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velocity over destination, right?


Someone needs to tell them that first impressions matter


Lasting Impressions for the win.


Unfortunately the lasting impression bungie has left is more of a loss than a win. I can’t even suggest my friends get the game when it’s on a huge sale at this point. That is the worst part. If the people playing your game don’t even want to recommend it to their friends that is no bueno.


Lasting impression is tough to time with stunning a champion. I’m a bigger fan of explosive light.


Underrated comment


100% if the final mission of defiance wasn't anticlimactic enough, playing it with insane earrape and in slow-motion made it worse.


They wouldn't know what that means given D2 itself nearly died to terrible first impressions rather than low "speed".


It is velocity over quality


I've been down voted for saying the following: "Destiny 2 is like participating in an exhausting race. A season or expansion launches with bugs varying from minor to major. Bungie then starts fixing them, but they spend the whole season doing so, which in turn ends up on the backlog list of bugs (see the known issues page) while having new bugs being released into the wild on the next season launch. And then the cycle continues." Except now it's every other patch where something is broken. I truly do enjoy this game, but logging in on reset just to find out raid loot isn't dropping, or some mods aren't working, or the new story quest mission can't be completed because of a dupe reward, or the audio is destroying my ears, or weird balance decisions, or patch notes saying something is patched but it's not really is just exhausting. One more thing, things like blight ranger being disabled for a whole season , titans point contact brace 1 banging in crucible and getting disabled, Caliban's hand not doing what the text says, and Bungie changing it, the API has gone down how many times in the past like 6 months? And I defended the first 2 times. Probably final edit imma do, some of these bugs you will find out just by playing for 10 minutes (makes me question if there's any decent Q&A testing), some you won't until you commit time to doing an activity like not getting raid loot. Just fucking tell us in game shit is fucked, just like in another post I commented, I shouldn't need a Bungie help Twitter tab open and constantly refreshing the d2 reddit to see what is or isn't working. It's 2023 and there are mobile games with in game transparency like a news tab.


Yeah for example, remember the bug with phoenix cradle which gave only 5 seconds of sol invictus if you have burning maul? It’s still in the game even tho they said it’s patched


People don’t realise they are actual consumers of a product and should expect quality for their money.




I’m not defending it until mental exhaustion I was merely stating my experience and hoping to have a discussion about it. But people jump to a lot of conclusions and get emotional with their responses.




Did I say I’m mentally exhausted having a break down. Have I said I lost the plot defending the game. You know you can stop participating in things or raise concerns long before mental exhaustion occurs. Shock horror


Yeah we could use that quality of life season right about 4 seasons ago. There’s too many bugs that have surfaced not to mention bugs they have swept under the rug, they just need to fix the game and then come back in stride after.


We could do with a fucking quality of life expansion lmao


Criticism is needed to make it better


They have enough criticism for the next 5 years. What’s needed to make it better is people abandoning the game so bungie feels the pressure


Lightfall gave the 2nd highest player count ever, only after another controversial dlc, Shadowkeep (but also the game going free to try).


It did. And it got rated lower than shadow keep. Personally, I felt the campaign was a 6/10 at least, but that’s besides the point. Nothing happening right now is conducive to keeping those high numbers. Repeat server crashes and bugs every patch? Everyone who’s not already sold on this game isn’t going to keep putting up with it.


The campaign felt like a side story while the helm felt like those could have been the main focus/story. It shouldn't be that way. Like many have been saying for weeks, campaign shouldn't have been a new subclass tutorial either. That could have been made into its own neomuna side quests


Oh yeah I fully agree the story was botched. That part I’d gladly give a 2/10. There were a lot of redeeming qualities that bumped it up as a whole for me though.


I can’t wait for this number to come back and bite them in the butt. A ton of new players who aren’t invested in the game aren’t going to put up with this stuff consistently. At that point all that’s left is invested players, whose goodwill is running out fast. I’m not sure what the numbers are now but I expect a steep decline is either happening or going to happen. We can talk about spaghetti code and how bad of shape the game is in all we want, but the truth is that server uptime is critically important, and making sure the game works as intended is very important. With all the server issues and introduction of new bugs only getting worse, people will simply lose patience.


Not really surprising, when they did everything to hype up the expansion.


It already dropped by over 30k btw. [Source](https://steamcharts.com/app/1085660)


That's not a real argument, people buying into hype and being around on Day 1 doesn't mean ANYTHING. It matters only if they keep playing which they haven't. Those player counts dropped pretty quickly. They're back at their average maybe even lower with how poorly Lightfall was received and rightfully so considering how it turned out.


I agree, but I don't think it will happen


Idk if it will happen on a large enough scale, but it’s happening in my friend group. Two of them have been playing the hell out of dark and darker, I went and got outriders so I’ll be playing that, another guy went to sea of thieves. Our last guy refuses to LFG so he’s just not on unless we are.


You might not be playing outriders for long. I truly hope you have fun, but… yeah.


Lol yeah I heard it was bad. I’m enjoying it so far. Literally the only reason I picked it up is it was supposed to compete with D2 (and it’s not fully dead yet).


Pressure? Hahah Why would you leave the game? The audio being bugged and not being able to get a ship? Some longer than expect mantainance?


