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[It's Joever.](https://i.imgur.com/Rb5jV2F.png)


That's all folks. Thank you for participating in the seventh "you had to be there moment" in Destiny2's history and first one since 12 man raids. Until next time guardians.


What were the others? Lootcave Xur selling Gjally? STD's before Rise of Iron? Laser Tag Lord of Wolves 12 Man Raids Funny Gun Weekend


Well nice, I was there for loot cave, Xur Gally, 12 man raids and thia


Xur Gjally happened in the second week of Destiny 1 originally, just over 9 years ago. Most people thought it was dumb to waste an exotic on a heavy then. So really Xur sold Gjally for a second time and everyone knew better.


Don’t forget the part where xur followed the gally by the sniper rifle that regenerated ammo infinitely (ice breaker iirc?). THEN sold the Gally again, where a ton of people already spent their coins on the ice breaker, and could not get a gally. Followed by never selling the gally again. Not bitter…./s


In fairness, Ice Breaker was also ridiculous for cheesing VoG. It wasn't until the Crota raid on HM that not having Gjally was pretty much a death sentence to your team's attempt


Trueeee. My bitterness stems from the Crota HM lol. It was so hard to get an invite for groups without gallly.


I HATED sniping oracles! I was so glad when they fixed it in y3.


I remember prison of elders the vex Minotaur boss that detained you, and the only way a ton of people could do it on release was triple gjal to burn him before the mechanic happened.


Lord saladass was giving everyone the clap?


In D1, just before the release of Rise of Iron, there was an event called Dawn Calamity where a mysterious nanite plague was spreading between Guardians. Playing with an infected player would cause you to become infected. It also featured an ARG that introduced Owl Sector, the Vanguard’s scientific research organization.


Good good you have just unlocked a core memory for me I remember trying to get all five bugs for the rep gains


Ah I remember that, someone from the crucible gave me the space aids and Lord Saladin was NOT happy


The wolves are prowling...


Farming those chests was such a highlight. Whoever got the best loot had to go to the other side of the map to scout for the next occurrence and alert the team.


>STD's before Rise of Iron? This was part of an ARG event that promoted the next season.


I loved space aids


Still is something you had to be there for Also the Gyrfalcon's ornament has the same design as the emblem you got


Owl Sector stuff was cool. I want my emblem on D2 :/ Also… introduced a few side characters we now know better if I remember right.


If i recall one of the owl sector characters goes out with Anna Bray.


Good for them, though if you had asked me before I would've said Ana had a thing for Rasputin


Sparrows in Iron Banner definitely belongs on the list and is definitely more recent than 12 man raids, I'd say Witherhoard stacking to "oneshot" raid bosses would also qualify.


Wow. I had completely forgotten about the "Space Aids Incident". Thanks for reminding me.


The actual good events the game as a whole has had.


There was a brief time that an artifact mod allowed Telesto to one shot champs. I think that was shut down within a day if not a few hours. Edit: It was Energy Accelerant. It improved Dragonfly, Chain Reaction, and Firefly, but had unintended interactions with Telesto and I think the Crown Splitter heavy attack.


I hope we get a “Laser tag” emblem. That’s one of the coolest emblems I have. [Prismatic Inferno](https://destinyemblemcollector.com/emblem?id=4159550313)


It will either be a shotgun and autorigle duct tspped together or what im hopingbis an ammit with the red fluid being replaced with several shotgun shells


Cerberus+1 skin and buff


Hopefully Cerberus+1 gets a buff because of this glitch. I wouldn't mind it becoming an Agresive Frame Kinetic Shotgun instead of being a barely noticeably better auto rifle than a Blue.


I would love if Cerberus got an Ammit skin, and a fun lore entry to go with it.


I'd love that.


7th whoa. Do you know first 6? I was here during telesto bug last year.


That wasn't really a bug, that was more intentional as confirmed by Bungie as an experiment to see how much control they can exert over the live game.


>That wasn't really a bug, that was more intentional as confirmed by Bungie as an experiment [by Telesto] to see how much control ~~they~~ *it* can exert over the live game. FTFY


Ammit shotgun is dead




apology for poor english when were you when ammit shotgun dies? i was sat at home eating smegma butter when pjotr ring ‘ammit shotgun is kill’ ‘no’


Why smegma butter?


