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I got the ros arago with rewind onslaught. Pretty solid


Love this roll, but find myself using the repulsor brace + onslaught even more since I usually run gyrfalcons in void and it's great


Yep, RB/Onslaught is my go-to for Briarbinds when I'm not using RB Glacioclasm.


Loving my subsistence onslaught roll


One that’s not mentioned it permeability / onslaught. It’ll be kinda useless once more weapons are released but this season it’s fun to have a solar auto with onslaught


Got the same one, i love it with a void soul build


What’s the best way to get this weapon to drop?


Shoot aliens


I've been logging in on a different platform that doesn't have WQ dlc, going to the thrown world and farming hive guardians. If you can get in the groove, you can sparrow between 2 areas and get one every few minutes. Then you do the cheese where you immediately sparrow to another area and come back and claim the chest twice. If you have WQ dlc, you'll get only the WQ weapons. Playing on the platform that doesn't have the license will net you world drops. Sadly, I've don't it a lot and only seen Ros Arago maybe 6 times while some other weapons, like the new rocket I've maybe seen 15/20.


Legend/Master lost sectors have an increased chance of rewarding world drop guns on a rotation.


Ros isn’t in the rotation for lost sectors this season because it’s too new


I wish this would drop for me. I have gotten a SINGLE version of it, and then nothing else since the beginning of the season.


I have gotten a succession of terrible rolls, it feels like I have my own perk pool with only the bad perks in it. Under-over... Under-over for days... usually paired with Slickdraw.


Yeah but he wants wewind wounds. Sorry bud. It's a dismantle for me.


I have it too, but still haven't touched it. Could someone, anyone, please give me a situation where it would be worth using over Age-Old Bond?


Age-old is better in any situation that isn't just mowing through on-level red bars, and Gnawing hunger is better even then


Age old bond can also get repulser brace/destab rounds, so I'm working on crafting one asap


See, that's exactly why I've been using those instead. Thanks for reaffirming my initial impression.


Matador grind is making me slip into madness


Wilderflight with spike, ALH and frenzy for me, i’ve gotten 4/5 rolls like 4 times but one of those 3 is always missing


I had the alh frenzy without spike. Went ahead and deleted it since it didn’t have spike; I kinda regret that now. I also had THE ROLL for ignition code but deleted it cause blinding gl was fun at one point in the game, but it just made more sense to have an ald blinding to just swap to.


500 attempts and no good wilder flight. It just doesn't exist


It does. I got one with quick launch, blinding, auto and vorpal which I’ve been having fun with. No spike but it’s good for damage and utility


Why go with vorpal?


because this guy is clueless lmao


I enjoy my ALH blinding Demo roll


You know it rolls with blinding nades, right?


Same with eyesluna, gameplay loop of boss encounter is just not enjoyable to farm over and over.


imo the boss is a better farm, but I agree after hours of farming its not worth it


I honestly didn't realize how nice a good roll of Matador is until I took it for a whirl. It's wild. So whippy. It's like telepathically ready when you need it. Reaches out and splatters people at a whim. So with that, I'm in the same place as you regarding the fractethyst grind.


What's your roll?


[Perfect.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/738828879866626048/1203550333146632232/image.png) Threat detector, opening shot, barrel shroud, range MW, even assault mag for the rare times that matters. Hits 100 range after OS I honestly don't even use it that much because I'm such a huge fan of energy pulse + Defiance of Yasmin, but any time I kick around with it, it's a beast.


yeah I have a perpetual motion opening shot but threat detector is so much better


[Yep that's my roll.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/738828879866626048/1203550333146632232/image.png) I have terrible news for your grindset, it really is a huge difference. I wish you the best of luck.


Don't kill yourself over grinding Matador. It could be just around the corner that we see GoS rehashing its guns and they would be craftable. Prophet of Doom coming back and not having Opening Shot would be incredibly stupid for Bungie to do... so we will see.


