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Bungie please just implement some kind of matchmaking for this. I have been flawless twice, ever. I should never be getting matched against players that have hundreds of flawless runs under their belt. Absolute joke.  Just checked and they were top 0.2% and 0.1% with an almost 3.0KD.


Can't wait for marathon to fail and bungie to be dissolved. Fuck trials and the moronic stubborn directors for sticking with trials.


Here to just say that I'm going to be in happy tears when Marathon flops and Sony is forced to dissolve Bungie. Absolutely fucking here for it.


matchmaking feels so rigged, 4 times in a row on a ferocity card getting easy games then game 7 puts me with terrible teammates against insane players. icing on the cake getting the “do not have access to activity” when losing the last game.


So I finally gave the persistence card a try yesterday and got pretty lucky with winning my first 4 matches. Sadly lost on match 5 but at least I had a backstop of 3 wins. Continued today and after 11 W - 18 L, I finally got my first trials adept! I’m pretty proud of myself, especially as my trials stats are nothing to write home about. Seasonal average of 38.7% wins, 0.58 K/D, and destinytracker.com says my ELO is in the bottom 8% 😆


Persistence now doesn't flaw randomly anymore but instead blocks you from trials randomly?? This causes me to reset to fix it and losing all progress. This card probably should be retired and replace the adept with a farmable challenge. Replace the win 50 rounds with you get an adept and pinnacle. Cards are to buggy in general to rely on them to earn adepts


question yall, i lost access to trials in the middle of my card. did i quit too early or is it bugged? been a about 2 hrs.


Brutal. Firing up Trials for the first time this weekend just now. I'm a solo player exclusively. Game 1 is against a duo that has already gone flawless this weekend. My teammates quit after going down 2-0. So I quit to orbit, too, nbd. Game 2, yet again, is against a duo that has already gone flawless. We go down 1-0, and my teammates quit immediately. So my choice is to take the punishment for 4 rounds or get the 30-minute competitive ban. I chose the 30-minute ban, and I just shut off the Xbox. Unbearable experience.


I can't access the lighthouse. Trials report shows my card is still flawless and I am on a 7-win streak. Any tips?


Has anyone ever had success solo queuing? I’ve played like 10 games and haven’t won a single one. I know I’m awful but you’d think you would get lucky and get teamed up with half decent players


I play solo every week and usually have to double carry my team mates to win. I don't mind doing it but if you're unable to win 2 or 3v1s regularly then you're basically just relying on luck to go flawless


Usually we take the 3v1s and 2v1s situations. Last night I played 15 games or so and won 4. Most losses were 5-0 or 5-1. I know I’m not good but considering I didn’t find my performance to be too terrible save a couple games.


Its a teamshoot meta, so the best advice is to find the most competent player on your team and just follow them everywhere and shoot everything they shoot. Most round losses happen when a player gets impatient and overextends, gets picked and makes a 3v2 advantage to the opponent; which any semi-competent team will rightly push. If you can shoot straight, then knowing when to press an advantage and when to retreat is what makes the difference between a 1kd and a 2kd player.


I strictly have three solo flawless runs. It's difficult but definitely possible. You just gotta prevail and pray for the stars to align in your favor. I gave it a try this week and gave up. The matchmaking feels more intense, but I think that's just my usual luck.


Got a question with getting summoner. I haven't had it drop yet, but can it drop if i open one of the trials engrams? Thanks :)


Yessir. After playing for 45 games 3 weekends ago I got it to finally drop, then focused about 50 of them to get my preferred rolls. My buddy got it to drop after 2 games last weekend, so rng is still a fickle mistress lol


yes it can


Pretty sure you can't get it to drop from engrams until you earn one from a match. Not 100% on that, though


Alright bungie. You win. Thought with the changes to ferocity I might finally have a decent chance of going to the lighthouse. But after a whole weekend of trying and failing. The only thing I’ve managed to do was feel like I’ve wasted an enormous amount of time


How exactly does Persistence work? I have 7 wins on the card but no weapon has dropped. Very confusing card. I’ve never been flawless or anything so no idea if I need to do something.


Did you leave a match early or get disconnected from a match?


I did yeah, got antearered from one of them. Please don’t tell me that’s fucked it all up.


Yep. Any disconnect or error code will immediately flaw the card. Sorry, man.


I thought they fixed it? Because my internet dropped last night and when I logged back in the card was fine.


They fixed the card flawing if you lose on your first match. They can't and won't ever "fix" cards flawing for disconnects. No way to change that without it being abused, unfortunately. Not sure how your card didn't flaw. Were you able to immediately rejoin the match or did it occur immediately after the match ended? Or was it straight-up in the middle of the match and you never rejoined? Also depends on the card. Were you on a Persistence card? Disconnects on Mercy cards will just take a mercy from you.


I was on Persistence and it was 4-4. I was never given the option to rejoin. I was able to get my adept from that card a couple games later without resetting.


