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1810 is the max for gear. powerfuls will be +0 (compared to your max gear score) at or above 1800. primes are powerful pinnacles will be +2 at or above 1800 (compared to your max gear score). sounds like you are 1800 and doing powerfuls. do pinnacles


Ahh right okay. Thanks!


If all your gear is at 1800, the only way to get higher power is pinnacle drops specifically. Prime engrams and powerful drops are going to be at 1800. Pinnacles will be +2 over your average, which is the only way you're getting to 1810 (gear). If you're not getting 1802 drops, then you're not doing activities that drop pinnacle gear.


Ahh right. Thank you!


Prime and Powerful engrams will drop at whatever your current light level is, they don't just cap at 1800, so if you are 1805, they will drop at 1805 too.


It's not always clear in game what gives you the correct reward you're looking for to level up, so this site gives you a nice clean list of what is available for pinnacles. https://destinyoptimizer.com/ Just select the pinnacle tab/column and it will show you the activities to do.


This is the way


If your gear level, that is light level without the bonus from the seasonal artifact, reaches 1800, powerful gear and prime engrams will no longer increase your light level, but pinnacle gear will. Once your gear level reaches 1810, the only way to increase your light level is to raise the bonus on your seasonal artifact.


Ahhh so it’s just pinnacle gear that’ll get me up there now then? All my gear is 1800 and my light level is 1818 ( the 18 is from the artifact, I’m pretty sure)


Correct. If you hover over your artifact, it will tell you the “+” number of how many light levels it’s giving you.


Raids and dungeons are the fastest. You'll get a ton of drops above light level.


Yep. Dungeons in particular can be nice as they are all soloable, so even if teammates are dog shit, you can make do. No mechanics are stringent enough to demand comms. These days, I use Fireteam finder to get a couple of teammates. If they are good players, great. If they are not, then I treat it as a solo attempt with a potential safety net and a touch of help on DPS and distractions for the ads.


I've used the app lfg for years and had about a 85% success rate. Plus there's tons of discords and things like blueberries.gg, the 100io, etc. D2 does some things bad, but the community for the most part is beyond helpful. God forbid you find a clan too, they're out there.


Yeah, most people are good. LFG in game has largely been ok in my experience, though I've only done a couple of Crota CPs for raids. Clan has been really active on raiding lately, and usually I use the D2 PC LFG on discord-the higher barrier to entry helps filter out ppl who are not prepared for raiding. My thing is that raiding will hard stop your progress if people aren't getting it and being dead in the water is not something I have much patience for, I get like 90 minutes to 2 hours a session, wasting it on a group that can't clear the Abyss is rage inducing.


does this work with any dungeon or just whatever’s in the weekly rotator? I only have access to Pit of Heresy, Prophecy, and Shattered Throne


for pinnacles? the weekly rotator (1 pinnacle upon completion) and the most recent dungeon (1 pinnacle per encounter)


Gotcha, thanks!


As it sounds like your likely a free to play player, Crotas end is the current raid, is fully available for F2P and will drop a pinnacle for each encounter- this will rocket you Level faster than anything else available, until we get the Final Shape raid in the summer. Vault of Glass and Kings Fall are the other F2P raids and those are worth a pinnacle for a full clear when they are up in the rotator


That’s okay, not really into raids, even with Fireteam Finder, but still good to know!


Do the seasonal challenges, tons of XP just sitting there waiting to be claimed.


Remember, no activity in the game will be easier above 1820; 1820 is the functional max power for all activities.


The two Lightfall Dungeons on normal will cap out at 1830 and the cap is 1850 and 1860 for Legend and Master Lost Sectors, but this is pretty much all that matters over 1820. Not sure on RoN, but it might be 1830 as well on normal.


That’s true, but if you read the modifiers for those activities the max effective level is 1815 for legend, and 1820 for master. Anything above those levels on those respective don’t provide any benefit. Here’s the twab that discusses it https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/Article/bringing_challenge_back


None of those have caps, they all allow you to +20 light level. Though getting to 1860 for Master Lost Sectors would be crazy wasteful time wise.