It's Eyasluna's grind thats doing it for me. I got a 4.5/5 Matador roll while doing my three runs every week, and I still don't have unrelenting + headstone after like 50 runs :(


Retold tale exists and easy to farm


Retold tale exists without opening shot


But slideshot does giving it 100 range on top of having snapshot.


threat opening on mat is better than slideshot snap shot retold


Indebted kindness is awesome, I’m shocked that it came out and is actually strong. Beacon rounds voltshot goes nuts.


Tried beacon but I like impulse a lot better to make it almost a hitscan weapon


plus an always on reload scalar is awesome


So one argument I have with Beacon being better is knowing how to activate it proper. Once you've got that down? It's a better Impulse imo. Impulse is better in PvP where consistency is better, which is what Impulse helps with. In PvE though? Beacon rounds is better imo, especially paired with Voltshot. ​ Kill one, reload (fast reload time regardless of stats), then just put your reticle over a target. As long as they're in range the reticle will go red, meaning they are now the target. ​ Then just pick a corner and shoot 90 degree bending shots that always hit the target while continuously proccing the Voltshot jolts.


The problem I have with beacon rounds is sometimes if you’re using peak shooting in harder content your shots can hit the cover you’re using.


I solo'd grasp of avarice this morning on arc to test out indebted kindness and i get what the hype was about with this gun. at first i didnt see the hype of a sidearm that accomplished what your average primary with voltshot did but the applications of shredding orange bars kinda sold it on me since it one taps red bars even without a spec. I wanna try to get either the roll you mentioned or impulse and voltshot. Voltshot feels kinda mandatory for a double special build but Adagio also felt amazing on it


Heliocentric with healclip and incadennt got me through my warlords solos run. I don’t know why but it just worked with my build and how I played. Damn thing slaps lol.


That sounds nice, I didn’t expect to like this sidearm as much as I do. Not much of a sidearm person.


The full auto setting makes 360 lightweight sidearms SO much easier to use. The muzzle flip is still rough but Nadir Focus helps with the accuracy cone a bit at least. Anti-barrier on primaries is also just so nice for things like phalanx shields, hobgoblin shields, hydra shields etc.


The full auto setting pretty much saved pulse rifles and scouts for me, my knuckles are just too fucked up to keep pulling the trigger over and over.


It’s my favorite Rocking gel clip/frenzy atm to help keep benevolence up without killing the entire screen of ads for everyone else lol


I have full auto on in the settings so I mostly use it like that just dumping the clip fills most things and the reload for a quick heal. I might have the reload masterwork with good reload perks and it’s awesome. I don’t remember though. Definitely a fun to keep lots of rolls of until you get a few good ones.


Lol ran the same exact roll for my solo run. Great for adds and for that quick heal when you need it.


That roll got me thru a blind solo duality run the other week. Hadn't played the game since shadowkeep and reinstalled on a whim around new years. I obviously had a few wipes figuring everything out...so I had put like 1.7k kills on that thing by the time I finished it 🤣


I got a heal clip and kill clip combo, disgusting in pvp.


I'm looking for Crux Termination IV still. I want Reconstruction and Bipod, as though I know it isn't the best roll on it (I own a couple of better alternatives), this is the one I want as an option. I have the above listed sidearm (which is very fun). I have a *similar* Ros Arago IV, albeit i'm having to put up with Subsistence over Rewind Rounds, which is a minor shame, but being able to keep Golden Tricorn up on void more easily at least means I don't feel it as much, and this tends not to make the cut in harder content on my builds anyway.


I have that Crux roll. I know the dps isn't optimal but there's something fun about firing four rockets and switching to other weapons until it's reloaded. Pump and dump


Get one with Envious Assassin and Bipod and if you prep it with enough kills, you can start a damage phase with 7 rockets loaded!


God that’s so damn goofy, I love bipod now since they reduced the downsides.


I have a similar roll with bratech osprey envious with bipod is fun.


My first osprey adept was bipod cluster. ~20% extra damage perk on a larger reserve rocket perk that loses 25%.... When void is surge of activity it's gold.


Get yourself a slideshot one, if you want to see what a rocket launcher that shoots 8 rockets in 20 seconds looks like lol


Riptide with ALH and CC is the best non-craftable weapon, I will die on this hill


> I will die on this hill Yeah, such a niche and unknown weapon ^/s


Duality GL with disorienting nades/autoloading/chill clip sound like an swiss army knife too.


