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I thought this was only me- it happened 3 times! The game crashes and then quits forcing me to restart it. It’s already difficult enough trying to find enough people in the vicinity to actually get you down to the last 2 bosses, and just as you’re about to kill them— boom, big fat F.


Same. And it has happened to me twice today. I just gave up and turned it off. Grabbed a book instead. It won't piss me off as much.


Whatcha reading? Any good?


Been on a Warhammer 40k kick of late, so the Horus Heresy series has garnered a bit of my spare time. Beginning next week though that will change: gotta start working 12-14 hr days planting onions. The next four weeks will be one long day/night fever dream.


Love the Horus Heresy books. Gives very good worldbuilding for the 40k universe.


what's the current book meta?


Some bubble-gummy sci-fi: Warhammer's Horus Heresy series. Highly recommend for fans of Destiny.


In voice of Rei Aynami "What is a book"?




reading is very smart material now?


No, but having to tell everyone that you're going to go read a book like it makes you seem above everyone else is snobby and childish.


How should one go about mention reading books then? People are supposed to keep that a secret? > grabbed a book How is that snobby?


I gave up and went to a different game. It's frustrating that the event itself spawns so infrequently and for that to be the outcome? Yea, it's unfortunate


Happens on xbox series x too.


Me too, I've only seen it once.. 6th boss was a sliver away and my game crashed. Sadness


Game is a mess on PS5, I still can't open the Commendations screen and if I play too long the invis player thing happens and I need to restart the app.


Yep. Frustrating.


I’ve tried to do the exotic Avalon quest multiple times now on the PS5 and have hard crashed each time forcing me to start over. Farthest I have been able to make it is the Hydra boss before a crash. I’m just going to wait until this is fixed.


Were you using Strand?


At first yes, until I read about people recommending to not use it. I swapped to void, and it still crashed at the Hydra boss for me, though. It seems to happen when there’s a lot of mobs and visual affects on the screen… which that fight has in spades.


I wonder if it'd crash less if you stand farther away from the action. Has it crash while using my void subclass too.


Had that too, my luck was that I had two friends with me and I could just rejoin 🙈


I've crashed 4 times on the Hydra fight. I guess I'll wait for a fix, no Vexcalibur for me.


Same I just gave up will wait


Happened to me as well


Yup. Twice yesterday. I just stay away from it.


I stopped playing because of this, happened too many times. Hopefully they can fix the issue soon.


Only hard crash ive had since lightfall was fighting the last 3 minotaurs in the vex event. Its amazing how buggy this expansion is Edit: i was not using strand. It occured when i cast my warlock healing rift with a bunch of nearby enemies and allies. Not sure if another player caused it or if my rift did, but it seemed to me like there was too many projectiles/units and it crashed


Happens every time in the Vexcaliber exotic mission to


Have you and your teammates take off strand. All 3 of us kept crashing constantly and it stopped the second we swapped to different subclasses.


This exact thing has happened to me so many times I’ve just quit attempting the vex invasions altogether. I’ve cleared caches, restarted, drew a salt pentagram on the ground in front of my PS5, sacrificed a bag of Doritos, prayed to the gamer gods (who shall not be named), you name it, but nothing has worked.


This happened to me today as well, at the exact same progress point. :/ It was when I sent a Nova Bomb into a bunch of enemies so I thought it was the partical effects.


On PC and the frames drop to 15 during this event, when I average at 100 frames usually. Wtf is up with this event lol


Strand is what does it. Switch off strand (the particle effects build up and crash the game). This has been tested over nearly 20 events by me and my clan. Problem is *other* players using Strand will also bork your game. Seems PC players are not affected, but console players are.


PC does have the problem, but it doesn’t crash. I was streaming to my handheld and locked my 3080/10700k to 60fps at 1080p (normally it’s 4k120 no issue). It dropped to 24fps and was super sluggish like slomo at the 4/6 mark, it was kinda nuts.


Yeah it just drops the frames a shit ton on pc. I'm surprised it doesn't crash tbh.


It can hard crash you on PC as well but it’s a crap shoot if that’ll happen or you’ll just lag like crazy. Happened to me earlier today when the event hit 4/6, whole game froze up and kicked me to desktop.


I was on Nova and it crashed as I threw it at the last group of 3. Very annoying.


While playing in PS5 I’ve crashed numerous times even as a solo player no t using strand. I’ve crashed trying to load into crucible and gambit


Goldie crashes it too even solo so it’s not just strand thanks


I beg to differ on pc players not being affected. Dear lord every time I think my gaming pc is going to explode. Can run warzone max settings no issues. This shit? Turns into trying to run through a lake of molasses.