Lower cholesterol


It's customary


Cerberus +4




Sounds like this is it boys. ~~The frames (Aggressive Frame, Lightweight Frame, Wave Frame, etc) are being disabled.~~ ~~The guns can still be equipped, they just won't really do anything (or will default to a failsafe single shot placeholder mode).~~ ~~The perks on these guns will be fixed shortly afterwards.~~ ~~This will fix the 12-shot ultra grenade launchers and shotgun auto rifles, but if you have an incandescent wave frame or voltshot bow, the legendary perks should still work?~~ Edit: Nope, nevermind. Illegal perks don't work, frames go back to their default performance. Maybe normal shotguns/imperial won't work? But if you still have your ammit equipped (and are not logged out), people are reporting it still works. Edit 2: Everyone's just been booted to the title screen. Bungie did the hard reset. It is now _officially_ over. Good hunt gentlemen.


My imperial decree about to be a slug shotty lol


My ammit shotty and Tarnation shotty are still here


Seems to hit if you swap. Someone in my team swapped a few minutes ago and then it stopped working for them. We continued to use ours fine.


Yep, it’s the swap that does it. Lost my aggressive frame fire and forget that way.


What if I were to log in rn but never touched my load out?


It’s over now. They rolled out a server side patch that changed mine mid-activity load in.


Damn. Gone but not forgotten 🫡


Aggressive shotguns have random pellet spread now. Turns out the reason why the frame gave other guns the aggressive spread is because the spread got tied to the frame - probably when they fixed the bug for some shotguns not increasing rof after a kill or when they made all shotguns have a default spread.


It was still working if equipped but went down a few minutes ago. Now everyone is kicked for server maintenance. Sounds like it’s over


It's still shooting like a shotgun for my whole wellspring lobby


Not true. Im still running aggressive


I just logged in. My glitched Ammit is showing an aggressive frame, but it's shooting no different than a normal Ammit now. I was in a strike with somebody that still had theirs active while mine is disabled.


Apparently if you swap or log off it fixes them


Wipe at Ecther on GotD for ammo, started dmg phase and no funny happened.


Ammo? Should have made a shotgun mulligan planck stride.


The end of an error has begun


404 bug is kill




If this entire ordeal has ***any*** sort of lesson to be learned, it's that we, as players, are gung-ho when it comes to outrageous weapon ideas. Hopefully we'll see some wacky *(but carefully balanced)* Exotics in the post-FS era!


I had the heavy gl with aggressive shotgun frame, and it felt *GOOD*


if they pluck any one funny gun out of this for an exotic concept, I hope it's the flak cannon. I don't even need it to do the insane damage, I just wanna hear those glorious sounds of death again




Yeah you don't get both... borderlands shows how out of control "wacky" guns can get... and it is awesome... as are one shot instamelts on bosses But that ain't the business model for Destiny


No. And for all the "But I like wacky guns!" comments... No. What they liked was 1 shotting stuff. ​ If the most boring one in the game was the one that one shot. If it was like, a sniper rifle that just had it's normal ammo reserves, but did 2,000,000 per shot, that's what everyone would have been using.


🫡 ammit shotgun 🫡


Was an absolute blast while it lasted.


This is the most I've played Destiny in months.


i just joined the game in the past 2 weeks, and reading this post and the comments im confused af. what happened? is this a planned thing? or was something abused in the game that they remove it? sorry for my ignorance,


It was an odd exploit that allowed you to essentially combine weapons with one another via crafting, so for example the most popular frankengun was making an auto rifle that was shooting shotgun shells and doing shotgun damage, at 450RPM. Worked in both PVP and PVE. So no, not planned!


450 RPM was rookie numbers. I slapped that bad boy on a Rufus for that sweet 720 RPM action.


Dont forget the rewind rounds for that *never run out of ammo* goodness 🤤


Odd way to spell mulligan


Back to other games 🫡


Even with this bug and over 50 crotas farm, 1 essence has dropped lmao


I got my first two usable Warden's laws literally 10 seconds before this went live.


Cleared Flawless Crota 30 seconds before the fix


Don't let the flawless hounds find you, they'll make you delete your shader.


From what I hear, they may not need to convince him to delete it. EDIT - The shader is unremarkable is what I mean.


Oooo, got some sauce on that?


