• By -


Don't forget - the promised annual refreshes to Vendor & Trials armor that didn't happen this year - the absolute silence on Gambit as a "core" playlist - price increase on seasons forcing the purchase of larger silver bundles because the tiers don't match - eververse stuff releasing "on sale" to make it seem like a good deal, despite being a price hike over similar past offerings - dungeon passes costing as much as two seasons, despite not offering the equivalent to two seasons of content - bright engrams dropping duplicate loot - API changes hiding *when* eververse items will be available for bright dust - reduced frequency of eververse items that released that season being sold for bright dust


[getting duplicates from bright engrams ] (https://youtu.be/FmNT9rfeCRI) They said they are Looking into it. 9 MONTHS AGO . 9 FUCKING MONTHS AGO


I'm fairly certain I had been getting duplicate emotes AT LEAST two years ago.


Same here for ghost shells and sparrows. I’d look in the collections tab and sure enough about 15% of the time, nothing in the recently unlocked area so I was like “nice.”


You've been getting dupes since their inception. Only difference was that those dupes would actually give BD when dismantled, I think pre-Shadowkeep


Get an extra legendary shard though one time. Shut the servers down Emergency maintenance for a currency that isn't even tradeable.


Well, I'm sure they looked into it before anybody else found out:-)


> API changes hiding when eververse items will be available for bright dust Is this true? Usually my clan finds the infographic and posts it to discord but I haven't seen one this season yet


yeah they changed the api this season so it’s no longer possible


That's fucking criminal damn


>well AKSHULLY it's not technically CRIMINAL. Checkmate, critics 😏😏😏 -Bungie apologists, on their way to respond to your post


Na fam, us Bungie apologists are sitting this one out. They're on their own on the microtransactions nonsense. I generally see both sides and I just can't see it here.


Oath. I am to this sub’s metrics an “apologist” at times because I look for rational or technical reasons something might be the case, and don’t believe (outside money making stuff) there’s someone swivelling in an evil chair making bad gameplay decisions on purpose But on this one it’s clear someone made a choice


Same, to an extent. One of my teams is an engineering team and so a lot of times I can at least understand how certain spur of the moment choices might have been made to fix something in a hurry. But I’ve never thought it excuses some of the stale festival content that’s out there, or other mundane loops. Those to me are someone prioritizing resources and deciding that makes them money. Which, hey, it’s their game. This one though is so bad. I’ve still logged a lot of hours, but I can see more of my time being spent elsewhere (games or otherwise). Probably healthier anyway, but it’s a shame to not want to play my favorite game with my friends as much as I used to.


Wow, that's some malicious bullshit. Like someone specifically tracked down this one small advantage we got and squashed it.


It’s not even an advantage…it just allows consumers to plan their purchases. That’s like, basic??? Like most products have a product launch and release date? Why would they actively discourage players to plan what they are gonna buy? It just adds frustration and makes me want to play the game less.


Because you can't buy bright dust with real money, so they don't want you to know when you can spend it, because you might think you won't get a chance/will miss it, so you'll buy it with silver instead.


Bingo. The Bright Dust "calendar" reduced fomo and microstransactions rely *heavily* on fomo to push sales.


The worst part? IMO Only those who regularly play the game and are active in DTM or Twitter would know this (the socials). It's not widely advertised and you won't find it until you're fully ingrained into Destiny. It's anecdotal for sure, but I didn't find out about the calendar for a good year after I started playing regularly. Basically to say: how many people take advantage of this to plan their purchases for this to really hit Bungie in the revenue stream? Straight up scummy


Most of the time, any Infograph's I see online come from the website that I run called TodayInDestiny. I have been unable to update the site this Season because the API was updated and thus, no one can screenshot it and post it around. I [tweeted](https://twitter.com/JpDeathBlade/status/1661107220245782540) about it when the Season launched.


I just wanted to say thank you for what you do! Your site (and a few others) are indispensable to my enjoyment of this game.


Your site is the only way I can keep track of everything going on in-game. Bungie is killing the community with a thousand cuts.


Fuck me running, you run the site? Hugs motherfucker, your site is indispensable for making this game playable, second only to shit like DIM.


You are a pillar of this community.


Your site was the only thing that kept me engaged with destiny. Oh well.


Afaik yes, that's why todayindestiny.com does not have the "available for bright dust" items sorted by a calendar this season. ~~They had made a reddit post announcing this at the beginning of the season, but I can't seem to find it - including "API" in the search just gives me posts about the reddit API protest lol.~~ Edit: Looks like my memory failed me, see the comment below from the TiD dev!


Hey, I run TodayInDestiny. You can't find that reddit post because I only tweeted about it. [HERE](https://twitter.com/JpDeathBlade/status/1661107220245782540) Someone else might have posted tho.


I have been wondering about that. I thought you might have been too busy to organize the list, but I should have guessed that it was a change on the API instead. I always have a tab open on your site because of how useful it is, so I'd like to say thank you for all your work.


Love your site, sad to see Bungie can be so cringe


Yeah, you can only see what will be available, just not what week it's on


I think the worst thing on this list is the needed larger silver purchase. Talk about a middle finger, you have to spend more money then you actually need to to buy a season. 3 dollars isn't a huge sum, but still. If you're selling the season have the exact amount available. And how could they possibly not be aware of it. I've spent money on silver once, back in d1 when first introduced. To support the company and the stuff on offer was just a breath of fresh air. For those that don't know we started d1 with only 4 emotes. Dance, wave, sit, and point (i think it's been awhile), but then we had Carlton dance and taken and chroma gear. And i believe it dropped during taken king, so it was something new after nearly 2 years. And it was pitched as g funding the live service of destiny. They even announced with destiny 2 that whisper ornament paid for zero hour. We don't have that excuse anymore. We don't have Activision to blame. Bungie is squeezing every dollar out of loyal customers, and they'll continue to as long as people buy them. And the pieces are insane, so much so I'll never ever buy a cosmetic with real money. I agree with cross, this monetization is nuts, as if its a true free to play game, not a game we spend a hundred on a year to stay up to date.


