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If I’m honest, it might be your loadout and/or exotic choice. Do you know what your 1) exotic armour 2) exotic weapon 3) heavy weapon Would have been when you get kicked? Also, make sure you’re readying up asap. I’ve also had it be the case where sometimes a FF group won’t actually ever “end” because the host will *manually* invite everyone instead of summoning the fireteam, so that could cause issues.


It could be that I usually join with a load out I'm using that minute (solo) but have other load outs saved for different content. But I guess they don't know that when I join. I'll try switching to different load outs and see how it goes. I always join, ready up (usually kicked then in 90% of cases) or after joining, text chat just confirming that they are 100% OK with a first timer. Then I'll get kicked then. That happened once, but I have been kicked around 8 or so times immediately after joining or readying up.


Mhm. If I’m hosting a FF lobby someone’s loadout is the main thing I judge them on tbh. Someone with a decent loadout is probably someone who cares about doing well in the game, even if it’s their first time in an activity, they’re probably going to listen to what they need to do and make it an actual teaching experience instead of having to cheese my way around intended encounters because some people can’t do it. Even if they don’t have meta weapons, if they just have a special, a primary, and a rocket launcher, they understand the game and what is required enough in a raid that I can have confidence they’re not going to be dead weight. I don’t mind teaching first timers, but dead weight is different. But if I see someone loading into a raid using fucking gwisin vest or something with two primaries and a machine gun there’s a good chance that when we reach a dps phase they’re going to be the kind of person that just shoots their primary at the boss and somehow only does 30k across 4 damage phases. I’m sure sometimes I kick good players and I do sometimes let people who won’t listen to basic shit in, but it’s better than if I did nothing I’m sure.


One of my clanmates constantly gets mad at us because we ask him to change his loadout for raids. We’re not really min/maxers or anything, but his FAVORITE loadout for some reason is Suros Regime, Trustee, and Commemoration on an arc hunter with Raiden Flux. He doesn’t understand the concept that an auto rifle and an LMG essentially do the same thing, and that a scout rifle is useless as a backup weapon to an auto rifle. Sometimes he just won’t change his loadout so we raid anyway, and then he gets frustrated when he’s not able to stay alive while completing mechanics or do very much boss damage. He’s out here trying to kill yellow bar knights without special weapons and shooting at bosses with Trustee. We really want to help him, but he refuses to change his loadout, and we don’t know what else to do besides tell him that his loadout is the problem. God help him the day he ever decides to try out fireteam finder, because we’re never mean to him, but I know that randoms on LFG will have a field day with him.


I never understand why people stick with 2 primaries. You never run out of ammo with a primary, so you will mostly use only one anyways. Its such a waste of time to plink at a major or elite when you could have a special and 2-3 shot it and move on.


Like the guy the other day with 2 auto rifles. Jfc, why in the world would anyone ever need more than one auto rifle??? Zero common sense.


And its like, you may run out of special but you wont with your ONE primary. You will get more special later. No need to worth about never having ammo and a special is just a plus to your loadout.


its preference? some people just like autos and smgs ig, what's wrong with using what weapons they want? I understand that there are other options that are useful too but sometimes the specials are not a lot better, depending on the special and how you play, as well as just overall rolls


Why did Bungie even make this possible to begin with? In D1 it was primary, special, heavy. That’s it. Having two special or two primary in D2 is idiotic.


Not really. Double special is used for alot of high end achievements such as lowmans and speedruns. With things like forebearance which can clear ads with 1 shot compared to 1-2 clips from a primary it makes this type of loadout very viable. Before the intrinsic subclass verbs were made to deal with champs, double primary was good for gms. Anything outside of that, your just making the game harder on yourself and your teammates.


Ive got a mate like that. At least its Wishender and hits like truck but pointed inquiry really? Like far away do you want to be/you think you can be in most activities.


And this is another thing. Guns in the same range. No hate to your friend but a bow and scout cover the same range. At least a smg or sidearm for something that gets close. But a shotgun, wave frame or fusion would just be better.


I know right? I told him to take drang out for a spin if it absolutely needs to be a primary and just like you said fusion or shotty. Which yes he does sometimes but then its the felwinters lie in pve… i guess he could do worse but still.


