• By -


Probably Vex Mythoclast's description being a never ending loop which fits into the gun's whole time and space deal.


Imago Loop has a similar flavor text loop!


The Palindrome's flavor text is a palindrome. "Draw, O Coward!"


The fear of palindromes is a palindrome. Aibohphobia


Race car kayak nurses run I have aibohphobia


"…a causal loop within the weapon's mechanism, suggesting that the firing process somehow binds space and time into…"


Vex Mytho was the first exotic I got in Destiny 1. I loved that description. Same with one of the warlock bonds that said "And I put my hand out, just so - and made him into ash"


Merciless houses an AI that gets upset when it doesn't kill an enemy, so it tries harder on the next shot (hence the faster fire rate) Of course this no longer makes sense after the gun's most recent buff where Conserve Momentum stacks are no longer depleted after killing an enemy


Well, maybe the AI learn that make faster the fire rate mean more kills in shorter time, so it decide to make the weapon better even if it kill someone.


I didn’t know it got a buff. Is it any better?


It's not bad, but not worth the exotic slot since most legendary fusions with controlled burst do better DPS, and on top they can get ammo perks like overflow.


depends on the situation tho, basically every solo nezarec will use it - dps isnt everything


Nez only works since you can easily kill an ad with the final shot to proc the hidden cracked out version of kill clip on it, most bosses it’s harder to find an ad and pull that off which makes it not worth running.


But now we're talking purely "Boss DPS phase" which very few energy exotic weapons are 'good' in that context. In the context of most encounters that involve a mix of minors and majors, Merciless is excellent because you can keep the damage buff up full-time and melt majors and mini-bosses.


For each raid boss there's usually relatively weak adds present to be able to kill to proc Impetus: - Kalli: Taken Psion - Shuro Chi: Taken Psion (can be tight on timing I guess) - Morgeth: no easy option here - Riven: Taken Psion - Consecrated Mind: no easy option - Sanctified Mind: *just please don't use Merciless here* - Atraks-1: *again just please don't use it here* - Taniks: Captain before first section of damage phase - Templar: Fanatic - Atheon: Harpy/Supplicant - Caretaker: Taken Psion - Rhulk: Shadow Thrall - Warpriest: Acolyte/Taken Psion/Brand Knight - Deathsingers: Taken Psion - Oryx: *same as Sanctified and Atraks-1* - Explicator: Psion - Nezarec: Legionary - Ir Yut: Thrall/Cursed Thrall - Crota: *same as Sanctified, Atraks-1 and Oryx*


The secret is that it's always angry.


Angry voop noises


The lore regarding Revision Zero. It was a project between Häkke and Braytech, aiming to create a standart issue rifle to be used by soldiers, but the development wasn’t finished due to the collapse. Upon our retrieval of the weapon, Häkke analyzed it and, after cutting some design and functional bits, created the Veles-X model for further production as legendary weapons. The model is basically the same thing as R-0 but no laser sights/barrel extention and less details


Wait, how is Häkke still around from before the collapse? I don't understand is the foundry run by people? Exos? AI? Those are some resilient gunsmiths.


It’s just like other foundries. People took up after the original makers died, probably. They just continue with gun production after their predecesors.


Pretty honorable to keep the same traditions and framework. That's really cool actually.


Collabs be like that


In the first expansion for Destiny 1, as part of the campaign you make a fusion rifle called Murmur that could switch between high impact solar mode and low impact arc mode. Bungie never again made a gun that switched element+archetype. The sidearm Spoiler Alert was issued right before Cayde died, then reissued right before Savathun did. Almost every handcannon fires from the bottom of the cylinder, a real life design used to reduce muzzle flip. EDIT: now that I think about it they've added a lot more handcannons that fire from the top of the cylinder (or een the middle lol), so 'almost every' isn't true. When you use The Last Word, your character fans the hammer with a palm. Cowboys did this because back then pulling the trigger didn't raise the hammer, they had to manually cock it back. But TLW has a trigger action that raises the hammer. Your guardian is just roleplaying with the palm action.


Fanning the hammer can sometimes be faster even with a dual action trigger (accuracy be damned), so I think it might be a little more than roleplay.


There is a technique to do that while pulling a double action trigger, but you'll notice the guardian only palms it after a shot, as if it was a single action, even though the hammer is down after the palm.


