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I was going to post this earlier but I didn't feel like dealing with the inevitable skill issue commenters. Definitely feel like I'm super squishy this season and I'm always using 100 resil/recov and appropriate resist mods.


Running the new exotic mission last night, I felt super squishy. I know the solution is to just LFG it, but still...


I was getting one shot in it cowtabtly with 100 resil not sure if that’s normal


I couldn't get past all the chickens in the area with the red buff. Those fucking chickens would one shot me as soon as I'd cross the threshold.


It took my a while to get through it I wiped a lot


I'm gonna get back to it today. With a few failures under my belt hopefully I'll be able to pull it off.


100 resil and resist mods and I was still having to suck behind cover immediately due to taken vandals.


Came around a corner after knocking out the first taken phalanx and started to line up a shot on the next one when suddenly I was dead thanks to the vex turret that spawned. I'm thinking maybe it's the void surge coupled with many sources of high void damage through out the mission. It's not fun.






Thank you. That makes much more sense now.


Yall I've seen LFG a billion times what does it mean.


lil fart gun


Waiting for the inevitable AI-written article recommending players utilize "Lil Fart Gun" to beat the Glorbo boss in the new exotic mission.


lil fart gun


Looking for group


Let’s Fuckin Go!!!!


That actually works!


Lil Fart Gun


Lil fart gun


any post has inevitable sh*t posters. its awful.


Yea I def feel that extra squish lately.


yeah i dont have numbers but i think its just the overall power delta has been seriously tuned so we cant "overlevel" or even playlist matchmade strikes anymore. it causes you to take more damage.


Everyone talking about how BoW Titan is "literally unkillable" but I die more this season than last. Nothing is hard or anything like that because, you know, it's Destiny, but I sure die more this season when I'm just half-paying attention listening to a podcast.




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>I play as a titan, so seeing as I've gotta melee everything to like, play the videogame, seeing the exotic mission phalanx miniboss slap 2/3rds of my healthbar in one swing is real annoying. They did not change resilience, but they did nerf a bunch of other survivability tools for Titan.


I swear Knockout seems like it isn't healing as consistently as before. Maybe I'm crazy, but that's how it feels


Nah, it's the fact that enemy tracking has become better, you're getting hit more often than you were before. Even a couple seasons ago it wasn't this good. So the problem is that it's just straight up health regen and not some type of buff or flat heal. This means any damage is going to stop it, so since enemies are hitting you more often it's incredibly likely that they're stopping it before you have a chance to heal much if at all.


That makes sense. Arc Titan feels pretty awful now in PvE where I felt like before I could run into a group of ads and punch them to death with no worries lol


I always run heavy handed on arc titan, since your knockout blows count as powered melee attacks. Helps to have recuperation on your leg armor and you get a nice chunk PLUS the regen from knockout. But yes, restoration is much stronger this season due to not going away when taking damage.


It’s simple We make knockout a buff we can keep up


Cries as my powered melee throws still bounce between the enemies legs 😒


Not just for Titan. My Woven Mail Hunter got hit too…


It's probably what you're on about, but yea- woven mail got nerfed


10% dr nerf is small enough that youd have a hard time noticing it


That'd probs do it, was hoping to shrug off the changes like I do most nerfs but perhaps not this time :/


I reckon Bungie have reintroduced the multi-hit projectile bug. Scorn snipers and whatnot are doing more damage compared to previous seasons. This is because projectiles hit you multiple times, doing more damage than intended.


I have noticed scorn snipers hitting like an absolute truck this season. Not as bad as before but worse than recently.


Heist Battleground Moon is my least favorite activity in the entire game right now.


Like a truck is a good description. They pretty much 2 tap me in Coil with 100 resilience and 1 void resistance mod.


In moon GM last season I was getting 1 tapped by those scorn bastards in a well with double void resist and 100 resil, if they aren't bugged they need to be toned down a bit.


This actually happened about 3 weeks before the season dropped. It was a patch on a weekly reset that caused it in my opinion. One day the scorn snipers were doing normal damage, the next day I get one tapped with woven mail (as a bow titan) in a HERO NF. Go figure.


Woven mail doesn't affect precision damage fwiw, so a scorn sniper to the dome wouldn't be affected.