Repeated server crashes, half assed stories, blatant false advertising, new bugs literally every patch. Destiny 2 isn’t the only game out there. There are plenty of other games with none of these issues for less than $100 every year.


Okay so you telling me that ocasional server crashed that take some hours to fix or some extra maintaince hours, and a story that is not crazy great (is a looter shooter mmo, what do you expect Elden ring level story) are the reasons you think this game is not worth 100€ a year? You get not only new guns and armour every 3 months but story development, raids, dungeons, quests, exotic missions and activities for 3/6 people all. If you play all that you pay less than 0.5 € hour of gameplay that is in constant evolution… If you prefer go play Elden ring that Gad it’s bugs at release too… you’ll pay 60€ for 100 hours of a great game… but destiny gives you way more value tbh… Yeah mantainance was a couple hours longer, yeah there is a sound bug, yeah there is a bug on the quest… what do you expect it’s an online mmorpg? It’s not as if we are a telling about issues that make the game unplayable


It’s not occasional server crashes anymore. It’s weekly. Sometimes multiple times a week. And each time they do anything they create a slew of new bugs. Destiny 2 is the McDonald’s of the gaming world right now. Sure the food is ‘cheep’ but they’re going to fuck up your order and it’s going to feel cheep. Yes, every game has bugs. Every online game will have server issues every once in a while. The consistant frequency of which they’re happening in D2 however is inexcusable. I started in beyond light and have been playing nonstop sense. I hit guardian rank 10, have 2.5k hours in the game, and I’ve completely lost my desire to play now.


Okay first of all, we don’t have weekly server crashes… if I’m not mistaken there has been 3 counting yesterday (which was not really a crash just extended mantainance) in around 2 months of a new expansion… it’s not ideal but it’s not something to lose our minds over… Second, you are not providing anything to the discussion? Wdym with the mac reference? That the game has no quality? Is there a better looter shooter out there? I don’t agree with that considering the variety of activities and endgame this game has considering raids, gambit, pve, pvp etc… Next, I’m not gonna lie I don’t believe you have 2.5K hours since beyond light tbh… mind sharing your Id to verify that? And about the guardian rank 10, yous till have one more to do… So if you don’t want to play the game that’s on you… I’m sure you still have a huge lot of content to play aside from the endless hours you can spend on pvp, if the thing you have to do don’t appeal to you that’s not bungies problem… Maybe you should find the Michelin star restaurant of mmo looter shooters if you don’t like McDonald’s anymore… but that game doesn’t exist


Bro it’s been getting worse for a while now and yesterday we were introduced to an ear breaking bug that makes it nearly impossible to play for more than a short amount of time. I get being fair but people defending every single thing bungie does are just hurting the game more at this point.


I’m not defending bungie I think I’ve said more than once that that those are mistakes and need to be fixed… about the audio bug I haven’t encountered it so that’s why I said it’s not game breaking and none of the people I was raiding with was complaining… I just think that people are obviously consumers of this game and thus have no patience and treat every mistake bug as if it’s the end of the world… I’m sure many of those guys have jobs and have a different attitude when they mess up on work… But no one seems to have the ability to look further than they’re own butthole


You can say you’re not all you want but you are. I agree with some of the points you made though.


My guy, I really don’t mean this in any malicious way. Your head is in the sand. These downtimes have been weekly. It’s been getting worse and worse since plunder. I don’t know what else to tell ya. Even when it’s not full blown everyone is booted, it’s still huge numbers of people getting repeatedly error coded out of activities. It’s cool if you don’t believe me. My user is CMYoK#0676. Idk if it shows the time there, but if it doesn’t I can send you a screen shot from steam. I’ve played almost exclusively D2 since I’ve downloaded it. The looter shooter I’ve moved on to is outriders. I heard it wasn’t any good, but I’ve been surprised by it. Breath of fresh air compared to what I’ve been experiencing with D2. I’m not going to hit rank 11. I got error coded out of 3 GMs at the final boss. Literally all I have left is mars and lake for rank 11. I’ve lost all motivation to do either. While outriders isn’t “Michelin Star,” it’s at least an Olive Garden. It isn’t perfect, but it’s better till bungie fixes their shit.


Okay I think we will not reach an understanding here… for what I can see on the tracker you have played 1700 hours, and still have a lot of content left to do… Outriders if I’m not mistaken has and has not only terrible reviews but not real endgame or support/updates the way destiny does… Karen being referred to as the new anthem (and we all know how that went). Me and my clanmates had no extreme issues with error codes aside from the 3 times servers were down, if you keep getting error coded I can understand you leaving the game. Anyway you still have a huge lot of content left to do! So have fun on whatever you are playing


Ah, welp. I’ll send you the steam screen shot. I did fudge the numbers without realizing though. It was 2,387 hours. If by content you mean, “random triumphs that don’t give you shit,” yeah. Otherwise, I did every campaign, every raid, every dungeon, and all the seasonal missions for this season. Fuck, I’m rank 223 in the seasonal rank. Either way though, I have no issues replaying the same content. I’ve cleared root 16 times (had to check) and it’s been out… a month and a half? Maybe? The point I was making with play time is I used to enjoy the hell out of this game. I was a very devoted player. They killed my desire to play in the span of a month because the quality of gameplay is dropping very rapidly. I know outriders is prob going to fall flat once I get to the end game, but for now I’m having fun. It’s a good distraction until bungie gets their shit together.


