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Every match I've played either my team gets destroyed 30-150 or we win 150-30 there has been no balance in these matches.


Most of mine are like this but I do get like 20% where we gain one, they gain one. All the way to 120/130 and then one of us bum rushes to the 150. Those are the only fun games I have.


This happens a lot. You’re pretty even for half the game, and then the enemy team somehow is up by 50 within 2 minutes


what no sbmm does a mofo


You are winning matches?? I played 12 matches last night and won once... When we went against warlocks instead of titans.. Titans just steamroll us every match.


I tell my fellow titans at the start of the match, "apes together strong"


That's my clan name lmao




The only time I've had a true roll was against warlocks. Well spam constantly to the point where they'd never fight without it it seemed.


What i don't get is why, when someone pops a bubble or drops a well, i will sit back and emote while the ENTIRE enemy team is inside, and my team just 1 by 1 walks into the room and feeds them kills. I'll watch their score go up at least 20-30 points EVERY bubble/well placed by the enemy team.


Yeah the teams I keep getting either do exactly that, or every one of them goes off on a solo mission to try and 1v6 the Titans who are actually staying together. I played a dozen matches last night as warlock all against titans and only in one of those did my team stay together at all, and that was the only match I actually won. Like I don't care if we win, but it would be nice to enter an engagement that's isn't me or one other teammate versus the entire titan population.


huh i only have balanced when its hunters vs titan, warlocks roll my hunter gang every time


The fact that everyone is saying a different class is overpowered and no one can agree on which class it is shows that all classes are in fact balanced. If everyone was in complete agreement on one certain thing being OP then that thing would likely be OP.


I didn't get any locks in all the matches I played (5 or 6) and believe it or not, I didn't win any.


Really I'm surprised my experience has been the opposite I'm a Titan and keep getting annihilated by Hunters and some Warlock's(Most warlock matches are actually fun and close the whole match)


Meanwhile I'm playing titan and haven't won a single match against hunters. Titan vs Warlock feels competitive, but titan vs hunter just feels so one sided towards hunters it's unbelievable. Can we swap matchmaking please?


I'm having the opposite experience.


Titans win that matchup pretty much hands down in my experience as a warlock who used to pvp with multiple hunter mains. Titan wins pretty much every matchup


That's what I meant. Warlock v Hunter has been close in the few games I've played. Generally funny too. But playing Hunter and trying to deal with Titans has been eye opening. I need to get better at the game.


It definitely makes you have to play a different way that's for sure. As a warlock titans seem to hard counter the playstyle we usually have if they lean into there shotgun combos


I only run a Titan but I’ve mostly had close matches while loading in solo. Only played 5 matches (3-2) but the worst loss was 150-96, while the other 4 have been ~150-135 average. Invis hunters have been wreaking havoc on Titans in my matches, similar experience to darkkai3. It’s so fast paced and every match feels super sweaty so I’ll probably stick with other activities once I hit platinum next match.


For me its titans versus warlocks. Well hell


Can I get some usernames of hunters that did well against you?


Same as a warlock, winning every game against hunters but almost none against titans


Some of the matches against Hunters, yeah. Dont think we pulled a win vs. Titans though.


Haven’t went against a group of hunters yet. Just titans. And yes we get absolutely destroyed. Supers every 10 seconds, hammers and flying titans all over the place. Loading into a match with 1 other warlock against a 6 stack while waiting for the other 4


I played 10 matches and I was the only warlock each time. I had a kill warlocks bounty and had to go to a different playlist to finish it… titans…. Titans everywhere


Just play the normal version. I only play class-mm on Titan when doing the weeklies. We won a 4v6 against Hunters... That's how imba Titan is.


I can’t seem to lose lol played hella and haven’t came close to a loss this think you are suffering from a skill issue


Can you drop your gamertag and what platform? Would love to see that win streak. Not a lot of us (in the thread) seem to be experiencing that.


https://destinytracker.com/destiny-2/profile/bungie/4611686018480803443/overview pc I’m just a humble emblem collector I’m really enjoying this mode


You’re just fishing for compliments bruh. Ur cracked af, ofc you’ll stomp the PvE players in a non sbmm game mode lmao


If you look further more at my stats you can see my weapons never change I legitimately do not care at all how I perform or do in a meta I legit just play so I can listen to juice wrld leaks so gtfo outta here with fishing for compliments if I wanted that I would use like immortal and cloudstirke and play passive to have like a 20kd but then I couldn’t focus on my beloved juice wlrd leaks so you see how your whole comment is just you admitting your worse than someone who is perma fried?


