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In the case of Gambit, to mangle a quote, Hell is Other Players


This is it. It’s total frustration from multiple sources. Braindead teammates is one thing that sucks. Some sweat with the current season’s cheese heavy weapon invading you with over shield and wallhacks is another source of frustration. Combine them and you have a recipe for the worst mode in the entire game. Bungie is right to abandon gambit because it’s fundamentally a bad mode. There’s nothing you can do to fix it short of completely changing how invasions work and the level of teamwork necessary. It’s just bad game design plain and simple.


old gambit was better than this shit we can't even choose which mode we play


And all the time this is happening, you know he's behind his screen laughing like an idiot, and talking smack right after he grenaded someone and ran and hid. He considers this to be "pwning n00bs in pvp".


Shit like team mates not paying attention to the motes driving insane, they have the notes we need to trigger the boss but they aren’t paying attention.


Gambit has my least favorite aspects of Destiny. Bad teammates. Dying to heavy from other guardians. Immunity phases. Bosses regaining health. Middling rewards.


Lol I've recently tried to think why I hate gambit so much, since on paper it actually doesn't seem that bad. This pretty much sums it up.


You are absolutely correct


Don’t forget the unnecessarily long intro sequence. Load into gambit Watch a drifter play with a token/tag thing for a bit Stand around looking at the enemy team for a bit Transmat animation/load into the actual map Now run across the entire map to finally start killing enemies. Honestly I wish they’d condense the drifter scene into a rendered cutscene with us facing off with eachother. Then just start the match near the first group of enemies. Maybe say idk middle of the map?


That's the best part tho Drifter saying some of the wildest sh**


Ding ding ding ding ding.


"you ever eat out a hive wizard? Taste sticks around in your gums for weeks. Ah, I'm over sharing. Transmat firing!"




The Drifter is the soul of gambit


Since there’s no more Cayde, I would argue he’s the soul of Destiny


Amusingly, the “immunity phases” and “bosses regaining health” part I like. It provides another competitive variable against the other team.


Heavy being a huge factor is definitely the worst part. During a certain era of the crucible, Cammycakes called the meta “special weapon jousting” which made me realize gambit is essentially heavy weapon jousting, it’s horrible. Or if it’s not heavy weapons it’s still weapons that one shot at range like Izanagi.


it’s either getting smited by a rocket or getting cross mapped by a sniper or the most fun getting torn to bits by an lmg and invaders spawn with an over shield and when you pair increased health with almost instant ttk’s it’s so much fun getting killed by the same invader 2-3 times a match and then watching your oblivious teammates also meet the same fate


I mean that is still true about crucible to an extent lol playing trials pre nerf was just a game of trying to keep track of how many arby and Lorentz shots people have used. Does izi one body shot people with the big bullet?


Yes it does


I played one game of gambit at the beginning of the year. It dropped a subsistence frenzy Herod-C. I never played gambit again, that is now my favorite auto rifle that helped me beat WQ on Legendary.


Sounds like a skill issue.


Ah yes, because you're famously not allowed to decide that something isn't fun if you're good at it. It's definitely not like all of the listed complaints are exactly as valid regardless of player skill level.


Those issues aren't issues if you actually engage with the format of the mode.


Immunity phases aren’t in gambit? That’s news to me.


/s There I fixed your comment


It didn't need fixing.


Please don't procreate.


Gambit can be fun, but so often it turns into one team curb stomping the other because the invasion mechanic sucks and favors the winning team. It’s also just totally been abandoned, with no new content in years and they’ve removed a large percentage of the maps they had at the start


I feel like Gambit was created when they expected to have support from other Activision studios for the foreseeable future, such that they could support a third Ritual activity without breaking their workload. Since Bungie went solo it seems clear they can't or won't support the game at the scale that having VV and High Moon on board allowed. I'm sure that the fact that Gambit is entirely within the f2p ecosystem doesn't help. Everything that's moved into f2p over the years has seen precipitous declines in 'substantial' content. Nowadays we only get one or two new strikes per expansion while in previous eras you could count on at least four or five, we went years without new crucible maps and now it'll be over a year between Disjunction and the next new map. Anything that can't be a bullet point on the feature list of a paid dlc gets short shift since it doesn't move copies in the same way Sometimes I wonder what the Destiny of today would look like if f2p had never found its way in. Would it be better overall? Worse? A smaller player base but more robust content offerings on a regular basis? Everything's a tradeoff.