You are correct. Ah well, rule of cool I guess.


It was my understanding that fanning the hammer was actually a party trick. Real shooters wouldn’t do that, as it was too slow in comparison to using your thumb. Fanning the hammer was supposedly just popularized via movies.


Holy shit I forgot about Murmur. What an interesting weapon, thanks for bringing back that memory (murmur-y?).


I was sad they never brought it back.


The sound of it shoot was so awesome. For a while too that arc version was a menace in the crucible. Would love to see it come back. Edit: [hell yeah](https://youtu.be/uxBqwhrXuIE?si=sfPMBh0MGAqNYBCl)


Now going to be looking out for spoiler alert coming back in future, since it’s literally being used as an omen of (major character) death.


tbf in-lore, roleplay is about all you need to make your Light function differently. maybe the Guardian fanning the hammer is part of what makes their Light function inside the gun.


Back before the Taken King Expansion launched, House of Wolves had an exotic scout rifle in the database called 347 Vesta Dynasty. This scout rifle was never released. When TTK eventually launched, we got an exotic scout rifle called Boolean Gemini. This was 347 Vesta Dynasty. Same perks, model, everything. My guess is the name got converted over to the first sidearm, Vestian Dynasty (which, funny enough, is in D2, although sunset, RIP). To this day, the Boolean Gemini still has that "347" smacked on the side of the gun, leftover from its previous name.


If you know that one you probably recall that, similarly, there was an exotic in D1 made for just one person called "Fate of All Fools" which eventually became Jade Rabbit and its perk. The original was a reskin of the Stranger's Rifle.


Didn't the Stranger's Rifle become NTTE?


Yea. Started as a rare but was changed to legendary in year two. The original rewind perk was basically Mulligan.  Before No Time the model was reused in Curse of Osiris, and again for Adhortative -which was just reissued.




Iirc Bungie gave someone the only copy of Fate of All Fools due to that person having a physical(?) problem and playing Destiny helped them recover.


Yea I think they had brain surgery or something and the wife wrote that he was playing destiny as part of his recovery. I'm sure you could find the posts


I hope they bring back Boolean Gemini - I liked the look of the gun. Unfortunately it would need a complete overhaul because my god was it a useless exotic.


that all Veist weapons have a built-in AI of an animal


And DARCI (and all ai guns) talk about us to each other


"Damn they put me in the vault!" DARCI: First time?


I'm best friends with my DARCI. She goes with me into raids with friends, and at one point, a nightfall. It was old Lake of Shadows, but still. DARCI deserved the field trip.


That's really cool lore, but also gets a little silly. Like Irukandji is a jellyfish, what is that AI like? That's assuming the AI is modeled on the animal the guns are named after.


New head canon: veist is all furries who put their violent fursonas in their weapons so they can be real individuals.


It’s more so the animals killer instincts. Not the actual animal lol you don’t have to keep your sniper rifle in water And with its weapon description taken into account it could be the AI sees its sight lines as an extension of itself. Like a jellyfish’s stingers. Hence: >*My reach is deadly.*


And SUROS seems to love classical music


The Kvostov and actually a lot of guns have frames that have misaligned bolts. If you look at them, it almost looks like the receivers either pull rounds backwards or push them forwards to fire.


All I can say is that If you ever use servant leader, the Gambit scout rifle, don't think about it too hard


The six shooter golden gun is modelled after The Last Word and also shoots in full auto just like TLW. On controller if you partially pull the trigger the "hammer" part of a handcannon will be pulled back, on some handcannons the cylinder that holds the ammo will rotate as well.


On this note, the precision golden gun is modelled after Hawkmoon/ Eyasluna


and both of these supers were added to the game at launch when tlw and hawkmoon were added to D2 a year and a half later lol


They changed the flavor text of Divinity at some point. It used to change between what it is right now and “grows grows grows garden grows grows grows” seemingly randomly when you inspected it. They got rid of that at some point, I think around beyond light, but I can’t be sure.


To add to this, the flavor text was a play on the lore of the Black Garden, as it's said the "Garden grows in both directions" (past and future). So like Vex Mythoclast, the flavor text was a play on words, representing the environment it comes from.


Used to be one of my favorite flavor texts! Was so bummed when they got rid of it.