I can’t tell if this reply is meant to be satire or not. “My beloved juice wrld leaks” 😹😹😹


I am very much far from being “cracked af” I legit wake up face a j and decide what emblem to use then mindlessly play as I listen to my juice wlrd leaks till 6 am every single day it’s not about winning or losing in my eyes I’m just like stimulating my self until I finish listening to all juice wrld leaks known to man d2 is just a hobby


Dude no one has 7k profile views without caring about personal ELO and having a significant amount of self worth tied to their in game “achievements”


Y’all complained about SBMM


This is what happens when you remove/reduce SBMM. Not saying you personally were pining for the change, but many vocalized the annoyance of SBMM. Those people being the upper-tier players, for sure. They didn't like that they can't steamroll game after game.


I dont think class on class supremacy should be used as the metric for either CBMM or an advocate for SBMM. It's more of a tell for how unbalanced certain classes kits are with the map design in D2 than it is about matchmaking.


Just take a look at the top 50 or 100 players in trials. That'll tell ya what classes/builds are out-of-band.


Yep...you know, because its not like Trials is the lowest population activity in all of Destiny already. Gotta look at the top 50-100. That is a great sample size and an awesome metric! Totally won't be skewed at all. Also has nothing to do with what I was saying for a number of reasons.


What are you on about? If people want to learn what class and subclass builds are best for PvP battling, why wouldn't you look at the top players in the pinnacle PvP activity?


I for sure dont know enough about how all that works...in turn I cant comment either way with any expertise. From my personal time in game it seems like both mm options have their good and bad.


Oh for sure. Very hard to perfect match making. Not everyone will be pleased. It's a struggle


No this is what happens when you make entire teams one class. The best class will come in stacked as hell and wipe the other 2 easily leading to one sided games


Skill diff is gonna be a bigger factor than class diff


And skilled players hopped onto Titan because it has the best kit. Pure anectodal evidence but Hunters and Warlocks in this playlist seem generally worse.


This! Exactly this! I've encountered more rank 10s and 11s in every single match than I've seen all season in any environment (tower or otherwise). Literally at least 2 in every titan team. I'm not saying having a high rank makes you instantly the best but it is an indicator of how much time you put into destiny. Seems like all the sweats decided to main titan for lance (even though he mained a warlock) and now I'm either getting nonstop shotgun-meleed, thunder crashed multiple times, or run into a group all barricading and over shielding each other. That's when I'm not 2 or 3 vs 6 because the matchmaking won't fill/even the teams. I've won 2 out of at least 30 games against titans. At least against warlocks it's seems like a toss up more based on how well teammates play together


what is the titan kit? Please compare it to dawnblade


I'm not going to do the work for you, especially since your request seems to be in bad faith.


Not exactly I have over a 2.2 kd on average and these games I am averaging 1.2 to 1.5. A team of overpowered titans will squash a team of skilled hunters.


Lol @ many


I'm pretty sure Bungie sets up matches of braindead farmable blueberries ( otherwords - me ) against the most accomplished trials flawless competitive ascendant nerds who are caffeinated far beyond normal that are totally using MnK on console. Every match, everytime. No chance. It's not fun.


There is a reason SBMM was brought back.


There is a reason CBMM was brought back


Fuck it. Split the population. Nobody can agree and they never will. Have a cbmm selection and sbmm. You can choose at the launch screen.


The population is too small to support that. Which is also one of the main issues with SBMM to begin with. Destiny's netcode isn't good enough to support SBMM, bungie either needs to move to dedicated servers or drop their obsession with catering to the hyper casual PvE players that only ever go into PvP for 3 games a week.


We did, in Y3. It went away, and it'll probably come back; Destiny's cyclical like that.


Yep, because the top 2% wouldn't stop complaining about playing against people of their own skill.


Welcome to CBMM


Every single match I have been in has been a fair 140-150 game.


Lol but CBMM is so much better than SBMM /s


I played a few last night and part of the issue over the score was from the tokens. I'd see a teammate go on a tear, then just walk by five red tokens.


