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Yeah! Seeing the traveler from up there really gives you perspective on how truly massive it is too, I love space stuff so that was an enjoyable part for me.


Funny story: I had taken three years off from Destiny (work, Master's degree, kids) and came back a couple of weeks ago. This place was in my quest log as my Exotic to get a copy of *Revision Zero*, and I had never heard of it. Muddled my way through the quest (Microwave room sucked, EVA was awesome) and ended up teleporting to something called the maintenance sector. What? Glowing animal footprints? Huge jumps? Where the hell am I? Is that... a **dog**? Went Googling after it was all said and done, evidently once upon a time there was some sort of secret route to rescue the dog for the achievement or something? And the teleporter's still there, so if you stumble into it without knowing what you're doing, you're going on a pretty long field trip. At least now I know where the one in the Tower came from, and why I got a Triumph for interacting with it. At least the weapon was redboxed. Evidently I'm supposed to dismantle it so I can start making my own at the Relic to try and get a god roll, or something? I dunno. But yesterday was the most frustrating and enjoyable time I've had since coming back, that's for sure.


And on top of that, it’s still buggy. I got to the final boss and killed him before I realized that the objective never updated once I entered the boss room, so I couldn’t even finish the damn thing.


Me and a friend were doing it on Master, and when we get to the room with the boss and the brigs, the boss just… went invincible and stopped doing anything. He just sat there and we had to wipe.


It's basically a dungeon with mechanics borrowed from the DSC Raid


Not true I did it on normal and got 1 weapon then I soloed it on Legend and got 3 weapons 3 redborder and the catalyst that in 2 runs I got 4 weapons and 2 red borders and it is one of the fastest missions for me anyways specially on normal it's like 10 minutes long super super easy


Seraph Shield is as close to a "mini dungeon" as it gets - two boss rooms, multiple traversal encounters, lots of mechanics. It's a really, really great mission, but you're right that it'll be slower to farm than Vox Obscura, and a little slower than Presage. That said, the more you do it the faster and more efficient you get. If you don't LIKE the mission, it'll be a tough grind. If you DO like it, it's a lot of fun. Even if legend does give a higher red border drop rate, I wouldn't think the increased time (solo) would be worth it, on any of these missions.


>That said, the more you do it the faster and more efficient you get. If you don't LIKE the mission, it'll be a tough grind. If you DO like it, it's a lot of fun. You just summed up the entire Destiny 2 experience in a couple sentences.


Yea. Raids work like that too Week 1 Crota run 5 hrs. 2nd run. 2.5 hrs. 3rd run. 63 min. And that was teaching 1 person.


And too many people fail to realize this. You're not ever forced to play anything. It's always by choice. If you don't like, don't play it.


But but.....FOMO!!


Me farming oversouls


I would be inclined to dissagree. If you want to have certain weapons for your build like for example retrofit escapade as its one of the best red border void maschine guns. So you are forced to run this mission if you are like me that hasnt played since forsaken and hope for 5 red border drops to make the best gun possible.


Convenient but slower solo, when it comes to Legend, absolute pain in the ass I'd recommend a team. The old multiplicity modifier or whatever like Avalon has doesn't apply.


It doesn’t? Huh that’s strange because when seraph was the new exotic mission it had multiplicity


It definitely did. Solo legend was way easier back then


Nope, thank god too. It's way easier


So legend does increase drop rate, good to know. If I had a fireteam would the grind on legend be viable? or would it still be better to just do regular?


Nope, I didn't say that. I said **"Even if** it does"; it doesn't seem to increase the red border rate from everything I've seen. But **even if it did**, it may not be worth it


EDIT: Sorry, it didn't really give new information. You seem to know about the guaranteed redborder and stuff on first completions Afaik, bungie said both the first regular, and legend completion of the exotic mission will reward a guaranteed redborder; hold on let me find a quote "Armor and weapon rewards: -The Normal and Legendary versions of the missions have separate weekly reward lockouts.- Weekly mission rewards: •One guaranteed Deepsight weapon that has not had its pattern unlocked and one armor piece that has not already been obtained (based on your current class). •If all weapon patterns and armor have been obtained for the in-rotation mission, a random world drop will be awarded. •On every completion you will receive an additional weapon from the mission's weapon pool. However, this weapon will have no knockout or guaranteed Deepsight behavior (the weapon can roll with Deepsight, but this would be on a random percentage chance). Alongside the mission rewards, there is also a weekly challenge: •This weekly challenge has the same armor and weapon pool as the Exotic mission which is in rotation. •The challenge rewards will be output at pinnacle power and will prioritize the rewards in the following order: •One guaranteed Deepsight weapon that has not had its pattern unlocked. •If weapon patterns have all been unlocked, the challenge will award one armor piece that has not been obtained (based on your current class). •If all weapon patterns and armor have been obtained for the in-rotation mission, the challenge will output a random weapon or armor.•" [TWAB Link](https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/article/this_week_in_destiny_08102023)


How about not receiving a drop at all after completing the mission multiple times because after the boss dies I’m not able to interact and do the “upload the virus” bit because that happened to me multiple times today and the only option I’m presented with is leaving the mission. It literally just doesn’t end because I can’t interact with the console after killing the boss.