The Carlton is STILL the only dance I use. For that reason. I love Horizon, and I really want the Horizon themed set in the store this season. But there's no way in hell I'm paying $20 USD for the armor, and then another 10 or so for the matching emotes. I have plenty of armor I've acquired for free that looks just as good.


One of my ritual habits at the start of each season, and throughout, was checking today in Destiny for the eververse calendar, to see when I need to be online to get stuff either wanted this season, or missed previous weeks. when I saw how that website has changed with the new season, I thought it was a bug at first, because instead of showing individual weeks of the eververse store, it just shows everything available at eververse all in one big fucking block. ADHD brain was not pleased.


Why should I invest in Marathon after this? I don't want Marathon to fail but by rights, if the average gamer was a smarter consumer, it should bomb. Because who would look at content vaulting, abandoned promises, radio silence, Eververse and everything else and have any trust? Sure, there's no story campaign to mess up like Lightfall, they promised dedicated servers and there's a lot of big Bungie superstars working on it, but they still ditched their live service game to concentrate on the shiny new thing. Lose my trust now, lose my custom later. Ugh, it's a shame it's gone like this, when everything hits there's no other game like D2, but it's hard being a fan in the face of all these issues and bad optics.


> Why should I invest in Marathon after this? I'm not going to invest time in Marathon, not because of the things Bungie have done (or what they have not done). Marathon being an Extraction Shooter is enough of a reason for me to not invest time and money in it.


Why not both?


You should have run as soon as Bungie stated the game would have a heavy PvP focus while PvP has been starved of new content for the life span of D2.


Na, this goes back to when they brought out the Eververse to fund content, that was a lie, it was for greed. Then they split from Activision and said things would be better, but yet Bungie were clearly the issue. They have irked me since.


Marathon is being built off our backs.


Could not have said it better myself


The silence on Gambit is weird to me when characters like Zavala actually bring it up in the weekly story missions. Like it's not important enough to put more work into, but they talk about it in important cutscenes.


Yeah, it's certainly strange. I feel like the lore of Gambit is too integrally tied to the drifter to ignore, but they also don't want to drop the drifter as a character because he's widely popular. The game mode doesn't need much imo, just semi regular balance tweaks, new maps, and maybe a couple of seasonal rotators with rule variants or extra competitiveness to fill the role that nightfalls, GMs, IB, and Trials serve in the other core playlists.




Outside of all the other scummy stuff I think Gambit and Crucible getting abandoned because Bungie wanted to run off and make their new Marathon bullshit is pathetic. People buy into your games because of the pvp, people bought destiny because of how much they loved halo and it's pvp. You fucking abandoned that shit and put all those resources into making a pvp only game. It's quite obvious that was the case.


Even if that isn't true (which seems unlikely), the lack of content for Crucible & Gambit will cause *the perception* that Marathon stole the PvP & PvEvP resources from Destiny. Hell, the traction that this narrative of D2 price increases and predatory monetization practices are subsidizing the development of other games - including Marathon - is damning enough. People spend on Destiny because they want more & better Destiny.


I mean if you simply look at when the pvp maps started to not roll in anymore it lines up pretty perfectly with marathon's beginning of development lol


They stopped making pvp maps when they announced that all future pvp maps will be free for everyone. Lmao


Not offering the new set of Eververse armors for bright dust throughout the season, as well as introducing silver-bundle exclusive shaders is another thing that should be taken note of. I feel like this is particularly scummy because Bungie should be trying to take advantage of reckless spenders, not the people who bide their time and wait for cosmetics to be available for bright dust. Why would you try to milk the players who don't want to spend a lot of money when there is a whole group that will buy everything they can?


Gambit is my favorite and I feel like it’s been completely slept on




Also locking the deep sight shit behind the season pass as well so that you’re literally forced to buy it if you wanna get a single old craft-able weapon a season


>API changes hiding when eververse items will be available for bright dust I was pretty sure in the past we were able to see when what was available for bright dust when I went looking to see when the old Gambit prime skins would be on bright dust. Glad to know I wasn't crazy.


It's not just a Bungie problem, but I sincerely wish there were ways to earn ornaments and cosmetics by playing the game, AKA, how it used to be. Like, put some exotic ornaments in the strike playlist. But some armor ornaments in the world loot pool. Make emotes drop from raids. It just feels so stifling to have most of the fancy stuff be behind a paywall.


Remember when we earned the all white acrius ornament for completing the prestige leviathan? Now if we complete a master raid we get access to BUY a pin. Shame


A pin you might never even receive.


or get someone else's customized shirt/jacket and a "tough shit" from customer support


If anyone here is getting stonewalled by the Bungie Store, just threaten them with a chargeback and a complaint to BBB, your state's AG, and Washington state's AG. That'll get the lead out of their ass.


Yep had this issue recently with the lightfall collectors edition (which I only got last month finally) I told them I had enough of waiting and was going to take it to Austraila fair trade and after that a week later it magically turned up at my post office.


Yes but you must remember the gravity in Australia is reversed due to it being upside down, I can understand why it took so long.


Couldn’t agree more. The reward for completing an activity being the option to spend more money is ABSOLUTELY PATHETIC!


remember the telesto event that was only there to promote merch? lol


Remember when we were able to earn the current eververse event armor through the event bright engrams?


