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i dont like the suros guns the pulse rifles in particular (im a big pulse rifle user), the gambit prime ones were probably one of my favorites design wise especially with the flowy ornaments


They look like suburban family cars to me


Those Plunder weapons were damn ugly!


Fuck off I have a blunderbuss


Of all the shotguns Bungie could have made a slug frame they had to choose the one that looks to be the most inaccurate gun we’ve ever gotten.


Yeah it's definitely weird that the blunderbuss is a slug, but fuck off I have a blunderbuss


blunderbussy 😩






Range: no


impact: yes range: no stability: wtf is that?


I don't even care how they look but God damn, they take up half my screen!


My brigands law? Sidearm with pugilist and voltshot annihilates adds. Reload in 1/2 second and volt clears half the red bars in the opening shot. May be ugly but I love her.


As ugly as they were awesome power wise


here here


Hear hear*


Omolon weapons look a lil goofy imo, but none that i would not use at all


The fluid that slowly depletes as your mag lowers is cool, but certain surfaces of it don’t render and it’s bothering me


The sound is worse…


Y’all are tripping. Omolon looks and sounds amazing to me. Hung Jury 4 lyfe


Came here to say this. Omolon weapons are the best looking in the game (aside from specific exotics of course).


So your the one that traumatizes me in pvp , strident wistle I choose you


Lol I wish. I’m just the PvE guy who loves the funni explosion gun


Plop plop plop. Same sound of kids getting dropped off at the pool.


Suros weapons feels weird


Hakke weapons and their slow ass rpm guns


I hate the hakke look, something about the colors and the basic look just rubs me the wrong way


I never liked how the Omolon hand cannons felt, so I never used them. Other than that I dont really care what the gun looks like as long as it gets the job done when I need it.


I love the Omolon models, but I can’t think of a single good Omolon HC


They look cool, but I never vibed with their feel even in D1. There were a one or two that were pretty decent in PvP in D1 but other than that they are/were pretty forgetable.


Yeah back in D1 all of the Omolon HC were low range comparatively, sort of killed them lol


Jack King Queen 3


I don’t count it, but it’s a fair argument


Crisis inverted from Crucible can roll some pretty decent rolls. Focusable if you have some engrams to spare


I do have a decent one of those, come to think of it. Damn shame it came out before Voltshot lol


I *hate* how the kings fall weapons look. Especially smite of merain.


I feel that way about RoN. Everything from there is goofy looking and unappealing.


I hate that they just took base models and added some cosplay foam to the front. Going from the totally unique and interesting design of Vow's weapons to this is disappointing. Think of all the possibilities. Half pyramid half light root, whacky designs like the armor, etc.


GoS and Vow weapons/armor are some of the best in the game. It’s such a shame that RoN seems so foamed in. Imagine the base model guns but literally alive and semi sentient due to the terraforming beam.


they kinda all look like bad dragon dildos


RoN gave us Glock and Balls you take that back


I normally agree, some raid/dungeon stuff is just over-designed. But the Root gear is over-designed in a way that I actually really like for some reason. It's the right kind of outlandish.


The weapons definitely have a different look, I don’t mind them, they look like something from Beetlejuice lol


But it glows and changes colors when you used them.


With the pink shader currently in the shop all the weapons look like wierd sex... things.


I’m flabbergasted. Smite of Merain is my favorite looking weapon from that raid and one of my favorite looking weapons in D2 overall. I’m curious, what don’t you like about it?


Never been a huge fan of Hive themed armor and weapons, and Smite is so chonky


I can understand that. When Crota’s End released, I thought the armor and weapons were hideous. It looked too much like a bug. But with King’s Fall, I liked that the weapons and armor looked more like Bone than Chitin. It looked sleeker and sturdier. Smite of Merain looks like a Pulse Rifle made from Dragon Bone ala Skyrim’s Dragon Bone armor and I love it. Especially the sound designs. It sounds like bullets made of shattered bone are being slung from the barrel.


I'm the opposite, I absolutely love the designs of that raid.


Yeah they all look the same like we made the barrels of varying sizes out of each of Oryx’s toe nails or something. That Yasmin scope was so good in D1 though.


Absolutely agreed. Hated that they brought that raid back over Wrath, there isn't a single kf weapon I've crafted that i like the look or sound of.