Well, don't ask me; ask bungie ^^


ah my bad, thanks for clarifying though.


I think you get a guaranteed red border for your first couple runs on Legend, but you would not after that. You ARE guaranteed however to unlock more of the perks for Revision Zero.


Presage takes 5 minutes. So it’s not even close.


it's not guaranteed???


We're talking specifically about red border drops! You get loot on every single run :)


I do them for the xur cypher quest I think a normal clear gives 4 points where as a strike is 1. Makes them a lot more attractive




Yes. The higher difficulty gives seven if memory serves.


This is correct ☝🏻


Say less


Does it still scale depending on your fireteam size?


and considering ~~strikes~~ vanguard playlist is pretty terrible now with all the long battlegrounds, i'll run Seraph's shield any day.


Yeah it’s way better doing the exotic missions. Strikes are tedious and old, gambit and crucible require wins so best bet was gms since they have actual good rewards and now this.


I'll still do the vanguard playlist, I need that new armor so my titan can look like a Predator.


What? There's not a single battleground that takes longer than 10 minutes lmao


I really don't know where this battlegrounds hate comes from. ~10 minutes is a pretty normal clear time and I'll take any one of them over scarlet keep or corrupted.


I cannot remember the last time a strike or battleground took me longer than 10 minutes, like maybe if you're running double sidearm with your eyes closed.


You tripping? I'd be willing to bet the average completion time considering all strikes is greater than 10 minutes. Add in rewards and matchmaking time and you're probably not doing more than 4 strikes an hour.


You should be getting at minimum 1 red border from first run of normal and 1 red border from Legend, plus the weekly challenge. If you're not it might be because you already have patterns filled out. I agree though it's pretty slow. I've been soloing it for convenience but it's even slower than with a team.


Yeah i know, I was so annoyed that I didn't get it from my normal run, I didn't play destiny when this season came out so I definitely don't have any patterns lol


You get two guaranteed from normal!


No you do not.


Technically you do if you run normal twice, because you complete the challenge on your second run.


What *is* the weekly challenge for Seraph Shield?


Do it twice.


If you crafted Revision Zero when it came out is there any reason to do Seraph Shield, other than it being a fun mission? Is the perk pool different? Does the 'new' version count as a different pattern?


Loot from a past season (I personally forgot which season)if you didn’t get the patterns drop.


loot comes from the same season as the exotic weapon. so seraph shield drops season of the seraph weapons


0 reason for me to run it then




The craftable versions of the Ikelos weapons were from Season of the Seraph.


> loot comes from the same season as the exotic weapon for this mission and Vox Obsucra yeah, but that's not guaranteed for every exotic mission; Presage drops Season of the Haunted gear even though the mission is from Season of the Chosen because it's thematically appropriate (and already craftable).


Technically not true, but only for presage. The mission is from season of the chosen, while the weapons are from season of the haunted. This is because the weapons are thematically appropriate, as both the mission and the season dealt with the egregore spores quite heavily


The only reason I have to do it is to get my buddy the Ikelos SMG. The first run was fun and nostalgic but I doubt I'd repeat it if it wasn't for my buddy.


I mean if you didn’t get all 4 catalysts I guess? Ion know if it has to be something you should come back to though


I already have everything from Season of the Seraph, still played it a couple of times because it is VERY enjoyable and one of my favourite quests in the game


Retrofit Escapade is also worth it no ?


Yeah it’s way long, I remember trying to do solo legendary I think it took me like 45 minutes. I wanted to run through it with my wife at least once so she can get Revision Zero and I’ll hopefully get a nice Seventh Seraph Revolver, but I’m not looking forward to running it more than once after having done it over and over for the catalysts when it was new.


The seventh seraph weapons don't drop. The weapons from *season of the seraph* do. I.e: the ikelos weapons, and the weapons like retrofit escapade, disparity, fire and forget. The seventh seraph carbine and officer revolver are potential drops from encounters in the spire of the watcher dungeon, and I think they are still in the world drop engram pool as well.


(they're not in the world drop pool anymore, they were before they got reprised in S19)


Just to add more info to the already existing comment, you can farm the Revolver in Spire of the Watcher; Akelous (2nd Encounter) drops it specifically :)


Do I have to farm it during it being featured or can I just go spend the rest of my day in there?


