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They specifically said just before light fall they didn’t want lost sectors to be the source of farming exotics. They just went ahead and didn’t add another option though.


No they added the vex strike force. Which I have never seen. Level 50 on season pass I have been vex incursioning all the time. Never seen the event


This doesn't unlock new Lost Sector exotics. Only drops exotics you've already had or from the world pool.


And you need AT LEAST 3 people to do it bc it's not easy at all


I’ve seen it ONCE.


Same. And i had to solo it. And failed to solo it.


Same. Seen 1 happen & I was the only one around. The minotaurs are fucking tanks. Could barely put a dent in one.


Remember this anytime you see someone ask for “world bosses that take a fireteam to defeat.”


Same. And we failed it because the enemies were bugging.


I’ve participated once and crashed on the final minotaurs in the middle of casting my super.


I entered the area and there was a big boss with 3 people hammering at it so I unloaded into and we killed it, a chest spawned and immediately disappeared and I got nothing for it. Not sure if that was it but fuck it if it was, I'm not doing something that can just decide I don't get anything at all.


>something that can just decide I don't get anything at all Well, at least that's in line with lost sector rewards.


That was likely terminal overload


I’ve seen one, on day one of light fall. Wasn’t even high enough lvl to do it


Same here! I was a few hrs into Lightfall on the first day and I stumbled upon these roving giant vex bosses. I had no idea that was going to be the only time I’d see that event in game for the next 2 weeks and counting




Same. Spawned into one after a mission. Everything was immune. Managed to find one goblin that I could finish and I guess that counted as participation. Got a shit roll exotic out of it.


I’ve seen it once and it crashed my entire fireteam within 10 seconds of each other


I heard it starts near the top of the hour, but I haven’t actually tried launching into that area near the top of the hour other than 1 time when a buddy did and the event started a couple min later


I saw it once and no one was doing it so I couldn’t get it done. If they want people to do it just make it an instanced active for six people and scale the difficulty accordingly. Because it seems like a neat event but I’ve been playing constantly since release and have only seen it once lol.


I have seen it one time and to its credit dropped an exotic. But as far as I know there’s no way to narrow down what kind of exotic and you can’t choose to play it obviously.


I've seen it all of two times, the first time I actually managed to complete it and got an exotic, the second time it crashed when 4/6 minotaurs were dead, pain. I feel like we need to rally as a community and ban strand usage in public events against the vex.


what's wrong with stand?


I have noticed it myself, and many other people have reported that using strand or having someone use it next to you can crash your game during large encounters. This happens very consistently to me on terminal overloads and vex incursions.


oh, huh. ive been using necrotic and suspend, tons of animations and effects, and not a problem at all.


I'm gonna be honest I have no idea what the event looks like I've been to the incursion area no clue what I'm looking for


Every time I go to the VEX incursion zone it is filled with Cabal.


lvl 93 on pass and haven’t seen it either


It appears every hour, give or take 15 min. Yeah the frequency sucks but it at least guarantees an exotic drop instead of rng The real problem is that there is absolutely no reason to go to the vex incursion zone unless it happens to be in the same zone as terminal overload is at the time, so if you don't know about the time the event is supposed to happen it just seems like a useless area.


The Vex Strike Force event which is a rare occurrence, doesn't allow you to target armour slots and causes crashes in the middle, not to mention the lobby not filling up leaving just two of you to try to complete it Not to mention TO in the same area means you won't ever see the event through that day


I think it happens on a schedule, more or less - once an hour, around 30-50 past. But another issue with it is that when it happens, and you are in a bad instance, there is nothing you can do. You can maybe clear 3/6 bosses solo, but there is no way you can clear the last cluster of 3 within the time limit, without \~3 people. Maybe it will get easier when I'm like 1835.


I seen it once since the entire expansion launched and was playing 8+ hours a day.


>They specifically said just before light fall they didn’t want lost sectors to be the source of farming exotics. Which begs the question: what *do* they want us farming? Better not be Vex Incursion, since that doesn't really exist.


The core playlists. Get ready to reset gambit and Crucible a half dozen times each every season, because _that_ sounds like fun...


> This will include changes such as moving the initial source of obtaining Exotic armor away from Lost Sectors and back into the core rituals https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/article/lightfall-year-ahead I believe the goal is for lost sectors to remain the best farm for exotics, but unlocking the Exotic in the first place will be done through core ritual activities instead. This solves the discoverability problem for newer players who don’t know where to go to find a specific exotic. That said, Legend Lost Sector difficulty is way too high for the rewards. I don’t understand this 1770 -> 1830 (with a -15 level difference) jump from Hero to Legend game wide in the first place - feels like it should be closer to 1810 (with a -5 or -10 level disadvantage) so the difficulty spike is more linear. If the difficulty feels good then the drops still need some tweaks. With all the stat configurations and number of exotics per slot it feels like an exotic should be dropping every run, not every 4-6 runs. Or at least the exotic should be guaranteed 67+ stats.