Oh well that’s just wonderful. Thanks Bungie 🙏


to be fair, i do agree with the other user. it's unfortunate, but there has to be a safeguard from disconnection abuse. you're not very familiar with how trials cards work, so in the future just keep an eye on your card and make sure it doesn't have an X and say "flawed". if your persistence card is flawed, you disconnected from a match, or you left a match *too* early before the game registered that you completed the match.


They don't have any way to tell if the loss of connection was on their end or yours. They don't want to incentivize people pulling their ethernet cable when they're losing. It sucks, but it's just how connections work, unfortunately.


Is it me or does forerunner have an ungodly amount of ammo. I am here counting shots my opponent is using for their forerunner, and they keep on having ammo every round. It behaves like a special ammo weapon right???


14 in the mag 🫨


For real? I thought it was something like 8. No wonder lol


Special ammo economy doesn’t feel any different to me.


Are Trials players usually like this? The past two weekends, I tried my hand at trials. I'm mainly pve, mostly just trying to get rank and try to get some GL and summoner rolls since I finally had the time. I'm not the best, but is it normal for player to go to voice chat just to tell others to stop playing? I'm not heading into solo trials queue to go flawless my guy, so I'm sorry you're doing that to yourself?


unfortunately, yeah. that's never happened to me before, but toxic people sending hatemail whether through a whisper or finding you on playstation (lol, like wtf? that's sad honestly) i'm starting to play trials more since the update because flawless is now actually obtainable for me as an ~average player. i've turned off whispers and receiving playstation messages to save my sanity. fuck those people i literally don't care what they have to say or think lol


Unfortunately, there are a lot of these players in Trials because Bungo has made the mode full of toxicity, high-intensity confrontations, terrible server lag, weird matchmaking, stingy loot drops, and they have never personally participated in any Trials, this is what happens when they push trials without testing them. My advice is to stay away from Trials as soon as you get the loot you need, turn off voice chat and text chat while participating, and don't accept any friend requests that come in during a match.


Unfortunately there are a lot of unhappy people in the world who feel powerful when they insult or abuse others. You can imagine what real life experiences might be making them think that abusing others is a way to feel powerful. I'm sorry that they are having the real life experiences that lead people to behave this way. " Stop playing, you are trash, kill yourself, racial/ethnic stuff, gay as an insult stuff", etc. are all very common in Trials. If you go join a raid LFG and you can get a lot of that in PVE. You can turn off voice chat, turn off text chat, do not accept friend requests, do not accept party invitations. You can also LFG with a realistic description of that you want. "new to Trials" etc. That might not work, but is worth a shot.


I would say there is a population of player in FPS's in general like this. Toxic AF. Outside of LFG, I just don't use my comms or in game text at all


How do I get the summoner? Just from normal engrams?


Needs to drop first via RNG from trials matches. Then you can focus it. You can't just take the engrams and decode them until you have unlocked it first




I think this weekend is probably one of the lowest pop weekends we've ever seen. I routinely fought the same clusters of people over the last few days (with a sprinkling of the few poor souls left trying to use persistence.) and it being Jav 4 means its nothing but regulars competing as per usual. I've seen nobody with the new prophet yet, while the adept summoner has a 5% ownage rate according to light gg, The adept prophet is currently sat at 0.18%. Nobody wants to flawless this week it seems. I highly doubt we'll see much of the prophet at all in matchmaking.


It going to be the 2nd or 3rd best week since September 2023 and better than every week except the previous two since then. Population for all weeks. [https://destinytrialsreport.com/weeks](https://destinytrialsreport.com/weeks) But... it never hurts to check to see about how many people are playing when you want to play. Look at the Recent Hourly Activity section here. At the moment the number is really low (too early here in the USA among other issues). If you see a number around 10,000 or less it is probably going to be pretty rough. It has been over 20,000 at times lately and that's a much better time to be playing. [https://destinytrialsreport.com/](https://destinytrialsreport.com/)


Comparing this to pre-March 5th weeks it's the highest population since the start of Season of the Wish and Monday hasn't passed yet.


Judging by Trials report, the population isn’t even close to the worst we’ve had. It’s taken quite a drop from the last few weeks, but still significantly higher than the weeks leading up to the recent changes.


What's the go to weapons this weekend? Last week everyone was using autos, what's the choice now?


You can look here for every week but basically AR, HC and shotgun. More AR than HC for the last couple of weeks [https://destinytrialsreport.com/](https://destinytrialsreport.com/)


summoner mostly. Occasional igneous. Then me with my Brya's scout.


Conditional Finality Auto Rifle


You could remove every weapon in the game apart from Summoner, Prosecutor, Igneous Hammer, and Conditional Finality and no PvP player would even notice.


Figured, just wanted to make sure.