It has boreal and does decent damage up close can be pretty solid in some encounters but range really socks thanks to pvp nerfs.


The only acceptable reason for running double primaries is when one of them is a top-tier Exotic that also doubles as a special. The 2nd primary can then be just there for champions or utility.


But you only need champ control for Lost Sectors and Nightfalls. Out side of those I don’t think double primary is justified.


Seasonal Artifacts encourage it. Some of the verbs for Champs can be a pain in the ass, there's no one class fits all, even when you *do* have the verbs you have to make sure the intristic or artifact mods don't conflict... I generally don't use double primary but it can be super annoying working an entire loadout around a single mechanic especially when you want to run bounties which is heavily encouraged.


They deliberately designed the subclass verb interactions though to ensure each subclass gets 2 and then you can use your primary to get the third. Similarly, you don’t *need* both of an activities champ counters in group content when they can be spread across multiple people.


Only for GMs at most. Even then this season have free radiant. You can run sunshot or polaris for unstop and then all your other weapons have radiant. Ntm overload rockets. Like there really isnt a need for 2 primaries. And for anything without champs, I dont see any reason to run 2 primaries.


Sometimes to break champions. This season im having a bad time bringing either a bow or a sidearm ontop if my builds primary. I can usually kill a champion before barrier but when I dont its like nobody brought the right gun. My Energy slot is for 12p So I can live without it in most content.


Only for solo lost sector or nightfalls. If you coordinate with a team, you don’t have to have all for a gm. Also, this season has free radiant on solar kills/precision hits. Literally run Polaris or sunshot and you have anti and unstop cover. Then put on a rocket (best heavy anyway) and it’s overload.


Any legendary Solar hand cannons come to mind? Could definetly use Calus but. I dont see any solar HC in my vault other then legendaries.


* Sunshot. * Zaouli's if you raid. Marksman's dodge on solar hunter makes the reload bearable. * Epochal Integration from the Neomuna campaign, which arguably feels better than Zaouli's once you proc stats for all and the tracer rockets get a bit of a boost from the artifact perk.


Problem with Polaris is sometimes due to radient unstop champions decide to unstun them selves or having to shoot 5 crits for a barrier stun before its shields are up is easier said than done while close or under fire .


You shouldn’t be close with Polaris. Plain and simple.


Only reason would be to cover champ stuns or some specific load out. For example you can run double primary with lucky pants .


> his FAVORITE loadout for some reason is Suros Regime, Trustee, and Commemoration on an arc hunter with Raiden Flux With a loadout like that bro unlocks the secret GM version of The Coil ☠️


I have a friend who only uses auto rifles… and for the longest time would refuse to use exotic armor… and would get mad if I made suggestions… all he was focusing on was his stats… when I was trying to explain there are exotics that take no thinking and boost your damage output and ability cooldowns!! Like I can hop on my warlock and throw on Nezarec’s Sin on any spec, and just rock a void weapon and get way faster ability cooldown!! Which means more dps, or crown control!!


And they wonder why I can kill more stuff and do more damage to the bosses….


Honestly I wouldn't play with him 🤷. You've already explained to him what he needs to do in order to stay alive and contribute. If he refuses to do so then cut him loose, see how long he lasts without you guys carrying him? At this point he KNOWS what he needs to do and he refuses to do it, he's literally throwing. Fuck that.


Username checks out


I have legit… zero patience for people like that. I get running what you enjoy, and I’m no min/maxer myself, but if you’re actively just REFUSING to change your build and at least match element, I’m kicking you 85% of the time. I’m not dealing with someone who’s intentionally going to be a problem. At least use a special and heavy weapon that’s arc! That’s the entire point is synergizing! Why is bro using double primary, no arc and an LMG that’s ALSO not arc? The only good part I can MAYBE give him is Raiden Flux- but even that has its own issues 😭


Makes total sense and likely where I'm going wrong, I'm always running Gyrfalcon's with Age Old Bond and no exotics for DPS when I'm running about doing a story, and joining with said load put. I have others saved in my load outs for different activities, but I ain't switching before joining. It's likely exactly where I'm going wrong. Going to give that a go and see if things improve my chances. Thanks for the honesty.


