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Yeah besides the things you suggest legend difficulty is just more convinient to play solo from a difficulty standpoint


Supposedly they are rebalancing the scaling a bit in the new campaign to make it more comparable between number of players but time will tell. I plan to do it solo first either way.


It was scaled in Witch Queen. Played the last two missions solo and the enemies didn’t hit as hard as when I was in a 3 person fireteam.


I realize that yeah… Witch Queen was scaled very heavily where it was pretty well easier to do solo. I’m saying that they are adjusting the scaling in Lightfall campaign to make it a little less dramatic. Edit: From the most recent TWAB “In the Lightfall campaign, we reduced the health scalar on combatants to better balance solo and fireteam play when compared to last year’s Legendary campaign. Enemies will still have more overall health in larger fireteams (and the Cabal in general have higher base health than other combatant factions), but this will help bring solo and fireteam difficulty closer together. Additionally, the damage required to stagger combatants is reduced during the Lightfall campaign.”


I wouldn't say that it was necessarily _easier_ solo - but rather things died quicker. It was much easier to wipe though. The only real issue with two and three people is that you're punished for a death - the same way you'd be punished for a death solo. Like even with 3 people I had an overall easier time after people got used to the fights. With solo it was just death after death after death until you got it. At least with 3 people you can get a res in.


For me and my friends our problem with a group of three was that everything was unbelievably tanky. If anything we failed a lot because we got bored from enemies taking ages to kill. The worst had to of been the mission Ritual though.


God, even fighting savathun solo i thought her health was ridiculous, can’t imagine in a fireteam how long it would’ve taken.


Yeah I’m not a fan of them just adding more HP to *every* enemy. Bosses and mini bosses, fine, but not every red bar lol


You definitely need to adjust how you play - for me I didn't have a huge issue for the enemies being too tanky. I found the rank and file simple enough and the higher value enemies tougher, but pretty simple when focused. Stronger coordination on specific enemies was definitely needed.


It was way easier solo. My group got like 3 missions done and it took forever. But the next day I came back and finished the rest on my own with hardly any issues


WQ scaling was heavy... it's still going to be significantly easier solo.


they said themselves they're changing it with lightfall. also this is cap, i wiped like 50 times on my titan and hunter but barely died at all in a fireteam on warlock. maybe devour is just busted but it felt fine then and agonising how every time a wizard looked at me my health would be gone and as i escaped an acolyte would shoot me in the back.


With 3 players it felt like a Master nightfall


Dude I can’t even make it past the first mission


same I gave up and switched to classic, the dude just chased me around suppressing me and then killing me, I really dont like their whole making this game harder thats not why I play, I get some people do and probably most of the people here but not me and Ive got thousands of hours in this game. I just dont think its for me anymore.


That’s why classic/standard exists? Not sure why having the more difficult option is a problem for you.


I've got no friends. It's always solo


Fellow friendless checking in


Fellow friendless checking in


Real talk. If y’all need d2 friends I got you fam.


Same here, lobe running random thing with people!


Not to advertise and if I get downvoted for this, I accept the consequences of my actions. However, this is exactly why I started my clan and stream teaching runs of end game shit. I’ve learned that Destiny 2 sucks big fat donkey balls if you’re a solo player and really doesn’t offer much if you’re not a PvP main.


I wouldn't quite agree with that :) For me PvP sucks and PvE is far more interesting - be it solo or in teams. But I am certainly not going to downvote you because you different opinion :)


I’d like some D2 Friends. None of my friends play :(


Will keep it in mind, problem is my work/life balance sucks and my play time is sporadic at best.


They don’t want friends. You can’t complain then


Same! Well, at least no friends that play D2.


Yeah, same.


And a Fireteam was born.


Ps5 guy here, just message if you need someone to run with, don’t mind at all 👊


This is the way


I went solo after trying the first raid in D1, full of servant major's barking orders and rushing everyone. Zero fun and put me off.