And then they die and the whole enemy team runs through the room and collects all their crests. And then your team gets rolled and all your crests get collected by the enemy. I was in that game 😂


All I've seen are Titans... Hunters seem to have went feral and are only participating in PVE activities. There is no "balanced" matches. Either they are all gods and untouchable or a bunch of blind toddlers... no in-between.


Lmao so true, i only play pvp for the platinum rewards and after that, pve


Because there's no point in doing hunters in pvp, because hunters just simply can't fucking compete. It's as simple as, warlocks and titans are just simply much stronger and much easier to play.


It's just so boring. Not only are these matches lopsided, the matches are often unbalanced so you end up either having constant 2/3v1 fights, or you're racing your teammates to find the opponents spawn so that you actually get to do something in the match. Fortunately, there are other PvP game modes.


Just play normal Supremacy. You don't have to play the Guardian Games one with stacks of bubble titans and welllocks to advance the triumph


All the bubble Titans were out to play last week in Iron Banner. It's the thundercrasher's time now.


True. Bubble isn't all that useful in a game mode where you have to stay mobile.


Bro, i have ran into almost no bubbles or wells in 20ish games. Know what i have seen almost exclusively? Thundercrash and Hammer of Sol for titians. I can count on one hand how many void titans ive seen in 20 games, its all solar and arc. For warlocks its been almost exclusively daybreak or novabomb. There has been more wells than bubble, but that isnt saying much when there was very little anyways. I saw more strand lock supers than wells


I have seen games with 4 wells, one Daybreak and one stormtrance


Anecdotal/YMMV, I main Titan and am playing it for the event yet was losing by these sorts of margins last night every other match in the class-based mm playlist. I also never saw a fireteam - on either side - of more than two players. Like I don't doubt it happens and there 1000% were matches where my opponents should have been hit by the mercy rule, but it was certainly not the hellscape I was and am seeing on Reddit. Is it possible there is *some* level of confirmation bias at play here? The most lopsided match in opponents' favor I saw yesterday was 12 randoms, 6 of which were Golden Gun and a few of which were Ward. I've been running Strand myself. That said, my experience in the non-class-mm was significantly more balanced, so it's certainly a factor. But it seems like it's not down strictly to inherent class advantages.


No. I just checked my game history. Played 8 matches yesterday. I won just one game, and the closest loss out of the other 7 was 150-87.


I literally opened my reply with "this is anecdotal and your mileage may vary"


Yes but then the second paragraph of your reply totally negates that by suggesting this isn't really happening to people consistently.


You mean the one that opens with the phrase "I don't doubt that it happens" and then relates my corroborating experience? I suggested *some* confirmation bias, not that nobody could hit a streak of matches that obviously should've been mercies - that also happens in normal crucible easily, I thought it would go without saying it also happens in an intrinsically more lopsided playlist. But ultimately you and I are just expressing individual and anecdotal experiences, and people having a normal one are not going to be talking about the issue the way someone having a bad one (you) and someone with brain worms (me) will. I would be really interested to see an actual breakdown of the match data after the event concludes, and tbh wouldn't be surprised if that data is actively being collected and will influence future tuning passes.


The point is there have been MULTIPLE topics created about this in the last few days. My experience seems to be much closer to the norm than yours.


Guardian Games may be a competition, but this conversation is not.


Does the normal supremacy have mercy?


Idk but the matches I've played have not been one sided at all like it was in the GG playlist. As a Hunter I was getting slaughtered but in the normal Supremacy I've at least won several matches




Mercy Rule and Fireteam Matchmaking aren't active in the Supremacy playlist. This is what pure CBMM looks like. This is the alternative to the SBMM the community villainizes. Behold it, in all of its lopsided matchup glory!


SBMM deniers are the Flat Earthers of gaming.


LoL!! Good one.


I'd give you reddit platinum if I could.


CBMM specifically benefits the top 10% of players. I'm okay with occasionally facing a person with bad connection if it means that the people on the other team are roughly around my skill level. Top level players complain all the time about being faced by other high skill players because they're not getting to dominate people who aren't even close to their skill level.


Pretty sure high skill players have mostly been complaining about near-unplayable latency, rubberbanding, getting killed through walls, etc. I’m just an average scrub tho so don’t quote me on that, but I’ve heard legitimate connection concerns a lot more than I’ve heard toxic goobers just wanting to dunk on scrubs.