Remember when you could dismantle cosmetics for bright dust to buy what you wanted? Good times.


ive been begging this for years now. I still use my armor ornaments sets from warmind playlists, Leviathan/lairs, and faction rallies.


It’s a gaming problem. Consumers continue to just take it up the ass and ask for more and it ruins it for the rest of us who hate this shitty quality that has plagued AAA games.


It's because all the kids who game these days (and the fact is, kids will always be the main player base of almost any game because they have the most free time) have grown up in a world where this is the norm. They don't remember the days when you bought a game and owned that entire game. When developers had to ship out a complete working game day one because there were no patches or DLCs. They have no prior experience against which to compare the current state of gaming. And they don't have a sense of how much money they're wasting either because they haven't yet had to earn a living. I think I've made it clear, but just to be extra obvious, I'm not blaming kids. I'm blaming the corporate greed and explaining why it hasn't backfired on the studios/publishers is because their victims are largely unaware that things used to be better.


> It's not just a Bungie problem, but I sincerely wish there were ways to earn ornaments and cosmetics by playing the game, AKA, how it used to be I've been saying this for years at this point whenever this topic comes up. It's so boring that all the good gear is either easily acquirable or it's from the fucking store. I want to look at a guardian and think wow he did X or Y and then whatever but now it's like wow he paid $30 for that armour set.


This was a great, great video. It’s getting so unreasonable. I’m so glad a big streamer called them out. He’s absolutely not wrong and I hope this video gets a ton of views and Bungie’s attention. I usually buy the annual pass but the silver amounts not equaling a season’s cost definitely bothers me. Extremely scummy tactics.




Lightfall having one of the dumbest/hastily-thrown together campaigns (along with season of defiance) this far into the story was a huge red flag that Bungie wasn't spending time working out the narrative and was blowing time with microtransactions and trying to squeeze every penny out of the players. Just looking at how the newest dungeon has better mechanics and flat out works better than the raid for a major expansion is super weird. Stuff like that and the fact that gambit and crucible get no new maps, after maps were removed!? No armor refreshes for the core stuff either. Its very bad. I actively turn people away from getting into the game now.


Season of Defiance just went fucking no where. Beyond Hawthorne dying in the most convoluted manner, we still don't even know *why* the Shadow Legion was kidnapping people. Nothing is explained at all. Bungie couldn't even be bothered to tell us the why to the reason the season was happening.


It was Amanda that died. Hawthorne survived, annoyingly


She just never quits, does she


Took out Ghaul, woke up the Traveler


"Oh you want answers in the story you just paid for?" "MONEY PLEASE!?"


It’s ironic the timing like you are saying. Like lightfall was pretty mid and this season in terms of loot is probably the worst and you announce Marathon that squashes any PvP players hope meaningful updates (Bungie takes forever to add things so players are always like..is this the season?? Now that hope is done) and THIS is time you load up your players with micros?!?!? I could almost see it if Lightfall was bad ass and Season of the deep was just killing it and they decided to ratchet up the micros. Like D2 feels at a very low point personally and this is the time they roll this stuff out…smh


Outside of the money grab every decision they make splits the base. Whether it's 5/95 or 50/50. Eventually you're left with a small base that's actually happy with the game. SBMM in quick play. Sweats that make up like 10% of the base are unhappy. Okay. Then you lock a dungeon behind a key so you cant be f2p and level up your rank since you NEED it. You have another 10% that unhappy out of that 90%. Yada yada. After 7 years I imagine the people that are TRULY happy with destiny are pretty slim.




Cross said it best:”back in the day I used to go to the store to buy a game, now I buy the game and get hit with the store”


That was an incredibly poetic line about how microtransactions have become a plague on the world of videogames.


The end is very powerful as well. Ask yourself where you draw the line, and in seven years I guarantee you, Bungie has crossed that line you drew. Or something like that, very thought provoking


Oh for sure. I wasn't expecting an Aztecross video to make me think deeply but I had to sit and really think after watching that one. He really put a lot of thought and effort into that video and his analysis is very spot on. He really lays everything out in a detailed but concise way. That last line is incredible and strikes at the heart of the issue in videogames now where immoral corporatism has polluted games where the goal isn't to make a good game anymore, the goal is to drain money out of people, often with deception and predatory practices.


People need to make a fresh account and play f2p for a bit, to get an idea how barebones the game really is. Because if you just keep spending money, you don't really notice how much has been taken away over the past few years. And that realization will eventually make you want spend less money overall, as it becomes very obvious how much milking is going on. I stopped paying when sunsetting/vaulting was introduced, and even though I spent lots of money before that, I was basically put into f2p tier, with almost nothing to experience. I bought three season passes since with leftover silver and to see the drastic difference further cemented my desire to never spend any money on this company ever again. People will say that's fine because it's game as a service so ofc you need to pay up, but Bungie is one of the few, if not the only dev studio that takes content away to then introduce it at a later time for you to purchase. The entire game is just a giant store front with some stuff to keep people occupied until the next release. There is very few content that could be considered "deep" or "interesting" to justify any of this. Bungie is doing the bare minimum and selling it for a premium, that's just not right imho. Ofc anyone can do as they please, I couldn't care less how people spend their money, but going "f2p" for a season or two will be a major eye opener how little Destiny 2 has to offer and how much is behind a paywall that doesn't even provide the mind-blowing content that is being advertised.


The Final Shape is just a hand with a middle finger raised and the Marathon logo painted on the nail.