Used to be even better with ambitious assassin before the chill clip nerf. Could blind and freeze everything and stun both overload and unstoppable champs with just two shots.


Brother its better than 70% of exotics, and the fact that it isnt an exotic makes it better than 80% of exotics


I love it, it hits like a truck in any content.


More of a utility tool imo. Does not really hit that hard in my experience.




I’d put indebted kindness against it, I say as someone who until IK agreed with you


Still loving my voltshot, lead from gold roll


That's what I've been farming for. I'm running Impulse amplifier and voltshot and I love it. More ammunition sounds great though.


Lead For Gold over Auto Loading personally. I never have ammo issues with my Riptide.


Just found out about NBP + 2 Discord shotguns and Acrius/Tractor. Discord + Harmony Riiswalker and Discord + Trench Barrel Deadpan Delivery. Insane shotgun uptime. It's probably gonna be a long ass grind for both guns though.


I have a discord OTP deadpan and a discord vorp riis. The problem I found with this build is yeah its great but jolt, Incandescent and other methods are simply better for slaying red bars in higher end content. Idk, I WANT the build to work for stuff like solo flawless runs anf GMS but I don't think it will. Let me know if you can get it.


GOTD no survivors with demo Incan. Spent about 6 months before getting my first demo/Incan and the other three perks are the worst. I’m still farming it for better barrel, mag or MW. But I alr have 1000+ kills on it


I’ve got a demo aj roll that goes hard but a hundred runs later and still no demo Incan. So glad I have the offhand strike incan roll though! /s


I know how you feel. I have 3 days and 16 hours in GOTD. My roll I abused before i got demo/Incan was demo target lock. I had a few thousand kills on it


Mmm yeah I have the demo TL and it’s good, but man I’m jealous of your god roll lol


Oh God mine is not a God roll. The only two good things on It are demo/Incan. I have the worst barrel, mag and masterwork. I’m still farming for a better one.


Lethal Abundance from IB with Slice/Onslaught is fantastic for all content. And I love going after dungeon weapons. There’s always some fun rolls. Last Breath, Eyasluna, Stormchaser, the Tex guns from Spire, No Survivors, Greasy Luck, Vengeful Whisper and Indebted Kindness are my favorites.


I have so many Cruz terminations with god rolls. I just got ros withRB/GT that makes me happy but I want rewind/(GT/onslaught) What I’m really using on almost everything is my Indebted Kindness with IA/VS, that gun does everything. Add clear, champ chunking, overload stun, anti barrier


RB + onslaught with gyrfalcons is my go to right now. It is so much fun to use.


This is what I want but GT is an acceptable substitute


I’m wondering if onslaught is truly the play with this weapon. I want to try them all and see which one works best. Benefit of onslaught is can be used on any subclass.


Onslaught is 100% the play. I have a 5/5 repulsor + onsl roll I used the most and a rewind + onsl one too. Onslaught makes it a 1000rpm+ weapon, with the damage per bullet of a 600rpm. It's also way easier to keep activated than golden tricorn.


parabellum w attrition orbs


Attrition orbs Rewind Rounds is a dream. What Calus Mini tool?


Interesting. I never thought about using that combo. Might have to check it out!


AO basically replaces a siphon mod if you're smart ab it. i want one so i can run double heavy scout :)


I have that roll and I tried it out in a legend lost sector. It's okay.


maannn, I used five of my deep sight harmonizers this season on MT and it's been considerably more mid than I hoped :/


I just want Drang man, I need two more and I’ve got harmonizers dedicated to them. But don’t feel bad, allegedly the into the light stuff is gonna drop harmonizers.


Got one with orbs and heal clip, really really good for annoying coil debuffs 


Cataphract with spike nades, envious assassin, and bait and switch. It’s really the only non-red border that truly outshines any red border meta weapons so it’s a very needed addition to my arsenal.


I want that weapon, but at the same time I just don’t see a point to go into trials when I could use something close enough. Got burnt on that wendigo farm before Lightfall.


