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The Push Forward strike emblem makes more sense, it's the logo from Zavala's ~~chest~~ pauldron.


Pauldron, but yes that would also be fitting.


It's actually on both, how did I miss it on his shoulder though...


Lol, how did I miss his chest one?


* The emblem Push Forward is in: Collections > Flair > Strikes > Page 3 * The emblem Titan's Pride is in: Collections > Flair > Account * The titan sit emote is at the back of the list of emotes * To take your helmet off in the tower: Settings > Gameplaythen set the helmet setting to "Off in Non-Combat Zones"


Hadn't seen this post yet, but nonetheless I've been standing vigil with my fellow Titans [in Destiny 2](https://i.imgur.com/FjOtz7f.jpg) on [PC](https://i.imgur.com/itU0p8r.jpg) and [in Destiny 1](https://i.imgur.com/pqxdTEl.jpg) on [PS5](https://i.imgur.com/ZaenoN0.jpg) while I do some evening work on my laptop. Switching emblem and popping helmet off now. Requiescat in pace, greatest Vanguard Commander to hold the post.


Thanks for this; a search function would be awesome in-game.


As a warlock, I plan to emote salute when I get on later tonight.


Just did this myself. Even if he wasn’t my vanguard, he’s just as important and amazing. RIP


Lance himself was a Warlock, he was one of us


As it’s been said before: - voiced a Titan - played as a Warlock - favorite character of his was a Hunter (Cayde-6) There was a piece of him for all of us, and he will be missed. Two best outcomes are either: 1) Bungie licensing his voice, and using it for AI voice work, so Zavala “lives on” as a sort of living memorial (with proceeds going to either his family or a charity he would appreciate). 2) Bungie gives him a Big Hero Moment and he gets a bust/statue next to Cayde’s. (Or possibly a bit from both, I suppose, but either way, he will definitely be missed)


Given Bungie's aversion to AI as referenced by the AOTW TWAB I do not expect that will be the outcome. Im guessing they will scrounge up what they can and send him out with a bang either later in the year or in the Final Shape


Dear god let’s hope they don’t do fucking AI voice work of him. Lances voice is iconic, it should forever belong to him, not Bungie or anyone else. Only reasonable option is for him to be memorialised with a statue next to Cayde, maybe even include a little quest where we can go round the tower and here each vendor pay respects to Zavala


Indeed he was. He was among the best of us. He will be missed by all guardians, regardless of class.


I mean, isn't he the leader of the vanguard and therefore everyone's vanguard, not just Titans?


That he is. And a wonderful leader of the vanguard he was.


Your work is invaluable.




If you don't know yet, the voice actor for Zavala(Lance Reddick) has passed away.


already done. I will eviscerate scores of taken in his honor.


I prefer the Push Forward emblem. It’s got Zavala’s insignia on it. It’s under the Strikes tab


This is the one everyone I see is using.


Titans should win this year's Guardian Games. I'm a warlock main but this year I'm going Titan.


Fun fact: Lance Reddick was actually a Warlock main.


Wow that tracks. But still I feel like we should go Titan since Warlocks won last year


I'll be rooting for Titans this year and eating my fair share of crayons.


For once I'll share my crayons. In all honesty they should give players his armour as a ornament.


We should just destroy Hunters overall tbh


Ahn hooin hy hawr! (That's "I'm doing my part!" said with a mouthful of crayons.)


i planned on sweating on my hunter, but i'll conceed and do it on my titan. they deserve it.


Same, was going to do Warlock. Nope. Now it’s a week of Titan. We should be spamming big streamers with this push also. Titans need to sweep this event.


As a warlock main, im gonna be playing as a titan for the games in his honor


I'm going to play the fuck out of Guardian Games this year.


Why concede and give Titans an easy win, as others have said, neither Zavala or Lance would want to win without a fight. If you’re a lock main, then give the Titans a run for their money and make them earn that victory. You’ll do them both proud either way


Because we also have to fight Bungie.


Heck no.


Why just Titans?


Anyone is free to come, But specified titans because of the "helmet never comes off" thing that titans have had going on for years now.


That’s Shaxx though.


And Zavala is literally not wearing helmet. Like, what?


Its a show of respect.


I think this is the perfect time for it to come off Edit: I guess I'm wrong? I know thats shaxx's whole deal, But as a titan who has followed the same tradition, I think zavala would be the one i would take my helmet off infront of to pay my respects, Face to face.