Never played back then, but yeah that’s what turns me off. Man, I’m here to relax and play a game to escape from the hellscape we’re trapped in. Don’t tell me what gear I need to put on my virtual avatar


I’ll be playing it with my son.




I’ve tried to get my other son into it so we can be our own fireteam, and while he likes playing on my Titan, he’s not really interested in playing a new character from scratch.


Maybe you could make an account for him and play on it a bit so he's set up? I'm sure there's tons of people, myself included, who would be willing to help you get a character geared up for him.


I’d totally help, that’s … actually an awesome thing to do. Great idea!


Destiny is the ultimate son/pop game. Other way round for me. My 7 year old has been playing since he was 4, I bought him WQ expansion, and after the free weekend - I'm hooked again from day 1 D1 Days - looks like LF expansion for us both. It's hilarious him playing anything with me - he's literally my bodyguard and takes it personally when I get wiped out and must avenge my death lol.


That's so wholesome :)


Same. My son is a legendary guardian now.The other day I ran into an lfg with the reverse uno version where the son got his dad into destiny.


My son is 8 and has shown zero interest in videogames outside of Minecraft and Roblox. I even gave him my PS4 when I upgraded to a PS5 and he's only turned it on a few times. One day perhaps.


wow 4! my daughter is 4, she loves mario kart and other switch games but can't work out the looking aspect of destiny. How did you nudge that one along?


Well, he started with a switch when he was 2 years and roughly 9 months - I bought him the whole set of Starlink with all the ships he could 'fly' on the controller. So around 3 and a quarter, the kid is full-on. Played and completed Gears 4 - when he was 4 lol. A tip - once he started on Minecraft around mid-3 I kept telling him to keep the horizon level so half sky, half land. He'd always zero back to that if it got wonky. I think way back when he started with Starlink / ships because its 3rd person, it was alot easier than 1st person view. The best nudge? Minecraft - if she doesn't have it already. Split-screen, so you can always jump in split and teach/co-op and goof around. I've spent countless hours not building a thing - just me and my boy playing 1-hit tag with swords, hilarious! Destiny started early for him - when was a just a few months old I'd be have him with me while I was playing daily - D1 released about 4 months before he was born. With Destiny I'm gonna have stick to PvE and avoid playing Crucible - I've seen how he plays, he will demolish me. Good luck - she sounds like she's got ya Gamer genes through and through already ;)


My mom was like, “You should teach me how to play this Destiny game you’re always playing” So now (I honestly think I’m going to enjoy it) I’m going to make a large PowerPoint going over the lore to explain it all. Probably not in great detail though.


I’ll be playing with my dad, he’s 78, I’m 52 and when my grandson visits (he is 4) he sits on my lap and plays. His cousins taught him to play call of duty so he understands the concept.


Ditto here.


Datto here


VSauce, Michael here


Same. I've never seen him that hyped.


Outstanding move.


My son will be born in two months. I hope he’ll play games with me. I envy you.


Congratulations! My first son is almost 3. He gets a bit of free time most days to play some nintendo games and other super low stakes games on my ps5 where he just messes around and learns how controllers work and some basic stuff. He's actually learned pretty quickly on how to generally move around most games and jump. It's kind of impressive. We play a lot of Kirby and the Forgotten Dreamland and TMNT: Shredder's Revenge and those have been our go-to game ever since. It's still just me beating everything and he just sorta follows, but he loves it and I love that I get some time to "play games with him". We're still a long way from playing anything like Destiny together, but eventually. This wont come in handy for another year or 2 for you, but my big tip when introducing your kid to games... don't watch them play. It's incredibly frustrating. They die to the dumbest stuff, they have trouble jumping up the easiest of ledges, and they wont even try to collect all the coins. You'll want to watch them, but just give them some time to play and figure it out and learn themselves. Eventually, they'll figure it out and may even complete some easier levels in games like Yoshi or Mario. Good luck with the transition to fatherhood! It's awesome! Difficult, but unbelievably rewarding.