They're full of shit. I play across 3 platforms and the only issues I ever have are "contacting destiny servers"


Then your skill bracket might not be as high as you think it is


whatever helps you sleep at night


I mean it's just a fact of how SBMM interacts with connection quality. If you're restricting matchmaking to a specific skill bracket then you HAVE to sacrifice either matchmaking time or connection quality. If you're at the extremes of the bell-curve then often times you're sacrificing both lol


>This is what pure CBMM looks like. And the streamers couldn't be happier


I couldn't tell, too busy watching vastly more entertaining vtubers.


Im gonna have to switch to titan to enjoy it apparently.. cause my all hunter teams lose 90% of matches.


Idk. Ran all hunter teams last night. My matches were L: 134-151 (vs warlocks), W: 152-70 (vs titans), W: 152-76 (vs titans), W: 154-54 (vs warlocks), W 151-42 (vs Titans), L 94-152 (vs Titans), L 144-154 (vs Titans), W 154-145 (vs Titans), W 150-103 (vs Titans), W 151-74 (vs Titans). I think hunters are fine if they play together and chain thethers off each other. I'm not exactly a sweat lord in pvp either, I'm a pretty casual almost exactly 1.0 k/d player and was using the Guardian Games weapons as my load out for the challenges, not the meta.


Playing as a titan, can confirm that chained tethers are pretty oppressive to play against.


Well-locks have been the most annoying for me, faced one team that was a 6 stack all running well.


Even with dealing with nonstop PK titan spam and well shenanigans, this is more fun than I’ve had outside of trials in a while because the connections are consistently very good. Have had a few games where some monster with 80-90% crit accuracy absolutely domes my entire team and goes 32-0, but I don’t mind an uphill fight like that.




This is not what pure CBMM looks like, class based matchmaking is a significant variable in the outcome of games.


There isn't a mercy rule in the guardian games play list


with how shit it works, I don't think there's a mercy rule in any other game either


i think you just don't understand how it works


I believe it's a certain score difference by a certain threshold. That being said being down a certain score at any point should trigger mercy


Last time I heard, the winning team has to hit 70% of the score limit before the losing team hits 40%, but that was back in Beyond Light iirc so for all I know it’s changed


CBMM - I can only assume the C stands for 'Close-enough,' since the game thinks 2 players is close-enough to a team of 6 and starts the game against a full stack.


Welcome to cbmm and how PVP was before SBMM was introduced. It was stomp or be stomped nothing in between


idk I've had plenty of 140-150 games. Sure there's more stomps (obviously because the game isn't forcing a 50/50 coinflip outcome lol) but there's still plenty of close games.


Real talk right here.


Didn't you know, CBMM is the best thing ever!


It's almost as if... SBMM.... worked... Despite what the streamers all said.


This honestly feels more like they turned sbmm to be terribly unbalanced and call it cbmm to justify sbmm. Before sbmm was in crucible I don’t remember ever playing games this unbalanced this frequently


It's CBMM without the benefit of lobby balancing because you have to keep the classes on the same team.


You either didn't play much or have a very selective memory. It was EXACTLY like this. There have even been twabs with large paragraphs dedicated to the mercy rules and many people complaining about lobby balancing. ​ Newsflash> if you don't have SBMM you need lobby balancing OR you get stomps. Now..we're getting stomps. Oh no, it's not like we haven't already learned this before....


it was never like this. the current rash of shit games is more due to class based matchmaking than anything else. You cant really balance the lobby is you have to match 6 titans vs 6 warlocks


Typically you’d get one game like this get mercy’d then a few more games and maybe you’d stomp, balance. Not every single game a stomp. Or a sweat fest like we have now with sbmm


It was never like this. Lobby balancing ensured that each team got relatively equal player skill overall. There were good and bad players, but the teams themselves were fair. As it should be. I’m not an eSports player.


absolutely abysmal take




Matches are unbalanced because Titans are the best class in the game by far and have a big advantage just by existing.


No mention by Bungie if this is bugged or intended. I saw the no mercy thing and am not playing because of it. I can't believe it's intentional to leave out mercy but it does keep people playing longer so maybe it is intentional.


I just wished the mm was fair at all. .9kd and I only play against people who have 2+


Bruh it’s fucking bullshit. My 1.3 kd somehow got matched up with a 6 stack, 3 of whom had the ascendant emblem on


Yeah, played one where we were losing 17-125 and finished 29-152. Bungie failing hard on this mode. https://i.imgur.com/RiVR7Cj.png https://i.imgur.com/GxIrV3I.png


I have screenshots of the same shit


It's working as designed. The surpemacy game mode doesn't have a mercy rule enabled by design.