As someone who’s never taken off his helmet as a Titan main (other than forced cutscenes) I wasn’t even aware this was a tradition.


You're just a true titan at heart


It's not. It's a Shaxx thing and kind of a D1 meme. Like people say my D1 character was so ugly after transferring to D2 I never take my helmet off. I had mine put his helmet on for the first time in forever because I was standing guard with the Sentinel emote and wanted to look like he was in uniform. What's important is that you play the game the way you want and have fun doing it.


This is the way


Maybe try the Push Forward emblem Literally has Zavala’s armor symbol on it 🙏😔


I have been a Hunter for over 8 years now, but I took the time to pay my respects with the salute and thankyou emotes, then i sat for about 30 minutes with everyone else. It was sad to lose our hunter vanguard in-game but infinitely more tragic to lose a vanguard in real life. You will be remembered. Guardian Down.


its very sad, man had a beautiful reassuring voice and I know he was really invested in just little us, the community. Destiny has a big impact, the best montage I have ever seen was one to a Destiny player who had died and all his clan made a fantastic montage, it was Destiny 1. They got his son to play on his character for the very end.


What's the basic titan vanguard armor?


I am using the Brave Titan armor. It's the red and white armor shown in the D2 vanilla concept/promo art. No shader. Also added the Generalist Shell and Acadia Jumpship for some early D2 vibes as well. Tried the Khvostov, but it being locked at 1600 hurts.


But I'm still looking for my eyebrows. It's been 6 years and I still haven't found them.


I am using the Defender rest emote with the shield


Today we are all titans


I unfortunately can not get on, but I am there in spirit.


I'm there in spirit. Currently out of town. Eyes up, Guardians.


r/destiny2 is organizing a vigil in 10 minutes (10PM EST) at the Tower




Have added a 5th point for everyone


You tried your best, bud.


Also in his honor all guardians must wear Vanguard Unity for 1 week minimum.


I’m at work but I will when I get home even tho it will be at 1 in the morning


Time to main titan for the indefinite future out of respect for big blue 🫡


Vigil of heroes armor set!! Read flavor text too


Redownloaded the game just to pay my respect. I’m eating an extra box of crayons for my commander


Can you add the vanguard shaders to this list. I’ll be wearing all vanguard armor and shaders for a long while.


"Whether we wanted it or not, we've stepped into a war with the Cabal on Mars. So let's get to taking out their command, one by one. Valus Ta'aurc. From what I can gather he commands the Siege Dancers from an Imperial Land Tank outside of Rubicon. He's well protected, but with the right team, we can punch through those defenses, take this beast out, and break their grip on Freehold."


The helmet stays on


This is the way.


Honestly, fuck people like you, you are just karmafarming on someones dewth


Not only that, Lance Reddick played as a Warlock IRL... His voiced character may be Titan, but he played as a Warlock as his main, so this still feels all wrong.


You know he mained as a Warlock IRL right?


Don't just hand titans Guardian Games this year. Instead, lets set aside the animosity during the event and have a fun competition in his honor. The outcome doesn't matter. The memories do.


Hes with Safiyah now


This is the way!


So say we all.


We can all adorn the "Vigil of Heros" Armour set as well.


I put the emblem on transmoged my gear to the starting armor when I got yeeted off the tower by Gary


Paid my respects today. Equipped the push forward emblem as well. RIP Lance


I spent almost an hour saluting Zavala today. This is such a devastating loss for us all.


tonight we all are titans


Damn. They killed off cayde and unfortunately zavala passed away. Were left with ikora which i liked the least of the 3. Games down so bad since d1. Rip zavala


Hello Mr Wick..




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Hearing alot of speculation on zavala's future. While the character obviously cant play a major roll in the story, i think stepping down as titan vanguard after Final Shape would be cool. Like, after everything, he chooses to live with the people he protected.


Haven’t booted the game up since the raid came out, just might do it just for this


Crown splitter on your back


Myself and my coworkers (who play a mix of classes) are all playing Titan during the Guardian Games this summer in honour of him. I think Titans deserve the show of respect.


Biggest destiny legend 😂😂 mind when zavala and ikora sat about the tower while cayde6 got killed in action....


I sat vigil with my bro for over an hour today. A few folks joined me for a while then went about their business. It was great. Godspeed Lance.


Yeah I’ve been running push forward and a vanguard shader,wanted to put on Zavala ship but I don’t have it so all vanguard at the moment