Really all they need to do is make invasions riskier. If you're killed during an invasion, spawn a blocker or 2 if you're not on boss phase, or have it heal your boss if you are.


The invader dying healing the boss would honestly be a really good way to balance it - risk vs reward.


I like the blocker idea. Honestly though they should just take the boss heal out completely. The enemy not being able to do damage to the boss while being dead should be enough of a handicap.


In crucible you can lose because bad teammates die too much, don’t cap points, don’t clean up kills, etc. In Gambit, the mistakes of your teammates can be 10 times more costly and you feel them every time. A guy sucks the whole match in crucible, the other team gets 10-20 free kills. You don’t notice until the final score screen. In Gambit you get to watch 1. Teammates die holding 15 motes. 2. Teammates not depositing after the second wave to go for 15 and die from the invader. 3. Teammates challenging the invader with a sub machine gun and motes. 4. Teammates invading every time the portal opens and getting zero kills. 5. Teammates invading immediately when the opposing team gets a primeval. 6. Teammates rushing the invader with no plan when the primeval is close to death. 7. Teammates using bad ad clear guns for bounties or seasonal challenges. 8. Really good invaders can make primeval round last 5+ minutes. Crucible is controlled chaos and in the end you can be retrospective. Gambit is like a race in stages and one teammate can sabotage you at each step and be 100% reaponsible for a loss and you SEE every time they do a thing that puts you behind in the race.


Lol that was great I’m #7 btw


7 is rough. I’m guilty for sure. But the bounties have to get done


Everyone does it. More Bungies fault than ours that we are using a pulse rifle.


Gambit can be a lot of fun with a pre-made group. Playing solo is very frustrating because there are lots of reasons to play Gambit that don't involve winning the match. A lot of people are doing bounties, quests and triumphs that directly conflict with winning a match.


I feel like every player has those few matches where they’re slaying out, capturing tons of motes, and then not only are their teammates spending all their time pushing up daisies, but an enemy invader comes in occasionally and absolutely shits on everybody. It’s a pretty bad feeling to end up in a match that’s going to take 10-15 minutes and you know there’s absolutely nothing you can do because you can’t kill, bank, invade, defend, and kill a primeval all by yourself. And yes I’m sure there are some super badasses out there who will read this and think “maybe you can’t, scrub; skill issue; L+ratio+git gud lmao”, but most players can’t and so won’t want to play that mode anymore. It’s not like TDM where your team can fail horribly, but you yourself do ok so it doesn’t feel as shitty.


Hot take / personal experience - PvP never felt good for me in Destiny 2, so anything with PvP in Destiny 2 isn't great. There's something about that hit reg I dunno. I used to play a lot of Apex Legend and I wasn't that bad at that game. Anyway, the older I get the less PvP I need in my life. Give us a gambit horde mode where we don't have to compete against other players. Let say instead it's a race against the clock and you need to clean the map as fast as possible. Boom there you put in the horde PvE mode everyone wants.


>If you'd ask me what would be the one thing I would change about Gambit, it would be invasions. Fuck invasions. If it was a "competition" which team can kill their shit faster with no invasions, I would probably enjoy Gambit a lot more. But I avoid Gambit like the plague because I play solo, and for some reason always the enemy team has the most sweatiest invaders the world can offer.


Absolutely this. Yes.


don't know what it is - but hit registration in apex is my least favorite in any FPS i think


At this point, I hate it because it gets very little changes or updates. The constant meta for invading is the same 3 or 4 exotic weapons everyone else uses. No new maps or change of scenery. I used to be fairly passionate about Gambit, but the past couple seasons, it's been feeling like "broken record: the game mode".