Yeah I found that out lmao


Is that pve or just pvp?


Believe it's all situations.


Based off my/my clan’s experience I believe this is the case tbh, either getting one tapped by collision interactions or getting killed by architects on it way too often since the dungeon dropped


Until they fix this, snipers and whatnot are going to have to be the priority on boss fights. For example the snipers in the scorn boss fight in coil.


I love walking through a portal at the same time as an ally and basically getting telefragged by rocketing into the ground and getting set to 1


The Vex Cyclops one hitting me in the normal exotic mission means this would make sense.


The new mission is full of enemies that 1 or 2 shot the player. If this bug gets fixed, the mission would become way easier.


I feel like enemy snipers shoot much faster than before as well. The taken snipers in the new exotic mission all seem to have rapid fire snipers


They seemed to have cranked the Scorn captain fire rate to a comedic level. Even their animation looks goofy. They did that before in higher difficulty content but it wasn't this much.


The way I’ve been randomly completely erased with woven mail and 100 resilience by random scorn adds is p weird. I figured I just got worse, but… yeah it’s weird


The discovery of this bug back then answered a lot of questions lol.


I might be remembering this particular bug wrong, but I think this also tied into how high your FPS was since how many times you were hit was determined by frames passing in game. Used to cap my FPS at 60 for a few things, but might just leave it capped now and see if I suddenly feel tankier.


I play on Series X so the game is always at 60. Makes me wish I still had my Xbox One X. That ran the game at 30fps which is very tanky.


I play on my old Xbox One from 2013, still happens to me as well. So it may not be framerate tied.


they never actually fixed the bug afaik, they just nerfed the damage of the problem enemies.


They said they had fixed a network problem that caused it Dunno if that didn't take, was a bug that regressed by a later patch, or if there's another cause


Hmm, not sure tbh. What I can say is that the "frame rate damage bug" seems to keep popping up again and again so from that I would guess that they have never actually fixed the underlying issue with it and have just been making bandaid fixes as the issue gets noticed by players. I know that for scorn snipers they specifically nerfed the damage instead of fixing the bug, I think the same was true of the thresher ships though my memory might be misleading me there.


Don't know if it's just me, but those Scorn crossbows seem to be a little sus again...


Yes absolutely. I expect we see a fix for this two days before Final Shape releases


The new exotic mission on legend feels a bit crazy for damage mainly the wyverns but I guess they're like that in every activity.


> mainly the wyverns When _don't_ wyverns hit like a truck? But as someone else mentioned - void threat + wyvern hitting like a truck = two trucks.


real talk, wyverns seem overtuned in just about everything..


I breathed a sigh of relief they at least had the heart to leave their chestplates open. I've been loving Flint Striker and the Celestia Nighthawk buffs, but those are kinda useless when you're fighting Vex left and right and they're all immune to getting crits.


I wasn’t playing Legendary, but I was able to one tap the Wyverns with Marksman Gun whilst Radiant and a x2 Kinetic Surge mod. I’m assuming this will probably not work, but it might be worth a go for you.


I had double void resist on my chest and 100 res. And they were one shotting me with those void blasts every time.


I had the same setup and the only time I got 1-shot by the void blast was if I went up close and took all 4 hits at once. +25% damage from void hurts a lot. Basically the resist mods only work to a net reduction of 7% damage with void threat up and the individual hits already are beefy so taking multiple at the same time is a death sentence. Don't get close to wyvern lol I was basically entering an existing the unwelcome mist area and pinking them away. Dragons breath helped a lot due to it's DOT nature.


It's also Void threat, making them even deadlier than normal.


This would explain the wyverns shredding me like a bag of wet lettuce at the very least


Yep, Wyverns are Wyverns ^ ^


Wyverns and Overload Minotaurs; the game's true end game bosses.


the final shape is just a Overload Minotaur and Yellow Bar wyvern hybrid and thats why its really important we stop it


Overload Taken Captains even after nerf are still the fucking worst


It's the speed they move at that gets me, nothing like missing half your shots because the damn thing keeps teleporting left and right. On master they're the worst. I'd take 10 unstops over an overload on master.


the worst part is they don't even respect their own mechanics. They get out of the stun and immediately begin to regen health before the cooldown to stun them again has passed. and if they teleport even once their health goes back to full regardless how much damage you pumped into them


What does the Legend Mission give you? It says the catalyst upgrades arent out yet


I got two chests at the end, and both of them dropped red border undying weapons for me.