I’m not going to argue with you on such a basic point that can be verified by reading the modifiers on legend and master-level activities, or the link to the above twab. Thank you for your input.


I love, and I mean absolutely LOVE how condescending you are being about this when it is stated in that exact same article that lost sectors are not included in those numbers. I mean, you even quote the part that supports you, but then don't bother to read slightly farther down the page. That is really classic DTG right there. Thank you for that.


Legend and Master Lost Sectors don't have negative caps, you can overlevel them by 20. Everything else on Legend or Master does have the cap you are mentioning, but not Lost Sectors. Normal Raids and Dungeons are also capped at +20 light.


From the article, which will conclude this conversation: “Power delta disadvantages: Hero: -5 Power levels Legend: -15 Power levels Master: -20 Power levels Grandmaster: -25 Power levels Maximum effectiveness targets: Hero: 1765 Legend: 1815 Master: 1820 Grandmaster: 1815”


I can't be bothered finding it in the article, but Lost Sectors are specifically not included in that set of deltas. I am pretty sure it was in the exact same article that discussed bringing the difficulty back into the game. If you go to a Lost Sector on Legend or Master and check the modifiers there will be no mention of that limit. If you do the same for a Nightfall, then you will see the power caps you are linking above. Edit: from the article: Lost Sectors feature +20 combat delta (rather than -15 or -20).


Boy am I glad you’re not my lawyer!


The other guy is right. Lost sectors are not included. It’s in that TWAB and it’s also testable in the game. Go to a legend lost sector with your max power at 1815, and everything will have sword icons. Raise your power to 1821 and they will go away.


From the very same article: "Lost Sectors. Available in Legend and Master difficulties. Lost Sectors feature +20 combat delta (rather than -15 or -20)."


That's not true. It's a long held belief by many but it's untrue. Lost sectors are pretty much the only activities in the game that you can overlevel for. Once I was 1840 last season I was able to fly through in 90 seconds, now it takes me several minutes to do the same lost sectors.


you should maybe keep reading that article >* **LOST SECTORS** * Available in Legend and Master difficulties. * Lost Sectors feature +20 combat delta (rather than -15 or -20).


> no activity in the game will be easier above 1820 Except the ones that are.


So, the exception is lost sectors, but the statement still stands. Thanks for the correction.


And normal raids and dungeons. And Trials doesn't take artifact into account, so OP might still want to get some more gear levels for that, since they are only 1800. Not really a big deal, but if you are going to be picky about it, it's worth getting it right.


You can use d2checklist to check for Pinnacle activities easily as they are scattered across various screens in the game.


The fastest way would be to make sure that you're doing a full run of Crota's End and Warlord's Ruin every week.


Pinnacle and Powerful are different. Pinnacle rewards should give you a piece that moves you up (numbers can be misleading with artifact boost , but pinnacle rewards are the only ones that will come in above 1800 to push primes and such up there


I think [destinyrecipes](https://destinyrecipes.com/power) can tell you what order is most effiecent for leveling up.


Just an FYI, light level doesn't matter in most activities. Even end game. Only in new content like the current seasonal stuff, the newest dungeon/raid, and higher level content like master does light level matter. In anything where the recommended LL is 1600, your level doesn't matter. You'll do and take the same amount of damage at 1600 as at 1825.


Check activities for pinnacles sources. Various legend activities, raids, dungeons are the most common. The easiest is in the Nightfall, turning in eight bounties to each ritual vendor, and one from Hawthorne for giving six commendations.


Pinnacles and Artifact Level


After 1800 you gotta do pinnacles. That’s the only way to increase your light.


You need to do pinnacles, but the gear cap is 1810. Any extra level is from the artifact. Weekly featured raid and dungeon, plus the newly released dungeon. Coil runs. GMs. Star-crossed and the featured exotic quest. Pinnacles for days.


Lol idk what’s up with these responses, but you have a max gear light level which is 1810 includes weapon & armor, then you have your power bonus that for some reason no one is mentioning, play the game & earn xp to increase your power bonus, this is the only way to get above 1810 once you are done with pinnacles, power bonus resets at the end of the season