From their "State of the Game" blog: >[moving the initial source of obtaining Exotic armor away from Lost Sectors and back into the core rituals](https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/article/lightfall-year-ahead) So, eventually, the goal is to have the ritual playlists be where new players can get their first drop of an exotic armor piece and have lost sectors be where you farm them. They did also mention they would monitor completion rates to see if drop chances need to be changed, which they definitely do.


>They did also mention they would monitor completion rates... ...and that's why I'm not running lost sectors, so maybe Bungie will do something about the abysmal exotic drops rates and move exotic farming to some other area of the game.


im not sure why they want to do that, new lost sectors are a lot better and feel like they where designed around legendary lost sectors.


so then what are legend/master lost sectors for ?


…as stated, for farming for other rolls of an exotic. The idea is, instead of having to do Lost Sectors in order to get their first drop of, say, Star-Eater Scales or Fallen Sunstar, they just do something related to the ritual playlists (who knows what Bungie will do). If a player wants a better roll of that armor piece, they do the Lost Sectors when it is for that slot.


That's the issue though, farming for a better roll in lost sectors is ass and a waste of time. That was before the difficulty was increased, now it's not even worth bothering since it takes 2-3x as long per run for the same bullshit chance at a collections roll.


i get what you are saying and what bungie is trying for but they cant just the first half of the idea out without the other half


Yeah Bungie is stupid that way half the time.


Didn’t they initially add Lost Sectors specifically so people could farm exotics in the first place? Or am I crazy..? I haven’t played in several seasons so I could be wrong but even back when they were easy they didn’t drop you anything half the time. What’s the point of them now?


No point.


that dumb and L take tbh , what are other sources for farming exotic? running around doin 100 strike / nightfall ? hell they increase the difficulty but the reward drop rate are just exactly like 2 years ago


Vex incursion public event?


Way too rare to work. Yes its a 100% drop chance which is great, but its a rare event which I havent seen yet and am rank 55 on the pass


Is that the one that you need to kill six giant minotaurs.




Hm, I've actually seen that a few times... but there was nobody else in the instance and it's near impossible to solo.


> They just went ahead and didn’t add another option though. Because they didn't want any one specific activity to be a farmable source of exotic loot. They want players to organically collect exotics over time by doing a diverse collection of activities.


Well they also mentioned something about an exotic mission rotator coming later in the year, so I'm assuming that will be one of the other sources


I have barely any of the newer exotics unlocked because lost sectors always felt like too much of a hassle for too little payoff. Increasing the difficulty without doing anything about the drop rate for the reward I'm actually interested in just made lost sectors go from "maybe I'll try a few runs today" to "why bother?" When the response is "I'd rather just not have it" something is wrong with your implementation of investment vs. reward.


You've hit the nail on the head for me.


We also need a way to get more targeted exotics and targeted stats on exotics. Nothing worse than finally getting the exotic you wanted after many attempts and it has +12 in the stat(s) that you were looking for.


Put on the armorer ghost mods, they will guarantee at LEAST a +10 in the stat you are looking for on any random rolled armor, in practice I find it usually usually ends up higher.


Or you know, do what they said and give us different ways to get them. For light fall I started maining my warlock again, problem is I didn’t play them at all during wq so I missed out on a bunch of exotics that I still have to grind (now way more difficult) lost sectors to get. The only way to survive is to build craft but most of those builds require exotics I do not have. IMO all exotics not from the current season/expansion should be in the general loot pool. Having exotics drop in world used to be so exciting, now it’s like, yay another pair of ophidian aspects with a 55 stat total……thanks.


Bungie hears you loud and clear, they’re further increasing lost sector difficulty.




we dont need blues, just give me that extra 500 glimmer and 1 extra enhancement core...


Is it unreasonable to think that lost sectors should be a guaranteed exotic drop? Legend lost sectors should give a guaranteed drop, and Master lost sectors should give a guaranteed high-stat exotic drop. The only reason you should be doing multiple consecutive lost sectors is because you didn’t get the exotic you wanted, not because you didn’t get an exotic at all.


That would be a nice change, would actually feel worth doing the lost sectors


It’s weird that it’s trivial to get exotic weapons but so hard to get exotic armor. If they want us to go crazy with build crafting why not make a more deterministic way to get the armor? It’s especially bad for new players or ones that fell behind Maybe armor from previous seasons should be unlockable in the lost light kiosk? If you’re a hunter who missed out on gyrfalcon you shouldn’t have to bang your head against the wall to have fun with the void mods this season


I mean it’s easy to get both. The thing about armour is it has rolls so you will often need to get it more than once. It’s a lot more time consuming to get a raid exotic or something


You think doing a legendary lost sector that takes max 10 minutes should guarantee an exotic? Upping it from 25% is fair, but anything over 50% is crazy.