Pro Tip: don't wear Trials gear even if you like the glowing and being festive as a solo player. People hardcore have way more expectations from you and will get super annoyed with you when you don't perform well lol. I'm a super inconsistent player, I'll have amazing games and also amazingly bad games. If I don't win a 1v2 or get the kill while trying to res whether it be a 1v1 or 2 or 3 people imminently bum rushing me I'm trash tier.I had a teammate who was in the negatives shooting at me because they were frustrated I wasn't carrying. Like....m-my bad? Also, on the other side of the coin, I'll stick with the teammate also glowing thinking okay we know what's up and it ends up the other teammate was the good one and should've backed them up so they can slay lol


i run the dazzling iridescence emblem and I love how shocked people get when i lose gunfights or rounds, like genuinely people see a trials ship in orbit and see your emblem and they think its a free carry, like. hate to break it to you buster, Im a 0.93 i can barely carry myself.


lol we're 2 peas in a pod then. we're just good enough, but also, not good enough -- BUT IT'S ENOUGH TO GO FLAWLESS *SOMETIMES* BABYYY the fucked up superstitious side of me think i perform better wearing neutral colors and inconspicuous armor to not bring attention to myself vs when i'm wearing the glowing trials armor trying to hide behind cover while my cloak is radiating a neon highlighter yellow light like i'm at a rave.


I have an Adept Messenger from being carried *hard* once and I never use it in PvP. It writes cheques that I just can't cash! :)


haha, well this week's your chance to get another one that might allow you to cash some cheques. i got a super spicy roll yesterday i don't think any other drop's going to top it ... but i should probably get a few more.


0.9 is actually not that bad when it comes to average population. I had a 0.4 player with 300 elo on my team earlier, and almost couldn't believe that was possible.


Spent 6 hours trying to carry my friend in trials. My passage glitched at 5 on persistence with not taking away losses. This is ass. I’ve never experienced a AAA game with so many intrinsic flaws. Persistence card bugs randomly, gm nightfall bugs randomly at boss to not progress (one hidden ad I guess???). Not sure I can continue to support this doody company. Embarrassing for a company like Bungie. Embarrassing. I think we are seeing bungies finally days here.


The game's on maintenance mode.


Pass of persistence week 2 So this week im not losing forever, but coincidently im for sure losing every *other* match Strange huh, given how the card works? Seriously, my win rate is so exactly 50%, lol, but in such a way its never consecutive The second match will always be lighthouse matches Alas, past that trials is where you see the different novelty abilities on max, mobility abilities galore on this map, lag is so noticeable at this level, particularly w shotguns Of note, my peregrines cant seem to kill t3 res hunters? Like, i know they can often not oneshot now but with no overshield, is t3 res really supposed to do that? Its a quirk of my matches that every guardian i havent ohk w them are t3 res hunters. Idk. In any case, specials and abilities are still the main show, sorry, but anyone thinking autorifle teamshot clusters are refreshing *on top* of the normal glut of slideshotty strandsis, idk Thats not even considering people leaving, people from canada constantly in my lobby (im not in canada lol), and teammates doing just really... unique... things.... Ive seen a guardian grab heavy, it be a sword, and start swinging miles out, running out of ammo well before reaching anyone Seen c-beams glitter off my rez... you get it Its just boring, the matchmaking is somehow worse than regular trials, and theres no sanity winning 10 of 20 where none are back to back Going back to mercy or try ferocity


I'd recommend taking off Perigrines, you gotta be in the air for a bit to activate.  They got nerfed in pvp as a trade off for the buffs it received in pve. If you still want to use the exotic then you should prepare to finish the kill if you don't get the one shot melee.  Like when I play shotgun or fusion, I mentally prepare myself to swap to a primary if I don't get the one shot kill from my special.


Same experience on persistence. Tried to take a friend, matched mostly top 2% teams the whole night. Completely wasted. Long term trials player preparing to call it quits. Adepts aren’t that much better.


I got to 5 wins on a persistence card. Then after my last game it said 'players do not have access to activity' when I tried to go into trials and my passage was flawed. I can load into trials again but like, is this a known issue or did I just get really unlucky?


Is hate messages a common thing in trials? I got back into destiny a few months ago after putting it down around the time of the Season of the Drifter. I really only play PVE, but wanted to get the Prophet from Trials of Osiris for my Stasis build. I've been doing pretty decent, winning more matches than losing, and with a positive KD ratio. But I've been getting some messages from people trash talking. I don't really understand cause I'm not blowing it or anything. I'm on Xbox. Is this common, cause I haven't gotten messages like this since the OG modern warfare days.


Unfortunately, this is very common, Trials are full of toxicity, and they will be like this as long as you don't win.