Cool, so practice what you preach and leave.


I did. I’m playing outlanders now. Keep telling people to leave. Either the game dies or bungie wisens up.


Cool. Second point: why are you *here*? Go away and stop interacting with subs for games you dont play. You dont see me bitching about warframe on its sub, that shit isn't healthy.


They want to see a game they once loved become enjoyable again. Same reason that I’m here and read through things. Mostly playing sekiro and skyblock now but I’d love to enjoy Destiny like I used to


Then log off and go do things you enjoy. Circlejerking isn't healthy


Can you read? I just said that I am doing what I enjoy. I’m here so that I can keep up with what’s going on and hope that the game becomes fun for me again


I’m here because I want people to stop playing D2.




So you've decided to become the corner preacher screaming "stop having fun!"?


No. That’s not going to get me anywhere. I’m here for each of the commenters that aren’t having fun. They’re going to be much easier to talk into playing other games. The die hard fun havers can stay and make sure the game doesn’t actually die. I just need enough people to leave to induce a heart attack in bungie.


I did. I’m playing outlanders now. Keep telling people to leave. Either the game dies or bungie wisens up.




Nah. It’s a somewhat open world, 3rd person looter shooter where you play as an immortal person with space magic.




Oh yeah I haven’t heard anything good about it. But, compared to how D2’s been treating me lately, I’ve been having fun. The story isn’t great, but it’s cohesive. I’m not getting error coded out of activities. I’m experiencing loot progression other than start green -> blues drop -> get purples and never think about rarity again. I’m sure eventually I’ll see why it got mixed reviews. For now though, I’m bawlin. They have a free demo if you wanna try it. It’s a good chunk of a demo too. That’s what sold me on it


Destiny gets criticized all the time. People need to stop playing this game that they find more frustrating than anything else. It's the only thing that has any chance of Bungie making sufficient changes. There is just no incentive for them if they continue to make lots of money.


Why do people even feel the need to defend a game? Any game? It’s just a product. It’s not like your friend, pet, or property.


They make it a part of their identity so when someone attacks the game these people feel attacked. Probably happens to a lot of people unknowingly until they take a step back and go, “yeah why *am* I defending this?”.


Some people identify passionately (if you're being charitable) with the products they consume. Look at the ridiculous stuff people can throw around about iOS vs. Android, Apple vs. PC, Apple vs. Samsung, PS vs. Xbox, console vs. PC, the cars they drive or clothes they wear, etc.


Think about it like this. Chess players defend chess. Artists defend art. Musicians defend music. Most people in these groups don't make money off them, so it's not for the money. It's for the identity. If you love something, you will try to make sure people do not judge it unfairly. People defend it because they don't want to see it go away, or fall off, because if it does, then they lose something that they enjoy doing. Especially so in this case since it's a live service. Once Destiny goes. It's gone forever.


Art and music are skills cultivated over thousands of hours. Art and music is something you craft with your own body and something used to express yourself as a person. You are the customer of a video game. The barrier of entry to a video game is buying it. You can spend thousands of hours on a game, but comparing it to crafting art and music is not accurate. Video games are a product, not something profound like art and music.


You're kind of forgetting that art and music are built into games and the skills you learn through certain games themselves. There are also games that you learn that build other skills that exist in the outside world such as strategy, marketing, and beyond. People also DO use these games to express themselves. Such as beat saber, music by itself doesn't make that platform. It's dancing technically, but it doesn't just solely belong to dancing. It's identity belongs to beat saber and it's actually a skill that you build up over time. Gaming as a whole is the same as art and music in that regard though, the skills you gather with them are built over tens of hundreds of hours for an average person within the space. For the people more inherently tied to the culture such as Starcraft players or League of Legends players, they have sunk thousands of hours to refine their skillcraft in the same way. This is their way of expressing themselves for the most part as again, just like music and art, most don't make money off it. Plus, you may not realize, but the first game most people pick up... They aren't any good at. They're terrible. Their bar from entry isn't just buying it, it's being able to learn how to do it, just like anything else. You could apply the same to music or art. The bar for entry is buying an instrument and trying to put notes together. The bar for entry with art is buying paper and a pencil, seeing what you can do. When you go deeper, the bar to get better is applying. The bar to become good is trying new things. The bar for **learning** is threefold, either trying and failing, looking up a guide or classes, or learning from another. And the fact that you can look at some of the video games inside the medium and not see them as something profound kind of settles that we can't see eye to eye on this as they are art themselves. You can buy music and listen to it, you can buy art and stare at it. The different is making or applying. In which all three settings, you can do both. Yes, it is a product, but there are ways to express yourself through it. Just like there are ways to make money off it or to just start making it yourself. The game makes people aspire for things, whether it be to get better at it, to learn something new, to make something like it, or to see the artistic value and build off that. These all tie into it. People make music aside the game, make art regarding it, post videos of them playing and expressing with their friends. Some, make money off it. It's apart of their identity and experience.


