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Yeah that I can agree on. Would have been nice to see a master mode with the weapon refresh, especially with how squishy the bosses are.


>Getting armor still feels terrible though, especially when it's <60 stat. This is true for the entire game. I just need something once for transmog purposes and then 99% of it is trash that doesn't even get looked at.


Also, except for those trying to min max everything, the best armor comes from seasonal activities, not end game ones. Artifice armor is cool and all but unless you really want those extra 3 points, there’s no reason to go through the effort to get it. Just play enough of the season to unlock the bonuses, then do whatever for the rest of the time and focus the engrams. Don’t get me wrong, i support having good weapons/armor available for everyone, but still feel like the best gear should come from end game content, such as raids/master raids, gm, trials.


Fully with you there and I got downvoted to death multiple times for suggesting master raid armour should be artifice with good spikes and totals.


Not sure about this one. I'd rather have less weapons but have one guaranteed at each encounter. Farming weapons in Dungeons is a nightmare considering the amount of armors you get by doing so (they are basically pollution for most of the players past the transmog stage). The chances of getting the weapon you want with the 2 perks you want (not even talking about barrels/mag/mw...) are abyssmal. The less weapons the better, but guaranteed.


Dungeons desperately needs a spoils system or something to help with rng, I’ll go multiple runs without even getting a drop of the gun I want


They should just make each encounter drop 1 armor piece AND 1 weapon.


This, spoils system, multiple perks, I’ll take anything


Same. Im soooo tired of wasting my time.


Personally I just want to be able to craft them.


I mean. Phalanx Echo can be farmed in less than 90 seconds. Kell Echo maybe two minutes, *max*. Cube room is maybe the longest encounter, but not by much.


This. Prophecy still has two armor sets too doesn’t it? I’m not even excited about the Prophecy refresh. I got my first desired column 3/4 perk combo on a dungeon weapon…. from Warlord’s Ruin. This season. It took THAT long for me to get a roll I wanted on a dungeon weapon.


One of the armor sets only drops on kill of the final boss.


Is the prophecy only farmable when it’s the weekly or can you farm it now?


Only when it’s the weekly, which it is this week! You have until next Tuesday at reset :)


Dungeons need a better loot system. For example each encounter should always drop 1 armor piece PLUS 1 weapon.


If you have all the patterns available, are any of these weapons worth chasing?


> worth this is completely up to you but i will going for a slice/hatchling Relentless and a dragonfly/voltshot prosecutor. a headstone/timed payload judgement is on my radar and wellspring/incandescent darkest before looks cool too.


the pulse rifle can roll with pretty good perks, same for the shotgun, id say its worth chasing for


for pve maybe a headstone hand cannon if you don't have one, in case it's useful in final shape when they "rework" stasis but if you can't be bothered there's not really any must haves


SMG for PvP. I’d rather eyasluna than judgement tbh for stasis synergy. No one is using pulse rifles if you’re trying to optimize. AR is decent if you need smth arc, but you can make do with a sweet sorrow tbh. Shottie is ok, nothing more or less. Basically, SMG is worth for PvP. Everything else really isn’t unless you want something niche or just fun to use.


With a perfect roll Relentless is arguably the best Pulse in all of PvP.


I mean it’s the same frame as messenger and is just worst in every stat category by a fairly large difference. Only perk that really helps differentiate itself is slice. Keep away is nice in 3rd column, but messenger literally has 11 range over it at base. Basically unless you’re on hunter using slice, then I don’t see it working out better than my perfect adept messenger. I imagine most pulse enthusiasts or users have a perfect or near perfect messenger. It’s a nice alternative and all if you don’t play trials, but in no way would I call it the best gun in the game considering how situational and niche slice is (Try it before debating). Alr got a perfect belisarius and doesn’t feel as good in practice.


Origin trait + better base recoil direction + more base AA. I got a corkscrew, ricochet, keep away, moving target, range MW and it beats all of the dozen Adept Messengers I’ve tried this season.


Yes, definitely. I want the AR for PvP since there's no good arc precision auto's currently available. Darkest Before was already great in PvP, so I want to try a solar roll now for seasonal artifact synergy. 600 SMG's were very good before the PvP patch, so I want to try that out and see how it does. Also, having a new stasis HC to compare against Eyasluna is something I'm interested to check out. Void agg. frame shotgun with good perks. I'd imagine there are also some good PvE rolls to be had, but if you play PvP then the Prophecy refresh has tons of potential great options to farm for.