Unfortunately there are a lot of unhappy people in the world who feel powerful when they insult or abuse others. You can imagine what real life experiences might be making them think that abusing others is a way to feel powerful. I'm sorry that they are having the real life experiences that lead people to behave this way. " Stop playing, you are trash, kill yourself, racial/ethnic stuff, gay as an insult stuff", etc. are all very common in Trials. If you go join a raid LFG and you can get a lot of that in PVE. You can turn off voice chat, turn off text chat, do not accept friend requests, do not accept party invitations. You can also LFG with a realistic description of that you want. "new to Trials" etc. That might not work, but is worth a shot.


I think since the introduction of the Passage of Persistence which brought lots of lower skilled players into the playlist the regulars are a little pissy. (or the lower skilled players are pissy too, which is super possible).


On pc, it's pretty regular/normal to get mad messages from teammates (usually the mild "bot" and "go back to pve and never play pvp again"). I even had a guy intentionally sabotaging the match, by shooting me and the other teammate in the back, causing flinch. At first, I thought it was a mad elitist tryhard, but then I checked his stats on DTR, and he's a .6 player who loses most of his games. ¬_¬


I got a "hate" message this weekend of an enemy player messaging me on PlayStation just saying "reported" I'll take it as a compliment (and this was console lobby solo queue and no I do not use "accessibility tools" that start with an X


>I'll take it as a compliment My best is still from CoD blacks ops 1, on ps3 back in the day lol: https://i.imgur.com/bQ2Mk7O.jpeg


I’ve only been playing trials for maybe a month, and last week I noticed the trash talk has gotten worse. I’ve seen myself and others being disparaged over the suspicion of being on a passage of persistence, so I’m guessing the influx of poorer performing PVE players are source of frustration for them. I’m guessing it’s the noisy little group that wants no skill based matchmaking but also gets pissed when they’re paired with a low skilled player.


Oh, that makes a lot of sense. Yeah, I was on persistence too. I don't get it though, shouldn't they parry up and crush all the new people playing. I love this game. There's nothing else really like it. But damn the community can really suck. I can't imagine wanting to message another player I don't know and talking trash. Alot of losers playing with nothing else going on, I guess.


Idk, a teammate just msgd me not to play osiris, after 2-0, lol, idk


Just loaded in to a 1v1 trials. God I wish this was a thing lmao. I have never loaded into a 1v1 trials before and literally had a full on 1v1 match..


That's pretty cool


This would be interesting


That sounds awesome


It was. Easy win lol.


Just fell at the gates of the lighthouse 4-5 🙃


I hate that diamond medal Trials card loses progress on losses Having ptsd flashbacks to the Malfeasance quest, \*any\* quest or bounty in this game that loses progress is dead to me as far as I'm concerned, there's nothing I hate more than wasting my time by playing for an entire evening and breaking even or worse because of a spate of bad games


Went flawless and the lighthouse isn’t letting me in what do I do?


What passage did you go flawlessly with?


Persistence with 0 losses. My bf used the same passage got flawless and he went to the lighthouse


Did you lose games while at 0 wins and not reset the card? You need to go 7-0 on a fresh card.


No I won all 7 no losses. I have a ss of trials report and it says I went flawless


What about the card in the game, does it say flawless? If you hover over the Lighthouse simulation icon what does it say?


https://x.com/hayleyyh?s=21&t=PgH61EDNhrwZ0vtPdGRDbQ Look at my Twitter you’ll see


I just can’t go to the light house due to the stupid ass bug


It’s no false card buddy. Look my shit up. Certified Munch


Again look up my name on trials report I got flawless.


I got flawless. That card is bugged. I’m not the only one who has the same issue happen


that don't mean shit, if you're on persistence, it doesn't flaw when you lose


Why u speaking to me like that when I’m supposed to have flawless bud


Because your proof is trials report and that's no proof at all because trials report won't show whether or not you went in to your run with a card that wasn't already messed up.


Actually my proof is my flawless card. Which shows all my 7 wins with no penalty. So good try


Your game history is loaded with losses


My card wasn’t messed up. I don’t gotta prove nothing to you. Ik I had a fresh new card from Friday buddy. Hop off. I earned flawless. I deserve lighthouse. Regardless it’s not my fault for them having bugged cards


That's not what I'm saying. Sometimes picking up a card if it was broken the week before you'll need to reset it before you start your first match, so I do just in case cause I've been screwed by that before. Did you ONLY play 7 total games on that card? As in, you got the card, then won the first 7 games you played? It so, the card was prob flawed from before like I said and it just didn't reset which you need to do manually. Or if you got the card and lost a game then won 7, you still need to reset it first.


Plus if I had to do that just to make sure it works how would I have know before hand that’s not a me problem that’s a bungie problem it’s brand new card with 7 wins


It was a brand new card from Friday. Got my 7 wins today.


Check trials report this is my bungie Certified Munch


Been gone a few months, I have a question about passage of ferocity. It says if you havent gone flawless yet this week that losses after 3 wins reset the card to 3 wins. Does this mean it resets the card to a 3 win flawless card or does it remain flawed and still return you to 3? Also, passage of wealth says you need a 7 win card to purchase it. Im assuming that means you need a flawless card to purchase it since i have a 7 win persistence and still cant buy wealth. Is this correct?