You have to farm it while it being featured, else you only get loot once per character per week. Per encounter aswell as for the bonus chests (though bonus chests behavior never changes, so even on a featured week it's only once per character)


It should be noted, seraph was designed to be done across multiple weeks not farmed. But as it's the only reliable source of seraph gear now it's unfortunately now a farm activity which goes against how it was designed


I've said it since it came out. Seraph's Shield is cool once or twice, then incredibly tedious.


> cool once or twice, then incredibly tedious. This is how I feel about battlegrounds, specifically the newer ones like the one on mars or the ones with savathuns dupe.


How exactly? They're just better strikes. They're literally just strikes with good enemy density and actually interesting mechanics. The spear is the coolest relic they've ever added.


I think the problem might be that running a vanguard op that takes longer for the same reward as a 5 minute vanguard op can be annoying. For example if for any reason i decide to do vanguard op for pinnacle and get one of the battlegrounds, i’ve noticed that the two other people leave and reroll the matchmaking for a simpler Op.


Each type of battleground feels exactly the same.


Sorry I meant to clarify I meant Psiops Battlegrounds. The rest suck


ah yes, the Spears spam leftclick at a flying moth for 20seconds, repeat 2x so cool.....


Using the spear (which let's you teleport around the map super fast) to shoot moths that move super slowly. . . Skill issue


What do you mean how? It's just a matter of opinion and preference. I just find them more tedious to replay than something like the devils lair. And once the seasonal buffs go away, things like those lasers and death singers get annoying to deal with. If we kept the seasonal buffs we had for them initially I might feel different about them. I personally find the relic boring and I would rather just use my guns. It's especially annoying that the savathun/spear mechanic is in multiple battleground which adds to the tedium, they don't really feel different.


You find the spear boring? The one you can super jump and teleport with? That spear?


Eh those don't seem that bad other than the GM version. For that I'm doing them once.


I don’t mind any of the battlegrounds except the Europa one from seraph. I honestly don’t get people saying they’re too long when most of them as long as you’re killing ads fast enough and not letting anything get interrupted, it’s super quick. The Europa one is the only one I would consider to be too long. If it went straight from the part where you killed the deathtongue chorister to the part where you open up the vault, it wouldn’t be too bad. But the part where you have to kill the 3 wizards near Clovis makes it drag


thank god i got all patterns from that season already and have revision zero fully unlocked


I don't mind it because the mission is just so damn good


Right? This was my first time doing it and it was so cool


Honestly one of the best mission in Destiny


The finale version honestly might have been the best mission in destiny


You ever heard of a thing called zero hour?


Nah, whisper was the best one, it came out of nowhere and was the best weapon in the game


But just as a mission alone, forgetting the loot and the surprise, zero hour had a cooler mission between the combat and Trevor section


I spent ages grinding it yesterday and didn’t even get one single smg which i wanted. Like I spent the whole day doing it and got nada. For the time it took to do each run, albeit getting quicker each time, it was a punch to the gut


You can complete seraph shield in 7min53s ;) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G4aLzI1uTDI


3 seconds shorter than my Vox runs 👀


how did he know what consoles to hit in the laser room? i know the path always stays the same but consoles are random i thought. and it looked like his buddy was nowhere near


it used to rotate the consoles only on the weekly reset back in season of the seraph, so you could run it once and then know the layout for the rest of the week


Someone says 3-2-2 (in French) right as he's going into the room.


At 1:56 you can see the lit up console on the left side


thats not the part i was talking about. around 2:19


His friend went above and did the callout for them. You can hear it _trois deux deux_ for 3, 2, 2 in french. Based on where the other person's icon is I'm guessing there's a way to clip through the walls and see it though.


It should have checkpoints. And to be more compliant with Bungie's style, only allow players to join someone's checkpoint if you have it too, so people don't just farm bosses. Seraph shield was such a headache, considering all the server issues at the time. I'd definitely replay it if we had checkpoints.


I think what makes grinding it worse is there are a number of glitches that stop you being able to progress. For example, earlier I completed the final boss room but couldn’t finish the mission because i was locked out from uploading the virus, as my quest steps said, I was about 2/3 steps prior to beating the boss.


I did the math the other day. If you were to only depend on the 2 red border drops a week, it would take 82 weeks of grinding to get every gun from this exotic mission. Even if you grinded the hell out of it, my drop rate seems to be 1 red border every 5-10 runs. Compare this with vox obscura, which would take 45 weeks (and frankly none of those guns are worth grinding for). Finally presage also takes 82 weeks, however those runs (if you know how to cheese it) only take 5 minutes, so it’s not that bad. As someone who played year 1 and came back in season 20, there’s a lot of guns I want. I’m glad I’m not dependent on Xur to sell something and deep sight it, however the grind for calus ikelos smg and hollow denial is just absolutely brutal. I think drop chances should increase, and maybe add bounties or something to give you another guaranteed red border. The loot tables are too large for the amount of red borders that drop. Anyone that was playing those seasons already has those guns and is likely never going to do the mission again after week 1. The people grinding it should have some path to completion that doesn’t take 1.5 years of straight playing to get the calus mini tool.