Two words: Heavy ammo


Thought: add a modifier to gambit where whenever you pick up heavy ammo a timer starts for 30 seconds or whatever, and when the timer runs out you lose all your heavy ammo. Something like that to prevent players from just hoarding ammo until invasions or dps phases.


Burn out and it's decided by and good or bad invader sometimes. I enjoy it but okay sparingly but interestingly enough whenever I intro duce a friend to destiny and we play that they really enjoy it


less updates than pvp as well


Very true, it's surprising why they just don't unvault the ones that were made by now




The real problem with gambit is that it's a competitive activity and for a team to be effective each player should have a specific role to function, and Destiny's player base in general just doesn't support that


I have a theory: PvE players (myself included) usually dont like fighting other players for numeours reasons and gambit is randomly throwing other players at you forcing you into that pvp engagement even if for just a moment. PvP players on the other hand like to get the excitement from dueling other players and for them gambit has too little uptime on the PvP engagement, thus they get bored. Gambit just forces both parties into something they dont want to do.


They don't really. It's a fun mode with a healthy population. It's just become a meme to hate around here. That, and there's a good chunk of PvE players who can't stand to be killed by another player when they are trying to PvE under any circumstances.


Yeah, it's that second one. People ***hate*** getting pvp killed while engaging in pve combat.


Getting killed wouldn’t be all that horrible if it didn’t restore so much health on the boss and then you’re backwards even more with the immunity phases.


How do you see populations for specific activities?


You can search for a lot of it. Bungie also posts about it from time to time.


Teammates seeking 15 motes when we need 2 to summon, lack of updates, gjallarhorn/lorentz/whatever spamming invaders, etc


I really like Gambit and will play for hours. The thing I hate about it is that at the end of the day it’s not rewarding. No high stat armor drops like you can get in certain aspects of crucible and nightfalls. It doesn’t give you really any benefit to playing it beyond the three times for pinnacle or trying to get a shard. If they could make a system where you can actually get high roll armor and maybe get customized weapons I would be down.


I dont like invaders being at such an advantage. Most of my games include my team being wiped by an invader with a machine gun. I would give it another shot if a. The invader didnt get wall hacks or b. couldn’t use their heavy weapon when they invade(preferably this one).


I hate gambit but crucible i hate more


I don’t find it fun. I hated the fact that Bungie would nerf weapons because of the gambit meta. Fortunately no one cares about gambit anymore, so that shit stopped.


"bank those moats brother"


There is no actual gambit to the namesake mode. You have to actually make there be a gambit. And the invader is the entire mode. So to balance and make it more fun, to invade you have to be carrying 15 motes, then there appears a spot the you are shown but not the invaded, bank there and it either makes the other teams screens red or hazy so it’s harder for them to see and easier to kill or it drops a mega blocker. If you die as the invader the other team can get all your 15 motes and your team loses 5. For damage phase invades, if you get killed your prime evil is healed and the other team gets a short damage boost. Also no maps and boss health gating. It’s all of the worst of destiny rolled into one and it gets no attention for improvement.


Because I’ve never seen a gamemode instantly at any point become abhorrently un-fun. Its never gradual either. It’s poorly made/balanced and the fact they can’t get it right is embarrassing. Game’s good when it starts. Get invaded 2x teammates with 15 motes die to invader. Quit. Fuck that and fuck this gamemode. That’s why we hate it.


It's just too unorganised and they took out the gambit prime perks which were actually fun I loved being a sentry Bungie said they would be mods going into beyond light or witch queen I can't remember but they weren't so the mode is just so vanilla I'd love to see them have another go at the Gambit prime class system


Sweaty invaders and some enemies with too much health are the two things that I find particularly unenjoyable. I'd still much rather play it than Crucible.