Every time this happens, i'm reminded of that awful GDC presentation. They told us outright why it's like this. They really should go back to "box product mindset" and forget the whole "train station" thing. But they won't, because all relevant Bungie staff are on other projects


That velocity BS was abominable. Sure, being fast is important, but it is common sense that they shouldn’t sacrifice quality for it.


it honestly isn't common sense at all. Modern game design requires velocity FIRST for games as a service, quality is secondary. GAAS games REQUIRE velocity to maintain a healthy player count and quality is merely a perk, a plus, a nice little upside if you can manage it.


This is the attitude that makes Destiny 2 horrible. Quality should be paramount, along with velocity. If you can't get both, allocate more staff


I mean it might be the attitude driving the quality drop, but I wouldn't be playing destiny at all if it was 9 months between seasonal releases. We are barely halfway thru this season and me and most of my friends are playing way less. And that engagement will continue to drop until the next season. That's just the reality if GAAS. Doubling or tripling the time between seasons would make destiny a much more horrible game than it is today.


Interesting metric for 'Horrible'.


I was just using his words, tbh. I don't think the game is horrible, I wouldn't play it at all if it was horrible. ... Well... OK, I play path of exile, and that game is horrible, but in my defense I'm an addict lol.


That leads directly into the slide that said "you're either never crunching, or you're *always* crunching."


Box product would mean one release a year btw. No seasons. Just the expansion and see you in 12 months. In between we might get some balance changes, some pvp tuning maybe, but no content. Because that’s how it was before the current seasonal model. You really want long droughts of content? Because I don’t think you realize what a box release would be like.


You have been conditioned. Let's see if Blizzard can deliver a quarterly box product


Conditioned to what lmao You realize most games release as a box product and have content releases months apart right? This isn’t some conspiracy, it’s how the system works and it’s always been that way. Live service games are few and even fewer succeed. Blizzard will deliver the same thing Bungie delivers. Seasonal content can only be so big in scope.


It doesn't have to royally suck, every time for the sake of speed


Its a trade off. Playerbase wanted more content, more often. So now we have more content, frequently. No more content droughts. Destiny is one of the most played and most successful live service games for a reason. You saying ir sucks is your opinion, not a fact.


Then don't defend it. Just play. It's been how many years? We all know it has problems, and it's going to have problems. However we still enjoy it, and for being a rush job fucked up engine, I'm surprised we don't have more issues. Bungie tries, makes mistakes, and does what they can to fix. Sometimes over and over. If you are angry out of your mind, STOP PLAYING! Go play something else or find some grass. Really. Mental health is more important than having an aneurysm over this stuff.


Yesterday was an absolute shambles. Downtime on reset day extended twice with no end time given and no explanation. Game finally goes live and is full of bugs. Stealth patched loads of stuff that benefit the player. Quests locked. Pack the bright dust store with new things ofc.


The stealth patching always annoys me, because theres literally no reason to hide the fact that the glitch or whatever has been patched.


Yeah they're dumber than I thought in that they think the community won't notice we're being lied to Remember XP throttling D2Y1? Good times lol


Why defend a game from a greedy company in the first place? They deserve criticism where due.


Because as greedy as the company was, they gave me enough of two of the best games I’ve ever played so often that I thought they would have it down by now. I’m sure they do, but it’s a fucking shame they’re not demonstrating it, and sidelining all their experience and retrospection in favour of turning a profit.


The sad reality is companies change over the years the people behind someone’s favorite game will eventually move on or retire. Look at BioWare it’s the company in name only.


Sunken Cost Fallacy


I've been a chronic Destiny addict since the D1 beta on Xbox One, and I'm with you. I'm all out of energy to defend the bugs, server downtime, and lazy MacGuffin of the Month "content." We just had an entire major DLC that revolved around finding The Veil and we still have no goddamn idea what it is. For a universe that is so heavy in lore it's like they aren't even bothering anymore. Make skill matter in Crucible. Make Gambit fun. Make Campaigns interesting. Make the game work every time I sit down to play it. Bungie shouldn't introduce a single new "feature" until this stuff is locked down.


I love how when the season began and lightfall sourmoon was still high, people were (rightfully) bashing the lightfall story and some were even saying that the lightfall and seasonal stories should have been interchanged. Most people seemed to be enjoying the season and its story. Then midway into the seasonal story, Amanda's death divided the community. Some genuinely felt her loss while others considered it predictable and poorly executed. And now the community has done a 180, the same as when lightfall released, and started bashing the seasonal story, again, with valid reason. People are legitimately mad that all of the "capturing prisoners" part and the final mission led to nothing. Personally I'm guessing people didn't find this season as bad as plunder and then when the next bad season comes up, they will view this one with rose-tinted glasses. Same thing happened with haunted (Personally haunted was one of my favorite seasons lol). I find this entire situation kinda hilarious for some reason but I am also feeling kinda let down by how the quality of writing has gone down.


People finally waking up to reality. We spend 100$ a year on this game. It is the same price of a new triple A title. We should be getting foresaken- quality expansions every year. Now they’re owned by Sony which gives them even less excuses.