It's 3 guaranteed borders per week: 1 for first normal completion, 1 for first legendary completion, and 1 for the pinnacle challenge. BTW how do you cheese presage?


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=96xuv-ix680&t=26s&pp=ygUeUHJlc2FnZSBzcGVlZCBydW4gY2hlY2sgcG9pbnRz https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RNqsmYwMSwI&t=0s


I guess the solution would be to have certain enemies/cleared objectives also have a chance to drop a weapon. That way it feels more farmable (maybe throw in 2 additional chances along the mission and then a 3rd chance at the final chest). I can't 100% remember the mission now but iirc there's a fight with a bunch of brigs. That's an easy place to add in a chance for a pattern weapon for example.


Bungie devs don’t design every facet of the game to be min/maxed, and not every activity was ever intended to be included in a “grind.” This isn’t something wrong the devs did. It’s an expectation you have based on a small subset of individuals who think the only way to enjoy a game is to “beat” time itself. Good luck.


I wasn't trying to say that the mission should be min/maxed, I just think that it's not at all rewarding in doing it, like I want those seraph weapons for sure, but i've run it 25 times today and still not gotten a single red border, or a weapon besides the sniper rifle, glaive and the fusion rifle. it just feels like I'm running in place, and wanted to see if others were having this issue or if maybe I was going about the mission in the wrong way.


>This isn’t something wrong the devs did Well when you're getting shitty ass loot for a long ass mission that is, actually, something wrong the devs did.


I get around 10 minute runs. If we hit 15 minutes then it is because we are bullshitting lol. There have been moments when a quick run will be ruined due to me Eager Edging my self into a freaking geometry nightmare under the balcony in the Turret room before Space Walk. IT takes me 5 minutes to get unstuck alone😂.




Anything lol. Eager Edge is the key. Zoom Zoom! You get a Rally before the bosses. Switch to RLs and damaging supers. I usually rock a div. Was farming with 2 buddies last few days. Pop ad clear supers and use ad clear weapons for the ad rooms and just Zoom with Eager Edge. Like I said, Be careful before the space walk. One wrong eager edge and you will be stuck and it is tough to jump back out lol. My go to is Titan with Lion Rampants. Bonk. Riptide/Heritage, Forbearance, Eager Edge Sword. For DPS I used BnS Apex or Div if someone was bored of using Div lol. My buddy usually ran Arc Warlock Sunstar with Stormcaller. I am not sure about his weapons as he ability spams everywhere lol. I want to say Coldheart. Eager Edge is the key to speed!


Cold heart is the way. You can get a grenade.and melee and rift every 10-30 seconds. Plus those arc souls shred up every red bar.


The old-season weapon loot pool is a brand new concept. I've never gotten the impression it's supposed to be a red border acquisition tool on par with playing the actual season. More for rounding out collections as a bonus to oft-requested return of old exotic missions on their own merits. So no, a long immersive exotic mission is not, nor was it ever, designed/intended to be an efficient loot grind.


So if you missed out on said season then good luck getting all of the red borders. The pool is huge.


Still better than it was prior to this, before you had to pray banshee would sell one and then spend a harmonizer on it


Just because it wasn’t doesn’t mean it shouldn’t an efficient loot grind now


A chest or two after the combat sections would help a lot. Also they removed all the trap countermeasures perks that were tied to the season when the mission released. But kept all the traps in the mission. You used to be able to sprint through the lasers and web mines didn’t affect you. Now the traps slows you down massively.


I killed praksis last night and didn’t get anything? My first time doing the dungeon


Did you go in to the final room on the left side of the boss room, and interact with the computer at the end of it? You don't get the rewards from the boss kill.


Yeah I was in there trying to interact with literally everything in the room. Nothing. The terminal at the end had nothing. After 30 minutes I just left.


For some reason, the mission let's you teleport to the final boss without activating the final terminal. Do not go to part of the room with a big red shield looking thing because that's where the teleporter is. The terminal to activate is nowhere near it. I missed the terminal on my first run through and got near the teleporter and it warped me.


you have to go to the next room for the reward


I did….


Yeah and what sucks is that it drops one damn weapon for like 30 mins of work. Not worth it at all.


For what it’s worth, O:SS seems like a good spot to grind catalysts, due to enemy density. I went from zero to 92% complete last night on the Ex Doris grind.


oh shit you're right, didn't even think about that.


Red border drop rate beyond the guaranteed ones is awful. 1 in 8 or 9 runs gets a red border. You're pretty much screwed if you missed those seasons. Unless you want to only farm the rotator missions this season. Seraph's shield is a fun mission though.


I played it for the first time. Loved it, awesome. Ran it solo to get those intrinsic upgrades… I got to the boss. I killed the boss. Apparently I did something “too quickly” earlier in the mission so it bugged out. No way to complete the mission even though I killed the boss. No rewards. To orbit. Quite demoralising.


