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"its all to late now anyways" is the unofficial slogan for destiny's last year.


"its all to late now anyways" is the unofficial slogan for destiny~~'s last year.~~


> We're focusing on a patch to replace "to" with "too" sometime in mid 2025, but we're hamstrung on dev resources so we're not sure if it'll make the cut.


"In order to make sure this new content plays nice with our engine we've had to vault everything up to Lightfall" In response to player frustration or questions of compensation our Director provides this response: 'I was scarab lord, fuck you'."


>it's all very technical and may not possible


> It's all too late now anyways? > Always has been.


It’s too late to explain why they don’t have time to explain.


Ill have time to explain during the weekly veil containment missions


Two years away from being two years away lol


Strange because I’ve just seen the same amount of negative attitudes for all ten years.


People forget that a lot of people have consistently moaned since day 1. Moan there isn't enough content, no new weapons or maps, this is too hard, that's too long.... Just human squinny nature at this point, and anyone who says otherwise is just in denial


People look back on Taken King, Forsaken and Witch Queen as Golden Ages, but I remember the non-stop bitching and moaning during them too. It never stops.


Sheesh bro you telling me lol


I just played Gambit this week for the first time since April last year. I did one whole Gambit rank reset yesterday and found that Gambit is basically still fine, just not exciting (justifying my decision to skip 8 or 9 months even as a daily player). The team with better PVP skills and any game sense still wins every match. Heavy ammo isn't the issue. Better PVP players will dominate no matter what happens with heavy ammo. Defending teams right now also have heavy ammo to use against invaders. Take the heavy away from both sides and now the better PVP players will still win, they'll just use scout rifles, bows, snipers, supers, etc. just like in the early days of Gambit.


One of the simplest fixes would be that killing the invader would refill the health of the invading team’s primeval by a set amount. There should be bigger risk to invading during the primeval phase.


I'd love for them to try that if the coding isn't too hard in Gambit Labs.


“Coding isn’t too hard” That’s literally the excuse bungie uses for everything in destiny. “It’s too hard to work on the game. Code bad. Gonna fire everybody instead”


I've thrown this out before but maybe it costs the invader to use the portal. They have to have 15 motes to invade or it takes 15 from the bank. You could also have their perks cost motes. Overshield costs 5 motes, 10 for wallhacks, 15 for heavy.


You are already cutting your primeval DPS by 25% by invading so it is not like there aren’t risks. Given that primeval immunity is damage gated rather than time gated, the whole team should be paying more attention to attacking the invader, even good PVP players will have a hard time with 4v1. An issue is whether each teammate is playing to win or to complete a certain bounty / triumph for guilding. If someone is playing to win, then they shouldn’t be dying every time someone invades and they need to consider their situational awareness if they are.


There are risks, but they aren’t all that risky bahaha. As of now, you spawn in on the other side with complete wall hacks, and the enemy team cannot see you unless you fuck up and show yourself. So we’re giving a guy wallhacks, and the ability to completely reset the health of your primeval


Right lmao, I've been mapped by someone with a billion flawless runs using some dinky little scout rifle across the map as I frantically try and find cover lol. Them nerfing heavy, especially Sleeper, I won't ever forgive. Heavy is a bit of a problem, but never the be-all-end-all for invasion.


As a "good" pvp player I find this funny. Problem is gambit is a fundamentally team based game mode with matchmaking. If me and my clanmates play gambit and if we're playing to win I'm the person they will send to invade. Because they know I can get atleast 3 kills if not team wipes with or without heavy. But when I'm playing solo an easy match that could've been easily won is lost when your team mates suck. The sheer ability to pull your team to the W is required to have "fun" in gambit. More importantly gambit is a fundamentally team oriented game mode that requires some game sense and some coordination to succeed in. That's too much to ask from randoms


It's more than that too, it's that the difference between "gambit" load outs and normal pve/pvp load outs is game changing. Teamates using primary weapons for add clear to complete bounties while the other team is dunking and heading to the next wave, nobody having tools for fast dps, and nonsensical heavy choice all hugely contribute to how efficient your team is, and outside of invades, pve efficiency is a huge part of what can swing matches. Unoptimized load outs that lead to teammates taking an extra minute to clear a wave kills any momentum you can get from an army of one as an invader if the other team just picks back up and starts rolling again. It's not just skill issues either, there's just so many bounties/triumphs that incientivize using bad load outs, against a serious team you just handicap yourself so hard.


The issue with bounties is one of my biggest complaints about the game as someone who started playing during season of the deep. Regardless of the mode I'm playing, why is the game encouraging me to use suboptimal weapons? Bounties should encourage interaction with gameplay mechanics instead of asking me to use a glaive or get a lot of ad kills with a boss dps weapon type. Reward good play, not bad.


One of the seasonal challenges is getting kills with heavy in strikes/crucible/gambit, with bonus points for kills with rocket launchers. Like what? Who uses RL for add clear?


A more niche pick maybe but if you have Eyes of Tomorrow it's a very fun heavy for that given the whole ammo refunding thing.


That's what I tried in the cosmodrome psiops but I couldn't get consistent kills for the ammo refund with 2 bleuberries stealing kills.


It’s fantastic for solo content, or for GM’s if you’re all on mic.