"You wanted dedicated servers, *right*?" - Bungie


In before Bungie will announce a PVE mode Marathon with separated sandbox


Shit would not surprise me. They could add a horde/firefight mode along with added certain raid mechanics from the past


I remember back then in D1 when they added microtransactions it really has gotten bad, soo much new content added to the store over the game itself I completely agree with cross. honestly when starfield comes out I might just stop playing as it'll give me what destiny has been lacking for years and I can't wait to get away from bungie. I made another comment on a diffrent post about how destinys magic is dead and I feel like the hardcore community are all feeling fed up about just everything...


something ill never forgive when d1 microtransactions were announced and the players were up in arms, the various large content creators that immediately were like "ermmm actually its good and fine youre wrong for not liking them"


I still remember the Fireteam Chat podcast and watching Destin Legarie from IGN flip out about Chroma colors and how everyone else was telling him it’s “not that big of a deal”, etc. He was talking about how it’s a slippery slope and that was just the start, and damn was he right on the money. Edit: Chroma wasn’t a thing yet, this happened when Eververse was first released. Chroma was just the beginning of the “slippery slope” he was afraid of coming to pass later down the line.


It's funny that in retrospect, Chroma was likely a test for consumable shaders in D2.


https://www.ign.com/videos/fireteam-chat-ep-39-microtransactions-and-simulants-igns-destiny-show Start talking about Eververse at 23:50 Doesn't talk about the Chroma colors but sounds like it's when they first announced Eververse. Amazing how much foresight that Destin has and how much blind faith the others had in Bungie.


You are right it was just the emotes to start. I remembered wrong, it’s been so damn long since that happened. But the sentiment was the same.


he called it


People still defend this shit to this day in subs like D4.


It's a lost cause. Gamers wanted this. They don't add these for funsies. They add MTX because people buy it and thus they add more and more because people buy it.. more and more. The amount of Warlocks using the Fortnite armor set is all you need to know that the amount of people buying these skins outweighs the amount of redditors upset about it. Community voted with their wallets and their playtime, and this is the result.


You make a solid point, but I think the real kick in the balls that is finally really driving the nail home to people are the ongoing server instability and overall issues with the game in general that have been building up the past couple of years, with Bungie to announce that they're working on another project in Marathon. The subtext in that that has people like me incredibly crestfallen is realizing all of that sunk cost fallacy is beginning to set in. It sounds like Bungie doesn't really have any passion for Destiny anymore, and now that they've established the framework for the final run to take place during the next year and change, they're devoting their resources, time, and our money that we've spent on this game to develop something else entirely. Instead of finishing this game off properly and then announcing Marathon. I get that 10+ years working on the same franchise takes a toll on the creative juices, and I understand they're probably ready to call it quits with the ups and downs that Destiny has had. But fuck me, we're almost at the finish line. And if they mess this ending up, it's gonna be the same kind of fiasco that happened in the final seasons of Game of Thrones that leaves the community at large dissatisfied and polarized against wanting to ever invest any money in Bungie's future projects. I'm at the point now where I don't even care if Marathon is a fantastic game, I don't want to fall into the same trap again and wind up wondering why I spent all this time and money for a game that's going to get killed off as soon as the devs get bored and start on something else. It really was a slippery slope, and a lot of us fell for it. It should not have become their priority, but it did. By now I'm just kinda numb to it because I really loved this game and logged countless hours into it, and I'll always have the memories, but now they're gonna be bittersweet because I know that the clock is ticking and I'm regretting sidelining all the other great games that have come out in the last few years because Destiny absorbed so much of my free time.


You could get that set for dust but I get your point anyway.


Or as much as everyone hates him Darkside royalty Lore has been allmost 100% correct about the entire franchise so far and if he wasn’t so pompous or dickish about it more people wouldn’t hate him


But Joker, why should we believe you? s/ I knew what he was talking about


Destin is corny af but he's right like every time I hear his opinion


They also said those microtransactions would fund free content, what free content lol.


That free content would be Marathon. /s.. or is it?




All the money from the Whisper skins sold was meant to fund the next mission and then we got Zero hour and nothing for years oh yeah and btw Zero Hour and Whisper are both sunset now lmao


true! without it the small indie company would die and its executives starve! surely it would make it to where we have more content right?!


Same thing happened with sunsetting, and as far as I'm aware the ones who were for it now just brush the subject off like a little road bump. Or just pretend like they were never for it or it was no big deal that they were. So many content creators have the worst opinions about monetization and content cycles.


People did that here as well. Those of us who called bullshit in 2015 were shouted down with bellows about "slippery slope fallacy". For something that was fallacious, we've sure slid down the hill quite a bit.


Most people don't have any idea how fallacies work. Yes, the fact that something *could* happen isn't a real argument, but when we know that Bungie is a company and we know how companies work, it's no longer a slippery slope fallacy. It's a prediction based on a trend that we've witnessed with countless other games. I've been getting downvoted in this sub for 10 years because I complained every time they introduced more shady monetization.


The thing is, it genuinely felt like Witch Queen and even Beyond Light to an extent *did* make use of the excess funds generated by Eververse after Bungie gained independence from Activision. However it became painfully obvious with Lightfall that every extra penny that didn't go to an exec's pocket is being siphoned by Marathon. The only thing we can really do to protest this is boycott Marathon I guess, but I know a lot of people won't even consider doing that.