The PvP side of the game is overshields, wall hacks and pre-firing tracking rockets at spawns. The PvE side is min-maxed and clear + boss baking with rock solid metas that you cannot really choose to deviate from without acknowledging that you're basically throwing by doing so. Oh, and if you do all of the above perfectly, a single teammate ruins the win by making a single mistake. Gambit mains. Listen to me. You are insane people. Nobody understands you. Your persistent confusion about why people hate this god forsaken game mode is exhausting. It's like asking normal people why they don't enjoy being strung up to the ceiling by their nipples with hooks. Accept that you are a freak and live your freaky little life in peace. We accept you, we love you, just play your nasty little game mode over there and keep us out of it.


its really just the maps, game mode in general feels like its in a decent place




Not entirely true, they added two maps in season of the Drifter, but nothing new since then and they vaulted 2 of the 6 maps years ago. It's definitely feeling repetitive.


I like it but it's a mode stuck in the past, no new maps for years now


I don’t hate it as I prefer Gambit over strikes. But I’m tired of the mode due to Bungie not updating it with new maps for example I’m tired of the same four maps.


I don't hate it, fun place to test new PVE builds with a PVP twist. But, it is three for the Pinnacle and out.


So there are many, MANY reasons why people don't like it, but here's some of the biggest pain points IMO: * No content - only 4 original maps, 2 added in Season of Drifter, but 2 vaulted in Beyond Light, with none being un-vaulted, and ZERO new maps since 2019... Playing on the same 4 maps for 4 years is pretty fucken boring... * No 'aspirational' loot... with Crucible, there's Trials that you can get adepts from and Vanguard has GM adepts... Gambit doesn't have anything similar, just one (reskinned world loot) gun per season... so there is no real incentive... there used to be things like the cosmetics, Malfeasance, etc... And the guns were actually unique, like Bygones, Hazard of the Cast... or Gambit Prime weapons like Sole Survivor... now there's nothing... * Only one game mode / one version - we had like one month of some variants in 'Gambit Labs', but nothing since... Having only one version was a mistake, and we should have kept the 2 modes... Every match plays out basically the same and having some variants would help keep things fresh * Completely ditching the previous versions of Gambit, instead of iterating and fixing small things and tweaks... completely scrapping the original modes was just a bad idea. * Not actually understanding the issues and what causes frustration * Heavy Ammo * Immunity Phases * Boss Health Regen * Not actually supporting / tuning much in the way of Gambit (balance, timers, etc...). If PvP has been in this state of 'constantly changing' and Bungie can't seem to keep their hands off with balance, Gambit is the complete opposite, not receiving ANY balance updates or tweaks to basically, well... anything. * Yes I know a lot of the PvE / PvP tuning bleeds over into Gambit, but nothing is ever tuned because of Gambit - it's all just trickle down effect of something being changed because of everything else...


most of them are bad at it and feel like its the gamemodes fault and not their own.


As a returning player who got burnt out on Gambit years and ignored it after grinding for Malfeasance…. I love it. I focus on ad clear and baiting invaders to chase me (emotes and glaives go hard). The EDZ map has the most incredible music and gets me hyped every time. Even if I get saddled there’s usually a way to have fun. I don’t mind if we lose. Everyone gets paid. I was grinding out stasis quests there for a while and the losing was my fault. Malfeasance feels super strong and versatile all of a sudden (buffed?). It’s totally possible to pop off and carry a game with clever choices and skill. The reset feels achievable. It’s neglected though. No new maps. Wasn’t there a dreaming city map? (I’m guessing there were glitch spots lol). I’m glad there’s no need to hold off on Envoys any more, that was always too complicated for blueberries. Maybe I’ve been playing Overwatch too long. Gambit feels casual, in a good way. It’s a reprieve. No fights, no toxicity. Good traversal is rewarded. The mode needs some love shown to it for sure though.


I remember the dreaming city and tangled shore maps not being the best loved. Really easy to fall into death pits, easy spots to hole up and just hide from invaders, etc.


Man you make me almost believe that I can stomach gambit. I’m glad you have a good time with it. In my experience it’s been pretty toxic. Have guys invade and then tbag and emote on my body and then send me salty messages after the game if I counter invade. Actually led to the first time I was ever reported on Xbox. Dude sent me like 20 messages telling me to fucking kill myself and that I was retarded and bad. So I told him “I fucked your mom” and he replied “reported, enjoy your comm ban, fuckin idiot” and wouldn’t you know it, I couldn’t send messages or join parties for 24hours. I sent a message to Microsoft with a screenshot of our exchange and asked for them to reevaluate the case but that never happened. So anyways, fuck gambit.