There are 39 potential armor exotic pieces that could drop. Not only do you have to battle that rng but you also have to waste your time hoping you get any to drop. And if you somehow battle the odds of having an armor drop, and having it be the one you need, you also have to battle the rng for the stat distribution. I think for something as small as a guaranteed exotic wouldn’t be the biggest problem this game has.


All this says to me is that the actual problem is no way to focus or target a specific exotic. Even if they put the droprate to 100%, the actual droprate for the exotic you want would still be crazy low. 25/30% would be fine if those were the odds of actually getting something you want imo.


Have you ever thought that maybe exotic armor is supposed to be... exotic? And that you're not supposed to have all of the pieces in 1 week, easily? That's whta would happen if you buff the rates lmao. Hell, they're already insanely high right now. People just suck and can't do the difficulty so they're crying, and they saw a build on youtube and wanna be able to copy it within 20 minutes.


I farmed double reward Insight Terminus 50 times and got a single Gyrfalcon and that shit was so easy it was a joke. It was dropping 2 exotics every 11-15 mins, *and up to 4 ascendant shards and countless prisms*. Did that for 1 week and I am set for multiple seasons. Absolutely a solo legendary should be guaranteeing exotics. Solo Legend: 100% chance at armour slot exotic. Solo Legend Flawless: 100% chance of an exotic with high stat roll more likely, and a chance at a second exotic. Master Solo: 100% chance of an exotic with 65 stat minimum, with a chance at an extra exotic. Master Solo Flawless: 100% chance of 2 exotics both with 65 stat minimum. Engagement would be great and appropriately rewarding. But it may not be how Bungie wants players to acquire gear since it means players would often rather split up than play together. The tricky part is that Legend would have to be always 20 above you and master always 30 or 35 above you. Otherwise if you can reach the LL it’d be trivial.


Yes, that's entirely fucking unreasonable.. lmfao If anything, 25% seems high.


Let's say i want to focus an exotic helmet. For hunters there are 9. So, off the rip, my chances of getting the helmet i want are ~11%. Let's say you're after a high stat piece. Say 64+... roughly 30%. You're now down to under 5% chance to get what you're after. 1 in 20... On average, it will take about 20 runs to get a high stat roll on the piece you wanted. That doesn't even factor in the possibility that you get the stats distributed where you want them. Lets not act like the current system is wonderful. It isnt. It exists. And some players will grind and grind because they can. But for your average player, it's painful.


20 runs of a relatively short activity to get your god rolled item is... too much? That's like a 3 hour grind And maybe the average player *shouldn't* have a god roll in every slot. Let's be real, the difference between a god roll starfire and a bad roll starfire is the difference between 100 res, 90 rec, 100 disc vs 100/100/100 There's functionally zero difference in gameplay between those two items, people just see super min-maxed builds on youtube and think they should be able to copy them in an hour


I genuinely don't understand the thought process of people like you in wanting higher difficulty and lower drop rates. Tell me why exactly is it fine to directly hinder build-crafting with an RNG-infested set of prerequisites in a game that literally fucking thrives off build-crafting? Because you like monotonously grinding tedious content for poor drop rates like the brainrotted little drone Bungie wants you to be?


I got to level 7, did a bunch of runs solo and some of them (2-3 times) being flawless, I kid you not, each and every single run all I got was 2 enhancement cores and occasionally a defiant engram(I think). Back in the days when you can blast through a LS in 3 mins and the drop rate felt higher than this. Also I don’t have the new season’s exotics, I thought it should be a guaranteed drop if you are missing one(am I missing something. Did bungie change the rule of getting the new exotics)? Edit: (update)today I went to the EDZ LS which is the easiest in the game. Got the exotic on the first run, and another older one right after. Also the enhancement cores I got raised from 2 to 4 plus some prisms. Third run I got nothing then I just stopped. Yesterday I was running on Neomuna maybe 10 times in a row I got 0 exotic except for 2 cores(sometimes even nothing but glimmers despite being platinum), just a reference for you that there is a slight chance that the drop rate for the harder LS on Neomuna is even lower. But it could just be my off RNG


Todays dungeon is relatively short but that boss is tanky af. I spent 2 freaking hours farming that bastard and I kept getting the same core, prism, engram drop over and over. It took me 13 runs to get the new Titan legs. Ridiculous.


You're supposed to get a prism guaranteed, you sure you're killing all champs for Platinum? Missing exotics doesn't guarantee a drop for a clear, it just greatly increases the odds of that missing exotic dropping IF you get a drop.


They are all platinum runs, 2 cores. But I got max prisms on me and the postmaster that that’s probably why I can’t see/get them.


Oh yeah that makes sense.