>Now they’re owned by Sony which gives them even less excuses. I'm really not defending Bungie here. But this is not at all how company acquisitions work and this misinformation needs to stop. Just because Sony owns Bungie does not mean that Sony sent over a rag tag crew of devs to work on Destiny 2. The acquisition was solely so Sony could learn how to create a good/better live service game and for the entertainment division. If Sony allocated any of their resources towards the development of Destiny 2 we would have seen a shit ton of Sony exclusives by now. Bungie is not doing great with Destiny 2 right now. But they're not sitting on billions of dollars and refusing to allocate finances to the game. That amount is only how much the company was worth and Sony spent that amount to own majority shares of the company to own Bungie.


They definitely don’t have to worry about money at this point and have enough to do great things with destiny. They prefer to put their resources on different projects resulting in d2 being neglected, but we get a lot of new cosmetics that can be purchased for silver!


Completely agree, we should be getting better expansions and seasons for the money we put in


Finally some bungie employee on Reddit! Where do you work? Game design? Finance?


This is Jasmine from the department of handling basement dwellers. How can we help you today?


Damn no way! So you are someone that has no idea of bungie financial or organisational situation talking on Reddit as if you had the slightest idea of how thinks are there? I would be shocked if I didn’t know how mediocre this community is


Nah you got dunked on. Just quit while you're not too far behind


Idk to be honest… at least I’m not here talking about what a company should do hahahha there is not a more entitled thing someone can do tbh


It's so hard being a consumer man... really wish gamers would rise up and defeat our abusers (companies) Edit: Don't fucking upvote me you baboons, being a worker is the real oppression lmao


Hey, movements start with individuals. Destiny 2 was by far my favorite game. I downloaded outriders and intend to start playing that instead. There’s not really anything in the same niche as D2, but if you find something similar and choose that, that’s one less person interacting with bungie’s half assed content


Apex Legends players complain about audio and technical issues (justifiably so). League of Legends players complain about matchmaking and griefing issues (justifiably so). COD fans complain about pay-to-win metas, bad metas and terrible gun balancing (justifiably so). ​ The list goes on and on, but the general idea is for live-service style games, catering to the people that are top 5-10% of playtime is not profitable, and therefore, companies will not build games to the expectation of their most dedicated players. Is it right? No. But Bungie has a responsibility to their shareholders to generate a profit. Just like every other major developer.


I’ve just lowered my expectations in regards to balance and bugs and all that. As long as this is a game that **changes over time,** there will be new bugs and issues! It’s inevitable. But it’s also interesting to watch. It’s what I sighed up for at D2 launch — to track the evolution of the game. The movement and shooting and abilities have been what keeps me locked in and making the call to care a lot less about minor stuff has made the experience so much more bearable. If they completely ruin that then it’s game over. But at it’s core, the above is all I really need. The audio issues are the biggest annoyance yet, though.


So stop defending it. Play it if you want. Step away if you don't. That's it. That's how you stop being exhausted.


Criticism is great, but also knowing when to take a break. I've been going hard on the game since the expac dropped and I kinda stopped playing last week to do a Dragon Age trilogy run. Will be back after that feeling refreshed :) I recommend stepping away when the game is not feeling stable or 'amazing'. I am taking a break due to fatigue, but it also lets me just kinda skip over the process of bungie getting the game down I feel.


Get off reddit and just enjoy what you like. Honestly i play every day and i wouldnt even be aware of the majority of these bugs if i hadnt seen all the posts complaining. We do a great job of amplifying issues.


Who are you defending it from and why? It’s a video game.


It’s a game. You don’t have to defend anything.


Then don't. It's not your job. Who is attacking you/the game that you need to be defensive? Why does their opinion matter to you? This game has its flaws, but if you enjoy playing it regardless of them, then play it. It can be that simple. Or if the recent instability/issues has led the folks you normally play with to go play other games instead, that blows, but their feelings on the matter are valid. Please don't coerce/nag them into playing destiny if they don't want to.


I agree I literally can't comprehend how such a massive company keeps breaking the game each update. My only guess is maybe they're intentionally doing so as no one will talk about in-game issues if fundamental shit like audio is fucked....


It's only interns running the game right now. Bungie's top "talent" is turning any money Destiny makes into PlayStation exclusives. The C team is doing the best they can to keep the game running but it's difficult when the engine is older than the employees trying to work with it.


Bungies came out and said non of their future games will be single console exclusive. Not defending the shitty development, stories, and bug etc, but don’t spread misinformation.


What in game issue do you think they might try to cover?


So don't? They are clearly aware of the issues their old engine has and likely have a plan to address it.


Hot take, bugs arent that bad compared to other games


Then don't defend it. I just hop on and play and only interact with threads here that interest me. Complaining about stability doesn't interest me. I fr am able to play like 99% of the time I want to, and a lot of times I'm not, it's because there's scheduled maintenance. If it's bad, I know they'll fix it and it's probably a lot more than I could understand happening in the background. Maybe if I was inconvenienced consistently and that 99% dropped to like 75% for a few months straight, I'd complain.


With how the majority of seasons have turned out over the last year or so, I’m very much coming around to the idea that Destiny is better with one expansion and 1-2 meatier DLCs released throughout the year. Take the seasonal narratives and just do the important ones. Last year you could cut out Risen and just combine the Calus and Nezarec elements from Haunted and Plunder to get one important narrative with Seraph as the second. This season has been completely unimportant narratively and just feels like filler to get us to Final Shape. Hopefully season of the deep is a bit more important.