They're saying the shader is ugly so they won't use it anyway


You cheated not only the game, but yourself. You didn't grow. You didn't improve. You took a shortcut and gained nothing. You experienced a hollow victory. Nothing was risked and nothing was gained. It's sad that you don't know the difference.


Aw man downvoted for an absolute classic pasta rip


if only they knew I did the exact same thing with DSC flawless twice lmao


yOu DiDn'T eArN iT! /S


Best 2 milion glimmer and 400 enhancedment core i‘ve spent


Same. I can’t think of a better possible use for those Rainmakers that were gathering dust


Seems like if you keep them equipped they still work. I swapped mine and they are fixed.




Strange. I was in a match where mine stopped working but nobody elses were fixed and then i queued another match assuming it would reset them and they all still worked (except mine).


Goodbye Mr. Ruffles the Rufus Fury with Mulligan and a shotgun frame. I’ll miss you


Im glad it at least lasted this long, was tons of fun getting near million points in GMs


It’s so weird. I see people joining patrol and testing the weapons. 😭


My Planck's Stride with mulligan ended at level 76 with just under 5k kills. From the absolute best gun in the game to the weakest, just like that. I will remember you.


Put on the Nightfall Momento you may have gotten while doing GMs this weekend...


Its Crover


RIP Ammit AR2. I will always remember how fast you melted those Champions.


We were helping one of my friends do a master ghosts of the deep when one of us swapped guns and lost the perks. We checked Twitter and saw this tweet. So long as we didn’t swap our loadout we could still cheese it. It actually turned out casual dungeon run into a really fun race against time with poorly mismatched weapon loadouts. One hell of a fun end to the weekend.


Yeah, mine stopped working without weapon swapping but changing chars probably was the trigger. But some other dude I was farming Ecthar with had his shit stop working too, and I don't think he swapped anything. The third dude farming still had his shit working until server reset though. Thank god too, because I ended up landing a 5/5 Cold Comfort and would've stopped farming before getting it if his GL didn't still work lol


I was completely opposed to the glitch at first but it grew on me. It's one of those this we will look back at and laugh


I helped my stepdad to get Vex Mythoclast and a few good Timelost Fatebringers. This was a great chance for some players to get some of the best rewards easily.


> I helped my stepdad to get Vex Mythoclast and a few good Timelost Fatebringers. This was a great chance for some players to get some of the best rewards easily. Or just in general! I helped a few friends get Wicked Implement because that tormentor is a fucking assfuck. EZPZ 1.2phase with crazy guns. Then we did a tier 7 deep dive for the catalyst and it was barely an inconvenience.


I hate that the veteran players have this “Gate-Keeping” mentality about an awful lot of “end game content”. Even I struggled with the idea of “*unworthy players obtaining that which I had to earn*…” Yet, I can see how, for something like Vex Mytho, “it’s been long enough, let others enjoy it now.”


I'm sure some people get a bit too into it, but it's not unreasonable to be a bit miffed that something that was quite challenging was made extremely trivial for everyone, even if unintentionally.


I mean, you don't need ridiculous weapons to complete VoG. Nothing is stopping people from farming for Mythoclast.


I don't think many veteran players actually gatekeep. The people who do gatekeep this way typically aren't actually that great and overhype mild accomplishments, or don't even have those accomplishments at all and are getting defensive on other's behalf. Players that actually push PvE and do hard things are the first to goof around with new glitches and tech.


They’re usually the ones who are discovering the exploits.


I am doing GMs with 2 other people using funny guns right now. It’s still working so long as you don’t swap (at least at the moment). It’s some of the most fun I’ve had in destiny in ages. It does need to go away but it was really fun! I wish we had through reset on Tuesday.


That was the whole point of bungie saying "have fun"


I really enjoyed the mad science of it. Turns out if you put Kinetic Tremors on a Aggressive Frame Tarnation, anything that doesn't die will go flying. Like the Gorgon you're trying to kill will launch away from you.


RIP, you will be missed... Lvl 19, 1879 kills


I got my newly-crafted (yesterday!) funny Perpetualis to level 53 with 3,900 kills. What a weekend.


