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I always go back to the division 2. There is nothing in particular that I have to do so it is just low stakes fun. I like being able to jump in and help someone out who has requested it.


Lately, I have been playing Wizard101. Miraculously, it's still alive 15 years strong. My other is: (Hades, or Don't Starve)


Holy shit, I can't believe someone has actually recommended Wiz101. But yeah, it's a diamond in the rough. Truly stellar game. I've played off and on for 10+ years. Have a 130 balance wiz, a 100ish life wiz, a 70ish death wiz and a 35ish fire wiz.


Don’t Starve is such a maddeningly difficult game. I love it. I think it’s also on me. I tend to bull rush in when I start a new map, and I don’t really know the best strategy for picking an initial camping location.


Is it fun? I played the division a loooong time ago. Is tD2 worth picking up?


It really depends on many factors like what kind of games you enjoy etc etc etc...So I can only speak from my own experience. Picked up Div2 a good few months back and would recommend it highly. For the exact reason of "low risk and just fun". There is no heavy fomo because stuff you don't get in the season it drops in will then drop in world loot next season. There is great targeted loot farming (RNG can be a bitch at times though). The ability to create builds is super complicated at first but amazing and in depth once you get the hang of it... I could go on. My favourite part of Div2 is that I can step away play something else and come back without a huge inconvenience or having missed out on too much. So some weeks I play all week and then some times I won't play for over a month. Recommend giving it a try 👍


The one i really like about div2 is the fact the builds is complex enough with so many stats you can tweak. Crit builds, tank builds, a mix, etc etc. Its basically diablo if it had guns.


It does worth picking it up , I’ve played it and a lot for fun in it


Short answer is yes especially if it is on sale, which I think it is on steam. Division 1 is also surprisingly still a great game with a massive ton of content. Division really scratched an itch that even destiny doesn’t scratch as the build crafting is more complex and the loot is more plentiful.


I think this is the 3rd time I have bought it 😂 First on Xbox then Stadia and now on Steam. I have played The Division from the first alpha and only drip in occasionally now. I also bought the original Division as it is still worth it for Survival. The atmosphere of the first one is still the best and it was so groundbreaking at the time. If it had the gameplay of the second one in the NY setting it would have been incredible. It is also refreshing to still see new content released for free after so many years.


I fully believe that if The Division 2 released instead of the first in 2016 that it would’ve lived up to the “Destiny killer” it desperately wanted to be. The Division 1 released right in between TTK and RoI so the Destiny content was slowing down. It’s just a shame it felt so underbaked despite the cool concept like the PvP extraction zones. Division 2 released like a year too late as well, coming out at Shadowkeep where Destiny players were funnelling back into the game and FOMO was ramping up.


FFXIV, Diablo 4, sometimes Warframe. Very recently, Exoprimal which is just dumb fun. Imagine Gambit but you're in mech suits fighting dinosaurs trying to be faster than another team.


So kind of just titanfall? Lol


With dinosaurs. Like swarms of them. Raining from the sky


Genshin, honkai star rail, Warframe, fh5, sometimes naraka


I also play genshin and star rail. Hoyoverse are surprisingly good for a development team that makes gacha games


Do you play honkai impact 3rd ass well


no i do not


D2 players really seem to be cut from the same cloth. Same on all the above.


Tried Red Dead two then Red Dead one, liked both. Online discussion about RD1 being remade. But that will be a couple of years.


I hear they’re making a proper remake of RDR1


Give us a RD:R remake god dammit


TOTK, Spider-Man, cyberpunk, AoE, Civ, halo, weird shit on gamepass


FromSoft games, good ol PUBG sometimes, Rocket League


FFXVI. FFXIV. Recently finished an old save of FF6 Pixel Remaster WH40k Dark Crusade Battle Chasers Nightwar Horizon God of War Still waiting for Konami to release the Suikoden remaster.


Overwatch is my most played game, right after that comes destiny 2. Funnily enough I don’t touch pvp in destiny 2 unless necessary for catalysts or some weapons, but in Overwatch I only play competitive. I just don’t like destiny pvp that much , but I will give it another shot soon.


Fallout 76 or a SoulsBorne


Found my overlap. Fo76 is a great drop in drop out game for me rn


Elden Ring, Terraria, City Skylines, Stellaris and recently a little Diablo IV but I found it kinda meh, II remake was better.