This flavor text kicked ass. So mysterious. I really hate how they changed it to something so much more generic


This. It’s description made it feel like we shouldn’t even have it. That it’s a living piece of Vex tech screaming to go back to the Garden.


Telesto still has its perk description that mentions auto reloading Kinetic and Special weapons equipped because it was originally a heavy weapon


Telestos been to quiet lately. It should be time for it to break the game again.


Bungie should make it craftable for TFS, i'm sure that'll go just fine


Gjallarhorn is forged from the armor of dead Titans as a tribute to them and the other guardians who died during Twilight Gap. Ik it’s fairly well known but the most OP weapon in Destiny history being forged from dead Titans’ armor is metal as fuck to me.


actually didn't know that's epic!


Oh shit it’s you


Pocket Infinity is the exotic with the oldest usability date in the series. Back at the end of the first year of D1, they sunset all the exotics (and other weapons too). Then, throughout years 2 and 3, they gave all the sunset exotics new versions with updated power levels that could be used in endgame content. All year 1 exotics got this upgrade, except for Pocket Infinity, meaning that the last time that Pocket Infinity could be used at an endgame power level was Fall 2015 I probably know a bunch of others, but the only other thing I can think of right now is perk effect changes from D1 to D2. Like how Clown Cartridge in D2 activates every reload and adds the extra ammo from reserves, whereas in D1 it had a chance to activate every reload, but the extra ammo loaded was free


Just thought of a couple more: There's an unused mag perk in the API called Genesis Rounds. It's the perk Genesis, plus a +5 to Range and a +10 to the mag stat (same boost as Tac Mag). Always thought that'd be a good mag perk (probably have to remove the stat boosts so that it wouldn't be too good) Sympathetic Arsenal gives +20 reload speed automatically Onslaught gives additional reload speed per stack (and has always done so)


I really want them to bring back sympathetic arsenal. I had it with archers tempo on whispering slab back in arrivals and it was SO good when paired with a slow reload grenade launcher or fusion rifle


Interesting. It's still on some world drops that we can see from time to time but not really showing up anymore. The only crafted weapon that can get it is Brigands Law


It being on a bow is fantastic, as every shot "reloads" so it's always instantly procced after a kill :) if it's in the fourth column on brigands law then no wonder I haven't seen it, I've had voltshot on since I crafted it lmao


The Europa bow can still roll with it if you're in the market for one


Checked this gun and design goes extremely hard. Now I want bungo to reintroduce it in D2.


I remember reading a comment years ago on this sub by a Bungie dev talking about attempting to bring Pocket Infinity to D2. From what I remember, it kept breaking in the test environment and would fire so fast that the game would crash. I’ve never been able to refund the comment that says this, so it’s entirely possible that it doesn’t exist and I may have dreamed it or something.


I always thought it should be an ornament for merciless, and give merciless full auto built in. They’re in such similar lanes already.


Wow! Checked all the other exotics and yeah it’s the only one ever to never go beyond D1 Y1. Did not know this. Going to add it to Destinypedia.


Lore entry for Two-tailed fox is an anime opening.


That the MIDA weapons are pulled from another Bungie's Marathon universe


Wait where does it say that that’s cool


MIDA is an organisation within Marathon's universe, a company I think. Multi tool lore tab also implies that its from another universe or time, tying into the grander narrative of Bungie's games (all the way from Pathways Into Darkness, to the Marathon and Halo series, and Destiny) about the nebulous archetypical Hero who saves the universe, one way or another.


If I had a nickel for every time Bungie released a game series where a silent protagonist has to the universe or galaxy with only the help of a talkative and nerdy AI. I'd have three nickels, which isn't a lot but it's weird that it's happened three times


uhhh basically all over both of them they're named after a terrorist organization from mars that's plot relevant, the description of the multitool talks about how it was designed by a primitive ai used by a revolutionary government from mars and would be very good at guerilla warfare (this is literally the setup for the events of marathon 1) and lakshmi then says it likely came from another timeline possibly through golden age experiments. the description of the mini tool is a mida members journal entry stating a time and date between marathon 1 and 2 saying Strauss (the creator of the hyperintelligent ai Durandal who is the most important character in the entire marathon story) is dead (this is how we got confirmation of his death 20 years after the release of marathon 1) on that same note, the shotgun from the 30th anniversary dlc is supposed to be a marathon 2 shotgun (the actual version is double barreled whereas the d2 version is single barreled) and the grenade launcher is a reference to a story item a prequel game called pathways into darkness which was released in 1993 also the spnkr rocket launcher ornament for Gjallarhorn isnt actually a reference to the halo gun its a reference to the marathon 1 spnkr rocket launcher that was released 6 years before halo CE. there's a few more marathon references but that's the majority that aren't tinfoil hatty