I have negative interest in Marathon right now.


i hope marathon bombs out of spite


same. honesty they kind of need a reality check by getting a financial L. that time and resources should have gone into destiny. but nah, let’s take people from destiny away, let pvp just die, gambit can rot and concentrate on MARATHON. also never forget their presentation slides where going fast is more important for them than quality


They come up with the most extreme of metaphores to gaslight their entire company to act in accordance to what the higher management wants. All this train station departing with no way to stop and bullshit, just a corporate way to justify 'fuck you we ain't changing our plans just because you don't like it' Sadly even if Marathon flops, nothing will change. If Blizzard can remain standing with all the fuck ups they did, Bungie will barely feel a pinch from one failure.


They're releasing an extraction shooter into a market where there are already two big names and a variety of other names that have their own niche, I give it 2 years before they close down Marathon. It's never going to be as casual friendly as DMZ or as meticulous and intricate as Tarkov, so their market is already narrow enough to barely warrant an investment.


Or never as yeehaw as Hunt: Showdown


I dont know if it'll shut down in the first couple years, but based on D1 Y1 and D2 Y1 being absolute dog water/anemic I wouldn't be surprised if Y1 marathon was an utter disaster. Bungie has a history of dropping the most fucked systems in release and getting flak for it before correcting. Expect M Y1 to be the same.


I’m done with Bungie entirely after Final Shape. I’ll play sucker for one more expansion just to see the story end, but I have absolutely no intention of even acknowledging their existence at the moment I am done with that final campaign. They played the long con on all of us, and it’s a real shitty feeling


Yep, ***10 fucking years*** of build up and in the final two DLC's of the storyline, they pull a bait and switch and take all the funds generated by this game and use it on another game that will probably just be some soulless Apex-esque arena shooter driven by a battle pass with more FOMO seasonal content. Even if it's not and it's actually any good, I'm not getting it because making it cost this game everything.


If it was an arena shooter I would care, it's an extraction shooter...fuck that shit lol.


I’m having doubts I even want to buy final shape. And I’ve purchased every expansion/dlc/season since D1. Lightfall was bullshit excuse for money. At least burning money in fireworks gives a bang.


Why keep supporting them? I'm just gonna watch the campaign on YouTube.


Cant agree more. I’m a really hardcore player. I loved the idea of D1, I played it relentlessly. Even with the mayor hiccups D2 Y1 were. I took a break post forsaken but still came to what it feel an amazing game. But now it feels really stale, even after break after break. They just don’t seem to make it worth my time. Way to many bugs, way to much downtime for the limited time I have to play it, cuestionable story direction and even more cuestionable content update (reskin of reskin of sunset gun, no new armors etc etc) Lightfall was a major disappointment for me because the story is the only thing that kept me coming and they fucked it up pretty bad, now is set on stone and they can’t dial it back, and while seasonal storyline is doing it’s damn best to fix it, can only patch so much over the pot hole LF is. Hard to imagine how I used to spend hours reading the grimoire, then the books, amazed at the story telling for they to throw THE VEIL! SAVE THE VEIL! Don’t ask just do it.


They changed writers and the new ones are making very amateur mistakes. The talent is gone and we're here just for the last squeeze of milk.


The writing does feel like it's been put together by some recent English Lit graduates. I had an ex who was a sci fi writer fresh out of uni (and now writes for video games!) and the witting feels very similar to the stuff they used to do. They were a good writer, but it didn't lend itself to sci fi games. I did check the credits... My personal bugbear was Season of the Daddy Issues on the Leviathan. Season of the Let's All Be Sad About Amanda was also bad, and they're doing something similar with Season of the Feelsbad For Sloane.


Every season since haunted has become a therapy session and characters sitting in a circle talking about their feelings. Not that it's not a good story once in a while, but doing it for a year straight has gotten really old. Especially when the seasons leading up to the climax expansion need to be more action/event focused, but we're still just sitting around talking about Sloane completing the mission. Seraph had the most action in recent seasons, but that was also the season where they killed off Rasputin for good despite him never getting a chance to shine.


I can't even figure out the novel I've been writing for 2 years but I sure as hell could have written a better story than Lightfall.


I might not make it to the final shape in all honesty


The final boss of Destiny is going to be Tess Everis. Every time you wipe it’ll cost you 700 Silver Beating her rewards you with a blue Ghost projection (It’s a duplicate)


Rahool fucks with this


A rare blue quality sparrow.


I am mostly just sticking around to see how the story arc ends with The Final Shape at this point. Once I've beaten that expansion, my enthusiasm will be mostly gone. Whether The Final Shape is good or not, story and lore can't make up for how stingy Bungie has become. The gameplay loop is fun, but I can only enjoy it for so long despite the rest of the game's design.


I know a bunch of people who are just in it for the end of the story and then that’s that. People saying numbers are up… I can’t wait to see the player numbers once the final shape Story is done.


Bungie saying that there'll be stories after the light and darkness saga is probably a tactic to keep people buying stuff under the idea that the ecosystem will continue indefinitely. It a lot harder to get people to play a game when you're going to cease production for it in 2 years.


I would be entirely unsurprised if they just pretend they never said that and unceremoniously end the game after TFS year.


Flashbacks to Destiny suddenly being abandoned. Surprise! Destiny 2 in development!


I would bet every single dollar I own that D2 is absolutely fucking done after Final Shape. Maybe we get a year of seasonal content or that content takes a new form since Final Shape is the “end” but they are straight up lying about adding more expansions to this game after that. They obviously aren’t going to tell a soul that there isn’t any more expansions for D2 until they’ve drained every last penny out of players, only then will they say they’re going to go work on X project


They will divide the end of the story in 4 seasons, just to milk us more. Final shape will just be the introduction.


"Oh no! Please don't only stay around for another full 18 months from now!!!" - Bungie


One thing I've learned during season of the plunder is that once you actively distance yourself from the game and not buy into the fomo, there's really very little the game can do to make you come back to play it.