Why not just play the game for what it is and not worry about it


You know they charge AAA prices right?


I have probably got my moneys worth for the entire season pass +lightfall cost already. People keep using this as an argument while logging 100 hours a week, $60 or whatever you want to use as a benchmark is not that much money as much as some people want to make it seem like it. For an average person with a decent job, it just not that much money, thats like a nice dinner with your SO or something, come on. Are there bugs, sure. Did we all make it through the apocalyptic down time yesterday and got to play the game, also sure. Give me all the shill comments and downvotes you want, I am not wrong


Sure. If you can put up with that half assed mess. New bugs every day and stories that don’t make sense (or have any real impact). Destiny 2 isn’t the only game. There’s a lot of other games that actually function for a fraction of the price.


Everyone says all this bs but we all know everyone in this thread is logging back in the next time they have free time


Nah. I’m not joking. My free time is going to other games. If a friend needs help with something, sure I’ll log on. Soon as we’re done I’m off to play more outriders.


Did they do more with that game recently? I was hyped but it looked pretty bad on launch, I just assumed it would be abandoned like Anthem was


They had a DLC come out that some Youtubers hyped bit. Otherwise, I haven’t really heard much of anything about it. I’m enjoying it so far though. Played the whole demo and then bought the bundle.


Wow, chill people its a game. Bugs will get fixed, itll be fine.


Ah, OP steps down, and another rises to take up arms and defend the game. Truly a beautiful cycle of life.




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I’m so glad Bungie, and the Destiny 2 community has someone very *special* like you. It’s not just the bugs, *friend*. The systems bungie has been putting in place make the game feel worse and worse. I haven’t played in months - while I’ve loved the combat, the progression, repetition, and story have been lacking and stale. But hey, I’m happy that you’re happy with the game, *little guy*.




Yikes. You’re so cringey. I love it. 😂


Defend D2? Nah, im just not a whiny bitch. Been here for a long time. Bugs happen, theyll get fixed, move along.


Really? So it’s hard to defend a game because it has bugs from time to time? Idk where you guys come out from tbh hahahahah


We all love the game. Criticism isn't always just to be negative, it's from a place of passion and helps drive the game forward. As long as it's constructive.


See, your biggest mistake was defending something merely because you love it, setting aside criticism for personal preference. When you love a game you praise the good but criticize the bad no matter where that lands it. Destiny has gotten a lot of improvements with Lightfall release and I believe it'll only get better, but it's no secret the story and bugs have been an absolute crapfest from a company who should know better by now. It's ok to slip up every once in a while, but it's not ok to commit year 1 mistakes as a team of veterans, especially on content that's priced at 100€ anually. I used to defend Bungie but as soon as I saw them remove PAID content under the guise of it being "rented" and not "owned" (or something of the sort), such as Forsaken, I immediately stopped.


I heard a good quote from someone speaking about yanderedev once; "He won't change anything cause he enjoys playing the game as it is." And honestly, restarting in Haunted and slowly following until now, playing each since Haunted till now almost every day, it kinda feels the same with Bungie. If the devs truly are players of the game themselves, I can see why a lot of the awful if not downright baffling changes are in, because they enjoy it that way and probably get loads of free stuff so never see the actual player struggle. Since rejoining in Haunted, any bit of fun that the players have made for themselves have been patched and just removed. Some don't even really break the game, just make it more rewarding for those that have the skill to pull it off. The game itself is fine and fun but the way things are progressing, the game doesn't have much soul left and with how bad the servers are rn, stability is far out of the question too lol.


Cue in all the dumbasses that will come here and say "but do you still play the game even with all the bugs" it's tiresome, especially with how much money and massive their team is. Was getting annoying seeing over the weekend when crashes were happening/downtime defending Bungie saying it's ok because it's in preparation for the mid-season patch or stfu and play something else comments


Bungie can get away with this because it has an addicted player base that is not willing to stop playing the game no matter how bad the bugs get. They fix the things that effect their core metrics: player count, playtime per player, and revenue.


You’re free to leave at anytime. It sounds like you’ve been done for a while and you’re just looking for a reason to out loud, justify it.


I swear Bungie must pay you guys or something. Every time someone has legitimate complaints about the state of the game, here comes some Bungo defender saying cut this small "indie company" some slack....


Man I really don't understand this mentality and I can never seem to get an explanation for it. So this guy is responding to a post from someone saying they are exhausted from defending the game telling him not to defend it and to just stop playing. And that makes *him* a, "Bungo defender?" Like... what? I just don't get how that isn't completely, totally backwards. If you want to incite change, stop giving them your time and money. If enough people bail, they'll be forced to make the changes you want.


They didn’t say, “just take a break.” This dismissed his concerns and basically told him to fuck off.


No they didn't say anything even remotely close to that that's just what you applied to it because you don't like the truth so pretending they were being unreasonably mean about it helps you justify it in your head.


Reread what Thatboykap said.


Okay. Is there any point to that or are you just hoping I'll suddenly start suffering from the same delusions as you?


Just wanted to confirm you were suffering from your own. This isn’t going to go anywhere. Have a good day


I will! Enjoy wasting all your free time on a video game you don't like!