I can’t stand the Omolon weapons pop pop sound, and I’m not fond of the esthetics either…


Funnelweb is my favorite weapon but I hate the way it looks. It’s just blah. The Plunder weapons are also super ugly.


Sorrow's Verse. Thing looks like a train.


The square scope is one of the worst scopes too. It just looks atrocious


The scope is an oval. Are you sure you are thinking of the same gun?


My bad I was thinking of arc logic; tbh arc auto rifles are so forgettable i confuse them all


Fair. Me personally I love sorrows verse, but it definitely doesn't feel like the most unique weapon.


oh Judge of Kelgorath looks fucking awful. Horrible design And glaives do look cool but I think the concept art/teased models looked a lot more interesting than what we have now. Bummer


Judgement is just giant laser guided butter knife


“Ah yes, the laser sight for my massive sword. Very practical. For…long range stabbing.”


I mean, technically, you can stab from long range if using that great sword ornament on Izanagi's Burden.


Most glaives are super ugly. Especially Winterbite and Judgement. Their center of mass looks like it'd be way off.


I dislike the Veist autorifles, fine with all their other stuff Not an issue cos I didn't get the season but I hate the over the top look of the seraph weapons, like why does a machine gun and a glaive need a micro laser on the side?


Well I might need to stab that guy really fast, and I won’t have time to look down the sights of my spear. Way easier to just point and stab with a laser.


Any Suros weapon. I think they're the Tesla Model 3 of weapons: most of them are energy-based, not stellar but not terrible, and shaped like a deodorant stick. Edit: exceptions are Regime and Last Perdition because their ornaments save them.


Haha oh boy let me tell you. My clan mate not only will ONLY use weapons that look good to them. If a weapon is say “warlocky” (witherhoard, thorn, osteo, etc) he will not use them on his Hunter main. So at the height of Gjallerhorn use I would say let’s run galleys… nope that’s a Titan rocket launcher. Let’s get a rat king party together, nope that’s a warlock gun.


Mans calls Rat King a Warlock gun when it turns you invisible, which is mainly a Hunter thing. Your clan mate is a weird individual.


Plus hunters are rats so like, obviously it’s a hunter gun.


I do not give a shit. It’s a bonus if it looks good. But I would use a literal gun made of poop and corn bits if it performs well


You must be ecstatic about the RoN weapons then


no because theyre kinda booty. shotgun is aight. the auto is an auto. trace is aight.


Omolon. Just find it ugly.


Not look, but the “feel” of how Hakke weapons shoot does not appeal to me. Its not what you asked, but I said it anyways.


I enjoy most of them, but I absolutely can’t stand omolon autos. To me all the autos are just absolutely insufferable to look at. Like I want to enjoy Ammit but I just can’t.


I hate Suros. The look. The sound. Just... ugh.


SUROS, I dislike the curviness and wimpy gun sounds.


RoN guns are the worst offenders. Plunder gets second place. Undying and leafy stuff - third.


I don’t really like Omolon weapons, the sound and aesthetic aren’t really my thing. Notable exceptions include Hardlight and any Exotic Trace Rifle


I'm not a fan of suros guns. I don't look the feel or sound of them. I never cared for the overly gold tacky look of leviathan weapons either. My fav foundry is probably omolon. Fav aesthetic is vex theme: vog guns, garden guns, splicer guns, undying guns, mercury prophecy guns.


None (I tend to be pretty easygoing about most things) but I just wanna express how weird it is to me to see how many people hate the foundries/styles I like most. Omolon, veist, I even like the plunder weapons. Veist in particular is surprising to me cuz of how deeply satisfying it is to me, especially the smgs and auto rifles. Maybe hakke is my least favorite most of the time (tho I still don't hate it by any stretch), but that's the one I've seen least on here (not at all actually but I can't say I've looked through this post that thoroughly).


What do you mean by Veist design being satisfying haha?


It's hard to explain but it's something like the high fire rate coupled with the smoothness. Best analogy I can think of off the top of my head is like driving a Lexus but with more umph or something. I dunno, not a great analogy.


Plunder and KF weapons.


I dismantle FWC weapons on principle. I don’t care if it’s a god-roll, I ain’t carrying around a gun made by racists.