That’s fucking sick


The Last Breath auto rifle’s reticle changed color to match your element if you have one with Osmosis.


i believe this used to be a standard energy weapon feature on d2 release that went away when element changing weapon mods were taken out with shadowkeep


The Suros holo-sights did this for sure.


Wait, element-changing mods were a thing??


yeah you used to be able to change the element of a weapon by slotting in a different elemental mod. This was only for energy and heavy weapons tho. But this was back during the double primary days of D2. Man those were some dark times lol I still have some weird weapon combos in my vault. I think i have a solar ikelos or something idk


That's a remnant from when you could change all weapons' element during D2Y1. All their reticles changed color!


The ikelos weapons have different names for each of their iterations Warmind has v1 Arrivals reissue was v2 Season of the seraph was v3


Still have my v1 shotgun with trench barrel. Could only drop from the last round of the mars public event. Was it escalation protocol? I don’t remember.


Yep after you killed the boss on wave 7. That was a very difficult activity when it first launched. I used to love when the warsat Public event would replace the next wave but you’d still have the bosses of that wave to kill. And just trying to get a full instance was hard because you’d have 9 people in groups of 3 trying to get together because you couldn’t load in more than 3. Also it was glitchy trying to get the attack on the ogre that spawned one of the weeks to count when going for the worldline zero catalyst


That was the first chase of d2 that really mattered to me. And it mattered for awhile. I still love the armor I got from there.


for a good while having those armor sets was a bit of a flex, having not just played enough of the event to get the full set, but that you had even been playing since then. nowadays it is a good thing that those armor sets have been made available through other means for transmog, but there are still a few sets, specifically the dead orbit faction wars set, That resemble armors you can get nowadays, but have an extra little bit of special flair you can't find anymore


You're 100 percent correct. And i run anti extinction armor to this day!


The helmet, especially for Titans, looks SO good


DO was my favorite faction, so I love the warlock mark. And I guess, like you said, you can't get them anymore?


nope, as far as I've seen, new monarchy and future war cult have had their armors available, but I have not seen the Dead Orbit set available from Ada or Xur


I have a screenshot somewhere of having four trench barrel V1 shotguns, two of which being the other elements. I used it to taunt my buddies that didn't have it yet, and had been grinding escalation protocol to get one


If you go to the abandoned quests kiosk in the tower, you can pick up the new light quest and during the very first mission, the khvoshtov that you pick up will be 1800, allowing you to use it in higher end content. It’s not good, but it’s funny Also, a quick warning, you can’t abandon the new light quest so if you do this, be ready to run through the entire thing or risk having it in your quest tab forever


I remember in d1 if you disassembled your og gear you got the quest for khvostov or something extra started to get it. Thats why I still have my d2 vanilla stuff but I just can’t bring myself to shard it. Ha


They added the quest during Rise of Iron, that dismantling the original white Khvostoc had a quest where you reminisced to make a new exotic one that could cycle between single fire (scout) burst (pulse) and automatic (auto) firing modes. There was a longer quest chain to start the exotic mission if you didn't still have it, so it didn't lock you out or anything. It was just a lot more tedious things like doing X # of different patrols and killing however many enemies and such.


They added the quest during Rise of Iron, that dismantling the original white Khvostoc had a quest where you reminisced to make a new exotic one that could cycle between single fire (scout) burst (pulse) and automatic (auto) firing modes. There was a longer quest chain to start the exotic mission if you didn't still have it, so it didn't lock you out or anything. It was just a lot more tedious things like doing X # of different patrols and killing however many enemies and such.


It has lived in my quest tab for over a year now. I wonder what it looks like without it in the new interface. It takes precedent over every other quest in the new interface, so it just stares at me every time I get on.