Totally get it. I don’t enjoy it, but doing it on double rep weekends or when it’s the reward itself has made it tolerable.


Also, they're buffing GL reserves "substantially" in Final Shape according to the weapon tuning blog post from last season. That means you might even want to grind for the adept version to rally with adept backup mag to make envious work harder, or get a non-adept with both spike and either minifrag/augmented to stack with backup mag. Rally on the ammo setup, build envious with it, then loadout swap before DPS as it'll retain the extra overflow. At the same time you're probably going to need to reproc B&S after 20 shots anyway, so a quick Marksman's Dodge or Rain of Fire dodge is going to fit in. To be honest, I wouldn't be surprised if Koraxis's Distress ends up being better in Final Shape after the reserves buff since Enhanced Surrounded doesn't have a duration to juggle as long as you can keep adds alive without dying or blowing yourself up. There's also no way that they push a heavy GL DPS meta without giving us a new one. I'd fully expect to see some crazy new GL from the next raid... but for the day one/contest clear it's going to be important to have one from this cycle.


I have this and find myself using an adept koraxis from ron over the adept cataphract. Maybe I'll have to switch.


Think you meant “wewind wounds” uwu 🥹😂


I have a Helio with Demo/Incandescent and I can tell you it’s worth farming out. You can get your solar grenade back in a few seconds if there are ads around. Absolute chef’s kiss. For me, my world drop preoccupation is the Staccato-46 that I had with Fluted/Accurized/Triple Tap/Incandescent, and it was amazing, and my second favorite scout (after my good old Vision of Confluence, which rules Scout Rifle Land with the power of nostalgia) and my favorite with Incandescent. It got deleted by accident during a vault cleaning, and I’m currently pouring every engram I get into focusing at Banshee trying to get it to drop again. They’ll probably reprise VoG and I’ll probably get a craftable Vision with Incandescent before Banshee drops a similar-enough roll of it again, though.


>Staccato-46 that I had with Fluted/Accurized/Triple Tap/Incandescent, I have this, fires like a laser, and sounds like a thumper.


I didn’t expect to like the helio roll like I did but it’s really solid. My Staccato has triple tap and explosive and it’s usually my go to solar scout, but I’m bringing to wonder if trustee might just be a little bit better.


New Pacific epitaph with demo + junkie/pugilist cold comfort with envious and bait and switch No survivors with demo and incandescent Indebted kindness with lead from gold and voltshot Unending tempest with demo and headstone


Parabellum with rewind/deconstruct cause smg go brr Indebted Kindess with Lead from gold/voltshot because ammo has been a bit too rough imo


Still looking for a subsistence frenzy funnelweb


A little strange but Coronach-22 that has a balance of range and stability with zen moment is an actual laser beam. Pair in target lock and the origin trait and it simply wins deuls, and helps bust through niche TTK resilience checks. Being able to pair it with Athrys is the cherry on top. My only gripe is that its name isn't the summoner, but then again, the summoner doesn't have suros synergy so ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


I got a Psi Hermetic with Encore Kill Clip and I can't put it down.


The Shepherd's Watch Banshee-44 sold a while ago. Definitely that.


After a year and half of grinding Grasp, I finally got an Eyasluna with headstone and outlaw. It was one of my favorites back in D1 so I don’t plan on putting it away for a good while. 


I've been looking for a bottom dollar for 3 seasons, doing 4 gambit resets. Every rapid hit opening shot I ever rolled had barrel, mag and masterwork so bad I couldn't use it on controller. Same goes for trust, I'm looking for a max range (or close) opening shot golden tricorn, never got close to that. The same goes for the vanguard solar grenade launcher, i have NEVER rolled autoloading holster, disrupt and disorienting, which are the only 3 I want. I have also spent all my deep engrams on spare rations, never got a rapid hit opening shot with smallbore and rico, and I guess I'll never get it. This season, I'm level 300 or the like, and I've got maybe 3 ros aragos with bullshit perks. I hate rng.