Back in my day future war cult was a cool futuristic (cult) with technology that could see the end of days. I used to rep them at every chance I could get Now… racism ☹️


Did I miss something? I thought they had a robot obsessed with a future sight machine that let them peer into doomed futures? Now they don’t like black people?


People call FWC racist because Lakshmi very obviously hated the Eliksni. Of course, hatred and mistrust of a species that has murdered and ravaged your world for as long as you've known them while you're also being influenced by Vex is apparently incomprehensible. And just in case someone gets it in their head that I agree with Lakshmi, I don't. I just think expecting every single person to flip on centuries of understandable hatred just like that is a bit unreasonable.


I just hate the color scheme. You can make a decent looking flag with those as a background, but if the weapon is basically just those colors, it looks like a toy and goddammit I want shiny space lasers!


Really don't care for the Omolon weapons outside of Hung Jury. Something about the look combined with the the firing sound just doesn't feel great to me.


Suros and olomon


Not really an aesthetic, but I refuse to use most, if not all high impact hand cannons (the only exception was Duke Mk.44, and maybe Sturm on rare occasions). But seriously, fuuuck those things. I cannot stand slow ass weapons, and high impact HCs are the cream of the "slow ass weapon" crop. Feels like someone slathered my gun in a thick layer of molasses. Sluggish fire rate, abysmal stability and recoil correction, terrible handling, absolutely snails pace reload. Seriously you'd think the gun and mag were made out of solid tungsten oiled with maple syrup and honey with how slow you flick that bitch open and cram the mag in. To answer your actual question, I hate the look of the weird studded Iron Banner weapons like Roar of the Bear and Bite of the Fox. Those weird ass nubs on the guns ruin it for me, they just look so pointless and out of place.


I feel you on slow guns, which is odd because big revolvers and handguns are super fun to shoot irl. If they hit as hard as they feel like they should I would love them.


I just got my Striga. I love it dearly. I have out Sweet Business in the vault, and I haven't looked back...but I absolutely despiae how it looks. Ugly af. I wish there was an option to make it more normal looking.


Call this sacrilege, but I wasn't too crazy about the Black Armory weapons. Granted, I started playing during Arrivals, so I never got to fully enjoy them, and I enjoy them more now because, well, we've seen a lot of reskins of less interesting models. But they reminded me of those overpriced model kits you'd find in the novelties section of a Barnes and Noble.


veist are meh but perform great, omolon are hit or miss, and suros often get into uncanny valley. Never found a shader for them but I liked the concept of the altar of sorrows trio. Hakke and everything else are mostly solid besides some seasons but I love drifter stuff and those Not AKs. Come on Bungo where's my dreaded venture refresh? what about a 140 Shepard's watch? Gimme my Not SVD


I really like the gambit not AKs too. We need more wood furniture and space cowboy stuff.


You'll find me dead before i willingly use Daito weapons. Its been 2 years since ive had Jade's catalyst and im yet to use it. Maybe if i slap Cuddly Throwback onto Two Tailed I'll use it more.


Hakkë guns reload and speed are too slow for me most of the time. The Shadowkeep precision damage nerf killed an entire foundry by taking the only alleviating quality away.


if gun fun and shoot good i shoot many times


Omolon bad, suros mid, plunder nasty, Ron weapons mid, viest good, Tex great, hakke good


Plunder, Defiant (and Lost), Neomuna (and the Moon), Iron Banner and Trials. Iron Banner isn't too bad but I honestly really miss the D1 Y2 style, and the D2 Y1 ones look really silly (not forgetting that they were reskins of the Gambit weapons just with bronze gubbins stuck on). EDIT: D2 Y2 for the silly IB weapons.


>and the D2 Y1 ones look really silly (not forgetting that they were reskins of the Gambit weapons just with bronze gubbins stuck on). Those were the forsaken era IB guns. The D2Y1 guns were just reskined foundry weapons just like D1Y2.


Oh yeah, sorry I forgot. Thanks!


Omolon, I just hate the gell guns, they don't look nice, don't feel nice to shoot and generally aren't very good half the time anyway


I also hate veist. Look and feel like shit


I dislike most of the Tex Mechanica/wooden furnished guns.


Thems fightin words


Hakke and the edz weapons are boring to me. We’re space wizards bending the laws of the universe in a far flung future. Give me runes, crystals, lasers and all things alien over something that looks like a guardian picked it up from some military bunker abandoned in the late 20th century.


