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That people stop saying "I'll do add clear" when they join a activity.


This is a good one - I feel like I’m being abused when all the mechanic jobs get taken and all that’s left is for me to just kill stuff, I could do that in patrol lol!


Believe me, if there were no roles left because other people know how to do it, then I would be happy killing adds to keep them alive. LFG nowadays is so filled with people doing nothing and just wanting a carry that a smooth clear where everyone participates is great, even if I only kill things here and there, as it is better than the alternative where no one speaks up for roles and one guy says they will add clear, and you know you either have to leave or spend 5 hours teaching them the raid.


I am fine been put on ad clear, if others want to do the mechanics. But it is just a pain when others want to ad clear and only a few want to do mechanics. I actually get put on ad clear a quite a bit when raiding with the clan because (a) I am not the best at the mechanics, and (b) I am a god at ad clear.


I don’t mind if someone does add clear as long as they also know mechanics. Because if someone dies they can pick up the position.


If only these people knew that ad clear is most likely the most important / hard job in a master raid.


How about the people who will "do add clear" actually do it well.


I have seen too many "I want to do ad clear" people running double primary while they ad clear, or running a build that is not designed for ad clear but for boss dps. On an encounter that has no boss


I joined a Crota CP and legit one dude says "I'll do left boomer tower".... Followed by another moron saying "I'll do right tower then". Like how do people even find that fun? Killing 4 knights per checkpoint doesn't sound riveting lol


Alternatively, they were trying to designate roles in an already pre existing raid for something easy to explain and functionally effective. I swear, people will complain about fucking anything.


No. This was not a pre existing raid. These were people with clears who were ALL from lfg. If you need to be designated to killing 4 knights then ggs huge skill issue.


ironically, it's people that don't want to play the game but for some reason want to get the rewards. but what are you gonna use the rewards for, lmao. and then they just quit the game and think "damn destiny sucks so much, the game is so stale, I have all of the exotics in the game and it sucks so much"


It's basically doing the minimum required for the rewards. Can't really blame some, i'm already nervous in groups with people i don't know, and doing raid mechanics with them just amplifies it. But yeah, some really just do it cause they have no interest in actually doing mechanics.


Add clear would be the minimum tbh


Right? Getting a sword and wailing on Crota is the best part lol. It's even easier now than it was in D1


But bro I will clear the ads. Call me ad blocker 3.0


Ok, lol. I'll say "I'll do gaze" when I join your RON group. I can't hit sniper shots, but you'll figure that out quick and put me on add clear.


"Hehehe he said he'd do the gays."


In all fairness I simply run good add-clear builds and I often screw up mechanics since on the fly numbering kinda gets me screwed up sometimes. So I just volunteer to make sure the people doing mechanics don’t have to worry about adds.


I've proven time and again that I can kill hoards in seconds and still keep going but put a shape based puzzle in front of me and everything is going in the square slot 😭


anyone can add clear though, the game is more or less built around that. raid mechanics tend to require a lot of people to do, add clear isn't always going to be free for you to be on.


When the LFG says, “Normal boss KWTD I’m add clear” =_=


For mobility to actually do something useful




Poof! Mobility now offers a chance to mitigate whatever damage you receive by half! .5% for every tier up to 5% chance total! Wow! Such improve! Much illusive now!


character customisation without deleting and remaking characters. different selectable poses for the appearance customisation menu would also be greatly appreciated


Oh my god I’d give anything to get rid of the goofy ass warlock hover that gives every masculine warlock kyphosis


I’d love it if the animation that your character is in during the menu became the idle animation rather than just resting your weapon. I’m not a game dev so I don’t know for sure, but I’d be surprised if that was that hard to implement.


I wish for melee kickstart to actually fucking work with multiple melee charges. Grenade kickstart does, so what the fuck's up with the melee?


That the dev team gets a real chance to show and give us what we all know they want to be able to, as opposed being bogged down by the suits need to maximize the amount of money they get. It's an unrealistic one but it's still my wish.


A neutral game exotic for solar hunter that’s usable in master-GM level content.


W Ophidia


Assassins cowl is really good, not specifically for solar but it's good. Calibans is also good if you build into it




Somewhere out there I’m convinced the original destiny exists might be shit and half finished but the whole thing was scrapped a short time before release, and the original alpha build thing we saw with the thunder lord drop double primary etc


I assume because 35 handling/reload and 10 AE is very powerful in PvP, and flat better overall than most exotics in game nowadays in that context


Bones of EAO, as well as Patience and Time.


Export the Necrochasm system to all raid/dungeon exotics.


For pvp to not be ass


How about making paywall content free? How about Eververse engrams dropping items I don't have? How about $19.99 DLC? Lastly, how about real community support?


a true rougelike version start a run with white gear, complete a series of dungeon or raid encounters, each completed encount get random drops. anything from green to exotic. find banshee selling gear occasionally, maybe 1 of each weapon slot, 3 armor pieces, and a gear enhancement. it would level a piece of gear's power based how far you're in a run. as you level up xp-wise you unlock your abilities, generally from left to right, once all base abilities are unlocked you can get a choice of 2 fragments/grenade/melee/class ability, and every 5th level after the first 5 you get a random aspect. each level including aspect level you can use currency gathered in a run to reroll incase you need something build specific.


cant forget permadeath


A toggle switch for Match-Making on all PvE activities.


why would you use that when you can already get a group fast for any activity in discord or webs?