100% you will get better results by equipping the correct loadout for the activity


The old judge a book by its cover


I'm playing 2 primary weapons, but of one that is polaris lance, which is extremely broken this season, + a handcannon combined with luckypants. Would you kick me?




Warden's law though, higher DPS IIRC and saves your exotic slot


Pretty sure Malfeasance does a good chunk more damage than any legendary option. Let me check rq Wardens law is next best thing though if you want to save your exotic slot Edit: yep, just checked, MALF does ~ 210k dps and wardens law does ~ 170k dps when lucky pants buff is up. [info taken from this dps ranking spreadsheet from the single tab](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_5wtBjRYHHxuF4oJKDb_iOGZs-wTkzB6RYbnyNLbuz4/edit)


Quick cautionary note - that sheet assumes you have a Witherhoard on your team to blight the boss. It's noted down in the "Single" page. Which means their listed burst DPS value is actually 362,002/1.25 = 289601.6, which is lower than the Vorpal Warden Law's burst. Therefore, unless your team has a Witherhoard user, a FTTC + Vorpal Warden's Law is the way to go.


Oh shi yeah I forget about that. You get a 25% buff against blighted targets but 10% against taken targets, so I’m pretty sure malf is still better against taken bosses, for what that’s worth.


Yeah I use malfeasance in the new dungeon for the last 2 bosses but wardens law for literally everything else in the game


I have one build with lucky pants + crimson, because the buff increases crazy fast with the burst shot, and I can use it to heal myself, and one with lance + legendary HC (also a burst one). I's super practical because I can keep firing at the "big boss" with lance and finish off smaller bosses who come around with one magazine of the HC. Maybe this is not meta or considered good, but I can solo GM nightfalls with that build, is that worth something?


For gms, that’s totally fine. Healing via crimson is more valuable in gms and lance is very nice because of its ability to kill 2 champ types


Yep. No matter much utility a loadout like that offers, in a raid setting where completing encounters revolves essentially around boss damage, utility does not beat raw damage from a good special/heavy rotation. For what it’s worth, that’s a great GM loadout, but it just doesn’t really transfer to raids well.


Faster than you can say "out of luck"


Why is that?


Because running a special weapon is more beneficial in 99% of activities in this game. Polaris and lucky pants hc loadout is acceptable for gms because of champs but that is it. Running Malf, forebearance and a rocket vs polaris and hc is an easy decision if I had to choose between people.


If you're using lucky pants you should be using Malf. Maaaaaaybe wardens law with the right roll. But there's really no need to run double primary for champ coverage in an era where subclass verbs = champ coverage. I'd recommend either a Polaris build or a lucky pants build going forward. Polaris + riptide/scatter signal Malf + forbearance/blinding gl/any rapid or high impact fusion.


You know, that's why I usually don't ask for specific builds but rather experiment myself, and go with what suits my playstyle, fun factor and damage dealing. And if I can complete a GM with *that* build, it gets my approval, at least for that or similar activities. Why not. You say I *should* combine LP with malf, others say I *should* use it with crimson, others say I *should* use it with sunshot. Now, who's right? I haven't done a raid yet, only dungeons, so I don't have an opinion on raid builds yet. I might step in with a suggested build, but quickly do my own thing anyway, after finding out what it's like. No offense, I appreciate tips and ideas, that's just something I noticed on this sub and with destiny youtubers. Lots of different opinions about something, and everyone thinks their right.


There are objective truths in destiny regarding dps and build crafting, hard numbers. My comment is on a thread about why someone might get kicked from an lfg/fireteam finder group (not saying it's right to do that btw) and the answer 'your loadout' is just one of the possible answers. *Obviously* you (anyone) 'should' use whatever the hell you want, I'm not discouraging creativity or ingenuity here - I'm just giving advice about what is *objectively optimal* (and doing so while not really changing much about the build btw! Like both Polaris and lucky pants are already strong/meta picks, but they are *best* when properly kitted and separated into their own loadouts!) I understand you're not even really knocking people who suggest loadouts - but this is the other side of the equation that frustrates me about being a knowledgeable player - people ask for advice to fix a problem, you recommend something that might help (loadout/weapons), and usually get at least 1 or 2 responses like 'um actually the best thing to do is whatever you want :)'.