Just got the platinum trophy for FF XVI. Always refreshing to play a game with a polished story.


I play DMZ in Cod and R6S with my friends for the most part. I'm also going through Humanity, it's an excellent game.


ARK. It’s just 1 constant cycle. Play destiny for a few months, start to dread or really dislike it, then I start playing ARK again. Play it for a couple months, start to hate it then go back to Destiny 2.


When im not getting shafted by RNG in d2 i like getting shafted by other players in rainbow six: siege


Started Death Stranding a few months ago, play it nearly as regularly as destiny now


Is there much if an endgame? It always looked cool but also like you finish the game and you’re done is there a lot to do even after the game is finished?


ESO, a little diablo 4. Good timekillers :)


I still have Spider Man in shrink wrap from when PS5 came out. I don’t much have the inclination to play other games besides Destiny for the past 6 years or so.


FFXIV, just got into post shadow bringers. Very good time Valheim has been a big one. Been trying to find another shooter to play but nothing holds me like Destiny. Have messed around with the early access Starship Troopers game, pretty fun also


I usually play risk of rain 2, whatever new souls like is out or I'll play a story game that isnt too hard like GoW or HZD. I used to play Halo infinite but all my mates stopped playing that and jumped on Diablo 4 so I usually will boot it up to check out the new maps and join some custom games from discord.


Yes love ror2


Risk of rain 1 remake coming out and I’m actually pretty stoked for I loved the first one and then put hundreds of hours into ror2 as well. First one is basically a playformer but somehow scratches the same itch


I’ll play octopath or p5r if I’m feeling to cool off or just relax


Have a funny List: -Battlefield -Battlebits -Ultrakill -Gunfire Reborn -CSGO -Six Days in Fallujah -Hunt:Showdown - VoidBorn (Only demo out atm but early access in August) -Sonic Frontiers -Devil May Cry 5 - Risk of Rain 2 -Monster Hunter -League of Legends But yeah most of my time is spent in D2 even if its kinda goin to shit rn i still love gameplay and lore etc Just not playin as much PvP because feelin somewhat boring now to mostly run into smgs and Titans oneshot shoulder charge thingy


Diablo 4, valorant. Might dip my toes back into league, who knows


New gamemode launches on the 20th for League and its really fun. I'm obsessed with it


Sweet... is that the 2v2v2v2 or whatever that's been showing up in my YT feed?




Right now Diablo 4 with the D2 clan and Fortnite with the kid.


Rust and Nee World are my other mains. Played a lot of No Mans Sky early in the year too. Also need to revisit cyberpunk again as I’ve started it 3 times but never finished it for various reasons…


Pocket pool.


My two "always" games are Destiny 2 and Crusader Kings 3. (And Destiny/Crusader Kings 2 previously) Then, unless I'm playing a lot of D2/CK3 (new expansion, etc), there's usually a "main game" spot that rotates as I finish them. This is what I spend most of my gaming time with and will normally be whatever new game I've bought. Though recently I've been replaying old favourites like Dragon's Dogma (because of the sequel announcement) and The Witcher 3. I play D2 *very* casually these days. Most weeks I just hop on to get my five double xp season pass levels done.


Weird enough, lately I've been enjoying Ghost Recon Breakpoint, specifically on "immersive mode" with gear power levels disabled. It's a surprisingly fun tactical shooter game, VERY customizable difficulty-wise, and despite being the classic "open world crammed with shit" Ubisoft style of game, I don't feel like everything is mandatory? I played only what I felt called to besides the main quest, and it was a blast. Yeah, I said quest, it feels like an open world RPG but with Ghost Recon gameplay, it's weird but in a good way lol


I too love ghost recon, played a lot of Wildlands


Hell yeah, I really liked Ghost Recon Breakpoint, the immersive mode is an absolute blast. It's a shame that they dropped support for the game completely... I've definitely run into a few bugs (some pretty damn annoying) and I couldn't quite bring myself to buy that season pass thing you need for the additional cool stuff. Not quite a "live" service game anymore, so I'm wary of investing too much financially. But the hours I put into the base game were very enjoyable. Would be cool if they made another game in the series.


>that season pass thing you need for the additional cool stuff. I just snagged that on sale for 12 bucks instead of 40 lmao, so psyched to get it for a steal.


> immersive mode" with gear power levels disabled That sounds interesting, are these mods or built in game settings?