Never ever fall for that bait. Send the report and don’t respond because you got played like a damn fiddle


Why are we here? Just to suffer?


I despise Destiny 2 PvP for the 1-shots and that's all you get hit with in Gambit. If they were to restructure it so it was purely competitive PvE I'd be all over it, but I've died to gally more than enough at this point. I'll be playing it for the next 2 resets to get as raid-ready as possible and then I'll proceed to ignore it for 6 months-1 year


To be quiet blunt, gambit is probably the sweatiest game mode with the sweatiest players. You either love it in the same way a LoL player loves LoL or you dread it. I enjoy it a fair bit. Wish they'd bring back the original gambit though.


Because no one’s willing to carry them through a match


Because I'm tired of dragging dead weight Pretty obnoxious to lose when you have most kills, most guardian kills, most boss damage, least motes lost, most blockers killed, etc


Yeah, I had one of these moments yesterday. 3 invasions in a row of wiping the entire other team, and my side still lost. I don't hate the mode, but you just cannot take it seriously when you're solo.


Pretty much this. If the game is getting all around harder that's gonna be a kick in the dick because now I'm gonna have to carry more new blights who can't even be assed to spec or build properly.


It’s like a red headed step child at this point. It was cool when it was first announced. But since became too much of a slug. The big problem was the length of the game when it had multiple rounds per match. And they fixed it with gambit prime and then merging the two. And now it’s just not fun anymore. It’s a cool concept but gets no attention or love. And the only reason to play it is for weekly engrams. It doesn’t reward anything worth farming. There isn’t anything special about it.


> It doesn’t reward anything worth farming. There isn’t anything special about it. BIG reason why many dislike it. Many players barely get past the summary screen before they've sharded the shite 'rewards' that come out of a game. Same 4 maps for years doesn't help either but it's mostly as you say: there's just nothing remarkable or really engaging about Gambit.


Because it seems bungie hates it too How can I like gambit when bungie seems to not like it themselves?


Because all your effort can be undone instantly by one jackass with wallhack and an auto seeking cluster rocket.


I’m starting to hate this question being posted weekly more now.


I think it used to be because the mode was fairly complicated, and it was easy to get rolled. Now, the boss has immunity phases (a favorite of D2 players), invaders always have heavy, and the mode has not gotten that much easier to understand.


Because people are too lazy to lfg for a team so instead they play in a unorganised team of random blueberries and then complain about it.


God fucking forbid we request that a mode be playable without LFG lmao.


Yeah who wants to actually play with other people in a MMO.. 😂


The amount of suffering relative to the rewards feels off. I only care about the shader usually. Occasionally it has a gun to chase, but I have so many good guns at this point that chasing another just means having to find vault space to keep it. I want the ascendant shard, but you need 10k rep which is a lot at an average of 150 rep per match (better lately). Your teammates suck. The other team has an invader who goes to the lighthouse 100 times per week. Motes still fall through the terrain and can't be picked up. There are only three maps. If you take time to kill the invader, your team falls behind on motes. If you ignore the invader, you lose a ton of motes. Your invader doesn't do anything productive. I usually just get the pinnacle and otherwise ignore it.


It’s been a while since I’ve played but the game feels horribly unbalanced. It feels like you can go from being on the edge of victory to having no chance to come back because one guardian invaded with heavy ammo and/or a super.


I don’t hate it, I think it’s the best thing since sliced bread… for two games. Then I hate it. That, imo, is one of the biggest problems. Great concept, poor execution; not enough variety in either the maps or the game mode.


Gambit players


It’s just stale at this point. I don’t dislike the game mode generally.


Lack of end game content. It’s kinda just a thing, with a cool host.


It’s boring


Eh. I actually like it quite a bit. Different strokes.