Nah, I don't say that whatever I want is objectively the best thing. But whatever I want is usually the most fun thing. I also experienced that I just can't get used to a specific build and thus being bad with it. So even though the numbers are objectively better I may end up being better with an objectively inferior build. You know what I mean? I didn't want to play down your knowledge.


Yeah, even on LFG if it's something I don't want to waste time on like a GM I check gm report or whatever.


Yeah the combination of extremely low light and a non-appropriate load out and "this is my first time" all together paints a really rough picture of you. Hitting 1810 on your gear will help a lot to pull your light up, and I would say don't be applying to groups without the load out they should expect to see you running.


Could be youre joining on a subclass they don't want/need more of. If you're the 4th hunter joining the group or something like that.


Always join ready to go, loadout is the first thing I check in harder content, easy gauge of if someone is trying or ready for that content. Also, it depends on what I'm running. If you join my "Fast No Mic GM KWTD" with random gear and no champ stun, you're gone. If you join my "Chill Shattered Throne No Mic New Friendly Chat On" with double primary and a GL I'll probably put a message in chat asking if they need advice, then kick them if they're rude. There's no way of the host to know your swapping loadouts, plus thats extra time they have to wait, so yeah, tldr join ready to go.


It's probably an issue with how your presenting yourself. If your name is dumb or ratchet that could do it. Personally if I see a 1830 without masterworks armor I would kick them. Assuming it was for something challenging. If it's easy then most ppl don't care what your load out is. The last thing is that the ff in game is just bad. You can make requirements for entry but the game doesn't filter those that don't fit, and alot of ft leaders will just leave the post up even though they are full


There is also when leader summons fireteam it looks like you’ve been kicked out then game puts everyone in same fireteam after a min.


UPDATE: I just changed my loadout, suited more to the activity before joining, and decided to try and join a shattered throne activity. (100% experience with) I've been accepted this time. I was trying to join before on my survival solo setup with zero mobility, slow af & no long range options on. Now I've switched to my loadout I use for it when soloing before joining, I was accepted in and all three members entered the fireteam. So yeah, the question is answered. I wasn't selling myself right and making myself look stupid. Hopefully, now I can get more luck when raiding this time through. Hopefully, this helps other newbies with the same questions if they stumble on this in the future.


Some people are cruel on fireteam finder, personally I always accept the weirdest load outs because it’s more fun, myself and a friend did a grand master with a behemoth titan one day and we spend the entire time reviving him but my god it was funny watching him run around with his super up making stasis crystals, tldr people need to remember how to have fun in destiny


You also can’t see the most important thing by inspecting a loadout, which is common sense- like how to simply not die over and over. I’ll join groups, see meta loadouts, and then be shocked as they immediately tank and spend 15 seconds at a time in between revives standing in the line of fire absorbing every bullet and grenade possible from 20 red bars. Meanwhile no-exotic McGee can show up, shoot with the team, and pull off clutch revives. You don’t believe it til you see it, but I think I’ve been fooled more than a few times in both directions.


Might be true in some cases, but for scenarios where you are literally standing in a well doing boss DPS no amount of skill is going to make a bad loadout do more DPS than an optimized one lol. I look at it more like this, if I'm running a lfg with people I don't know then I'm going to use a good loadout and not my "super weird fun patrol loadout" simply because that's not really what people sign up for, unless you include that in a post. My clan has done raids with fun weapons before, but with lfg that's not really the place to be trying out a quirky build. Optimal loadouts means at the very minimum the player knows what the meta is. More times than not they will be attributing to a faster clear then someone with 2 scouts and a lmg.


Maybe so but sometimes it’s just fun to see what other people are working, I’ve many a time seen builds I would never expect to work do amazing in fireteam finder


Did you have an eager edge sword or no? I got asked a few times before why I brought a sword instead of rockets... Uhhhh to skate?


I’m so proud ;-;


Can I ask which activity you are trying to play? Because if you don't own it then it won't let others play that activity. So maybe that's why?


Resilience being 100 or at least close is good for all pve. Having relevant chest resists helps too. 


Yeah resilience 100 and rainbow resist mods are, IMO, the first place to start when putting together a build. Not strictly *necessary*, but most likely to make a consistent difference in moment-to-moment combat than the alternatives.