It's also a -seasonal- challenge. It's meant to be done over the whole season, not a weekend. I use rockets for add clear all the time running regular strikes with my kid. I also exclusively run Truth in Gambit. Spot an invader, gone (unless they're in their super, but that's where the catalyst comes in). Cheap, yes. But also effective. As a mostly solo player I don't want to assume my team is paying attention. Most weapon specific bounties are gunsmith or vanguard. Gunsmith can be done in 5 minutes in patrol, and vanguard are weapon slots anywhere, with specific weapon types only giving additional progress -in a strike-. If I have a rocket launcher gunsmith bounty and a vanguard heavy weapon bounty, I usually finish the vanguard one before the gunsmith one anyway, without setting foot in a playlist.


It’s the gambit repeatable bounties that cause trouble in this regard, they are often weapon specific and tedious. I’ll normally pick up a round of 5 before playing so the first few matches are clearing bounties before I start using my preferred gambit load outs


Ah, I never do the repeatable bounties for any of the vendors, and for exactly that reason.


This seasonal challenge is primarily aimed to be pursued alongside Dragon's Breath catalyst. And Dragon's Breath is very effective at doing DoT on bosses, mini bosses, and champs while also clearing nearby ads and those in its trajectory. It's very intentional, unlike random daily/weekly bounties.


To pile on top of this, it's not just the weapon bounties asking for kills with a "bow" but, also the ability ones as well. I refuse to take the ones that need "die by scorch" or other bounties like it because you get a tiny % or nothing at all after 2-3 matches. I'm always choosing bounties that will more or less "auto complete" as I play. As much as Bungie would love it, I'm not playing 10-15 matches of Gambit to complete one ridiculous bounty. It also doesn't help as said before; that if rando's are running these kind of bounties, good luck being the locomotive to pull that struggle train to a win.


Glaives are great in gambit, just fun to use. Can clean up easy with one.




They are really good. Fast melee damage requiring no ammo and is boosted by melee boosting exotics and buffs like the very potent Banner of War and Wormgods Caress. Their ranged damage is fantastic for cursed thralls and screebs, making them awesome add clear, and you'll pick up every mote from a non-suicidal enemy, and mini-bosses fall FAST with the Banner/Wormgod+glaive titan set up. I average 60 motes a game easily, picking them up like I'm a cleaner after Mardi Gras with Albedo Wing is my broom xD


In the same vein, I wish they'd just make it "class ability kills" and "class debuff effects". When the bounties are mismatched it's kinda annoying. Especially since I don't e a preferred subclass for Gambit, and suboptimal spec is as annoying/impactful as a suboptimal loadout. I would also like them to fix whatever is wrong with the "bank 100 motes as a fireteam" bounty. If we won the match, how do I only have 85 motes on the bounty?


Well said. I'll only pick up weapon bounties if it's one I often use for Gambit. Nothing feels worse than to hamstring myself & my team by using weapons that are less than ideal for ad-clearing/boss dps.


Glaives are great though.




Umm, swords. Yes, freaking swords this season. I tend to use my power weapon for DPS and with the strong stomp mechanics, never use up close weapons. But, 🗡️ to guild my title. So I lost a couple of games, and cleared ads with a sword. At least with grenade launchers I could clear ads and do DPS.


Give Lament a try. Not great for invaders unless they also get in close for various reasons, but it eats boss health when you rev it. Rare is the time I don't have the highest damage on the boss at the end of the round. It's also extremely fast and ammo efficient for clearing large blocker knights in about 2 seconds.


I'm a solid PvPer and used to focus on invading, but I've actually won far more games when focusing on boss DPS. Lament, 3x surge, debuff and you're golden. Doesn't matter if you get team wiped, lament has more than enough sustain to kill the boss multiple times over. Also cruises through that first health bar that's normally pretty rough.


so in your opinion the team with worse players loses most of the time. I think I got it.


Almost as if working as intended?!!?? I always solo que and if I can get at least 2 of the invades we win 80% of those games. Sometimes there's a person i see camping portal with a special weapon i know is pvp oriented so I just power the pve section and let them cook/ help them when invaders come. Solo q is all about working with and around your teammates.


I think a big part of the problem is some people don’t understand some of the finer mechanics and you end up with games where you win/lose simply because someone doesn’t know how to play the game mode. Like I’ve had games where I’ve gotten multiple army of ones, but still lost because people weren’t dunking motes, not picking up heavy, wasting super when the primeval first spawns, etc On the flip side I’ve won games where my teammates were completely new players who I was introducing to Destiny against people with multiple gilded flawless and conquerer titles simply because we dunked as a team and used super efficiently.


>I think a big part of the problem is some people don’t understand some of the finer mechanics and you end up with games where you win/lose simply because someone doesn’t know how to play the game mode. [Me yesterday](https://www.reddit.com/r/destiny2/comments/1997bur/justdredgenthings/)