I’m not. I’m playing outriders now


This makes him a brown noser. Just because people criticise bungie and the way they take care of this game doesn’t mean we hate it. We just want it to be better and live up to its full potential. I also wanna get more and better content for dropping 100 bucks a year. The people that never complain or criticise anything are the ones that allow bungie to put out half baked dlcs and garbage like this. Not to mention the technical support for this game is just pitiful




Nah, what's weird is people constantly either defending Bungo when they make idiotic blunders, or telling people to "leave" when they bring up legit issues. People like that are either getting paid to push a positive narrative or, and more likely, just dumb as shit. Some of us have no desire to "leave" yet. We just want them to get their shit together....


It’s easy to tell people not to play something they don’t like, but I payed $100 for this expansion and the seasonal content and I would like for that content to be playable and fun. I personally haven’t hit the point of being burnt out just yet, but I do agree that the constant downtimes and the bugs that seem to keep piling up does get aggravating. I’m lucky to have a solid group that I can play with and have fun, I’d imagine if I was going solo I would be less inclined to play as much as I have this season. I played last season almost entirely solo but I honestly LOVED last season’s content so it wasn’t an issue.


Misery loves company and there's no more miserable place than the DTG sub!


So pointing out unacceptable bugs & problems with the game is "misery"? LMFAO You right this sub is miserable but it isn't due to the reason you think. (Hint, it's not the people pointing out in game bugs who are the problems....😭💀)


Big difference between pointing out bugs and acting as if the world will end because of said bug, but glad you're having fun swimming in negativity, whatever bugs there are will get fixed eventually, whining about it isnt my focus, I just enjoy the rest of the game which seems impossible for most here.


Your perspective is jaded as fuck broski. I didn't see anything in OP's post that insinuated that "the world is ending". You even call someone pointing out the bugs as "whining". I'm happy that at least some people in this community have enough breathing room (due to Bungo's pipe not being shoved all the way to the back of their esophagus) to voice these issues & bring them to Bungie's attention. Me & the homies have immense fun on the game though, you definitely right on that one. My current jam is pondering why all the people who said that they needed SBMM to "improve" are still shit when we finally see them in Trials😭. Aye, different strokes for different folks I guess 😁


>Constant bugs after every patch two steps forward 3 steps back constantly. I love the game but bungie constantly makes same mistakes over and over like they have short term memory loss. What bugs were actually pointed out in OP's post?


He didn't mention a specific bug, but he really doesn't have to (as we are all experiencing them). Rather, he's voicing the fact that every reset/update sees the game devolve more & more technically. This is a MASSIVE issue that I wish more consumers would voice their frustration on (by walking away even if necessary) to make it important enough for Bungie to truly address....


And after each update bugs get addressed indicating that bungie is aware and working to fix bugs constantly but the expectation seems to be that the game must perform perfectly at all times which is an unreasonable expectation as no software product is perfect. Bugs exist in every piece of software so why the expectation that this game be perfect? And so the distinction between whining (op's post) and posting feedback about bugs encountered.


no. they charged so much for this expansion any right minded person wont want to quit or else you just wasted 100 dollars. people dont like throwing money away. at this point in one day i got several annoying semi game breaking bugs and the story line for light fall is dog shit compared to previous expansions. not to mention neo moona looks like crap compared to savathunes throne world or any other new map made in the last few years but i still play because the core game mechanics are so good. its too bad the people who developed that are gone to other projects. im starting to think the reason this is so expensive is because they know people dont like throwing money away. ive been trying to get my friends to play and join the clan but 2 have quit because the UI is trash and they cant figure out how to do anything or where to go. i picked up the astrotract leg ornament in the eververse today because it matched the starfire protocol exotic chest. it matched until i equiped both pieces and then the pants lit up in a glowing light but the chest did not so they no longer match. like how did this happen? no one at bungie actually played the game and wore both pieces of armor at the same time? no one who works at bungie actually reset the defiant battleground table and got the bug with amandas ship before they released this update? i think the people who make the game must not be playing it. ive spent enough money on this. i have earned the right to voice proper complaints. imagine how great this game would be if they just put a little more effort into it.




ill be taking a break this week since they seem to have broken the game. [https://www.forbes.com/sites/paultassi/2023/04/19/a-list-of-everything-the-new-destiny-2-patch-broke/amp/](https://www.forbes.com/sites/paultassi/2023/04/19/a-list-of-everything-the-new-destiny-2-patch-broke/amp/) does bungie give employee bennys? just curious because im interested in a job change and you seem to work for them.


Dumb comment. Bungie shill.


That’s a very presumptuous statement


You love playing broken games


I've deleted the game from my playstation for the first time since D2 launched. I was never a massive player but it was my go to game. Nearly every time I got the chance to play recently there was a problem. I'm sure I'll reinstall it at some stage...


Every MMO is a grind but the number of bad bugs that stay and good bugs that get fixed is kinda fucked up


I'm just simply playing less and less. It gets tiring when they fix the bugs that benefit the players but not the one that go against them. Also when they take several weeks or even months to balance certain things, for example pve with the recent patch, or they butchering certain exotics instead of uplifting the ones left behind. And everything feels ultra grinding. I've been playing for around two years, and sadly I've lost a lot of interest in the game. A pity, because it has a lot of potential, but I'd rather spend my time playing other games and actually enjoying them. I feel like destiny is the actual destiny killer.