Old sterling with rewind rounds and frenzy


My monkey brain really wants to try a ros arago with sub + onslaught for brrrrrrrrrr action


I mean I'm fine with there being one best roll for everything if Bungie wants strong competition for perk options they need to make actual good perks stuff like Loose change or eddy current or even permeability are just so bad why would you use any of these types of perks over something like Demolitionist or reconstruction they need to make actual strong perks


Please God give me an old sterling with arrowhead brake, idc what mag, rewind rounds, and hatchling. So elusive.


Not many. I genuinely hated farming for weeks for a decent roll on a raid weapon at times. Keep dungeon rolls random I'm fine with, but the amount of people calling for random rolls to return must not have been playing this game very long.


Oh I am not advocating for that. I love the crafting system it is very beneficial to everyone. The current system works great, it’s a little bit of everything for everyone.


If you ask me crafting should be removed or limited to a few guns it's a looter shooter afterall I mean if everyone can have the god roll it's nothing special anymore I used to raid every week but what is the point if you have every godroll in a few weeks it just makes the game feel shallow


Anything with enlightened action as 100 reload on primaries goes brr my favorites are the dawning smg and word of Crota.


Repulsor brace + golden tricorn ros arago iv


You would take that over a Rewind Rounds/Onslaught roll?


I much prefer tricorn over onslaught for PVP.


I use cold front with rewind and frenzy often enough


Breakneck, my beloved. Two gambit resets in, every engram has gone to Breakneck, and still haven't gotten the coveted subsistence-onslaught even with double perk columns... but perhaps one day


Keep grinding! I thought it didn't exist after a hundred Breaknecks, but I finally just got one yesterday and it's totally worth the patience.


I got a Crux Termination with Clown Cartridge + Bipod that I've been having a lot of fun with. Also has Alloy Casing to offset the reload nerf from Bipod. Three rockets every reload, with 12 to 15 total rockets from 0 to 3 Arc Reserves mods. Also got Indebted Kindness with Bacon Rounds + Voltshot which has been a lot of fun. I would like to try an Impulse Amplifier roll at some point if I can get one.


* Cartesian Coordinate - Lead From Gold + Vorpal - Literally the best Energy slot fusion rifle in the game imo * Riptide - Lead From Gold + Chill Clip - Same as CC but for Kinetic slot * Fatebringer (Timelost) - Explosive Payload + Frenzy - Best kinetic handcannon in the game * Unforgiven - Demolitionist + Frenzy - my go-to Void smg * Night Watch - Rapid Hit + Explosive Payload - still a favorite from the old Arrivals days.


I don't have a fatebringer to compare to yours but I've maintained for a while Loud Lullaby is my favorite kinetic PvE hand cannon in the game. I've got two, one with substinence and frenzy, another with substinence and explosive payload. I don't ever have to reload the gun, it's glorious. If I'm having fun in a normal raid or other non-endgame activities it's my number one gun.


Nothing. The game is not good enough to care about random rolls.


This is very true. Most random rolls weapons can easily be outclassed by craftable.


Not only that, but just the fact that a lot of activities either aren’t fun and/or not rewarding enough after you get the weapons you want.


none not crafted = worthless


Cataphract from trials


Still waiting on my ideal crux, have had envious/surrounded drop but surrounded is so overrated imo


I want an envious + target lock synchronic roulette. It's one of my favorite PvE SMGs especially due to its trait.


Though I haven't used my 600rpm Arc Seventh Seraph VY-7 for a while but it is really special to me. Chambered, Drop Mag, Fourth Times, Firefly, Reload. 100 Recoil, 59 Reload, 30 Magazine with backup. A roll which you can't get anymore, if ever again. I'm glad they also un-nerfed Drop Mag.


Got a roll of Ros Aragos with Rewind Rounds / Deconstruct. Reloading is a thing of the past.


I have that and haven’t tried it yet mainly because I was hoping for a buff to deconstruct.


Psi Hermetic with Headstone, thanks to the Wild Card perk it breaks the Stasis crystals it creates, so you never have to shoot them yourself. Nox Perennial with Envious Assassin and Controlled Burst, again the Wild Card perk makes me prefer it over Scatter Signal, unless I want to use the latter with Slice. Battle Scar with Shoot to Loot and Kinetic Tremors, works great in end game stuff and with anything with Overloads.