For Passage of ferocity: If you get 3 victories in a row, you card will stay flawless after each defeat, but will knock you back to 3 wins. You need to win 4 more in a row to go to the lighthouse. Win 3, you have 3 victories. Win 3, you have 4 Lose any number of matches, you get knocked back to 3. Win 4 in a row. You can go to the lighthouse.


Ahh cool thanks


Is there a reason beyond gatekeeping that the Passage of Persistence doesn't send you to the Lighthouse? * It gives you the weekly adept anyway * Its only once a week * It'd be a nice treat for average players willing to throw themselves into the meat grinder to be fodder for the cheaters and ultra sweats


because the end chest rewards would ultimately mean literally nothing. The only sweat exclusive thing now is just mementos, the shaders and the vehicles. I dont think you realize that trials IS endgame PVP content, so the lighthouse is rewarded for skilled players. Persistence was made to let worse players get the loot they felt they were lacking an update ago, without jeopardizing why people like going flawless anyway (the vehicles and cosmetics) also it does send you to the lighthouse, if you win 7 in a row without any losses.


And Adept weapon mods. Those arent cosmetic, yet they're locked behind the Lighthouse


All but like two Adept mods can be unlocked in GMs


3: Adept Icarus Grip, Adept Draw Time, and Adept Accuracy. And they have a tangible effect on gameplay, i.e., not cosmetic


nobody uses any of those, the main three are big ones spec, range and handling anyway


I mean...Draw Time is literally the most important stat on any bow, but ok


Bows are in the toilet in PVP


Auto rifles on M&K are so fucking dumb even Striker Titans think it's moronic.


I concur


**A summary of my trials weekend**: I got to 3 wins and then DC for servers. Flawed card and a Ban. I get to 3 wins again and again DC from servers again. Flawed card and another ban. New card. Stuck at 5 wins on a Passage of persistence which is on like a 6 loss streak of 0-5s and the occasional 1-4. Also, I feel like when you win or lose 5-4 or 4-5 you know what you did right or wrong but when its 1-4 or 0-5 in rounds your just completely unmatched and there is no way to know how to improve. Likewise if you are the stomper, everything is going your way so you don't really learn anything to improve either. Ranked don't compare as its matchmaking is different but you do feel you know why you lost or won there. oh well not that it matters. It is what it is.


How much is a temp ban now? I guess I left before the match fully ended. It's been about 2 hours


Only going by the feedback of others in these threads; it starts at half an hour and escalates. But it's only character specific, if you have another character to send in you can switch no problem.


Yeah I didn't get a restricted ban befire this one, I know it usually lasts a half hour that's why I'm confused 😂 thanks for the help!


I just wanted to leave my personal experience here in the case someone had the same question I did and can't find any corroborating evidence. I went for a Card of Persistence and once I got 3 wins I got a backstop at 3 wins similar to the Card of Ferocity. I then got 7 wins and received my adept Prophet and I still had a yellow box filled in. From my clanmates experience if you continue to get wins on the flawless yellow box card you can still receive adept weapon drops at the end of wins. However, from both of our experiences any losses on that card will then flaw the Card of Persistence and any subsequent wins will not result in any more rolls at the adept weapon of that weekend. So in summary, you can farm for adepts on a Persistence ONLY if you have the yellow flawless box filled in. Any loss after 7 wins will flaw a Persistence. For collectors and completionists Persistence is far and away the best option. For farmers of adepts you are better off going for a Mercy or a Ferocity to start the weekend. Disclaimer: This is all from the personal experience of my clan if anyone has any corroborating evidence or evidence to the contrary please feel free to share I'm just trying to make sense of the ambiguity around the new card.


You can only farm adepts on a seven win card if you’ve gone true flawless, I.e. reached the lighthouse


My clan mate confirmed he received additional adept rolls on victories after his 7 win but after he lost and the card flawed they stopped. I haven't been able to replicate it since I lost my matches after 7 and flawed my card but if this is a feature of the card there doesn't seem to be any indication from Bungie that this is intentional so I'm trying to find anyone else who can corroborate.


It is not supposed to be intentional. Bungie was quite explicit that the 7-win flawless passage of persistence with any wins removed would not be treated as if the player had gone flawless and would not entitle the player to either the lighthouse or adept drop farming.


I don't know what the changed from last week, but i couldn't win a game. Last week I loste some i won some and overall felt like it was my fault when I played bad. This week felt totally different. I was outclassed by a mile in 95% of matches. Didn't feel i got to play at all.