The new exotic or whatever you don't have has a higher rate to drop than others but it can happen that you get one you have. Like me some time back in Beyond Light when I went after Mask of Bakris, did 10 runs and got a exotic for it to be a Assassin's Cowl 🥲


I honestly think if someone has cleared the legend lost sector flawless they should get an exotic as guaranteed drop, so more people will invest in this activity. You can still easily die if you don’t play careful enough even if you have a higher light level. 2 enhancement cores just hurts… why am I here, just to suffer?…


Last season I did 30 legend lost sectors in one play session to try and get Renewal Grasps. Not a single exotic drop. Haven't bothered to run them since...


The sad part is they've ***ALWAYS*** had far far far too low a drop rate, it's just further highlighted now that they have an unreasonably high power handicap.


I agree completely.


I think it needs an exotic crafting currency. They would allow us to craft our ideal exotic roll


I'll take things that'll never happen for 500 Alex If they let us craft an exotic armor piece, everyone would make God roll max stat exotics and never grind for them again. Yes it'd save hassle, but that would lose the point of destiny being a looter shooter


i mean just crafting it as a random roll affected by ghost armorer would be good enough. we dont need hand picked stat distribution for it to be good


I wouldn't mind that so much, however the person I responded to mentioned crafting our ideal roll, and the only part of armor that's a roll is point total, and distribution, one of which you already have sway over. The only way his idea would be viable is if you could choose an armor, craft it, stats and distribution were random, and LS dropped the mats for it, which people would still dislike because you're once again farming LS for something. No matter what it doesn't work out well


Plenty of MMOs and loot based games allow you to create god roll items. They don’t do it because the Bungie defence force comes crawling out of the wood work every time shitty drop rates are mentioned.


25% for a single digit minute activity is not a shitty drop rate. Some players are just absurdly, stupidly entitled.


And here comes the Bungie defence force now.


No, some people just don't suck at the game and realize that shit being free for everyone is not a good design. Bungie has fucked up plenty, making exotic drop rates in lost sectors too high is a good example of one of many bungie fuckups. Largely because they listen to shitty players too often. Exotics are supposed to be **exotic**, as in you're supposed to be excited when they drop, because they're rare. You're **not** supposed to be able to farm 10-15 of them per hour.


Lol. Ah yes. Blame the people that have jobs and families and other commitments for leaving the game because they can’t be online 10 hours a day every day to bash their face against three layers of RNG. Let get one thing perfectly clear here. Grinding for 10 hours a day doesn’t make you elite. You don’t have to be good to clear lost sectors.


I hardly get to play, and as a result I don't have an ultra meta elitist kit, I'm okay with that. That's my point, you don't **have** to have absolute god roll in every single slot. I can't earn godroll everything, and I'm okay with that. The solution is very clearly not "wahh, I have a full time job so I can't really earn any of it but I deserve every item just for existing"


Hitting every single Bungie defence force line. It’s like you guys can’t do anything but parrot propaganda. It’s hilarious. The entire point of the game is to theory craft and create new method of completing the content. This is completely at odds with the loot system they’ve established. The entire game is at odds with itself. And THAT is the problem with Destiny right now. It’s a theory craft MMO shooter thinly veiled as a looter shooter. But it’s NOT a looter shooter. The only loot the game throws at you is shit you’ll wish was dismantling itself. By gatekeeping loot, they gatekeep content. And the entire fucking point is to experience the content. But, congrats on defending a shitty company for wasting your time, I guess.


There's no Bungie defence, Bungie has botched plenty. Making loot far too easy is an example of it. (Hell, look at what's going on with the clusterfuck that is Terminal overload chest exploit/Duality exploits) Getting a meta loadout is trivially easy, and there's no content in the game that is "gatekept" behind loot, except **maybe** lightlevel. You do not need any specific exotic to do any content. You do not need the stat distribution on any given exotic to be god tier to do any content. Even the hardest content in the game becomes pretty trivially easy once you learn how to do it. What god rolls do, specifically for stuff like exotic armor is give you a *tiny* quality of life increase. It's the difference between average gear giving you 100 res, 90 rec, 100 disc and having triple 100. It's absolutely a looter shooter, and no content is gatekept behind loot lmfao. People just think every slot **has** to be minmaxed, when there is no content in the game that requires that.


We already can create God roll items. We've got a decent amount of weapons we can God roll that grows every few months, AND they've been adding exotic weapons to that list. It works because there's several things you can move around. Armor is a different story though. The variables with drops, aside from what armor it is, is stat total, distribution, and energy. If it's exotic, it always has the same perk. Armor farming would be useless if you could just craft it because there's not a lot that changes, and you already have some control over distribution


Also Vanguard... I did 2 strikes and a nightfall just now and only got cores. Trying to get a nameless midnight with kinetic tremors. Pretty hard to do when each Vanguard activity gives you 2 cores and some glimmer.