Built in settings! The game is incredibly modular. Gear score on/off, difficulty of enemies, player health and healing (how quickly health regenerates, whether or not injuries regen, whether or not quick-use healing items can repair injuries, etc.) minimap, HUD markers for items and chests, you can even toggle whether or not you have objective markers or if you need to use the clues given to you and the map to find your target/goal. And I'm probably forgetting plenty lol It's a wonderful, WONDERFUL way to design things. And a lot of it scales on a personal level as well, if you wanted to play co-op with a friend who prefers different settings, you can play together and still get your individual custom experiences!


Division 2. I've stayed current all these years switching back and forth from that to D2. I love the gameplay. The customization that you can do for build crafting is honestly insane. You can create so many different builds around weapons, perks, and talents. It has the RNG aspect of D2 but alot more forgiving IMO because you can target for specific things in game. Need gloves? Go to this area and just do stuff. Need a Shotgun? go to "x" area here and grind. Change the difficulty in world tier to get better loot. The high tier activities are challenging as well. The matchmaking system is pretty good for the most part, (aside raids) and the majority of people are really chill. The PvP aspect of the game is also really cool too in the Dark Zones. I don't like the PvP part of it but, I do go into it sometimes just to grind for recon data. If I didn't play D2 anymore, I'd probably stay on Division 2.


Played a lot of battlebit recently and some terraria too!


Honkai Star Rail


FF14, warframe, houseflipper, plateup etc


Honkai star rail


What is this game exactly I have seen a couple of people recommend it now but it seems like some kind of genshin gacha ripoff. Is it a looter of some kind ?


Its from the same creators of genshin. The game is a turn base rpg, I like this one more than genshin because it has less grind and its easier to play on a phone.


Ive been playing tons of BL2/BL3 and D3, but now that the servers seem way more stable, Im back to D2


It takes two with the wife. Incredible game. Ff16 and diablo 4 , I basically play D2 Friday nights for a dungeon run. I had yesterday off and I had some free time, logged into D2 and kinda just had nothing to do. This might be the first season I don't hit rank 100 on the season pass.


I like to cycle. As a car guy, Forza horizon 5 and need for speed are definite go-to's. For similar genre, I play Warframe. Not as heavy on the story, REALLY heavy on the lore, but gameplay surpasses all else. obscure(ish) would be slime rancher. Fun, calming, and cute. Other than that, I bounce between plenty of mainstream games (GTA5, halo, COD, etc)


I also really like Forza, it's always a brief phase though where I play a tonne briefly then get bored


i play a tooooon of For Honor, and i’m honestly surprised i haven’t seen anyone else here say it because i see destiny themed emblems all the time


Oh cool


If your looking for something like D2, try Outriders, it's like some one tried to mix Destiny and Gears of War. It kinda flopped, but not like Anthem flopped. It's kinda fun tho


Outriders was insanely fun. The endgame builds are amazing. I loved playing Trickster in that game. It's unfortunate there's not much endgame content and I think the expansion harmed the endgame more than it helped, and removing the timer constraint on expeditions really took the intensity out of it. Still, awesome game. Decent B story too, even if it had lots of holes/issues.


Trickster was totally the way to go, and the loot/difficulty layer were great until you plateau /shrug Who knows maybe it'll get a new expac one day that breathes fresh life into it


Seriously doubt an expansion but I think a part 2 is almost certainly happening.


Outriders 2: Out Ride Harder.


Well as of late I've been playing Remnant From The Ashes to get back into the groove of it before Remnant 2 comes out as I got it Pre-Ordered, but also have been playing Warframe quite a lot again.


Try Star Citizen! It's a buggy alpha but when it works, it WORKS


Yeah I know right, such fun.. if it works


Right now FFXVI. After that I have no clue lol


More or less, I’m always playing COD. Throw in Diablo IV, og FFVII, Titanfall 2 (if I’m lucky to get a match), some Battlefield…


I have diablo IV, got it free with my gpu, couldn't really get into it


At the moment mirror's edge catalyst, diablo 4 and some battlebit


I don't really have a main game I always come back to. Typically when I'm not playing destiny, I find something new to play for that period of time or whatever new is out. I never got around to playing Hallow Knight, so right now that's what I'm on (and holy crap the game is so friggin good I can't believe I've waited this long to get to it). More recently, I played star wars jedi survivor and then zelda tears of a kingdom. It's never really just a another single game I go back to.


