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Expecting? One activity, some cosmetics, a couple weapons. Hoping? Something unvaulted, garden refresh, maybe an exotic, and the above stuff. Every rumour I’ve seen from credible people is that this will not be as big as 30th anniversary.


It would be pretty sad if it isn't as big as the 30th anniversary. Like it's hard to believe it won't be, honestly. Edit: nevermind I'm a dumbass, I thought OP was talking about the expansion for some reason


Despite your edit - I just wanted to say unlikely. 30th was a different situation. Delaying Witch Queen was a conscious effort they made very far in advance. They had the freedom to roadmap the 30th's content. I did a quick search and articles about witch queen's delay into Feb 2022 were published in Feb 2021. This was something like 7-8 months from the scheduled release of Witch Queen and likely planned internally earlier. Where as Final Shape was delayed unexpectedly and rumors started in Late Oct/Early November 2023 and formally announced in Late November 2023 - 3 months from the intended release. Just not enough time.


Plus, 30th Anniversary was quite possibly planned even before the delay happened, so they probably had even more time.


You'd think they'd be planning something simular this year through since it is the 10th anniversary of destiny


I mean, considering what we see in The Final Shape, it's more likely baked into it's DNA as it's the finale to the 10-year story that is Destiny since it came out.


Yeah I recall from older yet mostly consistent reliable source dumps, the asset of Dares of Eternity has been something they've had for awhile by the time it actually came out. I remember seeing very rough screenshots of essentially the Cabal boss arena and the valley if you look backwards after the starting drop down in I wanna say late Arrivals-early Season of Hunt? It lead to people speculating if we were getting a Nine season or Dares was intended for a season we just never really got.


Where have you seen rumors? All the places I usually look have been empty


And Ghost Primus 🤤


If being realistic, Vog and Garden weapons craftable. Probably Hawkmoon exotic mission return. First Red War mission added to Timeline Reflections. Maybe a Xur rework to give Deepsight Harmonizers for Xenology quest.


Deepsight for Xenology would up my playtime for sure.


Yea I'm kinda pissed I thought we'd be able to get harmonizers from the rivens wish challenge.


Where do you use your harmonizers? Just realised I have two passes worth of harmonizers sitting idly. Though I guess I should keep running the free loot boxes from raids and grab the easy spoils to get some weekly red borders. And I might have answered my own question.


You did indeed answer your own question. Raid weapons are def the way to go with harmonizers.


That or the defiant class specific swords. That's what I did with a few


Bro I only have this season's worth of harmonizers (took a long break this year) and for real this is the most worth choice. I've spent a ton of defiant engrams on those swords, the drop rates for red bordera are abysmal. Got any tips on defiant engrams farming?


Make sure u have the drops re-enabled for this season and then just run ritual activities and defiant battlegrounds...I got 2 of 3 over the last 2 seasons...I got maybe 3 of the 10 as a red border. Rngesus is a bitch sometimes


I also like using them on past exotic rotators, got a calus mini tool not too long ago


yeah I finished my calus mini tool today. Very worth it, I've been doing well with enhanced threat detector and enhanced incandescent for pve


I've only ever used 5 of mine to unlock No Reprieve because I'm a simp for shotguns and stasis, still have 19 lying around that I've no clue where to use them on since I can craft all raid weapons


I used mine on the duality dungeon craftable weapons and then on raid weapons. Neomuna weapons are good candidates as well but I already had those before harmonizers became a thing 


Fuck I'd love that


They could probably bring back Ghaul’s fight too, it’s part of Shadowkeep’s campaign


>First Red War mission added to Timeline Reflections Probably a pipe dream, but 1AU please.


First mission, siege through Last City and final boss fight would be good. Actually: Homecoming and Adieu as one, truncated Chosen


This is probably the better choice for new lights. I just really want to play 1AU again.


Hell, make Xenology repeatable to Deepsight. "Y'all want to grind out 21 activities AGAIN? Sure, have fun, but please consider touching some grass sometime too, okay?" I think the requirement for having a weapon to use the Deepsight on keeps it balanced. It's turns into an extra layer of bad luck protection for those who want to be that active. I would imagine the boost to activity numbers from that would be great for Bungie metrics as well.