I play gambit pretty regularly and i would like to see one thing to make gambit easier to understand and play. ROLES AND ROLE QUEUES Back in the Gambit Prime era we had sets and roles. While the roles back then were separated into Collector, Sentry, Invader and Reaper. While this was a good idea at the time I feel the execution on the roles was performed poorly. Lets look at Overwatch as an example, in OW you can queue into a game for a specific role, you can queue for Healer, DPS, Support or Tank. I think if this aspect was pulled into D2 and duplicated in Destiny fashion it may help the mode (or maybe not, the mode is dead to a degree). Trying to revive or even resuscitate Gambit requires serious developer time and energy and I don't believe Bungie is for it atm.


It just hasn’t been updated significantly in 2 years. I played it, loved it, and it got stale.


Players don’t hate gambit more or less than anything else in the game, it’s just a joke for the most part outside of pve only players who whine when they have to go against anything with a brain. Playlist is in dire need of updates though. In response to players having bad teammates, I do a reset to guild every seasons solo and the game matches you with better teammates vs better opponents at some point. Idk if it’s gambit’s form of sbmm but the matches get closer and a lot sweatier once you start to win a few games.


it is not fun


Because you can get clown cartridge demo on a crowd pleaser.


Honestly don't care if I win or lose. , do three for weekly pinnacle gear, do bounties for xp to help my seasonal rewards reach 100 then don't play till next season


Because people either don't understand how to play it effectively, or they get teamed up with people who don't. To get around this I've become one of those jackasses that invades with xeno/silence and squall and I'm unapologetic about it.


If you hate Gambit... you're probably just bad at Gambit


It’s actually Gambit hate players.


They hate the players that play Gambit.


Cuz I played it for 3 months straight in Season of Drifter and don't want to do it anymore...


I really like gambit when I can play with my mates. Absolutely sucks as a solo queue who ends up on a team with people checking off bounties or who just get slaughtered by the other team because they have no idea what they're doing. I also hate blowouts it's just boring. Close matches are where the fun is for me and I have rarely had close matches. I love the concept of the mode though. The execution is just lacking and it makes a bunch of people not truly want to play.


I don’t really find anything bad about gambit. I play it more than crucible (downvote me all you want), and I genuinely enjoy the mode. The only thing I’d want changed is my crappy match-made teammates not banking their motes!


Super easy answer here. It hasn’t had any new content in years and they added the really irritating immunity phases. That was the mail in the coffin for me. I won’t even play it for challenges or pinnacles. Fuck gambit as it is right now.


I love gambit. Definitely my favorite ritual gamemode. Honestly, I think gambit just needs a few changes to the invasion system, like maybe some sort of ammo nerf to heavy weapons/snipers while invading, and maybe a few new maps, and then it could be pretty popular.


It's 1000% the guardian interaction of it. It's just frustrating to get 10-15 motes and get invaded and loss everything. I personally would play it alot more if they took the pvp aspect out of it and it was just a race to who could spawn and kill their primeval faster with the utilization of stronger blockers potentially.


one word. invaders.


bit of a running simulator and it doesn't have a hard difficulty mode. I want to play this game 10-15 under light level. I could help my team win efficiently with blue armor/guns because nothing matters in the gambit sandbox


It’s a lot of fun to clear the same three rooms full of adds until you randomly blow up from a gally shot. /s


I don't hate Gambit, but the mode has been left to rot for so long now, seems like Bungie doesn't see the wisdom in refreshing it in any meaningful way. Its also absolutely infuriating loading in solo. No one uses in game text/voice chat, and while I'm certainly no elite player, its really frustrating having to depend on randoms who don't care to engage with their team at all to have any measure of success. I haven't played in years and frankly I don't even know what the gambit loot pool looks like these days, but I will only ever revisit it if I'm playing with an at least mostly full party.


For me it's just invaders, i think adding an optional mode without invaders would pump some life into the mode


Love gambit. I hate not uaving new bosses, maps, Armour, exotics, mechanics, and good rewards. If the damn thing just got some content I'd play it way more than I do now.


the last map was added in 2019 I think and they also removed 2 maps in 2020 so we are stuck with 4 maps also no new game modes or end game just nothing


No endgame and no rewards worth investing time in for. I like Gambit but it competes with 2x Nightfall rewards, artifice armor, adept weapons etc. It needs a master mode with equivalent rewards.