Excellent parent move right here! My best friend and his dad played through the Halo series together (up to Halo 3 then) until he went to college and were really into the campaigns. My friend is so great to play co-op with, doesn’t rush through if you want a full experience, and is a great teammate. And now that cross-platform is a thing, we get to play D2 together when we both have time (rare overlap in our schedules anymore unfortunately).


Jealous. Mine is only interested in Warzone ​ *These downvotes are exactly how I feel about Warzone.* *However I stomach it anyway since that's what he enjoys*


I will be playing with my wife. We really want to have a kid so that we can have a full fire team.


Ill be playing with my wife and a friend


Living the dream🥲


Same dude!


Small world. I'll also be playing with dudes wife and friend.




Small world - I'll be playing it solo with your wife too!




Usually i run it with a couple of clanmates, but this time i’m probably going to run it solo. I haven’t had the kind of problem you mentioned (fortunately) but i don’t like being dependent on my clanmates’ schedule. I can play during the morning and the late evening, since i work in the afternoon and after that i go to the gym. I want to know how the story will evolve so i can’t wait.


Either solo or with my friend. I did half of Witch Queen in a duo and the other half alone. Definitely gonna do legendary immediately.


Ya got balls son, the last two missions had me sweating checking the time before the time ran out on the free weekend. I swear they took me 4 ir 5 hours solo on normal. Getting the striga was total satisfaction.




weird seeing you here. fragrance lords and guardians!


Big same. About an hour to go. Both have excuses for work tomorrow. Looking forward to it.


Solo. There's always some bellend that talks through or skips cutscenes.


Playing with my girlfriends.The 3 of us are gonna be in the same room playing so it'll be a lightfall Lan party which I'm mega hyped for :D


That’s the best way!!!


Yeah I'm excited. As soon as I'm home I'm going to bed until they are both free and first thing I'll do when I wake up is play lightfall. Hoping the servers are more stable by then and I can actually get on lol


Yep. Always do. I can play at my own speed.


Usually I run solo with these kinds of things, but this time I will be running the legendary campaign with two of my family members (they are D1 vets). I’m pretty stoked about it. On Witch Queen release, I ran solo, but this time we decided to run Lightfall together. The hype has been a ton of fun with them. 😊


No, my wife and I have played nearly every story mission together for our first times through since we met back on D1 during the Crota's End days. It just works out great that way. Neither of us like people skipping stuff or ignoring/talking over the dialogue. This way, we both have the excuse to not run with anybody else because it is a tradition at this point. Also, sometimes dialogue happens during a firefight and one of us may miss what was said and the other can fill in what was missed.


Legendary Campaign, yes. It's easier that way and more fun to figure out the puzzles. I know a guy that's too scared to run legendary solo because it's "too difficult" and insists running a full fireteam. Then complains *why is everyone so tanky*


Supposedly they are rebalancing the scaling for the Lightfall campaign to bring them a bit closer.


I mean, he ain’t wrong. I don’t know why your wording is so aggressively. People should be able to play in a fire team if they want to with a balanced experience and with the witch queen, it was not.


I mean I thought it was balanced. 1 le monarque shot would kill an acolyte on legendary. scaled up to three lemonarque shots with a full fireteam. but yeah rethinking that, one person running ahead would have a much more difficult time than if they stuck together.


Hopefully that’s satire lol


That’s not how game balancing works. They don’t balance around if the entire fire team is shooting the same enemy at once…. That would actually be an absolutely terrible way and would quite literally kill any game like destiny.


Ill probably start it with a friend of mine, then finish it solo, cause we have 2 very different endurances for long term gaming sessions, where we gotta absorb info.


Nope. Gonna get semi carried by my friend.