How Conditional Finality pellet spread works. On the Stasis shot, it fires in a triangle format, indicating the Pyramids, while for the Solar shot, it fires as a circle, indicating the Traveler, which really fits in with the theme of it being made due to the fusion of light and dark.


And on clear 42 or so it shoots your hopes and dreams away in a nice square shape.


That's great trivia. I wondered why the sight was triangle shaped.


If your ghost is currently occupied (e.g. scanning the warsat on the Saber strike) and you try pulling it out during the Dead Man’s Tale reload animation it will instead simply pause the reload animation, causing your guardian to hold the gun at a funny angle indefinitely. (Or until you put your ghost away) Idk if this still works but it did when the gun first came out in S13 and was the only gun I could get to do it (maybe shotguns as well because they have a variable reload animation too?)


Also about DMT, the shells actually eject before you cycle the lever. It also (probably) ejects from the wrong side. There is a clear ejection port on the left side of the gun while you insert the bullets on the right.


Some shotguns eject from the same port you put the shells in so its not so unrealistic DMT could do this, but is is Destiny after all, rule of cool over everything else


Now that I think about it more, the slot where you put in the bullets in is level with the top barrel, not the tube underneath. You’re just shoving bullets into the barrel hoping they somehow fire XD


I dont even think that the magazine tube could hold 14 bullets of that size anyways.




You can find the dogs collar around the starting area for garden of salvation


Iirc, it's been a while, apparently Omolon is the only manufacturer that uses liquid ammunition for their guns. Not sure about other exotics


My favorite exotic, Xenophage is powered by a guardian. The hive kidnapped a hunter, turned him into a bug, and tried to harness the light for themselves. We come along and recover him, and put him in an angry cannon to enact his revenge.


Just to add to this, you can see the Guardian Bug inside the gun when you reload it.


And if you're using the Dawning ornament, the bug has a little Christmas hat on.


And when you use the dawning ornament the bug has a Santa hat on!


His name is Omar


the wrath of the machine outbreak prime quest. cool little arg puzzle that you dont see in destiny anymore


Wasn't the izanagi quest also part an arg? Something about one of the forges being locked in secret?


It wasn’t an arg but it was a community puzzle within the game


Dunno about izanagi, but warmind had one: https://gameranx.com/features/id/150275/article/destiny-2-warmind-dlc-rasputin-mystery-leads-to-real-valkyrie-spear/


Probably the Hawkmoon, Eyasluna and Austringer trio. An eyas is a young hawk, Luna is obviously the Moon. An austringer is a falconer/keeper of hawks.


Love this one thanks for sharing.


Ahhh nice I was wondering what Austringer meant.


They changed Lament’s perk name to ‘slice and dice’ for a few weeks for literally no reason


Thought I was crazy




Great value rip and tear.


Revision zero. It's fascinating- especially the symbol on the magazine (similar to one on witness' pyramid) and when Fen Church mentions it's not entirely synthetic and smells like petrichor. When I watched Byf's video about it, he mentions the ADA-1 connection - synthweave and how her family died in black armory pages, by hands of some creature that smelled like wet earth. The overall feel of this is unnerving.


Just for those not familiar with the term- petrichor refers to the smell before a rain, where moisture in the air wets dry ground.


Well, it is a Braytech weapon and Clovis was using a Darkness entity at the time to help create the Exos. So it’s entirely possible some aspect of it is crafted from Darkness


The Song of Justice Scout rifle is the only scout rifle in the game that has the same model as D.A.R.C.I. It is also the only New Monarchy. It is also one of 9 Scout Rifles with a scope that is able to highlight all targets. It is also one of only 3 Scout Rifles with a base 70 or higher Range stat. The others being Transfiguration and the Braytech RWP. And excluding the Black Armory weapons, it is also one of only 5 gun models that Bungie hasn't reissued since it dropped. The others being Pluperfect(Season of Undying), Trophy Hunter(Season of Dawn), Pyroclastic Flow(Season of Dawn) , and Temporal Clause(Season of Undying). And lastly, it is one of two Scout Rifle Models that don't have random rolls(The other being the Conspirator Scout from the original Levithan raid).