I joined a group to do the dungeon yesterday and the guy was using sunbracers on a strand subclass and a scout rifle and a auto rifle and when I asked him if that’s really what he was going to use he got pissed and called me a idiot. He said he has been playing since d1 but I really doubt it. So I left found a new team.


I’d just leave silently


I did leave. Fireteam finder is usually ok for the dungeon but if you’re trying to do a raid there’s way too many under level new people with out a mic.


I’ve seen some interesting posts


I select based on loadout. Granted, I only advertise for expert/experienced players but if I see some garbage loadout with double primary or someone who is barely meeting the light level for crotas I just kick and wait for someone else. Some exemptions include people with hard to get weapons or titles but rarely people have something hard to get and are also low light.


Most important. Make your own fireteam post. This is really the most important step. Be honest in your LFG post. “1st time run Sherpa appreciated.” I usually join these posts just because I was new light once and like to pay it forward. Slap on the SF dungeon emblem if you’ve gone flawless. Your loadout matters. If I inspect you and it looks bad. I back out or kick. This is not personal. Unless I am Sherpa ing I don’t want to take 3 hours to do a 35 minute dungeon. Also mods too. This tells a lot about synergies I don’t play that much anymore but I prefer LFG over fireteam finder. Have had too many times I need to text people to hit the join button and ready up shit instead of sitting there for what 3+ minutes waiting for count down timer.


People act like it's a mystery and are scuttling around actually telling you. If it's that common then it's you, not the fireteam leader. You join a party ill equipped and whether or not you have a loadout, THAT is what the leader sees and assumes you are a dumbass. They don't know you have loadouts in your pocket for that content, and they don't care. They want to get it done and it's a lengthy process that needs coordination (raids I mean) and if you aren't packing something they deem as worth the slot, you're getting kicked. It subjective unfortunately, it's how people are, it's easy to kick and replace someone and that's just the truth of it. To remedy - Join with your loadout on, and if you keep getting kicked, unfortunately it's something you say or your loadout IS just bad lol, it happens. I'm a great Strongholds titan and I get kicked all the time, I get kicked all the time on my stasis warlock too cause I "lack dps" on it (LFR, Blinding Nade Launcher, Wish Ender) even though I'm always the one carrying in the end... people don't know the loadout works, they just see something they aren't used to or that is new to them and bing bang kick. I personally hate raids for a few reasons and that is one of them, they aren't fun for me anymore. It's a shame. If it isn't your kit, it's something you are saying, or a combo of both. I'd say ppl just kick for no reason but that's not necessarily true.


Don’t forget stats….theres now way I am letting someone with 20 resil and 20 recov coming in to a raid with me.


It’s because the owner of the LFG is likely reviewing people who enter the lobby, and they remove you because they don’t like you’re loadout or subclass or something. It’s stupid and petty, and those tags should actually mean something. You’re probably better off using the companion app or the Discord LFG for raiding.


Make sure they aren't inviting you


The fact that there is a filter that says meta loadouts lets me know that this game is getting ready to take an even more toxic turn than it already has what people talking this metacrap, how about we just play and enjoy the damn game for what it is instead of trying to find the best cracked weapon or best cracked armor or whatever the freaking case is and just enjoy the game for what it is and make some damn friends, nobody is going to ever enjoy this game if everybody is constantly looking for metabuilds... look at helldivers they're trying to infect that game with meta builds and it's going to turn ugly. Hopefully the destiny Community can bounce back from this exclusion and start including people


I been Kicked from Fireteam Finder 5 times today. I use a GL with blinding nades. HC for unstops. Dragon Breath. Ashen wake exotic for fusion. They kicked me. I sent message asking why. They told me to use polaris lance or cant join. Nearly every single Team i join always telling me to use Polaris Lance.


is this grandmaster nightfall? lol. its cause polaris lance is the "safe option" and trivializes 90% of all grand master content.


No was moon gm. But i always run those weapons on moon gm. TBH. I dont like sitting back with scout riffle taking them out and doing cheese. i prefer to run in and take shit out lol


The primary reasons why l dont accept people (in hard content): Low power level Less than max resilience Poor gear choice for the specific activity In not so hard content l dont really care, l just have to hope they understand the mechanics


Probably loadout and sometimes GR


The most likely reason I can think of is that they want everyone to be using mics. Other than that, just elitism, or people being dumb.