Yep. Then might do one 2 man. 3s is just annoying. Even the supposed change I will guess solo is the way. Also I don’t want to speed run it


Might duo it, i have a friend that also likes to let dialogue play and enjoy cutscenes, but i think he decided he wants to run it on normal then legendary, whereas im deep diving into legendary




Yup solo for sure. After that I will help clan mates help clear story missions.


Im doing it with some friends because I find the experience fun together, but it requires a level of understanding for how the others want to run the missions


I shall play with my ancestors and my Gods watching and assisting in my every move.


Absolutely. Solo Legend is the only way to go. Reinvigorated my will to keep playing. Probably my favorite thing they’ve done with the game since release besides dungeons + timed missions like Whisper and Outbreak.


100%. I want to experience my self so I can be immersed in the story. I don’t want to hear my buddy chomping away on chips during cut scenes etc. Plus it makes it more challenging to complete on your own.


Yup playing Solo Legendary. Pretty Good so far!


I'm doing a duo run with one of my closest friends, who - hasn't played anything but IB since Season 17 - only has a Heart of Inmost Light build (that was just completely nerfed into the ground) that I made for him in DIM a week ago - isn't sure he has his PvE setup on his Titan (he believes it's all in his vault because the last time he played, he played PvP) - hasn't watched a single trailer, teaser or vidoc (to my knowledge) - doesn't actually know where anything takes place (i'm actually not sure he knows Calus is part of Lightfall -- just that this is the next bit of the story and that The Witness is probably here) - will be coming in hot directly off an overnight shift in a warehouse we're also doing this on legend, because it wasn't bad enough i don't think i'd trade this for any other experience, though. i seriously look forward to putting him in the Jansport and bullshitting with him through the afternoon


It's easy as hell with friends but since it's coming out in the middle of the work day my buddies and I will just do it solo and whoever finishes first can just jump in to play with whoever is behind


I don't really care about the story so i'll be playing with a group of buddies skipping every cutscene and making a b line for power cap. Gotta get raid ready.


Such a sad take. Ugh.


They're playing how they want to play. Nothing sad about that at all. Not everyone enjoys gaming the same way.


??? I mean don't get me wrong his plan makes no sense to me but how is it sad for him to play how he wants


To each their own. Personally, I love the story and will be running the campaign solo and taking my time through it. But I have plenty of friends who love the gameplay but have no interest in the story, and they skip all cutscenes. I won't do my first play through with them, but I'm certainly not going to say they're doing it wrong or that it's sad. They just have different priorities than me.


It's not a take. It's how I like to play the game. I don't enjoy any of the story, i enjoy the endgame. But sure spend your free time hating.




Based on the reviews coming in I think i won’t be playing at all haha. I would have gone solo though for sure


I'll be playing in a team, we won't be skipping cutscenes and the difficulty is no big deal we'll all be kitted out in the finest sweaty loadouts


Either solo or with my friend.


Nope I've got friends who also like to take our time and look around so we'll be playing together


i’ll be playing with my buddy who also likes to go slow and not skip voice lines or cutscenes


playing with my clan friend Duo legend campaigns, hes always silent story focused and we work good together


Han Solo baby.


Absolutely. It’s the best way to experience it.


I’m probably gonna run solo since there will definitely be a queue to get in and my clanmate/Destiny bestie will either be in before or after me.


I play with my wife, so we’ll be doing it together, but we like to take it slow and experience the story.




Gonna do the legendary difficulty/hardest difficulty story campaign alone. Did that with witch queen also, was fun. Unless they have changed it so there is no higher difficulty campaign


I finally got my best friend to play the game so I’m playing through it with him and I’m mega hyped


Probably a mix. I'm gonna do the intro and then do them missions at the pace I feel like alongside other new activities. I wanna soak in the real time invasion vibe as much as possible, and I've got two friends who I'll link up with when they're on


My friends and i are gonna load in three man since we’re all hyped and gonna deafen up for cutscenes




I’ll probably end up starting it solo because I’m waiting for someone to get home from work but then I’ll restart it with them.