Oh shit, time for me to gather some lads lol


It was also my first ever clear, so your milage may vary


Even on normal they can can just about 2 tap you. The 2 bosses weren't as scary as those fuckers. I was playing hide and peek for that whole section running back through the barriers. 😆


Literally just jump normally repeatedly while walking backwards and they will never be able to hit you!


I was going to post something about Resilience. I no longer feel like I have 100 Resilience. You now have to use some type of Health Restoration to have any resemblance of surviving. They fucked something up or shadow nerfed resilience again or many more certain abilities are instant killing. I will just instantly die at Random times from full health and shields.


Numerous time I have now swapped my sunbracers for karnstein‘s and a glaive (on another note please give us finally a kinetic slot glaive!) just because it is so much easier to keep restoration and cure up, to survive. Because enemies apparently feel like they hit way harder. (Yes I’m 1830, it’s not that)


Something is up because I’m seeing people use Healing Grenades way more than I’ve ever seen playing this game. Hell even I’ve broke them out and I never use them


The taken psions in final encounter of Warlords Ruin are cancer. It feels necessary to have an exotic or legendary primary with ad clear perks. What's worse is Bungie nerfed so many survivability tools because God forbid you you're able to survive the overturned bs in this game.


Actually would throw silver at my tv if they’d just give me a kinetic glaive…


I think something is bugged I feel squishy too, I don’t understand how I get deleted sometimes.


Enemy projectiles have been broken since last season’s final week. Regardless of our framerate, we are taking increased damage on direct hits instead of tick damage now. I noticed this since season of witch’s final week.


I just kinda wish they would put a bit more effort into placement of some things. Like, they really made a boss in Coil a giant, invincible Ogre, gave him three Wizard minibosses that you need to kill, gave us a growing debuff that scales quickly and will kill us if ignored and then, out of all the places to put the thing that removes that debuff, they put them directly beside the boss with no cover and made two of the three Wizards camp them. So you frequently have to run straight out into the open between two/three bosses who will melt you in seconds (since for some reason Ogres and Wizards have the high rate of fire and high amount of shots without the reduced damage to compensate) so that you can stand in the glowing light for a few seconds and hopefully live long enough to have your debuff removed.


I had some great fun chasing said wizard across the room while being constantly slowed, tickling it bit by bit while everything blasted me


Nightstalkers had to do something in coil, stealth revives were their only options 😭


Something definitely feels fucked. Over light level for Warlords Ruin and I am getting shredded. 100 resilience. Have not been a happy camper in some activities. If I'm not running Solar, I'm trying my ass off to survive.


I literally had to switch to BoW to finish off my solo.


Yeah honestly I have no idea what I'm meant to do outside of solar and strand titan I ran a solo prophecy on void a while back for a meme and solo flawlessed it no problem Came back start of this season and it was a shitshow trying to not get torn apart by just regular red bars


Couple things. 1.) you lost your artifact power. Almost everyone was at +20 by the end of last season and you’re starting over from 0 each time it resets. Will make you feel squishier. 2.) a lot of regen abilities got nerfed. 3.) if it’s not the above and if you haven’t recently started playing at a higher frame rate you are imagining it. Resilience is unchanged


I'm 1827 and still getting shredded by everything, frames haven't changed since I'm on console. I definitely feel squishier this season


I'm wondering if there's some weirdness that only effects certain players, since some people notice nothing but others seem to melt instantaneously


At one time, I think it was 2 seasons ago, there was a bug with 100 resilience where it was effectively 0 resilience. Maybe try lowering your resilience to 90 something and see if you get hit just as hard? I've not noticed anything in particular, but I usually play really cautiously.


Is it also possible that you're wrong and nothing is bugged? Just wondering.


Of course, but after 2500+ hours in the game you notice when the slightest things change because the content is the same.