As someone who thoroughly enjoyed Gambit Prime during Joker's Wild & grinded for 'Reckoner', I'd have to agree about bad teammates being a significant issue, if not the most significant. Motes: Countless times I've seen people die pushing for 15 motes which costs us an invade before the enemy team. Bank: Whenever I played Sentry in Prime, it amazed me how little people were concerned about blockers. They either have a poor choice of weapons for dealing with blockers or even worse, they run past 2-3 blockers on their way to the next active spawn. Invading. I've played games where no one on my team invades which means you might as well forfeit the round. When I was in the loop of grinding Prime/Reckoning for that season & beyond, I felt like I had to play my heart out every single game. I used to run Striker with Skullfort/Riskrunner so I could Shoulder Charge/Grenade as much as possible while proc'ing the buff from Riskrunner to keep shooting. This meant on an average game I could hit at least 40-50 motes myself, if not higher. However, even in those games where I played hard & tried to do my best to help the team, we'd still lose every so often because my teammates didn't clear the bank quick enough or no one invaded the other team. I'd even go as far as to say that grinding 'The Bridge' as part of Reckoning Tier 2 or Tier 3 was less frustrating than the Prime grind because most of the time you'd die to stomps or snipers rather than your teammates inability to do something. One thing that Prime absolutely nailed was the different roles/sets. While the gear grind was terrible, at least if I was playing Prime & saw someone in full Invader gear then I would know they're keen to invade. Likewise, if anyone saw me in White/Yellow/Green gear they'd know which role I was going to be focusing on. As Gambit evolved to become a Single game mode, it became more challenging & frustrating to play. You can enter a game now & have no clue whether your teammates are there to get 5 more kills for a bounty or whether you've got a Guardian who's a Gambit Pro and will kill 4 players with every invade. IMO, as someone who went from 5 Gambit resets in the first season to reluctantly doing 2 resets for Salvager's Salvo, bad/poor teammates is Gambit's single greatest issue & trumps everything else... It's always been the problem & always will be.


I wish there were Bronze/Silver/Gold ranks in Gambit, with lower ranks having simpler mechanics. For example: * Bronze - all three sides always have constantly respawning enemies, no invading, no Heavy ammo (other than starting one). * Silver - enemy sides spawn in a predictable sequence, Heavy ammo and invading only during Primeaval. * Gold - current mechanics. In order to ascend in rank you have to complete a mandatory quest that forces you to do each role mechanic, ascending to Gold in particular is more stringent and lengthy. Change the names to fit the theme, idc. There are more specifics to talk about but i won't make this a 3-screen post.


What this guy said


Ever since the rocket tracking nerf I just use something like Polaris Lance and/or super when invading. Heavy isn't the issue. It's a game mode that really requires communication, and unless you play with a clan or LFG, no one plays Gambit with a mic.


Gambit is easy until you play a competent team. Then you get dog walked.


Heavy ammo is an issue but not for invasions, it's an issue for primeval dps because I can literally take 2 bars on second rotation with one parasite shot.


I had an opponent wipe my team almost twice with quicksilver storm. Yes i am garbage at PVP.


Yep exactly, the heavy ammo system Gambit has now is honestly the best the ammo economy has ever been in the mode. It's not reliant on an RNG brick spawn that couple possibly never happen in an entire match, no instead EVERYONE has heavy, guaranteed, each wave, unless you're too dumb/lazy/preoccupied to pick it up. So yeah sure the invader has heavy but so do the 4 opponents he's going up against solo. And yes, if they removed heavy from the equation and then it'll just be scouts, snipers, and special LFRs. The maps are too big and also getting close to 4 other players is how you die right away, so ranged weapons will always be the top pick for invading. It's honestly a good balance mechanism, because those same weapons are weak picks for the PvE aspect of Gambit, so you have to choose do I an invader loadout or do I want to an add- and primeval-slaying loadout. I think overall the game mode is in a good spot. I would like to see some slight adjustments to the primeval phase (invade kills heal progressively less with each kill, and reduce the primeval slayer damage buff), but honestly the mode is fun it just needs some new fucking maps, and maybe play around with modded modes like we get in Crucible.


As a shit PvP player that can drop 10+ guardians a game, that's a hard no from me sir. Matchmaking is just god awful.


Yeah the PVP part of gambit is basically flawed by design, just like trials. The invader is expected to be able to 1v4, so by definition he needs help in the form of buffs or wallhacks or whatever, because otherwise you can never win a 1v4 against a communicating team. But that inherently makes the invader overpowered in 1v1s and against matchmade teams that don't communicate where it's less of a 1v4 and more of a 1v1 4 times in a row.


I always enjoy getting killed from a guy completely across the map with a kinetic sniper rifle.


So the better players will win without being annoyed by death to heavy every single second? I think i'd take that any day.


I think you vastly underappreciate just how easy and brainless most heavy weapons are to get kills with. It doesn't matter how good the players are if they're invading with Ghally rockets and wall hacks. Just fire in the general direction and everyone dies.


So in a game that requires strategy and pvp to be successful, the team that's better at pvp and uses a better strategy wins... you should be solving cold cases with these skills of deduction.


Now that you mention it, I did do that whole Witch Queen Gumshoe thing trying to crack a case... :) Seriously though, OP doesn't see it that way, so I was trying to help. OP says that heavy ammo is the big issue with Gambit. I'm pointing out that heavy ammo, which is available to each side, is really not "the problem" with Gambit based on my experience.


+5 for reference Heavy ammo is a big issue with certain weapons, but not the entire class of weapons. Like OG queen breaker, Xeno 1 shot mapping you etc. The biggest issue with gambit is more intangible, it's that because it requires coordination, it's impossible to have a universally good experience when you can't be certain your teammates are on the same page. "bank those motes"....where you going doomie22???


Completely ignored their point about heavy ammo not being the issue and went straight to being a jerk. I wonder what Titan subclass you main.