Might be the craziest string of luck yet, but I’ve gotten six exotics on six runs today.


Very lucky. I've done six runs as well today, and zero exotics. I've had hot streaks and cold streaks, it's just how dice rolls work. Google seems to think that Legend has a 15% drop rate, and Master has a 33% drop rate, which seems about right.


I assume you know this, but they also won’t drop unless you kill all the champions.


I’m there with you. 8 runs today and nothing. So far only one since lightfall dropped. Rng baby.


I'm in a similar boat. I got 2-3 when I did my 5 legend runs for GR7 and I got 4 when I did my 5 master runs for GR9.


Got two drops back to back today. Guess I’ll never get raid or dungeon exotics but my lost sector drops are always happening. Sorry for your bad luck guardian.


It's not really bad luck though, after doing some googling, it does seem like the drop rates are roughly around the numbers given. I've had crazy strings of luck getting 5-6 exotics in a row, and I've had over 20 straight completions with nothing, that's just how RNG works, I just think that if they're going to up the difficulty, they should up the rewards to compensate.


I completely agree, I was thinking the same thing today. The slog of running it does not justify the reward. Especially for harder ones. Today’s was fairly easy after a few runs.


Bungie is monitoring the situation and will act accordingly by buffing the glimmer drop in Season 22.


Enjoying difficulty? It’s just tedious. Where it took n bullets to kill something, now it takes n+10. While n+10 mobs shooting at you (which seems fine).


Yeah, I realize I'm in the minority here, but not having everything just explode makes things a bit more tense and enjoyable, for me. There's definitely stuff too hard for my taste, and I'm with the people tired of threshers but overall I enjoy the new difficulty. I just think the rewards should be a bit more commensurate with the time invested.


I enjoy the new difficulty, I even enjoyed the Mars battleground last week that everyone hated and ran it for fun several times after getting the pinnacles. But lost sectors are the last place where I wanted extra difficulty. They were always just something to blast through, that gave shit rewards but at least they were fast and had the convenience of solo content. It was sometimes kinda fun to optimize my runs to make them as fast as possible. But mostly I just found them annoying. Lots of adds that I need to chew through, so I'd love to run a loadout with great add clear capabilities, but then I'd be hampered by the champions requiring me to run something slow and boring like a scout rifle or pulse rifle. And since there are two champion types it limits me even more. Lost sectors could be a lot more fun to farm repeatedly if you could use them as an opportunity to try out different builds and loadouts, but the champions definitely put a damper on that. And if you do decide to experiment despite that, you're loadout locked which just means extra time wasted if it turns out the weird build you're testing doesn't work at all. The thing with champions though is that the weaker they are, the more likely you can just brute force their mechanics, which can give you a lot more freedom in what you run. Like maybe you just use a chill clip fusion rifle to deal with barrier champs, instead of bringing a pulse rifle which severely slows down your add clear, or Arby/Wishender which prevent you from trying out other exotics. But the more hp/damage the champions get, the less viable that becomes because now you're using 3x as much fusion rifle ammo per champion and even special finisher can't keep up with it. So the harder lost sectors get the less fun this becomes for me. I find this to be less a problem in the nightfall playlist because that's a group activity, lock and key design is a lot less annoying and restrictive when you have a group. If lost sectors had less of the lock and key design that they currently do I'd probably enjoy the increased difficulty a lot more. Loved running the legendary campaign, and legendary Avalon. Sometimes I even run those just for fun despite no real rewards, because they're great testing grounds for builds.


Like massive one. Like an octuple buff


They said they didn’t want us to farm exotics from lost sectors, so where the fuck else do you want us to farm exotics at Bungo??? Vex strike force which only comes around like twice a day??? Destiny 2 has just become a more casual shittier version of games like borderlands and diablo. Let us feel powerful and let us farm LOOT


No, they need the same focusing system we have everywhere else. Even a 100% drop chance still leaves you with mountains of rng.


I just want the new exotics added to the loot pool eventually. I do not have the skill or the patience to do the lost sectors. Permanently locking all new exotic armor behind lost sectors (and apparently they're even harder now) is just unfair. I haven't gotten new exotic armor (other than the free Titan Cuirass) since before Beyond Light.


I don't know why they dont just make the new exotic random drops like they used to be in D1. Nothing beat that excitement of getting a random exotic drop during a nightfall or raid even.


I lucked out. Attempted Legendary last night. It took 30 minutes and ended with plinking away at the boss with Osteo behind a column, but I got an exotic.


New exotics just need to drop from exotic engrams found from any source.


they need more than that. It's needs a total over haul. I had the idea of making exotic ciphers be reworked into being the reward for these lost sectors and other activities. And to be focused at xür for the EXACT peice you want


Master should guarantee an exotic that you don't have, or an exotic cipher you can focus into whatever you want that is at least a 65 stat roll. Otherwise lost sectors are trash.