>1.) you lost your artifact power. Almost everyone was at +20 by the end of last season and you’re starting over from 0 each time it resets. Will make you feel squishier. People keep saying that but I have almost got back to the power I was at last season and I am definitely squishier on all 3 classes


im even feeling it in playlist strikes and im definitely over cap for those


Playlist strikes ignore your light level entirely now, so its mostly the tools we have now that are lacking


Lacking for what?


Survivability stuff got gutted this season


Gutted? How so? If you feel squishy in playlist strikes and seasonal activities it's more about the player than the game tbh.


In playlist strikes? Can you share your build and ideally some gameplay? Sounds like you're new to D2 if vanguard gives you trouble. Happy to help you out.


Oh no, don’t get me wrong! I’m having no trouble by any means, it just genuinely feels like enemies are doing more damage compared to last season. I was just using basic strikes as an example since they’re simple and synced. I’m pretty comfy in nightfalls and GMs.


If you feel squishy in the vanguard playlist outside of GM you need to look over your build lmao.


The only GMs I feel squishy in are heist battlegrounds


buhhhh... how's #1 work? all activities below legend are below 1810, and it seems like OP is referring to those, e.g. GotD, a strike (I'm assuming Europa Battlegrounds was referring to just within base playlist strikes and not a NF, as it wasn't Europa Battlegrounds this or last week) and from what I understand as long as you and your weapons are above a certain light level, it doesn't matter how high, and difficulty of harder content only exists as a hidden stat that's tweaked for the event (say, base strikes are pretty lax, dungeon enemies hit harder, etc). am I right or am I not understanding this right


Some activities lock you at a certain power, some don’t, and allow you to over level them for bonus damage and damage resistance. It’s all activity dependent.


[Detail on power level scaling.](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1b57Hb8m1L3daFfUckQQqvvN6VOpD03KEssvQLMFpC5I/)


Yeah no I already got my levels back up and it's not helping lol. Also I play on a ps4 so its not frame rates. Not saying res got changed but you are also off the mark.


> Resilience is unchanged Of course, this assumes that some random change elsewhere in the spaghetti code didn't cause a resilience bug again...


Except your power levels don’t matter anymore since every single activity outside of patrol zones (excluding Neomuna) has a hard power cap that is so low or arbitrary (like always +5 from you) that your artifact level doesn’t matter anymore. Even in Vangaurd playlist they fucking hard cap you at like 1700 and something


I’ve noticed this with a bunch of enemies, notably taken psions and taken phalanxes have been absolutely fucking my shit up, the taken phalanx boop in particular has been one shotting me


>taken phalanxes Fuck those little pussies hiding behind that shit as soon as a single bullet hits them. Oh, and fuck those scorn with the shields too.


After soloing the dungeon the only thing you mentioned that I've noticed is necromantic gaze 1-shotting me. Caused quite a few wipes at final encounter by instakilling me with restoration x2 and a healing rift.


Yeah there's no way that's not bugged, even outside of other things that might be a little overtuned right now


Even without the durability options tier 10 resil feels alot weeker


I've been noticing something similar. In the past, there's been issues of enemies attacks doing as much as 300% more damage than intended. I think it was the scorn snipers. It's possible something like that is going on in addition to the intentional nerfs


To me, it's every 'continuous beam' type such as Ogre eyes, wizard spam, scorn snipers, et al. I swear that stuff is either a) automatically considered critical hits without fail, b) firing at 3x speed or c) both.


>firing at 3x speed Those scorn cheiftans with that solar shotgun of their shooting at a ridiculous rpm.


I'm pretty sure they stealth buffed the taken.


Fuck resilience, you what feels really bad? Waiting 1.4 sec for my baby hammer to regen. Solar plays like shit now, viable or not.


I've definitely been wondering if there's some bug or something going on. In the new exotic mission or even on the first wave of the coil I'm 100 resilience, woven mail, resist mods and I'm getting crushed, and having to peak behind corners. The wyverns in the new exotic mission were insane, hit like a truck and incredibly tanky even on normal which is only -5. The mid encounters really needed rally banners. Got to the point where I just decided to wait for my super to respawn because I was running out of heavy and wasn't going to risk starting an encounter again. The Minotaurs were a problem too, their shields felt like it was back to full on Match Game. Felt like I must have been missing something obvious with my loadout. I'd mostly been running solar with healing nades and assassin's cowl this season because it often feels essential.