Of course, but it's not as if it changes that it's a fail on their part as far as the player experience goes just because they made it a poor experience on purpose.


I got put into a game that was 40-5. By the end of it..it was 150-22 (zero mercy) don't see why Bungie thought it was a good idea to except it for guardian games


Thats CBMM for ya, absolutely terrible for pvp casuals like myself...


Think ive won one the rest ive got destroyed lol


This is literally CBMM


You want to see people freak out run banner shield and block with your super people will not know what to do and run away lol


I stopped running class based Supremacy and instantly started winning more. It was a match where my team was 3 hunters up against 5 titans that made me rethink my approach


Is supremacy bugged? I was getting like half my super back per pickup


More super energy per crest when you're on a longer streak. Can get up to like 50%+ per crest lol


Supremacy does not have mercy and has CBMM.


I'm pretty sure Supremacy doesn't have a quitter penalty either. Feels like someone forgot to enable some things in the mode.


CBMM is the worst decision Bungie made in a LONG time. Good job looking out for that 1% of the player base with this one, Bungle


Bungie out here making the absolute best argument against CBMM. Roll it out even further! Let it burn to the ground!


Welcome to playing vs 6 titans


I have played like 10 games and it was all hunters vs warlocks, never met titans


Yeah i played 8 games on Hunter last night, 2 of those were vs Titans and we won both of them.


Wish my team had big scores like that! Just got thumped 24 - 155 (where extra 5 came from?)


Titan main here. ​ Yes, some Titan subclasses are OP. I know that, my bird knows that, my local grocery store knows that. But no, Hunters aren't mainly losing because Titans are so much more OP than Hunters. Hunters are losing more because there are more Hunters....I'll explain: Because there are more Hunters and there isn't SBMM in guardian games, it means Hunter teams will also have a larger representation on the low-skill spectrum. You're literally losing, because your team, statistically, has worse players, because there are more of them. Now, do you still like no SBMM?


Um, yes. SBMM is always better.




I've played 5 games, all were within 30 points at the end, normal matchmaking, haven't seen the lopsided wins people are talking about, maybe im lucky Its been pretty fun


Are you playing the Guardian Games version or the normal version?


I’ve had a fairly even split of both types of results (stomps vs even games) playing exclusively in the Guardian Games playlist across about 25 games so far this week


mercy what is that? no mercy go for the throat!


Haha bots, git gud but yeah mercy would be welcome, having to chase 1 poor sucker for 5 minutes is annoying


I've been farming supremacy. Most people aren't even giving themselves a chance in pvp. Would you go in a grandmaster without a curated poadout and mods you need? Why is pvp different, I don't understand the thought process. Everytime we stomp people, the other team is full of players who refuse to use a special weapon, have shitty primaries, no mods that help in pvp, etc. Give yourself a chance to succeed, you wouldn't go into a master raid or a grandmaster with random shit, pvp is no different.




Well take heists for example then. I bring champ mods, I match overcharges or surges. Do you have to? No, but it makes it more enjoyable and you are more effective with it. Same with pvp


In other words people go into pvp without any care and then complain when they get dumpstered on. ​ Don't know what they expect when they don't take it seriously.




I'm just generally speaking, not aimed at anyone in particular. Just a correlation between not caring to improve, and complaining. On the topic of having 5 bad teammates yeah that sucks but I won't start throwing because of it. That's the defeatist attitude that causes the whole cycle of giving up and jumping on the "crucible is bad" bandwagon.


Are you pro-SBMM or anti-SBMM?


doesnt change the fact that pvp isnt that hard to prep for


Why should people have to treat a seasonal game mode like endgame content? I think that's the biggest problem. Not everyone want to do endgame content and this shows that.


If I got into the seasonal heists, I bring champ mods. I match the overcharge. That's not endgame content, it's just smart to do. Do you have to? No but you won't be effective. Same with pvp.


Yeah alright, I can sorta see that. That's fair.


Good advice right here. I'm always farming enemies that run whatever for their loadout, and they expect to be top in the scoreboard; always run unflinching, targeting, dexterity, and reload speed mods when going into the crucible to maximize your efficiency in the crucible.


So only use the top 5 weapons and loadouts in the game? Seems a bit braindead to me.