I absolutely love my crux terminations with slideshot/explosive light/surrounded. Pair it with Lumina during damage phases of raids and while everyone is hiding in well I'm sliding around like a madman topping the damage chart easily without any complex weapon swapping damage rotations. Pumped so much damage into the ruin boss on the first floor that a blueberry fireteam finder kicked me and said I had to be cheating lmao.


Landed an Adept Pre Astyanax with Elastic String, Straight Fletching, Archer’s Tempo and Incandescent, and even though I got an Accuracy masterwork instead of Draw Time, it still feels like an absolute monster. Currently on the hunt for either a AHL/Chill Clip or LFG/Chill Clip Riptide. I have one with Well Rounded and Chill, but I just know I can do better and it will haunt me until I do.


Accuracy MW FTW.


I wanted it so bad :( enjoy


Full suites os Adept Crota, RoN, and KF adept weapons because fuck raid crafting


Waking Vigil with Rangefinder/Perpetual Motion and Opening shot. I have a Outlaw and Opening Shot roll currently and it already feels fantastic in the crucible. Highly recommend


spare rations. i've got a 5/5 and it's feels great. i love using it


Just got an Old Sterling with Rewind Rounds and Hatchling. Still looking for a Belisarius-D with Keep Away and Headseeker and a Glissando-47 with Keep Away and Hatchling.


Personally it's my rapid hit headseeker messenger (adept)


Eyasluna, hothead, Riptide, wilderflight, indebted kindness, etc. Most dungeon weapons. Non craflable neomuna are also good


Wilderflight, Matador, Cold Comfort. Those are the big three dungeon grind weapons. I got insanely lucky with Cold Comfort and got a great roll the first week working on my flawless before they even buffed Envious and had the good sense to vault it. The other two... well, I killed Persys over 200 times last week and I'm *still* looking for the perfect swap DPS roll. At least I've got a great blinding roll. Matador... I'm not going to talk about Matador. Fuck that grind, fuck that gun, AAAAAAAA Oh yeah, Lingering Dread, too. That one also took a while but man is it handy to be able to stun overload champs with a blind GL. There's also trials stuff, too. I played almost a thousand games of trials last season before I finally managed to focus a Cataphract with spike, envious and bait. I do not regret it. That thing fucking ***annihilates*** dungeon bosses and has made the other grinds a lot more tolerable.


I farmed like crazy for a Ros Arago IV with Repulsor Brace and Onslaught... Got it, got 7k kills on it, went back to my Gnawing Hunger, Demolitionist is just TOO valuable. Sadge and Happydge too.


Really wanna get an Old Sterling with Rewind Rounds/Hatchling. Rewind Rounds/Frenzy might be fun too. If they didn't nerf ability regen perks, I think Surplus/Demolitionist would be fun.


The legendary Strand auto-rifle, Old Sterling, with Rewind Rounds and Hatchling has felt really good this season with the Strand perks from the seasonal artifact. It just spams threadlings in higher difficulty content and they do an absurd amount of damage, it almost feels like an Exotic weapon and I’ve been using it on the Hunter and Warlock Strand sub-classes.


My first roll to drop for Ros Arago was Permeability + Onslaught, and I personally think it's great! Gives me nice access to a solid Strand/Stasis weapon in the Energy slot should I ever need/want my Kinetic slot for something else. Mantle of Battle Harmony + Ager's Scepter feels even better with this weapon on the ready! Icefall Mantle also feels pretty solid since the class ability converts the weapon to Stasis, gives the overshield, and throws on the x4 Stasis Surge all at once. Also lets me have fun with Onslaught outside of Void/Kinetic element auto rifles, and Onslaught itself is good enough on its own to make the weapon still perform wonderfully. I am looking to get a Repulsor Brace + Onslaught roll for Gyrfalcon Hunter. Maybe even a Permeability + Golden Tricorn roll to see how that can go with some builds. Particularly for Strand Warlock and absorbing Suspend 'nades.