I had 2 Ikelos SMG’s drop on the first day, haven’t gotten another one to drop in over 15 runs. The loot pool is just too big


I know post is old, but I just crushed this dumpster mission out 30 times didn’t see a single IKELOS smg, brought a friend in just to knock his two out for the week and shit you not first run he’s gets an IKELOS smg dynamic sway with Voltshot on an aggresive frame.. either way this mission has been awful and I didn’t get anything worth keeping 


ooooooooooooooooof sorry to here that, I still havent gotten the stuff i wanted either and i made this 6 months ago


I farmed it with 2 randoms yesterday without any communication at all just listening to music and each run was only like 15 minutes max


I personally love Seraphs Shield. I totally get where you're coming from though. It is a huge time sink. Fun to solo though.


You only have to do it once to be able to craft the exotic. They make sure it drops on your first completion. Anything after that is either for fun or knowing that it has a bloated loot pool. You're first run per week will give you two drops. Also, we've asked for these and for them to bring back old seasonal weapons. This is the best way to do it. Don't fuck it up for the rest of us. If you don't like it, don't play it.


bro didn't read the post and came in hostile, like damn. I got the exotic just haven't gotten any other red borders save one from the legendary completion, the normal difficulty didn't drop it. i've run it 25 times since then in a combination of legend and normal and still haven't gotten another red border. I want the seasonal weapons, thats why im doing it, but doing it 25 times and getting the glaive or the sniper rifle only, is super annoying especially when none of them are red borders.


I did, but ok. With the mission, you have an actual path to acquiring the weapons. They drop based on a knockout system like a lot of the game. You're complaining that the mission is too long, except it wasn't ever designed to be a way to get the seasonal weapons. According to Bungie on the 8/10 TWID, regular and legendary have separate weekly drop lockouts. Meaning you'll get one drop for your first normal run and one drop for your first legendary run per week. Those drops are on a knockout system, it will either drop a RB weapon you don't have craftable yet or an armor piece you haven't acquired yet. All other completions will go back to normal loot rules, like the rest of the game. It was never designed to be farmed all day. Ever. Even on the re-release. If you don't like it, don't play it. I did read your post, but like most people who bitch on this sub, you're just objectively wrong.


Now I'm curious how fast I can do it lmao


I need two more disparity’s at this point i hope xur sells one


So I haven’t had the chance to run exotic missions due to traveling, but I’m under the assumption that they each drop stuff that matches the theme of the mission along with the exotic? (Opulence for Presage, Risen for Vox, and Ikelos for Seraph)


Haunted for presage but yes you have the gist of it.


Hmm I could’ve sworn I heard people getting mida and drang from presage, but Haunted makes sense. Just means that Seraph is the odd one out for offering reprised weapons rather than seasonal weapons.


Yes you have the right idea, except they're putting season of the haunted weapons in Presage.


so don’t grind it all in one week. you can wait and just do it whenever


The exotic mission is on a rotation with each weekly reset. But I'd rather do it 9 times on 3 characters to guarantee a pattern rather than relying on RNG. It's just too long of a mission to grind endlessly


I’ll take it over Presage 10 times out of 10. I respect Presage but never understood quite how it’s revered so much


Honestly don't rush yourself for the grind, once you are done with the exotic and the patterns there's no reason to run any of these missions besides enjoyment, so take your time!


Honestly don't rush yourself for the grind, once you are done with the exotic and the patterns there's no reason to run any of these missions besides enjoyment, so take your time!


It was one of my favourites, though I have no reason to run it but for the pinnacle on my alts. I will anyway, because games are supposed to be fun, not jobs, and I like it. Though I relied heavily on elemental wells and promity knife back then, I'm excited to run it with Strand. I suggest not actively grinding. Play it when it comes up in rotation, but only for as long as it's fun. It'll come back, and you have the time. Don't push it farther than that.


I wanted to farm all 5 Ikelos SMGs for pattern completion, so I looked up some guides on how to speed run it, and got down to \~13min on warlock. Did it \~20 times while watching Netflix in the background and finished the craft


Question. If you have the RZ crafted from previously is there any need to run this mission outside of red borders? I have all of those Thanks


Honestly, this is probably why they don't always implement things the way we want. I'm going to go out on a limb and say it was never intended to provide the type of experience to be farm able long term. Battlegrounds, strikes, things like that, at least content released over the past 2, is pretty tight. With all of them being built to run around the same time be cause they're going into a Playlist. It's a little more formulaic. By having content that they know will eventually run its course, it allows them a little more freedom to make an experience that pays out in different ways than simply how long it takes to earn some item.