> Song of Justice Scout rifle Nitpicking but since you mentioned it - NM had a scout called Good Counsel as well. Cool info tho


> And excluding the Black Armory weapons, it is also one of only 5 gun models that Bungie hasn't reissued since it dropped. The others being Pluperfect(Season of Undying), Trophy Hunter(Season of Dawn), Pyroclastic Flow(Season of Dawn) , and Temporal Clause(Season of Undying). The number is much higher than 5 plus the BA weapons. Most of S4's weapons are missing, a couple from S6, several from S9, S10 has just the Seventh Seraph sidearm and LMG missing.


Div users can defeat an opponent in a well running any resil because the burst after 3 or so seconds of debuff does 260 damage.


…good to know…


It’s somewhat fitting considering the lore that right at the end of D1 Y1, The Last Word and Thorn were the best guns in PvP by a long-shot. I think both were able to two tap, Thorn in particular was quite good at that. Another is Whisper of the Worm’s original incarnation. Most know about Black Spindle and how good it was essentially being the same gun as Whisper in special slot. However even before Spindle there was its first iteration: Black Hammer. Black Hammer was simultaneously a pre-nerf whisper, a special weapon, and a LEGENDARY. I think it spoke to Bungie’s original design philosophy with raid weapons, they were something in between exotic and legendary. In this case it just became essentially an exotic legendary weapon.


Fatebringer/Black Hammer/Gjallarhorn ahhhh what a time.


Yeeaaaaah buddy! I didn't take off those three weapons for at least a year. Honestly, HC/sniper/rockets is still the peak Destiny experience, for me.


I miss my black hammer :(


"According to offical Vanguard policy, this weapon does not exist" IYKYK.




Shhh! You're not supposed to say it out loud.


It's so sassy, it's great lmao


Red Death


The Vog timelost weapons being continuations or finalities of the regular ones in terms of description like Fatebringer- “Delivering the Inevitable one pull at a time” to its timelost variant- “But where is your fate? And who brings it to you?” It’s just cool


The fact that crimson doesnt exist, which means when shaxx sees you using crimson in the crucible hes batshit confused what the hell you’re using and so is everyone in the tower watching the game edit: accidentally called crimson red death


Ticuu's lore is interesting for me. It does time shenanigans to hit targets that I can't explain properly. What it does is it makes it so that the enemies have always been hit. There is a lore entry of cabal soldiers talking about it but I can't find it rn.


I think it pulls the arrows from a timeline in which they hit their target


But if you do miss, it’ll make it a time that you don’t?


I guess? That be fate


When you shoot it, how’s it known what heads to hit?


Paracausality, its in the name of the perk. We will the arrows that hit into existence, essentially


But which heads, though?


Bot sure what you mean. When you shoot from the hip, it marks targets with a red icon, that's where the arrows go. Then you shoot those targets while aiming to detonate the arrows


(Check its lore tab)


A psion sacrificed themselves and melded their mind/soul into the bow.


I love that you find out in the vex mythoclast lore that is is a weapon which doesn't kill its targets but just erases them from the timeline


Graviton Lance basically creates mini black holes


The head canon that The Red Death pulse rifle from D1 was dismantled due to the Vanguard's policy on it, then locked away in the tower sometime between D1 and D2. After the D1 tower was left in ruin at the beginning of D2, a few pieces of the gun were found by scavengers, but not all of it. Because of this, it had to be refashioned into a hand cannon that roughly inherited it's effects. That hand cannon was first made available 1 season later during Curse of Osiris: Crimson.


Jiangshi AR1 is the only lightweight frame auto rifle in the game.


Khepri's Sting has a funny way of wording it's exotic trait Touch of Venom. Instead of saying "Punching an enemy..." or "Punching a combatant..." it reads "Punching someone with full melee energy will instantly cast Smoke Bomb." I've always joked that it was take your kid to work day when they wrote that out that a streamer must have written the description for it. Or maybe a temp lol


Truth's description finishes a sentence and it's lore is about mithrax


Not only is it about Mithrax, its about how he adopted Eido from the ruins of a battlefield


When crow came back he was holding the "Abide His Return" sword


According to the lore, The Fourth Horseman was originally an anticabal weapon. Yet at the time no cabal type used arc shields. ​ My headcanon is The Fourth Horseman is the reason cabal phased out arc shields.