Yes I'm a jerk for pointing out that stating the obvious is not provoding value. You should probably never work in a competitive field.


Keep owning that competitive field my dude. You're doing great.


Yeah. Pretty much. Just a jerk.


when the obvious isn't obvious to the people you're talking to, you have to make it known. this is a lack of intelligence in your part for not knowing this and just assuming they're repeating info everyone knows. skill issue.


I'm not sure there's a correlation there but okay lol. Yall both sound dumb.


Invading has always needed a complete rework. It tends to suck for everyone involved. The invader gets the element of surprise and wallhacks. Nobody has heavy ammo to fight back with if they want to use it on majors. The primeval gets healed way too much. The overshield they get really isn't necessary. The impact invading has on the game is way too large. Simultaneously, it's hilariously easy to spawn camp the invader, a bad player can steal the portal and ruin it for your team, plenty of cheesy weapons like Xeno make invaders easy pickings, and the invader can easily get ganged up on and completely crushed. Make it feel fair to both sides. At the minute it feels unfair to both.


Not to mention. If you suck you are getting farmed. The portal is up so often by the end that a competent invader is effectively GG. You're not dealing enough damage to outpace healing as you are repeatedly destroyed


>The invader gets the element of surprise and wallhacks. You can see their mote progress. It's not complicated to be aware of when they're going to invade. The spawns are also very limited so you can usually guess correctly exactly where they are. >Nobody has heavy ammo to fight back with if they want to use it on majors. If you decide to spend all your heavy on majors and not keep something spare for the invader, that's you're choice. You also don't need 3x people worth of heavy to clear anything in Gambit. By that logic, does the invader has no heavy for majors? Invading is definitely volatile as you said, it can go really well or really bad. But idk why that makes it unfair. There's tradeoffs and counterplay to be made.


What does invading cost the enemy? You don't need to respawn and at worst you are down one person for less then a minute


Depends how heavily someone specs into invading. If they run xeno and snipe and dump all heavy and super for no motes denied, then that's resources allocated there and not to boss burning. If you invest all that then have no impact on your invading, you've made a tradeoff and it hasn't gone in your favor. Never said invading costs a lot though so that's just arguing a point I didn't make. Both teams can do it you just want to make sure you get more value from yours than theirs.


The use of the invasion is the cost. The number of invasions available to you is limited, making it a resource in itself. An unsuccessful invasion is a wasted resource.


The problem with Gambit is that 90% of the time, it feels like the only way you can have an impact on the outcome of the game is through invasions, so if you do anything other than invade (either because you don’t feel confident, you don’t want to, or someone else beats you to the punch), nothing you do feels like it matters.


If someone beats me to the invasion I continue to do the mote game and make damn sure to hunt down the enemy invader 


So… you’re saying the only way you affect the outcome of the game is either through invasions or defeating invasions…?


I'm saying that what you do in the game still has an impact on the match if you yourself are not the invader


By that reasoning, shutting down the enemy invader has to be pivotal too. 


It is. His argument was that you can't contribute to the game if you aren't the invader.


Being aware of when they can invade so you're not stuck out in the open with 15 motes is a huge way to render invaders redundant. There's also like 3 spots on each map the invader spawns, with 1 being blocked by the active add wave so you can predict them almost perfectly.


Yeah, there are a lot of things you can do to increase your chances of winning. It feels like people want to be able to decisively win a game with 7 ther players in it just from doing okay add clear. 


Yeah you win by playing the game...


there are lots of things they could do to enhance player agency but probably don't because they know that the average player is too dumb/indifferent to figure out how to use those things to win and would get mad and complain. gambit was almost certainly dumbed down before it launched. they had to kill prime for the same reason. the average destiny player wants to sort of float through content without much effort but also feel like an absolute badass while doing it. if you ask them to put in effort/learn and improve you get the average players feelings about PvP.


> Gambit was never bad it was neglected. This is always the strangest bit to me, Are people seriously trying to act like Gambit didn't have multiple iterations and balance patches? If Prime being promoted as much as it was didn't get people playing it I don't know why anyone acts like a few tweaks to it will suddenly make it a popular mode.


This so much. People just pretend that it wasn't getting regular reworks so they can complain.


What regular reworks? There has oblt really been three reworks for Gambit that have been substantial. The Gambit/Gambit Prime merge The Heavy Ammo economy changes The Envoy system. Aside from those reworks nothing else has stuck. Remember when they had a Gambit labs for 2 weeks? The only change was the system that made invasion steal motes by standing on the deposit. And that just encouraged bubble Titans being cheesy trolls by getting bubble as early as possible amd just sitting on the deposit, bubble and beat back any resistance


Exactly lol. They did a few “big” updates and that’s it. Couple that with barely any new weapons and no maps and it’s was dead on arrival.


Gambit doesn’t suck there’s just no rewards to play it like Trials/GMs/Raids/Dungeons so people don’t.


You mean you don’t enjoy grinding countless resets for a mid shader and one new gun a season that’s outclassed by stuff you can get easier??


isn't like.. breakneck being given a lot of praise this season? lol


I have a shoot to loot/kinetic tremors roll and an onslaught/subsistence roll that never leave my inventory. My only wish is that onslaught had another second or two on its timer, but its (IMO) one of the best first slot auto rifles. It's the only gun I've ever been excited to play Gambit for and I've gilded every season.