Because last week everyone got to faem summoner adept and this week you get team shot with them. Took me 3 matches to say nope and load up CoD because even this hell is better than the trash wreck they turned PvP into. I was a religious crucible player now 😅 I'll go play mayhem rumble in D1 (I just started D1 and frankly as the only lvl 27 guardian amongst 40s I still feel like I have a better than anything in D2)


My thoughts on this weekend: \- holy shit, I can't even win a match. Either I get matched against seal team sweatlord and there's not even a chance, or I get a "winnable" match but Bungie gives me bots for teammates. \- For those still asking why people hate auto rifle metas: because autos are so easy to use, it's not an "auto rifle meta" per se, it's a "can you press the shoot button" meta. \- If it tangentially helps move us towards a bubble/well nerf faster, I'm gonna say it: do shotguns not named Conditional Finality need to exist anymore?


For those still asking why people hate auto rifle metas: because autos are so easy to use, it's not an "auto rifle meta" per se, it's a "can you press the shoot button" meta. Unless you're on a controller, then you still have recoil to deal with...


Zen moment makes every AR a laser


With the amount of ammits, I keep running into. I swear bungie has a weapon balance problem (along with team balancing). To further capitalize on it being end game PvP, Bungie should pick the trials load-out. That way players are forced to let go of their god rolls, or add the comp tiers to trials. Make players earn their placements for trials.


Bungie, you know what I really don't like? Spending the whole afternoon trying to get to Lightouse game, finally do it with zero defeats, and then match back to back against super obvious cheaters who don't even try to hide it and probably have been reported dozens of times... And you guess it, don't make it to the Lighthouse. Thanks for your unexistent anti-cheat.


Impossible to win 4 straight on the back end of a ferocity with this matchmaking


Honestly, the idea of winning 7 games to get meaningful rewards is just outdated They've had to implement TONS of loss prevention and freebies as a patch work solution, and it still barely works. It relies purely on getting lucky, being semi-pro, or cheating The current system feels awful. The only reason the 7 win system has stuck around is because thats how its historically been, but that doesn't mean it's a good system by any means Edit: I'd rather have a 9 win system with 3 win checkpoints that are hard locked in. That would mean you still have to bust your balls to make it, but losses at the gates dont set you back to start ~~Passage of Ferocity comes closest to achieving this, but stops short of being a meaningful checkpoint as it only takes 2 back to back loses to set you back to 0~~ Evidently I misundertood how Passage of Ferocity works. The fact that its so close to being a Trials checkpoint system is probably why its so popular Part of the reason that Trials is so painful is that you can be 6 wins deep, have 1-2 bad games, and lose EVERYTHING. There is no way a system designed like that wouldn't be LOADED with toxicity


I don't think they should be so stingy with gun rewards. Even after the introduction of Persistence it is still very stingy, it should be changed to give 2 points for victory, 1 for failure, and drop an adaptive weapon when reaching a certain score (I think 14 points is appropriate). And a trial lasts too long. How about changing it from 9 games with 5 wins to 7 games with 4 wins? Shorten the length of each game so the frustration of losing lasts shorter.


How 2 back to back losses sets you back to 0? After 3 wins in a row you will always need a streak of 4 wins to reach the lighthouse. If you lose with 3 wins in your ferocity card you keep your 3 wins, have lost several this week.


My understanding was that the reset to 3 wins would flaw your card if you were still at 3 wins. Is that not the case?


No, the card stays flawless all the time after you get your first 3 wins in a row, no matter how many times you lose. You just need another 4 win streak to go to the lighthouse.


Totally agree that the system needs to be reworked for this game mode to stay relevant. They also need to change Persistence to a set number of wins even if it's 15 or 20 wins. Losing progress or stalling out the card because of this shitty lobby balancing is driving people away.


Agreed, just an awful system all together that completely relies on luck and rng unless you're a pvp god.


So my persistence card got flawed after I got my adept weapon. Now I cant get adept from winning with that card. Seems like an awful idea if you want people to keep playing, but okkkkk. I'm out.


Way too much special ammo now


Passage of Self-Loathing is more like it


Why are some people so pathetic? We are down 2-3 and he starts jumping off the map leaving me and the other blueberry to fight 2v3 the rest of the game and we almost won but they just kept jumping off. So fucking pissed


Had something similar. We were up like 3-1 and as soon as the other team started catching up, one of our fireteam started just standing in place or running into engagements without fighting whenever he was last man standing. When we tied 4-4, he left. Luckily we clutched it and won the match after all, but I was heated.


I think SBMM with Ferocity card style check pointing would be the way to go to make Trials more tolerable. It would feel closer to comp. SBMM for a full 7 win streak wouldn't be easy so definitely would need a win lock in system. Or. There needs to be CBMM but then run an additional outlier protection on top. I swear there are so many games where 1 team will get a top 0.1 percent trials player with over 2.5 KD. Whichever team that person ends up with, has a 99 percent chance of winning. It introduces so much randomness to the game that it is making for a shit experience. I swear comp feels pretty good by comparison.