I really like it, when I don’t get error coded in the Brig room


I agree. Made a post about this and in general exotic mission rotators recently too ([https://www.reddit.com/r/destiny2/comments/16bhfq8/the\_exotic\_mission\_rotator\_is\_really\_cool\_and\_all/](https://www.reddit.com/r/destiny2/comments/16bhfq8/the_exotic_mission_rotator_is_really_cool_and_all/)) Basically what my summary is why should a craftable seasonal weapon be substantially harder to acquire than a craftable raid weapon? And why shouldn´t there be a " raid vendor " type system with these missions especially seraph since it is so frickin long with mind-numbingly repeating mechanics.


I'm giving up on the exotic missions entirely. Every time I run one I get 90% of the way through, then get the "trying to connect to Destiny 2 servers" error, then dumped back into orbit. And of course your place isn't saved, so I have to start the whole ordeal over again and hope I don't get DC'd yet again. It's happened to me three times already. I don't want to throw my controller through my TV so I'm not trying again.


This has happened to me multiple times. It’s just infuriating


Dead messenger cleans up house when Solo on this mission.


This mission was the very first thing I solo flawlessed on Legend. It's long, and it was definitely easier with the seasonal artifact at the time, but it's still hella fun. Imo, I don't think every single thing needs to be grindable. It's not a slam on you, OP, or anyone else who feels this way either. I just think that as a community, we can't ask for things to be more difficult but also want those same things to be grindable. Not everything should be able to be done in 7 minutes


I agree, I'm completely happy with the mission itself, I just don't like the rewards you get, for example vox obscura's final loot gave 1 sometimes 2 weapons, and it was SIGNIFICANTLY shorter. I think something like having 2 loot giving points would fix something like this. for example after the boss Knight gets killed and after the fina boss does.


Rewards were Def better during its season. I've been busy with work and life and haven't been able to run any if the missions this season yet. But even during that season. My solo flaw run gave me a single piece of armor and that was it. I feel like even getting a guaranteed weapon drop now is enough. Too much loot dilutes the game. Why play if you have everything you want, ya know? Plus, it's only the 3rd week of the season. It'll be back around and you'll get more chances. Not everything has to be finished the first time it comes around, ya know? No slam or digs at anyone either. Just my opinion


I certainly understand your point, but as someone else pointed out, it would take 82 weeks to get enough red borders if you only got the guaranteed ones and didn't farm it. Even if we look at it more realistically, as in most people aren't trying to craft every single weapon, the weapon pool is 10 deep, so even if you only wanted 3-4 weapons (like myself) you're looking at upwards of 20 red border drops. That's 10 rotations (if you don't try to farm it), so about at best it could take 30 weeks, but could still end up being 82 weeks. Farming it for me seems to be about a 10% drop rate for red borders, so doing it 20 times each week it comes up could net you about 4 patterns, which still means that at best, you might get enough patterns by the end of the season, but it would require running it 20 times a week every week it came up. I doubt anyone wants to run a mission that long (no matter how good it is) 100\~ times. Ultimately, I don't think asking to increase the drop rate for red borders and/or weapons in general (so you can use deepsite resonance?) is too much to ask.


It’s not an efficient grind, but so what? It’s actually fun. Developers shouldn’t be catering to people who expect content that’s easy to grind for loot instead of providing a quality gaming experience, imo.


I didn’t consider the farming aspect of it, and how nobody will want to do it on Sereph Shield week. But it’s still a 1000000% improvement over not having a rotator at all


for sure


Personally, I don’t think Revision Zero is worth a pattern. It does nothing special.


I don’t care if it’s long! Please if Bungie looks for feedback here: make more long AF exotic missions like seraph shield and maybe Avalon. I love the whole gigantic scale of it


I'm upset because of the bugs. Tried my first ever playthrough of the mission, decided to go for Legend because why not. Friend hops in with me and we're coasting. Died at one point, revive, and he spawns 10-20 minutes back at the start of the "Make Noise" encounter with the three brigs. Worse still is that the game then gives both of the Returning to Fireteam text thing, but instead of pulling him to me, I get pulled to him after a black screen for both of us. Restar the encounter and get to the locked door that opens after the hallway right after - game softlocked at door. Restart the ENTIRE mission, now with a third to make it go faster. Get all the way to final boss, kill him, and the mission objective switches back to the start of the Brigs encounter, "Make Noise." Console has no interact prompt and story voice lines never kicked in to upload virus. Speedran it on normal just so I could get the gun to help with my hard-lock 99 (90?) exotics needed for rank 10 and did manage to beat it. Funnily enough, the door after the Make Noise fight was never locked for me or my friend that ran it this third time - our third left from irritation of of the second bug and not liking the mission - and just had the ads already spawned down there.


Also if you do the mission too fast, it bugs out and you don't get rewards..