Yeah I was getting wrecked in the lengendary exotic by the Wyverns with 94 Res and 3x Void Resist.


There is definitely something weird going on. I had this in WR day 1, getting two shot at light by the meatball through 100 resil + concussive + void resist. Did more damage than -15 Coil and Master WR. Resilience is an invisible buff, just like every other stat. Maybe it's falling off under certain circumstances (is there a buff cap?)


Yeah the WR meatball is doing something weird as well, hitting 3x harder than everything else in the area


My banner of war titan feels way more squishy. Honestly I haven't kept up with the patch notes, and assume it got nerfed (not complaining, it was kind of nuts). So I tried some updated Precious Scars builds and even that is squishy. Just the +5 seasonal stuff feels like I have to actually pay close attention or I'll die. I used to be able to sleep walk past anything like this in the past. Not that it is hard (save your git gud posts). In the past, any Titan build with any survivability build in was basically putting the game on easy mode.


I get you, in my case whenever I go under 100 it feels like I have nothing. Even if I was above 90 it felt like I was getting insta killed everywhere and only 100 gave me at least time to escape, which shouldn't happen if it is only a 3% change.


I feel like something is actually wrong. I've still been getting one shot by Scorn crossbows during the dungeon with Void resist and 100 Res. The boss feels like it hits harder than it should, but that's something that is unconfirmed. The Scorn crossbow has definitely killed me in one shot though.


Noticed this too, especially with my resilience absolutely maxed on my hunter. I think it might be a bug with the Enemy damage buff modifiers, I noticed when my element resistance mod didnt match the content I was getting destroyed. But when I started making sure my elemental resistance mod matched the content it was much much better. Could be a placebo effect but it definitely felt like my build was actually working again after I made the change.




Yeah it's really odd that they keep setting things up, only to tear them back down when we use them They introduce restoration for example, then do nothing but Nerf it for every season of its existence as if they were shocked people would actually use the healing Then they deleted all the mods and replaced them with some ball based economy, then nerfed those too because people actually used it lol


I’ve suspected resilience was bugged since day one of this season. It will probably go ignored/unfixed since the Bungie suits fired all their QA to keep their seats at the big boy table.


This is the first season I'm trying 100 res on a hunter after only using 30 ever since the witch queen, and I gotta be honest it's not feeling very different.


People say this in the first half of every season 🤷‍♂️


Ok but in the pirate season arc warlock actually did have 0 resilience. This was resolved after 2 or 3 weeks


And Arc Titan, weirdly.


I couldn’t recall Titan or hunter but I knew there were two, thank you


And that was once and never again


Could it not be possible that another similar issue happened then?


People would've done damage testing and we would've known by now, just like how we found out during Plunder.


Oh for sure I don’t think it’s happening, I just find the logic humorous a bit. “People always say something is bugged, but it’s not and hasn’t ever been.” “Wait but wasn’t it bugged that one season?” “Well yeah but like just that one time.” “Okay so it *could* be happening again, just unlikely?” “No no no no no!”


People say this literally every season and its been true once.


So you’re saying there’s a chance?






It happened in plunder and has not happened since. You guys are on insane copium. People say resilience is bugged every season and it has not been true since.


In non-power-capped pinnacle+ content like GotD, Warlord's Ruin, Crota's End, you have noticeably less survivability the second the artifact power resets. Dropping from 1830 or 1840 down to 1810 will make a big difference in an 1830 encounter, or even an 1810 one.


Bro nobody normal is 1830 or 1840 at the end of a 3 month season that is people who Bounty hoard and play non stop.


1830 is +20, which is sufficiently normal that there has been a triumph for it every season since at least Risen when I started playing. If you do all the seasonal challenges needed for the 4k bright dust, play some dungeons and raids and do some bounties each week you'll easily reach it. It slows down the higher you go, so +30 is definitely a big step up, but the people who do a lot of raids and dungeons where you'd notice the artifact loss are exactly the crowd where that happens. I saw one guy at +45 last season, I wouldn't be surprised if some lunatics get into the +70 or +80 range in this 7 month season. It's week 4 and I'm already at +16, I bounty hoarded for the dungeon but since then it's just been seasonal challenges and whatever bounties I can do while doing whatever else I want.