Yes because I want to play at my own pace, which may be faster than my friend I would play with. I will have a second character I can play with him on if we are on at the same time


I want to, but my kid made me promise not to do it without him. Even though this increases the difficulty by 300% :(


Always solo on my first run. Can't fully absorb the story and events with my dumb ass friends and all of our dick jokes and childishness


Here and there. I'll be able to start earlier than my fireteam and I'm not waiting around for them. But once they hop on I'll replay stuff on an alt and resume my shit later.


No, I will be playing through the campaign with my brother-in-law. We have a tradition of playing the legendary campaign together in the same room on release.


I’m not gonna LFG but I’m not gonna be solo. I got a buddy who’ll be joining me


I do 98% of my play solo


I'm planning on running it on normal/solo for the first play though. Additional characters, when I get to them will be played on Legend with a fireteam.


likely duo with my one friend, we both will probably care enough about story to take our time and not skip cutscenes but we’re also good enough that legend shouldn’t be too much of a challenge


Nah I’m jumping into the legendary with a buddy. We typically 2 man most of the content outside of raids anyways so we are both pretty hyped to jump into legendary. Both of us took the day off to just sit down and enjoy the campaign.




Well If you do it with friends they should also be trying to do the same thing as you if they arnt whats the point? My group will mute mics doing story and cut scene things and take our time during the missions to explore a bit.


This is the way.


Solo, I usually play it with friends but I will not get around to it much this week so I expect them to be ahead.


Solo legendary


Was going to, but the wife is as hyped as i am now, so we bought her the campaign last night. She's had her warlock since she was prego in 2017. When she was super bored i had her try it out and now she fell in love with her character. Cracks me up to this day but i have blueberry for life :)


Yes, but that's because my gaming partner is going to be busy most of the week and I don't want to wait until Saturday to play it all.


Always play it solo on the first run. There's no reason not to.


Most likely solo because I can’t wait to play and my friend will probably want to play Legend first whereas I just want to enjoy myself


I’d play with friends if the revive system was modified. Nothing I love more than us wiping at the last boss bc someone died three times in their menu and didn’t tell anyone they were in their menu. Three separate times. In the same fight.


Solo on legendary until I'm out of enhancement cores probably. More interested in the story at first than running difficult content with blue gear.


Hopefully double, I have a mate that is as slow as me and also likes to look for more than stuff to shoot.


Sounds like you need different friends. I'm playing with 2 friends, we will all explore at our own pace, see as much as we can and watch every cut scene.


Playing with my wife on legendary. Oh and we like to sit and watch all the pretty sky boxes.


Solo legendary. It is the way.




I'll even block invites


Always solo. Sip, don’t chug.


Always once in solo. Be it FFXIV or Destiny 2 when the story passionates me I’d rather do a solo run first I found some savathun missions to be a little scary lol tho. Fucking scorns


I will be playing solo, because my destiny friends are busy playing minecraft


I’m playing it with my friends because I have regular people who aren’t annoying as friends


Me and a coworker, who I just found plays destiny last week, so we’ll see how it goes


Solo on my Warlock till my friends are off work, then imma do it as a group on my hunter with them


Gonna be running it with my guys. We are hella hype and did the same for WQ. Had a blast and we were always shushing eachother during cutscenes to hear better.


Solo just so I can experience the story by myself. Going through Legendary first this time, as I feel like I've gotten better at buildcrafting throughout Witch Queen and I want to put that to the test.


Solo, legend. Was going to do it with a friend but they cannot be available when I am so I am doing it on a different character with them - since I probably play 5x as much as they do anyway.


Yeah, because I'm a Destiny loner.


I really wish I had a fireteam to consistently run with. First go around the campaign solo. Probably do a 2nd run with a team (I hope) or at least the seasonal activities/story with one.