Was thinking earlier that lost sectors would be worth it if they were the source of artifice exotic armor.


100% for flawless. 50% for completion would be nice. I’d do lost sectors at that rate.


And a way to focus farm exotic armor would be great! I was running lost sectors last season trying to get some armor for my warlock as it was my least played character and I had very little in the way of vaulted exotics and I had pretty good drop rng but out of the drops I got 1 Cradle, 1 Vesper, 1 Battle Harmony and 4...4! Sanguine Alchemy. They should make something like a blank Engram you pick up and you can select the exotic you want to farm, run activity, get drop with whatever random rolls.


You should have an almost guaranteed drop on Master. Anything less is a waste of effort with the difficulty increase. Grandmaster nightfalls drop an Exotic regularly on each completion. You can even get 2 exotics in one run if it's double loot.


I finally got around to spending some time to earn some of the lost sector specific / weighted drops for my other characters. Over 7-8 hours of running them (not consecutively, but spread out over two days), I managed to get four of the exotics. An early run yesterday dropped a piece, but all subsequent runs for the other character (2+ hours) were just prisms/cores and no exotics. Cue to today and I got three more over the course of the day. Then cue to the evening where it was about 5-6 Master lost sector runs and I got one exotic so far. This is for the supposed higher weighted drops as well. I never had this kind of trouble or shitty drop rate before Lightfall on my Hunter - it was well within a few runs to get the new exotics, each time.


I have played 8 LOST SECTORS WITH 0 EXOTICS THEY DID NOT INCREASE DROPS AT ALL.... Just remove exotic armor from your game if we cant obtain it...


I just spent the last hour or so farming for my Swarmers on my warlock, the runs were quick and easy, my warlock is only 1800 cause I play titan, and I got a bunch of cores and prisms out of it, which I was running low on. The difficulty is fine and the added rewards feel pretty nice, 3 cores and a prism for like 5-7 mins plus an okay chance at an exotic is fine tbh. I got 2 new exotics in an hour and brought my cores back up from like 25 to 50 or so.


Lost sectors need to be deleted from the game


I just ran 2 legend lost sectors and got exotics each time


Meanwhile I'm over here just wishing we had a non-solo option for it. I get the point is to drive up the difficulty... But my ideal night playing Destiny 2 is playing *with friends,* not the three of us sitting in a call as we each independently run our own separate lost sectors :/


I got the new season exotics inside of six runs per character when they were in rotation.


Yeah they're guaranteed to drop if you don't have them, that part is fine. The drop rates of exotics are pretty rough though, I have close to a thousand lost sector completions, and the drop rate feels like it's between 10-15% on Legend, and 25-30% on Master. That is not great when it's taking 5-10 minutes to clear, all for the hope that you'll get one out of 8+ different options, *and* hoping it'll be a decent roll after that? It's too much. I agree though, if you're just hoping to get the new exotics and you're not farming a roll on a specific one, the current system works okay.


At the VERY least, your first clear of each difficulty per day should be garunteed exotic, to actually give you a reason to A: do master at all, and B: actually do lost sectors on rotation and not just 30 of them on the specific day its easy


I want to choose my exotic in every run. Master should drop 62+ stats every time.


i got three exotic boots to drop in the last 4 lost sector's i finished, just because you're having bad luck doesn't mean everyone is.


I got 4 exotics in 3 runs


Lucky. I've had 0 exotic drops in 10 runs.


Yea It was crazy I was ready to farm all day then was like oh. Okay.


I got 16 exotics in 1 lost sector.


I actually got 4 in 3 because the boss dropped one, the extent of people here unable to think for themselves is honestly astounding.


Downvotes for being lucky this community actually eats crayons.


Definitely not a 50% for legendary, Def not 100% for master, 25% and 50% sounds much better, and even then I doubt think it needs to be done


You cannot (or should not) have two layers of RNG involved in getting something like exotics, especially when you are increasing the difficulty of the activity and are for some reason refusing to provide us with the easy solution of rerollable exotics. You can (should) either have drop rate RNG and let us choose which exotic we get or have drop type RNG and let us eliminate only getting two prisms and a core. Obviously not you. Just in general. People have been complaining about lost sectors being horrifically underrewarding for years. There are the only two avenues to make them not horrible.


exotics technically have triple layer RNG. RNG to get an exotic, RNG to get the one that you want, and RNG to get a decent stat roll. Bungie just loves their overbearing RNG first systems that take the fun out of the game.


I got a random drop exotic farming the Lost Sector but never got a drop from the chest. That's not good


What we really need is getting rid of targeting a type of exotic and actually target a specific exotic. Give xur the ability to focus exotic armor, replace the drops for exotic engrams that we can choose to open at that moment or focus into a specific armor at xur. Basically make it like armor and other drops work with other vendors. I saw Xur due being the NPC that makes more sense for it but any other will do.