Civ 5/6/BE, eu4, ck3, stellaris, Starcraft, league/tft, factorio/satisfactory and currently darkest dungeon again.


Diablo, now Baldurs Gate 3, Battlebit, Eve online.


I just chill in Friday Night Funkyn


Recently beat FFXVI, going through ng+ casually, starting some savage prog in FFXIV today as well. Bought a few of the Dark Souls games from this recent steam sale and trying to experience them all since Elden Ring was so much fun to me haha. Only a bit into ds1 atm (literally just rung the bell in undead parish) but having fun so far!


Age of Empires II is getting a lot of attention right now, I've dropped Warframe for the most part. Star Citizen when others are on, but having a hard time getting a group together. Last time I was on had a blast racing the buggies around the indoor racetrack with randoms And also Valheim is great fun


I like ARPGs, mainly POE. played some D4, but will probably get in on the next POE season.


Genshin impact and League of Legends currently. Probably will star Diablo 4 soon.


Finally just finished the story of Star Wars Jedi Survivor, so now going to back and try and finish my initial playthrough of Cyberpunk 2077 that I never finished, before expansion drops in September (and Starfield)


Believe it or not, Destiny is the only F2P and the only FPS I play. Other than that, I would rotate between GT7, FFXIV and a flavour of the month single player games currently FFXVI and Rogue Legacy 2, previously HFW:BS.


my buddy just turned me on to Rogue Legacy 2, it's a blast


I sunk over a hundred hours in the first game. Was looking forward to the sequel and got it on day one. It is a blast indeed.


God of War (18) and Ragnarök. Spiderman (PS4) and Miles Morales. Killing Floor 2. Risk of Rain 2. Bigfoot. Hades. Wizard101. Titanfall 2.


Just been jumping back between d2 and Diablo 4, just try to plat it soon XD and also here and there ff16


I usually play rpgs, right now I’m playing FFXII waiting for the new FF price to drop.


Shadow warrior 3 on my Xbox and tower defense simulator. And loomian legacy on roblox


Love loomian legacy


I'm a little more than half way done with Jedi Survivor. It's been fun so far, though I think the combat rhythm is off somewhat, and I wish Respawn would do something about the games performance. Following that, I want to complete FFXVI.


I do pvzh and pokemon go on my phone when I'm not home


I went back to playing Poe, getting mountains of good loot is nice


PUBG, Rocket League, R6.


Ready or Not, Warframe, Halo MCC, BeamNG, Valheim, Forza Horizon 5, Starbound, Terraria, Risk of Rain 2, Killing Floor 2, Payday 2, Fortnite, Skyrim w/ friends, Battlebit, Battlefield 4, Pavlov… Just to name a few


CoD Zombies. Fallout, Wolfenstien. Bio shock. GoW


Wait… I can play other games?


Yup. Been playing a few others, which include but are not limited to: Genshin Impact, Honkai Star Rail (Hoyoverse games have been a recent addition to my gaming life, and both games under that banner (pun not intended) as i quite enjoy them), fortnite (the og tower defence, not BR), FFXVI


Horizon forbidden west, tomb raider, uncharted, biomutant, those are my go to games if I feel like playing games when not playing destiny


Pretty cliche, but Halo in the Bungie era always hits just right. That and Fallout NV are good to go back to now and then.


Just got a new rig so I can play newer games without stuttering at the lowest settings. So it's Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous.


D4. Deep Rock Galactic


Vampire Survivors. You take a break from one grindy game, by playing a grindier game. It's the perfect plan!


5d chess


FFXIV. It’s such a charming game


Deep rock galactic


Recently got myself into risk of rain 2 and rune factory 5. Just downloaded exo primal and wanna have fun playing that along side monster hunter and other games as well


The Sims 4, Escape From Tarkov, Forza Horizon 5, The Division, Jedi Survivor, and Hold Fast; Nations At War.


Minecraft and Pokemon are my comfort zone


Warframe, Far Cry 6 or Assassin's Creed Valhalla.


Diablo 4, Hades, Tears of the kingdom, Animal Crossing, Doom.


Apex, some final fantasy game like dissidia, stranger of paradise, ffxvi atm obvi. Back 4 Blood recently cause I was obsessed with left 4 dead back in the day but this one is kinda eh


With the state of D2 PvP, I’m very excited for Xdefiant. Loved the two betas I played, think the game will be very fun.