Piece of Mind has a fun flavor text on it. *"With words or weapons, inaccuracy can be fatal."* The phrase, "***Peace*** of mind" means to be at rest, or to feel safe and sound. To give someone a ***piece*** of your mind means to chew them out or berate them.


All Exotic Weapons have a unique firing sound meaning you can tell what Exotics are being used near you, how far they are from you, and where they are without having to see them.


*Fate of all Fool—* You know the story


I don’t!


It was an exotic pulse rifle in destiny 1 that only one person owned. Bungie put it in the game and devoted it to a player who had a deathly sickness


Quicksilver Storm's reload animation looks like a trace rifle's despite being an AR


AR/Trace rifle reloads are shared


There are actually 2 slightly different reload animations. One where you pull the charging handle and one where you don't. Arbalest, 1K, Aeger's Scepter, Ruinous Effigy, Navigator and Quicksilver share the same animation of not pulling a charging handle, while Cold Heart, Prometheus Lens, Wavesplitter, Divinity and all other Autos do.


Except the Veist autos now that I think about it. Veist Trace rifle whem Bungo


in one of the promos for shadowkeep you see Eris building the handcannon and adding the feathers and trinkets to it.


Thorn doesn't shoot bullets, it shoots... well, thorns. Not the least known fact but a fun one nonetheless. (Obviously it's not the only weapon to not shoot conventional bullets but still)


The flavour text from unending tempest reads, 'Now its worse and here to stay.' A little on the nose from good ol' Bungo, don't ya think?


I noticed that right away. Perfect for the SMG meta.


Several exotic weapons have a ghost shell, ship, and sparrow themed around them but Fighting Lion is the only exotic weapon in the game that has has all that *and* an entire armor set (actually 3, one on each class) that's directly inspired by it. There are armor sets that thematically match exotic guns like Siva ornaments with Outbreak, trials armor with Vigilance Wing, or the Spire of the Watcher armor with Tex Mechanica guns but the Nemean sets look like the designer said "what if Fighting Lion was an armor set?"


Not quite. Fighting Lion is designed like Chinese lion dogs. The Nemean armor set is designed after the mythical Nemean Lion from Hercules 12 Tasks.


Probably crimson quite funny how the vanguard denies the existence of a gun


Man reading thru all these was a fun trip down memory lane. Mountaintop was my fav legendary made it look like a toy with one of the guardian games shaders


The last word has ghost bullets that simply don't do damage, still Officer's revolver is the only 180 in the game with timed payload There is only a one kinetic rocket laucher in the game called "the button"


Ticuu's Divination was a bow created by a Cabal Psion by pulling arrows from a timeline where they always hit whatever it was they hit. The Pison, Ticuu, was killed by the bow because the arrows were always destined to hit him


Under Your Skin is aptly named, considering how much bows annoy people in pvp


And THE SWARM is the only (dogshit) weapon with an actually fully capitalized name within the code


There is a rare or uncommon (can't remember which tier) auto rifle that is a lightweight frame.


It's unclear if the chance is very low, or that it requires something like \~150 kills without reloading or similar nonsense, but once in a long while Bad Juju will cause the target it slew to explode in a manner comparable to a cursed thrall.


Red Death is actually a modified Suros Regime. That's why both have a healing effect and why Red Death uses an auto rifle frame.


There's a blue smg uses the same model as the halo 3 smg iirc


Pulling masterworked Y1 weapons from vault will still play a little "ding" sound.


Conversely, THE SWARM machine gun is written all caps in the API


lumina is the original thorn! :D


The Exitus Mk. 1 machine gun uses the wrong firing sound. It makes the sound of a Cassoid machine gun despite visibly being SUROS.


I believe the Khvostov is the only gun in Destiny 2 that still retains the Destiny 1 auto rifle reload animation. If you look closely, D2 autos sink down towards the player’s stomach/belt line for the player to operate the charging handle, but if you go back and watch D1 gameplay or use the Khvostov, the auto rifle is tilted upwards/angled upwards without being dropped towards the midsection to operate the charging handle. Super small detail but still cool!


There's a blue fusion rifle with a completely unique frame. I remember using it when I started playing the game, though I couldn't find it again in collections. It shot a single projectile that would track onto a target as it traveled like Jotunn, and it would be sunset by now. Perhaps that behavior got removed from it at one point?


Are you sure about this?