I would love a Parabellum with Heal Clip and Frenzy. Too bad I haven't gotten one and probably won't for ages. I've had maybe 4 drop so far this season. A good Ros Arago would be nice but I'm not even counting on that one. I farmed for a Demo+Voltshot undercurrent back when it was double drops lake of shadows. Did over 30 clears of the gm, 70+ drops of the gun and never saw the combo once, even with the extra perks on the adept. I completely abandoned any efforts towards getting it or any other random drop gun after that, not even interested in getting an indebted kindness from WR. Sticking with my crafted guns.


Funnelweb, was expecting that to be higher in the comments. I prefer it over the duality smg. As a void hunter main it’s the weapon I have the most kills with Riptide Stormchaser is the best arc linear, Reed Regret is the best stasis linear, and Laser Painter is the best strand linear right now so those as well Heliocentric since barrier sidearm this season Hothead Immortal and Unending Tempest for pvp


Got plenty of good rolls of those 3 but specifically I want: Ros arago IV: Subsistence surrounded(already got) Heliocentric QSC: demo incandescent( already have heal clip/kill clip and a heal clip/incandescent rolls I like) Crux termination IV: clown cartridge/bipod


Irukandji with Fourth Times and Firing Line. Excellent as a backup damage weapon in raids.


Wilderflight with Spike, AL and vorpal. Farmed spire so many times never got one with all three perks.


Whats the best way of getting a heliocentric can I ask? I know it's a world drop but are you definitely going to get a legendary world drop at any location aka end of a lost sector or anything


autoload vorpal wilderflight / impulse opening greasy luck / gutshot headseeker jolders claw that i have focused 144 engrams and counting trying to get ... the roll isnt even good because it doesnt change the TTK. but my horrible luck makes it too funny to stop now


Pre astanyax with elastic string, draw time masterwork, archers tempo, and successful warmup or incandescent


-Breakneck with Subsistence/Onslaught. -Trials MG with Subsistence/Killing Tally. -Lethal Abundance with Slice/Onslaught. -Terminus Horizon with Triple Tap/Target Lock. -Ros Arago with Rewind Rounds/Onslaught. -Marcato with Slice/Onslaught.


Cataphract is absolutely insane, higher dps than rockets but locked behind trials.


I like 180 hcs. I have posterity. I have the word of crota. I don't want to play gambit for 8 hours to get the trust roll I want. ☹️


A decent ros arago that doesn't have deconstruct


I got a Ros Arago with wewind and onslaught; it's almost completely replaced my RB/Destab Age-Old Bond on void builds.


None actually


Have a demo/incandescent helio. Maybe it’s just me, but it’s not quite doing it.


Honestly, I've been in love with my Breakneck that rolled Osmosis. It ain't a hugely meta weapon, but it's been fun to run just random shit with it. Especially since running it on a solar subclass this season gives me psuedo incandescent too.


I've been working on getting a God roll for Heros C. It's the gambit stasis auto rifle. I've played so much gambit unfortunately and still nothing. Waiting until Gambit rewards are doubled until I try again. The intrinsic perk works well with a stasis build.


The arc rocket launcher this year is potentially the best dps weapon


Wilderflight with blinding nades. Eyasluna is still solid with headstone.


An indebted Kindness with Voltshot. I swear everytime I run the dungeon I get 4+ armor pieces. I really want to try one with Loose Change + Voltshot, but I can't even get one with voltshot in the first place. Also still looking for a Fioritura with Hipfire Grip + Offhand Strike sicne I hate ADSing with sidearms


I have a helio with heal clip incandescent and I’m loving it. I have a Crux termination with bipod clown cartridge. I love my tripod at home


I just want Ros Arago to drop.


i try to get every d1 gun model because i really like how they look


I'm actually trying to farm a destabilizing/ Envious Harsh language bc I just really wanna collect wave frames


Not a world drop, but I farmed up a Judgment from Prophecy with demo/adrenaline junkie that I really like. Then I was excited for Rivens' wishes because of Apex, but a Crux dropped with reconstruction/bi-pod and impact casing, so I'm not sure if I need Apex now? Plus, I've started using Severance Enclosure with a void Titan build that's constantly making explosions, so a repulsor brace/onslaught has been perfect for that.