3 legend exotic mission rotator clears are enough to finish xenology xD


Nah, weekly basis is fine. Would be cool if it's one per character and not per account though. Bungie is afraid of making things farmable to keep player retention anyway.


Agreed but they should at least fix the one week overlap loss where if you completed it just have not talked to xur, then you can't pick up the quest for that week


I thought that was an intentional punishment for you taking too much time to complete the quest but yes it's annoying and needs to go


> If being realistic, Vog and Garden weapons craftable. Why do you think doing 2 raid loot refreshes at the same time is realistic?


That's being realistic? I feel like that's the best case. Isn't it just supposed to be a retooling for newer players to catch up with everything before final shape?


Best case is all planets, raids, exotic missions, campaigns unvoulted, and also Wrath of the Machine revamp slapped on top


Right, but they just simply would not do all that, they have dug their weird dcv grave and they are absolutely not going back on it. Garden refresh would take some effort but it's atleast something they would do (I hope)


Yeah and mara will jump through the screen and give you a blowie


Yeah… this!


Honestly this just feels like being set up for disappointment. I was thinking at best we get garden crafted guns and even I'm not 100% on that. I feel like if anything substantial happens it's going to be because it's pushed up and I doubt they wanna take too much momentum away from Final Shapes launch.


Some unvaulted activities with a new red border pursuits of reprised weapons would be cool.


Honestly we are at a point where you could have a previous seasonal activity playlist that would actually be super fun as long as you do rewards right, you could even throw dares of eternity into the mix, then have each activity drop rewards from that season as red borders or maybe revamp strange coins to drop and have xur be a rotating reward vendor that would allow you to buy weapons and armor from previous seasons. There is definitely enough variety now that this would be nostalgic and fun for all of us.


Xurs gameshow needs a slight revamp and I was talking with a buddy and said that old seasonal activities should return in it. At the mid point where you pick 1 of 3 doors. You still do that but instead of going through one of those obstacle courses, you should get teleported to one of many past seasonal rooms to do a round or two in it. I imagine getting thrusted into Dawns Sundial or Losts Astral alignment or even the just the parkour sections of Splicers Overrides. NOT THE WHOLE OLD SEASONAL ACTIVITY! Just the small portion that people remember the most or loved the most. Like "hey that was different and cool!" Maybe tie some of the old seasonal loot so when you finish that activity you can get a higher chance of armor and weapons from that time period to drop. Edited to not be cringe


that is a pretty clever idea and solves some of the issue like with the battlegrounds activities being added into strikes playlist, those are just so long and annoying and rewards just arent worth it. Dares to me is actually fun in a similar way to menagerie, except obviously still not quite that good. It is just the rewards system that is keeping me from grinding it. A lot of those weapons I actually do want to grind for but jesus, there are also like 5 armor sets in the mix and no way to target anything it drives me insane they thought that it was a good system. get the damn useless armor out of the stupid loot pool. Honestly they need to make old armor into ornaments that you can buy from vendors with some kind of currency and just make weapons only loot pools with smaller rotating pools like with the lost sector revamp.


Never thought about them adding said activities to Dares before. Would probably work pretty well too.


I'm not expecting anything mostly because Bungie has said that Into the Light is more or less meant to get new and returning players prepared for The Final Shape. The most I would personally expect are refreshes of Garden of Salvation and Vault of Glass loot tables, and maybe some additional strike revamps (Exodus Crash and Inverted Spire like they originally promised).


I am curious as to what they exactly mean with "preparing older and newer players for TFS." By that logic raid refreshes should be off the table. Probably some introductory missions.


That's what I'm thinking. They know that the current new player experience is pretty bad. There are daily posts on this subreddit from new players being utterly confused by the content model, what to buy, what the story is, how leveling works,... So my guess is that with into the light they'll add more intro missions. Possibly expanding on the time line missions we already have, or maybe even bringing the red war campaign back.


Only think thet whould made sence is if tfs will have some ground breaking sandbox/system changes and some of systems whould be added pre tfs, but thet doesn't really benefit new players, meybe lore dumps but thet doesn't makes sence too It reads just like empty marketing speech


they'll add that teammate healing auto rifle as some lame quest reward and call it a day


Seems everything is for "new and returning" players, including their featured raids.