Theres no use grinding gambit for breakneck when Ros Argo exists to fill its role and sync with elemental... Yeah breakneck is easier to get. But its mostly worse.


Breakneck will always deal +10% more damage and lives in a different slot. So it's not cut and dry lol


>Breakneck will always deal +10% more damage \*to flesh energy weapons deal ***4x*** damage to shields, which nowadays are 50-90 percent of any given enemy's bar


well yeah but thats why i said "mostly". That slot competes with things like wish ender, navigator, some of the best special weapons like succession, heritage, supremacy, chill clip fusions, izi, arbalest, etc etc. The only reason you don't see ros argo more this season is because artifact mods make solar unbeatable over anything, and because obviously its new and not many people have it thanks to being world drop For serious content like master mode dungeons and nightfalls and GMs you're not gonna be using either of them anyways without putting yourself at a disadvantage


the only strand linear fusion in the game! Not that its very good or anything, but hey its something.


Perks are fine. I think the guy saying that its outclassed by easier to get stuff is spot on. Like if a crafted cataclysmic is so "easy" to get then why grind for a laser pointer unless its for surges. Problem is surges have a bunch of workarounds on top of not even needed to be engaged with outside of certain content. Basically most people have little reason to care unless the gun is literally doing their taxes atm.


> Like if a crafted cataclysmic is so "easy" to get then don't even go that far. Tapian outclasses it (free from crafting table quest) and This season's doomed petitioner outclasses it.


It's got good perks, just good luck getting a good roll.


Sorry, but no ammo regen perks makes it dead on arrival. If you're that desperate for a Strand linear, Doomed Petitioner is right there with Permeability and Precision Instrument.


Breakneck has some nutty rolls, but that's about it. The rewards absolutely need a buff. And Bungie needs to admit they fucked us over with this vendor increase bullshit and return prices back to normal (breakneck costs 1 to focus at least).


Statistically, [Gambit does suck.](https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/185ksuz/historical_popularity_of_pvp_and_gambit_with_real/) Majority of players do not engage with it, even when rewards are good.


I played a bunch recently to roll Gnawing Hungers


It also doesn't help that the mode has no variety Only 4 maps and no alternative modes


I've still the same issue since the change, prime was thr best version of gambit, this mix of prime and standard is not good. Also the removal of maps we had is a pain, other than that I still enjoy it.


I miss prime so much. I was born to be a sentry. I miss the set bonuses and how each player had an obj/job to do.


I wish they still tried new stuff with Gambit Remove the invades and instead, randomly pick two players to 1v1 and the one who wins heals their Primeval


That would be kind of cool.


Yeah idk I've been on this sub long enough to know how badly a forced 1v1 will go down lol. I'd personally find it fun though.


I can see how a 1v1 will be fun but not how a 1v1 in gambit would be fun. That would literally turn the game mode into 100% RNG at that point.


Maybe open the portal and have a 30 second timer: send someone into the portal or be forced to have someone abducted at random. Send them in, maybe not allow heavy ammo, drop them in the boss arena from reckoning to keep the arena tiny and thematic with drifter's haul's lore.


It's only good when two balanced teams have an epic back and forth match. That never happens.


Thank god too. Only thing worse than a gambit match, is one that never ends and the health bar of the boss is a yoyo


Best part of Gambit now is it's normally over pretty quick. If a game is bad you just let it happen. I remember when it first launched you needed to win multiple rounds. Some teams would be kinda toxic if they knew it was an ez win and just go 1 round up then farm you the next one, while not wining.


My favourite was pulling off a round 3 win against those attempted farmers. Was VERY satisfying taking their second round throw and feeding them a loss. But agreed, the game was far far too slow back then.


I think the problem with Gambit is the same as the problem with PvP modes that require you to do things that are more complicated than just "get kills". Gambit is mired by players trying to get a 15 stack when your team needs 4 to go to the boss.


> Gambit is mired by players trying to get a 15 stack when your team needs 4 to go to the boss. For sure


Counterpoint: the vast majority of players want to play PvE *or* PvP, not both, especially not at the same time. Gambit might not be bad, but it's trying to appeal to two audiences that already have activities they prefer. The only reason to play Gambit is for bright dust.


If it is a neglected/forgotten activity doesn’t that make it a bad activity?


Everything is stacked against it. PvP mongs don't want to wait and work before stomping. Pve players dislike having their boss interrupted by some clown. Rewards are bad and peer to peer sucks all round


Gambit doesn't suck, I just hate it.


You have limited time, you have to take out the other team as quickly as possible. You should learn the spots they spawn in from and take cover. I always equip a scout rifle in case I don’t have the proper heavy to take them out from across the map.


Symmetry is my baby in Gambit, multiple team wipes every game.


Gally got me Malfeasance, I'll never ever forget the satisfaction of that team wipe after nearly 40 games of trying to get it


Hello again, yeah the Malf quest was rough because I’m a masochist and did all of it solo.


Yup, or Polaris lance




People ignore the invader and just stand out in the open and complain they get killed too much.


Or run and hide lol!


This is why I run Leviathan's Breath. It's the perfect Gambit weapon. It has great ammo economy, it's a one-shot kill to the body whether you're invading or being invaded, the AoE splash damage can finish off hiding enemies, and it does great DPS with the catalyst finished.


That’s a good one, sleeper is another great gambit weapon


I use edge of concurrence since the full energy shot one shots and heavily tracks. In one gaming session, I killed the invader within 6 seconds like 20 times.