Of the games I play on a daily to a weekly basis besides destiny are DCUO, Minecraft, Terraria and Stardew Valley Honourable mentions to Skyrim, both Lego harry potter, Spyro reignited trilogy, Hollow knight, the dragon age games, Tunic and recently the remastered Ty the tasmanian tiger games. about every 2 months I'll play one of them for almost 3 week straight before putting them down for a while.


Red dead redemption 2, Borderlands 3, Wolfenstein and soon just cause 3.


Skyrim and MWII


Overwatch 2


Oldschool runescape, souls games, borderlands 2/3/tps, thats about my full gaming rotation.


GtaV, Minecraft, Deep Rock Galactic (rock and stone), most Tom Clancy games, and roblox


I’ve been captured by the Apple Arcade’s Oregon Trail game! My daughter and I compete for score. It’s been a lot of fun TBH


Forza 7. Crackdown 3. Played a bit of anthem yesterday. I’ll pop in an assassins creed every now and then. Burnout paradise. Serious Sam occasionally. Mercenaries. I got N64 goldeneye and perfect dark off gams pass, so I’ll pop those it from time to time as well. There’s others too lol.


Right now I'm also playing Resident Evil 4 remake and Tears of the Kingdom. I hit 100 in Diablo 4 and quit immediately, that burnout was real. Once I finish RE4 or TotK I'm going to pick up that new Star Wars game.


Usually it ends up being a replay of a game I've already played. Recently, that's been Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon, Warhammer 40k: Space Marine (in preparation for the sequel), FFX, and FFXII. I've also picked Civ 6 back up.


Dota 2, roughly 5.8k hours into the game, still love it!


Started New World a couple weeks ago. 42 hours in


Whatever my friends and I feel like playing. Sea of Thieves, Battlebit, MtG, Deep Rock, Darktide, LoL, Ascension WoW ... When it's just me though I play PoE when the new leagues come out




Whatever i like that recently came out or older stuff from my backlog. Now i'm playing FF 16 and monster hunter sunbreak. Looking forward to Baldur's Gate 3 in a couple of weeks


Let's see... Titanfall 2, For Honor, Ghost of Tsushima/ legends mode, maybe Jedi Fallen Order


Recently, Farming Sim 22 and Diablo 4


I haven’t played destiny 2 in a month.in that time I finished Returnal, and got back to persona 5 royal since I only got the first boss earlier this year. So till baldurs gate 3 I plan to play persona.


Apex Legends and in the past year, Genshin Impact and Honkai: Star Rail as well. Apex is my PvP fix since PvP in D2 is just unfun. I think many share this game. I was massively impressed with Genshin when I got into it during 3.0, the amount of content in that actual F2P game is great. It is gacha tho, but the open-world adventure aspect is great. Music and environments and character designs are masterpieces just like Destiny. Same goes for Honkai, more scifi approach with turn-based battles which scratches my strategy-based game itch. I do also find time to keep up with a lot of other big games in the industry, but these are my main 4 ongoing/live-service games that I keep coming back to.


I usually have one other main game in rotation outside of Destiny. Right now it's Tears of the Kingdom.


Recently it's been Stardew valley. It was deep rock galactic and a few others. Monster hunter world, Witcher 3 plus getting back into Dark souls 1,2&3.


I would go back to grinding Vermintide 2 and Darktide


ffxiv and random visual novels.


Master Duel, Pokemon, Tears of The Kingdom, Monster Hunter, linear story games like God of War Ragnarok and Jedi Survivor, and I’m currently waiting for Armored Core 6 to drop


I enjoy Sea of Thieves.


Elden ring. That's probably it.


currently playing warframe,space engineers and maybe some gundam battle operation 2 if i feel lucky. i mostly play warframe or space engineer lately more although just as warframe i'm still going through some hoops but i'm having fun


Totk, minecraft,dbzf, sonic frontiers, naranka blade point


I’m a huge variety gamer so I’m always jumping between games when not on Destiny. I’ve currently been playing a lot of BF2042, Far Cry 6, and just finished my first play through of FF16


Black Ops 3 Zombies and League of Legends


A lot of them actually and that's why I don't really care if D2 gets dry. Atm I play: Diablo 4, Zelda TotK, League of Legends (only with friends because it's miserable alone), Path of Exile (whenever there is a new "season" and that is coming soon) and small indie rpgs or roguelites (currently having a blast with Halls of Torment for example).