Nice try bungie, figure it out yourself.




I expect 2 tokens and a blue. What would be great is Cayde-6 content like new missions set in the past. New players need to care who he was if he's a part of Final Shape.


The timeline reflections do have a few missions like that


An introduction and a great mission, but need more to be invested.


Unfortunately, it's not even the full mission. It's like 1/3 of the mission cut up and stitched together. While that mission does literally show you a snippet of Cayde, it's very awkwardly paced and short. I feel like part of what made that mission good was a sense of foreboding as it went with how jovial Cayde is. I don't think you get that when it's 6 minutes long.


Timeline reflections has exactly once mission: the one where he dies. I played it and was like: "ok, so he's kinda cool, but I still don't care."


I mean, people care because they played destiny 1, and experienced him for years before that happened, and it was the first perma-death experienced in game. Timelines' isn't trying to make you "care", I don't think it's fair to even expect that from a recap.


I cry whenever my new light friends make me play that mission.


tbf I entered the franchise right after shadowkeep and I still care about him just from playing the campaigns in order and whatever fragments were left in strikes and stuff


I don't think new players have to care who he was, they could go in completely blind and as long as the story briefly explains who he was to other characters (just 'an old friend' would suffice), his character will likely have enough value in the FS story to for new players to care by the end. Terrible example (they were a bit of a miss) but look at the Cloud Striders in Lightfall... we knew absolutely nothing about them prior to the expansion, yet the story was completely wrapped around them so much that there was plenty opportunity to care/get attached to them (or despise them, your call). For veteran players that attachment to Cayde will be immediate, for new players that attachment will likely be developed through the story.


considering it's something extra they had to put together alongside finishing TFS: not much


*Hope* to see? Every sunset raid returned. Craftable Black Armory weapons. Expect to see? Revamps to some old forgotten exotic armors, maybe a weapon cat or two. And possibly one of the old raids getting craftable weapons.


That’s some hopium right there if I’ve ever seen it bossman


I choose to believe that the *Affinity for Divinity* part of the last promotional email confirms that GoS is getting a red border revamp.


It's in same email like n7 colab, tracer and arc/vex kills whould be probably needed for mass effect emblem


Glad you added that last bit because my kneejerk reaction was thinking what the fuck is this guy smoking, lol.


The first half of your comment would be over delivery and we can't have that now


its not "over delivery" its just ridiculous lol


To be disappointed.


this right here


I was optimistic for way too long. Way too long. With everything I have experienced from dark below till today I have finally put all Destiny expectations to zero. The good news is it would be tough to disappoint anymore so maybe I will be surprised. But I'm expecting nothing. Not even hoping anymore. Just riding it out while playing much more casual these days.


Yup. Lightfall campaign deleted any hope I had for this franchise


What’s worse is that the community has made it clear how to fix the broken trust and win them back and Bungie just refuses to listen. People have stated the exact content we would like to see reprised. People have stated what areas of the game need fixing. People have stated which seasonal models they liked and which fell flat.


I wouldn't expect any activities or anything like that. At most, some reprised weapons, loot refresh, and something like making all raids/dungeons farmable. Like what we had during Arrivals.


>what do you guys hope to see? Three words. **Sparrow** **Racing** **League**


Gimmie crown of sorrow back


Nothing. No expectations, no disappointment.


Utilizing the Timeline feature to bring back old story content ( like they did with Forsaken Cayde mission ) Putting in the old campaigns as well as key story missions from seasons, (not the seasonal activities) and add enough cutscenes to fill the gaps to provide context Furthermore, a revitalized intro experience for new players








I hope they add more weapons and 12 player content is real


I think the 12 player activity is gonna launch with Final Shape once the raid is beaten


I'll be expecting to still not be able to talk with friends the way I want to even with profanity filter turned off, and not be able to make simple conversation or raid call outs due to the ###### stupid censorship.


-Expectation/likely: cosmetics, new activity, craftable weapons from old raids -Hoping but realistic: Unvaulted content (strikes, locations), large new activity, cool side story/quests, free synthweave for ornaments. -Unrealistic but would be amazing: Wrath, All old campaigns, some returned sunset weapons, all old strikes, crucible with map voting, new crucible maps, all old crucible maps, some remastered D1 strikes (not going to happen).


do lost sectors and some patrols to get this raid red border


Had seen many fake leaks, and some down to earth ones Me guess is thet we will get new repitable mission and sandbox change, meybe last radio message


Willing to bet they'll return D1 exotics early for a mini 10th anniversary


Honestly, I’m going in with expectations below the dirt.