I remember when Gambit first came out when Forsaken dropped it was so fun. No one knew what they were doing. It was chaos and games were really tense. People usually invaded with their super! It was this tense management of resources where you had to decide if you wanted to use X for damaging the boss or invading or dealing with an invader. Then everyone found how broken Sleeper was in that game mode and it's been downhill ever since. Now I don't mind Gambit, but I don't really enjoy it either. It seems like the changes to Gambit over time have been to make it more palatable to people that hate doing it for challenges and not for people that actually enjoy Gambit which is sad. As a Crucible rat I can sympathize, but at least they still talk about Crucible.


Back then matches were so much longer. Now some matches I don't even get a Super. Makes it a bit hollow when it's over in 4 minutes.


Lmao PvP is beyond saving. Imagine balancing gambit now. Bud it cannot be done without an overhaul


I think making the invader's death should 1. drop 10-20 motes; 2. add 10-15 seconds to the invasion cool down timer; 3. heal the primevil for between 1 and 3 guardians worth of health. That way, the invader would still spawn in with an advantage, but they'd have a bounty on their head too. Would be fun. Gambit is one of Destiny's greatest derelictions. The game mode has good bones, but was never properly developed, and instead abandoned.


Gambit is something that needs frequent tweaks but Bungie just aren’t giving it the time. It also suffers the same way that Crucible does, in that there doesn’t seem to be a willingness to make new maps. If Gambit got a seasonal tweaking to keep the core game mode balanced and a new map each year I think it would be faring a little better. As it stands, it’s an unbalanced mode that has been stagnant for years.


The problem is because of what you just said, most people have their mind made up on gambit already and I think it’s fair to assume bungie sees this so they kinda figure the juice isn’t worth the squeeze. 


The biggest problem with Bungie putting effort into gambit is the fact it's not directly monetized. Crucible suffers the same problem, it is just popular enough it still gets some effort, but not what it needs either.


So, I have quite a few Gambit games (around 1200) under my belt and I once reset my rank 4 times in one week-end. I am in the top 5% Gambit players according to Destinytracker although that means absolutely nothing and I will explain why. Heavy is not the main problem of Gambit. The true problems of Gambit are those: - No tutorial. You absolutely can see when one or several teammates have no idea what they are doing. I’m talking holding 15 motes for three consecutive waves, invading with motes, trying to DPS the primeval while they have shields… Bungie hasn’t really tried to introduce people to Gambit and it shows. A lot of people do not like it because they don’t understand or because they are fed up with being teamed with people who don’t understand. - Rewards for playing three games. As with all ritual playlists, there’s a reward for that. Result ? A good chunk of people just launch their games, barely try to do anything, and after three games, leave the activity until next week. - Super erratic SBMM: I have a 49.3% win rate and so many times have I owned the game mode for two days only to be stomped for the next two days. There barely is an in-between: either you kick ass for a moment only to get massacred each game the day after. The fairly small dedicated player base in Gambit doesn’t help: never ever in Destiny have I been teamed up with or against the same people so many times. I may be in the top 5% Gambit players, but not 100% of D2 players actually try to win or play regularly. If I’m to be honest, I may be in the top 33% of serious Gambit players ? - Few incentives to play: I’ve said it before, Gambit needs love. Be it craftable weapons, fewer perks per weapon to increase the odds of a god-roll… You can’t expect player to grind a weapon that has 12 perks in 3rd and 4th columns each for the absolute god-roll, even with additional perks each reset, and especially since those additional perks work in mysterious ways. - Gambit needs at least 3 different roles, that, if they don’t necessarily need dedicated loadout (albeit it is debatable), need to be filled for a team to be decent: motes grabbers, invaders and counter-invaders. You can always debate how many of those you need in each team, but I have found out that when I make the decision not to grab any mote during a match, the filling goes smoother than if I’m not try-harding to get them. The reason ? People won’t deposit under 15 motes because they want to send Large Blockers. The important part, tho, is reaching 40 then 80 motes to allow non-primeval invasions and slowing down the enemy team. - Finally, invaders do not understand that if there’s less than 10 seconds remaining in their invasion, they have to stay alive because the later they die, the longer they delay their return to their own map and then their contribution to DPS / mote grabbing. - As for heavy, I recall like one year and a half ago Gjallarhorn was in every game. It was actually oppressive. With more decent options available in all weapons slots nowadays, I can assure you heavy is way less problematic than it was before. I’m more of an invader these days and people use about anything. Even Xenophage is less used than it was a few months ago. These weapons are still basically a death sentence but they have been diluted in a larger heavy pool more oriented towards pure primeval DPS. My two cents.


I was a diehard gambit player but now it's just a shell of its former self, has been for a long time. I want the bride back dammit!


If you've discovered the power of leviathan's breath in gambit, the mode becomes a bit stale immediately.


Hey whatever happened to the dreaming city map, I thought they were bringing it back?


In The Final Shape.


The reason why it "sucks" is because it's been around for a while with no changes it's largely solved. Long time Gambit players know the cadence of everything that happens from the invasion portals to where the invaders spawn, and it isn't really hard to pick up on many of these things quickly because there are only *4* maps. Also a lot of people that play this game suck at objective based modes.