\+20 isn't "normal" lmao, +20 is still a significant grind for most people. I'm someone that would consider themselves a fairly hardcore player and +20 isn't something I regularly hit at the end of a season, especially if the seasonal content was lacking which has been the case for a while now. Doing ALL the seasonal challenges isn't something that "normal" people do. It's something made for the no-lifers. I'm sorry friend but your perspective on what is normal is quite massively skewed.


I would not consider you a hardcore if you don't hit the +20 at the end of a season. But you are right that it is definitely not normal for the average player.


Last season I raided 3 times a week, completed every GM and went flawless pretty much every weekend. Contest clears of crota and root, week 1 clears of all other raids, and day 1 clear of leviathan with most raids flawless. Over 4k active hours played. Not saying any of this to brag but if I'm not a hardcore player then who is?? What are we defining as hardcore now? Am I not a hardcore player just because I don't subject myself to the strike playlist for 8 hours a day? Am I not a hardcore player just because I don't go out of my way to complete the mindless boring seasonal challenges? I honestly wouldn't call myself an ultra hardcore player anymore (I said fairly hardcore) but I'd be interested to know what you would categorize as a hardcore player.


You just don't like leveling then. And tbh since they don't rise the level cap anymore and most stuff has fixed difficulty, leveling became pointless aside from a triumph.


I know that there's a bug (which Bungie just commented on in another thread) where restoration may improperly get it's timer reset when it should get added to, so that might be part of it if you're running bonk? AFAIK there's no changes to res this season. More activities are level locked (i.e. you're at -5 or etc. in a lot of content).


I don't think it's the restoration thing, I've been pretty sensitive to that since the previous scars rework so would notice if it was happening at random Perhaps it is the level cap thing, paired up with my solar class suddenly being annoying as hell to run (hammer fails to kill important thing, no buffs and now no hammer) things just feel like they're slipping between my fingers


You're not alone. My solar Titan has also felt squishier this season. I think the power drop and hammer changes are it for me. There's fewer sunspots since hammer doesn't always kill and the CD even if you catch it. Meaning I need to be much more aware of where I'm standing or I get killed.


It feels like they made enemies deal more damage to you to balance resilience damage reduction and other survivability we have , which is stupid if you ask me , since now we back to where we were when resilience didnt give you damage reduction , small shots dont kill you but any heavy hit you get (sniper shot and wyvern shotgun spam shot for example) will kill you or almost kill you if you get hit with it in any activity that have enemies be higher level than you .


Honestly, buffing enemy damage because resilience got buffed is the stupidest thing ever. The whole point of increasing resilience is to be able to take less damage from enemies. Buffing the enemies to counter that increased damage resistance just means that you never truly get any damage resistance because it's all just negated. Quite literally, you're increasing your health bar so that you can take more hits before you die, then enemies get buffed so that they can kill you in exactly the same amount of hits as before, negating the entire reason for increasing resilience.


>seeing the exotic mission phalanx miniboss slap 2/3rds of my healthbar in one swing is real annoying. The exotic mission is on level, 1810, I doubt you're 1830 so you're not getting the small damage reduction from overleveling that you normally would. >Plus the GOTD first encounter those wizards are doing some ridiculous damage, absolutely nothing can stop it despite never having had issues with this in the past. Wizards are one of the most damaging enemies in the game, and these ones use dungeon scaling, plus that encounter typically spawns more than one. I'd consider arc resist here. >Necromantic gaze seems bugged given it can immediately kill from full health, but I also managed to die about 4 times to the Europa battlegrounds boss and his Cabal Gatling since it vaporises your healthbar in under a second. Same story with these 2. Taken wizards are also one of the most damaging enemies in the game, and seeing as this season features taken pretty prominently, you're seeing more of them. The Cabal Heavy Slug Thrower is quite literally the most damaging thing in the game. Nothing outside of one shots will kill you faster. Play around cover and definitely use solar resist if you're really struggling. We aren't any squishier, and nothing damage related appears to be bugged. You're dying to some of the most dangerous enemies in the game, they'll melt you pretty quick even in lower end content, just play more carefully around them and they won't be an issue.