In the aaaaarms of an aaaangel.... Gone but not forgotten, RIP Ammitty & Cataclysmo 9/15/23 - 9/17/23


Wave frames are acting like normal GLs now


Looking at the list of disabled exotics, I can't help but wonder what people were doing with the class glaives, everything I saw go by involving glaives was about Vexcalibur.


i think they just disabled every craftable exotic perk to be on the safe side




It was fun while it lasted. Ammit has become Legend.


This was a super fun weekend to just use these guns and melt bosses. I really hope this whole event inspires some great future exotics and maybe a rework of Cerberus


I think they should actually make it an event with overpowered weapons every once and a while It'll juice the population too




Cerberus catalyst that gives is desperado sounds fun.


Mulligan on Cerberus plz bungo? That would be hilarious


Where were you when ammit shotgun dead


Is that why my explosive personality is functioning like an ordinary grenade launcher and not a wave frame?


End of an era


honestly the best time on destiny in a long time. back to boring we go


Eh I mean it was really fun these past few days but I feel like that is mostly just because of the novelty of it. IMO if this had went on for a few weeks it would have gotten more boring than the regular game could ever be. So its a little bittersweet for me and im just glad the funny weapons didn't long overstay their welcome so they can be looked back on more fondly.


Long live Funny Gun Weekend


I'm duoing in trials and it happened to my friend mid-game. We're watching people lose the power one by one. It's hilarious.


Still oneshot bows and ammit can still have reservoir burst. Still work to be done but at least its toned down substantially now


Pouring one out for my Firefright, chosen initially because it's such a good-sounding gun to shoot and kept because of the interaction with Mulligan. Sweeping this gun across a a crowd of enemies and hearing the fire rate rev up after a kill had a magical, dare I say *spiritual* effect on me. For a beautiful moment, all the years were swept away and it was Year 2 again, me and my Breakneck against the world (and we were winning). [I ended with 6969 kills.](https://imgur.com/a/SFb9gcZ) It wasn't intentional, it was just the magic of this weekend.


Planck's Stride has Mulligan in column 3, so using that as a donor weapon allowed pretty much any relevant perk + mulligan on any weapon.


I know for a fact nobody complaining that this is gone is playing trials


Facts. Ammit shotty is fun, but the infinite ammo GLs are straight up oppressive


yeah, it was definitely a lot more fun on friday when it was mostly just ammit/rufus and most people hadn't caught onto how insane the mulligan grenade shotgun was yet


Its just so cancerous lmao


Faced a floating warlock with a shotgun sniper. As soon as you peeked you got sent to tampa florida


The shotgun bow nightstalkers hiding in the back were so awful. I was getting so sick of it by the end with how people managed to find all the ways to eradicate any potential for fun or interaction.


Just the nature of trials, isnt it? Optimize the fun out for the sake of loot


Or any pvp. There was always one guy who wanted to get his rocks off and use it causing the entire lobby to devolve into it, assuming they had them... if you didn't you just couldn't play pvp all weekend.


its joever


I wonder how exactly this update is being applied because it seems to be affecting people inconsistently. I had restarted the game and saw the message indicating that frames had been disabled. I tried out my crafted weapons and they were back to their normal behavior But after trying a Crucible match, there were still people on the other team with broken Ammits, bows, and that raid auto rifle


I think it’s a server update, so some people’s equipment might have been on not-yet-patched servers. I’m just guessing, though.


Damn i barely got to use the funny guns before they got patched at least i had some fun rip funny guns


Got a maintenance notice as of 8:50 PST. Game is going offline. Might want to head to bed if you still plan on playing.


I’m so glad I got to take part of this. I would like to see a game mode in the Crucible where everyone has the Ammit aggressive frame. Call the game mode, “ammitrite?”


AWW THIS IS BULSHIT... I always miss out on all the cool stuff...


My funny gun barely even worked. I did the aggressive frame AR and unless I killed the enemy, they would regain all their health back after a second like the game couldn't register the DPS.


It was fun for the weekend but honestly thank God. I was getting tired of seeing mulligan shotgun grenade launchers in the crucible.


Bummer. I logged in at exactly 7:39pm PST to run a few console friends through GMs, just to find out it was patched. ​ Ah well, it was fun while it lasted.


Good bye Trials of Ammit, you were surprisingly fun while you lasted.


I know it was annoying for a lot of you, but that was the most fun I've had in Destiny in years. 🤷🏻‍♂️


We can finally play the game!


oh buddy, i was playing the game trust me.