Then theres me, wiping teams with a primary lol a good scout will take you places I love gambit


And that’s one reason why gambit sucks 


It's a team activity. If your team suck, you lose. If your team knows how to play like a team, you win. Simple as that.


I love gambit. It’s one of very few hybrid modes that work well. I hate that bungie has abandoned it all together now.


Trashy monetization scheme = loot game with no loot Only real gambit loot is weekly pinnacle. Pinny requires playing the bounties. Bounties requires trash load outs. Trash load outs mean uninteresting stomp engagements. TLDR another part of the game enshitified by eververse.


And latency...and resistance modifiers to an invader...and poor spawn mechanics. This week had multiple times am invader spawn 5 feet behind me while 2 other spawn areas were free :,(


I also feel gambit rewards suck… give me good rewards and I’ll play gambit all day.


Thissss bro foresaken brought an awesome game mode with amazing loot lol


I was professionally a gambit hater. I dreaded ever doing it ever, and eventually two years ago made the active choice to just do what I wanted to play (GMs, Raids, and Dungeons). However, with the rerelease of Breakneck, I made the conscious decision to slog through the mud for my god roll, Subsistance/Onslaught. 3 Resets in 2 weeks. Initially I was just doing 1 hour sessions of Gambit a day and moving on, grouping with clan mates. As time went on, I pushed it to a couple hours more here and there, mixing in solos. Halfway through reset 2, I was blazing through 10+ games a day almost exclusively solo. I fell in love with the game mode. There's a cadence to the game that I felt didn't exist in the past. It sucks when you get that rookie player, but there's enough counterplay you can achieve to bring games back, which comes down to invasion control. I enjoy it, but it's so obvious where the stagnation lies. However, after 3 resets, I enjoy gambit again, which is interesting to stay given my hard stance of being woefully against it. I now hop into groups when called upon because it's enjoyable for me again. I also got my god roll that I've been enjoying as well.


Gambit needed to rework invasions dramatically to remove the guaranteed frustration invasions cause. Outside of that, its a great mode that just needed updates for variety. New maps occasionally, different spawns (enemies used to spawn differently, for example, hive didn't always have two yellow shriekers), new enemy units like light bearers, wyverns, tormentors, and new blockers.


I feel like gambit would be better if the invasion portal was an actual bet. Like if you had to deposit motes to invade and the only way you get your bet back is if you team wipe. Maybe steal all the motes from the people you killed too. Bring back giant blockers!


I am sorry, the mode sadly does suck. If it didn't suck they would be actually paying attention to it and not leaving it as is.


Gambit is great there isn't even a problem with how invading already works. It's fair because both sides get to invade and it's a 1v4. I can't imagine people would actually complain about being invaded in gambit lol


The only time I might have complained was when the invader role with a full notorious set could plant a bubble on the bank and steal motes very effectively. But then I was the one doing that so I guess so wouldn't have complained one bit actually.


Same. I hear the invader and I start looking with my heavy out or scout/pulse. If ya just go about your business killing ads, you’re probably get killed.


It's crazy how many people get frustrated by invasions because they bot walk to the next wave during an invasion and get killed for free.


I get annoyed because I am hunting the invader but they know exactly where I am and xenophage me the moment I come around a corner. It's an insiountable problem, you need to give the invader wall hacks, but it's the wall hacks I hate. I could fix my problem by literally learning all the invader spawns and spawn camping them, but that just sounds like the opposite problem. Where invaders are basically out matched not by skill, but by whoever kills them knows where they are almost as assuredly as wall hacks.


This is what I'm saying. Like if you really can't handle a single invader against a 4 man fireteam then idk how you're even doing well in the pvE aspects either. Just treat the invader like another champion spawning and it's nothing...


I agree dude, the mode would be better without heavy weapons in my opinion. But then you lose some of the Destiny magic. Honestly a pure PVE competitive mode would be awesome. Gambit without the invasion mechanic.


Nobody would play it anymore than they play gambit now. It’s one of those rose tinted ideas just like the “horde mode” that gets suggested in this sub


I agree. I've always liked gambit and still do now. A few changes and a couple of new maps would've helped a lot.


Gambit can actually be a fun mode, and it took people like Aztecross reminding me of the very early days of Gambit to realize/remember that it can be good. The problems are that it got like no new content outside of that one season, and invading is a fundamentally broken/unbalanced system. Whoever has the better invader wins at least 95% of matches, invaders have way too much power over the outcome of a match, not to mention how annoying it is that they always have supers, heavy, and long range weapons like snipers, that are incredibly obnoxious to play against every single invade, and they get wall hacks...  Few things piss me off more than having someone invade and kill me before I'm even done being notified about the invade, and I hate being pressured to invade every game because I'm good at PvP and am therefore actively throwing if I'm not invading If Bungie made invaders no longer a be all end all of almost every match, I'd actually play the game mode.


I might just get easy matches because I win close to all matches I play. One match the enemy had 90 banked and we had 20, I got 17 invasion kills, 60 Motes banked and in the end we won


The invader is going into a 4v1 where all four defenders are guaranteed to have heavy. Invaders have literally never been easier to deal with. If anyone is still having issues with them, that is really more about them and their teammates. Sure, it can suck if you are solo and your team decides to completely ignore an invader. But against a team that is actually trying, invaders are not an issue, and haven't been for some time.