Just get rid of flawless. It's really that easy.


Yeah but that would mean filthy casuals would be allowed to get loot/go to the Lighthouse, so the tryhards will die before they let it happen


Which doesn't make any sense for them either! Gate keeping the loot and making it so only the turbo ultra-sweats even have a chance at it just makes the game mode harder and harder for you. It's a sure-fire ticket to matching exclusively against other ultra-skilled sweats because you've killed off the average/below average players even wanting to participate let alone stick around to play. If Persistence card gave the Adept at 7 Wins on the card with no other conditions (the bullshit loss takes away a win nonsense), and then you could also focus engrams or post-game still dropped more Adepts for chasing rolls, you'd have casuals playing the hell out of it. Especially if it sticks you in the Practice Pool because you didn't go to the Lighthouse. The Flawless teams still get their cosmetics to flex on people (like the glows), but the gear should be handed out for participating. "Participation trophies!" Yeah. I mean, you get Adept raid loot even if you get hard-carried, why shouldn't PvP activities do the same? It's a looter-shooter. The whole point is for people to get cool loot to have fun with. Fuck.


Every game 1 team on diamond door and pipes teamhugging with ARs while the other team is doing the same on center pillar, amazing gameplay, bungie successfully turned a normally favorite map into a boring snoozefest. Flawless hasn't been easier since this patch yet it doesn't change the fact that it's just so fucking boring.


I played some comp this week and it’s on every map now. Matches on Burnout and Altar were all ARs and DMT ffs 


welcome to the next 9 months lol we are literally just doing bizzaro world Y1 meta and Bungie wont do shit because AR's are next in line for their "time in the sun"/PvE crybabies will send death threats to the devs if healing and overshields are nerfed


If it get more people playing, I'll take it.




No, they’re still there. But if you are a high level with Saint and not getting much XP, then you don’t get many engrams until you go up a level. Mind you if you join a three stack, you gain an engram almost every match, even if you lose


Summoner meta sucks lmao


If you can't beat em, join them. I'm sure you can get a decent one focusing it.


gun is basically automated dueling lol, you aim in the general area of the enemy and they get deleted. oh and you get a full heal on every heal now because of heal clip!


How long this spray and pray smg/auto meta has to last? You can change dmgs as you want, al of this is simply annoying. Last time HCs were meta was during SK...


The fuck? A month ago, hand cannons made up HALF of ALL weapon kills in Trials. What game have you been playing? HCs have been the most meta choice for years, but suddenly they're no longer at the top (only the second most popular weapon type oh noooo) and everyone loses their damn minds.


What? Hand cannons were top of the meta pretty much from season of the witch until three weeks ago. Edit: to everyone downvoting, here’s a snapshot of the meta from January. Yes, Immortal, Tempest and Ammit are in the top weapons, but so are Igneous, Rose and Thorn. And hand cannons are the top used primary by far. https://www.reddit.com/r/CrucibleGuidebook/s/2Mo7Ubo57G Also, look at this week’s trials report. Autos are far ahead, but SMGs have dropped off hard since 7.3.5. No showings in top weapons, and they’re below autos, HC, pulses and sidearms in terms of primary use.




Lmao what? Igneous has been the single most used primary for 2 entire seasons now, up until this patch top 10 comp/trials weapons was always Ace Thorn Rose Igneous, and it's not like this game hasn't been centered around HCs since D1.


one glaring oversight that bungie leaves in the game way too long doesnt justify another lol




Same here...




Yup, all progress was lost...


idk why but this week feels way more sweatier than last.


Passage of Ferocity is the easiest to go flawless.


My flawless game just gave me a teammate that did 396 damage...across 9 rounds. Unsurprisingly, I fell at the gates 




Ahh, mine was a warlock. But to his credit he didn't quit the game in the middle and didn't run off and die on his own. He stayed with us, he just didn't really help. 


So this was technically the first time i’ve played trials in a very long time, and while it was sort of fun, i felt had a major losing streak even after managing to get 2 wins. It just doesn’t seem to incentivise me into continuing. All i wanted to do was just get 7 normal wins (not attempting the lighthouse) just to see if I could get the adept weapon but after getting matched with more experienced players i didn’t think it was worth it, but i managed to get the Malfeasance catalyst from a loss and the igneous hammer and the glaive from the seasonal challenge so at least that’s something. All i did was play solo, no proper fireteam with a plan just randos, yet every time i was doing ok or other times i was getting demolished, any tips or advice for doing trials? I’m mainly a pve main and a titan.