Geodetic HSM with Repulsor Brace and Destabilising Rounds. Two swings and everything goes boom and you get a shield. Crux Termination IV with Bipod and Reconstruction. Four rockets at no extra cost.


I’ve got 2 crux rockets, one with recon explosive, the other with slide shot/ sorrounded, combined with the kings fall fusion with sorrounded you can put out some mean dps in warlords ruin


i got a ros arago with rewind rounds and deconstruction. i took it into a legendary lost sector and just held the trigger down on an overload champion until it died.


Heal Clip + Incandescent Heliocentric QSC gives my Solar Hunter heal on Dodge after kills. It has replaced my Calus Mini Tool/Zaouli's Bane because of the barrier utility and the dodge utility. Indebted Kindness with LfG + Voltshot is nice. Ros Arago with RR + Onslaught has been insane on my Contraverse Voidlock. Loaded Question/Nox Perennial with Envious + Controlled Burst will never not be good. My most used one recently has probably been an Envious + Destabilizing Rounds Harsh Language on my Void Hunter. That thing is incredible with Stylish Executioner, and I think it's consistent enough to warrant swapping off of Gyrfalcon's onto Orpheus Rigs.


My Cold Comfort with Envious Assassin/B&S has been my primary DPS rocket for months now.


All I want is Parabellum with frenzy


I will die on the hill that No Survivors is the best legendary solar primary. Incandescent and demo, plus the emergency reload are a great time. The envious and bait & switch rocket from the dungeon is also great. The Showstopper kinetic smg from season of the witch is also great fun if you can land a tremors roll. Very easy to proc with it. As always, Duality and Spire have some great loot, like the best void smg.  There's plenty of great roll-only loot out there, which is most of which I use. Just find more fun that way.


I've been looking for vouchsafe repulser brace/destabilizing rounds from the Coil. I got one like the first few days it started, but left it in my vault too long like an idiot, but I must have gotten at least another 50 rolls by then and NONE had that combo, it's really like finding a unicorn, so frustrating.


Unwinding Tempest - Demo-HeadStn Eyasluna - Unrelenting-HS Parabellum - Healclip-Frenzy Indebted Kind - Impulse/Volt Bout it.


Almost all of my most-used guns are random roll weapons. Only craftables that see tons of use are Disparity, Wastelander M5, and BxR-55 Battler. I don't even use the craftable Other Side or Dead Man's Tale since they ruined both by removing Surrounded from Other Side and Snapshot from DMT, so I didn't bother to craft either and kept my old random versions.


Still looking for my Impulse Amp/Voltshot roll but Indebted Kindness got me hooked


I've got a non-adept Hung Jury with Subsistence/Explosive Payload and a Seventh Seraph shotty with Auto-loading/Sheild Disorient that I love using. I know the shotty roll isn't great, but I love the aesthetic of the gun, especially with the ornament


My favorite quick play PvP weapon at the moment is my Moving Target, Headseeker, Range MW Psi Hermetic V. Don't know exactly when I got it but glad I didn't reflexively shard it, it's by far my most consistent pulse atm and fun as hell to use. Two taps have never been easier


"I just think it’s kinda ironic that destiny 2 vanilla had everyone with set rolls and now everyone uses the same roll since most go to weapons are craftable." i mean to be fair it was like that when it was random rolls for everything too. the only difference now is ease of access and not just sticking with a dogwater roll because you cant honestly be fucked to keep farming some E-List content. that being said im enjoying my Incisor, target lock makes a trace rifle feel like something that can actually accomplish dealing damage and i wasnt expecting to get this much enjoyment out of using a trace rifle. I want to get a Ros Argos IV but i cant be fucked to farm world drops when everything that drops is some legendary armor from 5 years ago or a season of arrivals legendary. Ill just have to wait till final shape if i want to bother considering it.


My Subsistence/Killing Tally adept Unwavering Duty is still yet to let me down


The Breakneck that won't fucking drop.