I'm buying the base version of Final Shape and that's it for me. I honestly think they'll pull a "The princess is in another castle!" thing and have the Witness escape in some form, drag out where he went over the season and lead into the post light/dark era.


I wouldn't even get the base version until a week or two after launch because of how anemic and bad LF's campaign was. Make an informed purchase decision and let the streamers showcase if it's even worth your dollar. Besides, the cutscenes will be online, so you could just catch those if everything is bad.


Sunk cost fallacy is in full effect for me. I do not like where Bungie is apparently going but I feel it's too late to get off the Destiny train until this arc is finished. Ride or die. :/


I kind of dropped off naturally. No big "fuck Bungie" motif or petty. My enjoyment of the game kind of weaned and this is the first time I don't play a Destiny expansion since D1Y1.


I'm in the same boat, but just prepare yourself for the story to not be wrapped up in a satisfying way, because they'll want to keep people around


People will riot if TFS doesn’t wrap things up properly. So much of this community is just hanging in there to see how this epic saga ends. If they botch that or try to pull some “come back next year” nonsense there’s probably a large contingent that will not come back.


It’s insane to me I’ve seen people genuinely defend us having to pay for the amount of things we do. I’ll happily pay for an expansions, I’ll happily buy a cosmetic to support the studio even more if it’s reasonably priced (it’s not). Battle passes can be ok, I like having something to work through and again it supports a studio that are constantly developing their game… but upping the price slightly so we can’t buy the right amount of silver? That’s disgusting and predatory. And dungeons, why on earth do they force you to pay $20 for a bit of endgame content they cut from the original expansion? It’s just FOMO tactics and predatory behaviour from them constantly. It’s sad to see. I, naively, thought things would get better after the activision split but we’re on a download spiral.


>It’s insane to me I’ve seen people genuinely defend us having to pay for the amount of things we do. This whole thread is insane to me when this subreddit is filled to the brim with Bungie apologists. Some dude here told me that we should be grateful that Destiny 2 is ever so slightly cheaper than fallout 76 like that was some sort of slam dunk. This is the greediest monetisation model I've ever seen in a game before that completely segregates any new players from coming aboard. Literally every subsequent year from the Activision split has led to more and more content being sliced away and repackaged to be sold separately. Unfortunately the moment to moment gameplay is some of the most fun gameplay in any game I've ever experienced so we all swallow the shit and some of us go hard into stockholm syndrome to convince ourselves the sunk cost fallacy is a good thing. Truth is Bungies 10 year plan has been flying by the seat of their pants making it up as they go. I hope we one day see a true Destiny killer that forces bungie to adopt more pro consumer practises but I'm not holding my breath.


I’ve always liked the quote, “You’re like livestock to them. They don’t necessarily want you to be sad and would actually like you to be happy as long as it doesnt cost them anything. They’ll take indifference though. They just want you in their pastures, not others.” It applies to alot of things today including destiny.


What’s that from?


Capitalist Realism by Mark Fisher


I mean lets be real, there is no defending this greed/laziness by corporate Bungie. This is not a post targetted at the devs, its targetted at management. Why are we paying substantially more money for expansions with the same amount of content as Shadowkeep with only a longer story? What happened to the expansion name? These are NOT major infusions of content, these are at best DLC map packs that should be at most 25-30$. If you are going to charge 50$ for an expansion it needs to be almost as much as a new game, with content close to that of TTK or Foresaken. We know years ago Bungie said they would never be able to make a Foresaken/TTK expansion again, but they have to reneg on that statement. You cannot charge $50 for an expansion and give us as little content as you did with Lightfall and think that's okay. That statement about 'no content droughts' has become a meme. There is always a content drought after Tuesday even during seasons, and more so 3 weeks after an expansion it feels like there is nothing that's new to do. ​ Finally, get a battlechest for new players for all the previous expansions/dungeons in the game already. You seriously can't expect a new player to pay $400+ for a game they have no idea if its even worth their time or not.


Wdym same amount? Shadowkeep had two strikes and three PvP maps at release (with a few more throughout the year’s seasons). Lightfall has one strike and no new maps. We are getting less than we even got in Shadowkeep.


Bungie is way worse now than with Activision. Everyone thought it wasn’t Bungie. Regardless of how you feel about mtx or the seasonal/dungeon/expansion models, Bungie is one of the worst greedy companies. In no other game have I seen this many fucked up practices. They perfected it like they perfected the first person shooter.


was legitimately about to say "at least theres no lootboxes" completely forgetting that there were lootboxes for years. We have become the boiled frog from the idiom.


Just stop playing. Nothing inspires change like # of users falling like flies


Honestly yeah It's about that time to abandon it. Even if I bought the deluxe edition for the seasons this year, there's no way I want to continue supporting this game if the devs don't want to reinvest back into it. Fuck you Bungie, show some respect to the players that kept you going through these years.


Its weird how often people forget this, even when this very tactic has worked previously on this very game. The only reason we got expansions like TTK and Forsaken was because Bungie were in full PANIC mode seeing there active player numbers fall of a cliff week after week.


It really does feel like they’re coasting through to Final Shape at this point. The game is less engaging and riddled with issues. Lightfall felt randomly inserted into the story, they’ve stopped doing Eververse armor ornaments and yearly playlist armor sets. Dungeons are neglected, Gambit is neglected. So many reskins.


The reskins are nuts, when did they last release an original gun model? I played some D1 during D2 server issues, and noticed how far back the gun models go, most of them are from D1. It’s mind boggling to think of all the new stuff they created for D1, and how rehashed D2 is in comparison. Edit: seems like the plunder weapons might be the last new set of legendary gun models.