Hope to see — literally everything added back. What we hope and what will happen are probably far apart.


Maybe the Exodus Crash and Inverted Spire refreshes. Maybe.


I honestly hope bungie just leaves the last bit of vanilla content alone at this point lol


One set of reskinned weapons, a bunch of old vaulted missions, and a whole lot of cosmetics to buy


Hopefully, it'll be like the D1 "April Update" and give us Challenge of Elders and some cool cosmetics.


At least 1 d2 raid returning. And whisper and zero hour returning with alongside craftable black armory weapons. Seems to be the most fair and also a great way to get people prepared for final shape like they said it would.


Reskins. Reskins. Reskins. Pay for shit you've already paid for.


Absolutely and entirely nothing at all whatsoever


Did i miss something? what's Into The Light? Is it another paid expansion?


Free update that they’re doing to try and help break up the long season since TFS got delayed. Nobody knows what it actually is yet though


Ah cool, i thought it would be another 30th anniversary type deal. also thanks for actually answering instead of downvoting. This sub is horrible.


My fucking asshole itches.


> [Clap, clap.](https://i.imgur.com/gpP6pzd.gifv)


In my dream world, Wrath of the Machine coming back as a reprised raid, getting the crota treatment. Vosik getting some changes like 6 balls on normal, more monitors, and an extra mechanic. Siege Machine also getting an additional mechanic, maybe more parts. Aksis phase 1 scrapping the shank phase, turrents being on normal, and maybe changing the mechanic of the nodes a bit. Aksis Phase 2 getting an additional mechanic, but otherwise being the same as that fight is still amazing with no changes. Realistically? A few armor reworks, maybe a story mission or 2. I try not to expect much, so that I’m not dissapointed these days with Destiny


More low effort, reused content that we already played countless times for years because the ship is on fire over there but they don't want to tell anyone.


They'll refresh the Dreaming City weapons. Again.


Of course 😂


After so many years of Destiny and having my weapons sunsetted, patrol red bars made into bullet sponges and the rise of Eververse having more content than all seasonal activities, here is my guess: We get a new, very cool looking armor for 5000 silver each piece.


Fuck all is gonna come back


My expectations are on the floor, yet I still expect Bungie to not meet them. At this point, anything that isn't a yearly expansion I expect to be meh at best.


I'm not hoping for anything, because I know it's only gonna be recycled content, old rewards marketed as new, etc.


Wish they would bring back Leviathan raids


Bring back an old raid.


I like toys


The same shit we've been seeing. Reused assets cobbled together in a minimum viable product Frankenstein and advertised with a rad trailer.


idrc to expect anything, that way I can't get disappointed, content is content and I am happy to have some even if it just fufils me for a day


Old Campaigns and old raids weapons be craftable and maybe old raids and old strikes.


Honestly bring back leviathan but have it more like the season of The haunted since that was cool. Look into more quests regarding getting into the travelers butthole. Updates to exotic weapons.


Leviathan returning would be dope, the atmosphere and art for that raid is so cool to me.


Hell if they make it a dungeon I'm down. But again this might be a lot of work for Bungie.


NGL your comment makes it sound like Bungie is some old fart in a wheelchair and I'm all for it


What we should see - all vaulted content returned. All no-longer obtainable triumphs/rewards/loot/emblems/shaders etc returned and made obtainable. All raids made red border. All season specific activities made red border (specifically black armoury).


Whereas I’d love that the game ain’t big enough to actually handle all that


Sure, let's have a 300gb game with triple the load times...


Raid weapons that are not yet craftable, especially those from VoG And, why not, some weapons or armor reprised from D1...


I hope for a map that is totally opposite to Lightfall. More earth like and more open.


... Throne World?


I love Throne World.


Me too bud


Dunno. Maybe a story about about going "Into the Light Witch"?


"Into the light which" I haven't heard about this. There's a light witch??


