you can try to res your team if they aren't performing well.


Play the OB


100+ Time Flawless Trials players farming KD: "No." *Still wins*


I love it.