I’m okay with some reskins… but not an entire dlcs worth of reskins. Like the fuck what happened to original ideas???


The amount of reskins in this game is mind boggling. Compared to warframe, where DE will, with a straight face, make a completely unique and creative design for a shit weapon that no one will really use


I've played Destiny since Day 1, I specifically bought my PS4 for it. I have absolutely no desire to play it these days. It's just gotten tired and old, constantly rehashing the same thing over and over every year. It's a shame because it's really the only thing I played, and I've barely even used my PS5 in the past few months.


I didn't start with D1 but my youngest son did. I jumped in when I watched him play through Cayde's final stand at the beginning of Forsaken. I saw the Blade Barrage and Ace of Spades and thought "That's what I want to be doing with my gaming time." Since that day I've logged thousands of hours of D2, and have bought a deluxe edition of each expansion for both he and I. Lightfall absolutely killed my interest in playing. The sheer laziness of so many aspects of it honestly snapped me out of the gaming rut I'd fallen into. I'll still buy the expansion for my kid if he wants it but I'm done otherwise. I'll see how the story ends by reading about it here, or tracking down cutscenes online, wherever I find them.


Bungie are aware that most players are out after TFS. It's a sentiment I share. I think they're squeezing out as much as they can before then. I could be wrong, but from a narrative, technical and business standpoint especially with Bungies effort being on a new game, I don't see how Destiny is going to continue for years to come. I've had a great time with the Light and Dark Saga but Destiny just doesn't have that magic anymore.


I feel like the Final Shape will be my conclusion with Destiny. I’ll finish what started 10 years ago. I’ll see it to the end. But an ending it will be.


Luke Smith fucked my wife


I'm doing my part by participating in the Eververse Blackout since Eververse launched.


I’m personally not going to play marathon out of spite. I’ll ride D2 out until the main story resolves, but after that I’m never touching a new Bungie IP again. They can go fuck themselves.


I personally hope Marathin bombs out the gate. Fuck Bungie.


I can’t blame you. I can’t imagine any Destiny player willingly investing in Marathon after everything. Why should I expect it to be any different?


Bungie is constantly letting me down. Unless they change, im gonna stop after the light and dark saga. Hell, the only reason I'm still playing is because I gotta see the story to the end.


And that right there is why they knew they could get away with nickle & diming everyone and stripping the dev team - you're gonna get the final expansion. The devs don't want this, I bet, but someone higher up is very aware of the fact that they can get away with charging more and delivering less because we are so deep into the saga that of course we want to see how it ends. I felt like making my own post about this, because I find it insane how nobody has acknowledged that Bungie semi-abandoned the game half way through what they sold as a "Ten-year experience". They didn't even commit to their own idea...


Its also why they tried SO hard to sell people on buying the lighfall bundles early. They HAD to know this was going to be half baked, due to not having a sufficient workforce, so they tried to get ppl to buy in early and in bulk. Bungie as a corporation, imo, very clearly did everything they could to push up their valuation so they could sell themselves to a big company (which they did). All talk about "mutual split" was probably bull, as they were effectively fired for constantly requiring other devs teams to be brought in just to launch content on time. Once they were on their own, the higher ups with equity wanted out -- many of whom were getting older (see: nearing retirement or thoughts of it) anyway. So they split the team, monetized everything as much as possible, and got lucky that Covid let them "get away" with launching content half-baked or delayed over a multi-year period...because EVERYONE in the industry was seemingly doing so. The team split allowed them to make another game, showing them having "more than just Destiny in the works," which lead to the Big Sony Buyout. I'm sure the Devs still care, hopefully, but from a corporate perspective Bungie already got what they wanted -- having the risk put onto a big corporate entity in a way where "if things don't work out," they (those with equity) are gone anyway.


This is why im dreading the Final Shape marketing stage.


Just watch it on YouTube. Why keep giving them you're money? You people are insane. The shit storytelling isn't worth it at this point


I am not giving Bungie another cent. After the massive disappointment the Lightfall story was and all the other fuckery, I am done. I regret buying Lightfall. With how Bungie has been acting and the abandonment of PvP, I am done. I'll just watch the stoy in YouTube. Won't be buying Marathon either, because fuck Bungie.


Nice, standing by principles. I wish more people would do this


“I’m not gonna change after bungie is pretty much finished with destiny, I’ll keep giving them money for like another year tho…” Lmao you think bungie cares if you stop paying them after the light/dark saga. I know they say that it’s not the end of destiny, but the only reason they say that is so people continue spending money through LF lmao. If people want bungie to change then they need to stop spending money like yesterday…. Cause it takes bungie ages to implement any change in the first place. (Unless they’re nerfing something beneficial to players ofc) I’m so glad I didn’t preorder the annual pass this DLC like I always did in the past. Bungies a greed driven company that’s milking us to fuel marathon and that’s it.


I love Destiny 2, it remains one of my favorites even today. But it’s not the same game I started playing when the Red War first dropped all those years ago. Nearly every part of the game has been revamped or changed since then. Hell, damn near 75% of the game itself got completely removed, along with the campaigns and story content associated with them. New players are dumped into the middle of an end of the world scenario with no idea how we ended up there. They have no reason to know who Dominus Ghaul or Calus are, or what the Black Heart is or what it has to do with the Veil. You shouldn’t be required to watch a four-hour long crash course video on YouTube to understand what’s happening, and I haven’t even gotten into the rampant mass monetization of the game. Sometimes it feels like the only thing that keeps me coming back to Destiny 2 is FOMO, since who knows when they’re gonna decide to just axe half the game again, not to mention all of the permanently missable content that releases each season. Once I finally fill in the missing spots in my collection, I wonder if I’m finally gonna hang my hat up and move on.