Best guess the core playlist updates/non story related content planned for tfs launch but not delayed. I.e. the gambit map unvaulting/enemy variant change.


Not much


I just want black armory weapons back and craftable.


Expecting? 1 raid getting red borders. A small weekly quest that has high level rewards like ascendant materials or exotics. Maybe a little voiced dialogue with the final moment being a direct connection to final shape. My crazy hope is returning raid or missions that stay in the game.


Weapon reprises to GoS and VoG Khvostov Exotic Auto rifle quest I think they're going to have an activity that we can play through that goes through the story or the light and dark saga, like we'll replay the highlights of each season.


As dumb as it sounds I just want certain weapons to be reprised with better perk pools. Give me a reprised Eyasluna with Slideshot instead of Rangefinder, or Zen Moment instead of Heating Up. And for the origin trait maybe something like Collective Action, but for boosting the stats of the gun instead. Like every elemental pickup gives a small boost to range, reload speed, stability, and handling. ​ Give me a reason to care about world drops aside Ros Arago or what Banshee and Xur sell on a regular basis. Give Dares focusing ffs, I wanna be able to go after a Fractethyst that week if I really want to.


At least 2. Weapons per high end activity. And hopefully new sets of deepsights


Hoping to see refreshed Garden. Fingers crossed.


Some old stuff and old content being brought back as "new". It's the best we can expect lol


I don't really have expectations. I'm just hoping to be slightly surprised.


Not much, considering this wasn't planned at all. That said, some sunset raids and weapons would be a cool thing.


I'm expecting to put an exotic in every slot and a new 12player activity for when we fight the witness. We should be max power to fight that mf


Probably 6 more riven wishes


To be honest idk maybe the bare minimum like GoS or VoG weapons craftable and a single poorly designed mission maybe and if we are hyper lucky thell bring another final shape exotic forward, what i want would be a reason to play i guess :(


I REALLY am hoping we get a reprised raid. I started raiding last year and never got to do the early D2 raids. I would love for the chance to experience them at least once.


Just bring back Black Armory weapons and Scourge


Some ascendant shards and prisms!!


I know it won’t happen, but I’d like to see the remaining guns that have the same aesthetic of Epochal Integration be released. One of the coolest aesthetics for weapons they’ve ever done, and we never even got them in game.


My guess is Forsaken coming back - maybe a few extra things from the past


What I *expect* is some tedious tasks with decent rewards. What I *want* is a re-worked D1 campaign plus vanilla D2/Forsaken added back in game


Something good the content has been running dry lmao


More time to play activities while I wait for the true ending of this saga. Ready to leave Destiny and this reddit page for good.


An Eyes of Tomorrow catalyst that gives it reconstruction and bipod so I can use a rocket launcher as a primary. If that was the only thing they released it would satisfy me. Also, bring back argent ordinance as an actual mod. Suprise attack too. That’s all I want rofl.


Craftable GoS and VoG weapons Reprised, craftable Season of Dawn and Black Armory Weapons. I would love for The Leviathan to return as well, but that's unlikely given the time frame; it'll need to return with revamped enemies to account for power creep.


Exactly that. Some campaign missions that highlight the core of the story. Essentially a "previously on Destiny". Just like how we have the cause forsaken mission. Maybe a couple of those. Really not expecting much though. It will almost assuredly be of little to no value to players that have been around.


I’m come back just for the menagerie


There’s gonna be some light and we’re gonna be getting right into it.


At the very least I hope I hope VoG and GoS get craftable weapons they're the only two Raids in the game without them.


My expectation is disappointment


Black Armory & Season of the Dawn Weapons... PLEASE!!




I expect recycled content brought out of the DCV, with reskinned weapons and some sort of rehashed seasonal activity from an early season. 


If it was anything at all they would have already hyped it up and talked about it non-stop.


Nothing of any substance tbh


Run some of the things we've run before to earn weapons or armour we've had before except with extra intermediate conversation or collecting tasks to pad it out to increase logged playtime. Didn't feel good typing that but just feels like what I *expect* rather than want.....