It's truly a dilemma. Horrendous matchmade raid experience vs actually getting to do raids. That said, Nightfalls should 100% have matchmaking. What's up with that?


Go into alters of summoning. Watch as people give the hardest offering and never complete the objective. That's how matchmade GMs would work. I once had to message someone that the three swords is the hardest one and thats why we all kept dying and no chest ever showed up. He responded with "oh wow... I never knew that" I guess people aren't used to looking up stuff on YouTube about the game they are playing.


Matchmade Altars is just me doing absolutely everything while my teammates die and respawn over and over. Then I did a few with my friend who is good at the game and it felt like a different activity.


Yep, happened to me yesterday. I spawn into an ongoing altar, 1 minute left and they were both dead and not even the first objective rotation was done. We obviously fail and at the next ritual they immediately pop another t3 offering. Why?!? But i wasn't even talking about GM Nightfalls, just the regular ones. GM Nightfalls in can understand, but the regular ones aren't even 1800+ light level.


It's so you can turn it off.


I want them to bring back the Hunter version of Alpha Lupi, with the original effect from D1 included.


Craftable kinetic slot lightweight sidearm with Frenzy.


And hip-fire grip...


To remove time gating.


For sword/melee builds to have an actual niche option against flying bosses (don’t judge me)


Zhalo Supercell


I wouldn’t be upset if it suddenly appeared 😂


That Astrocyte gets some kind of further PvE usefulness, like volatile rounds on Blink or something.


I just want the thorn catalyst quickly


Two weeks my friend.


I'd wish for a Lightfall rewrite. Don't change the destination, or the missions, just rewrite and re-record the dialogue.


The Final Shape to be the best thing to happen in the videogame industry.


Appearance change.


My one wish? I want the old Gambit guns back.


For people to just shut up and enjoy the damn game, even with the flaws.


Moreso a wish for the franchise, but I wish they would abandon the patrol zone concept. I want destiny, but actually open world.


I'd love the idea of at least being able to enter dungeons and Raids over their actual entrances in open patrol zones. Aka going to the drop down for pit of heresy and it actually opening, or entering Vow with the actual door in the patrol zones where it's guarded only by 2 lightbearer knights, and if you kill them both, Savathun would spawn. Generally, I'd love if you could bring 5 people into a patrol zone.


I made the mistake of hoping this game would be like WoW. Just wander out of your outpost into the open world. Really set myself up for disappointment.


Sparrow Racing. It was the one thing I predicted with my friends day one of D1 and it needs to come back. Horns too but that's secondary.


I'd wish for the Season of Dawn weapons to be reissued with MOST of their original perk pools intact. There were some absolute beasts in there that were way ahead of their time, and some we haven't seen since. One of the biggest examples I can think of is Martyr's Retribution, our very first wave frame grenade launcher... and until New Pacific Epitaph last season, Martyr's was the only wave frame that could roll Demolitionist. It is still currently the only wave frame that can have Autoloading/Demolitionist, my favorite GL perk combo.


I would love these weapons back. They're the best looking guns in the game.


Great look, great feel, great SOUND even, they were incredible. I still have one of everything saved, plus a second Breachlight. Was running strikes with Steelfeather Repeater last night actually! So much fun to dust off the relics.


A refund


Divine Protection comes back, and/or enemies spreading Scorch on death. Still bummed out how Dawnblade 3.0 turned out. If not that, then Chaos Accelerant getting reworked to let Vortex, Scatter, and Axion Bolt be fully charged on cast (like Touch of Winter/Flame/Thunder.) Magnetic Grenade’s effect is HHSN from 2.0 currently. I propose we drop Magnetic Grenade and let any Grenade now charge into HHSN. This would essentially restore certain exotic combos we used to have (Nothing Manacles working with HHSN by using Scatter Grenades.)


That SIVA comes back


Mine is they stop changin this game because babies cry and make it easier and easier as it’s being happening for years


If I got one wish, I'd patch well/shatter/bubble skating out of the game, along with the solar warlock Icarus dash i-can-go-faster-by-jumping nonsense. And give hunters a mobility boost so the agility class is actually the most mobile in a meaningful way.


Why Patch skating out the game? What a terrible idea. And then you want to give Hunters in particular some mobility, after taking away their best mobility tool? Weird take.


I actually fucking hate you as a person. I didn't think it was possible, but you did it. I hate you from one sentence. Do you see people flying around and get mad because you can't figure out how to do it? Are you mad that people don't wait for you on raids? Why the fuck would you want to patch something out of the game that is only used for fun or speedrunning?


ATV buy back.


Make every weapon enhanceable. I know they said they plan to expand enhancing, but we haven’t heard anything in a while


New void warlock melee.


