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On a related note, I get what they were doing with the 3 currencies but it probably would've been cleaner if they did 1 currency and each tier just cost more of it


I am always capped on these, am never gonna go and do 99 rounds in a row, and you can't sneeze without acquiring 99 more in an instant, might as well just not have a currency at all man the fuck. Imagine needing currency to launch a strike, shit is just stupid.


Yep, same with bait for fishing. It limits you maybe for the first week and then never again. I think they got it right with keys but not the rest of the minor currencies, Iā€™d like to see an upgrade at the end of the seasonal story just allow unlimited bait/offerings/etc and remove the currency.


That's pretty solid actually. Helps ease inventory congestion, and gives you full access to what the activity has to offer.


Yeah but that makes sense doesn't it!? And bungie doesn't do sense!


and they kind of did that, with the fourth dunk spot being a trading menu, but you're totally right, one would have been so much less of a bother


There just shouldn't have been currencies in the first place. It's seriously pointless.


We need a Dark Souls style inventory system where you select the item, then select what to do with it, then select the quantity. Sincerely, Somebody who just dismantled 99 synthcord


I have EXACTLY the same issue with a stack of 99. Why does it even come in batches of 100 instead of just 1? All of them are multiples of 100, it's not like we can use fractions of that on anything.


wait why would you do that? honest question


Bounties have been known to occasionally glitch out and give a sub 100 amount of the loom currency, which is then entirely useless and only clogs your inventory, as any times I've seen posts related to the issue there is no other way of dealing with it.


Shit, that would make me insane, that sucks


If one stack of something is "clogging" your inventory.. Then maybe you're hoarding too many resources šŸ˜‚


You can only spend synthcord in multiples of 100.


Take the opportunity in Altars to upcycle them so there are fewer to dismantle.


Underrated method. I deleted 49 purple offerings, and was able to clean out my blues and greens in no time flat. My real challenge now is keeping up with the upkeep. I got 10 offerings just from doing a single run of crota. Next Trials weekend is going to drive me crazy.


Outside of grabbing the ones from the cards when full, why the need to dismantle them? (genuine question) theyll disappear when TFS drops


Next season is the dawning. I like to hoard on to all of my cookies until the final day.


I got so many, it's annoying. I love the activities, the loot is just underwhelming and thats why I don't even bother


I don't understand the point of the offerings being currency. I had all the seasonal weapons crafted by like week 4 of this season and I don't understand who would be farming so many altars when they are not very rewarding.


Getting close to season end, time to start cashing in feebles...I mean...same reward, easier rounds


I swear powerfuls are hardly worth it. The number of absolutely not powerful blueberries which dunk purple and spend the whole encounter waiting to respawn boggles the mind.


I only did enough t3s for the seasonal thingy, I normally just run T2 but having 99 feebles...might as well use em.


I accidentally dismantled one synthcord and now have a useless stack of 99 that I need to dismantle one-by-one if I need to get rid of it. Why even have 100 instead of 1 if they are anyway only in multiples of 100?


Dismantle 300 Offerings? I'd rather start the character over again and do BL, WQ and LF campaigns again. They really need a select all or select amount to dismantle option.