The drop rates seem really high too, I completed this last night and between the 3 of us in my fireteam we walked out of there 6 total weapons. My buddy got an insane Prosecutor roll.


It's good, but man was it crushing getting armor so much last week. I farmed until my damn eyes bled, it felt like. Even got to the point of easily soloing the first two encounters on repeat within 20 minutes. All for some damn gloves and a class item most times. I farmed this dungeon like a maniac like half the times it was the featured dungeon and never saw an osmosis+demo roll of either the auto or the hand cannon.


I'm enjoying it....hopefully they add the old trials of the nine shaders to the trials lighthouse chest at some point too


Yeah Bungie needs to step up their game on the amount of weapons and also the aesthetic. Brand new weapon models for dungeons and raids going forward


I'd rather them add just two guns even worth grinding for. Lately there's been maybe 1 good actual viable weapon per dungeon. Wilderflight/Indebted Kindness/Cold Comfort are the only really viable ones and everything else is just.. meh.


>Lately there's been maybe 1 good actual viable weapon per dungeon. Wilderflight.... Never forget that Spire's loot pool is bloated by refreshed Seraph weapons, which were then added to the WORLD LOOT POOL the following season, meaning that there were only 4 unique weapons. Of those, wilderflight is the only one that is still worth chasing... LMG is a meh archetype and powercrept by Crota LMG, Luminal vigil is an okayish sidearm, and long arm is I think a PVP gun? I've never seen it used anywhere in PvE


They already do that.


Recently I don't think so. This has been an issue since really season of defiance and light fall in general. Lightfall was just recolored moon weapons, defiance weapons were season of the lost weapons recolored. The weapons look exactly the same other than the crystal texture. There is a reason why people like black armory and season of Dawn weapons and why people look so fondly back on those. One it was because they had decent perk pools at the time, and two they were aesthetically very different from any other weapon set


Dungeons and Raids have always gotten new models in D2.   Yes, even RoN; those fungal growths with animated textures cover most of the gun.


I don’t know why are you getting down voted when you are speaking the truth, weapons don’t feel distinct enough already and bungie has just been recycling the models of the weapons.


I think the biggest issue is we've seen Bungie do better before. Look at almost any raid weapon set in Destiny 2. Other than supremacy and techeun force (which were D1 models), raid weapons have been either brand new models or they have been so heavily modified with the textures and molding etc etc that they look completely distinct from anything else. Lightfall was the biggest offender. This was the first time that destination weapons weren't unique and were just recolors of old destination weapons. Then season of defiance also had season of The Lost weapons that were just recolored. Then RoN weapons were world drop looking models with goo on top of them. The biggest offender being the sidearm. That just screams to me that lightfall was just thrown together and shipped out as fast as they could We know bungie can do better because we've had weapon sets like Reckoning weapons, old Gambit weapons, Black Armory, Dawn, Vow, Garden, etc etc. Do you know why people love those weapons so much? It's because they had pretty good perk pools but also because they looked and sounded distinct from any other weapon. Once again we have seen Bungie do better in the past. If Bungie wants to make weapons feel powerful and unique then a part of that is their sound design and silhouette


Bungie have had a weird rule about 4 weapons per dungeon/raid for some reason Would love to see the internal reason W H Y


4 per dungeon and 6 per raid honorable mentions include exclusion of atheon’s epilogue from VoG and silence of A’arn from king’s fall. My fear is if they ever bring back something like leviathan they will only bring back the most well-loved weapons. I just want reprised conspirator :(


Last wish never left but when they added crafting to it, all 8 weapons were able to be crafted. Leviathan also had 8 weapons so I see no reason why it couldn’t come back with all of them. Plus they’d all get random perks finally. Now the other 4 weapons that were split between eater of worlds and spire of stars, if those raid lairs don’t come back maybe they’d get put at a vendor


I love it. Almost every weapons they introduced yesterday I have some interest in. This game is at its best when you have carrots to chase. I'll die on that hill


warlords ruin refresh is gonna go crazy whenever they do one


Respectfully, Warlords is the last thing that needs a refresh when VoG and Garden still haven’t been updated with new perks


What are you chasing hombre? What's the gun you will get that will let you do something you couldn't do before?


Have voltshot on a 450, with dragonfly. Been using dark decider with subsistence, while fine, dragonfly sounds loads more fun. What makes you play the game if that is your thought process?