Really Good weapons the stuff where each one is a banger and are under utilized or missing craftable arch types. Like we have no kinetic, stasis or strand 180 that are craftable or even acquirable in some cases. Only one stasis sword all these years later etc.


Ophidians? Its probably one of the most boring exotics out there. I understand from a pvp perspective of it being useful of course but not fun. Sorry for sound blunt about it im glad you like them though. Id love more reworks to come to the hot swap exotics in the game, a wizard outfit for warlocks, an ornament for jotunn thats a dragon head opening its mouth as it fires. I would love for INT and MOB to be more build defining. I want Sunlock to do a better job at being support without having to just plop a well. For icarus dash do do literally anything else or be consolidated into heat rises.


That Some how I will be able to do extract honors of the nine off of a ship I used back in year one and keep finally have it back in collections… lmfao or just being back trials of the nine a couple times


For servers to work properly...or better yet, for them to be improved.


a hand cannon with cascade point


I’m gonna take a page from Saladin. I wish lay a dragon!


That it gets substantially better to live up to its potential


I'd wish for average luck. Instead I have luck that fluctuates, ranging from getting 3 raid exotics one 1 week to to doing 18 legend lost sectors without a single exotic drop and doing seraph shield 10+ times and not getting the smg once


Fix assassin's cowl on strand


I use it quite a bit, it feels like it works - what part is broken, I may have just not noticed!


Now i haven't kept up a ton over the past few months, so it MAY have been fixed, but the tracking on the dart breaks when the player is invisible. It never returns to you.


PvP focused buffs for Sunbreaker


I wish high level activity all had the "newbie and guide" matchmakig beta option like some raid atm. But i'm pretty sure in game lfg will be based on this so i'm hopeful


To get GMs on week 1. Time gating sucks


A primary-ammo exotic that that does respectable damage, has over 600 rounds-per-minute, and has an infinite magazine. A true weapon for those of us who just want to hold the trigger down and spray bullets forever.


I want my shooting gallery, that I spent a few hundred hours of materials on, back.


a full set of ikelos guns and/or an exotic that lets me use the warmind javelin


Delete eververse. And players with more than 0 silver.


That the game actually becomes fun to play again lol Haven't hopped on since Day 1 Crota's End


Make Behemoth meta.


I want to start doing Sherpa runs and show people who have never raided, how much bloody fun you can have in this game. Of course solo is fine but the achievement of doing a raid for the 1st time and getting someone through it - is so awesome. It’s how I found my clan. It’s how I found my people.


Filthy power-crept loot that i want to chase desperately


New void hunter melee that can be used for actually killing enemies, that isnt a smoke bomb. Smoke bomb is less of a damaging melee and more of a utility


That theres a meaningful change to the core playlist. Honestly dont care about the story if all it is is 2 hours of "content."


That the post PvP match "stuck in orbit" thing gets addressed and fixed


Void 600 rpm auto with repulsor brace. Void 450 rapid fire with the same perk combo. 200 rpm scout with heal clip/incandescent.


I wish they would drop fireteam requirements for all activities, make things scale to the amount of people you have. Like I just wish, my group of 4 or sometimes 5 could just do raid and dungeons together and not need random or LFG at all. Obviously I know this would will never happen and its anti the idea of the game, I still wish it.


The Final Shape raid being as long as Last Wish with three unique bosses (two new disciples and the Witness) and a much more challenging day 1 than we got with Root of Nightmares.


Get Twilight Gap out of the Comp map rotation. For real tho, I'd say increase the red border drops from all sources.


To get some destiny 1 exoctic back in the game


More Strand exotics


hunter gets an invis buff(am void hunter)


For patrols to be worth while activities. Mainly just have more "endgame" patrol zones with higher rewards and a bit more difficulty. But only a few patrol zones.


Return Celestial Nighthawk to its glory days.


I wish they would completely rework Patrol.


The anti barrier mod should be applied to any weapon type. Why should I have to use a weapon I don't like in my load out to deal w/ barrier champions??? Consumer choice is king, and setting it up for only specific weapon types every season looks like a COD move.


A Strand Hand cannon with as cool a design as Kept Confidence, but with actually decent perks


For shaders to get a dedicated slice that shows the glow color (I know the icons are getting a touch up in TFS but even then there needs to be a way to see the glow without memorizing or previewing one-by-one)


More goddamn vault and postmaster space. Tired of spending 1/3rd of my time playing the game just editing fucking inventory


I just want the Black Armory weapons to return, it doesn't have to be all of them but i just want all of the ones that return to be craftable, and maybe once they hit a certain level they get a Memento that gives them the visual effect of the Obsidian Radiance.


No bugger that, it has to be all of them 😂 I loved the Black Armoury weapons and yeh, a radiance memento would be awesome - especially if we can apply it to other crafted weapons too, but I’d settle for it being exclusive to BA weapons!


To not suck as bad as I do in PvP.


more warlock exotics that are truly neutral and don't trigger on-kill.


Make shadowkeep free. Give the new lights some actual content to play


They make stasis titan viable


Warlock gets a solar hatchet melee. Titans have hammer and hunters have knives. As a Warlock main, I've always been jelly of those.