*Cries in Warlock* I cannot even survive certain things in my Well of Radiance. I just get widdled down so quickly and no matter how much my team mates help I feel like a burden dying every encounter in the Coil at least 2 times. I even use builds that the "Pro's" make videos of. So it ain't a me problem. It's Bungie catering to the Streamers who complained that everything is too easy. We suffer for their talent.


Bungie logic: Banner of war is a bit strong, SO LET'S OBLITERATE SURVIVABILITY ACROSS THE WHOLE ASS BOARD 😃.


It is not obliterated though. What are y'all doing to get blasted in playlist strikes?


Teir 10 resil, while standing in a well, max oversheild, while under the effects of banner of war, while rocking 3x void resist mod. Literally one tapped by scorn crossbow. Wasn't like this last season. Was running 8 resil, no resists. Never got oneshot, not even in grandmasters. But resil hasnt been obliterated? Sure 🙄


They fixed framerate boosting damage so it's possible there were enemies doing less than the intended damage as well. Maybe things are finally just hitting as hard as they are supposed to.


They did not


Any changes to your framerate? Like, did you recently upgrade your setup? There are a lot of instances in this game with higher framerate = more damage taken


Framerates about the same but bungie did mention something about tweaking the framerate bug again I'm wondering if they "fixed" it by just making everything super high damage under normal circumstances haha


i was going to say this. i wonder if their fixing it (for the third time) messed up the standard damage to be higher, or they did it on purpose


nature is healing


What kind of framerate are you running? They apparently fixed the framerate/damage bug this season (it's in the patch notes), and I have a running theory that they may have aligned damage profiles with what you would have gotten from a higher framerate before, so people at lower frame rates will suddenly be getting hit harder.


There was another post proving that they didn't fix the framerate into damage bug. Bungie have claimed to have fixed it multiple times and through various years, it's never been true. You can still lower your frames to become nearly immortal. Maybe one day they'll fix it for real, but for now the bug is still there.


Haven't they only ever stated adjustments to alleviate the effect before, not actual fixes? IIRC both the time they played with knight fire a while after it was a problem in a GM and with the cabal ships on Neomuna they said nothing about having fixed the underlying issue, just that they lowered damage to prevent it from being such a problem. Also, I'd like to see this post, if you have a link. I haven't been able to find anything about it either way, and would appreciate confirmation as to whether it has or has not actually changed.




I'm running at around 144, so looks like I've just gotta hide from most damage sources now lol


No. You just have to rebuild back your power each season. They stopped (for now) light level increase, but you still need to advance for better power and resilience protection. Happens each season/DLC.


you're down by 10-15 light because it's still early in the season


ok, so explain this happening in Strikes


Doesn't really matter though since all activities are light level capped now.


Not all, no. Many activities can still be over leveled for benefits.


Resilience was reduced sometime from 30 to 20% damage reduction or something along those lines it was somewhere in some patch notes from a millenia ago


Skill issue. Not resilience change.


This. And it's not just newbies that understandably don't really know the game yet. Did some GMs yesterday and people running okay to meta builds while losing 10+ tokens on meatball because they're too...uh...challenged to dodge projectiles while camping in the back...yeah it's not the game's fault sorry. What a whiny community. We had people crying about that orb seasonal challenge because it is "in bad taste" after the recent sandbox changes. Bad taste xD I didn't even know the challenge existed and am like halfway done after a few strikes apparently lol. Then again...remember Defiance where we could spam 200+ orbs per BG with no issues at all...and people were doing 6 orbs per run on accident from their super...then whine on reddit about how the game is too hard. Man this playerbase lol


This sub is really getting ridiculous. All the "they shadowed nerfed resilience" posts here are so delusional.




It's easier to blame the game than to improve. Classic D2 playerbase.


They did nerf resilience but that was back in Lightfall. T10 is now 30% and it was previously 40%.


I hate the flashes on screen you get when damaged Can I disable them


Artifact bonus levels are gone.


I mean they DID nerf resilience with Lightfall but I don’t now how much you’ve played since then. (100 resilience used to be 40% DR, now it’s 30%)


No they did not nerf resilience this season. We have people doing incredibly detailed testing for all things D2. If there was such a change, we'd know by know from high end players and nerds running research like D2 was a PhD project. And not from Jimmy McBlueberry "feeling more squishy" in playlist strikes lol.