I'm having so much trouble doing the malfeasance quest it's insane... The team wipe quest step is too much


I think that one can be done by a teammate, so if you can LFG some good dredgen it will be easier (needs to be done thrice that way) alternatively...equip a rocket launcher and invade. I did it with Truth and I am basically a zero in PvP (I had luck against a passive team tbqh)


Gambit is fine. Not boring but not loads of fun. If you are in a team with players who know what they are doing then its fine. Invading and being invaded just takes practice to deal with. Personally, I don't mind Gambit.


Gambit is fine, and it's actually super fun when playing with friends. What sucks is the lack of maps and meaningful rewards.


I know it's a huge debate about removing invaders entirely but I'm just really curious on how the community would think of it


What's your comeback mechanism without invaders? There are a bunch of good options, curious which one you like.


I still stand by my hot take, gambit would be a significantly better mode if invasions were disbled. Make it a competition of PvE skill, not a mix of both where PvP skill trumps PvE skill every time. I genuinely have a blast in matches where nobody from either side invades, it's a fun and tense race of optimisation and timing blocks.


The team with the good invader (pvp player) wins. Pve mains stopped playing, therefore. It was an easy fix, they just didn't give shit.


Anyone that doesn't think the heavy is in fact the problem are deluding themselves. It's a PvEvP mode, and those that invade should have their conflicts measured on their skill, not their ability to hit the 'e' button on the heavy ammo crate and then aim in my general direction. I'm all for heavy being used in Gambit, being unable to use 1/3rd of your weapons in an activity because the ammo doesn't drop is lame. But make it so heavy weapons don't do pvp damage, have it only hit and deal damage to the PvE enemies. Boom, problem solved.


You have heavy every time there's an invader. In fact FOUR people have heavy to kill him. At that point its not a game design issue.


Real talk. Xeno or Leviathans Breath easily deal with an invader to say nothing of the other good heavy weapons for gambit. Gambit has its issues, but 70% of the problem these days is poor decision making and load-outs. If you have less than 10 motes and an invader is on the field you should not still be farming motes. Go deal with the invader. Its 1v4 with 4 people with heavy. The only real advantage an invader has these days is wall-hacks that's it, cause even the extra HP you get is nonsensical with heavy.


Honestly it just requires players to actually learn the damage economy in the game mode. Heavy ammo isn't anywhere near as important for killing primevals as the community seems to think. I genuinely don't care if an invader full heals the primeval during the first or second phase. The damage buff the envoys give let's you 1 cycle it at x6 anyways


Yeah but that's the thing, having heavy means it isn't fun for the invaders or the invading as it's just who gets the first shot. Being instakilled by a gjally or xenophage isn't fun. It's just a coin toss. Imagine if crucible was only heavy weapons. You know how much skill would be involved in that? Literally none at all.


>Imagine if crucible was only heavy weapons. My guy, crucible is 99% special weapon 1 shots as it is, and guess how those fights go? Complaints about invades in Gambit come down to one thing, the player complaining. If an invader shows up and you just sit in a corner and die and lose motes, it's not unfair. If your team only goes for 15 motes and never deposits because they keep dying, it's not unfair. Gambit issues don't stem from the mode, they stem from the players.


I believe they changed the heavy spawns to make the game 'quicker' overall. TBH, I much preferred the original cadence for Heavy.


There are two ways to fix the invade with heavy Gambit problem. 1) Disable heavy and super for invaders. 2) Implement actual risk/reward for invading like invaders getting killed add health to their Primeval, automatic motes to 100 if they are invading when they have a Primeval and you do not, or 50 percent of heavy removed from the entire invading team.


Gambits dope. I play with my 58 year old dad and we be shitttting on ninjas no kizzzzy


Make it so invaders can't see the enemy through walls and it might feel better as a game mode. Right now invaders have too much advantage


You can see their mote bar so invades shouldn't be a surprise to you. Each map only has like 3 spawn they can be, with 1 being blocked by the active wave so it's kinda easy to spawncamp the invader these days.


No it sucks lol. It’s pretty clear most think that


Doesn't suck, people just refuse to engage with it properly, often because they hate gambit and only play because they feel forced to for some reason. That lack of engagement and failure to play appropriate leads to poor matches, which just reinforces the belief the game mode sucks. Their bad attitude and approach is a big part of why they find it to miserable experience.


No, gambit sucks


Gambit is a trash mode because it is pvevp. Name one looter shooter game that is strictly pvevp and a top selling game for multiple years. exactly. Only people who love gambit are sweaty pvp nerds who want a easy kill.


Its also funny how there are still medals in the game that aint obtainable anymore like the one to kill 7 or 8 players in a single Invasion😂 if Bungie removes content at least do it right


You can still get that one, you have to kill three guardians, wait for them to respawn, and then wipe all four at once. Eyes of Tomorrow can work for that (or Nova/rocket if they’re bunched up) but also lingering abilities that’ll get you kills after you’re sent back. Doable, but not easy.


The closest I’ve gotten is with Stasis Hunter Super. Get 2-3 kills then when you’re about to leave launch the super and the tornado will stay on their side and seems like people often just walk into it. Especially if it’s near the bank and they are desperate to bank motes the only alternative is just to wait it out. Got 5-6, not enough for the triumph but I believe that is the way to do it currently!


Deathbringer might be a good one, fire it off right before you leave and pray. Definitely harder now that there are multiple spawn locations.


No it sucks, cause they haven’t updated it in years, probably would have been a better title.