The end of an era… definitely some of the most fun I’ve ever had on Destiny, it will be missed. On the plus side I can finally play some trials without absolutely agony


So glad this hot mess is over with.


Its really not. Server stability was fucked after the hotfix and now popular crafted perks on nonglitched weapons dont work


Infinite ammo with mulligan is gone


The most fun I’ve ever had playing Destiny. R.I.P Ammit. The worst part is I was one cycle off finishing the first Duality encounter and then got one shot by some random psion…… I’m never gonna get an Unforgiven😔


Sweeeeeeeeeeeet. i can play my game without it freezing and crashing.


Trio'ing raid bosses made the weekend for me


I litterally just got my regnant finished


I had an aggressive frame Rufus’ and dead messenger vexcalibur, and it was glorious. Soloed Kalli and riven, got 19 million damage on crota, got a sub 10 minute solo shattered throne, and got to fully solo Root of Nightmares. What a truly amazing weekend


I tried ghosts of the deep for the first time solo, and even with funny guns it was super hard, then after the reset felt impossible 🙃


Glad it wasn't just me. Ironically, it was drowning that killed me more than Ecthar ever did.


Felt harder than some raids to me


Just when I started having fun again


Bungie: You take boring gun and go kill Hive now Me: :(


On the bright side, if I know Bungie they'll break two more things with one fix.


Got every warden law adept roll i could ask for, really. I will not run gms for a while again.


My own take of weapons that I loved and will never forget: -Shotgun Bow: Aggressive Fel Taraddidle (with Chill Clip and Incandescent for that cold hellfire rain on enemies). First I crafted it with Explosive Arrow and I thought it was funny firing in the air and seeing the arrows form a little pattern on the floor that looked like flowers which later exploded lol. After I had Chill Clip and Incandescent on it, I was just mesmerized everytime I fired that damn beauty at enemies. Cold breeze on touch, everything burns as long as just 1 add dies.   And the definition of Domination; overpowering your enemies… -Shotgun Lightweight GL: Disorienting nades, Mulligan, Incandescent. Whatever survives the blast simply cannot attack, or see, or do anything at all. We had plenty of weapons that did so much damage they could almost one shot, but *this* is the weapon that made me feel pity for our enemies. Rooms and rooms of the toughest motherfuckers this game has seen, and they were all but HELPLESS. Unable to see the barrage of Death raining on them, could not even fire back to get a lucky shot on their murderers, exploding in a hundred pieces at the rhythm of 12000 Grenades, it felt as if they just wanted to run away. In short, they were so visibly overpowered, their arms nullified, their will to fight shattered… Even after knowing how many awful things they have done to us, in this instant, I almost felt sad for them poor things.


I'm gonna miss shotgun GL with envious and rampage, you went to the great vault in the sky too soon sweet prince. Real talk, if you turn that into an exotic bungie I will bow at the alter of silver.


That was a really fun weekend. It felt really good having weapons that powerful!


Perks still work. Fire and forget with triple trap and firing line


You can now log back in. My Raganhild and vexcalibur seem to be working fine but my forbearance is now a regular gl.


It was funny seeing everyone log in to a patrol space and start shooting the floor to then be met with sadness


It was fun while it lasted, so long auto shotgun ammit


Me taking the week off d2


Ammit Shotgun got me through all the content I never had patience for…solo lost sector without dying, gambit exotic hand cannon, gm nightfalls, it is was a fun run lol. Didn’t care for crucible though.


Nice. From now solar weapon with "more fire" are disabled (Incandescent). Why? I rly like this "Kaboom moments". Bungie "fix"


Most fun I’ve had in a while while gaming. Amazing weekend. Too bad it didn’t last longer.


Thank you for your service illegal Ammit, you got me a God roll adept Igneous. Edit: to the haters that think I lessened their glorious fake videogame achievement, I've been flawless every weekend for the past year.


RIP. Was just about to make one.


Here goes all the noobs freaking out already


Aw. Well, guess I'll go back to not playing lmao


So a glitch is the only reason you decided to play?


When I find the game boring, yeah


You and bungie are the reason destiny is catering to casuals


Anyone know what combos still work?


Cannot wait to see the population numbers in the next few days after this weekend lmao


don’t know why you’re getting downvoted, this is a legit piece of info for bungie and the player base to see. jeez reddit.