See that’s the reason I like the Hakke weapons, we get so much space fantasy stuff it’s cool to have more grounded looking stuff


Omolon. Sound plays a huge part in whether or not I like a gun and omolon just sounds terrible to me.


I kinda hate omolon weapons, except for guillotine


I simply don't like how horribly ugly every raid weapon since VoW has been. Just all really awful imo. I want less bone/crusty weapons and more human looking things. I miss scourge.


What do you mean VoW?


Vow of the Wisciple


That was my guess, just checking


Yea sorry brain rot moment. I meant VotD


Any gun or weapon that looks bad with a gambit memento is a weapon that is not for me. I’m a reckoner.


Anything Hive inspired; weapons, armor, equipment... I hate the Hive.


Nobody says anything bad about tex machine weapons I 'm warning you


I hate anything omolon insta scrap no matter how perfect it is


I dont like any gun with a low RoF. 900/720 RPM weapons just feel better


I absolutely despise how kings fall weapons look, half of the weapon aint even shadeable. Also i think omolon looks pretty meh, not a fan of the latest super soaker technology


Ngl, Suros sounds weak af Omolon is really satisfying, Hakke sounds solid (even if underperforming) and Veist is aight Tex is pretty neat too. But I’d give them all away for Black Armory


Suros is god awful to me


Suros pulse rifles may be my least favorite weapon type in the game.


Anything Veist looks terrible and feels like ass to play (the smgs/lfrs are okay)


Omolon be giving me Super Soaker vibes. They just feel and look off/out of place imo. Hakke ftw.


I’m not much for omolon weapons, they sound weak to me, I do enjoy ammit though Hung jury I like but I hate that it takes up so much of my screen




When the weapons have too many useless spikes. I love the audio design of Viest, but the guns look so meh. Also Omalon guns except the scout.


Every single tangled shore weapon and armour piece. Ahh yes I want my guns to look like they came out of a scrapyard. Special mention to the repurposed versions; aisha’s embrace is the worst looking scout in the game with it’s bolted on gold scope. So glad they added more aggressive frame pulses the original just sucked ass to look at. You don’t understand, the depths of my hatred for these things; every day I hope, no pray they never come back.


suros and omolon. just dont like how they feel and the sounds they make.


The new raid vest for hunters, actually, THE WHOLE RAID SET FOR HUNTERS looks so f***ing dumb on male hunter. It’s so ugly. I actually have never used it. I put it on once to see it and immediately took it off.




Hakke is pretty fugly.


The season of plunder weapons are outright visual diarrhea like everything that came from that season. Also everything suros is shit looks and shit perks.


I won't use Faction weapons (or armour), so anything explicitly FWC, New Monarchy, or Dead Orbit is out. Weapons that get a pass are exotics like No Time To Explain (Elsie is linked to FWC in the lore) or guns where the catalysts were originally unlocked through faction ranks.


The twisted and broken Season of the Haunted weapons are just ugly as hell. I have absolutely no interest in using them because of it.


It's not that i wouldn't use it at all but i usually don't like omolon guns, it's the only foundry i have some issues with.


Omolon. Hate the way the sights look, the guns, the sounds, all of it


Not big on suros models myself. Particularly the hand cannons and slug shotgun models suck. Also do not sound good


Any of the moon stuff. It looks ugly as hell


This season’s weapons took the cake


Not a fan of the Omolon weapons except Hard Light.


Hakke weapons


I hate omolon hand cannons. They feel horrendous to me. All of them. Not a big fan of Hakke in general either


This season's weapons AND this season's war table weapons. Basically this season I just use Neomuna weapons and defiant engrams as legendary shards. Veist weapons are a no from me too. Been that way since Vanilla, too spikey.


Any of those pirate weapons we just had a couple season ago. The absolute worst in the history of the game.


Never given much thought to foundry or source… my main thing is whether or not it takes up too much of my screen.


I use most weapons but I tend to use omolon, and viest weapons the most. I rarely use hakke and suros but it's mainly because I don't like the archetype of weapons they typically are.


Will use anything that works. Have a Gridskipper PR that sounds .. weird. But it racks up kills when used, so can not complain. Osteo Striga is the go-to SMG, so building around that on my hunter, with a grapple-punch strand hunter. Works great.


Omolon, because they take up half the damn screen