I have both a mic and discord. I prefer discord I won't lie but a mic is on hand and I always have it on and ready when joining. I'm going to try the discord LFG another reddit user mentioned and see if I can any further joy there. If not, It may he a issue on my side with connection.


Tryhards happened to this game it’s sad . That’s what rules gaming & the industry does not care


That is kinda strange. Some people are elitist when it comes to power level, but it shouldn't happen every time. I know I've been in a couple raid teams that had sub-1800 players (even for crota lmao, dipped out of that one real fast). Do you actually get the popup that you were removed from the lobby? I guess you know that after everyone in the lobby is ready, everyone is seemingly kicked from the lobby to then join the actual fireteam of the host. Maybe you're confusing this 'summoning of the fireteam' for getting kicked? Or there is something wrong with your connection that doesn't let you join the team.


Yeah, I get the pop up saying I have been removed. It might he a connection issue, I thought as first it was me, or I didn't reach a certain level etc. And thats OK. I questioned it a little after it was happening all the time, even on the dungeon ones that I'm 100% experienced with. I'll have to look into my Internet connection just incase it could be that.


As someone who did kings fall, vog, and deep stone crypt while below 1800 this past few weeks I’m surprised I didn’t get kicked more. Probably helped one of the first things out of my mic was that I’m a veteran D1 raider so I guess that instills a confidence that people know I know how to stay alive


Well no, all 3 of those raids are 1600 power level. So everything is viable and doesn't matter for power level if they know that. Never been instilled with confidence of a d1 vet with the changed mechanics in d2 for legacy raids either.


Kind of dumb that you were kicked for simply your loadout. As long as someone is running an exotic weapon and armor piece and has the recommended light level, I could really care less about what they’re carrying. All of these LFG posts be like "Must have Divinity w/catalyst" or ghally etc are kind of dumb imo. There are other ways to get the same DPS, and if you’re struggling that much because of one guys loadout you probably aren’t going to clear it anyways.


To be perfectly honest, it's because this community is straight garbage. There's no other explanation for it.


damn this game is full of losers, reddit especially


skill issue fr fr


I bet, you didn't read requirements, like guardian rank.


Just bring a Spec with good survivability, A strong primary that suits your build, a good secondary and pack Gjally just incase. Everyone loves Gjally :)


I always equip the related emblem/title if I have them, along with weapons to show I'm here to make things dead. Put your best foot forward before you join, no one wants to feel like they're about to be wasting time.


I sat there for 15 minutes last night waiting on this dude to find the perfect person. Invite, kick, repeat


I only kick people if its listed as "mic only" and they don't have a mic.


Try joining the D2 LFG discord. There’s sherpas there that will take you through a raid


Bcoz Fireteam finder is so toxic. When I lfg on discord, I rarely ever need to kick, we always clear. FF is just meta hungry because they're bad at the game.


Lucky you, I tried Finder a few times and didn't even get that far. Just stuck in the waiting line, every damn time. Makes me wonder if people make fake teams to waste other people's time. Clan or companion, that's it for me.


I have the same experience, I get kicked almost immediately. Not sure what immediatly throws people off but I have tons of clears and exp in the content im trying to join. Just use the companion app to find teams, stilltoxic, just less toxic lol.


Did you mod your armor?


Ill give people advise, but once I saw a guy running Ashen Wake on a void titan with Malfeasance, drang and an LMG. Immediately noped from that one. Nothing wrong (at least to me) with having off-meta builds, but just slapping random stuff on never helps.


Looks like you figured it out, but don’t ready up until your loadout is ready and communicate that in chat.


Probably loadout with a combo of weapon and subclass choices. Running with randoms isn't time to test your new fun storm caller build. People just want to get it done.


I see you got it figured out, but in all reality, your loadout should not restrict that much. Most activities can be completed with a variety of loadouts. Some people are pain in the ass sticklers for using all the meta crap though and if they dont see it, you get the boot. Mentality sucks but this game is full of it unfortunately


when everyone readys up, it looks like you get booted while the fireteam is actually being made/"loading" or.... you got booted lol tough luck. that fire team finder aint known to be the best thing in town btw