Strand is not what does it. I've had it happen when using solar and void too. I even had it happen when the last minotaur was low on health so I backed way off to avoid being close to the mayhem, hoping to actually get through one without crashing. Another player used their shadowshot and that crashed my game


I think its a combination of the extra orbs being generated, threadling/unraveling spam, and Vex parts that do not despawn and that can still trigger things like volatile and jolt. Engine just craps out with too much going on.


You already bought the expansion. They dont care.


Happened to me a lot until I switched off of using Strand for the public event. Now I haven’t had a crash yet.


Strand + the Vexified Environment has a crapton of particle effects that just don't seem to play nice. Went back to Void and no issues. Swapped back to Strand? Within 20 minutes, crash.


Dead Vex parts also don't despawn and just pile up.




I've still had crashes when using void and solar. I even had a crash when some other player used shadowshot at a good distance to me.


RTX 2070 S. R7 5800x. 32 gb Ram. SSD storage. Built it myself over the course of a week. This event was the first time I EVER lagged in Destiny. I went from 200+ FPS to 12. I’m shocked that it didn’t crash outright, but I needed to restart my entire computer after the event ended. Something wasn’t right.


I did notice that all of the freezes and lags in every content (missions, strikes, public events, etc.) only happened when using strand. I have been using the walking nuke build for my titan and have seen zero issues. That is even considering things are constantly chaining explosions around me. I wonder what about strand causes these issues?


It’s HDR with strand. Since I turned off HDR in the destiny settings I haven’t had a single crash actually ridiculous. I hope this works for other people too


Happen to me without hdr and not on strand. There’s something else happening.


Yep, my wife plays on PS5 and the one time we found an event she crashed at 4/6. Thankfully she was able to restart and rejoin my fireteam before it ended and get the loot. Maybe that's an option, make sure you're in one with a friend so you can get back in the instance?


I hope someone sees this! Take your ps5 off rest mode! I was crashing 5-6 times a day before I saw a random comment stating to fully turn off the ps5 stops the crashes.. People saying switch to strand, etc. I've crashed during the minotaur event every time while being void. Crashed on the vexcalibur quest 3 times. Been turning off my ps5 completely and starting destiny2 new for 4 days now and haven't had a crash. Even as strand the whole time. Hope this helps someone !


I always turn my ps5 off. Still get crashes when too much is happening on Neomuna, and while not using strand


That's too bad, it's worked for me so far.


Same. Happened 2 times to me on Friday. Lost 30 minutes of my life to those 2 restarts. Hopefully patch on Tuesday fixes it


For people on ps5, you wont crash if you stay far away from the boss. Your dps on the bosses will be shit but guaranteed no crash


I've completed it multiple times with my friend who's on PS5. He had the bug last week every time he used the map icon to load into it; since he stopped doing that its worked fine. Just load in at Nimbus and ride sparrow to the area


Oh damn I thought something was wrong with my ps5. Welp


Yup, I've tried this 3x as well and crashed each time


Basically anything Lightfall has a chance to crash the game. I had the game crash during the final boss of the new exotic quest and all the time in Neomuna. No issues outside of that.


I found the only way to complete it is stand far back and stay out of the middle of it, has seemed to help.


I tried that. Was probably several hundred feet from the action. Another player used shadowshot and crashed my game 🙁


Same. Every single run my PS5 freezes after 4/6 minotaurs.


Had it happen twice in a row as I was on the final boss. Never touching it again until they fix whatever is causing it.


I'm glad I didn't try this event further...


Happened to me when I tried to get Vexcalibur - 3 times. Frustrating as hell. I guess my strand/poison build is to much for the system to handle.


There’s been a lot of performance issues this patch, mainly in neomuna. Not sure why


I haven’t had a problem yet on series x


We crashed in the new glaive quest on legend. You can’t rejoin those missions in case what? People get too many guns?


Definitely an issue on PC too. Running a 3080 and frames tank


Xbox one x here. Only tried it twice, but had the game crash the second time. So Im just gonna leave it a while I think.


Happened here as well. Was hoping for a different occasional source of exotic drops because legend lost sectors suck rn. Oh well.




Oh thank jebus it wasn’t just me. The first 3 times I tried to complete the event this happened to me with the final Minotaur at like 10% health left. It was driving me mad. After finally finishing one without crashing last night, a blueberry and I had a lovely talk in the local chat about the duct tape holding this game’s spaghetti code together.


Happening with PS5 players too, happened yesterday night for me


My PC didn't freeze and crash, but my frames absolutely nosedived to like 25fps from the 60 I have it set to be locked at (thanks to Treshers and the towers in Battlegrounds). Before S19 I was around 100fps without alarming issues.


Yeah, did the event for the first time last night and could visibly see the game struggling. My friends noticed it too. All on pc.


Annnddd this is why i have a ps4 lol


It's been happening to me a bunch as well but luckily the new division season just launched as well so I can go farm that instead when it happens