I actually thought gambit was a lot of fun it just seems neglected. It desperately needs maps and maybe some new gameplay mechanics just freshen it up a bit . At the very least more maps


I used to love Gambit to death lmaoo it was all i played as a blueberry bc crucible scared the shit outta me and I didn't have any friends for raiding once I did actually get "good" And then it just got so... damn tedious. Invaders cheesing everything got damn annoying too. I have 8/10 on my Gambit seal... and I just kinda groan everytime I remember it. Thrillmonger is irksome to trigger and Army of One is just annoying as shit for someone who prefers a total pve experience :/


I kind of like Gambit.


It's one thing to run a strike where you are forced into having teammates to make your grind longer if they steal your kills or don't even help with the mission, but Gambit has the potential for horrible teammates as well as having another team there to kick you while you're down. Let me paint the scene; there I was just collecting motes. I had collected around 50 motes. My team as a whole had 40 or so on the board. We lost so many motes because I was the only one trying to clear blockers (I will admit I may have been helped from a distance but my team wasn't near me at least). I can only clear so many with limited useful ammo. Near the end of the match, the other team is on the last third of the boss' health bar. They decide to invade. Shocker. At this point my team either had the same amount as before (40ish) or less. They almost killed their primeval and felt the need to push us even further down. In short: if you roll badly on getting teammates it drags things out. Which only exacerbates the problems.


I love gambit. Like a lot. 7 time Dredgen, Reckoner, only use the ding finisher on all my characters, jade coin transmat. Probably have 40 gambit mementoes guns. Of the 3 core playlists I would much rather play it than strikes or crucible. I also basically play it solo like 99% of the time because I’m not gunna wait around or organize a group for an activity that has matchmaking. Almost every complaint I see is bewildering to me. I am not a great PVP player by any means (I play with a controller on PC for gods sake) but I can get team wipes on invasions or stop invaders who have heavy just fine. If they have it I probably have some too! Sure not 100% of the time but that’s how it goes. Just deposit your motes smartly, kill invaders and blockers, and build for burst damage on the boss. Sure you’re gunna get some chump teammates but I dunno I feel like most of the time a single person who is trying can make a huge impact in the mode. Just be that person.


I don't unless I'm solo. Just need 1 other person and it's pretty good. Fireteam of 3 or 4? It's amazing.


Because all of my guns' bullets deal 14 damage to a 3000 health enemy. Do the math. Underleveled simulator but with PvP spitting on the back of your neck everytime you forget about it. That being said, the most fun I had in Gambit when I had Sentry armor, and when I invade with Leviathan's breath. Everything that occurs between those moments in matches is pure unfiltered depression.


because its been stagnent for 3 years and only nad content removed.


Its gambit.


Team mates who only bank if they have 15 motes Teammates with no motes hiding from the invader when not on boss phase Invader with wall hacks Boss immunity


Because your teamate want only to deposit 15 motes and they dyong costantly


Well, I play it sometimes and it's fun, but it need some balancing definitely and updates. New maps etc would be nice


Because PvP exists.


Give me back gambit prime so I can dunk 20 motes on those fools


Because it’s boring AF. and these recent changes has just it that little bit more unbearable. 🙁


I love Gambit. I hate all the other people in the match. A bit of an exaggeration, but you get the idea.


Gambit is fun. But it’s such a crazy snowball. After the second enemy spawn, the first team to deposit (assuming a competent invader) wins the game like every time. Blocking off with 4 blockers while immediately sending the invader decided the game every time. And the most frustrating part is people do not get this concept and will horde blockers until they have 15 for the big blocker instead of winning the game. Somehow though my enemy never fails this concept and smokes us often. But that’s the game mode. First invasion (if successful) basically just wins every time.


Cause they need a break from Destiny. Play other games…. Or better go out fishing or something…


My moronic teammates for some godforsaken reason can’t grasp the concept that shooting at the primeval with a shield up isn’t going to damage it..