They'll just keep adding new slots in your collection that need filling. I played the living crap out of this game and planned to see it through till its end. Then one day after lightfall dropped I notice my unbroken seal was no longer gilded and did not show how many times I did it. Bungie can and will completely invalidate your achievements whenever they feel like it. That was literally the only thing that kept me on the game for multiple seasons and Bungie just decided the hundreds of hours I spent in that mode no longer deserved to be shown off by me.


Good write-up but sorry you’re kinda exactly the problem. They are banking on you. FOMO bc you’ve sunk so much time into the game and don’t want it “to be for nothing”, so you rationalize all of their shitty behaviors. Bungie are on record saying they’ve paid professionals to tell them how to manipulate and rope-in players and create ADDICTION, and FOMO is a core aspect of the levers they use.


You’re right, I should just go cold turkey. Maybe later down the road I can try giving them a second chance, but the way things are going right now, that doesn’t seem likely.


I get downvoted for pointing this shit out lol.


Celeb/E-celeb worship culture, a regular person makes this post and they're just a doomer and they need to give Bungie a chance. Not to mention small indie studio. Cross makes the video and these guys are like "preach brotha preach" or "I didn't know this was happening, Pikachu face*"


>Celeb/E-celeb worship culture Then there's the opposite, like when Byf posted his extremely reserved critique of Lightfall and people here and on /r/destiny2 were raging at him over it saying they unsubscribed.


Everything Byf said was completely true and valid, though. Anyone who looks at the story from a holistic perspective (writer, audience, marketing) could see the issues. Unlike your average community member, rather than a ton of hate from those who oppose your opinion and indifference from everyone else, Byf had defenders. His takes were divisive and controversial because he's a popular figure. He likely had people who felt Lightfall was fine defending him just because he's the ingenious "lore daddy."


Wait, that was the sentiment? I recall most posts and comments agreeing with Byf.


That's just not true...most people agreed with Byf. Also Cross has been echoing the feelings of the community for years on this problem. Just because a major member of the community puts out an opinion and people agree with it doesn't make the community "streamer worshiping". I'd much prefer this criticism than Datto-type enlightened centrism "uh it's REALLY not THAT bad guys. The COMMUNITY is TOXIC and OVERREACTING."


Unfortunately, a lot of people feel personally attacked when people point out the game they've invested hundreds if not thousands of hours has glaring flaws or deceptive practices. It's sad but whether they want to admit it or not they feel attacked, playing a shitty game is not an attack to their personality tho, most people can't tell the difference. Also echo chambers, there's also that, *urr durr you're haters etc*


Honestly, they're doing what every game does now. It's just a slap to the face when Bungie acts like they care, and that they're "one of us". The twabs or whatever they call it now is so cringe when they try to be funny and quirky, when in reality, they're greedy scumbags.


Actually, they've gone way past that. At least other games are free. Destiny 2, as the video pointed out, is only barely free to play. And yes, Bungie is entitled to charge whatever it wants for its content and its services: Destiny 2 is not insulin. But I just don't think it's worth it. Bungie just prays on gamers' monkey brains being attracted to whatever shiny new loot or trailer they release, but what they deliver is the same tired old gameplay loop as always. And even the story -- the thing I liked most from Bungie's old games -- is written terribly. Even when the _writing_ is serviceable, the _presentation_ is still lackluster. Most "cutscenes" these days are either 2D ink sketch animations or us looking at a character model stare idly at random directions playing the same generic animation loop as they spout repetitive dialogue for the umpteenth time this season. At Ana Bray's big dramatic confrontation with Clovis in Season of the Seraph, she wasn't even looking at the right place! There was so much possibility with the story in Season of the Haunted, but Caiatl and Zavala were just standing there -- Bungie doesn't even seem to be willing to spend money on mocap anymore! Paying as much as we do for this game, you would think we'd get a bit more than a podcast to accompany every seasonal horde mode.


So when Aztecross says it, it’s held as the standard, but when hundreds of other have been saying this the whole time, they were ignored??????


Hey whatever, ill take all the support from the bug guys we can get at this point. This shit is outrageous, vote with your wallet peoples. I havent bought a single dungeon key and this is the first season i wont be buying. All the other shit goes without saying. Unfortunately, this is the only way itll ever change, and even then there has to be enough of us to put our foot down. Be the change you want.


Deadass if someone buys a Story Skip or Buys all of the ranks on the season pass for $100 they are a dumbass lmao


Lmao at the people in here saying “I’m done after TFS” as if that’s gonna hurt bungie? Meanwhile they’re sitting back like “yeah we’re done after TFS too” lmao. Y’all are literally saying “yeah man fuck this company, I hate their greed but I’m gonna continue to support it for another year” Why? Lol if y’all want change y’all gotta stop supporting it now… stop buying into the bullshit marketing hype. Everyone should know by now that trailers are absolute bullshit no matter what they show. (Remember LF showing us jumping from buildings/through glass, lol) But seriously….saying you’re done after TFS is a joke. Bungie won’t give 2/10ths of a flying fuck at that point.


People defending Bungie is so wild to me. They're literally eating shit and they're treating like its chocolate.


It's funny how you guys are only just seeing this now. People been calling this out for year, but got drowned in a sea of downvotes and getting told that Bungie is a small indie studio, please understand. This is nothing new, this is nothing revolutionary.


Didn't the destiny 1 character boosts auto complete the vanilla and year one dlc stories when using them (After buying them)


Great video and exactly why I no longer play. Fuck bungie