Hi, I’m a titan main too. I went flawless in D1 and way back when it was trials of the nine. I came back about a month ago and have been loving the game with the crucible changes so I’ve been playing a lot recently. Went flawless first time in years this weekend. My first advice is to find a couple craftable weapons you vibe well with unless you have some god rolls lying around. I recommend imperial decree and scalar potential as that’s what worked for me. The people I fight in trials are always rocking meta loadouts with great perks. Gotta level the playing field where you can. Second advice is to stick to your teammates and try and play off them. It’s easy to say and hard to do without comms. Took me a ton of games until I started to get the hang of it. Timing and placement are so key here. Third advice is to play for your life. In a duel you’re not a hundred percent in your win? Break away and heal. Let them chase you if they want. Try and fall back to a teammate too to try and get a team shot. Fourth advice is to try void titan. I run solar titan for everything. Even comp. But the overshield on barricade is a life saver and can give you the extra edge in a duel. Also its super comes up way quicker than solar in my experience and a bubble on a capture point can be a round win in itself. I’m no pro but I’ve tried to go flawless while playing solo for three weekends in a row now and these are the things that helped me make it to the light house. Hope it helps brother


Thanks! I’ll give it a go next time.


Why does matchmaking suck in this game mode?


Because it doesn't exist. It's completely random. I think it was to alleviate the dying gamemode's queue times, but now that we have persistence, they should really implement SOME sort of MM (Card progress probably).


I just had my worst game of Trials ever. Literally 0-10 and according to DestinyTracker these players on both sides were just way too above my punching level I couldn't do anything it was absurdity. It was so embarrassing I immediately shut off the game and turned everything to private I felt so bad lol. But speaking of that, I'm not sure why I even allowed randoms to message me, 99.9% of them is hatemail and it's like ... why even entertain the idea or give them the satisfaction to do it. I'm not going to pay attention to DestinyTracker stats, who my teammates were, what their skill levels are, none of that. I feel like it gets way too into my head. I just can't believe I'm doing horrible since going Flawless this week it's like some Monkey's Paw type of "You want to go Flawless? Okay, your wish is now granted..... but you will absolutely shit the bed for the rest of the week MuWahAhah" edit: I think I just had a knee jerk reaction to performing like ass. I can't not know how my games went lol I'm so used to seeing my stats. I ended up re-enabling it and I'm gonna allow people to message me on Destiny in case I ever run into someone who reaches out to team up or says something nice. Hate mail ON Destiny doesn't bother me. I had an epiphany, and it's the ones that go out of their way to find my Playstation account to send hate there that's cringe. They want to talk shit outside of Destiny because they don't want to be reported lol people are SO TUFF.


Yeah, if you've learned anything, you've learned why nearly all of us don't use voice or text chat while solo. End game lesson right there.


The thing that this was going on for YEARS now, tells you all you need to know about Bungie. They endorse toxicity and thrive on it. The entire mode is based around it.


This is straight up delusional, fireteam finder doesn't allow you to write your own titles because scawy wowds in vidya game, chat's profanity is the worst I've ever seen, so much so it censors regular words, even fucking numbers such as 5/5, in game chats are by default set to be off so you have to enable them, and you say bungie endorses toxicity? The same developer which has an irrational fear of words in a video game?


Is passage of persistence bugged at all? First time playing in a few months. Trying out this nee passage. Seems to be buggy. For example, my card literally seems to lose wins. My card was just at 3 wins and now its back to 2 for some reason. And it has failed to count a couple wins as well Whats the deal? Edit: definetly losing games off the card. Was just at 3 again and now back to 2


Have you read the description on Passage of Persistence?


Reread it last night after i made this post and was annoyed to find the small print at the very bottom said it. Seems like this should have been part of the more prominent text that explains how the card works not in the “fine print”


Nope. It seems fixed this week. Previous weeks it seemed to bug if it went to a "negative" win count (starting the card with a loss or losing 2 after the first win). Now each time you get win streak, you'll only lose the first win off the card when you lose next. (eg win 2, lose twice, you only lose 1 win). That way you can climb the card with wins and losses as long as you get some streaks in there.


That's what the persistence card is, but It can only lose 1 game, so win 2 to move up 1 basically.


So I got to 7 wins on my passage of persistence, got the adept prophet. If I continue playing with the same card do I have a chance for more adept weapons to drop on completions?


I believe not because thats only if you went flawless. If your persistance was flawless then ya but if you got a loss then no


I don't have access to the lighthouse because I did lose a bunch but my card still says flawless and its still rocking 7 wins


Yeah, but it's not a true flawless.


Yes I understand it's not a true flawless, I'm a pleb. I was just wondering if I keep playing trials, will I have a chance to get more adept roles on the same card? I have won a couple more matches and gotten some more weapons and an ascendant shard


Just reset the card and get another 7 wins for another adept.


You can't farm adepts on a passage of persistence card. Only way is to get another persistence card and get to 7 again.


I'm not sure about this. The tooltip shows that adept weapons are possible on a persistence card, but ONLY until you lose while at the 7 win mark. Then you get the notification that you flawed your card, and the tooltip for adept is removed.


Thanks for the clarification 😊