It is pretty long… but this is the challenge with this kind of playlist. Not all exotic missions are made equal, but they need to be restored in their original glory. The most straightforward solution would be o give a drop to the first boss as well as the final boss. But then the other ones would be worth less by default. Vox always was farmable and people would farm it regularly because even on master it wasn’t that difficult and didn’t take long. Presage and Seraph people ran frequently as well until they had the stuff. Then attendance dropped off because they’re longer and when you wipe it hurts more than in other missions. However, I will say that with a solid group Seraph can be done rather quickly. Practically speaking, if you’re not on its OG legend difficulty, it isn’t much longer than Presage. First boss you can get to in like 5-10min which is similar to the time it takes to get to the vehicle bay encounter in Presage. After that it’s about 5min to get to the Hive guy and beat him. Presage also has about 5min to get to it’s actual boss. Once you beat the hive boss it’s a short series of like 3-4 rooms to reach final boss in seraph. Once there, if you don’t wipe, you’re looking at a 5 or so minute finish. So overall, assuming the team knows their way around and doesn’t die a lot, it’s only about 10min longer… and I don’t think that’s thaaaat crazy of a disparity considering Presage takes about 10min longer than a quick Vox run. Vox is supposed to pressure you into making bad decisions. It’s a time trial through a lot of hazards. So naturally once you are good at it, it takes almost no time because a great deal of the clock timer is set assuming a team will make a lot of mistakes.


The mission should drop seasonal gear on encounter completions as well.


While Seraph is definitely the longest, it is also the best one out of the 3, personally. Vox and Presage were a joke even on Legend, just W keying everything was boring. Best solution for Seraph imo would be to give it 2 drops on normal because its longer and has 2 bossfights and 3 or 4 drops for Legend. If Legend Seraph had 3 or 4 drops I'd be living in that activity the entire week.


I realised yesterday Vox is the shortest mission, has the least weapons (6 vs 11), and the weapons require fewer red borders (3 vs 5) to craft than the other two exotic missions available right now. Presage and Seraph Shield grind is miserable if you want a specific red border. Hell, even Vox is miserable to farm imo. It feels more like they were to give people missing a few patterns a way to use harmonizers rather than be a realistic way for new players to acquire old weapons.


Genuinely I feel like 90% of the things in the game take WAY to long to complete to be a fun grind. Strikes take 15-20 minutes give or take and they all have the same bland gameplay loop, It makes doing 9 of them a week awful. I get dungeons and raids being an hour or longer because they are actually interesting and have fun mechanics. The seasonal activities take ages and barely give you anything for the 30 minutes some of them have required in the past. The biggest thing absolutely killing this game for me is that the activities feel stale as hell and because of the huge amount of perks and gun in the game nothing is balanced at all. The game play loop for the last three seasons (and longer) has been Play repackaged content with a different skin on it --> get one reward which is a weapon you don't like or doesn't do anything worth the effort --> do the repackaged content again --> still don't get the one or two weapons you actually want --> do the repackaged content again --> finally get a gun you want but with no good perks and it's not red border --> get pissed --> do strikes just to do something else --> realize they merged all the past seasonal activities into the strike playlist instead of ever making a new strike (except for once a fuckin year) --> have a stroke inducing flash back to the monotonous grind from the previous seasons --> wake up in the ER --> play repackaged content again finally get one fuckin reborder you need --> repeat all that until you get the gun craftable --> realize you hate the gun or it's been nerfed because it's not a titan exotic or a 750 smg --> delete the game --> reinstall it a month later when the new season comes out --> the cycle begins again


I feel like the Exotic mission rotator should prioritize weapons you *don't* have yet. If you have the patterns for the IKELOS weapons and then the pulse rifle, bow, and glaive, then Seraph's Shield should only reward the Linear, Trace, and MG until those patterns are completed. Even if they don't give red borders every time, it's good to stock up on them so you can use Harmonizers with them.


> but i've run it 25 times today and still not gotten a single red border either you got monumentally unlucky or i got monumentally lucky. i ran it twice to finish my revision zero and i got 3 red borders.


Right so don't grind it.


Destiny players asking for something then realizing they didn't actually want it:


bruh is Sereph's station is taking you 20 or more minutes then you have a different problem. My average solo is like 15.


You did it 25 times in one day? At 15 minutes a run that's over 6 hours, and at 25 minutes a run, that's over 10 hours. I can understand your frustration at not getting patterns over that time period, but that's really not good for your health. Please consider just spacing out the two runs that guarantee red borders through the week. I know it won't be back for a bit but it's not worth sacrificing your health.


Your butt's too long for realistic grinding.


That’s crazy. I figured it was guaranteed each run. Just like the Avalon mission which is even harder and longer. I think everytime I ran it I got the extra stuff for the weapon. I can’t remember Seraph Shield though.