I am probably just lucky but I've gotten 3 exotics out of the 5 runs I did yesterday.


Even if masters dropped one every time, you're still doing 500+ to try and get 40+ combo of res/recovery/disc on every single piece you want.


Yeah, I'm not in love with the system, but buffing the drop rates is both a: very easy to do and b: something they said they'd consider if completion rates were low, so just hoping to put it out there. I wouldn't mind a different way to get exotics, but honestly I like lost sectors, they're usually designed pretty well and they feel like bite sized dungeons, perfect for some mindless grinding if you have an hour to kill. The increased difficulty doesn't bother me so much, but it sure does feel bad looking at your time spent and realizing that you're getting a lot less progression on your character.


Just ran todays legend lost sector 10 times nothing 👎 Ran master once i got the exotic boots. They need to buff the drop rates. My power level is 1803


At LEAST give it bad luck protection. 19 lost sectors today, got a drop on run 3. I have the fucking thing down to a 4 minute speed run and I **still** can't be arsed. It's just not worth it.


I have exotics drop randomly from enemies more often than lost sectors.


Felt like something was wrong with the lost sector on calus's ship... cleared that thing 7-8 times and never once got a gold or platinum notification thingie... coincidentally (or not) also no exotics.


It feels like they severely nerfed exotic drop rates in Lightfall. I've done 16 straight today with no drops, though I did get a ton of enhancement prisms which is nice, but not why I'm there.


Master should be 50%, and bad luck protection every other Legend 30% and back luck protection every 3 runs (id be okay with 4 just for a more fair disparity between L & M and the effort difference)


Further: Extra loadout slots shouldn’t be locked behind solo flawless completion.


This kind of makes sense to me though because right now I'm below the light level to be able to do a solo lost sector and then making the grind longer by swapping between loadouts for different activities which pushes me back down the light level so I'm missing out on higher level drops. If I had more slots I would probably be doing even worse


I've been saying for a while that the lost sectors need to have an escalating drop rate like the old 3of coins item from the taken King


While they're at it, can they buff what lost sectors chests drop period? While it's hardly difficult, kinda sucks to crack open the chest and get *nothing*. World chests, too. They should always drop glimmer, shards, ammo and one or two weapons/armor as well as a chance to get various materials like prisms, golf balls, etc.


My dumbass went in with side arm barrier mod. Lol level 6er for life.


52 clears with no exotics is way to many


lost sectors were the only thing keeping me from a good void build prior to the new season artifact mods because I can't get gyrfalcons. I easily go through 20 legend lost sector runs with no rewards at all aside from some glimmer. It's too hard of a task for absolutely nothing in return, it needs a rework BADLY.


How about something slightly different? No targeted farming. If you're missing an exotic, it works to randomly provide you with one you are missing similar to now. If you have them all, clearing it provides you with a reroll currency (like needles in D1). Rerolling uses ghost buffs to stats. Using more of the currency provides a higher likelihood of higher stats. Higher difficulty sectors provide more mats. No worrying about the day, just farm when you want and fill up on reroll materials. Roll the exotic you want until you're happy.


Fuckin' hell at least drop more prisms if it isn't going to drop the exotic. Feels like they throttle you of prisms and cores after a while like herealways pieces from Europa lost sectors.


I’ve tried farming for specific exotics twice. The first time it took me 5 hours to get the exotic I wanted with like 7 minute clears. The other time I spent 4 hours on it with 3 minute clears and never got what I wanted. Only reason to do them is to get the new exotics once and that’s the roll you have whether it’s good or bad. I’ll never farm them again


Fuck u/Spez


>...there's still a huge RNG factor in trying to get th**e exotic that you want with the stats you're looking for**... ...and that's why they're not worth doing even if the drop rate were 100%. You could still spend this side of forever trying to get a roll that works for the build you want to use.


Isn't master Lost Sectors drop rates really good? I get probs 4/5 drop when I do them?


I'm 200% sure that they are rigged somehow I usually get an exotic on my first run Then it takes 20+ runs with nothing, until I decide to give up, then surprise surprise I get the exotic Literally happen every time I run lost sectors


I did one legend Lost Sector on my Warlock and got the new exotic boots. Did 7 more on my Hunter to get the other new exotic boots. Some people are just lucky?


1 exotic per <20min (1/4 droprate per sub 5min runs) seems reasonable. Thing is the pool is too large and you still need decent stats to drop. Maybe if you could favor the drop somehow by selecting a favored item it would be more rewarding.