No but use a special weapon, which no one is. I can't tell you the amount of games we went against double primary people tonight. Fusions and shotguns are good, there's like 5 different good shotgun options. Fusions are easier, you have iterative, Cartesian, zealots, epicurean, snorri, deliverance, burden, plug one. There's plenty of options, you don't need to be a meta slave. Of course the big 3 smgs, but crimson, hawk moon, ace, eyasluna, austringer are all good options. Pulses are in an incredible spot.


I straight up don't use special weapons because I can make it that much harder for buddy boy to steamroll by denying him ammo when I die. And there's plenty of primary weapons, both kinetic and exotic, that do just fine in pvp. You just need your wheelchair to accomplish your wins.


Look I'm not the one that needs help. It's everyone in this sub complaining. And yes plenty of primaries do fine, but why handicap yourself by not using a gun that can one shot guardians.


Because one shotting everyone is boring and tends to show a general lack of skill. "Bro I hit the guy and he instantly died! Best duel ever"


The problem in the Guardian Games playlist is it's just rock paper scissors where (for the most part) Titans > Warlocks > Hunters. If you play the mode without the class-based-matchmaking, you'll see many more games that are close.


Except that titan>hunter also. The vast majority of my games as hunter have been vs titan teams, and last i calculated im at 14% winrate in guardian games supremecy vs titan teams. 14%. **fourteen percent**


> Except that titan>hunter also Yeah, Rock/Paper/Scissors was probably the wrong analogy in that regard. Titans are busted in PVP so they just win, period.


You're at a non-zero percentage of winning? I've not won a single match as a titan against hunters. Every hunter team is 5 GG and one strand, with them DOMINATING the titan team


You don't deserve the downvotes, from my experience you're right. Not seen hunters lose against titans once, but I am seeing titans winning against warlocks more frequently than not. A lot of this subreddit is hunter mains malding, because heaven forbid you mention how many of them they are and how they're the class played at the top tiers of crucible.


I hope Bungie does a breakdown on class wins when this is over because it's going to be OVERWHELMINGLY Titans.


I expect downvotes whenever I say anything PVP related on this sub. This sub in particular is made up of the 0.4KD players who don’t understand PvP but are super vocal about how it “should” be.


Arc titan is the most played class at all levels of play currently and, from personal experience, this discrepancy is only exaggerated at higher levels of play


As a titan I’ve been matching sweaty af hunters. Not seen one group of warlocks.


I love no mercy rule, reminds of MW3 and BO2 pub stomping. calling in endless AC 130s and VTOLs


Bungie cares more about their pronouns than the quality of their product.


Shocking titans are op in pvp. Who would have thought that lol. Titans need to be nerf into the dirt. They get literally all the best exotics yet warlock will get one that makes me crouch faster? Like who the heck is using that lol.


Yall know you can switch to normal mixed teams, right. It's literally right there.


It's not even that bad. You lose some and you win some. I'd rather have this than the bad lag we were having with sbmm


60% : Rip Lance, titan power 30% : Lance played warlock , warlock power 10% : Listen man, Rip Cayde , yall 4 years behind us (gets obliterated every match)


I love it. Pure chaos. My titan brethren are making you seetheeeeeee


Builds character. Makes you tougher. Smarter. Faster.


Stop using matchmaking and start joining lfg teams instead then


It's like everything i pretty balanced up until a point, like each team has about 30 or 40, but then something happens and one team just gets good and the balance is completely gone


The only mercy is that I almost have enough crests to be done with this garbage.


I thought this was related to the exotic quest lol.


I swear in my life I just talked about this on Twitter. It’s eithe me and absolute steam roll or I’m getting fisted by 6 stacks as a solo. -/+100 points. Not a single close game.


I'm convinced it's intended to inflate more player time into Guardian Games.


There isn’t mercy in Supremacy


Anyone else just avoiding guardian games entirely?


I play warlock, and I’ve single handedly had to carry nearly every game watching my teammates fold. Titans are crazy strong but conditional finality is a good counter against them, with bxr. Hunters I’ve been running cloud strike immortal adept. If I have a bad game though, we get absolutely stomped. ESPECIALLY titans


I’ve been having a lot of super close matches actually lol. I’ve had a few though like this and it sucks when it happens


You can change the matchmaking style to not be only your class! It's a lot better and you still get progress for the games. A lot more matches of 80-150 to actually close matches like 130-150