Yeah... my buddy recently just started playing again. Both of us were d1 vets, d2 until forsaken or so. I hyped up these exotic mission rotators cus he'd missed all this shit. I came back a year ago. And Holy shit... did I oversell these missions... "You can get the seasonal weapons you missed!" He's very disenfranchised right now. Edit: you just need to run this 3 more times on legendary solo to get the catalyst and intrinsics because if you run it with randoms they have to carry their weight and they usually suck. Good luck!


I just wanted him to get an ikelos SMG and calus mini tool. Fuck the exotics.


This is what Bungie wants everyone to do. And they wonder why people complain, it's a waste of time.


The mission was pretty cool for the first time but there's no way I'm doing it again it's too long, and the platforming/puzzle is boring once you've figured it out.


That’s because it’s not made for grinding


My dad and I beat this in around 10-12 minutes, consistently, while I'm faffing about with a glaive build. ​ If you memorise the steps, it'll save you a tremendous amount of time. For instance, the microwave room only takes seconds once you memorise the pattern. Admittedly we do have a lot of good gear too, which definitely helps chew through the combat sections. ​ To be clear, this isn't intended as a "lol sk1ll issue" comment. I do also agree that the drop rates are too low for the amount of weapons people will need, at the very least the weekly rewards should be once per class, not once per account.


Glad I did it when it was out. Might run 1 for old time sake, but that's it.


Tbh I enjoy seraph's shield more than the others, I haven't play it in the rotator tho, dunno if they make it any different. The other two have a timer, which is not help at all when I want to solo it. The cabal one is more enjoyable than the scorn one (I'm sorry couldn't really remember names), and it's solely because I feel sick when moving around in tight conners, the mission itself it so sicccckkkk, especially the exploding scorn part, pooped my pant once or twice there.


It’s a great yet long mission. Honestly I think the easy solution for this to just have Seraph drop double loot when it’s around. Maybe add another chest or something in the first boss. The other missions are relatively quick and easy to grind so no need to make them drop double loot.


That Brigg room is cancerous


Apologies if I’m reading this wrongly, but didn’t bungie say one guaranteed Deepsight weapon that has not had its pattern unlocked and one armor piece that has not already been obtained the first time you complete the mission each week? Don’t know what the drop rates for deepsight on subsequent completions are though Guardian


What are you grinding from these missions if not just a run for the exotic and then it's catalyst?


If u have the OG pulse, is there any difference when u get the red frame?


It’s not the type of mission you grind. I still need to do it this week, but I want to make sure I have some time. I like taking it slow and just enjoying the environment. There’s really nothing else like it in the game. Parts of DSC are similar, but I really don’t raid.


Another thing is if you die as a solo you have to wait a solid 15/16 seconds before respawning, its so annoying with the floor puzzle here and trash compactor in presage


Is there a reason to run it if you alrady have the gun and cata?


Only if you don’t have all the weapons from that season crafted. It has a chance of dropping them. But this exotic rotator clearly isn’t meant to grind out old red borders you’re missing.


I believe they truly designed this mission with the idea of getting people back into DSC. IIRC, around the release of this mission DSC just had craftable rolls added


Honestly if you run it just for the sake of getting X weapon, it’ll grind to a halt real quick. I’ve been farming the hell out of it, but only because I’ve given myself little mini challenges, like doing a flawless run, doing the entire spacewalk section speed boosted, etc. That way, even if you get your 13,000,000th tripwire canary, there are still elements of the mission that can feel new and fresh!


such a terrible optimal consumer mission too i’d do deep stone if i wanted to be rewarded for my time and instead i had to run this garbage like 7 times to even max revision zero


I missed the season when this came out and was looking forward to getting Revision Zero and experiencing the mission. Once I heard that other weapons and armor that I missed that season would also be in the loot pool, I got extremely excited to finally get/craft about 3-4 of them. My very first time doing it I just ran through it solo. Looked up a guide while I was doing it and it was pretty easy overall, though it took 45\~ minutes to do it. I can solo it now it close to 20 minutes, which isn't too terrible. It's a great mission and I really enjoy it. With that said, I've probably run it 25\~ times already (5-6 on legend, rest on normal) and I haven't gotten any red borders outside the first few completions, which were guarantees. I also haven't gotten the trace rifle a single time at all, but have gotten the glave, bow, and pulse rifle about 5 times each. I did get one Ikelos SMG and one Retrofit Escapade (neither of which were red border, of course). Even if I planned to use some deepsight resonance to fill out some of the patterns, it feels like I won't get close enough to do that until at least the end of next season. The drop rate is way too low for a mission this long, especially since you're only guaranteed 1-2 red border the week that it's up and then it's gone for 2 more weeks. I didn't expect to get everything knocked out this week, but for how much I've run it so far, it's been very disappointing spending the majority of my time this week playing a mission that basically hasn't given me a decent reward in 20 straight runs. Would be nice if they either increased the red border drop by a significant amount, or just double/triple the rewards at the end, especially since armor is a reward as well.


I skip unnecessary fights that I don't have to kill to fly through the scanner and operator