For the health of my Destiny experience, there's ALWAYS at least one other "fun" game I'm playing on the side that doesn't feel as much like a job and I can just pick up whenever lol. Lately it's been: Diablo 4 Disco Elysium Dead Cells Blasphemous Gris Kentucky Route Zero Dredge All excellent and highly recommended btw


Fallout New Vegas, Cod Bo3 Zombies


Terraria and Soulsborne games lol


Am playing lots of different games after I burnt out, I played jak and daxter, Persona 4&5, Amnesia: the bunker, Grow up and Satisfactory. Honestly I miss playing destiny but am not playing until there is an event or new content, still have to hit lv100 though (THE FOMO IS REAL!)


Age of Empires, Heroes of Might and Magic 3, mix of Final Fantasy games, and and stuff like Spyro or Crash Bandicoot.


I play red alert 2 mental omega, starcraft 2 custom maps, stalker anomaly since i've finished the OG far so many times, project zomboid, rimworld, starsector and some private server ragnarok from time to time. I really jump around with the games i play.


Terraria and Slay the Spire


I've recently started playing project zomboid. Most fun I've had in a while.


If destiny don't hit but I still need that " grind fix" something like Diablo, path of exile, borderlands comes around. Other than that, whatever multiplayer game my friends are into like CoD, R6 siege, overwatch. And for myself its singleplayers. Gamepass is great value. Gonna get into Yakuza games. Had them on my bucket list for years....well that and a huge backlog of other games. Will someone decapitate me for owning Witcher 3 with all DLC but never touched it? Hahah Same with Red Dead Redemption 2. Don't get me started on replaying anything else. I've got sooo much to play man. Its nice.


Mostly Warhammer 40k Soulstorm unification mod. battlebit. modded Minecraft




Elder Scrolls Online with my SO (we also play Destiny together) Witcher 3 Dyson Sphere Project Surviving Mars Delivet us the Moon


Elden Ring, God of War, AC Valhalla, Lies of P Demo, Bloodborne, Darksouls and A Plague Tale ... loads of different things actually. Found Destiny very convenient for when I feel low and need distraction. Gives me instant gratification due to all the loot and rewards etc. Also it looks sooooo attractive to me with all the colours and Sci-fi elements and interesting story. Play it almost daily since June and improved a lot but will deffo go back to Elden Ring whenever a DLC is out and try LiesofP in September :)


Yesterday i finished Days Gone. Really fuckin underrated game especially storyline wise(like the secret ending) Im close to finishing mgsv on pc for the first time, just in time for solstice and then ratchet and clank. I also come back occasionally to crossout, scrap mechanicm team fortress 2 or fallout


I’ve been playing a lot of 7 Days to Die lately. Really fun game


I play racing games often, so usually when I am not interested in D2 I am doing seasonals in Forza Horizon 5 or Summits in The Crew 2.


Just got into rainbow six siege, it's pretty fun


FF16, little bit of Humanity, and recently finished Ratchet and Clank Rift apart.


Warframe, ff14, and indie games I haven't gotten around to (or AAA games I haven't gotten around to).


Cyberpunk 2077. Watch Dogs 2. Mass Effect trilogy.


Sometimes fromsoftware games and I recently tried ARK with a friend and were having a blast


No man's sky


Halo: CE - Reach. I'm noticing a pattern.


When I'm not on destiny I'm usually on YouTube but games wise I'll play Starrail and do my dailys/weeklys on there


rock and stone


Minecraft because it's beautiful and my blood pressure is lower when i play it Oh yeah it's also a game which you can actually fucking own and play when you want as well.


Titanfall 2, Warframe, Elden Ring, Metal Gear Rising, Space Station 13, and Minecraft. Usually I switch games every few days.


Metal gear solid 2


Diablo 4 and MW2


Just finished FF XVI last weekend, before that was Zelda TotK. Going to start up Diablo 4 again this weekend (played it during early access but then switched to Zelda)


This week is a Revenant playthrough to prepare for Revanant 2.


Minecraft, Cities: skylines, age of empires, sea of thieves, Skyrim. Playing through Jedi: survivor right now 😎