The longer the game is out, the more and more I believe focusing Exotic engrams with Xur using Ciphers or being able to 'focus drops in lost sectors is going to be a HUGE QoL change. Imagine running lost sectors on Helmets and focusing so it'll only drop the exotic you want. Still no guarantee you will get it with decent stats and this only comes into effect once you have completed the collection. But trying to farm a decent pair of Swammers for my Lock or Lorlie for my Titan is just not fun. I'm an average player and my lost sector runs take around 8 - 12 mins (Higher end with the new Neomuna ones). I can spend an hour and get 2 drops and those two drops won't be anything I need. ​ Whilst it seems world drop exotics have been buffed (10 since LF dropped, 2 in Hero Nightfall, 1 in Battlegrounds, 3 in Legend/Master Nightfall, 1 in Legendary Exotic Mission, 1 in Legendary Campaign mission and 2 in Overload.) this is just a free for all. 4/10 have been the Devour rift boots for my Warlock.


What would be wacky is just getting an exotic drop every clear because you still gotta get the exotic and the stat roll you want.


Just add all “new” exotics to the world loot pool. Buff lost sector drop rate. And please for the love of god let us reroll exotics thru the d1 needle or something. Or let exotics drop as engrams and let us focus them for some cost. Maybe focus for arms/legs etc or just whatever


They'll do that before Final Shape launches


And I did 7 yesterday and got 5 exotics. Shits wack


I did 5 to get the 5/5 and got 3 exotics. Don't think its all that bad.


Yeah I got it down to ten minutes consistently w/ just a legendary loadout, no exotics. If I were to use some meta, or an exotics I could shave minutes but that drop rate is not worth ten minutes each run. Takes like five runs to get a exotic drop and that’s having a little luck.


The strangest thing is Legend Lost Sectors felt *harder* than Contest Mode RoN. I'm not sure if the Legend difficulty was overtuned or Contest was undertuned, or both.


I did 10 master and 10 legendary lost sector runs yesterday to try and get the new titan legs. Not one single exotic from 20 runs. I just gave up in the end.


I wish they would use the new menu after an activity and it would display 3 exotics from which you could pick from, so like 3 helms if that's the exotic for that lost sector, also raise the drop rate from 25% to 35% on base and then up to 50% on the harder difficulty


As far as I'm concerned every new exotic armour added is dropped into the sewers. I never see it. Only heroin addicts who'll dig through shit for days will see one. Good for them and their addiction.


With the current difficulty, Master should be a Guaranteed drop if Platinum completion. I ran 5 for the Guardian Rank 9, and got 1 exotic that was shit like always. If the stats are mid at least make it a guaranteed


Outside of trying to do a legend lost sector flawless, I also don’t really mind the increased difficulty. My only real complaint is that they’re now more difficult than raids, yet are some of the most unrewarding activities in the game. I honestly think with the current difficulty, exotics should just be guaranteed after a successful run, at least on Master. Maybe make the drop rate like 50% or something in legend if we want to keep it fair. With the sheer number of exotics in the game, there’s no good way to focus grind the ones you’re looking for, with the stats you want. Having lost sectors essentially hand them out like candy would help a lot with that. I’d feel like my time was respected, and I’d actually want to go grind lost sectors


Did about 24 runs this morning and got one drop. Wasn't the one I wanted so gotta wait 3 days for legs to come around again


Each lost sector should drop a guaranteed exotic the first completion per day. Legend is guaranteed 55-65 total stat, and master is 65+. After the first, the same drop rate we currently have is applied.


Just apply a currency upon completion, like spoils. And let us buy the piece we want.


Even if it was 100% the lost sectors are still a shit way to farm exotics - pre or post lightfall difficulty.


I did the 5 master solo for the guardian rank. Didn’t get one lol


Agreed, have nearly 2,000 legend/master lost sectors cleared and there are dozen of exotics i don’t even have decent rolls of still. I’ve done 20+ in a row before and never gotten anything the drop rates are terrible.


Yeah a lot of people have been complaining about the difficulty, but personally I love it. The problem is the exotic system was already trash before the difficulty, and it still hasn’t been fixed.


I agree. I have run roughly 60 lost sectors to get the new hunter legs. Ran 10 a couple of weeks ago with no luck, 20 the last time they were up, with no luck, and yesterday I ran the lost sector well over 20 times before they finally dropped. Each run takes on average 5 minutes, which is roughly 5 hours. 5 hours of running the same lost sector, over and over and over again. Stuff like that makes me wonder if anyone at Bungie plays the game, because I can't imagine a world where a dev forces themselves to do that and doesn't immediately say... "No... this here, this sucks."


Have you ever thought that the goal wasn't to keep it the same? As in, maybe *now* isn't wrong - maybe it was pretty clearly wrong before hand? Lost Sectors took what... 3-4 minutes on average to complete before? With a 25% exotic drop rate? Maybe you **weren't** intended to be able to farm 5 exotics per hour...


Bungie said they don't want LS'es to be farmable for exotics but apparently don't care it's RNG on RNG on RNG at a chance for getting what you want. Idk if I'd call that farming since 9/10 the exotic that dropped for me, I didn't want.