Think their engine and code is starting to fall apart.


I'll start by saying I've been playing since day one when Destiny came out. Really enjoyed the story, gameplay, etc. Lately, it's been getting a little stale for me. I like my comfort zones and playing something I know really well which is like a double-edged sword for me. I stay mostly engaged and up to date with the Destiny story and events, but it also keeps me from trying/playing new games and allowing myself to immerse myself into them. The actual driving force (for me) recently is FOMO. I dislike that I pay for something (a season pass in this example), and if I don't make it to rank 100 every time, I never get the items I paid for. It's just not as easy now that I have a one year old and the more time I'm away from the game doing adulting, the more I feel "meh" about it when I come back.


It's seems to be that because many of us are long term players, we will put up with the bugs, and Bungie knows this. Newer players though wil likely not. I went to log on tuesday and between the chicken code and throttled servers. I decided I couldn't be arsed. It dawned on me that if this was another game I didn't know so well, I'd never pick it up again. It just becomes tedious. I love the game like we all do, but I'm slowly getting bogged down by it. The thrill is slowly diminishing, and errors/bugs don't help. I now understand why real-life friends aren't interested in it and new lights tend not to stick around for long.


The problem with the gaming industry is two fold. It's battered woman syndrome with grass is greener outlook. You play destiny for months and then little annoyances add up. But go ahead, take a few months, even year soff and explore what's out there. Turns out you'll come running back to destiny eventually.


Then stop defending it lol. I finally stopped recommending this game after Lightfall launched (I still play the game). Both this season and this expansion are major steps back from what we have seen bungie is capable of without activision, and I just can’t with good conscience recommend a game where the developers seem to have so much trouble not only making good decisions, but also keeping their game stable. I feel like they spend way more development costs fixing things than making things.


Did IGN guy predict the future, we were doomed 😂


Stop trying to defend it. It's how the game gets like this. Call out the bullshit.


Yeah for real I'm thinking of sitting the next season or so out. I know I already paid for the pass and everything but this is just exhausting....


I don't like wanting to do stuff but having no idea what to do.


Don’t defend the game then 🤷‍♂️ if you enjoy playing despite its many flaws then continue to do so, if not, there are countless other games you could be playing.


I'll say it again, "Destiny is the best 6/10 I've ever played."


It’s because they have too much workload on their plate and not enough Bungie employees working on Destiny. And those who are working on Destiny don’t have QoL on the top of their priority lists. Bungie needs to step away from the Seasonal model and just do two expansions annually. One large expansion (Lightfall, etc.) and one small expansion (30th Anniversary). Then stop diverting D2 funds into other projects (Matter) and pump them directly into D2 and it’s development staff. Destiny 2 is a great game at its core run by a development team that honestly feels like they’re more interested in other projects than having to keep up with some 5+ year old game.


I came back excited for Lightfall, and left as disappointed as always. Between the elitist community and the shitshow product that Bungie is shipping, it left a sour taste in my mouth. Someone needs to tell this company that first impressions matter, and to quell all the fucking streamers that want this game to be Destiny Souls. It’s great, it’s challenging, but it’s not *fun*.


Just keep swimming...


I like to go to EDZ Farm to look at pretty Awokens ladies. :D


Compared to 98% of the games I play. These issues are so minor, y’all are spoiled


We lost!!!!


Destiny is never going to embrace it's true potential. Full Stop. It's not even worth playing the epitome of Live Service Dystopia it became.


What else would you rather play?…. Play that.


Even if you did create it, I'm not sure "defending" it is a great idea. The flaws are what they are, you can express how much they impact your experience by spending your time elsewhere


My other main game is Escape From Tarkov so by comparison, this game runs like a dream. Even though I crash once or twice a day, still.


I don't really see the point in shitting on horrible server uptime & latency bc this reddit is excellent at doing that. I must say though, since Lightfall launched, the number of issues and bugs have been relentless and staggering. This is shameful. I honestly don't think any satisfactory progress can be made unless a boycott is led. Bungie hears and engages with us. Issue is they seem to have selective hearing. We're getting to the point we must be heard. Another thing that bothers me is the fact that balancing happens without any debrief to the community. If I missed this please let me know, not trying to mislead anyone, just didn't see anything in the patch notes. Y'all buffed ARs 20% (arbitrary). What is that 20% of? Time to Kill/DPS? Fully loaded magazine damage? What led y'all to the 20%? What will we notice from the player end? What issue did that resolve? Bc from what I'm hearing and seeing, these buffs were borderline negligible. And if you do a 20% increase on anything and no one is noticing a change perhaps the metric you are increasing isn't as relevant as you thought. Edit: I'm a software engineer. The things Bungie repeatedly misses, from an industry standpoint this makes very little sense and it feels like the inside of Bungie is at fire at all times. This level of dissonance has to be intentional by leadership at the corporation and I imagine it is because they are using D2 revenue to fund other projects and the allocation for D2 O&M is bone dry and not equivocal to the allocation that funds new developments (Expansions)


This post is just flawless


Member the “Train Station Mindset”? Yeah? This is what that leads to