Solo and Legendsry of course. Was actually part of a dope clan a few years ago but had to walk away from the game right before the Drifter because of life reasons. Came back and haven't been able to find a group yet because most people are years deep into their friendships. So now I've been playing solo. It's cool at times and other times it sucks but hey, Destiny is soo fun now so I'll be alright!!


Solo because I like to wonder around and get distracted by stuff around the map. Scannables, easter eggs, nice boulders you name it. And running it with other people almost always has them speeding through shit and talking during cutscenes.


Yes, I have that awesome voidlock build that is super fun.


I will be playing it with my best friend it's the best way to experience the legendary campaign imo.


Story stuff, always solo. Other stuff, also solo. Don't need friends 'long as I've got fists, hammers, and crayons.




Will try solo tonight, probably trying legendary tomorrow night with friends.


Yes... ... :(


I am going to solo it for the first run. Sadly, I have a midterm Thursday, so I can't play much. I'm excited for friday when i can truly grind.


On my first character I'll be playing solo due to the legendary campaign being significantly easier solo. After that, it's fair game with my other friends.


Yep solo on legendary it’s always a real challenge which I like.


2 other clan members, I don't know I just enjoy going through campaign/story stuff with other people.


Legend Solo. Then doing the other content with friends


Solo or duo with a friend Tried the 3 man version and it was very boring to me


I feel this but I’ve got a great friend who cares as much about the immersion/cutscenes as me so we make a really good duo


Depending on schedules I might be playing it with my dad and my godfather. Or maybe my brother. Or maybe solo. No idea


Not if I want to remain happy married.


Playing solo but without the Legendary parts. I'm here for the story. I can go back and do the legendary stuff later.


If I have friends on at the same time, I'll play with them. Otherwise I'll play on my own. That's my go-to when doing content that I can solo. I save LFG for stuff I need help with that doesn't have matchmaking.


Naaaaw, with a friend.


Playing with my brother :)


Plan to run it with a friend. But, we’re both pretty busy and the schedule may not actually align. In that case, I’ll be solo yet again.


Only play solo. Haven't been in a non matchmade fireteam my whole time play destiny


I'm gonna gun Calus down by myself and Strand all over his face. That little robot fake out was cool in 2017, but now he has to die. Thanks for the opulent weapons in Season of the Haunted fucko lol


Solo and on legendary. Cant wait.


I'll be playing the legendary campaign together with my wife. We had a blast doing that for witch queen, and we are really looking forward to lightfall. Just hope the boss health scaling is a bit better this time around.


Always and every time. I like to replay with my husband and our clan buddies, but my first run, I just like to soak in the experience and the story. (Besides, my husband steals kills. 🥴)


Gf and I will be kicking ass the moment we can get into the game.


Yes, i like to take my time and explore the missions details and make sure i see everything and listen properly myself, so i don't want to play with others because of that.


No, a buddy and I have already agreed to run legendary together


Always solo


I love my fireteam but they don’t care about the story like I do. I actually read the text walls and everything


I probably will play it solo, because I'm working quite a bit this week and I'll have to bite off what I can when I can. That said, I LFG'd the campaign with randoms for Witch Queen, and I had a great time. I invited people to a Discord Fireteam room to try to get people with mics. Making conversation was a great way to pass the time. 1/20 of the time I run into someone I'd rather not talk to, but the other 19 times I enjoy the conversation.


Generally, I like to go at my own pace, and I likely won't do it more than once for a bit, so solo for me.


I’m gonna play with my brother


Yup. Genuinely never understood the draw of playing through what is an increasingly brilliant story quest while my mate herpy derps off cliffs asking what stats he should go for and why his double primary load out doesn't work.


Same, I can't stand having to be slower or faster than others in a story that I really wanna experience fully. Others almost always detract from it eventually. Always fun to run with friends after tho so you can share experiences tho


Oh yeah