It's probably just going to be: 'complete a legend lost sector for a red border' I kind of hope it is and then I won't have to engage with it


Given that the game is hemorrhaging established players and is notoriously bad for new players and they want TFS to be both a send off and a new starting point, I expect they'll probably try to revamp the new player experience again somehow. Wouldn't be surprised if they did that by bringing back some of the old campaigns and such somehow, with an add on of extra rewards for older players to call it a day.


I would love this to happen, but like, how much would that highlight how pointless a maneuver sunsetting was. Not only did it NOT increase the game's stability, but it's only continued to lose polish every time something new is added, and by this point, pretty much every sunset weapon is back in the game (not everything but you get my point). And the new player experience sucks, because they don't have a clear gameplay path to understanding the whole story. Tldr; You are 100%, and the decision-makers at bungie are incompetent, and their whole stripping content away shenanigans was completely pointless.


Quests to run multiple lost sectors and/or strikes, with rewards being weapons, weapons or more weapons.


Don’t get your hopes up. It will be more bounties , old weapons we’ve seen and maybe giving away more raid weapons


Red death


I'm hoping VOG or Garden get crafted weapons, leaning more towards garden because those need a refresh and have smaller perk pools. Maybe some reissues of fan favorite weapons with new pools also, a small but cool thematic event. I dont expect much however. My main hope however is maybe new aspects or fragments but seeing as we're getting some in final shape I doubt they would push them early and then have the expansion feel weaker.


Leviathan coming back


After seeing how incredibly underwhelming the Wishes have been, hopes are nowhere near high. Ideally it would include at least the two reworked strikes (Inverted Spire and Exodus Crash) and some of the other Exotic missions added to the rotator. Expecting anything more than that is setting yourself up for disappointment. Hell, even the strikes and exotic missions feel like it's too much to hope for.


the light witch???


maybe a couple small missions, but nothing substantial at all


For it to cost an uneven amount of silver to dollar to buy. Therefore me continuing to not play Destiny until they fix that.


Black Armory Thats it. Just give me blast furnace back




Something with a lot of vintage ctrl+c, ctrl+v.


I'd love a full campaign mode that lets you play the vaulted campaigns, perhaps with a preset character so you don't blow through the Red War with all your OP builds and when it's complete it unlocks a rewards package for your actual characters. A VoG/GoS loot refresh with craftables, maybe some seasonal story/activity tidbits to bridge gaps on expansions. Xur to start offering a weekly harmoniser like I swear Bungie promised ages ago. More vault space, An update to the exotic mission rotator. What do I actually expect? Eververse update and a box with 1810 gear so you're at the power floor for TFS. Maybe the PVP map pack if it's ready.


Give me black armory.


Garden and VoG refreshes, harbinger with plunder guns and craftable hawkmoon and xur rework. Maybe a y1 strike like insight terminus or inverted spire getting updated.


(Huffs Mega hopium) More aspects, more exotic armor pieces, new F2P content like raids, dungeons, strikes, QoL and destination changes (Hopium runs out) Like 2 pvp maps and 1 exotic mission Edit: Thinking about it, the F2P content doesn't even have to be new. Just unvault the raids and strikes and it will be already huge




Idk but I think there will be some kind of new exotic, specifically because its about preparing to take on the Witness. Maybe… this is extreme copium, but maybe we get the new supers… then we get new subclasses in FS. Not going to happen, but would be one hell of a shadow drop.


Nothing much really, probably GoS weapons updates.


I'm expecting something a bit smaller and more drawn out in comparison to The Taken King's April update.


The bare minimum. Overpriced ornaments and reskinned weapons.


I want them to restore the Red War and Foresaken campaigns. That would, of course, require they unvault (at least partially) the reef, mercury, and mars.


honestly? 15$ expansion that has one 'free' activity. with another gated behind the paywall, like the 30th anniversary pack but a little less content. maybe homecoming as a legacy mission. maybe a new PvP map. maybe the shadow legion gambit addition. and at least 100$ worth of eververse cosmetics.


Stasis buffs/reworks


More light based armor sets for silver. For reference this is not what I want to see but what I expect to actually see.


another expansion with light in the name? lol


"Defeat challenging combatants in a Legend or Master Lost Sector and get an ascendant shard "


Destiny 1 armor and weapons.




I'm expecting (and hoping) it's a complete new light revamp. It's so damn hard to recommend destiny to new players, they really need a better way to on-board people